This is only a preview of the February 2017 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 44 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "GPS-synchronised Analog Clock Driver":
Items relevant to "Ultra-low-voltage Versatile LED Flasher":
Items relevant to "El Cheapo Modules from Asia - Part 4":
Items relevant to "High Power DC Motor Speed Control – Part 2":
Items relevant to "New SC200 Audio Amplifier – Part 2":
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Build the
our new high performance
amplifier module
• 200W into 4Ω
• 0.001% distortion
• a worthy successor to the popular SC480
Last month, we introduced the SC200 Amplifier Module. It’s our
replacement for the venerable SC480 and it is better in every respect.
It’s a low-cost amplifier module with more power than the SC480,
lower distortion, lower noise and it really does make the SC480 look,
well, obsolete! This month we’re presenting the construction details.
n the first article, we described the circuit of the SC200 field and components on the PCB.
Luckily, we designed the PCB with two slots for a cable
audio amplifier, which is basically a cut-down, lowercost version of the Ultra-LD Mk.2/3/4 series of ampli- tie in case we found this to be necessary.
So no changes are required to the circuit or board; simfiers.
While we’ve stripped it back slightly, the performance is ply mount the inductor as shown in the photos and diastill very good and in fact, it has virtually identical power grams this month, rather than flat as shown in the photos
last month.
delivery figures.
We have also made provision for the SMD resistor which
We also provided a parts list in the first article and described the optional clip detection circuitry, which is was previously fitted inside the hole in the middle of the
bobbin to be mounted on the underside of the board, so
housed on the same PCB.
This month, we’ll go through the construction proce- it won’t interfere with the now vertical inductor. More on
dure, which is quite straightforward. It basically involves that later.
mounting the smaller components on the PCB, drilling the
heatsink, then mounting the power devices on the heatsink Heatsink selection
The SC200 Amplifier module is built on a double-sidand soldering their leads onto the PCB.
Before getting into the construction, there’s one minor ed PCB coded 01108161 and measuring 117 x 84mm. The
change in the design since we presented the circuit last seven main power transistors are arranged in a row along
month. As with the Ultra-LD Mk.4 (July-September 2015), the top (back) edge and these are mounted on a diecast alafter testing we found that the best performance is obtained uminium heatsink.
The power figures given last month (135W into 8Ω, 200W
with the main filter inductor, L2, mounted on its side, rather
into 4Ω) can be obtained with entirely
than horizontally on the PCB, as shown
passive cooling (ie, no fans), provided
in the photos last month. This reduces
there is sufficient ventilation where the
the interaction between its magnetic
78 Silicon Chip
The inductor mounting shown in this close-up is a
modification to that shown in the prototype (left).
heatsink(s) are mounted.
Having said that, it would be possible to add fan-forced
cooling should that be desired, but we won’t go into details here.
The heatsink used on our prototype and pictured this
month and last month measures 150 x 75 x 46mm (Jaycar
HH8555) but we used that one primarily because we already had a partially drilled example in our workshop.
We recommend that you use a slightly larger 200 x 75 x
48mm heatsink (Altronics H0536) instead. This will keep
the transistors cooler when the amplifier is operating at
higher power levels.
There’s also a 300mm-wide version of the same heatsink available for only a couple of dollars more (Altronics H0545) and if you have room for it in your chassis, the
amplifier will run even cooler. But the following instructions will assume you’re using the 200mm type which was
specified in the parts list.
Start by fitting the smaller components to the PCB. Use
the overlay diagram, Fig.4, as a guide. Note the area in the
lower right-hand corner with the dotted outline. The components in this area form the optional clip detection circuitry. If you don’t need that, you may omit all the components within to save time and money.
There are five 3W SMD resistors on the board and it’s
best to start by soldering them while the PCB will still sit
flat on your bench. They are quite large so it’s fairly easy
to install them although you will find it even easier if you
spread a thin layer of flux paste on each associated pad before you do so. Solder the four 0.1Ω resistors first.
There are pads on either side of the board to which the
6.8Ω 3W resistor can be soldered. As mentioned earlier, we
suggest you solder it to the pads on the underside so it does
not interfere with the mounting of air-cored inductor L2, later.
