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Build your own Super-7
Part II – by John Clarke
All on a
single PCB
– and no SMDs!
In this second and final article on the new Super-7 AM Radio, we show you
how to assemble it, then align it for best performance. Then you can put it
into its superb acrylic case . . . and your friends won’t believe you built it!
ssembly is not at all difficult –
everything is mounted on one
large PCB and we don’t use
any SMD components – so it’s standard soldering all the way.
And don’t be put off by alignment:
it’s not hard to do and can be done using quite basic equipment, as we will
explain shortly.
Of course, it can also be even better
using specialised equipment, such as
the Dead-Easy DDS Superhet IF Align66
Silicon Chip
ment Unit we published in the September 2017 issue (www.siliconchip.
As its name suggests, this makes
alignment, or adjustment of the IF
coils, on the Super-7 AM Radio . . .
dead easy! (see the panel on page 73).
But if you can’t justify building a device such as this, there are other ways
to do it; maybe not quite so simple or
elegant but effective nevertheless. We
will cover other approaches to align
Celebrating 30 Years
the radio set shortly.
There are a number of test points
on the circuit board which can be
used for voltage measurements or to
provide signals to be displayed on an
We will show some typical waveforms in this article, so you will know
what to expect.
Fortunately, you don’t need an expensive ’scope for this – indeed, there
are any number of 1MHz bandwidth
kit models available on ebay and similar (ie, you build them first!) for well
under $100.
And if you’re at all into hobby electronics (or above) you really do need
an oscilloscope on your bench. Spend
a little more and you can get a really
good, higher bandwidth scope which
will suit your needs for many years.
The Super-7 AM Radio is built on
one double-sided PCB coded 06111171
and measuring 313 x 142.5mm.
It is housed in a multi-piece acrylic case, available from the SILICON
CHIP Online Shop. This also includes
a transparent tuning dial. Station
call signs (eg, RN for Radio National) and frequency markings that are
screen-printed on the PCB can be seen
through it.
The Super-7 AM Radio uses some
special AM radio parts. These include
a coil pack, a mini tuning gang capacitor and ferrite rod with coil. Otherwise,
most of the parts are pretty common –
you may have many of them in your
“junk” box.
Fig.1, the circuit, was published last
month. Fig.2 (overleaf) is the overlay
diagram and this shows where all the
components go on the PCB. Use this
(and the photos) as a reference while
following these instructions to fit the
components to the board.
Begin construction by installing the
resistors. Their colour code table is
shown on page 70.
We suggest that you also check each
resistor value with a digital multimeter before it is inserted – some colour
bands appear close to others (eg, red,
brown and orange) so it is always wise
to double check, especially before you
solder them in!
Resistors are not polarised – they can
be inserted either way into the board
but it is a good idea to install them so
that their colour codes all align in the
same direction. This makes it so much
easier to check their values later on.
Fit the PC stakes for the GND (TP
GND), two near CON2 (for the speaker),
one at TP1 and five for VR1. Three of
the PC stakes for VR1 are to wire it to
the board, while the remaining two are
to solder to the potentiometer body to
hold it more securely. This pot is installed later.
Next, install the capacitors. There
are three types used in the circuit.
One type is MKT polyester (plastic)
and these can be recognised by their
rectangular shape. These are not polarised. The second type is ceramic and
these are also not polarised. Fortunately, they are all the same value too, so
you can’t get them mixed up!
Generally, small capacitors are not
marked with their actual value – instead, they use a code which you need
to decipher. We make that particular
task easy with the small capacitor code
table, also on page 70.
The third type of capacitors used
in this project are electrolytics – they
are polarised and must be inserted the
right way around – follow the markings on the PCB overlay. Electrolytics
are (usually) cylindrical in shape, with
a polarity stripe along one side for the
negative lead. The opposite (positive)
lead is usually the longer of the two.
Almost invariably, electrolytic capacitors will have their actual value
printed on them, along with their voltage rating.
