This is only a preview of the April 2017 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 40 of the 96 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "El Cheapo Modules, Part 6: Direct Digital Synthesiser":
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Items relevant to "Micromite BackPack Touchscreen DDS Signal Generator":
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Touchscreen DDS
Signal Generator
It can produce sine,
triangle or square
waveforms from 1Hz to
10MHz, with ±0.005%
frequency accuracy
and it also has a sweep
function. Its touchscreen LCD
makes it very easy to drive and you
can use it for audio or RF applications.
by Geoff Graham
his project combines a low-cost
DDS function generator module
with our touchscreen Micromite LCD
BackPack module (first described in
the February 2016 issue) to create a
remarkably capable signal generator
for the price. It can generate sine,
triangle and square wave signals from
1Hz to 10MHz and you can specify that
frequency with 1Hz resolution.
The Direct Digital Synthesiser (DDS)
function generator module produces
the actual waveforms while the Micromite controls it and provides an easyto-use graphical user interface (GUI).
As well as generating the basic
waveforms, this unit can also act as
a sweep generator, allowing you to
test the frequency response of filters,
speakers, IF (intermediate frequency)
stages (in superheterodyne radios)
and more.
Other features include an adjustable output level, selectable amplitude
modulation for the sine wave output
and a selectable log/linear function for
the frequency sweep.
Many would consider a signal generator to be the next most useful tool
to have on a workbench after the multimeter and oscilloscope. While this
device will not compete with a $1000
synthesised signal generator, it does
68 Silicon Chip
provide the basics at a tiny fraction
of the cost.
The DDS function generator module
is fully assembled and can be purchased for about $15 on eBay or
AliExpress. Combined with the
Micromite BackPack (which uses
fewer than a dozen components), you
can build the whole project in under an
hour and without breaking the bank.
other words, DDS is somewhat similar
to digital audio playback from a computer or compact disc but it normally
operates at a much higher frequency.
We have a separate article on the
AD9833 DDS IC and modules based on
it elsewhere on this article, so please
refer to pages 18-24 for an explanation
of how it works.
Analog Devices AD9833
Because the AD9833 module uses
a crystal-controlled oscillator to produce the sample clock, the precision
of the output frequency is determined
by the precision of the crystal.
With the specified module, this is
better than ±50ppm (our prototype
achieved about ±10ppm). This also
means that calibration will not be
required and the frequency will not
drift with time.
For example, if you set the output
to 1MHz, you can expect it to typically be between about 999.999kHz and
1000.001kHz, or in the worst case, between 999.995kHz and 1000.005kHz.
Another benefit of DDS is that the
phase of the output will not change
when the frequency register is updated and this in turn means that the output waveform will not have a glitch at
the time of the change. This is vital for
The AD9833 waveform generator
IC is the heart of the signal generator
module used in this project. It uses a
DDS to generate its output.
Normally, it is difficult to digitally
generate a relatively pure, variable frequency sine wave. Even the best Wein
bridge (analog) oscillators are notoriously difficult to stabilise and can not
be controlled over anywhere near the
range of frequencies that this DDS unit
can produce.
DDS involves a high-speed digitalto-analog converter along with a ROM
lookup table, a phase accumulator and
possibly digital interpolation to produce a relatively pure, variable frequency waveform.
The waveform shape can be changed
by using a different lookup table or using a reprogrammable lookup table. In
Frequency precision
Features & Specifications
Frequency accuracy: ±50ppm
Power supply: 4.5-5.5V DC at 350mA maximum
Output level: 10mV to 3V peak-to-peak (~3mV to ~1V
RMS), 20Hz to 1MHz
Sinewave mode
Frequency: 1Hz to 10MHz with 1Hz resolution
Output level: as above up to 1MHz, reducing to 0.8V
peak-to-peak at 10MHz
Amplitude Modulation: on/off (1kHz square wave)
Triangle wave mode
Frequency: 1Hz to 1MHz with 1Hz resolution
Square wave mode
Frequency: 1Hz to 1MHz with 1Hz resolution
Sweep mode
Waveform: sinewave only
Frequency start/stop: 1Hz to 1MHz with 1Hz resolution
Sweep period: 50ms, 100ms, 500ms, 1s, 2s
Sweep law: linear or exponential
Trigger output: 250µs positive pulse at start of sweep
generating sweeps as it allows the frequency to be changed smoothly from
one end of the sweep range to the other.
