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Part 2: by Nicholas Vinen
simulating and
testing circuits
This month, we build a flexible and realistic relay simulation in
LTspice and then incorporate it into a simulation of the SoftStarter
circuit, based on the power supply circuit shown last month.
ast month, we ended our first
SPICE tutorial with a working
model of the mains power supply
from the SoftStarter, a project published in the April 2012 issue. It was
designed to reduce the inrush current
of mains devices, especially those
with capacitor-input power supplies,
such as desktop computers.
We commented that LTspice has no
built-in ability to simulate the relay in
that circuit, so to complete the simula-
tion, we would need to create a relay
So we're going to show you how to
do that this month. We'll start by creating a fairly basic relay simulation and
introducing it into our test circuit, to
demonstrate that it works.
We will then increase its flexibility
and realism. Next time, we'll show you
how to set up LTspice to simulate an
NTC thermistor, letting us properly
simulate the entire SoftStarter circuit.
We'll finish by taking a look at some
of the other SPICE tools you'll need to
understand in order to simulate even
more complex devices.
We won't go over the fine details of
using LTspice which have already been
described last month, such as how to
place components, wire them up and
set their values.
If you need a quick refresh, re-read
last month's article before diving into
this one.
Fig.1: the final circuit from last month's LTspice article, which was very similar to the mains power supply for the
SoftStarter from the April 2012 issue of Silicon Chip.
74 Silicon Chip
1. Creating the relay simulation model
As explained last month, SPICE
requires models for anything but the
most basic components (resistors,
capacitors and inductors) in order
to properly simulate the properties
of devices like diodes, transistors,
Mosfets and so on.
But you can also build models for
custom devices such as ICs which
SPICE may not already have provision for. These are made by creating
a “subcircuit” which is hidden inside a component symbol.
Our initial goal is to create a symbol for an SPDT relay with a 12V
DC coil and get it to operate as you
would expect. That is, initially the
COM and NC terminals should be
connected by a very low resistance
while there should be a very high
resistance between the COM and
NO terminals.
Once the coil voltage rises sufficiently high (above the “must
operate” voltage, about 9V for a 12V
relay), those two resistances should
be reversed, simulating the relay
armature switching.
If the coil voltage then drops
below the “must release” voltage
(say 3V for a 12V relay), it should
go back to its initial state. And the
coil should draw a realistic current
and should also be inductive, like a
real relay coil, to properly test the
driving circuitry.
So, launch LTspice and open up
the circuit we finished with last
month, named “tutorial1.asc”. If
you didn't go through last month's
tutorial and create this file, you can
download it from the Silicon Chip
website. The final circuit from last
month is shown in Fig.1.
Now create a new, blank circuit
for the relay subcircuit by selecting
File→New Schematic from the main
menu. Save it in the same directory as tutorial1.asc and call it “relay.
asc”. Start off the relay circuit by
placing a resistor in series with an
inductor, both arranged vertically.
This will form the coil of our relay.
In order to determine their values, we had a look at the data sheet
of a typical 2A relay, the Omron
G5V-2 (available from element14,
Cat 9949496). The data sheet gives
the following typical values for a
12V DC coil relay: 41.7mA coil current, 288W coil resistance, 0.47H coil
inductance (armature off), 0.74H
coil inductance (armature on), must
operate voltage: 9V and must release
voltage: 0.6V.
So we can set our resistor value
to 288 (ohms is implied) and for
now, let's ignore the effect of the
armature switching and just set
the inductance value to 0.47 (Henries; you can add an H at the end
if you want).
Now, we need to tell SPICE where
the external relay connections will
be. There will be five: two for the coil
plus the COM, NO (normally open)
and NC (normally closed) terminals.
For the sake of simplicity, let's label
the top end of the coil “+” and the
bottom end, “-”.
To do this, we use the “Label Net”
tool in the toolbar, which looks like
the letter A in a box. Click this, then
type in “+”. But before clicking OK,
change the “Port Type” option to
“Bi-Direct.” (which allows signals/
current to flow in both directions).
Click OK, then place this port right
at the top of your series resistor/inductor combination. Then repeat the
same steps to place a port labelled
“-” at the other end. The result is
shown in Fig.2.
