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Well-made 1980s amplifiers are worthwhile to repair
While a great deal of recently manufactured
consumer audio equipment is rarely considered
worth repairing when it fails, older brand-name
stereo amplifiers from the 1970s and 1980s were
usually well made and had impressive extruded
aluminium front panels with large, smooth-assilk controls. They are still well regarded by
enthusiasts in-the-know and are usually well
worth repairing when they ultimately fail.
It could be something in the water,
or perhaps a phase of the moon that
is to blame for a recent surge in the
number of audio amplifiers arriving
at the workshop. Four all turned up
at around the same time, although to
be honest this is more likely down to
me advertising musical instrument
and amplifier repairs in the local telephone directories.
However, this year will be the first
time in almost 20 years I won’t have
a display ad for my computer-repair
company in our version of the yellow
pages, the reason being that when I
worked the numbers for last year’s
phone directory advertising, I didn’t
achieve a return on that investment.
It’s a sign of the times, probably due
to the fading popularity of the printed version of the yellow pages over
online searches, but also (and more
unfortunately for me) because of the
diminishing need for the traditional
computer repair guy.
Anyway, for whatever reason, these
four amps turned up and all had
similar faults; no sound at all from
one channel or very low
and distorted sound from
one channel.
The other striking simi-
Dave Thompson*
Items Covered This Month
JVC and Fountain amplifier
Electric golf trundlers
2002 Toyota Echo repair
*Dave Thompson runs PC Anytime
in Christchurch, NZ.
Email: dave<at>
larity is that all these amps were made
in the 1980s, and the reason their owners hadn’t junked them long before
now is because they were regarded as
top-of-the-line back then, or at least
close to it and had cost a fair bit of
money, while giving years of troublefree and great-sounding service. That
is until ultimately, they didn’t.
Everything gets old, there’s nothing more definite. Part of it is down
to the laws of nature, and when you
take the laws of physics into account
as well, it is inevitable that hardware
and components fail.
You don’t need to be an audiophile
to know what sounds good to your
own ears, and when you finally put
together a good-sounding system, it
is natural to want to keep it going for
as long as you can.
Plenty of us have discovered that just
because an amp or audio component is
shiny and new, or is a much-anticipated
new model of whatever hardware we
already own, this doesn’t automatically
mean it is or sounds better.
To most of us, it is apparent that
over the years the goal of most serious audio amplifier designers has been
shaving off those last few fractions of
a percent of distortion, and many (including the luminaries behind Silicon
Chip designed and produced amps)
have pretty much reached the practical and physical limits of this goal.
With well-made components and
clever design, distortion figures less
than one thousandth of one percent
are now achievable.
August 2017 57
Serr v ice
man’s Log – continued
However, most of the plastic-cased,
flashing-LED-festooned, mass-produced rubbish one sees (and hears)
pounding out bass-heavy beats at the
local big-box warehouses don’t seem to
care about such hard-won audio-related specifications at all, except to ensure
some ridiculous PMPO wattage figure
is emblazoned across the fascia in large,
glittering and bold-coloured stickers.
(Peak Music Power Out is a marketing-created measurement designed
to entice ignorant buyers into believing that the only figure worth knowing about in any given audio system
is wattage.)
Modern buyers aren’t impressed
with an amplifier rated at only 30W
RMS per channel, so many manufacturers will use PMPO instead. 200W
PMPO is a far more hairy-chested figure and will get far more interest from
potential buyers who couldn’t care
less about signal-to-noise ratios or input sensitivity.
It is a scientifically-proven fact that
people, and by people I mean men,
and by men I mean me, if given the
choice between two similar-priced
systems where one has, say, 25W
of power and the other 30W, will
almost always buy the higher-powered
system, even though a
human ear could
not possibly
58 Silicon Chip
be able to discern the difference in
loudness between the two systems.
Due to the way sound is perceived
and measured, doubling the output
power from 50W to 100W results in
just a 3dB gain, which is generally acknowledged to be the smallest volume
difference us mere humans can detect.
This means the difference between a
25 and a 30W system is moot, but I
guarantee if given the option that I’d
buy the bigger one!
My point, as usual an absolute age in
arriving, is that a lot of modern audio
amplification is aimed at people who
aren’t all that interested in super-low
distortion and noise-floor measurements. Instead, they want the system
with the biggest speakers, the most
flashing lights and the highest PMPO
figures in the store.
Of course, there are audiophile-level
amplifiers out there for sale but these
tend to be sold in boutique stores and
priced accordingly and often aren’t a
real replacement option for the owners of these former high-class amps,
which is why they would prefer to repair rather than replace them.