One point which often confuses beginners: it is normally OK to use an
electrolytic capacitor (or indeed any
capacitor) with a voltage rating higher
than that specified, as long as there is
room (capacitor size normally increases with voltage). However, it is not OK
to use capacitors with a lower voltage
rating than that specified.
For example, if a circuit calls for a
10µF, 16V electrolytic capacitor, you
can normally use one of the same value
and type – 10µF electrolytic –with a
25V, 35V or even higher rating, as long
The Super-7 AM Radio Receiver in its
purpose-designed acrylic case. The majority of the case panels
are high-gloss black but the rear panel is crystal clear, (hence the
reflections), just so others can see your handywork in all its glory!
Celebrating 30 Years
December 2017 67
Fig.2: this PCB overlay diagram shows where to fit the components onto the board before soldering. Ensure polarised
components (diodes, electrolytic capacitors and transistors) are the right way around. Also pay careful attention to ensure
each component installed is of the correct value and type. The four transformers have colour coded slugs, as shown.
as it will fit. However, you generally
cannot use a 10µF electrolytic capacitor with a 6.3V rating – it is liable to
explode! But in this circuit, you could
use capacitors with a 10V rating, since
the battery voltage is only 9V.
OK, back to construction: install diodes D1, D2 and D3. While they may
look identical, each diode is a different type so don’t mix these up. Diodes
are also polarised. The polarity band
or stripe, which indicates the cathode
(k), is oriented toward the bottom of the
PCB as shown on the overlay diagram.
The transistors go in next. Again,
make sure you put the correct transistor
in each position. Transistors Q6 and Q7
are mounted horizontally with leads
bent over at 90° so that their holes line
up with the holes in the PCB.
The Q6 & Q7 transistor bodies are
attached to the PCB with M3 x 10mm
Silicon Chip
screws and nuts with the screw placed
from the rear of the PCB and the nut
on the transistor. (The copper of the
PCB acts as a “heat sink” to keep them
from overheating).
The remaining transistors don’t handle as much power so they are smaller
types which are mounted vertically on
their leads. You may need to splay their
leads out to fit the mounting holes on
the board (eg, using small pliers). Make
sure the “D”-shaped packages (looking
down on them) go the same way around
as shown on the overlay diagram.
IF transformers
Now you can install the oscillator
and IF transformers. They will only
go in one way with three pins on one
side and two on the other.
However, these all look the same except for the colour of the slug at the top.
Celebrating 30 Years
The colours are as follows: the oscillator transformer (T2) is red; both the
(identical) IF transformers (T3 & T4)
are white; the third IF transformer (T5)
is black. The mounting positions for
each of these transformers are clearly
indicated on the PCB.
By the way, resist the temptation to
twiddle the slugs of the IF transformers and oscillator coil, especially using
a small screwdriver. There are several
reasons not to use a small screwdriver
to adjust the slugs.
First, it is all too easy to crack the
slug since these are brittle and once
broken will be jammed in the transformer core.
Second, the blades of screwdrivers are often magnetised and this can
affect the magnetic characteristics of
the slugs.
Third, when you are aligning the
off with sidecutters.
We want to solder the pot body to the
PC stakes to hold it securely in place
but the body is normally “passivated”
to prevent corrosion. This makes it
almost impossible to solder – so you
will need to scrape the pot sides with
a hobby knife to remove some of the
passivation before soldering.
Pass the potentiometer through the
PCB from the component side and secure it with its washer and nut on the
“top” or label side. Bend the tags so
that they touch the PC stakes on the
board and solder them in place.
Trimpot VR2, for the audio amplifier output biasing, can also be installed
at this stage, followed by the battery
holder, on/off switch and headphone
socket. The battery holder is held in
place with self-tapping screws. The
power switch and headphone socket
are mounted directly on the board.
Speaker mounting
dio, the steel blade of the screwdriver
will affect the resonance of the coil and
you will get misleading results.
You should use a set of plastic alignment tools (they’re quite cheap) and
use one which has a blade that’s a neat
fit in the slot of the slug.