That completes the coil simulation, for the moment, so let's go on
to the relay contacts. These are simulated using two “voltage controlled
To place the first one, click on the
“Component” button in the toolbar (which looks like a logic gate),
then scroll across until you can see
the “sw” option. Click on this and
you will see the description above
says “Voltage controlled switch”.
Click OK.
Place the first one to the right of
the coil components, with its top
near the top of the coil, then place
a second voltage-controlled switch
immediately below it, so that its bottom is near the bottom of the coil.
Draw a wire joining the two vertically adjacent switch contacts.
You can now label the top of the
top-most switch “NO”, the wire joining the two switches “COM” and the
bottom of the bottom-most switch
“NC”, using the same procedure
as you did to label the two ends of
the coil. Don't forget to set them as
bidirectional ports.
Fig.2: this shows the first part of our 12V DC coil relay with two external
connections, modelled after the Omron G5V-2. The “+” and “-” labels are the
names of two ports which are used to connect this fragment to the main circuit.
August 2017 75
2. Configuring the switches
Besides two contacts, each voltage-controlled switch has terminals
labelled + and -, to connect the control voltage.
Wire these up in parallel, ie, + to
+ and - to -. Then wire the + ends to
the top of the coil and the - ends to
the bottom of the coil. This is shown
in Fig.3.
Now we need to describe how the
switches should respond to the control voltages. To do that, we create
two switch models and assign one
to each switch. This actually turns
out to be pretty easy.
The main parameters for a switch
model are Vt (threshold voltage), Vh
(hysteresis voltage), Ron (on-resistance), Roff (off-resistance) and Ilimit
(current limit).
You can see the whole set of
parameters by accessing LTspice's
built-in help (eg, press F1). Just type
“sw” in the search box, press enter,
then double-click on the “Voltage
Controlled Switch” heading which
appears below.
Now we create our switch model
for S1. Let's call it SWa. Click on the
SPICE Directive button in the toolbar
(it says “op”), then type:
.model SWa SW(Ron=0.01
Roff=10Gig Vt=6V Vh=3V
After entering this, click OK and
place the directive below the circuit components. This defines the
on-resistance as 10mW, off-resistance (leakage) as 10GW, the switchon threshold as 9V (Vt+Vh), the
switch-off threshold as 3V (Vt-Vh)
(in our experience, a realistic value
for a 12V relay) and sets the current
limit to 2A; LTspice will limit current through the switch to this figure
during simulation.
Now right-click on S1 and change
its “Value” parameter to “SWa”.
This tells SPICE to use that model
for switch S1.
Using the same procedure, we'll
create another switch model called
SWb, as follows:
.model SWb SW(Ron=10Gig
Roff=0.01 Vt=6V Vh=3V
Note that all that's changed is that
we've swapped the on-resistance
and off-resistance values around,
thus reversing the switch logic, ie,
76 Silicon Chip
it will be off if the control voltage
is above 9V and on if it's below 3V
(in between, it will retain its previous state).
Having also placed this directive
in the circuit, change S2's model to
SWb. Your circuit should now look
like Fig.4.
That completes our initial circuit
defining how the relay works, so save
it. Now we create a symbol for it, so
we can place it in our main circuit.
Fig.3: we have now added two voltage controlled switches (for NO and NC)
to our simulated relay coil, with the common connection of the two switches
connected to the common or COM port on the subcircuit.
Fig.4: these two switch models have been added to tell LTspice how the
switches should behave during simulation, in response to their control
voltages. These are added by clicking on the SPICE Directive button on the
toolbar (at far right).
3. Creating the relay symbol
Select the item in the main menu titled
Hierarchy→Open This Sheet's Symbol. When it
asks if you want to automatically generate one,
say Yes.
The result is shown in Fig.5. It has created a
box with five ports, to match the five ports in the
circuit, with a label on top. While we could use
this in the circuit, it doesn't really look like a relay,
so we might as well draw an improved symbol.