In each case, you can clamp the resistor in place over
the appropriate pads and then apply solder at each end if
you have suitable tools. Otherwise, the simplest method
is to apply solder to one of the pads and then heat it with
your iron while you slide the resistor in place and allow
the solder to flow onto it. You can hold the resistor with a
pair of tweezers while doing this.
Once you’ve removed the heat, make sure it can’t move
before soldering the opposite end, then add a little fresh
solder to the first pad to ensure the joint has formed properly. When finished, it’s a good idea to inspect the joints
under good light and magnification to ensure they have
formed proper fillets.
By the way, we’re using SMD 3W resistors since they are
a lot more compact than 5W wirewound resistors and also
have much tighter tolerances. And even though it is largely of academic interest as far as the circuit performance is
concerned, these SMD resistors are non-inductive.
Through-hole components
You can now solder the two small through-hole diodes,
D1 and D2. Don’t get these mixed up as they may look similar and ensure they have their cathode stripes orientated
as shown in Fig.4[a]. If building it with the clip detector,
fit diodes D5-D7 now as well.
Follow with all the quarter-watt resistors, using a DMM
to check the resistance of each batch before installing them,
as the coloured bands can be ambiguous. Don’t forget to
slip a ferrite bead over one end of the 100Ω resistor near
CON1 before soldering it into place.
As stated earlier, you can leave out the nine small resistors in the clip detector circuit if you don’t need it. Alternatively, if you are building it with the clip detector, fit
zener diodes ZD1 and ZD2 now, with their cathode stripes
as shown in the overlay diagram.
Then mount the two 1W resistors, followed by the larger
diodes D3 and D4, again referring to Fig.4 for the correct
orientation. This is most important as they will short out
the amplifier output if reversed! Now attach medium power
transistors Q8 and Q9 using 6mm M3 machine screws and
nuts, having bent their leads at right angles to fit through
the mounting holes on the PCB. Don’t get them mixed up;
Q8 must be a KSC2690A (NPN) while Q9 is a KSA1220A
(PNP). Once their mounting screws have been done up
We used the
150mm-wide Jaycar
HH8555 heatsink (left) on
our prototype but recommend
the larger 200mm Altronics H0563
(right) instead. There’s also an even
larger (300mm wide) Altronics heatsink
available (H0545) if maximum cooling
is important.
February 2017 79
tightly, solder and trim their leads.
You can now fit the LEDs to the
board. In each case, the anode (longer)
lead goes in the mounting hole closer
to the bottom of the board, with the flat
side of the lens (cathode) towards the
top. You must fit LED1; LEDs2-5 are
optional but highly recommended as
they indicate the presence of the two
power rails and the state of fuses F1
and F2. LED6 can be fitted if you are
building the clip detection circuitry,
or you can leave it off and use an offboard LED connected via CON4, which
you will solder in place later.
You may fit PCB pins for TP1-TP7
now. Note that there are two positions
marked at TP7; they are connected to
the same copper trace and are provided merely for convenience, as it’s
necessary to measure between TP7 and
TP3-6, the latter of which are spread
across the board. If you have alligator
clip leads for your DMM, we recommend fitting PC stakes for one of the
TP7 points along with either TP4 or
TP5 (whichever is closer) but leaving
the others as bare pads, since it’s easier
to connect to bare pads with standard
pointed PCB probes.
Trimpots VR1 and VR2 are next on
the list. VR1 must be a 1kΩ multi-turn
trimpot and it is installed with its
screw towards the centre of the board
as shown. VR2 may be a mini horizontal trimpot, however, we found it quite
fiddly to use this type to zero the output offset voltage so we’ve made provision for a multi-turn trimpot which
is a bit more expensive but less sensitive. If using a multi-turn type, mount
it with the same orientation as VR1, ie,
with the screw towards the bottom of
the board.
You can now fit the smaller capacitors. There are six MKT capacitors plus
three which can be either ceramic or
MKT (or in the case of the 150pF type,
MKP). Polarity is not important for any
of these. Follow with the small signal
transistors but don’t get the different
types mixed up. You will likely need
to crank the leads out slightly to fit the
PCB pads (use small pliers).