If you can’t purchase a suitable alignment tool, you can make one out of a
piece of scrap plastic shaped at one end
so that it is like a screwdriver blade
and sized to neatly fit the slug slot. You
can easily do this with a sharp utility
knife and needle files. Many a plastic
knitting needle has disappeared from
mum’s sewing basket over the years to
make alignment tools!
When installing the ferrite rod antenna, secure the ferrite rod in place
with cable ties but keep them loose
for the moment, as you will need to
adjust the coil position later during
The coil on the ferrite rod has four
very fine cotton-covered coloured
wires. Keep these the length that they
are, ie, do not cut them short, since
they are already pre-tinned.
The circuit board connections for the
antenna coil connections are labelled
with the colours: clear (CLR), black
(BLK), red (RED) and green (GRN). The
clear wire is the one that is at the far
end of the coil and is separate from the
remaining three wires.
The plastic dielectric tuning capacitor (or tuning “gang”) is normally supplied with two tiny M3 screws which
are used to secure it to the PCB. After
these are inserted and tightened, the
three tags need to be bent at right angles to insert into the holes on the PCB.
They are then soldered in place.
You’ll need a hacksaw to cut the
volume control potentiometer shaft
to 17mm in length (from where the
threaded boss starts). There is a small
location spigot on the side of the pot,
which is not needed, so it can be
snapped off with a pair of pliers or cut
Celebrating 30 Years
The speaker is fastened directly to
the PCB using four M3 screws and nuts,
with short lengths of hookup wire between the loudspeaker and speaker
PC stakes.
Note that there are eight speaker
mounting holes, two sets of four on two
different circumferences. So select the
correct holes for your particular loudspeaker and orient it so the terminals
are nearest to CON2.
Now check all your work very carefully and you will be ready for the next
stage which is alignment.
Aligning your radio
The major difference between this
project and any other that you may
build is the need for alignment. Even if
you have assembled the radio precisely as we have described so far, there is
little chance that it will work satisfactorily when you first turn it on.
This is because even tiny variations in component values and characteristics and even slightly different
PCB track widths and fibreglass thickness can cause frequency shifts which
throw the workings of the radio off.
There are various adjustments to
compensate for this, including the adjustment slugs in the IF transformers,
which need to be “tweaked” to give
the best gain and frequency response.
You will also need to adjust the slug
in the oscillator coil and the trimmer
capacitors associated with the tuning gang to give the best tracking. The
December 2017 69
Fig.3: this shows the
locations of the antenna and oscillator
trimmer adjustments on the tuning
resonant circuit of the oscillator (T2,
VC3 and VC4) must track with the aerial resonant circuit (T1, VC1 and VC2)
across the whole of the broadcast band.
Otherwise, the set’s sensitivity will
vary quite markedly as you tune it.
This also helps to ensure that stations
appear at their correct locations on the
tuning dial.
Before you start the alignment process, rotate trimpot VR2 fully anticlockwise. This will reduce the quiescent current in the output stage transistors, Q6 and Q7, to zero. Rotate the
volume control pot and the tuning
knob fully anticlockwise too.
This done, connect a 9V battery or
9V DC power source (a 9V DC plugpack or 9V power supply – but make
sure the centre pin is positive) and then
measure voltages around the circuit.
Connect the negative probe of your
multimeter to the GND test point and
then verify that the following voltages
are correct:
TP+ (8.88V), TP1(1.55V), TP2
(8.88V), TP3 (1.1V), TP4 (8.88V), TP5
(1.78V), TP6 (9V), TP7 (4.7V), TP8
(4.3V), TP9 (3.73V), TP10 (4.2V).
In each case, the voltage should be
within about 10% of the value noted
above assuming that the supply is exactly 9V. If the voltages are quite different from the values listed above, then
you should investigate why. For example, if your supply is actually putting
out 9.5V then the readings which are
supposed to be 8.88V could easily be
9.38V instead (and TP6 will be 9.5V).
