- Outer Front Cover
- Contents
- Publisher's Letter: Australia's strength in manufacturing
- Feature: Rail Guns and Electromagnetic Launchers
by Dr David Maddison
- Project: Touchscreen Altimeter and Weather station
by Jim Rowe
- Feature: Interfacing with the Raspberry Pi – for Beginners
by Andrew Pullin
- Project: The Arduino MegaBox from Altronics
by Bao Smith
- Product Showcase
- Review: Music Hall mmf-1.3 Belt-Driven Turntable
by Leo Simpson
- Serviceman's Log: Video trials and tribulations
by Dave Thompson
- Project: Build your own Super-7 AM Radio Receiver – Part 2
by John Clarke
- Feature: El Cheapo Modules 11: Pressure/Temperature Sensors
by Jim Rowe
- Subscriptions
- Project: Part 3: Finishing our new 6GHz+ Digital Frequency Meter
by Nicholas Vinen
- PartShop
- Vintage Radio: Roberts R66 4-valve 2-band portable
by Marc Chick
- Market Centre
- Notes & Errata: 50A Charger Controller, Nov16; Deluxe Touchscreen eFuse, Jul17; Universal Battery Valve Power Supply, Aug17; 3-way Active Crossover, Sept & Oct17; Kelvin the Cricket, Oct17; Circuit Notebook: Modifications to Universal Battery Valve Power Supply, Oct17; 6GHz+ Touchscreen Frequency Meter, Oct-Dec17; Super-7 AM Radio, Nov17
- Advertising Index
- Outer Back Cover
This is only a preview of the December 2017 issue of Silicon Chip.
You can view 38 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments.
For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues.
Items relevant to "Touchscreen Altimeter and Weather station":
Items relevant to "The Arduino MegaBox from Altronics":
Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "Build your own Super-7 AM Radio Receiver – Part 2":
Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "El Cheapo Modules 11: Pressure/Temperature Sensors":
Articles in this series:
El Cheapo Modules From Asia - Part 1 (October 2016)
El Cheapo Modules From Asia - Part 1 (October 2016)
El Cheapo Modules From Asia - Part 2 (December 2016)
El Cheapo Modules From Asia - Part 2 (December 2016)
El Cheapo Modules From Asia - Part 3 (January 2017)
El Cheapo Modules From Asia - Part 3 (January 2017)
El Cheapo Modules from Asia - Part 4 (February 2017)
El Cheapo Modules from Asia - Part 4 (February 2017)
El Cheapo Modules, Part 5: LCD module with I²C (March 2017)
El Cheapo Modules, Part 5: LCD module with I²C (March 2017)
El Cheapo Modules, Part 6: Direct Digital Synthesiser (April 2017)
El Cheapo Modules, Part 6: Direct Digital Synthesiser (April 2017)
El Cheapo Modules, Part 7: LED Matrix displays (June 2017)
El Cheapo Modules, Part 7: LED Matrix displays (June 2017)
El Cheapo Modules: Li-ion & LiPo Chargers (August 2017)
El Cheapo Modules: Li-ion & LiPo Chargers (August 2017)
El Cheapo modules Part 9: AD9850 DDS module (September 2017)
El Cheapo modules Part 9: AD9850 DDS module (September 2017)
El Cheapo Modules Part 10: GPS receivers (October 2017)
El Cheapo Modules Part 10: GPS receivers (October 2017)
El Cheapo Modules 11: Pressure/Temperature Sensors (December 2017)
El Cheapo Modules 11: Pressure/Temperature Sensors (December 2017)
El Cheapo Modules 12: 2.4GHz Wireless Data Modules (January 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 12: 2.4GHz Wireless Data Modules (January 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 13: sensing motion and moisture (February 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 13: sensing motion and moisture (February 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 14: Logarithmic RF Detector (March 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 14: Logarithmic RF Detector (March 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 16: 35-4400MHz frequency generator (May 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 16: 35-4400MHz frequency generator (May 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 17: 4GHz digital attenuator (June 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 17: 4GHz digital attenuator (June 2018)
El Cheapo: 500MHz frequency counter and preamp (July 2018)
El Cheapo: 500MHz frequency counter and preamp (July 2018)
El Cheapo modules Part 19 – Arduino NFC Shield (September 2018)
El Cheapo modules Part 19 – Arduino NFC Shield (September 2018)
El cheapo modules, part 20: two tiny compass modules (November 2018)
El cheapo modules, part 20: two tiny compass modules (November 2018)
El cheapo modules, part 21: stamp-sized audio player (December 2018)