Because the waveform is digitally
created with 1024 steps for each sinewave quadrant, the output is not perfectly smooth. The resulting harmonic distortion means that it is not quite
good enough for noise or distortion
measurements; its signal-to-noise ratio
is about -60dB and its total harmonic
distortion is typically 0.05%.
Having said that, it is more than adequate for general purpose tasks and
the ability to quickly and accurately
set the output frequency makes it a
pleasure to use.
DDS module with gain control
The output of the AD9833 IC is
about 0.6V peak-to-peak, so the function generator module that we are
using includes a high-bandwidth
amplifier based on the AD8051 railto-rail op amp. This can drive lowimpedance loads (eg, 50W) and provide higher output levels (up to 3V
To control the gain of the output
amplifier, the module uses a Microchip MCP41010 8-bit digital potentiometer which is under control of the
Micromite (along with the AD9833).
Screenshot 1: this is the screen displayed for a sinewave
output. The frequency can be changed by selecting a digit
to change and touching the red up/down buttons. The
signal level (expressed as a percentage of full scale) can be
similarly adjusted. The check box marked AM will enable a
1kHz square wave amplitude modulation.
The bandwidth restrictions of the
MCP41010 potentiometer result in a
reduction in the output signal level
above about 2MHz.
The output is still good for up to
10MHz but the signal level for sinewaves will be reduced and the triangle and square waves will look more
like sine waves, so we have specified
both of these to only 1MHz.
Micromite LCD BackPack
As with a number of our recent
projects, this one is based on the
Micromite LCD BackPack and relies
on the touchscreen interface on the
LCD panel to set the frequency and
output levels – there are no switches
or knobs.
The program is written in BASIC
and because it is stored in plain text,
you can see how it works and if you
have the inclination, modify it to suit
your personal preferences. For example, you can easily change the colours
or add a special feature.
The Micromite LCD BackPack was
described in the February 2016 issue
of Silicon Chip and uses fewer than a
dozen components. If you're reasonably experienced, you can build it in
around half an hour. It includes a 3.3V
regulator, the 28-pin Micromite PIC32
chip and touch-sensitive LCD screen.
A complete kit is available from the
Silicon Chip Online Shop. The February 2016 issue (printed or online)
can also be purchased from the same
Note that if you want to try out the
BASIC program for this project, you
can do it on any Micromite with an
ILI9341-based LCD panel connected;
you do not need a DDS function generator module.
This is because the Micromite only
sends commands to the AD9833 and
MCP41010; it does not look for a
response (and neither chip provides
one anyway). So it won't know the
difference; you simply won't get any
signal output.
Driving it
In operation, the signal generator is
quite intuitive, with everything controlled via the colourful touchscreen
LCD panel. Probably the best way to
appreciate this is by looking at the
screen shots.
At the bottom of every screen are
four touch-sensitive icons which are
used to select the operating modes:
sine, triangle, square wave and sweep.
Touching one of these will immediately switch to that mode.
Starting with the sinewave mode
(shown in Screenshot 1), the frequency
is adjusted by touching the red up/
down buttons on the right of the
frequency display. The least significant
April 2017 69
Screenshot 2: you can enter a precise frequency or signal
level by touching and holding the frequency or level display.
This keyboard will then appear so you can enter the value.
The DEL key deletes the last number entered and the SAVE
button saves the value and return to the main screen.
digit that you want to change can be
specified by touching that digit and it
will then be highlighted in blue.
A single touch on either the up or
down buttons will increment or decrement the frequency but if you hold
the button down, the frequency will
increment or decrement with increasing speed.
While you are adjusting the display
in this way, the output frequency will
follow in real time so it is easy to scan
Screenshot 3: the screen for generating the triangle
waveform output is similar to that used for sinewaves.