By the way, these voltages are ‘no
signal’ voltages. That means little or
no signal should be picked up by the
input stage and the volume control is
turned down so that there is no signal
going through the amplifier stages. The
presence of signals will alter these voltages, although not greatly.
You can also measure the current
drain now. This can be done by connecting your multimeter (selected for
measuring a low current range) across
the on/off switch between the centre
and rear terminals at one side of the
switch. Alternatively, connect the multimeter between the anode of diode D3
and the 9V battery positive terminal.
With the switch set switched off,
the current through the meter should
be less than 10mA. We measured 3mA
on our prototype. If you measure a lot
more (more than 10mA) or a lot less
(under 1mA), disconnect the multimeter and check the board carefully
for assembly errors, solder bridges, etc.
Aligning the IF stages involves injecting a 455kHz signal into the front
end of the circuit. As mentioned, earlier, the DDS IF Alignment unit from
September 2017 makes this easy. See
Resistor Colour Codes
Qty Value
4-Band Code (1%)
5-Band Code (1%)
1.2MΩ* brown red green brown
brown red black yellow brown
brown black green brown
brown black black yellow brown
820kΩ grey red yellow brown
grey red black orange brown
yellow purple orange brown yellow purple black red brown
orange white orange brown orange white black red brown
red purple orange brown
red purple black red brown
red red orange brown
red red black red brown
brown red orange brown
brown red black red brown
brown black orange brown
brown black red brown
yellow purple red brown
yellow purple black brown brown
orange orange red brown
orange orange black brown brown
red red red brown
red red black brown brown
brown black red brown
brown black black brown brown
yellow purple brown brown yellow purple black black brown
brown black brown brown
brown black black black brown
* 1.2MΩ 5% carbon can be used: its colour code will be brown red green gold
Silicon Chip
Celebrating 30 Years
Small Capacitor Codes
100nF ceramic
47nF polyester
22nF polyester
10nF polyester
4.7nF polyester
the side panel on how to do this.
The alternative is to connect an RF
oscillator, set to 455kHz, through a
1nF ceramic capacitor to test point
TP1. If you don’t have an RF oscillator, you could use an audio signal generator set to produce a square wave at
152kHz with an 800mV output level.
Since a square wave produces odd order harmonics, it is the third harmonic (3 x 152kHz) from the square wave
at 456kHz that will be your signal for
the IF alignment.
Connect your multimeter (set to read
DC volts) between test point TP3 and
ground. Set the RF generator to give a
signal output of about 1mV RMS or the
audio signal generator square wave to
800mV RMS. The idea is to now adjust
each of the slugs in the IF transformers in turn for a minimum voltage on
test point TP3.
As you adjust the slugs, the gain of
the IF stages improves and the signal
fed to the detector diode (D1) increases. The detector diode rectifies the IF
signal and so, as the signal increases,
the negative voltage produced by the
detector increases. Hence, the voltage
at test point TP3 decreases.
Note that after adjusting all the slugs,
you may wish to go back through them
again and check that they are all set
at their optimum position. It’s sometimes possible to make improvements
the second time around that were hard
to see initially.
Oscilloscope method
If you have access to an oscilloscope,
you can connect it to TP6 and observe
the IF signal directly.
Now, as you adjust the slugs, you
will see the signal increase or decrease.
Adjust the slugs for the best possible
(ie, highest) signal amplitude.
If you notice any clipping of the signal at TP6, just reduce the signal input
from your RF oscillator.
Tracking adjustments
These adjustments ensure that the
RF input circuit and the local
Scope1: voltage at the collector of Q1 with the set tuned
to around 700kHz 700kHz + 455kHz = 1.155MHz). You
can see that the oscillator waveform is a clean sinewave
with an amplitude of around 350mV RMS.
tor cover the correct range of frequencies so that you can tune over the entire
broadcast band. Ideally, you need an
RF signal generator to do this task. If
you don’t have access to one, you will
have to rely on tuning stations at the
top and bottom of the band.
In Australia, the broadcast band is
specified as 531-1602kHz, so to be
sure you are covering this band, it is
normal to make a radio tune over a
slightly wide range, eg, 525-1620kHz.