Three of these transistors are for the
clip detection circuitry and may be
omitted; note that one of these three
is a 2N5551 high-voltage NPN type.
The other seven (Q1-Q7) must be installed. Now you can solder the four
M205 fuse clip holders in place. Make
sure each is pushed all the way down
on the PCB before soldering and that
80 Silicon Chip
Fig.4: two versions of the PCB component layout (the PCB itself is identical). The
top (Fig.4[a]) is for those who don’t like SMD components – only five are used
and they’re all quite large and easy to solder. The alternative (bottom) layout
(Fig.4[b]) uses rather more SMDs – mainly semiconductors and capacitors. See
the alternative parts list opposite.
the retaining clip is facing towards
the outside of the fuse, otherwise you
will not be able to install the fuses
later. Note that soldering these parts
requires quite a bit of heat as they are
on large copper pads.
Now install the electrolytic capacitors. The orientation is important; in
each case, the longer (positive) lead
should go into the pad closer to the
left side of the PCB. If in doubt, refer
to the + symbols shown in Fig.4. Note
that the 47F capacitor closest to Q5
must have a voltage rating of at least
35V (shown in the overlay diagram)
but the others may be rated at 25V.
the panel below and the mounting
locations are shown in Fig.4(b). Of
course, you may choose to substitute
some of these parts but not all, depending on what you have on hand.
Most of the parts listed are either
direct equivalents to the through-hole
versions or have superior performance.
They are all mounted in place of the
through-hole components, on the top
of the board, with two exceptions. One
is D3 and D4, which if substituted, are
fitted on the underside because there
are too many tracks on the top side.
And while Q8 and Q9 are not listed in the parts list, nor shown in
(Fig.4[b]), it is possible to substitute
these with FZT696B (NPN; Q8) and
FZT796A (PNP; Q9) which were used
in these roles in the Ultra-LD Mk.4
amplifier. We haven’t actually tested
it, but there is provision for them on
the underside of the PCB (under the
through-hole mounting locations) and
should work in theory.
This completed PCB matches the “through hole” version opposite (Fig.4[a]).
In the surface-mount version (Fig.4[b]) the SMD components are in the same
positions as the through-hole versions above – but watch the polarity!
Now it’s time to fit pluggable terminal blocks CON2 and CON3. Make sure
you orientate these so that the wire
entry holes are on the outside. The
easiest way to do this is to temporarily attach the plugs, place the sockets
on the PCB and then remove the plugs
before soldering the sockets. Make sure
the socket pins are pushed all the way
down before soldering them.
You can now also fit the input connector. There are three possibilities: either a horizontal RCA socket (CON1),
vertical RCA socket (CON6) or polarised pin header to go to an off-board
socket (CON5). If you wish, you can
fit CON1 along with one of the other
two, although you will only be able to
use one at any given time.
With those in place, fit the 100nF
250V MKP capacitor which goes next
to L2. There are a few different mounting holes, to suit capacitors with different pin spacings. Now would also
be a good time to mount CON4 for the
clip detector circuit, if you are using
it with an off-board LED.
Alternative SMD components
We won’t go into a lot of detail on
this topic as most constructors will
probably be happy to build the amplifier using mostly through-hole components, as detailed above.
But since it was easy, we made provision on the PCB for a number of the
components to be substituted with
SMD equivalents. This includes small
signal transistors Q1-Q7, Q17 and Q18,
diodes D1, D2 and D5-D7, zener diodes
ZD1 & ZD2, the 1W resistors and the
non-electrolytic capacitors.
The main reason for using optional
SMD equivalents is primarily cost. It
probably isn’t worthwhile to go out
and buy the optional SMDs for this
project but if you already have them,
they would have cost you very little.
