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Your car’s explosive guardian angels
You may not know it but if your car was built in the last 15 or so years,
it will have at least two and maybe as many as nine highly explosive
devices in the cabin! What? These explosive devices are the airbags
– the so-called passive restraint devices designed to protect you and
your passengers in the event of a collision. But don’t worry about their
incendiary nature – think of them as your guardian angels, ready to jump
in between you and impending death.
irbags are not passive! Well, they are passive in
the sense that they sit there doing nothing – until
they are triggered by the high g-forces of a collision.
Then they rapidly inflate to cushion you against a collision with the dashboard or other parts inside the vehicle.
Most new cars sold in Australia have at least six airbags,
such as the steering wheel (driver’s) airbag, front passenger airbag, side airbags for front and back passengers and
curtain airbags for front and back passengers.
There may (depending on the vehicle) also be knee airbags for both front occupants, a rear centre airbag, seat
cushion airbags and rear window curtain airbags.
The purpose of the seat cushion airbag is to elevate the
front of the seat to stop the passenger sliding forward in a
collision. In addition, some vehicles may
have a small airbag fitted to the seatbelt
by Dr David
to more widely distribute the forces of
16 Silicon Chip
the belt during impact. Also recently introduced are roof
airbag designs and even external airbags to help minimise
pedestrian injuries.
History of airbag development
While there are many mentions in automotive literature
that airbags had their origins in 1941, I have been unable
to find an original reference for this. It possibly relates to
the practice of some WWII military pilots of inflating their
life jackets to try to protect themselves in a crash.
The invention of the automotive airbag is generally
credited to two independent inventors. American John W.
Hetrick and German Walter Linderer had a US and a German patent awarded respectively within three months of
each other in 1953.
described what motivated him
Maddison to Hetrick
develop the invention: “In the spring
hands up to keep our daughter from
hitting the dashboard. During the
• 1953 Separate airbag patents by Hetrick and Linderer.
ride home, I couldn’t stop thinking
• 1964 US company Eaton Yale and Towne Inc. (now Eaton Corp.) start airbag research for
about the accident. I asked myself:
school buses.
‘Why couldn’t some object come out
• 1964 Yasuzaburou Kobori in Japan starts development work on airbags.
to stop you from striking the inside
• 1965 Ralph Nader releases book “Unsafe at Any Speed: The Designed-In Dangers of
of the car?’”
the American Automobile”, highlighting problems of automotive safety, although it was
At the time, Hetrick was unable to
heavily criticised for unfairness.
get the auto-makers interested in his
invention and he did not have the
• 1967 Cheap and reliable collision sensor developed by David Breed.
funds to develop it so nothing became
• 1968 Practical gas generating system developed by John Pietz.
of the idea.
• 1971 Ford builds experimental airbag equipped fleet.
Ford and General Motors in the US
• 1973 General Motors sells airbag equipped Chevrolet Impala only to government buyers.
started experimenting with airbags (or
• 1973 Oldsmobile Toronado first car with passenger airbag sold to public.
inflatable restraints, as they were then
• 1974 Buick, Cadillac and Oldsmobile offer dual airbags as an option on several models.
called) in the late 1950s.
• 1976 By this time GM had sold 10,000 airbag equipped vehicles but stopped selling
Both Hetrick’s and Linderer’s airthem.
bags were inflated with compressed
• 1980 Mercedes-Benz offer an airbag in Germany as an option on its model W126.
air. But further research showed that
• Mid-1980’s Ford and Chrysler introduce airbags.
compressed air was not capable of
• 1990 Ford makes airbags standard equipment on all its passenger vehicles.
inflating the bags fast enough in the
• 1990 First recorded accident between two vehicles in which the airbags deployed to proevent of an accident and that the bag
tect each driver.
had to be inflated within around 40
• 1990 Airbags or automatic seat belts required on driver’s side on all new US cars.
milliseconds or less, which is the
• 1995 Volvo offers side airbags and torso side protection airbags as an option on its 850
time between the original impact and
passengers hitting the dashboard in a
• 1998 The US government mandates dual frontal airbags on all passenger vehicles.
typical collision.
• 2006 Honda introduces the first airbag for motorcycles, on the Gold Wing model.
Practical airbags would also need a
much more sensitive collision sensor
than in the original Hetrick system.