Along the bottom of the screen, the four touch sensitive
icons are used to select the four operating modes – sine,
triangle, square wave and sweep.
through a range of frequencies to find
the one that you want.
If you want to simply jump to a
specific frequency, you can touch and
hold a digit on the display and an onscreen numeric keypad will pop up,
allowing you to directly key in the
frequency that you want (see Screenshot 2).
Touching the SAVE button on this
keypad returns to the main screen
with that frequency set while the
DEL button will delete the last digit
The process to adjust the signal level is similar although you do not need
to select a digit as the up/down buttons will always change the least significant digit.
Touching a digit in the level display
will also take you to a numeric keypad
where you can enter a specific level
in the range from zero to 100% of full
scale (about 3V peak-to-peak).
70 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: the circuit consists of just two modules and a few components
to provide the connections from the PGA output of the DDS module.
This configuration provides two AC-coupled outputs, one of which
is attenuated by a factor of ten (20dB). You can change the output
connections if necessary for your application.
Screenshot 4: the DDS module does not allow you to
change the level of the square wave output so this is fixed.
Frequency selection is the same as the other modes – the
frequency is changed by selecting the least significant digit
to change and touching the red up/down buttons.
The sinewave screen has a check
box for turning on or off amplitude
modulation at 1kHz. This simply modulates the output with a 1kHz square
wave and is useful for signal tracing in
AM radios, both broadcast and shortwave, up to 10MHz.
The triangle waveform screen is
similar to sine except that it does not
provide an AM facility (see Screenshot
3). The square wave screen (shown
in Screenshot 4) is also similar to the
other two except that you cannot
change the signal level (the MCP41010
digital potentiometer is not suitable for
attenuating square waves).
All the changes that you make, including the waveform selection, are
automatically saved in non-volatile
memory and are recalled on power up.
This means that when you turn on the
signal generator, it will start up with
exactly the same settings that you were
using the last time.
Sinewave sweep
The sweep screen (Screenshot 5)
uses a different screen layout. To select the start and end frequencies, you
simply touch the frequency that you
need to change and enter the specific
frequency on the pop-up numeric keypad. You can select any frequency that
you wish so you could even sweep
all the way from 1Hz to 10MHz if you
wanted to.
The output level is selected in a
similar way, just touch the level display and a numeric keypad will pop
Screenshot 5: the sweep output screen allows you to select
the start frequency, end frequency, signal level, the sweep
time and whether an exponential sweep is required.
Touching entries like the start frequency makes a numeric
keypad appear so you can key in the value that you want.
up allowing you to enter that setting.
The sweep period works slightly differently; it will change every time you
touch it, allowing you to step from a
50ms sweep time up to two seconds
before wrapping around to 50ms again.
Normally, the frequency sweep is performed in a linear manner with time
but you can select an exponential (ie,
inverse log) sweep with the “Log”
check box.
With a linear sweep, it would take
twice as long to go from 200Hz to
400Hz as it would from 100Hz to
200Hz. With an exponential sweep, it
takes the same amount of time to go
from 200Hz to 400Hz as it does from
100Hz to 200Hz, as both require a
doubling in the output frequency.
This sounds more natural to
human ears as doubling the frequency
is equivalent to going up by one octave
on a musical instrument.
The swept output is always a sinewave and at the start of the sweep,
the Micromite generates a 250µs
positive-going pulse on its pin 16
output, which is connected to the
trigger output socket.
This signal can be used to trigger an
oscilloscope so that it can lock onto
the start of the sweep cycle for analysing the frequency response of a circuit
or device.
Circuit details
Because the signal generator
essentially consists of just two packaged modules connected together, the
circuit is quite simple, as shown in
There are six connections between
the LCD BackPack and the DDS function generator module. These are for
power (+3.3V and ground), the serial
data lines to the DDS (DAT and CLK)
and two additional signals: FSY, which
when pulled low selects the AD9833
DDS chip as the recipient of serial data
and CS, which similarly is pulled low
when the MCP41010 digital potentiometer is being sent a command via
the serial bus.
