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Build yourself a
using Arduino
Silicon Chip has described quite a number of Theremins over the
years but this is something new: an Arduino-based Theremin with
hand sensing via an acoustic distance sensor.
HE THEREMIN is one of the first
electronic musical instruments,
and the first to be played without
physical contact.
It was patented by the Russian inventor Lev Termen in 1928 and is
played by waving your hands near two
metal plates or antennas. The proximity of your hands is used to alter the
instrument's pitch and volume and it
has been used many times in movies
and by pop bands.
Part of its appeal comes from its
ethereal sound and you can see why
if you take a look at a few videos of it
being played. To find them, just do a
Google search for “Theremin”. For a
list of previous Theremin projects described in Silicon Chip, see the panel
at the end of this article.
This Arduino version of a Theremin
was devised by the technical staff at
Jaycar Electronics and instead of using
analog circuitry to sense hand proximity, it uses a standard Arduino shield,
an ultrasonic sensor module, to sense
your hand movement.
It only varies the pitch and is quite
effective at that, but volume can only
be varied by using the volume control
on a small amplifier module.
We have a separate article describing the circuitry of the HC-SR04 ultrasonic module elsewhere in this issue.
Jaycar sells a kit for this Arduino
Theremin and it consists of a Arduino Uno (XC-4410; which is based on
an ATmega328P microcontroller), an
Arduino prototyping shield (XC4482), an ultrasonic sensor module
(XC-4422), an amplifier module (AA0373) and a 40mm plastic cone loudspeaker (AS-3004). The kit is available
for just $65.30, or less if you have one
of Jaycar's “Nerd Perks” cards.
Putting this project together is quite
simple but you will need a PC that
can run the Arduino IDE, which can
be found at
Jaycar has posted instructions to
build this Theremin at: www.jaycar.
We suggest you have a good look
at those instructions but we have tak-
The mono amplifier module based on the
Champ (Silicon Chip, February
1994) doesn’t come with a knob
for volume control, but you can
easily add one yourself.
In this amplifier module, the leads were soldered and
glued to the PCB, making removing them quite difficult.
44 Silicon Chip
The prototyping board provides headers
to connect with the main Arduino board
plus through-hole solder pads, along
with a reset switch.
en a slightly different approach here,
which you may prefer.
Putting it together
The prototyping shield can be
plugged on top of the Uno board first.
Next, you connect the amplifier module to the speaker and then to the prototyping board. This module is actually a built-up version of our very
popular Champ amplifier which was
published in the February 1994 issue
of Silicon Chip. This version is on a
Step 1: the Speaker lead from the amplifier module needs to be
soldered to the underside of the speaker. It doesn’t matter which
lead goes to which solder pad.
slightly smaller PCB and housed in a
neat plastic case.
Jaycar recommends removing the
PCB from the amplifier module, extracting all leads from it and mounting
it on the prototyping shield using wire
soldered to the underside of the PCB.
This would be advisable if you
want to add an external volume control which can be easily manipulated
while you are playing the instrument.
As supplied, the module comes with
a tiny preset volume potentiometer on
You may want to solder a two-pin (or two one-pin) header(s) to
the input and power leads from the amplifier. Keep in mind for
the amplifier Audio In, rightangle header(s) need to be used if
connecting to the female header.
This is needed for clearance from the sensor module.
the PCB and that is a bit tricky to adjust. However, it's much easier to leave
the amplifier in its case and just wire
it up to the board. The reason we did
this is to let us easily swap around
components on the board, making
adjustments easier, and allows us to
reuse each part for different projects.
Step 1: solder the speaker positive
(pink) and negative (black) leads from
the amplifier module to the speaker's
terminals (either way around).
Step 2: make the connections to
Step 2: the Power Supply positive lead (red)
from the amplifier goes to the 5V connection on
the prototyping board. The negative lead (white)
can then go to either of the two GND connections
nearby. We've used a two-pin male header and
added heatshrink tubing over the solder joints to
provide greater strength.
December 2016 45
Step 3: the amplifier Audio In positive lead (red) needs to be plugged into DIGITAL pin 3. The negative lead (black) is not
needed and so can go to any unused pin. Here we have the negative lead plugged into pin 2 directly next to the positive
lead, but you can choose what works most comfortably for yourself.
power the amplifier module. We soldered the red and black supply leads
to a 2-pin male header that can then
be plugged directly into the 5V and
GND pins on the prototyping shield,
which are indicated on the silkscreen
Step 3: solder the red and black input leads of the amplifier module to a
2-pin right-angle header and then plug
it into pin 2 (for the black wire) and
pin 3 (for the red wire), on the opposite side of the prototyping shield from
the power supply connection.