The first amp I opened up is a (still)
very nice JVC JA-S-series unit. In my
opinion, JVC made some very good
gear and from memory was
at some point part of
the Panasonic consumer-electronics
Interestingly, internet forums are
packed with self-professed experts
harping on about how anything built
in the 1980s, regardless of brand, is
by definition rubbish and everyone
should give it a wide berth.
It is this type of hogwash that turns
me from most online discussions.
Everyone has – and is entitled to – their
opinions, however I cut my teeth on
circuits from this era and have great
admiration for a lot of the hardware
that came from this decade.
Of course, some of it is questionable,
just like anything made in any era but
there was a genuine quest to build better
audio gear and in the 1980s great strides
were made in this regard.
Something I like is that the amplifiers are (mostly) made using thentop-of-the-line discrete transistors
and components that are both easy to
recognise and accessible for troubleshooting/testing purposes.
That said, the 1980s was also an
era in which audio amplifier modules made their appearance and while
many had decent specifications and
were dead-easy to utilise, with just a
few flying leads to connect to the rest
of the circuitry, there was a downside.
While good for manufacturing and
probably very economical to produce,
many of these modules went out of
production relatively quickly, some
within a few years, meaning that replacing a faulty one after that time
meant having a few stored away for
such occasions.
For example, I had an amp in the
shop a few years ago that utilised a
Sanken 80W per channel stereo module
as the main output device. One side was
faulty, and thus it needed replacing.
I was fortunate that I experimented a
lot in the 1980s with Sanken, ILP and
other amplifier modules for musical
instrument amplification and sound
reinforcement and therefore had a
collection of various used and NOS
(New, Old Stock) modules in amongst
my spare parts, one of which was an
exact replacement for the faulty one.
Bullet dodged, but I was lucky.
Others I came across in the 1990s
and 2000s used weird and wonderful
modules like Sinclair and even some
exotic no-name types and replacing
them was out of the question, as I
hadn’t even seen any in real life until
I had to replace one. Any amp made
with those components that came in
for repair and required a module replacement had to be either junked or
heavily modified to use something else
if it was to be kept alive.
This JVC amp is typical of those
of the era; a solid metal chassis with
minimum plastics and lots of beefy
screws holding things together. All the
components are easily identified, with
none of this part-number obfuscation
that became so prevalent in later years.
The various circuit boards are easily identified and isolated (should the
need arise) and inter-board connections use quality plugs and sockets
and ribbon cables.
The output devices in this amp
are modular, being labelled Darlington Power Pack and while initially I
thought it might be some weird component, in smaller type near the bottom
was a part number: STK-0040, which I
recognised as a Sanyo-designed stereo
output module rated at 40W.
There were two of these modules
bolted to a large heatsink; like most
serious audio output devices, Sanken
modules will perform well as long as
they are kept cool, hence the substantial heatsink.
The DPP is a “thick-film, hybrid”
device, which means it is made from
different layers containing the various
components that comprise the module,
such as resistors, capacitors and transistors. All are connected to the outside
world via a row of pins, making it very
easy to use in a circuit.
These went out of fashion in a big
way as better output devices were created but millions of amplifiers were
made using these modules and as replacements eventually sold out, they
became harder and harder to obtain.
Now I needed an STK-0040, and
I didn’t have one, so I hit the usual
suspects and found a replacement
pulled, NOS component on eBay. A
pulled component is either used and
salvaged from a discarded unit or as
a NOS component is stripped from a
new but unsold spare-parts replacement circuit board. At around US$20
it wasn’t a bad price either but the
US$25 shipping charges put the brakes
on buying that one.
Then I had an idea, and hit my new
favourite site, A
search pulled up dozens of brand-new
Sanken modules, including the 0040
for a couple of bucks and free shipping, so I promptly ordered two, one
for this job and one for a spare.
In amazement, I also searched for
other, older and (I thought) no-longer-available chips like the SN76477N
sound-effects generator and the
MN300X series of bucket-brigade delay lines and discovered they are being
sold on the site for very little money
compared to what they used to sell for
in the 1980s and 1990s.
While these components are not
likely to be of interest to anybody else
outside of the DIY, analog guitar effects
line, it is a trip down memory lane for
me. Now I’m not sure whether these
are being made again or whether they
are simply stocks of unsold components being flicked off until they’re
gone. I suppose it doesn’t really matter, as long as I can get what I need.
It’s a Godsend to be able to get replacement components for these older yet
still cherished devices.
The STK-0040s duly arrived and
sure enough, they appeared to be
brand new. Removing the old one was
as simple as de-soldering its 10 pins
and unbolting it from the heatsink. I
gave the new one a dollop of thermal
paste before squishing it into place on
the heatsink and doing up the nuts. I
then flipped the whole caboodle over
and soldered the pins back in.