Start by deleting everything; select Edit→Delete,
then drag a box around the whole lot. This may
seem like it makes the exercise pointless but it
hasn't, as we now have a symbol file in the right
Now choose Edit→Add Pin/Port (or just press
“P” on the keyboard). For Label, enter “+” and
for Pin Label Justification, choose LEFT. Click
OK and place the port near the upper-left corner of the screen.
Add another Pin/Port using the same method,
called “-” and place this directly below the “+”
port, near the bottom-left corner of the screen.
Now we're going to place another port but just
use it as a reference, so don't bother with labelling it. Just press “P”, click OK, then place it two
grid squares below the “+” port box.
Choose Draw→Line (or press “L” on the keyboard) and draw a vertical line, starting right in
the middle of the “+” box and ending right in the
middle of the unlabelled box.
Now use the Edit→Delete option to delete the
reference port we just placed (drag a box around
it). Repeat this procedure to draw a line of the
same length up from the “-” port.
Next, use the Draw→Rect option (or press “R”
on the keyboard) to draw a box touching the ends
of the two lines and centred on them. You should
have a result similar to that shown in Fig.6. That
represents the coil of our relay.
Next, place three additional ports, to the right
of the coil: one labelled “NO”, BOTTOM aligned,
to the right of the “+” port (in the same vertical
position); one labelled “NC”, TOP aligned, to the
right of the “-” port and immediately below the
“NO” port, and one labelled “COM”, BOTTOM
aligned, halfway between the other two.
You can now proceed to draw the lines shown
in Fig.7, representing the relay contacts. Hint:
once you've drawn the top half, you can use the
Edit→Duplicate command, then rotate and flip
it and drop it in place at the bottom to avoid repeating the work.
So that the symbol will appear with a
component label next to it later, go to the
Edit→Attributes→Attribute Window menu option, then click on InstName and then OK and
place the name above the coil, as shown in Fig.7.
The symbol is now complete so save it.
Fig.5: now we move onto creating the relay symbol by selecting
Hierachy→Open This Sheet's Symbol on the menu bar in
LTspice. This is the default symbol that is created.
Fig.6: we could have used the default symbol but decided to
instead build one that looks more like a relay symbol, starting
with the coil, which is drawn with lines and boxes.
Fig.7: now we've added lines depicting the armature and
normally open/normally closed switch contacts and placed the
appropriate ports at the end of each line.
August 2017 77
4. Using the relay model
Now that the relay model is ready
to test, switch back to the “tutorial1.
asc” tab, which will reveal our earlier circuit.
We had placed a 1.8kW resistor
across diode D3 to provide a simulated load to the circuit. Since the
relay coil will be a real load, we no
longer need this resistor, so delete
it, then use the File→Save As menu
option to save the modified circuit
as “tutorial2.asc”.
Now to place the relay in the circuit. Click on the “Component” option in the toolbar (which looks like
a logic gate), then at the top of the
dialog, where it says “Top Directory”, click on the directory name
and select your User directory instead. Your new symbol should appear (see Fig.8). Click OK and place
this so that you can wire it up across
D3, then do so.
So that we can see when the relay
switches in the simulation, wire the
NO terminal to the coil +, the NC terminal to ground and connect a resistor between COM and GND and set
its value to 1kW.
Right-click on the “.tran” directive and change the Stop Time to
500ms and Time to Start Saving Data
to 0. Change C1 to 1µF, to ensure the
power supply will be able to handle
the relay load, then save the result.
Your circuit should look similar to
ours (Fig.9).
We can now run the simulation
and if you plot the voltages at VOUT
and the COM terminal of X1 (our
relay), you should see something
similar to Fig.10. The green trace
shows the voltage at VOUT. Note
how, as soon as it surpasses 9V, the
relay switches on. VOUT then drops
slightly due to the extra loading
from R3 (1kW) but since it does not
drop below 3V, the relay remains
switched on.
You can now experiment by
changing the value of R3 to determine what sort of load the circuit
can handle before the relay will start
to drop out and oscillate. We found
the threshold to be just below 220
ohms (see Fig.11).
Fig.9: C1 must be changed to 1µF to ensure that the power supply can handle
the relay's load, for a simulated 12V DC coil. This causes the circuit to draw
more current from the mains on each cycle, keeping C2's voltage up.