The DDS module can run from 5V
but we are using the regulated 3.3V
supply rail from the Micromite LCD
BackPack to avoid possible problems caused by potential noise from
the output of a 5V USB charger. This
noise can upset the AD9833 and
MCP41010 ICs which need a clean
power supply.
There are two outputs on the DDS
module. One is labelled Vout and this
is a fixed direct-coupled output from
AD9833 waveform generator itself
(about 0.6V peak-to-peak). But we are
using the PGA (programmable gain
amplifier) output of the module and it
is AC-coupled to two RCA sockets, one
at the full output level and the second
attenuated by a factor of 10.
Combined with the MCP41010 digital potentiometer in the DDS module, this gives an output range from
10mV to 3V peak-to-peak (equivalent
to 3.5mV to 1.06V RMS).
The use of the 470µF coupling
April 2017 71
capacitor means that the output is
usable to below 10Hz even into a 600W
load. The parallel 100nF capacitor caters for higher frequencies, essentially
bypassing any internal inductance of
the larger capacitor.
The output from the module will
swing from a little above ground to
some maximum voltage determined by
the MCP41010 digital potentiometer,
below 3.3V.
If you will be primarily using the
signal generator for testing digital circuits, you might prefer to dispense with AC-coupling and use DC
coupling instead. You could even
install a toggle switch to switch
between these modes.
Similarly, you could use a switch
to select different output attenuation
levels if you wish. And you might consider using BNC sockets instead of the
RCA sockets that we used.
The trigger output has simply been
connected to output pin 16 of the BackPack. You may wish to include a lowvalue series resistor (eg, 1kW or less)
to protect the BackPack from static
discharge or accidental application of
voltage to this terminal; it should not
affect the trigger signal greatly.
Purchasing the right module
If you search eBay or AliExpress for
“AD9833”, you will find plenty of DDS
modules (over 100 hits). However, you
must be careful to purchase the correct
module – there are a number of variations available and the firmware is
written specifically to suit the module
that we have pictured here.
It will probably not work with other modules, even if they also use the
AD9833. So, check that the photograph
matches perfectly and do not purchase
anything different. Here is one which
should be suitable:
w w w. a l i e x p r e s s . c o m / i t e m /
2 - 3 - 5 - 5 V- S i g n a l - G e n e r a t i o n M o d u l e - Tr i a n g l e - S i n e - Wa v e Signal-Source-IC-Integrated-CircuitSquare/32724505169.html
Many of the photos on eBay show
the module with the I/O connector and
SMA output socket already soldered
to the board but all the vendors that
we purchased from supplied these
two components separately. We did
not find the SMA socket necessary in
our application but you could fit it if
you want to.
Construction mostly involves assembly of the Micromite LCD BackPack and then mounting and connecting the DDS function generator
The BackPack PCB is silk-screened
with the component placement and
values so it is simply a case of populating the board and plugging it into
an ILI9341-based LCD panel.
We suggest you use the 2.8-inch
version. The February 2016 issue
of Silicon Chip, which described
the Micromite LCD BackPack, fully
covers this aspect.
If you have a PIC32 chip that's
already programmed with the MMBasic firmware then you will need to
set up the LCD panel for display and
touch, then load the BASIC code
into the chip using a serial console.A
detailed explanation of how to do this
is provided in the Micromite User
Manual and the February 2016 issue
of Silicon Chip.
However, if your PIC32 chip is
blank, you can load MMBasic and
the code for this project simultaneously by programming it with the
file “SigGenerator.hex”, which can
be downloaded from the Silicon Chip
website (along with the BASIC code).
You will need a PIC32 programmer
such as the PICkit 3 or the cheap DIY
PIC32 programmer described in the
November 2015 issue.
If you do not have such a device,
you can simply purchase a fully
programmed microcontroller from the
Silicon Chip shop. Regardless, if your
chip is programmed with “SigGenerator.hex”, all that you need do is plug
the chip into its socket and connect
the DDS module and you are ready
to go.