Once reassembled, a quick test
showed everything was working as it
should and the amplifier was sounding sweet once again. If only all fixes
were this easy!
The second amplifier I looked at is
an older Fountain branded unit. Fountain was a New Zealand manufacturer
of a range of domestic hifi and musical
instrument amplifiers from the 1970s
through to the late 1980s.
Their home stereo amps were actually very well made and well-regarded,
though when many Kiwis think of
Fountain products they are more likely
to recall their early ‘stereograms’ as
being rather dowdy and dated in their
This amp is a more modern-looking
unit with linear controls, as was the
fashion for a time. It worked but was
very distorted on the left channel. The
biggest clue to the problem came when
I altered the balance control; the lightest touch produced some very nasty
static from the speakers, though nothing really changed from one end of the
control to the other.
When a squirt of contact cleaner didn’t resolve the issue, I looked
through my parts boxes for a replacement slider. Fortunately, my dabbling
in a lot of audio circuits back in the
day (especially the ETI 10-band-a-side
Graphic Equaliser) left me with a large
collection of pots of all types, including linear models, which are quite difficult to find these days.
Those that are for sale sell for a premium, so having a few known-good
ones lying around certainly helps in
cases like this.
The hardest part of this repair was
getting the knob off the slider; it appeared to have been glued on at the factory, something some manufacturers
resorted to due to the selected knobs
not grabbing the shaft very well.
A bit of carefully-applied heat from
my heat gun softened the adhesive
enough to release the knob and the
slider was then unscrewed from the
top of the chassis so it could drop out
the bottom.
I re-soldered the leads onto the relevant terminals one at a time and bolted
the new control back into place; a quick
test proved that I now had excellent
sound from each speaker and nice, quiet
tracking when operating the slider. I’m
not sure what I’ll do when I run out of
these hard-to-get parts but I have quite
a few so hopefully they’ll see me out!
His and Hers Electric
Golf Trundlers
J. N., of Mount Maunganui, in New
Zealand is a semi-retired electrical/
electronics technician and a keen golfer. Living beside a golf course, it has
become fairly common knowledge that
he will repair electric golf carts and
trundlers. It sounds like an idyllic location for the occasional repair job.
Recently a local golfer rang me to see
if I would have a look at both his and
his wife's golf trundlers. I agreed and
he duly arrived at my workshop with
two of the well-known English-made
PowaKaddy Freeway model Trundlers, complete with sealed lead-acid
batteries and battery chargers. I always
ask customers to bring not only their
trundler but also the associated battery and its charger, in order to locate
the source of the fault.
He and his wife had not been using
them very often but they now wanted
to use them regularly. One unit was
not working and the other was running off to the right and losing battery
power two thirds of the way through
a round of golf.
August 2017 59
Serr v ice
man’s Log – continued
Sometimes electric trundlers are not
worth spending money on, especially
if they are too old or worn out. In this
case both units were not that old and
as they were originally rather expensive to purchase, my customer was not
too worried about costs.
First I started checking out the trundler that was losing power and pulling to the right. A replacement righthand shaft clutch fixed the pulling to
the right. Next, I load-tested the battery and found it to be reading low. I
connected it to my shop charger and it
responded well to come up to a good
full charge.
This indicated that the charger was
not doing its job and after dismantling
it and testing the charging cycle, it became apparent that it was not reaching
the required full charge voltage before
changing over to a float charge. After
replacing the associated voltage comparator IC, the charger only required
a slight adjustment (via the marked
adjustment pots) to the cut-off point
60 Silicon Chip
and the float charge voltage to then
operate correctly.
With the second trundler I first
checked out the battery and its charger, to find that apart from having to
tightening the battery connections,
both battery and charger were in good
With the battery connected to the
trundler there was no sign of movement
and a clip-on ammeter around one of
the battery leads indicated no current
drain. This unit is operated via an On/
Off switch and a 1kW manual speed
control potentiometer, all mounted
conveniently in the handle.
I dismantled the handle and discovered that the pot and the connecting wires were all in good condition
but the On/Off switch had to be replaced. However, the unit still refused
to function.
All electrically-powered golf trundlers have a controller unit usually
mounted close to the drive motor. Up
until recently these controllers were
usually repairable, however the trend
is to now encapsulate the whole unit,
including the connecting wiring. This
renders them well protected from the
elements but totally un-repairable.
Fortunately this controller was
not encapsulated. So after checking
all the power and control wiring to
ensure there was no fault present, I
disconnected the controller and dismantled it.