The alternative parts are shown in
Alternative SMD parts
3 BC846 transistors (Q3,Q4,Q7)
4 BCM856DS transistors
1 blue SMD 3216/1206 LED (LED1)
2 red SMD 3216/1206 LED (LED2,4)
2 green SMD 3216/1206 LED
1 LL4148 or similar small signal
diode (D1)
1 BAV21W-TP schottky diode (D2)
2 VS-3EJH02 hyperfast rectifiers
Winding inductor L2
This is easiest if you make up a
winding jig. See the accompanying
panel for details on how to do it. You
only need a few cheap and easy-to-obtain items (that you may already have),
and it will come in handy any time you
need to wind a small air-core choke so
we recommend that you build one if
you haven’t already.
The inductor is wound using a ~1m
length of 1.25mm diameter enamelled
copper wire on a 10mm wide, 13mm
inner diameter plastic former bobbin. Fit the bobbin to the jig, or if you
don’t have a jig, wind some electrical
tape around a bolt or dowel so that it
is a firm fit through the centre of the
1 470Ω 1W 5% SMD 6332/2512
1 100Ω 1W 5% SMD 6332/2512
1 47µF X5R 6.3V SMD ceramic
2 220nF X7R 50V SMD ceramic
3216/1206 or 2012/0805
1 100nF 250V C0G SMD ceramic
5652/2220 or 4532/1812
4 100nF X7R 100V SMD ceramic
3216/1206 or 2012/0805
2 1nF C0G 100V SMD ceramic
3216/1206 or 2012/0805
1 150pF C0G 250V SMD ceramic
3216/1206 or 2012/0805
February 2017 81
Making A Winding Jig For The 2.2μ
2.2μH Inductor
Wind wire on
bobbin clockwise
The winding jig consists of an M5
x 70mm bolt, two M5 nuts, an M5 flat
washer, a piece of scrap PCB material (approximately 40 x 50mm) and a
scrap piece of timber (approximately
140 x 45 x 20mm) for the handle.
In use, the flat washer goes against
the head of the bolt, after which a
collar is fitted over the bolt to take
the bobbin. This collar should have
bobbin, to prevent the plastic breaking while winding on the copper wire.
For a neat result, the wire can first
be straightened by securing one end
in a vice and pulling hard on the other
end with a large pair of pliers. This
requires a fair bit of strength so be
careful in case the pliers or vice let go.
Make a right-angle bend in the wire
25mm from one end, then insert this
end through one of the slots in the
bobbin and wind on seven closepacked turns, which should fill the
82 Silicon Chip
These photos show how
the winding jig is used to
make the 2.2m
mH inductor.
First, the bobbin is slipped
over the collar on the bolt
(1), then an end cheek
is attached and the wire
threaded through the
exit slot (2). The handle
is then attached and the
coil tightly wound onto
the bobbin using 13.5
turns of 1.25mm-diameter
enamelled copper wire
(3). The finished coil (4) is
secured using one or two
bands of heatshrink tubing
around the outside.
a width that’s slightly less than the
width (height) of the bobbin and can
be wound on using insulation tape.
Wind on sufficient tape so that the
bobbin fits snugly over this collar without being too tight.
Next, drill a 5mm hole through the
centre of the scrap PCB material,
followed by a 1.5mm exit hole about
8mm away that will align with one of
width of the bobbin. In case the winding direction affects performance,
we recommend that you wind in the
same direction as we did, as shown
in the photo.
Once that layer is complete, wind
another 6.5 turns on top, again close
packed and in the same direction, then
bend the wire through the opposite slot
it started through and cut it off 25mm
from the bobbin.
To holding the windings in place,
cut a 10mm length of 20mm diameter
the slots in the bobbin. The bobbin
can be slipped over the collar, after
which the scrap PCB “end cheek” is
slipped over the bolt (ie, the bobbin is
sandwiched into position between the
washer and the scrap PCB).
Align the bobbin so that one of its
slots lines up with the exit hole in the
end cheek, then install the first nut
and secure it tightly. The handle can
then be fitted by drilling a 5mm hole
through one end, then slipping it over
the bolt and installing the second nut.
heatshrink tubing and slip it over the
bobbin, then shrink it down gently
using a hot air gun on a low setting.
Trim the two protruding wires to exactly 20mm from the base of the bobbin then strip 5mm of the enamel from
each end using either emery paper or a
hobby knife/scalpel and tin the leads.
