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Here’s one for the vintage radio enthusiasts . . .
A power supply for
valve radios
By Ian Robertson
Over the years our Vintage Radio columns
have featured many battery-operated valve radios
with 1.5V or 2V heaters. The most recent examples were featured in
July & August 2016. But batteries for these radios can be hard to get and
expensive. This power supply is a neat solution.
part from some portable
models, most battery-operated
valve radios were intended for
use on farms and in remote regions
where mains power was not available.
Those sets are quite collectible today but most Vintage Radio enthusiasts power them from a variety of
jury-rigged power supplies, some
of which are of doubtful
This universal
power supply is
easy to build and
could be installed
inside the battery
compartment of some
If there is not enough
space, it could be connected with two cables; one for the
1.5V or 2V filaments and one for
the 90V or 135V B+ supply.
Of course, quite a few battery-powered radios used vibrators to produce
34 Silicon Chip
the B+ supply and if you have one of
these radios with a defective vibrator
section, this power supply could also
provide a work-around, either temporary or permanent.
The supply uses three PCBs con-
nected together and is designed to fit
in a standard plastic instrument case.
One of the PCBs doubles as the front
panel while an additional (fourth)
PCB is unconnected but functions as
the rear panel.
There is no wiring between the three
PCBs. Instead, they are butted at rightangles and soldered together, as shown
in the photos.
Circuit details
The full circuit is shown
in Fig.1. It employs two
240VAC transformers
and is a straightforward
analog design, avoiding
the RF interference normally associated with
more efficient switchmode
power supplies.
The top section of the circuit is
for the low voltage supplies and employs an LM338 or LM317T adjustable regulator.
The circuit consists of two independent power supplies, with various voltages available to suit a wide range of batteryoperated valve receivers. Provision is made on the PCB for either a TO-3 or a TO-220-case regulator.
The example shown in the photos is
fitted with the LM338 regulator which
comes in a TO-3 metal case.
The lower section of the circuit is
for the high voltage B+ supplies. Let’s
describe the lower section first.
It employs a mains
transformer with
two 15V windings connected
in series to provide 30VAC. This
is connected to diodes D1 & D2 and the
two associated 220µF capacitors which function as a
conventional full-wave voltage multiplier.
In effect, diodes D1 & D2 can
be regarded as two half-wave rectifiers stacked together to provide
an output voltage equal to twice the
peak voltage from the transformer
For a sinewave of 35V RMS, the
peak voltage will be peak voltage will
be VAC x 1.414 and so the voltage doubler output will be
about 85V, neglecting the voltage drop
across diodes D1 & D2.
However, in this circuit the transformer is likely to be quite lightly
loaded and so the peak voltage will
probably be around 48V or so, and so
the output will be more than 90V DC.
The actual voltage will depend on
the incoming mains voltage and the
load presented by the radio’s circuit.
So that accounts for the voltage between the B+90V and B- terminals
of CON2.
Diodes D3 & D4,
together with their
two associated
220µF capacitors
function as a halfwave diode pump
Their output is
stacked on that of the
full-wave voltage doubler (D1
& D2), to give a higher total output at
the B+135V and B- terminals of CON1.
August 2017 35
This is likely to be between 130V
and 145V, depending on mains voltage
and circuit loading, as before.
The 330Ω resistor and three stacked
220µF capacitors provide extra hum
filtering for the output while the parallel 150kΩ resistors across each 220µF
capacitor are there to equalise the voltage across them.
So each 220µF capacitor should
have one-third of the output voltage
across it.
Low voltage regulator circuit
While the high voltage outputs are
unregulated, the low voltage circuit
is a combination of regulated and unregulated supplies.
It uses a second mains transformer
with two 6V secondary windings connected in parallel to feed diodes D4 to
D7 connected as a bridge rectifier feeding a 4700µF 16V capacitor.
This provides a filtered DC output
of about 8.5V (depending on loading).
This is fed to the adjustable 3-terminal regulator which has three resistors
connected to its ADJ terminal set to
give a regulated output of 1.5V.