If you are in an area where there are
“out of band” AM stations, such as
narrowcasting community stations up
to about 1711kHz, you need to make
the receiver tune slightly higher again.
Let’s first proceed on the basis that
you have an RF signal generator. If you
don’t have an RF signal generator, see
the section entitled “Setting the tuning range without an RF generator”.
With signal applied to TP1 via a 1nF
Scope2: now a test signal has been coupled into the
ferrite rod. The test signal was modulated onto a 720kHz
carrier. You can see the effect of signal modulation in the
thickening of the trace away from the centre.
capacitor, set the generator to 525kHz
and rotate the tuning knob fully anticlockwise. This sets the plates of the
tuning gang “in mesh” which is the
maximum capacitance condition, for
the low-frequency end of the band.
Now adjust the slug in the oscillator coil for maximum loudness of the
signal via the speaker, or (if you are
using an oscilloscope) for maximum
signal amplitude at TP6.
Next, rotate the tuning knob so that
it is fully clockwise. Set your RF signal generator to 1620kHz. Tune the
adjustment screw on the back of the
tuning gang labelled “oscillator trimmer” (see Fig.3) for maximum signal
amplitude, as before. Rotate the tuning
knob fully anticlockwise and redo the
oscillator coil slug adjustment again
at 525kHz.
This done, go back to the top of the
band at 1620kHz and adjust the oscillator trimmer again. The adjustments
need to be done a number of times as
the top adjustment affects the bottom
adjustment and vice versa.
You have now adjusted the oscillator range so that the broadcast band
can be tuned in and this also ensures
that the stations are tuned in at the locations indicated on the dial.
As a point of interest, the oscillator
will now be tuned over the range 9802075kHz. That’s 525kHz plus the IF
of 455kHz to 1620kHz plus 455kHz.
Now you need to adjust the ferrite
rod coil and antenna trimmer (on the
back of the tuning gang) to maximise
sensitivity by ensuring the aerial circuit is resonant at the tuned frequency.
Set the tuning knob fully anticlockwise and set the RF signal generator
to 525kHz, then move the coil along
on the ferrite rod until the signal amplitude is at a peak.
You may have to (carefully!) heat up
the coil with a hot air gun to melt the
wax between the coil and ferrite rod,
before the coil can be moved.
Setting the tuning range without an RF generator
In the accompanying procedure for setting oscillator and antenna tracking, we assumed that you had access to an RF signal
generator. For many constructors, this won’t be the case and they
will have to rely on broadcast signals at the top and bottom of the
broadcast band.
However, this poses something of a ‘chicken & egg’ situation.
How do you do the tracking adjustments if you cannot receive the
signals? In most cases, you should be able to receive signals at
or near the bottom of the broadcast band especially at night (typically high power ABC radio stations). For example, in Sydney, you
can tune in to ABC Radio National at 576kHz.
However, picking up a signal at the top end of the band might
not be anywhere as easy. The highest frequency nationwide AM
radio station is In Sydney, the highest commercial AM station is
at 1269kHz (2SM). Above that, there are only community and narrowcast radio stations which may not be strong enough to use for
this purpose in all areas of the city.
But there is a solution if you have another AM Radio since every
superhet has a local oscillator and for an AM broadcast receiver,
this oscillator will usually be 455kHz above the tuned frequency.
Therefore, you can use the local oscillator in your other AM radio
to set the tracking adjustments at the top of the band.
The method to follow is this: place the ferrite rod of the Super-7 AM Radio near the antenna rod other AM radio. This rod
will usually be at the top of the case. Rotate the tuning dial of the
Super-7 AM Radio fully clockwise to tune to the top of the band.
Tune your other AM radio to 1165kHz or as close to this as you
can. This will set its local oscillator to 1620kHz. That’s the top of
the band on the Super-7 AM Radio’s dial.
As you do so, you should be able to hear faint heterodyne whistles from the speaker of the AM radio. Now proceed to peak the
antenna and oscillator circuits as described in the article.
