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Vintage Radio
By Ian Batty
ability of transistor sets, for example,
simply didn’t justify their greater cost
for those who simply wanted a kitchen
mantel set that would sit on the fridge
week after week.
The Astor DLP is one such cut-price
kitchen mantel that was intended
to compete with the early transistor
portables. It uses just two valves but
just how good is it?
First impressions
The Valve Mantel’s Last
Hurrah: Astor’s DLP
2-Valve Receiver
Despite having just two valves, Astor’s
“cheap and cheerful” DLP mantel set
still offers reasonable performance. It’s
a budget-priced set with some unusual
design features and was designed to
compete with early but still relatively
expensive transistor portables.
UPER-SIMPLE sets appeared quite
early in the development of commercial receivers. Advanced sets were
always more expensive compared to
basic designs, so simpler sets attracted
home constructors wanting their share
of the “miracle” of radio.
Four and 5-valve superhet sets had
become the design standard by 1940
but post-WW2 austerity led manufacturers to offer cut-down designs
92 Silicon Chip
to keep prices low. Greater design
complexity subsequently returned in
the 1950s but a new challenge to valve
radios emerged later in the decade
with the introduction of the transistor.
Valve set manufacturers were stuck;
they could survive either by offering
high-end prestige designs or by offering “cheap and cheerful” sets aimed at
undercutting the initial relatively high
prices of transistor radios. The port-
The Astor 3-valve DLP is built on a
punched metal chassis with point-topoint wiring on tagstrips. Unusually, it
sits at an angle within its moulded plastic case, as shown in one of the photos.
The controls are quite simple and
consist of nothing more than a Volume/On-Off control and a large tuning
dial with a 180°+ span. The dial directly drives variable-inductance coils
to tune the aerial and local oscillator
(LO) circuits (ie, this set uses permeability tuning rather than a variable
tuning capacitor).
Circuit description
With three valve functions in just
two “bottles”, this must be the ultimate
economy set, especially considering
that it’s a superhet design to boot.
The cut-price features start with the
tuned circuits – permeability tuning
is cheaper to manufacture than a highprecision variable capacitor. In addition, permeability tuning systems are
generally more robust than systems using conventional tuning gangs which
are susceptible to corrosion, dust, dirt
and mechanical wear.
As with other Astor sets, the original
circuit diagram simply numbers the
components in order. For example, the
capacitors are numbered in order from
largest non-electrolytic to smallest,
with the electrolytics next and then the
resistors (note: item #17 is not listed
on the DLP’s circuit).
It’s an elegant method that aided
assemblers during manufacture; they
simply had to install numbered items
Fig.1: Astor’s DLP mantel set is a superhet design using just two valves: a 6BE6 pentagrid converter stage and a 6BM8
triode-pentode which functions as a demodulator/audio preamplifier (6BM8a) and as an audio output stage (6BM8b).
There’s no IF amplifier stage, so the set’s sensitivity is somewhat lacking compared to most other valve sets.
from bins in their appropriate locations in the chassis.
Fig.1 shows the circuit of the Astor
DLP. It lacks of an IF amplifier stage
and this, coupled with a low hightension (HT) voltage (just over 80V),
would seem to be a recipe for “radio
deafness”. If this cheap-and-cheerful
set is to give any reasonable performance, Astor’s designers must have
pulled some magic tricks. But what
were they?
The converter, a 6BE6 pentagrid, has
a typical conversion conductance of
some 450 microsiemens. In practice, a
(high) IF primary impedance of 100kΩ
would normally give a voltage gain of
around 45, assuming plate and screen
voltages of 100V.
This set, however, only applies
some 40V to the screen and lowering
the screen voltage causes a significant gain reduction in all screen-grid
valves. So does the aerial circuit help
compensate for the lack of gain in the
converter stage?
Harking back to tuned circuit design
in transmitters, capacitors #10, #12 &
#13 in this set form a tuned circuit
with variable inductor #31. As shown,
the signal from the aerial is fed via
capacitor #9 and appears across 650pF
capacitor #10. This is paralleled by
tuning inductor #31 and capacitors
#12 and #13.
Basically, it’s the classic Pi filter
arrangement. In domestic radios, this
configuration is commonly used as
a power supply filter, to smooth the
rectifier’s pulsating DC output. Valve
transmitters also commonly use a Pi
filter to present a load of “a few” kil
ohms to the final power amplifier and
to provide an impedance step-down
to the antenna connection (usually 50
ohms). Conversely, transistor transmitters may use it to step impedances up,
from a few ohms at the output stage
collector to the 50-ohm antenna.
In the Astor DLP set, the capacitance
ratio is roughly 650pF to some 40pF.
This gives an input-output voltage
ratio of around 1:15 by virtue of the
capacitive reactance being inversely
proportional to the capacitance. You
can think of it as a step-up tuned circuit and we’ll confirm its operation in
the “How Good Is It?” section later on.