El cheapo modules, part 21: stamp-sized audio player (December 2018)
El Cheapo Modules 22: Stepper Motor Drivers (February 2019)
El Cheapo Modules 22: Stepper Motor Drivers (February 2019)
El Cheapo Modules 23: Galvanic Skin Response (March 2019)
El Cheapo Modules 23: Galvanic Skin Response (March 2019)
El Cheapo Modules: Class D amplifier modules (May 2019)
El Cheapo Modules: Class D amplifier modules (May 2019)
El Cheapo Modules: Long Range (LoRa) Transceivers (June 2019)
El Cheapo Modules: Long Range (LoRa) Transceivers (June 2019)
El Cheapo Modules: AD584 Precision Voltage References (July 2019)
El Cheapo Modules: AD584 Precision Voltage References (July 2019)
Three I-O Expanders to give you more control! (November 2019)
Three I-O Expanders to give you more control! (November 2019)
El Cheapo modules: “Intelligent” 8x8 RGB LED Matrix (January 2020)
El Cheapo modules: “Intelligent” 8x8 RGB LED Matrix (January 2020)
El Cheapo modules: 8-channel USB Logic Analyser (February 2020)
El Cheapo modules: 8-channel USB Logic Analyser (February 2020)
New w-i-d-e-b-a-n-d RTL-SDR modules (May 2020)
New w-i-d-e-b-a-n-d RTL-SDR modules (May 2020)
New w-i-d-e-b-a-n-d RTL-SDR modules, Part 2 (June 2020)
New w-i-d-e-b-a-n-d RTL-SDR modules, Part 2 (June 2020)
El Cheapo Modules: Mini Digital Volt/Amp Panel Meters (December 2020)
El Cheapo Modules: Mini Digital Volt/Amp Panel Meters (December 2020)
El Cheapo Modules: Mini Digital AC Panel Meters (January 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: Mini Digital AC Panel Meters (January 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: LCR-T4 Digital Multi-Tester (February 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: LCR-T4 Digital Multi-Tester (February 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: USB-PD chargers (July 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: USB-PD chargers (July 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: USB-PD Triggers (August 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: USB-PD Triggers (August 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: 3.8GHz Digital Attenuator (October 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: 3.8GHz Digital Attenuator (October 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: 6GHz Digital Attenuator (November 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: 6GHz Digital Attenuator (November 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: 35MHz-4.4GHz Signal Generator (December 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: 35MHz-4.4GHz Signal Generator (December 2021)
El Cheapo Modules: LTDZ Spectrum Analyser (January 2022)
El Cheapo Modules: LTDZ Spectrum Analyser (January 2022)
Low-noise HF-UHF Amplifiers (February 2022)
Low-noise HF-UHF Amplifiers (February 2022)
A Gesture Recognition Module (March 2022)
A Gesture Recognition Module (March 2022)
Air Quality Sensors (May 2022)
Air Quality Sensors (May 2022)
MOS Air Quality Sensors (June 2022)
MOS Air Quality Sensors (June 2022)
PAS CO2 Air Quality Sensor (July 2022)
PAS CO2 Air Quality Sensor (July 2022)
Particulate Matter (PM) Sensors (November 2022)
Particulate Matter (PM) Sensors (November 2022)
Heart Rate Sensor Module (February 2023)
Heart Rate Sensor Module (February 2023)
UVM-30A UV Light Sensor (May 2023)
UVM-30A UV Light Sensor (May 2023)
VL6180X Rangefinding Module (July 2023)
VL6180X Rangefinding Module (July 2023)
pH Meter Module (September 2023)
pH Meter Module (September 2023)
1.3in Monochrome OLED Display (October 2023)
1.3in Monochrome OLED Display (October 2023)
16-bit precision 4-input ADC (November 2023)
16-bit precision 4-input ADC (November 2023)
1-24V USB Power Supply (October 2024)
1-24V USB Power Supply (October 2024)
14-segment, 4-digit LED Display Modules (November 2024)
0.91-inch OLED Screen (November 2024)
0.91-inch OLED Screen (November 2024)
14-segment, 4-digit LED Display Modules (November 2024)
The Quason VL6180X laser rangefinder module (January 2025)
TCS230 Colour Sensor (January 2025)
The Quason VL6180X laser rangefinder module (January 2025)
TCS230 Colour Sensor (January 2025)
Using Electronic Modules: 1-24V Adjustable USB Power Supply (February 2025)
Using Electronic Modules: 1-24V Adjustable USB Power Supply (February 2025)
Items relevant to "Part 3: Finishing our new 6GHz+ Digital Frequency Meter":
Articles in this series:
Purchase a printed copy of this issue for $10.00.