Fig.8 (below): placing your new
symbol in the LTspice circuit.
Fig.10: a plot showing the voltage between VOUT and the COM terminal of X1.
Once the coil voltage is high enough, the simulated relay switches on and the
supply voltage drops slightly, due to the current then flowing through R3.
78 Silicon Chip
5. Improving the relay model
We're now going to improve the relay model in two ways. Firstly, we're
going to allow you to set the relay
voltage when you place the symbol,
allowing you to have multiple relays
with different nominal coil voltages
in the same circuit, if necessary.
Secondly, we're going to make it
more realistic, by adding a switchon delay, a break-before-make characteristic and varying the coil inductance when the relay switches.
Varying the nominal coil voltage
requires us to vary the coil resistance,
Fig.11: reducing the value of R3 causes the supply voltage to drop once the
relay switches on, causing it to drop out and “chatter”. This will allow us to
determine the maximum load the circuit can handle before the relay drops out.
Fig.12: we now add a parameter called “Vcoil” and change the switch models so
they use this to calculate the switching thresholds. This will allow us to change
the relay coil operating voltage when placing this subcircuit in another circuit.
inductance and switch thresholds
and hysteresis.
To do this, first switch back to (or
re-open) “relay.asc” and then add a
new directive (using the “op”) button which reads:
.param Vcoil 12V
Place this in the circuit. This sets
the default coil voltage to 12V but
allows it to be overridden.
If we examine the G5V-2 data
sheet, we can see that we can compute the coil resistance for a given
voltage as 2 × Vcoil2.
The coil inductance (with armature off) can be approximated as
Vcoil2 ÷ 300. The “must operate”
voltage is 0.75 × Vcoil while a typical drop-out voltage will be around
0.25 × Vcoil.
Have a look at Fig.12. We have
moved the switches over to the
right to make more room (using the
Drag tool) and then changed the
values of R1 and L1 and the models for the two switches to contain
expressions which calculate their
new parameters based on the value of Vcoil.
Note how the expressions used in
component values are surrounded
by braces “{}”, which tells LTspice
that it needs to evaluate these expressions at simulation time, to determine the values.
The model parameters are already
subject to evaluation at simulation
time, so no braces are added there;
we simply substituted mathematical formulae based on Vcoil for Vt
and Vh.
Save the new model, then go back
to the main circuit and right-click
on the relay, X1. You can now check
the box next to the “PARAMS:” label, then just to the right, type in
If you re-run the simulation, you
will now find that the relay does
not switch on, because VOUT does
not exceed 6V, due to the lower coil
resistance of the relay (162W).
You can now change C1 to 1.5µF
and re-run the simulation. The
relay will now switch on due to the
increased coil voltage, at around
6.5V, and remains on since the
minimum supply of around 3V is
enough to keep the lower-voltage
relay latched.
August 2017 79
6. Increasing realism
While it will have a negligible
impact on this simulation, in some
cases, attention to detail in the operation of the simulated component
may be the difference between the
simulation giving results that are
true to life or not.
Since it isn't too difficult, let's incorporate the relay latching delay,
break-before-make characteristics
and coil inductance changes in case
those are important later.
Our updated model is shown in
Fig.13. We have disconnected the
NO, COM and NC terminals from S1
and S2 and connected a 1V voltage
source (V1) across the switches instead so that the junction of the two
switches changes from 0V and 1V
immediately when the relay should
switch on.
This then passes through an RC
filter comprising a 1GW resistor and
1pF capacitor. The very high resistor
value and very low capacitance were
chosen so that the capacitor charging
current is insignificant compared to
the coil current.
We need to connect the negative
end of the capacitor to the coil negative end to keep the simulator happy
(it doesn't like floating sections of the
circuit; another option would be to
make this connection with a highvalue resistor).
The RC filter provides both a short
delay and also allows the following
switches, S3 and S4, to have different thresholds so that one will
switch off before the other switches on.
The NO, COM and NC terminals
are connected to S3 and S4 as they
were connected to S1 and S2 before.
But S3 and S4 use different, fixed
control voltage switching levels.