To get the specified performance,
you must mount the inductor as shown
in Fig.4 and in the photos. Two slots
are provided for a cable tie to hold it in
place. Bend its leads to fit through the
Drilling & Tapping The Aluminium Heatsink
(SCALE 50%)
Fig.5: this half-size diagram shows the heatsink drilling details. The holes
can either be drilled and tapped (using an M3 tap) or can be drilled to 3mm
and the transistors mounted using machine screws, nuts & washers.
Fig.5 above shows the heatsink
drilling details. If tapping the holes,
they should be drilled to 2.5mm diameter right through the heatsink
plate and then tapped to 3mm. Alternatively, the holes can be drilled
through using a 3mm drill and the
transistors mounted using screws,
nuts and washers.
It’s somewhat more work to tap
the holes but it makes mounting the
transistors quite a bit easier (no nuts
required) and gives a neater appearance.
Before drilling the heatsink, you will
have to carefully mark out the hole
locations using a very sharp pencil.
Then use a small hand-drill fitted with
a 1mm bit to start the location of each
hole. This is important as it will allow
you to accurately position the holes
(the locations are critical) before stepping up to larger drills in a drill press.
Be sure to use a drill press to drill
the holes (there’s no way you’ll get
the holes perfectly perpendicular to
the mounting face without one). Use
a small pilot drill to begin with (eg,
1.5mm), then carefully step up the
drill size to either 2.5mm or 3mm. The
holes have to go between the fins so
it’s vital to accurately position them. In
addition, you can drill (and tap) three
holes in the base of the heatsink so
that it can later be bolted to a chassis.
Be sure to use a suitable lubricant
M3 x 10mm
M3 x 10mm
FJA4313 OR
Fig.6: here’s how the driver (left) and power (right) transistor are secured to
the heatsink. Ensure there is no short between the collectors and heatsink.
when drilling the holes. Kerosene is
the recommended lubricant for aluminium but we found that light machine oil (eg, Singer or 3-in-1) also
works well for jobs like this.
Don’t try drilling the holes in one go.
When drilling aluminium, it’s important
to regularly remove the bit from the
hole and clear away the metal swarf.
If you don’t do this, the aluminium
swarf has a nasty habit of jamming
the drill bit and breaking it. Re-lubricate the hole and the bit with oil each
time before you resume drilling.
To tap the holes, you will need an
M3 intermediate (or starting) tap (not
a finishing tap). The trick here is to
take it nice and slowly. Keep the lubricant up and regularly wind the tap
out to clear the metal swarf from the
hole. Re-lubricate the tap each time
before resuming.
Do not at any stage apply undue
force to the tap. It’s easy to break a
tap in half if you are heavy-handed
and if the break occurs at or below the
heatsink’s face, you can scratch both
the tap and the heatsink (and about
$25). Similarly, if you encounter any
resistance when undoing the tap from
the heatsink, gently rotate it back and
forth and let it cut its way back out. In
short, don’t force it.
Having completed the tapping,
deburr all holes using an oversize
drill to remove any metal swarf from
the mounting surface. The mounting
surface must be perfectly smooth to
prevent punch-through of the transistor insulating washers.
Finally, the heatsink should be thoroughly scrubbed cleaned using water and detergent and allowed to dry.
Fig.6 (left) shows the mounting of
the amplifier to the heatsink once all
the above drilling and tapping is completed.
Note differences between the driver
(left) and power (right) transistors. It
is imperative that silicone insulating
washers are used to isolate the transistors from the heatsinks; you can
easily check this with your multimeter on a high “Ohms” range between
the collectors and heatsink.
ANY reading will mean there is a
problem – sort it out before continuing
or the transistor life can be measured
in milliseconds when you apply power.
February 2017 83
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appropriate pad, then fit and tighten
the cable tie before soldering and trimming the leads. Note the way we’ve
orientated it; each wire from the PCB
runs up and over the top of the bobbin.
Drilling & tapping the heatsink
The mounting locations for the power devices on the heatsink are the same
as for the Ultra-LD Mk.3 and Mk.4
amplifiers; while the actual output
devices have changed, and the driver
transistors are in the slightly smaller
TO-126 package (rather than TO-220),
the output configuration is essentially
the same so we decided not to make
any changes in this area.