In 1964 Eaton Yale and Towne Inc started doing airbag
of ’52, my wife, my seven-year-old daughter, Joan, and I
were out for a Sunday drive in our 1948 Chrysler Windsor. research to protect children on school buses. They were
About three miles outside Newport (Pennsylvania, US), we later approached by Ford to work on automotive airbags.
were watching for deer bounding across the road.
Suddenly, there was a large rock in our path, just past
the crest of a hill. I remember hitting the brakes and veering the car to the right. We went into a ditch but avoided
hitting both a tree and a wooden fence.
As I applied the brakes, both my wife and I threw our
The airbag timeline:
Drawing from German patent 896,312 of 1953 by Walter
Linderer. It was filed on October 6th, 1951 and granted
November 12th, 1953. Loosely translated into English,
the title of the patent is “Facility for the protection of
passengers against injuries in vehicle collisions”.
Auto-Ceptor experimental airbag as shown in the May
1968 Popular Science magazine.
November 2016 17
They developed what they called “AutoCeptor” restraints. These airbags seemed to
work well enough and used pressurised nitrogen (not withstanding other research suggesting that compressed gas could not inflate the
bag fast enough).
In 1969 these airbags were taken to Washington DC to demonstrate to US Government officials but the system failed to activate during the
demonstration. Henry Ford II was furious and
temporarily cancelled the program.
In 1964 Yasuzaburou Kobori in Japan also
started development work on an airbag “safety
net” for which he received patents in 14 countries but died before seeing widespread adoption of airbags. See
person5-1.htm for more about him (use Google
translate to convert the Japanese text to English).
David Breed developed a key component of
airbag systems in 1967 in the form of the cheap
and reliable “ball-in-tube” inertial crash sensor
which he marketed to Chrysler Corporation.
This invention is frequently also attributed to
Allen Breed (mentioned later) but it is believed
that David Breed is the actual inventor.
Another important invention that made airbags feasible was a chemical system to generate large amounts of gas in a short time (ie, the
In 1968, John Pietz at Talley Defense Systems in the US developed a gas generating system based on the chemical reaction of sodium
azide (NaN3) and a metal oxide. It produces
nitrogen gas as the reaction product which inflates the bag. Mainly due to the toxicity of sodium azide, other gas systems have now been
developed and largely replaced sodium azide
in modern airbags.
In 1971, Ford produced an experimental airbag equipped fleet of cars. This was followed Images from US Patent 2,649,311 granted
in 1973 by GM producing a fleet of Chevrolet August 18th, 1953 but filed August 5th, 1952, “Safety cushion
Impalas for use by the US Government, and in assembly for automotive vehicles” by John Hetrick. Fig.1 shows the
the same year GM offered an Oldsmobile To- air accumulator and valve assembly. Fig.2 shows the relationship
ronado to the public. Following this in 1974 between the various parts including the “cushion” mounted in the
Buick, Cadillac and Oldsmobile offered airbag steering wheel and Fig.3 shows the steering wheel mounted cushion
and how other components relate to it.
options on various models.
When General Motors in the US first marketed airbags in the 1970s they were referred to as
The patent was awarded in 1991 and can be viewed at
the “Air Cushion Restraint System (ACRS)”.
Their original purpose was to replace seatbelts as there
was significant resistance to wearing seatbelts in the US at
that time. A corporate video of the time reflects their pur- Why airbags work
pose as a seatbelt replacement or substitute.
Airbags are designed to counter the consequences of NewSee “1974 Buick – Airbags” ton’s First Law of Motion which describes the tendency of
1WNc and the comments about the possible hazards in- anything that is in motion to stay in motion.
volved in their deployment when children are in the car.
The forward motion of a car has a certain amount of kiAlso see a modern review of the ACRS equipped car “Air netic energy associated with it.
Cushion Restraint System – 1973 Chevrolet Impala Airbag”
In the case of a car that is fine . . . until that motion comes
to an unplanned and abrupt halt such as in a collision.
Allen Breed co-patented an airbag which vented gas as
Modern cars are designed to absorb some of that kinetit expanded, which reduced the rigidity of the airbag and ic energy by crumpling but the passengers too must have
injury from impacting it. This had been a problem in ear- their kinetic energy absorbed.
lier airbags which did not deflate significantly.
Seatbelts (if they are worn) will restrain passengers to
18 Silicon Chip
a certain degree but mainly only the
torso. Passengers’ heads, arms and legs
are still able to flail about and hit objects within the car such as the steering
wheel, dashboard or windows.