When the relay turns on, S4
switches off as C1 exceeds 0.15V and
S3 switches on once it goes above
0.35V, giving the break-before-make
action, simulating the motion of the
armature through the space between
the two contacts.
Similarly, at switch-off, the
threshold for S3 is 0.85V while C1
must discharge further, to below
0.65V, before S4 switches back on.
The effect of these changes can
be seen in the simulation shown in
Fig.14, where the main circuit has
80 Silicon Chip
been changed so that both the openings and closings of both contacts
can be observed.
Note how the voltage at the NC terminal (green) drops to 0V (due to the
200W pull-down resistor) about 1ms
(the transfer time) before the voltage
at the NO terminal (blue) shoots up
due to that contact closing.
The final relay.asc and relay.asy
files can be downloaded from the
Silicon Chip website, along with
the tutorial2.asc circuit, as shown
in Fig.10.
Fig.13: the updated relay model shown above incorporates a switching delay
and hysteresis. S1 & S2 produce a control voltage which passes through an RC
filter. The resulting voltage then controls the simulated armature of S3 and S4.
Fig.14: the green and blue lines above show the effect of the supply voltage
at the COM terminal being switched to the NC and NO terminals. As you can
see, the updated relay model now has a “break-before-make” characteristic.
7. Varying the coil inductance
This is a pretty small detail but
in some cases, it might be important. As we mentioned earlier, a relay's coil inductance changes as it
switches since the magnetic circuit
is also changing.
However, this is pretty tricky to
simulate in a generic way, since in
some cases (such as the G5V-2), coil
inductance increases with the armature on while in other cases, like the
smaller G5V-1 version, it decreases.
This depends on the relay's construction.
Fig.15 shows a modified version of
the relay model which varies the inductance as it switches. A parameter
called “Ldelta” controls the change
in inductance; if it's positive, the
inductance increases when the relay switches on by the proportional
amount (ie, 0.5 = 50%) and if it's
negative, it decreases the inductance
by a similar amount.
To achieve this, we slowly switch
a second inductor in parallel with
the main inductor using a P-channel
Mosfet. Unfortunately, SPICE lacks
the concept of a voltage (or current)
controlled resistance, so a Mosfet is
the closest thing we have.
Voltage source V2 is used to pro-
vide the fixed gate bias to bring it
on the edge of conduction while
voltage-controlled voltage source E1
amplifies the relay control voltage to
switch the Mosfet either on or off as
the relay switches.
Formulas built into the various
parameters shown below the circuit
calculate the required secondary inductor value and Mosfet gate scaling
coefficients to provide a smooth transition in inductance as the simulated
relay switches. The changes in coil
current profile over time for three different values of Ldelta (0.5, -0.5 and
0.01) are shown above the circuit.
Note that you can not set Ldelta
= 0 as the formulas would break
down. If you don't need this detail
in your simulation, you're probably
better off sticking with the simpler
relay model which will be faster to
Building a complete
SoftStarter circuit
The next tutorial will provide the
information needed to finish and
simulate the complete SoftStarter
The critical piece we're still missing is the NTC thermistor. Simulat-
ing this is quite complex because
it involves calculating the instantaneous dissipation, modelling the
resulting heating, tracking the temperature and then reducing its resistance as the temperature builds.
This will involve designing several
other very useful subcircuit building
blocks which will no doubt come in
useful for many other purposes.
These include an analog multiplier (to multiply the voltage and
current to calculate power), precision rectifier, absolute voltage generator and finally the NTC thermistor itself.
In the process of designing these
blocks, we will explain how to use
voltage-controlled voltage sources,
current-controlled voltage sources, constant current sources/sinks,
voltage-controlled current sources/
sinks, current mirrors (built using
current-controlled current sources/
sinks) and provide some other handy
hints for building SPICE models
such as the best way to buffer and
invert signals, and apply gain or
For now, feel free to experiment
with the models and circuits we've
covered in this instalment.
Fig.15: a modified version of our relay model which varies the coil inductance (by Ldelta) as it switches on and off.
Depending on the type of relay being simulated, coil inductance can increase or decrease when the coil is energised.
August 2017 81