If you want a regulated output of
2V, the shorting link must be installed
across JP1.
Extra filtering of the regulator’s output is provided by the 470µF capacitor connected across terminals A+ and
A- of CON1.
Negative outputs
Battery-operated valve radios also
often had C batteries to provide a negative grid voltage for the valves and this
could be -3V, -4.5V or -6V.
These negative rails are provided by
the diode pump circuit comprising diodes D11 & D12, in conjunction with
two 470µF 16V capacitors.
The resulting filtered DC is fed to
zener diode ZD1 via a 470Ω resistor
and bypassed by an additional 470µF
A voltage divider comprising two
1kΩ resistors then provides outputs
of 3V and 6V at the C-3V and C-6V
terminals of CON1.
If you require a C- rail of 4.5V, then
ZD1 should be a 4.7V zener diode.
The power supply is primarily constructed on one main PCB measuring
55 x 110mm.
There are also three “supplementary” PCBs, one of which mounts the
36 Silicon Chip
Here’s how the four PCBs fit together, before
mounting them in their case. Note this is before
any insulation was fitted to the exposed mains.
two power transformers and the “figure-8” mains input socket. They are
110 x 33mm.
Two other PCBs, 122 x 33mm, form
the front and rear panels of the project.
(The set of four PCBs is available
from the SILICON CHIP Online Shop
for $25.00).
The front PCB has holes for the power LED and also a number of holes to
suit connectors commonly used in
battery-powered units.
The power transformer board is soldered at right angles to one edge of the
main PCB via the use of the secondary windings pins (eight in all), which
pass through the transformer board
and solder to large pads provided on
the edge of the main board.
Similarly, the front panel board solders at right angles to the main board
along its front edge. The photos will
explain this a little more clearly!
The rear panel board isn’t actually
attached to the main PCB. It can actually move around a little to allow for
some flexibility when fitting the project in a case.
However, and this is most impor-
tant, the three and four-pin DC output
sockets must be passed through this
panel before they are soldered in place
– we’ll get back to this a little later.
One other point which we’ll also
cover later but should be pointed out
right up front is that the 230VAC mains
connections to the transformers, along
with the mains input socket, all have
their pins exposed ready to trap the
After completion, we covered ours
with liberal coating of silicone sealant for absolute safety.
Begin construction by soldering in
the 12 resistors – see the colour code
table for identification. You should
also double check their value with a
DMM – especially if your eyes aren’t
as young as they used to be!
Some bands on resistors are also
quite easy to mistake for other colours
so a second check is always worthwhile.
After the resistors, solder in the
nine 1N4004 diodes, taking care with
their polarity.
The original project used 1N4148
diodes in two places but we’d prefer
Parts List –
Battery Valve
Power Supply
1 main PCB, 55 x 110mm
(SILICON CHIP code 18108171*)
1 transformer PCB, 110 x 33mm
SILICON CHIP code 18108172*)
1 front panel PCB, 122 x 33mm
(SILICON CHIP code 18108173*)
1 rear panel PCB, 122 x 33mm
(SILICON CHIP code 18108174*)
1 2-part plastic case, 125 x 130 x
40mm (see text)
1 15V + 15V mains transformer (T1)
(Altronics Powertran M7070A)
1 6V + 6V mains transformer (T1)
(Altronics Powertran M7052A)
1 PCB-mount figure-8 mains socket
(CON3; element14 Cat 9248161)
1 mains lead with figure-8 plug
1 2-pin header base, PCB-mounting
1 2-pin header
1 4-pin screw terminal block, PCBmounting (CON1)
1 3-pin screw terminal block, PCBmounting (CON2)
2 M3 x 6mm screws, nuts and
2 M3 washers
1 LM338K TO-3 regulator
(or LM317T – see text)
8 1N4004 silicon diodes
2 1N4148 silicon diodes (see text)
1 6.2V 400mW zener diode
1 5mm red LED
7 220µF 63V PCB electrolytics
5 470µF 63V PCB electrolytics
1 4700µF 16V PCB electrolytic
1 100Ω 1 150Ω
2 470Ω 3 1kΩ
The component overlay also shows the transformer board and the front and rear
panels. Output can be taken from the screw terminals on the rear panel or from
suitable sockets on the front panel, which match typical connectors used in
battery valve radios. Do not neglect to insulate all the “bitey bits” on the PCB.
to see 1N4004 used instead, if only to
give a higher margin for inrush current.