Another Pi filter is used in the local oscillator which is configured as a
classic Colpitts circuit. Capacitor #3
(20nF) provides DC blocking in the
feedback path from the converter’s
screen (LO plate) to its grid. The oscillator circuit is tuned by variable
inductor #32 and capacitors #8, #11
and #14.
The capacitance ratio of capacitor #8
to capacitor #11 and trimmer capacitor
#14 is approximately 10:1. This cre-
ates a step-up between the converter’s
screen (acting as a plate) and the oscillator’s grid (grid 1) and ensure that the
converter oscillates. Trimmer #14 sets
the top of the LO’s frequency span.
Potentiometer #30 (25kΩ) functions
as the volume control. Its circuit arrangement is similar to sets of the
1930s that commonly used no AGC.
As shown, one end of potentiometer
#30 connects to the aerial input circuit, while the other end goes to the
converter’s cathode via resistor #28.
Its wiper goes to ground.
When the volume pot is turned
fully clockwise, its righthand end is
connected to ground, leaving only
the converter’s 330Ω cathode resistor
(#28) in the bias circuit. As a result, the
converter’s gain will be at maximum,
while shunting of the aerial circuit will
be at a minimum. The set’s overall gain
will thus be at maximum.
Conversely, when the pot is fully
anticlockwise (ie, just before switching
off), the pot’s full resistance (shunted
by 8.2kΩ resistor #26) will be in series with the 6BE6’s cathode. As a
result, the converter’s gain will be at a
minimum and the pot shunts the input
signal from the aerial to ground.
A final wrinkle here is that the oscillator section is biased by the voltage
across 22kΩ resistor #24 due to the
grid current. However, it should be
October 2016 93
uses 10MΩ grid resistor #18 to create
“contact potential” bias. This method
exploits the tendency of a valve’s control grid to drift negative under the influence of the electron “cloud” (space
charge) created by the heated cathode.
What this also does is reduce the
valve’s plate current to a low value.
Applying a large IF signal to such a
circuit will therefore bias the valve
into cut-off on the negative peaks. It’s
the classic “grid leak” demodulator
seen in early radios, either as a straight
demodulator or with regeneration applied in Reinartz circuits.
Basically, this simple circuit combines demodulation with audio amplification, overcoming the attenuation
that a conventional diode demodulator
would create.
The output stage is back-biased by
the voltage developed across resistor
#29 (270Ω). This back-bias supply is
filtered using 100kΩ resistor #22 and
500nF capacitor #1.
With only 90V HT available, the
6BM8’s pentode bias is reduced from
the more usual -16V to just -5V. As a
result, this stage has a maximum audio
output of just 300mW.
The Astor DLP is built on a small, punched metal chassis with many of the parts
mounted on tagstrips. The on/off switch is on the back of the volume control
and as with all mains-powered sets, the condition of the mains wiring should be
carefully checked before applying power.
noted that any change to the oscillator’s bias will affect its operation and
drag it off-frequency due to its input
impedance (especially) changing with
plate current. That in turn would mean
that changing the volume would detune the set.
As a result, the bias must be undisturbed by other circuit changes and
so the other end of resistor #24 is connected to the converter’s cathode. This
means that even though volume control pot #25 can raise the converter’s
cathode by some 12V above ground,
the oscillator’s bias conditions remain
Audio stages
The two audio stages are based on
a single 6BM8 triode-pentode valve.
This valve combines a high-mu triode
for audio preamplification with a
power pentode capable of 3.5W output
with a 200V HT supply.
So where’s the demodulator? The
answer is that the triode section
Identifying A Mystery Set
When I first obtained this set, it had no
manufacturer’s label and so its model number was a mystery. Fortunately, if you can’t
identify a set, you can always refer to Ernst
Erb’s Radiomuseum website (see “Further
Reading” panel) which has an extensive
listing of radios from around the world.
In this case, I knew that the set was a
2-valve Astor model. After bringing up the
Radiomuseum website, I went to the Advanced Search pane, typed “Astor” for the
94 Silicon Chip
manufacturer and hit “Go”. This brought up
almost 500 results but hitting the “Model
Name” heading gave me a sorted list that
I was easily able to scroll through. My
2-valve set (6BE6, 6BM8) turned out to
be the DLP from around 1960.
After later cleaning the set, I eventually
did discover a chassis stamping that also
identified the set. Still, it’s good to know
that there are other ways of identifying a
“mystery” set.
Power supply
The half-wave power supply uses
selenium “flat pack” rectifier #36. Its
output is filtered by 50µF capacitor
#15 to produce the main HT rail, while
resistor #27 and capacitor #16 (24µF)
provide further filtering for the output
stage screen and for the audio preamp
and converter plate circuits.
The set’s total current drain is only
about 20mA, so rectifier #36 and power
transformer #35 have an easy life.