The only point that you need to be
aware of is that the touch calibration
in the above firmware was done with
a standard LCD panel. However, yours
might require re-calibration if it is
significantly different from the one
that we used.
This can be done by connecting a
USB-to-serial converter to the console, halting the program with CTRLC and running the calibration routine
by issuing the “GUI CALIBRATE”
For further information, see the
February 2016 BackPack article or
M3 x 10mm BLACK
(1mm THICK)
M3 x 12mm
M3 x 6mm
The Signal Generator is based on this
pre-assembled DDS function generator
module which uses the Analog
Devices AD9833 to generate the
signal. It's amplified by an AD8051
high-speed op amp while a Microchip
MCP41010 digital potentiometer
controls the gain.
72 Silicon Chip
M3 x 10mm
Fig.2: the DDS module is mounted in the bottom of the box using M3 machine
screws, nuts and Nylon nuts as spacers. By contrast, the BackPack is attached to
the underside of the laser-cut lid. The wiring is not shown in this diagram.
the Micromite User Manual (which
can be downloaded from the Silicon
Chip website).
Putting it in a box
The Micromite LCD BackPack fits
neatly into a standard UB3 plastic
box, as we have done with similar
projects based on the BackPack.
The easiest way is to use the lasercut acrylic front panel which replaces
the standard lid supplied with the box
and is normally supplied with the kit.
This provides a neat looking assembly
with the display and BackPack securely fastened.
You can also purchase this panel
from the Silicon Chip shop separately
in a number of different colours
including black and clear.
Note that this panel is thicker than
the lid supplied with the UB3 box so
the self-tapping screws supplied with
the box may not be long enough. In that
case, replace them with No.4 x 10mm
self-tapping screws.
The first stage of assembly is to
attach the LCD panel to the acrylic lid
using an M3 x 10mm machine screw, a
single M3 washer and an M3 x 12mm
tapped spacer at each corner.
This arrangement ensures that the
surface of the LCD sits flush with the
acrylic lid. Then, the backpack should
be plugged into the LCD and fastened
by M3 x 6mm machine screws to each
spacer. Details of the full assembly is
shown in Fig.2.
The LCD and the BackPack require
a 5V power supply with a minimum
capacity of 300mA. For this, you can
use a 5V plugpack or a USB charger.
You can also find USB Type A
to DC charging cables on eBay or
AliExpress, which circumvents the
need for cable rewiring. If you are
using a plugpack, make sure that it is
regulated and that its unloaded output
does not rise above 5.5V as this could
cause damage.
Parts List
1 2.8-inch Micromite LCD BackPack module; see the February 2016 issue
of Silicon Chip (kit available)
1 DDS function generator module with AD9833, AD8051 and MCP41010
ICs (see text and photos)
1 UB3 “jiffy” plastic box
1 pre-cut plastic lid to suit BackPack and UB3 box (normally included with
1 USB charger plus USB cable with a male Type A connector on one end
(alternatively, a USB Type A to DC connector charging cable)
1 5V regulated plugpack
1 matching chassis-mount DC barrel socket
6 flying leads (120mm) with single pin female headers (DuPont
connectors) on each end (Jaycar WC6026, Altronics Cat P1017)
5 flying leads (120mm) with single pin female headers (DuPont
connectors) on one end and bare wire on the other
1 6-pin right-angle male header
4 No.4 x 10mm self-tapping screws
4 M3 x 10mm tapped Nylon spacers
8 M3 x 10mm machine screws
4 M3 x 6mm machine screws
4 M3 Nylon washers
12 M3 Nylon nuts
1 470µF 16V electrolytic
1 100nF multi-layer ceramic
Resistors (all 0.25W, 5%)
1 820W
1 470W 1 56W
For a USB charger, a suitable power
cable can be made by cutting off one
end of a standard USB cable (retaining the Type A connector on the other
end) and soldering the free end to a
suitable DC power plug. The red wire
in the USB cable (+5V) should go to
the centre pin of the plug and the black
to the sleeve. The other two wires (the
signal wires) can be cut short as they
are not used.