Celebrating 30 Years
December 2017 71
Scope3: waveform across the speaker with VR1 at its
minimum setting and a ~1kHz modulated RF test signal
inductively coupled into the antenna. The zero crossing
artefacts are quite severe with no quiescent current.
Now set the RF generator to 1620kHz
and turn the adjustment screw on the
back of the tuning gang labelled “antenna trimmer” (see Fig.3) until you
peak the incoming signal again.
You should now repeat these adjustments for the optimum response.
When this is done, the ferrite rod coil
should be fixed in place by re-melting
the wax and allowing it to set. That
completes the alignment of the radio.
Quiescent current
All that remains to be done is to set
the quiescent current in the audio power amplifier by means of trimpot VR2.
The best way to adjust the quiescent
current is to feed a sinewave modulated signal into the front end of the radio
from an RF signal generator.
Connect an oscilloscope to the output at test point TP10 and adjust the
volume control for a signal amplitude
across the speaker of about 2-3V peakto-peak. At this stage, VR2 should still
Scope4: the audio output sounded very raspy when
capturing Scope3. We then rotated VR1 clockwise until
the sound became much cleaner and took the screen grab
shown here. The signal looks much more like a sinewave.
be fully anticlockwise. If you now have
a look at the signal on the scope screen,
you will see the classic sinewave with
crossover distortion with notches in
the waveform at the crossover point
(see Scope3).
Now rotate VR2 slowly clockwise
and you should see the crossover nicks
disappear from the waveform and, at
the same time, the sound should become cleaner.
Rotating VR2 to reduce the crossover
distortion will not increase the current
drain by much (typically no more than
a milliamp) but it will make a big difference to the sound quality.
No ’scope?
If you don’t have an oscilloscope,
you can apply a signal at 1kHz from an
audio generator (100mV is suitable) to
the centre of VR1, with VR1 set to mid
position. This will apply audio directly
to the amplifier.
Adjust VR2 for minimum distortion either by listening to the sound
(it should become “pure” with adjustment) or by monitoring on an oscilloscope.
By the way, you should measure the
current drain of the radio while you are
adjusting the quiescent current with
trimpot VR2.
Typically, the current drain of the
radio at 9V should be less than 10mA
when the volume control is at minimum setting (ie, no signal through the
audio amplifier stages).
With the volume control well advanced, to make the radio quite loud,
the current drain may be 40mA or
Don’t rotate VR2 any more than necessary as this will increase dissipation
in the output transistors and will flatten the battery faster when listening.
If in doubt, back it off a bit (rotate
it anti-clockwise) until you hear an
increase in distortion, then rotate it
a tiny bit clockwise until that distortion is gone and you are near the ideal setting.
Note that using the radio with high
Here’s the completed
Super-7 AM Receiver sitting on the
four screws which secure it to the front panel.
Don’t fit nuts over the PCB yet: it needs to be free to move as you slot in
the right-hand end panel, which itself slips over the power switch and headphone socket.
Silicon Chip
Celebrating 30 Years
volume will flatten the battery much
more quickly than at low volume . . .
The acrylic case
Because it is self-contained (ie, fully on one PCB) the Super-7 AM radio
would be quite happy working without a case. But if you want a really
professional finish, you’ll want to put
it into the purpose-designed acrylic
case. Its appearance is not unlike the
mantel radios of yesterday . . .only it
is shiny black!
The case measures 327 x 155 x
58mm (w x h x d) and the front,
sides, top and bottom are made
from a very smart high-gloss black.
The back panel is transparent so
everyone can admire your handywork!
Provision is made in the left end
panel for the on-off switch, a DC power plug and the 6.5mm headphone
On the front panel, attractive slots
are milled for sound output immediately in front of the speaker and at the
right end there’s a matching 105mm
hole for the clear acrylic tuning “dial”
which reveals the screen-printed PCB
underneath with its major radio stations.
