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Using your Raspberry Pi
with a smart-phone as a
WiFi-controlled switch
Bake your Raspberry Pi
with a smartphone and
a relay board to open or
close your garage door
By Greg Swain & Nicholas Vinen
Ever driven 1km down the road and wondered if you had closed
the garage door? Well, by installing a WiFi camera and an app on
your smartphone, you can easily check the door’s status. Add an
RPi computer that’s coupled to a garage-door remote and you can
also use the phone to open or close the door via a web browser.
E’VE ALL done it – driven off and then couldn’t
remember whether or not the garage door had
been closed.
Fortunately, a mix of technology makes it easy to remedy that situation. The ingredients are simple: take one
IP camera to monitor the garage, add a spare garage remote, mix in your smart-phone and bake them all with
a $60 Raspberry Pi (RPi) computer and a 3-way relay
board. Once it’s all done, you can use the smart-phone
(or a PC) to “see” inside your garage and control up to
three doors by “pressing” virtual buttons on a web page
served up by the RPi
When you press a web-page button, the RPi momentarily sends one of its I/O pins high to pulse a relay
on. The relay’s NO (normally open) contacts are wired
74 Silicon Chip
across one of the remote’s switches. When they close,
this simulates a button press and the garage door opens
or closes accordingly. If you have more than one door,
it’s just a matter of wiring another set of relay contacts
acoss the relevant button on the remote.
This set-up can not only remotely close a garage door
if you’ve accidentally left it open but is also useful if
you want to give someone access to the garage when
you’re not at home; eg, to have building materials delivered. It also lets you gain access to the garage if you’ve
accidentally left your garage remote at work or lost it.
In summary then, the RPi has two functions: (1) it
serves up the web page with the garage door control buttons; and (2) it briefly pulses the garage-door remote via
the relay board. The separate camera app on your phone
The web page served up by the RPi has nine
control buttons – three to pulse the relays on
for 0.5s, three to toggle them on and three to
turn them off.
simply lets you check the garage door status.
As shown in the photos, the web page served up by
the RPi has nine control buttons, three for each relay. In
each case, the “pulse output x” button pulses the associated relay on for half a second (0.5s), while the “output
on x” and “output off x” buttons respectively toggle the
relay on and off.
So as well as briefly pulsing the relays on, you can
also toggle them on or off to switch low-voltage devices.
RPi relay board
The Waveshare RPi Relay Board used here supports
the Raspberry Pi A+, B+, 2B and 3B models. It has three
relays and plugs directly into the RPi’s 40-pin I/O header.
In operation, the relays are driven via optocouplers,
while their contacts are brought out to 3-way screw terminal blocks. Separate on-board status LEDs are used to
indicate whether each relay is on or off.
By default, the relays are controlled by pins 37, 38 &
40 on the RPi’s I/O header, as selected by three jumpers.
These jumpers can be removed so that other I/O pins on
the header can be linked across to control the relays if
that suits your particular application.
Supplied with the relay board are two M2.5 x 16mm
metal stand-offs (plus screws & nuts). As shown in the
photos, these are used to support one side of the relay board (ie, the side opposite the header) when it is
plugged into the RPi.
Raspberry Pi set-up
Any RPi computer with a 40-pin GPIO header can be
used, including the RPi Model B+, RPi 2 Model B and
the recently released RPi 3 Model B. If you’re buying a
new unit, get the RPi 3 since this comes with onboard
WiFi. If you have an earlier model, then you will also
need to buy a Wi-Pi WiFi
An 8-32GB microSD card to
accommodate the operating system and a suitable power supply are also required. In addition, you’ll also initially need these parts to set the unit up: a USB keyboard and mouse (wireless units can be used), an HDMI
cable, a suitable monitor (with HDMI input) and a USB
memory card reader.
Once you have all the ingredients, install and configure the Raspbian operating system on the microSD card,
as detailed in Steps 1-5 on pages 20-22 of the January
2016 issue (ie, in the RPi Temperature Monitor article).
Be sure to use a strong password (Step 5), then get the
WiFi working as outlined in Steps 6 & 7.