Vol.30, No.12; December 2017
Features & Reviews
14 Rail Guns and Electromagnetic Launchers
Using electromagnetic force instead of explosives or steam can launch aircraft
off the deck of a carrier, fire a shell without the need of a warhead . . . or
perhaps one day even launch satellites – by Dr David Maddison
34 Interfacing with the Raspberry Pi – for Beginners
It’s one of the world’s most popular micro computer platforms – but even
many long-term “Pi” users don’t realise that its GPIO port can deliver so much
flexibility. We say it’s for beginners . . . of all levels! – by Andrew Pullin
57 Review: Music Hall mmf-1.3 Belt-Driven Turntable
It’s unusual to find a quality turntable offering 78 RPM as well as the “normal”
33.33 and 45 RPM speeds. With the increasing interest in vinyl (and shellac!)
discs in recent years, we thought it worth a close look – by Leo Simpson
78 El Cheapo Modules 11: Pressure/Temperature Sensors
Two tiny modules which sense barometric pressure and air temperature and
send their readings to virtually any micro via a standard I2C serial interface. We
were so impressed we made them into a project (see below!) – by Jim Rowe
Constructional Projects
24 Touchscreen Altimeter and Weather station
Based on low-cost modules and the mighty Micromite with Touchscreen
BackPack, this accurate altimeter also has built in weather reporting. Even if
you don’t fly, it’s a fascinating and worthwhile project – by Jim Rowe
42 The Arduino MegaBox from Altronics
Build your Arduino design into a professional finished case – plug in an Arduino
UNO or Mega and shield. In addition, it has provision for a 16x2 LCD, four control
buttons, an IR receiver and a rotary encoder on the front panel – by Bao Smith
66 Build your own Super-7 AM Radio Receiver – Part II
This month we’re putting it together and then showing you how to align your
Super-7 AM Radio Receiver. Fit it into the smart, laser-cut acrylic case and
you’ll have a project that really will turn heads! – by John Clarke
84 Finishing our new 6GHz+ Digital Frequency Meter
It’s caused quite a stir since we introduced this remarkable instrument back in
October. Here in part III we tie up all the loose ends and explain how to get the
most from it – by Nicholas Vinen
Your Favourite Columns
60 Serviceman’s Log
Video trials and tribulations – by Dave Thompson
90 Circuit Notebook
(1) Four quadrant power supply based on high voltage op amp
(2) Micromite-based air conditioner remote control
94 Vintage Radio
Roberts R66 4-valve 2-band portable – by Marc Chick
Everything Else!
2 Editorial Viewpoint
4 Mailbag – Your Feedback
88 SILICON CHIP Online Shop
103 Market Centre
104 Advertising Index
104 Notes and Errata
Celebrating 30 Years
Celebrating 30 Years
Electromagnetic rail guns are
already used to launch aircraft from
carriers and fire massive shells
without even needing a warhead. We
look at the latest developments and
the future possibilities – Page 14
Even if you never fly anything,
our new Micromite Touchscreen
Altimeter and
Station makes
for a really
interesting – and
fun – project. It’s very
accurate, too – Page 24
There’s a lot more to the Raspberry
Pi 3 GPIO (General Purpose Input/
Output) than
most users
Here we
look at it
in detail –
Page 34
Why on earth would you want
to build an AM Radio Receiver?
Because you CAN –
and it looks
as good as
it performs
in its custom
acrylic case!)
– Page 66
If you only build one piece of test
gear this year (or next!) make it the
outstanding 6GHz(+) touchscreen
DFM (digital
frequency meter).
With the best
we’ve ever
seen, it should
be on every test
bench – Page 84
Our cover photo: Christian Moullec flying with geese
© Superbass / CC-BY-SA-3.0 (via Wikimedia Commons)
December 2017 1