When a severe collision is detected
an airbag rapidly inflates and then deflates via holes in the bag. The energy
of the passenger striking the airbag is
absorbed via release of this gas.
If the airbag did not deflate, little
energy would be absorbed and the
passenger would just bounce off the
airbag and little protection would be
provided. Early airbags did not deflate
significantly and were responsible for
The types of supplemental restraint system (SRS) airbags that may
be fitted to modern vehicles. In addition to these bags there are
roof airbags now available to replace some driver and passenger
airbags and even external airbags to protect pedestrians.
some injuries and deaths.
Note that US regulations require that
airbags work with unbelted as well as
belted occupants, making their design
considerably more complicated.
In most other Western countries airbags are designed to work under the
assumption that the passenger is wearing a seatbelt.
The airbag system
Airbags do not operate in isolation
– they’re a complete system, more often than not integrated with other systems within the vehicle. A basic airbag
system consists of an airbag module,
crash sensors, clock spring and an airbag control unit, or ACU.
The airbag module consists of one
or more igniters, the propellant material which creates large amounts of gas
to fill the airbag when it is ignited, a
canister and the airbag itself. There are
generally no electronics in the airbag
module and it can be simply set off by
supplying 12V to the igniters (see the
panel “Interesting Videos” where some
show letting off old airbags for fun).
Typically, Australian airbags are
triggered when collision forces are
equivalent to hitting a solid object at
25-50km/h, or 60km/h into another
(Above): an airbag gas generator module for a steering
wheel airbag. Pellets are the propellant material. The two
modules at the base either side of centre are the igniters.
One or both of these are fired depending upon the severity
of the crash. Surrounding the assembly is a strong canister.
On the far right and the far left of the canister is a wire
mesh filter. This stops particles from the gas generator
exiting out of holes in the side of the canister (not visible)
into the nylon airbag surrounding the canister (also not
(Right): a view of a different steering wheel airbag module
showing the relative position of the Nylon bag.
November 2016 19
car, equivalent to forces of about 20g.
The front airbag generally inflates
in about 65ms or less. The crash sensor takes about 12 to 20ms before an
airbag deployment is triggered; side
airbags inflate more rapidly.
The maximum pressure achieved
inside a modern airbag is surprisingly
low, about 34kPa, 5 psi or 0.34 atm.
This low pressure is due to the fact
that even as the airbag is inflating it is
continuously venting. If it wasn’t vented, as early airbags were not, serious
injury (or worse) could be caused by
a far more rigid airbag.
The driver and/or passengers strike
the airbags when they are at their
maximum expansion. The airbags
then rapidly deflate as gas is vented
through holes facing away from passengers. As this gas is bled off, energy
is dissipated. After the collision, the
sequence is complete and the bag is
fully deflated.
Modern airbags are frequently multistage, with one or more igniters to produce an appropriate amount of gas for
the severity of the collision and the
weight of the occupant as determined
by weight sensors in the seat.
Airbags are typically made of Nylon
fabric with a polyurethane coating (or
more recently a silicone coating which
is less affected by ageing).
As the airbag inflates, it bursts its
way out of its container (such as the
steering wheel cover). The bag is
coated with talcum, French chalk or
corn starch powder to help it unfold
smoothly – this is the “smoke” that can
be seen in some deployment videos.
Some airbag deployment videos
as seen on driver’s dash cams can be
seen at “Car airbag crash live video
(Caught On Dashcam)” https://youtu.
Airbag crash sensors detect a rapid change in velocity and determine
The sequence of airbag deployment
for a steering wheel airbag.
(1st picture) A crash is detected and
the airbag starts to inflate.
(2nd picture) The bag is fully inflated as
the driver’s face is just about to hit the bag.
(3rd picture) The driver’s face hits the
bag and it immediately starts to deflate
(Remaining pictures) Progressive
deflation of airbag and rebound of
driver’s head.
if a collision has occurred, the type of
collision and its severity. The sensors
also determine if the crash is frontal,
sideways or rollover type.
The type of collision detected determines which (if any) airbags will be
deployed – they will not be deployed
for minor collisions and not all airbags
will necessarily be deployed, even
for more severe collisions. It depends
upon whether the airbag will be helpful or a hindrance for the type of collision detected.