Cleaning up
As it came to me, the set’s plastic
cabinet had badly faded, a common
problem with economy designs. I was
hoping that the fading was only “skin
deep”, so I initially hit it with some
heavy-duty abrasive in an out-of-theway place. This revealed that the fading was only some micrometres deep,
so it will be possible to successfully
restore the cabinet by simply polishing
away the faded material.
This will need a day or so’s work
with suitable tools and materials but
it’s a practical alternative to spray
The set also proved to be in nonworking order. When I applied power,
there was no audible output and while I
really didn’t expect the usual betweenstation noise with a set this old before
restoration, I did hope for something.
Applying several hundred millivolts of IF signal to the demodulator’s
grid did, however, result in useful output from the speaker and I also found
that a strong IF signal would find its
way through from the aerial terminal.
This indicated that the converter stage
wasn’t working properly, probably due
to an inoperative local oscillator (LO).
The 6BE6 converter valve came up
as weak on my valve tester but popping a known good replacement into
the socket didn’t improve things. It
was time for some good old-fashioned
circuit analysis.
I began by checking the voltages
around this stage and this showed that
both the converter’s plate and screen
voltages were at 0V. When I looked
under the chassis, I discovered that the
lead that connected the +84V HT to the
converter stage had been neatly cut off
at both ends (and the wire completely
removed). Restoring this connection
gave me a working set.
A quick tweak of the IF transformer
proved fruitful and adjusting the two
trimmer capacitors completed the circuit restoration. But why had the HT
lead to the converter been cut? Who
knows? It’s a real mystery!
How good is it?
So just how well does it perform?
The answer is that with just a few
metres of aerial lead, it’s not too bad.
Astor’s alignment guide mentions
the use of a “25 foot antenna” and
that’s pretty much an admission of
low sensitivity. However, although it
can’t match more complex designs,
Astor’s DLP has an audio output of
50mW output for a 200µV input signal at 600kHz and a 360µV signal at
1400kHz. Signal-to-noise ratios exceed
30dB in both cases.
The IF bandwidth is commendable
for a set with single IF transformer,
being ±2kHz at -3dB and ±73kHz at
-60dB. However, the audio frequency
response from antenna to speaker
measured just 100Hz to 700Hz, which
is really quite poor.
So what could be done about it?
Checking the circuit indicated that the
3nF filter capacitor at the demodulator’s plate (#6) was likely to be the
main culprit. While the narrow IF
bandwidth wasn’t going to allow a top
end much above 2kHz, that 3nF
The DLP’s chassis sits at an angle inside the cabinet so that it fits in the allotted
space. This view shows the set prior to restoration. The 2-core mains flex was
later replaced with 3-core mains cable so that the chassis could be earthed.
pacitor just had to go. I normally resist
the temptation to “hot up” equipment
but substituting a 220pF capacitor extended the audio frequency response
out to 1.6 kHz and resulted in a much
“brighter” sound.
Overall though, the audio performance is modest. The output is just
330mW at 10% distortion and 50mW
at about 4.5% distortion.
By the way, grid leak demodulators
can potentially respond to strong signals by increasing their DC grid bias
voltage, thereby reducing the stage
gain. This set did show some gain
reduction but only when operating
at full volume and with aerial signals
exceeding many tens of millivolts.
Effectively then, the Astor DLP lacks
any type of AGC.
Tested in my kitchen with a few
metres of aerial wire, the set pulls in
the usual ABC Melbourne stations plus
a few regional stations. So despite its
modest performance, it’s still a very
useful little set.
More on the aerial network
I initially thought that the aerial
tuned circuit based on #10, #31, #12
& #13 would give a voltage step-up of
perhaps 15 times. Subsequent measurements at 600kHz revealed that an
input signal voltage of some 200µV
was required for 50mW out, while
an injection of 7mV at the converter’s
grid was necessary to give the same
output. That represents a gain from
the aerial terminal to the converter’s
grid of some 35 times. It’s a neat trick
– transformer/tuned circuit gain is
essentially noise-free.
This aerial circuit gain is multiplied
by the converter’s gain of some 14
times (ie, from its grid to the demodulator’s grid). Overall, from the aerial
terminal to the demodulator’s grid, the
“RF section” manages a gain of around
500, so “hats off” to the designers.
Special handling
The Astor DLP uses two steel clips
on the underside to hold the front and
rear case halves together. Unfortunately, this particular set had suffered
a breakage in the clamped area, either
due to being dropped or careless clip
removal. So take care when undoing
the clips.
Note also that the alignment is
done with a 200pF capacitor in series
between the signal generator and the
aerial terminal. In addition, Astor states
that you should not attempt to adjust
the two moving ferrite cores.
Further Reading
(1) For complete service data and
the circuit, refer to Kevin Chant’s
website at
astor1.html and search for “Astor
(2) You can also refer to Ernst Erb’s
radio museum for photos and circuit
– see
astor dlp.html
October 2016 95