As soon as I opened it up I could
smell the odour of burnt out and
scorched parts. How badly damaged
was it? I cleaned and gently scraped
away the burnt parts on the PCB. This
revealed burnt out copper tracks and
blown field effect transistors that supply power to the motor.
I also found a diode mounted alongside the FET that was cracked and
shorted out. Without a circuit diagram
I presumed that it probably had functioned in a anti-reverse voltage protection role.
I then repaired the PCB tracks with
soldered in wire bridges and replaced
the blown semiconductors. Apparently the rest of the circuitry had escaped
damage and the trundler now operated
as it should.
I can only assume the owner had
accidentally left the trundler on while
parking it, perhaps against a wall
and it had quietly burnt itself out.
It would not be the first time I have
encountered this scenario and probably not the last!
Exorcising an old Toyota Echo
How do you fix an old car's ECU
when the replacement is worth more
than the car? This is a common scenario these days, particularly with cars
more than 20 years old. B. Y., of Mackay in Queensland faced the problem
a Toyota Echo and managed to fix the
faulty ECU with an interesting workaround. . .
A few weeks before last Christmas,
my wife complained that the engine
on her 2002 Toyota Echo sounded
“funny”. Sure enough, it was only
running on three cylinders and I knew
what the problem was immediately –
a rat. This is the third time this has
happened. There is a convenient nesting spot under the exhaust manifold
and within chewing distance of No.3
fuel injector.
After removing the engine top cover
I could see that the cables had been
chewed through yet again. On the
vious occasions (some two and three
years ago) I did the repair job, I solved
the problem by liberally spreading
chilli oil over the cables to deter the
Unfortunately, after fixing the cables this time, the car still only ran on
three cylinders and I concluded that
the ECU was damaged. A phone call
to Toyota confirmed that the cost of a
new ECU was greater than the value
of the car and in any case there were
none in the country. However, they did
tell me that if I obtained a second-hand
ECU they would be able to reprogram
it to suit my car.
Unfortunately, after I had acquired a
second-hand ECU via eBay, this story
changed and I was told that the immobiliser prevented the unit being reprogrammed though there may be aftermarket specialists who could help.
I spoke to several auto electricians
in Mackay where I live but although
they were helpful none had the expertise required – apparently the one
who did had relocated to Cairns some
time earlier.
So, what to do? I took the lid off the
“new” ECU and, having previously
traced the cables back from the fuel
injectors, quickly determined that
the four fuel injectors were driven by
two SPF0001 dual driver chips. The
equivalent circuit of each driver is a
transistor with protection diodes and
a typical HFE of 800 but it is neither a
Darlington pair nor a Sziklai pair, as
Vbe and Vce (saturated) are similar to
those of an NPN transistor.
The chips are surface-mount, of
course but worse, the “collector” connections are on the underside of the
chips as part of their thermal management. I didn't fancy my chances of replacing one of these without damaging
something else – there are components
on both sides of the PCB.
Sending the ECU away for a specialist to replace the chip would be
both expensive and time-consuming
and it was just before Christmas, as
noted above. I did a bit of research
into fuel injectors and they are basically solenoid valves and the measured resistance of 14W indicates that
the Echo uses saturation types as fitted to most cars.
In other words the drive is a simple switch but, unlike most solenoid
circuits, the flyback voltage is not
clamped to 0.7V or so with a diode but
used to control the closing rate of the
injector. The driving transistor therefore requires a high working voltage.
I decided to replace the broken half
of the SPF0001 with an NPN/PNP
Sziklai pair. This way I could leave
the circuit driving it unchanged and I
figured that the higher Vce saturation
of 1V or so would not make too much
I did consider using a Mosfet but
BJTs are more rugged and I understand Mosfets have been used in the
past but are less reliable in this application. The local electronics store had
a BF469 (250V) and a TIP42C (100V)
and I added a 75V zener to limit the
flyback excursion.
Now I took the old ECU out of the
car, removed the cover and noted a
bulge on what I believed was the offending SPF0001; so far so good. I was
as concerned about vibration as much
as anything else as there wasn't much
to fix to.
I isolated the bad chip half by cutting the PCB wire to the connector and
the “base” pin on the chip. I could now
string the components between those
points and a convenient PCB earth in
a way that gave reasonable mechanical support.
I put it all back in the car and it
worked. Whoopee! Five months later,
it is still good so it looks as though I've
had a win. I've also fitted some wire
mesh into the space under the manifold. Hopefully this will deter rodents
in the future!
Servicing Stories Wanted
Do you have any good servicing stories that you would like to share in The Serviceman
column? If so, why not send those stories in to us?
We pay for all contributions published but please note that your material must
be original. Send your contribution by email to: editor<at>
Please be sure to include your full name and address details.
August 2017 61