Steps 8-10 can be omitted but you should install
TightVNC by following the instructions on pages 26
& 27. Once you’ve installed TightVNC (VNC = Virtual
Network Computing), you will be able to run your RPi
“headless” (ie, without a mouse, keyboard or monitor),
with all control now coming via your PC (ie, the RPi’s
desktop will appear on your PC’s monitor).
Next, you need to install the Apache2 Web Server and
the mod_python module on the RPi. Python is a programming language that’s used with Raspbian and the
mod_python module embeds the Python interpretor
with Apache2 so that the two can work together.
First, make sure that your Raspbian OS is completely
up to date by running the following commands from a
terminal window:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
That done, install Apache2 and the Python module
by following Steps 1-8 on pages 56 & 57 of the February
November 2016 75
the RPi’s Apache2 web server by entering https://
<yourpublicIPaddress> in a web browser on your PC or
smartphone. When you do so, the log-in dialog should
immediately appear and you should be able to enter
your details to access Apache2’s default web page.
How do you know what your public IP address is?
That’s easy; just go to and the
address will be displayed.
If you don’t know how to assign a fixed IP address to
the RPi or how to set up port forwarding, page 59 of the
February 2016 issue spells it out in detail.
Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
The relay board plugs into the RPi’s I/O header. By
default, it’s controlled by I/O pins 37, 38 & 40.
2016 issue of SILICON CHIP. And because the RPi’s web
server will be accessible via the internet, it’s necessary
to set up password access, as follows:
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
sudo a2enmod authn_dbm
sudo htdbm -c -TSDBM /etc/apache2/dbmpasswd <username>
<enter password>
sudo chown www-data /etc/apache2/dbmpasswd.pag
Once again, be sure to choose a strong password. It
should be a mixture of upper case and lower case letters, numbers and alphanumeric symbols. (Note: the
above procedure is exactly the same as Step 10 in the
February 2016 issue except that the -c and -TSDBM
switches in line 3 have been transposed).
Next, go to the two Apache2 configuration files (ie,
000-default.conf and default-ssl.conf, in /etc/apache2/
sites-available/) and add the following lines under the
lines you added in Steps 2 & 3:
AuthType basic
AuthName “private area”
AuthBasicProvider dbm
AuthDBMUserFile /etc/apache2/dbmpasswd
Require valid-user
Then do: sudo service apache2 restart
Now, whenever you attempt to browse to the RPi’s
web server, you will initially be greeted by a dialog box
asking you to enter your user-name and password. Note,
however, that you must use SSL (set up as in Step 6 of
February 2016) and use https://<yourpublicIPaddress>
to access the site when browsing from the internet (see
later), otherwise your password could be intercepted.
Accessing it via the internet
The next step is to configure the RPi so that you can
access its web server via the internet. That’s done by: (1)
assigning a fixed IP address to the RPi (by default, it has
a dynamic IP that’s assigned by the router); and (2) setting up port forwarding on the router so that port 443
(for https) is forwarded to that fixed IP.
Once that’s been done, you should be able to access
76 Silicon Chip
Having to remember your WAN IP is a hassle. Not
only that but it can change if the modem/router is
restarted. So if you want to be sure that you always have
online access to your RPi’s web server, the answer is to
use a DDNS service.
DDNS stands for “Dynamic Domain Name Server”
and it allows you to connect to your home network by
using a hostname and domain name. It still makes the
connection via your public IP (WAN) address but it no
longer matters if this IP address changes and you don’t
have to know (or remember) what the address is.
The DDNS service will let you choose a hostname
when you sign up. You can then browse to your RPi’s
web server by using this hostname and the DDNS
domain name.
If your router supports your preferred DDNS, then
you can use the router itself to update the DDNS with
your WAN IP. Note, however, that the popular DynDNS
service is no longer free, while No-IP now requires you
to confirm your hostname every 30 days unless you sign
up for the paid version.
Duck DNS is a great free alternative and it only takes
a few minutes to sign up. It probably won’t be supported by your router but there’s an easy answer to that
problem – use the RPi itself to run a script to periodically update the Duck DNS server with your WAN (public)
IP address.
It’s all quite easy to do and is set out in detail on page
60 of the February 2016 issue.
Having completed the set-up, check that you can
browse to your RPi’s default web page using the hostname. For example, if you’re using Duck DNS, enter into your browser (replace “yourhostname” with your chosen name).