Step 4: make sure the proto shield is
correctly plugged into the Uno board.
Step 5: straighten the pins on the ultrasonic sensor and plug it into the prototyping board header next to the amplifier audio input leads. Its four pins
are labelled VCC, Trig, Echo & GND.
These are plugged into the DIGITAL
shield pins with VCC to pin 8, Trig to
pin 9, Echo to pin 10 and GND to pin
11. These are default pin locations set
by the software but you could modify
the software to change them, as explained later in this article.
All the above connections are listed in the table entitled “Lead Connections” later in this article, so refer to
that if you're unsure.
Step 4: if you haven't already done it, now is the time to
plug the proto shield into the Uno board. The orientation is
simple as both reset switches should be in the same location.
With all parts connected, the next
step is loading the software on the ATmega328P chip via the Arduino IDE.
The original software can be found at:
There will be two files, Ultrasonic_
Theremin.ino and sample.c and these
should be downloaded to a folder on
your PC named “Ultrasonic_Theremin”. The Arduino must be connected
to your computer using a USB TypeA to Type-B cable (as commonly used
for printers) so that the software can
be loaded onto it.
Steps 6 & 7: once the Arduino IDE
Step 5: the ultrasonic sensor needs to have its pins
straightened and then it can be plugged into the female
header with VCC on DIGITAL pin 8 and Trig on pin 9.
The Uno development board. We use the 5V and
GND pins on the POWER header, one PWM~
and four DIGITAL pins for the Theremin.
46 Silicon Chip
Step 6 (above): check that the Board type selected is "Arduino/
Genuino Uno" in the Arduino IDE, before uploading the
software to the board.
Step 7 (upper right): While the Uno is plugged into the
computer, check that Port is correctly set to the one that the
device is connected to. In this case, ours is on serial port
has been installed, open Ultrasonic_
Theremin.ino in it and on the menu
bar, go to Tools and check that the
board is set to “Arduino/Genuine Uno”
and that Port is “COMX (Arduino/Genuine Uno)”, where X is whatever port
number it has been assigned to on your
PC. If your board does not show up in
this list, you may need to manually install the drivers for it. Instructions on
how to do this can be found at: www.
The Arduino uses Virtual COM Port
(VCP) drivers to emulate a COM port
over a serial connection. If you’re interested, it will be explained in greater
The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
module, described in greater detail in
the article on page 82.
Step 8: using the Arduino IDE, upload the software onto
the board. Assuming there have been no changes, it
should compile and run correctly.
detail in the next Low-Cost Asian Electronic Modules article on the CP2102
USB-UART bridge in next month's
Silicon Chip magazine.
Step 8: if everything is in working
order, on the menu bar go to Sketch
→ Upload. This will compile and upload the software onto the Arduino.
The device can then be tested by holding your hand over the ultrasonic sen-
sor. It should produce a sound with a
pitch which increases as your hand
gets closer to the sensor and conversely, lowers as your hand moves away
from the sensor.
If you don’t get any sound, check
that the amplifier is wired to the correct pins on the prototyping shield
and that the compilation and uploading proceeded with no errors, which
Table 1: Lead Connections
To Header/Part
To Pin
Amp Power Supply
+ (red)
- (white)
± (pink/white)
Mono speaker
Amplifier Audio
+ (red)
- (black)
Ultrasonic Sensor
any unused
December 2016 47
would be displayed at the bottom of
the Arduino IDE window.
Besides communication issues, the
most likely problem would be if the
two provided files are not in the same
Once the software has been uploaded to the device, rather than plugging
it into your PC, it can be powered via
a 7-12V DC power supply or battery,
via the DC barrel socket located next
to the USB connector.
Making some improvements
Once you have it running, you will
probably find that the Theremin sound
is not particularly good and not like
the Theremins that you will have seen
on videos on YouTube.
With that in mind, we modified the
software to give a more realistic Theremin sound, more like that which
could be produced by one of the previous Silicon Chip Theremins listed
elsewhere in this article.