See the accompanying panel on
drilling and tapping the heatsink,
which incorporates a drilling diagram.
As explained in that panel, you have
the option of either tapping the seven
holes, which is the neatest solution, or
offsetting the holes by around 5mm in
either direction (left or right, to clear
the heatsink fins) and then drilling
them all right through the heatsink.
You can then attach the power devices
using longer (~15mm) machine screws
fed between through the fins.
This is the approach we took for the
prototype as it’s a lot less work, however, you do have to be very accurate
in drilling the holes, both in terms
of the initial position and in making
sure that they are drilled at right angles to the heatsink face. If any of the
holes are off by more than about half
a millimetre, you will find it between
tricky and impossible to fit the nuts to
the screw shafts.
If you decide to tap the holes instead, while this is more work and
requires some patience, the exact
hole positions are no longer quite so
84 Silicon Chip
After you have drilled and possibly tapped the transistor mounting
holes, you will also want to do something about mounting it in the chassis. Our preferred method is to drill
and tap three additional holes along
the bottom of the heatsink to hold it
in place. However, it’s also possible
to fit right-angle brackets to the fins at
either end of the heatsink by drilling
right through them and using screws
and nuts to hold them in place.
Once all holes have been drilled, deburr them using an over-sized drill bit
and clean off any aluminium particles
or swarf. Check that the areas around
the holes are perfectly smooth to avoid
the possibility of puncturing any of the
insulating washers.
Final assembly
Now it’s time to mate the PCB with
the main heatsink but first, re-check
the face of the heatsink. All holes
must be deburred and it must be perfectly clean and free of any grit or
metal swarf.
Start the heatsink assembly by
mounting transistors Q10, Q11 & Q12
(see Fig.6). A silicone rubber washer
goes between each of these transistors
and the heatsink. If you can’t get TO126/TO-225 insulating washers, you
can carefully cut down some TO-220
washers to fit the devices. Make sure
they’re small enough to fit side-byside on the heatsink but not so small
that you risk any contact between the
metal pad on the rear of each device
and the face of the heatsink.
If the holes are tapped, these three
transistors can be secured using M3
x 10mm machine screws. Alternatively, if you have drilled non-tapped
holes, use M3 x 15mm or 20mm machine screws, with the screws coming through from the heatsink side
(ie, the screw heads go between the
heatsink fins).
Make sure the three transistors and
their insulators are properly vertical,
then do the screws all the way up but
don’t tighten them yet; ie, you should
still just be able to rotate the transistors.
The next step is to fit an M3 x 9mm
(or 10mm) tapped spacer to each of the
four mounting holes on the PCB. Secure these using M3 x 6mm machine
screws. Once they’re on, sit the board
down on the spacers and lower the
heatsink so that the transistor leads
pass through the appropriate holes.
The four output transistors (Q13-
Q16) can now be fitted. Two different
types are used so be careful not to mix
them up (check the layout diagram).
As shown in Fig.6(b), these devices
must also be insulated from the heatsink using silicone insulating washers.
Start by fitting Q13. The procedure
here is to first push its leads into the
PCB mounting holes, then lean the device back and partially feed through
its mounting screw with a flat washer.
Hang the insulating washer off the end
of the screw and then loosely screw
the assembly to the heatsink.
The remaining three devices are
then installed in exactly the same way
but take care to fit the correct transistor type at each location. Once they’re
in, push the board down so that all
four spacers (and the heatsink) are in
contact with the benchtop. This automatically adjusts the transistor lead
lengths and ensures that the bottom of
the board sits 9-10mm above the bottom edge of the heatsink.