A matching DC socket for incoming power can be mounted on the
side of the UB3 box. Two flying leads
from this socket should be fitted with
female header sockets (also known
as DuPont connectors) which fit over
the BackPack's power header pins
(CON1). Fig.3 illustrates the complete
The DDS function generator module can be mounted on the base of
the UB3 box using four M3 machine
screws and nuts. Use Nylon M3 nuts
as spacers between the base of the box
and the module.
You need to select a spot for the
module that will not foul the underside of the BackPack PCB, particularly
CON1 and CON2 which extend close
to the bottom of the box.
Finally, connect flying leads from
Fig.3: the Signal Generator is powered from a standard USB plugpack charger. To make a suitable power cable, cut
one end off a USB cable (maintaining the type A male connector at the other end) and solder the red wire to the centre
terminal pin of a DC plug and the black wire to the outer barrel connection. The matching DC socket is mounted on the
side of the UB3 box and is connected to CON1 on the BackPack PCB.
April 2017 73
Interior view of the Touchscreen DDS Signal Generator showing the connections made from the Micromite BackPack to
the module and internal connectors. You do not have to solder the extra through-hole components the way we did, as the
UB3 jiffy box provides a fair bit of clearance.
the module to the required pins on
CON2 on the BackPack and from the
DDS outputs to the RCA (or BNC)
The most convenient method of
mounting the output capacitor and
resistors is to solder them directly onto the RCA/BNC connectors.
Fig.4, overleaf, provides a convenient
summary of all the connections to the
DDS module.
We suggest that you wire up the
connections from the module to the
BackPack using leads with female
header sockets (DuPont connectors)
at each end. These will simply plug
onto the headers on both modules and
this makes it easy to remove and/or
Fig.4: an overview of all the connections to the DDS
module. Flying leads can be used to connect the module to
the BackPack and to the output connectors. The resistors and
capacitors shown can be soldered directly between the output connectors.
74 Silicon Chip
replace the module if necessary.
Altronics have suitable pre-assembled leads (Cat P1017) as do Jaycar
(WC6026) or search eBay or AliExpress
for "DuPont Jumper".
Before connecting the DDS function
generator module, confirm that the
Micromite LCD BackPack is working
correctly and has been programmed
with the BASIC code. The testing procedure is described in the Micromite
User Manual and also in the February
2016 issue.
Then it should simply be a matter
of connecting the DDS module and
checking its output. If it does not appear to be working, your first action
should be to carefully re-check each
connection. Then measure the volt-
age across the pins marked VCC and
GND on the module, which should
give precisely 3.3V.
Remember that the module does not
provide any feedback to the Micromite
so the LCD might show the frequency,
level etc and look like it is working but
this does not mean that the module
is actually alive and reacting to these
commands (it is a one-way communication path).
If you have an oscilloscope or logic analyser, you can monitor the pins
labelled FSY, CLK and DAT on the
Every time you change the frequency you should see a burst of data on
these pins. Similarly, the pins labelled
CS, CLK and DAT will show a burst of
data when the signal level is changed.
If these are not present, re-check the
Micromite LCD Backpack and its
A final test is to connect a LED with
a suitable current limiting resistor or
an old fashioned moving-coil multimeter directly to the output of the
module and set the signal generator
to a 1Hz square wave.
You should see the LED or meter
responding to the 1Hz output. If not,
the simple option is to replace the
DDS module. Scope 1-4 show waveforms that have been generated using
the DDS Signal Generator.
Firmware updates for the Micromite
and the BASIC software for the DDS
Signal Generator will be provided on
the Silicon Chip website but you can
also check the author's website for
updates at: SC
Scope 1-4: These scope captures show typical output waveforms. The sinewave output is reasonably smooth despite being
digitally created; there is some harmonic distortion which means that you cannot use this project for precise noise and
distortion measurements but it and the other outputs are quite suitable for general purpose tasks. The final scope capture
shows a short sweep between 20Hz and 50Hz.
April 2017 75