The important change is the addition of a sinewave look-up table which
is substantially smaller (256 bytes
compared to 16 kilobytes) than playing back a larger digital sample at a
varying rate to control the pitch. This
is especially important when considering that memory on the micro is quite
sparse, at 31.5KB of usable flash and
2KB of SRAM.
The Silicon Chip version of the
software is available for free on our
website (
Download the two files which are labelled SC_Ultrasonic_Theremin.ino
and SC_sample.c. They should unzip
into a suitably named directory (“SC_
Ultrasonic_Theremin”). You then upload them to the Uno using the same
procedure as described above. We
hope you find the resultant sound
more satisfying.
One of the advantages of using an
Arduino to build this Theremin is that
you can easily modify the software if
you want to. For example, you could
change the linearity of the pitch control or change the waveform. If you do
want to modify the software, it would
be a good idea to familiarise yourself
with a programming language like C
or Java. However, even inexperienced
readers may have some luck making
simple changes.
For example, at the top of the .ino
file, some macros are defined which allow you to easily change certain properties of the Theremin:
• MAX_DIST sets the maximum distance for the range sensor, with a value
of 5700 approximately equal to 1m.
The sensor has an effective range of
2-400cm, although in practice it will
barely work beyond 3m, which gives
MAX_DIST at most being 300cm ÷
0.0175cm/µs ≈ 17000 (µs). Note that
0.0175cm/µs is half the speed of sound
at 25°C and 100kPa.
• FREQ sets the default playback frequency for the sample. Generally, anything within 22050 ± 5000 (ie, half the
sampling rate of a CD) sounds best, but
depending on the sample used, your
results may vary.
• UVCC, UTRIG, etc define the pin location for the ultrasonic sensor. These
can be changed if you want to move
the sensor to a different location on
the board.
Also, there are four different samples you can use with the Theremin (in
sample.c): sine, piano, theremin and
sine256. The first three can be easily
selected to by changing the name referenced on line 67 of the .ino file, ie:
OCR2B = pgm_read_byte
(&theremin[i >> 18]);
Here, you can change “theremin” to
“piano” or “sine”. If you want to use
sine256 instead you need to comment
out this line (by prefixing it with two
slashes, ie, “//”), and un-comment the
one above.
Without difficult changes you cannot use the other PWM-enabled pins
for the amplifier audio in. Since any
DIGITAL pin that the amplifier audio
S ilicon C hip Theremin Projects
1. Opto-Theremin*, September & October 2014
2. The Theremin Mk.2 with improved voicing, March 2009
3. Mini-Theremin, July & August 2006
4. MIDI Theremin, April & May 2005
5. The Theremin, August 2005
* Note: PCBs and key parts for the Opto-Theremin project are available
from the Silicon Chip shop – see our website for more details (www.
48 Silicon Chip
Parts List
Ultrasonic Theremin Project Kit
1 Uno Main Board
(Jaycar XC4410)
1 Arduino Prototyping Shield
(Jaycar XC4482)
1 Ultrasonic Sensor Module
(Jaycar XC4442)
1 Mono Amplifier Module
(Jaycar AA0373 or equivalent)
1 8Ω 1/4W 40MM Speaker
(Jaycar AS3004 or equivalent)
Additional items
1 USB Type-B to Type-A malemale connector (e.g, printer
1 7-12V DC plugpack (if you want
to run it without USB)
1 2-pin male header
1 2-pin male right-angle header
input is on needs to be matched with
corresponding OCR register settings, if
the pin location is changed the OCR
referenced in the code needs to be
changed too. For example, by default
we use the OCR2 (pins 3 and 11) register which is an 8-bit register, while the
other 8-bit register OCR0 (on pins 5 &
6) could also be used. However, OCR1
(pins 9 & 10) is a 16-bit register making working with them quite different.
If you know what you're doing you
can alter this, otherwise it's best not
to. You can find the pin mapping for
the chip here: https://www.arduino.
cc/en/Hacking/PinMapping168 and
the ATmega328P documentation here:
Where to get it
All the components for the kit can
be purchased from Jaycar as a kit for
$65.30, or $52 if you have a Nerd
Perks card. It is available from their
retail stores and their website (www.
The speaker and amplifier module
can easily be substituted to obtain
more power and better bass and that
should make it considerably more satisfying to play.
Finally, for a detailed Arduino installation guide, see:
Next month, we hope to publish details on how to add a second ultrasonic
module to control the volume of the
Theremin. This will be accompanied
with changes to the software.