Web page set-up
The next step is to get Apache2 working with the Python 3 program that displays our web page with the relay control buttons. The program itself is called index.
py and you’ll find it on the SILICON CHIP website zipped
up inside
You have to download this file, unzip it and move it
into the RPi’s /var/www/html folder.
Begin by browsing to
using the RPi’s web browser. Now click Shop, select
Software from the drop-list and left-click the file. The file will download into the /pi/Downloads folder after which you navigate to this folder, then
right click the zip file to extract
Before moving, it’s a good idea to rename
You’ll Need These Parts
Core parts
The NO relay contacts are wired across the buttons on
the garage remote as shown here. Remove the battery
before soldering the wires.
any existing file in /var/www/html. That’s
done by issuing the following commands:
cd /var/www/html
sudo mv
The new file can now be moved into /var/
www/html as follows:
sudo mv /pi/Downloads/ /var/www/html
You now need to give Apache2 permission to access
the RPI’s GPIO pins, as follows:
sudo adduser www-data gpio
That’s it! – it should now work. Using a computer on
the local network (or the RPi itself), browse to (for example) (or use your
public IP address). Enter your user-name and password
to log-in, then check that the relays on the RPi Relay
Board respond when the various control buttons are
If it works, test it out on your smart-phone. Note that
you will have to zoom in on the buttons to make sure
you touch the correct one.
Retaining access to an existing web page
What if you want to keep an existing web
page? For example, you may have previously set up
your RPi’s web server so that you can monitor temperatures (see March 2016 issue) and you may want to maintain access to these measurements.
In that case, it’s just a matter of renaming the newly
unzipped file for the garage doors before moving it. For example, you could rename the file to garage.
py and then move this to /var/www/html. The web page
for your temperature measurements can then be access
ed as normal, while the garage door control buttons are
accessed by browsing to https://yourhostname.duckdns.
Wiring the remote
This job couldn’t be easier; just wire a pair of leads
across each button you wish to control and connect them
to the NO & COM contacts of the corresponding relay.
You will need to remove the remote’s PCB from its
case and use a soldering iron with a fine tip to connect
the wires. It’s a good idea to remove the battery before
soldering, to prevent the remote from being damaged
during this process.
Once the leads have been attached, cut a couple of
1 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
computer module
1 Wi-Pi WiFi dongle (not necessary if you have a RPi 3
Model B, as these have onboard WiFi)
1 8-32GB microSD card (class 6 or class 10) . . . or
purchase a pre-programmed microSD card from
element14 or Wiltronics
1 5V power supply with USB to micro-USB cable (note:
must be rated at 2.5A for RPi 3 Model B)
1 spare garage remote
1 Waveshare RPi Relay Board (order from AliExpress or
The parts required during set-up
1 USB keyboard and mouse (wireless units should work,
provided they’re paired)
1 monitor with HDMI or DVI input
1 HDMI-HDMI or HDMI-DVI cable to suit monitor
1 microSD card reader
Raspberry Pi starter packs
Wiltronics has a number of Raspberry Pi starter packs –
notches in one end of the case for the leads to exit and
refit the PCB. If that’s not practical, install the PCB inside a separate case (perhaps with the RPi itself).
If you don’t have a spare remote, you can buy one
from a garage door specialist. You can buy these quite
cheaply on eBay but if you take that approach, make
sure it’s the right type to work with your garage door
controller as many remotes look similar but operate differently. Another possibility is to simply connect the relay contacts across the manually-operated door control
switch that’s mounted on the garage wall or even directly to the open/close terminals on the back of the motor
control unit itself.
Take security seriously
Security is a serious issue here. You really don’t want
someone to hack their way in and open or close your
garage doors at will!
So how secure is it? The answer is that your garage
doors are about as secure as the password you chose for
the RPi’s web server. Similarly, your camera (see below)
will be about as secure as the strength of its password.
Fortunately, there’s a fairly simple way to lock it
down even further, to keep the bad guys out of your
RPi’s web server. The answer is to install an intrusion
software utility called “Fail2Ban”. This utility monitors
the number of log-in attempts and if they exceed a preset number (say five), it bans the offending source IP address from making any further attempts for a set period
(or even permanently).
Fail2Ban is easy to install and configure. The accomNovember 2016 77
This screen grab shows the RPi’s web page
as it appears on a PC. If a smartphone is
used, the page is automatically zoomed.