Note that normal braking, no matter how hard, will never cause airbag
The sensors are typically located in
the front of the car for frontal crash detection (near the engine or passenger
compartment or inside the ACU), the
side of the car for side impact detection (in the door or door sill, between
front and rear doors or the ACU) and
for rollover detection the sensor will
be located either near the car’s centre
of gravity or in the ACU.
Older technology airbag crash sensors were mechanical in nature such
as the ball-type sensor and the rollertype sensor.
The next generation of technology
were piezoelectric devices while the
present generation are mainly solidstate MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) accelerometers designed
to sense the high-G forces in typical
Disassembled clock spring
assembly from an Audi, as
shown on forum post at
discussing the repair of this
component. Note the coiled
ribbon cable on the lower
right. At the left is the top
assembly that goes over the
ribbon cable. This one has
only two wires in the ribbon
cable but there may be many
more when there are a lot of
controls or indicators on the
steering wheel.
20 Silicon Chip
High speed thermal images of airbag at a particular instant during deployment showing side view, view of gases being
vented from rear ports after deployment and frontal view.
MEMS devices have been in use
since the mid 1990s. The mechanical
devices were either off or on but the
solid state devices can supply more detailed information about the nature of
the collision and contribute to a more
appropriate decision as to the deployment or not of airbags and other safety
systems such as seat belt tensioners.
The clock spring is a component
that provides the electrical connection
between the car’s wiring harness and
the steering wheel airbag, allowing for
an electrical connection between the
stationary steering column and the rotating steering wheel.
It may also be used to provide a connection to other switches or indicators
on the steering wheel.
The clock spring typically consists
of a length of ribbon cable located between a small cylinder and a larger
cylinder which is free to wind up or
unwind when the wheel is rotated. It
is a rather simple and elegant system.
For a video showing the location and inner workings of the clock
spring you may wish to look at “Clock
Spring Replacement - Toyota / Lexus”
The airbag control unit (ACU) is a
form of electronic control unit (ECU),
which in turn is simply an embedded
system that controls various subsystems within the car.
The ACU is the “brains” responsible for control of the airbag system. It
tests the airbag system at start up and
monitors various sensory inputs while
a car is in operation.
Sensors monitored include crash
sensors, gyroscopes, speed & brake
sensors, and sensors to monitor the
occupancy of a seat and the weight of
the person in it.
Rollover detection requires the use
of a gyroscope and low g-force sensors.
The combined data from the gyroscope
and low g-force sensors is used to determine the angle of the car and rotational rate, thus enabling the ACU to
compute the optimal time to deploy
the airbags and other systems such as
seat belt tensioners.
In a given crash scenario, not all bags
will necessarily be deployed – for example, bags associated with unoccupied seats will not be activated.
Also, airbags are not deployed if
such deployment would cause injury,
for example, if there was a child seat
present or there was an out-of-position
passenger, as determined by seat sensors, the relevant airbags would not
be deployed.
There is no universal algorithm to
establish airbag deployment or nondeployment. Each car model needs
to have its own algorithm, tailored to
suit the specific needs of that model
of car, based upon crash simulations
and testing.
Efforts are underway to develop
neural networks to provide smarter
more effective airbag deployment and
control with more universally applicable algorithms.
In the event that the vehicle battery
becomes disconnected during a severe
crash, most modern airbag control
units have backup power available,
usually in the form of a large capacitor, such as the 33,000µF capacitor in
the ACU of a first generation US model
Mazda MX-5 Miata.
Backup power for ACUs is said to
typically last from a few seconds to up
(Above): roller-type sensor. There is a weight on a spring
which, upon impact rolls to the right. If the impact is severe
enough, causing the weight to roll far enough to the right, an
electrical circuit will be completed. This will be sensed by
the ACU, which decides whether to deploy the airbag or not.
(Left): ball-in-tube type sensor. Upon impact, the ball shifts
to the right and connects to contacts, which complete an
electrical circuit which is sensed by the ACU and a decision
is made whether or not to deploy an airbag.
November 2016 21
Evolution of high-g force solid state crash sensors for airbags. These are designed to be sensitive to the high
g-forces in typical collisions. (1) Hybrid piezoelectric device in use from 1984 to 1997, (2) solid state silicon MEMS
micromachined capacitive device (1997 onwards), (3) smaller form factor MEMS silicon capacitive device (2002
onwards), (4) present generation MEMS device with further reduced package size.
to ten minutes after loss of main vehicle power and allows for the airbags
to still be deployed.