Now adjust the PCB assembly horizontally so that the transistor leads
are as vertical as possible. If you have
tapped the holes, and assuming you’re
using the specified 200mm-wide heatsink, this will be when each side of
the PCB is 41.5mm in from its adjacent heatsink end. Once you are sure
it is properly positioned, tighten all
the transistor screws just enough so
that they are held in place while keeping the insulating washers correctly
The next step is to lightly solder the
outside leads of Q13 & Q16 to their
pads on the top of the board. The assembly is then turned upside down
so that the heatsink transistor leads
can be soldered. Before soldering the
leads, though, it’s important to prop
the front edge of the board up so that
the PCB is at right-angles to the heatsink. If you don’t do this, it will sag
under its own weight and will remain
in this condition after the leads have
been soldered.
A couple of cardboard cylinders
cut to 63mm can be used as supports
(eg, one at each corner). With these in
place, check that the board is correctly centred on the heatsink, then solder all 21 leads. Make sure the joints
are good since some can carry many
amps at full power.
Once the soldering is completed,
trim the leads and remove the two
supports near the heatsink, as these
are no longer required; the transistors
should be mounted to the chassis via
the heatsink only, otherwise, thermal
cycling could crack their solder joints.
Now turn the board right way up
again and tighten the transistor mounting screws to ensure good thermal
coupling between the devices and
the heatsink. Don’t over-tighten the
mounting screws, though. Remember
that the heatsink is made from aluminium, so you could strip the threads if
you are too ham-fisted.
(collector) lead and the heatsink.
In either case, you should get an
open-circuit reading. If you do find
a short, undo each transistor mounting screw in turn until the short disappears. It’s then simply a matter of
locating the cause of the problem and
remounting the offending transistor.
Be sure to replace the insulating
washer if it has been damaged in any
way (eg, punched through).
Checking device isolation
The power supply requirements for
this module are the same as the UltraLD Mk.2, Mk.3 and Mk.4 amplifiers,
with optimal supply rails of ±55-60V,
nominally ±57V, from a 40-0-40 transformer. This power supply was last
described in the October 2015 issue
although we will present the details
again next month for those who may
have missed it.
A single 300VA transformer is sufficient to power a stereo amplifier for
amplifying normal program material,
although it will not allow continuous
full power output from both channels
For that, you would need either one
transformer rated for at least 500VA,
or a separate 300VA transformer and
power supply per channel.
For lower power applications, a
160VA 45-0-45 transformer is availa-
You must now check that the transistors are all electrically isolated from
the heatsink. That’s done by switching
your multimeter to a high ohms range
and checking for shorts between the
heatsink mounting surface and the
collectors of the heatsink transistors
(note: the collector of each device is
connected to its metal face or tab).
For transistors Q11-16, it’s simply a
matter of checking between each of the
fuse clips closest to the heatsink and
the heatsink itself (ie, on each side of
the amplifier).
That’s because the device collectors
in each half of the output stage are
connected together and run to their
respective fuses.
Transistor Q10 (the VBE multiplier) is different. In this case, you have
to check for shorts between its centre
Power supply
ble (Altronics M5345A). We wouldn’t
recommend using this for stereo applications, but it would be suitable for a
single channel amplifier if continuous
full power delivery is not required.
If you don’t need the full 135W/200W
rating, there’s also the possibility of using a smaller transformer with lower
voltage secondaries, for example, a
160VA 30-0-30 transformer (eg, Altronics M5330A).
Some components would need to
be changed; we’ll have more details
on that next month.
Note that a complete amplifier also
requires a speaker protection module.
This is important since a fault in the
amplifier PCB can easily destroy your
speaker(s) and even set them on fire!
We published a suitable design in
the October 2011 issue and there is an
Altronics kit, cat K5167. This module
will protect one or two speakers, so a
stereo amplifier only requires one to
be built.
Next month
Well, that’s a lot to devour in one
month – but at least we’ve given you
all the construction details so if you
want to get stuck into construction,
you can do so!
Next month, we will provide full
performance graphs, including frequency response, THD vs power and
THD vs frequency.
We will also describe the construction of a suitable power supply (see
below) and will go through the set-up
and testing procedure.
In addition, we will describe how to
modify the module to run off a lower
power supply voltage for lower power
The SC200 requires a
nominal ±57VDC supply rail.
This power supply, in conjunction
with a 40-0-40VAC transformer, is ideal
for the task. We’ll describe its construction next
month when we conclude the SC200 Amplifier series.
February 2017 85