It’s a good idea to install a panning camera on the
back wall of the garage so that you can check that the
garage is empty before closing the door.
panying panel titled “Keeping The Bad Guys Out” (reproduced from February 2016) has the details.
You could also install a separate firewall on the RPi
but since it normally sits behind your router’s firewall,
this won’t normally be necessary. Once again, the accompanying panel has the details.
Setting up an IP camera
OK, now that the RPi’s web server and relay board are
working correctly, the next step is to set up an IP camera
to monitor the garage doors. If you don’t already have
a suitable camera, the Jaycar TechView QC3834 and
Altronics EasyN S9012 are good candidates.
Setting up the camera to connect to your WiFi
network is straightforward. It’s usually just a matter
Exercise Caution
Naturally, you should exercise a great deal of caution if
you intend to close a garage door from a remote location.
After all, you don’t want to close it on a family member who
is out the front working in the garden, or collecting the mail,
or who has just come home and is driving into the garage.
To avoid problems like this, always check where each
family member is before closing the door. It’s also a good
idea to restrict usage to one smartphone only, to avoid potential conflicts.
Setting up a panning camera so that you can monitor the
whole inside garage area is also a good idea (eg, mount
the camera high up on the back wall). That way, you can
pan to ensure that your neighbour’s dog or a curious cat
hasn’t wondered inside while the door was opened. Both the
Jaycar TechView QC3834 and Altronics EasyN S9012 IP
cameras can be panned and so are well suited to this role.
78 Silicon Chip
of first plugging it into your router via a Cat5 cable,
figuring out its IP address, then logging into the camera’s
web interface (via a browser) and entering your WiFi
network’s SSID (ie, the network name) and password.
How do you figure out the camera’s IP address in
order to access its web interface? Well, assuming your
router has DHCP enabled, it will automatically allocate
an IP address to the camera when it is plugged in, just
as it does for other devices on the network. From there,
you can quickly figure out the allocated IP address by
trial and error.
For example, if the router itself has an IP address of, then the camera might be on or (or higher), depending on which addresses
have already been allocated to devices such as PCs,
smart-phones and smart TVs, etc.
To test an IP address, simply enter it along with the
camera’s port number into the address bar of your web
browser. The default port number (usually 80) will
either be on a label on the camera’s body or listed in the
supplied instructions. It must be separated from the IP
address by a colon.
For example, let’s say that the camera’s port number
is 80 and you want to test an IP address of
It’s just a matter of entering into your
browser and pressing Enter. If it’s the correct IP, the
camera’s web interface will immediately appear and
you can log into it using the default user name (usually
“admin”) and password (usually “admin” or left blank).
Another way of determining the IP address is to log
into your router’s web interface and check the DHCP
client table or similar. In addition, some cameras such
as the TechView QC3834 are supplied with a software
utility called “IP Camera Tool”. Installing and running
this on your PC will then list the camera’s IP and its
port number. Double-clicking this will then bring up its
web interface.
Before actually entering the WiFi set-up details, be
sure to change the camera’s default user name and
password. A strong password is an absolute must if you
don’t want others spying on you. You can also change
the default port number if you wish.
Disconnect the LAN cable and restart the camera after
entering all the details. You will then be able to access
the camera and view the video via the WiFi network.
Viewing via the internet
In most cases, an IP camera will be supplied with a
unique DDNS hostname so that you can view it over the
Keeping The Bad Guys Out
Opening port 443 on the router (to enable internet access to the web-server)
is a potential security problem. That’s
why it’s important to choose a strong
password for the Apache2 authentication log-in.
Despite this, the web-server’s log-in
prompt will soon attract brute force attempts to gain access by people running
password dictionaries. There’s an easy
way to defeat such attacks, though: limit
the number of log-in attempts by using
an intrusion detection software utility
called “Fail2Ban”.
Fail2Ban works by monitoring the logs
generated by various services (such as
Apache2). If there are too many failed
log-in attempts, it then temporarily (or
permanently) bans the offending IP from
making further attempts. For example,
it can be configured to allow three login attempts and if all are unsuccessful,
ban the offending IP for 20 minutes,
depending on the settings in the configuration file.