Most airbag electronic control units
use the CAN (Controller Area Network) that is commonly used in all
control and communications systems
in modern cars.
selling cars in the USA had EDRs except for VW, Maserati and Ferrari.
There are companies in Australia
that will read EDR data for prosecuting
authorities and insurance companies.
In the US there are companies that will
delete EDR data upon request.
Event data recorder
Roof and front-seat mounted
rear airbags
Nearly all modern cars have an
event data recorder (EDR) associated with the ACU. This runs in a loop
mode, recording various data at the
time of a crash, such as speed, brake
position, steering angle, whether seat
belts are buckled and so on.
This data recording has raised privacy concerns in various jurisdictions
and has been used to convict people
of driving offences, including in NSW.
Nevertheless, questions remain
about who owns the data and who can
rightfully access it.
As of 2014 every major company
Former spacecraft manufacturer and
now major automotive eqipment supplier, TRW, has recently developed
and introduced a roof airbag.
Its main purpose is to make more
space available in the vehicle’s dashboard, thus allowing for more instrument panel space, multimedia displays, storage space and also the possibility of reducing the overall size of
the dashboard.
The bag is mounted in an enclosure
above the windscreen. As well, a version has been developed for rear seat
passengers with the airbag mounted
Bosch solid state MEMS gyroscope and
low g-force sensor for rollover detection.
22 Silicon Chip
on the back of the front seats.
Airbags to protect pedestrians
Volvo have developed an external
airbag to minimise injury to pedestrians that may be struck by a car.
This system was introduced with
the 2012 Volvo V40. For a video of the
system in operation and other details
see: “Volvo V40 Pedestrian Airbag”
TRW have also developed an external side airbag to minimise forces of a
side impact. See video: “Car Tech 101:
External airbags (On Cars)” https://
Non-automotive airbags
Apart from their most common application in cars, airbag safety technology is also used in some motorcycle jackets, motorcycles and aircraft.
Motorcycle jacket airbags
Some motorcycle jackets now have
Third party tear down
of Toyota Prius Airbag
Electronic Controller Unit
with identification of some
of the components.
(Above): centre airbag to stop passengers hitting each other
in the event of a side impact.
(Right): simulated deployment of TRW roof airbag as used
in the 2014 Citroën C4 Cactus.
built in airbags that inflate when a collision event is detected. One example of a commercial jacket is the D-air
Misano 1000.
This jacket, unlike most others, has no connection to the
bike and has its own built-in sensors which determine when
the airbags should deploy. See corporate video: “Dainese
How to: D-air Misano 1000”
For amateur video of a crash where a rider was saved
from injury while wearing another brand of airbag jacket
see “Motorcycle Crash with a Rider wearing Helite Airbag
Motorcycle airbags
Since motorcycles are one of the most dangerous forms of
road transport, any improvement in road safety is beneficial.
In head-on impacts of motorcycles with other objects
the rider tends to keep moving forward and strikes parts
of the motorcycle as well as the object being struck at precrash speed. The objective of any restraint system would
be reduce the speed at which the motorcyclist strikes the
opposing object.
It may seem surprising to some that airbags have actually been fitted to motorcycles. Crash tests were done as
early as 1973 that demonstrated that an airbag could reduce injury although the overall results were not considered entirely satisfactory. These tests were followed up in
the UK in the 1990s.
In the UK tests it was shown that a motorcycle airbag
placed in front of the rider in a way that the rider would
strike the bag with their head and chest rather than the
motorcycle or opposing object was highly effective up to
speeds of 48km/h but full restraint of the rider was not possible beyond that speed, although there was still a beneficial safety affect. Tests showed a reduction in kinetic energy of the rider of between 79% and 100% and reduced
neck injuries.
In the UK study it was noted that approximately 75% of
motorcycle accidents occur at motorcycle impact speeds
Front seat mounted airbag for rear seat passengers.
November 2016 23
(Above): 2013 Volvo V40 showing pedestrian air bag which
also raises the bonnet when activated.
(Right): Experimental external airbag by TRW. It is
expected to reduce side impact forces by 30 percent. It
has a volume of 200 litres and will take longer to inflate
than normal airbags so it has to be trigged even before the
collision occurs.
of up to 48km/h, and 96% up to 64km/h and that 93% of
the serious and fatal head injuries occur at speeds of up
to 64km/h.