However, the PCB pattern may not
allow for the slightly longer 1N4004s
so if you elect to use these, they may
need to be mounted vertically (obviously maintaining the correct polarity).
The only other diode is zener diode
ZD1 – again, of course, it is polarised.
All other components are also
2 330Ω
3 150kΩ
* A set of the four PCBs (including the two
panels) is available from the SILICON CHIP
Online Shop (
for $25.00. All other parts are readily obtainable from your normal parts suppliers.
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown green yellow brown
brown black red brown
yellow purple brown brown
orange orange brown brown
brown green brown brown
brown black brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown green black red brown
brown black black red brown
yellow purple black black brown
orange orange black black brown
brown green black black brown
brown black black black brown
August 2017 37
you use an LM317T, a small “U” heatsink will also need to be inserted under the regulator.
Place the LED in its holes (anode,
the longer lead, closer to the edge of
the board) but don’t solder it in yet.
Also, don’t fit the DC output terminals (CON1 and CON2) yet – these
have to be passed through the rear
panel first.
Transformer board
The underside of the PCB assembly showing how the main board, transformer
board and front panel are soldered to each other. The rear panel (right) is not
secured at all but is held loosely in place by the two output sockets. The main
board is soldered 2mm down from the edges of the transformer board and panel.
The two mains transformers, along
with the 2-pin mains socket, mount
on the transformer board. T1, the 2 x
15VAC transformer, is closest to the
mains socket.
Solder the mains socket in first, then
solder the primaries of both transformers in place but leave the secondaries
for the moment – they’re used to solder the transformer board to the main
Only after soldering the two boards
together should you trim the primary
pins (eliminating the possibility of
trimming the wrong ones!)
Soldering the vertical boards
larised – the 220µF and 470µF vertical
capacitors (don’t mix ‘em up!) and the
main 4700µF filter capacitor which,
as you will note from our photos, is
a vertical type which lies horizontal
on the board.
As well as soldering it in place, a
dob of silicone sealant underneath will
help stop any movement.
2-pin header JP1 is the last small
component to solder in (fairly obviously, it’s not polarised!).
All that’s left is the LED and the
TO-3 regulator. Leave the LED for the
moment but solder in the regulator,
which can only go in one way. Note
that it is spaced above the board by a
Alternative mounting for a TO-220
regulator instead of a TO-3. SILICON
CHIP PCBs will have a hole for the
OUT pin, rather than the method
shown here.
38 Silicon Chip
washer at each end, held in place by
its mounting screws/nuts.
This allows a little air circulation
under the case, assisting cooling and
also avoids metal-to-glass stressing
which might otherwise occur.
Incidentally, it is possible to use an
LM317T TO-220 regulator instead of
the now-harder-to-get LM338 TO-3 device shown in our photographs.
The TO-220 “ADJ” and “IN” pins
mount to the same two holes as the
TO-3. A hole has been provided on
the PCB for the “OUT” pin as well. If
As we mentioned earlier, two of
the three smaller boards are soldered
at right angles to the main board. Because it’s lighter, solder the front panel
board on first by lining up the rectangular pads on it with the matching rectangular pads on the main board, with
the front panel about 2mm down from
the main board (see photo).
Tack one pad first to ensure the panel is straight with respect to the main
board, then solder all four pads so the
panel is secured.
Repeat for the transformer board. It
On the top side, the main board and front panel sit flush together so they can
slip into the guides in the case. Here you can clearly see the silicone sealant we
applied to the exposed mains terminals after testing. Mains voltages can bite you!