While you can easily move the tuning dial with your fingers, we gilded
the lily somewhat by gluing a large
knob to the centre of the dial (a knob
makes it easier to find elusive stations!)
– whether you add a knob is entirely
up to you. Immediately underneath
and to the left of the tuning dial is the
single “volume” control
The case simply slots together and
everything is held in place by four
50mm long pillars which go from front
to back – more on these shortly.
We’ve also made provision on the
bottom front of the case for a pair of
rubber feet which can angle the whole
receiver back slightly. Again, this is
entirely optional.
Putting the case together
Remove the nuts from the volume
control pot and headphone socket,
if fitted. It doesn’t matter if the clear
acrylic “dial” is fitted to the tuning
capacitor; it can be done now or later.
Start with the front panel. Insert four
M3 x 15mm screws through the four
holes near the edges and put a washer
and nut on each to hold them in place.
Now slide the receiver PCB down over
these screws, obviously oriented so the
speaker sits behind the slots and the
dial markings behind the 105mm hole.
Slide the left end panel into its slots
on the front panel, at the same time
engaging the on/off switch shaft and
the 6.5mm headphone socket. You will
probably have to lift the PCB on this
end to allow this.
When in position, refit the nut onto
the headphone socket – this will hold
the end panel in place.
Now you can slide the bottom, top
and right end panels into place, with
their tabs fitted into the slots on the
front panel and each other.
Threaded standoffs
It’s not easy (impossible?) to buy
a threaded standoff long enough
(45mm+) to hold the rear panel onto
the front panel. If you can find (or
make!) a 45mm M3 threaded standoff,
more power to you!
We made ours with a combination
of 15mm and a 25mm M3 threaded
standoffs, M3 studs to join them into
single 40mm lengths, plus a few M3
nuts and washers to end up with the
50mm length required.
The “stud” which joins the 15 and
25mm lengths was simply a short
(15mm) M3 screw with its head cut
off with a hacksaw. (You will probably need to run a nut over the cut-off
section to reform the thread).
Two M3 nuts were used between the
two standoffs as spacers. Fig.4 shows
this a little more clearly. The overall
length of the standoff, top of PCB to
bottom of rear panel, is 50mm. Given that nuts vary all over the place
in height, simply choose the number
of nuts and/or washers to make your
standoffs 50mm long.
We made four of these. The bottom
Fig.4: you
need four 50mm
M3 threaded
standoffs – but
just try to buy
them! We made ours
from 15mm and 25mm
standoffs, joined with
an M3 “stud”
made from
a headless
15mm M3
screw. Nuts
and washers
were used
to pack it
out to 50mm
25mm M3
ends screw onto the M3 screws which
pass through the case front panel (with
a nut) and then the PCB. The top ends
fasten to the four M3 screws which hold
the rear panel in place.
Using the DDS Superhet
Alignment Unit ( Sept 17 )
The DDS IF Alignment unit makes aligning the Super-7 quite straightforward.
While its IF alignment mode is handy for
verifying the alignment is correct, the AM
modulated signal generator is actually the
mode we used the most during alignment.
The DDS module allows you to generate the 455kHz, 525kHz and 1620kHz
test signals with or without modulation.
Simply enter the required frequency and
select sinewave mode.
We simply produced a maximum (or
near maximum) amplitude signal and fed
it to a small wire loop which we placed
near the ferrite rod. However, you could
also use the onboard attenuator to produce a lower level signal suitable for direct injection via a 1nF capacitor, as per
the main text.
Note that we found proper alignment
much easier with the aid of a scope since
this allows you to see how cleanly the
modulated test signal is being demodulated and you can tweak the alignment to
give not only the strongest but also least
distorted signal output.
Once you’ve completed the alignment
procedure as stated in the main text, you
can then set the generator frequency and
switch to IF alignment mode to verify that
the IF bandwidth peaks around 455kHz
and has the correct ~10kHz bandwidth to
the -3dB points, as shown in the screen
photo below.
~15mm M3
(15mm M3
15mm M3
Celebrating 30 Years
December 2017 73