In practice, Fail2Ban sets up a few
simple iptable firewall rules (iptables is
the utility used to configure Linux fire-
walls). It then automatically alters these
rules after the preset number of failed
log-in attempts. By default, it monitors
SSH (port 22) only but it’s just a matter of altering its configuration file to
include other protocols such as HTTP
(port 80) and HTTPS (port 443), as used
by Apache2.
An excellent guide on configuring Fail2Ban can be found at www.digitalocean.
com/community/tutorials/how-to-protect-an-apache-server-with-fail2banon-ubuntu-14-04 It’s just a matter of following this to configure Fail2Ban so that,
as well as SSH, it also protects the RPi’s
Apache2 server (HTTP & HTTPS).
Important points
Note that you have to copy the default
configuration file to “/etc/fail2ban/jail.
local ”.You then edit this new file (it overrides the original configuration file) to set
the “bantime”, the maximum number of
tries (“maxretry”) and the “findtime” (the
time period over which the retries are
counted). The default bantime is 600
seconds but you can increase this (eg,
to 1800 seconds) or enter a negative
number to ban the offending IP forever.
It’s then important to scroll down to
internet. It’s just a matter of setting the camera up for
WiFi access as described above, then entering the address
shown on a label on the bottom of the camera into your
browser, followed by a colon, then the port number.
Alternatively, some cameras carry a Q-code on the
base label and scanning this using a smartphone (with
the necessary app installed) will take you straight to
that address (you may have to manually enter the port
number if you’ve changed it).
If it works, then your router has inbuilt support for
automatic port forwarding via UPnP (Universal Plug
and Play) and that’s the end of the story. Of course, your
IP camera must also support UPnP but just about all do.
If it doesn’t work, check that UPnP hasn’t been disabled in the router. That said, not all routers support automatic port forwarding, even if they do have UPnP. In
that case, you will have to assign a static IP address to
your camera and manually set up the port forwarding
in your router. A detailed explanation on how to do this
is in “Setting Up An IP Camera For WiFi & Internet Access” in the March 2015 issue of SILICON CHIP.
Once its working, install the relevant camera app
on your smartphone and enter the connection details.
These details include the DDNS hostname, the port
number, your user name (ie, for the camera) and the
password. You will then be able to fire up the app and
view the video inside your garage.
the [apache] jail section and change to
line enabled = false to enabled = true. Fail2Ban will then cover both http and https.
Installing a firewall
Unless you’ve opened up myriad ports
on your router, a separate firewall on
the RPi isn’t really necessary. However,
if you’re a “belts’n’braces” type, try Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) which is an
easy-to-use iptables configuration utility.
The following website has the basics
on UFW’s installation and usage: www.
Of course, all bets are off if you decide
to add the RPi to your router’s DMZ (demilitarised zone). Placing it in the DMZ
means that it cannot contact other devices on your internal LAN in the event
that it’s compromised (it’s added to the
DMZ by logging into your router and going to the DMZ set-up page).
The downside is that all ports on the
router will then be forwarded to the RPi,
so it’s wide open. As a result, a firewall
is then an absolute must.
In practice, you would set up the firewall to initially block all incoming ports.
You then create rules to open port 443
(for https) and any other ports required,
eg, for SSH (secure shell) long-ins.
Controlling Other Devices
As well as controlling garage doors, you could also use the
RPi to control other devices. For example, it could be used to
pulse the remote of a remote-controlled mains power board.
However, exercise caution as to the circumstances under which
you remotely turn mains-powered devices on in this manner.
Turning on an unattended device such as a heater or a lamp
could lead to a fire, for example (and in any case, a heater
should not be plugged into a power board).
Because the relay outputs can be toggled, you can directly switch low-voltage devices (eg, LED lamps) on or off (up
to about 24V DC or 15VAC). However, despite the fact that
the relays are rated at 250VAC, you should keep mains
voltages well away from your RPi set-up.
Running mains wiring to the RPi’s relay board would be
much too dangerous. If you do wish to switch mains voltages,
use the RPi to control the remote of a remote-controlled mains
switch or use a commercial WiFi switch, eg, from Bunnings – see
In the unlikely event that the camera’s manufacturer
doesn’t offer a DDNS service, use Duck DNS as explain
ed earlier.
November 2016 79