“Surgery” required
on the case halves
to allow the
transformers and
the assembly to fit
inside the case. The
lighter grey area is
where we ground
out about half the
case thickness
with a Dremel for
the transformer
clearance; other
areas are where the
mounting pillars
were removed (none
of these are used).
is soldered to the main board in the
same manner as the front panel (ie,
2mm down from the underside of the
main board); the difference, of course,
is that it is along the side of the main
The bottom edges of both the front
panel and the transformer board
should line up.
There is one more solder joint to be
made, that is to join the transformer
board and the front panel via the long
pads on each which, if you’ve done
everything correctly, should line up.
You’ll need a pretty fine iron bit to get
in between T2 and the board.
Construction is now almost finished. All that remains is to poke LED1
through the front panel and solder it to
the main board, then to fit CON1 and
CON2 and the rear panel.
Pass both of these terminal blocks
through the panel (they’re a loose fit)
then into the main board. The fourway socket goes to the edge of the main
board. Solder both blocks in place.
At the same time, slip the rear panel over the mains socket and you’re
all done.
Mounting in its box
Because there are relatively high
DC voltages present (not to mention
230VAC mains) we would always pre-
fer to see the assembled boards mounted in their case.
The PacTec CM6-150 box we used
(use this instead
aaef) is almost perfect – but that “almost” bit causes a few problems.
The dilemma is that the box is not
quite deep enough to fit the transformers. It’s about 2mm too shallow. There
are also a few mounting pillars which
we don’t use and, in fact, interfere with
the mounting.
In our prototype, this was overcome
by grinding off the mounting points
with a Dremel grinder (or similar) –
easy – and then removing about 2mm
thickness from the inside of the case
above where the transformers sit –
same tool, not quite so easy!
The photos show how we achieved
this. When completed it’s a tight fit,
but it’s a fit!
The board assembly can be mounted
so the front panel is flush with the front
of the case, which puts the rear panel
inset about 13mm (that’s the way the
mounting guides are moulded in the
case) or vice-versa; ie, inset the front
panel 13mm and have the rear panel
flush. It’s your choice.
First of all, beware the mains-carrying pads on the transformer board
You can choose whether to have the front panel flush with the case and the rear
panel inset (as shown here) or the opposite.
– you should only coat these after testing (just in case!).
1. Connect a meter to the B+ (135V)
and B- connections using the 3-way
pluggable screw terminals.
2. Connect power. The LED should
3. You should measure close to
145V. If not, switch off immediately
and check your work.
4. If all is well, check the A+ and A/ C+ terminals. You should see very
close to 1.5V with JP1 not shunted.
Shorting JP1 should change the A
voltage to 2V.
5. The A (filament) voltages will
measure the same irrespective of load.
6. Check the C voltages – you should
see close to 6V and 3V.
If all this checks out, you can disconnect AC power and only then apply the silicone sealant to the exposed
mains points on the transformer PCB,
then fit the top cover and your power
supply is ready for use!
Here are some simple modifications
you can make to adapt the power supply for less common radios.
45V tap:
1. Add a 470Ω resistor between the
anode of D3 and adjacent end of R13
(labelled on the PCB overlay).
2. Connect wire to junction of C10 and
C11 and bring it out the rear. This
will be your +45V connection.
4V output for A+ filament supply:
1. Replace R1 with 330Ω.
2. Fit jumper to JP1.
3. Replace the LM338K regulator with
an LM1085IT-ADJ.
Install it on a small heatsink as per
picture earlier in these instructions.
This regulator has a lower dropout
voltage than the LM317 or LM338.
This should allow up to about 700mA
current draw before hum appears on
the output.
Different bias voltages
If you remove ZD1, the bias voltages
will become (approximately) -7V and
-3.5V. Changing R6 and R7 (or replacing them with a pot of about 2.2kΩ)
will allow you to vary the bias to whatever your radio needs.
Note though, that the bias voltage
is now not regulated and will change
a little if the load on the filament circuit changes.
Consider this if your radio has filament rheostats.
August 2017 39
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