It was also noted that a majority of fatal and serious head
and chest injuries occurred in roughly head-on impacts of
the motorcycle and something else and that a majority of
accidents with an opposing vehicle occur with the speed
of the opposing vehicle at 25km/h or less.
In the light of these statistics it was decided to optimise
the design of an airbag system for head-on impacts of the
motorcycle into stationary or slow moving vehicles of up
to 25km/h with additional injury reduction potential for
impacts up to 64km/h. It is assumed these figures are for
the combined speeds of both vehicles.
Honda has had an airbag installed on their Gold Wing
model since 2006. For a video see “Honda Goldwing Airbag System”
Kiowa Warrior and included many safety and other improvements including pilot airbags.
Anglo-Italian company Aero Sekur have developed external airbags for helicopters to increase survivability in
the event of a forced landing on land or sea as well as providing floatation at sea.
Safety improvements due to airbags
According to the Australian Government’s Bureau of In-
Aircraft airbags
A number of commercial airlines use airbags. First introduced in 2001, they are attached to the seatbelts and tens
of thousands are in current use. The bags are designed to
fill the void between the passenger or pilot and the seat,
bulkhead or instrument panel in front of them. For a video
see “Amsafe - How Seatbelt Airbags Work” https://youtu.
Military helicopter airbags
The US Army undertook an upgrade program of the Bell
OH-58D helicopter to become designated the OH-58D(R)
D-air Misano 1000 motorcycle jacket with airbags and builtin crash sensors.
24 Silicon Chip
Test of early motorcycle airbag on a Norton Commander in
a frontal collision with side of car. UK Transport Research
Laboratory and Lotus Engineering, report published 1996.
Interesting Videos
Here are a few videos on what is involved in replacing or repairing airbags
that have been deployed.
These are included here for general information (and in some cases entertainment!) only – SILICON CHIP strongly recommends against doing this yourself and it
may even affect your insurance coverage.
The point of presenting these videos
is to show some of the inner workings of
the airbags and what is involved when a
professional replaces them.
Also note that in many late model cars
the vehicle computer has to be reset after
an airbag deployment has been made and
crash data is also recorded. There are a
couple of videos on that as well.
Apart from that, the strength of the collision that is required to deploy an airbag
is significant and it is likely that there is
other serious damage done to the car.
This may not be the case in other countries such as the US where airbags are
designed to deploy at lower roads speeds
than in Australia since in the US there is a
higher likelihood that someone may not be
wearing a seat belt and the airbags have
to protect an occupant who may not be
wearing one.
This perhaps explains why there are
a number of US videos about replacing
airbags – an airbag might be deployed at
relatively low road speed with relatively
minor vehicle damage.
“How to detonate an airbag, airbag
repair, and demonstration”
Aero Sekur external airbags on a helicopter. The system was showcased at the
2010 Farnborough International Airshow but does not appear to have been
frastructure, Transport and Regional
Economics (publication ISSN 14409593 information sheet 68), front airbags are estimated to have reduced
light vehicle fatalities by 13% and side
airbags have reduced fatalities by 4%.
But other research quoted in that
document makes an assumption that
front airbags reduced fatalities by 25%
for drivers and 20% for passengers in
front impact crashes.
It is difficult to ascertain the exact
impact of airbags because they have
accompanied many other safety upgrades in cars.
Two major Australian automotive
insurance companies were contacted
by SILICON CHIP to ask about whether
personal injury costs had decreased as
a result of airbag use and what change
there had been in car repair costs associated with airbags but the information was not provided.
The future
We will see more airbags and more
sophisticated airbags installed in cars
and other vehicles.
New crash sensing algorithms, such
as those based on neural networks, will
also be developed to allow more intelligent airbag deployment.
Airbags combined with other safety
systems in modern cars will see driving become even safer but it should
not be forgotten that the ultimate responsibility for safer driving resides
with the motorist.
(Definitely don’t try this!)
“How to Replace an Airbag on a Vehicle”
“Carprog setup, Airbag resetting”
“How to Reset / Repair clear the crash
data from GM Airbag control module”
At the risk of being accused of being irresponsible for including these, some entertaining videos of people deliberately setting off surplus airbags can be seen here:
“Setting Off Airbags”
Amsafe seat belt airbag in crash simulation with aircraft bulkhead in front of
November 2016 25