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U s in g
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Interface Modules
Want to connect a microcontroller to your PC? How about interfacing
with a microSD memory card? These low-cost modules make life
really easy! Jim Rowe shows you how.
we’re looking
at this month has been used in a
number of Silicon Chip’s recent projects. It’s a serial USB-UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter)
bridge which allows just about any microcomputer or peripheral module to
exchange data with a PC, via a standard USB port.
Let’s start by explaining what is
meant by the rather clumsy term “serial USB-UART bridge”. Firstly, a UART
is an interface which can operate in
one of several different common serial protocols. The serial protocol we’re
most interested in (and which is most
widely used) is 3.3V "TTL" RS-232.
The term “bridge” simply refers to
the fact that this module allows data
to pass between the USB interface and
UART interface unchanged.
In fact, we’ve already described a
device with essentially the same purpose, the Microchip MCP2200 “protocol converter” used in the USB/
RS-232C serial interface which was
published in the April 2014 issue.
Another very similar device is the
FT232 chip from the British firm FTDI,
which was used in the Elexol USBMOD3 USB interface module in the
USB Electrocardiograph project (Silicon Chip, February 2005).
Note that for a UART to provide a
fully compatible RS-232 serial port,
he first module
72 Silicon Chip
as used in many now obsolete PCs,
it’s necessary to provide level shifting
from the UART’s 3.3V (TTL) signalling
levels to the RS-232 bipolar logic levels of ±3-15V.
But these days, RS-232 is commonly
used for short-range communications
between microcontrollers and bridges
and in this case, the TTL signal levels
are all you really need.
The first serial USB-UART bridge
modules to become popular were
based around FTDI’s improved
FT232R converter chips. However,
these chips became so popular that
some Asian firms made “clones” of
them, even going so far as copying the
package markings.
Understandably, this upset FTDI and
as a result they released a new version
of their Windows VCP driver which
was able to identify when a clone chip
was being used and disable it. This
“clone killer” driver was included in
an automatic update that Microsoft unwittingly provided to Windows users.
As a result, thousands of people
found that their low-cost USB-UART
converter modules, some inside commercial products, suddenly stopped
working and became worthless. Naturally, this made many people cautious
of buying any converter based on the
FTDI FT232R chip, because of the difficulty in ensuring that you are buying a
genuine FTDI chip rather than a clone
chip that would stop working as soon
as you tried to use it with Windows.
As a result of this, CP2102-based
USB-UART bridges have become very
popular. These are not only less expensive than FT232-based modules but are
(currently) free from such driver issues.
A good example of this type of module is the tiny one shown in the photo below. This same module has been
used in quite a few of our recent projects, such as the Micromite LCD BackPack (Silicon Chip, February 2016) and
Touchscreen Appliance Energy Meter
A CP2102 module, measuring only 20
x 16mm. Two of the indicator LEDs
glow when data is being transmitted.
Fig.1: complete circuit diagram for the CP2102-based serial USB-UART bridge.
The CP2102 can be powered directly from the USB VBUS line and it contains a
low drop-out voltage regulator to provide 3.3-3.45V (VDD) from 4-5.25V (REGIN).
(Silicon Chip, August-October 2016).
In fact, it can be used with virtually
any Maximite or Micromite, to program the micro as well as debug the
software or load data into or out of the
micro’s RAM.
The CP2102-based bridge
As you can see from the photo and
circuit diagram Fig.1, there’s very little
in this module apart from the CP2102
chip itself (IC1), three indicator LEDs
and half a dozen passive components.
The internals of IC1’s tiny (5 x 5mm)
28-pin QFN SMD package are shown
in the internal block diagram, Fig.2.
It’s conceptually quite simple but involves tens of thousands of logic gates
and memory cells as well as carefullydesigned analog circuitry.
The main functional blocks are the
USB transceiver at lower left, the USB
function controller at lower centre and
the UART block at lower right with its
full range of data and handshaking inputs and outputs. Notice that there’s
also an internal 1024-byte EEPROM
used to store the USB ID information:
the vendor ID, the product ID, the serial number, the power descriptor, the
release number and product description strings.
In addition, there are two RAM buffers, one 640 byte USB transmit buffer
and one 576 byte USB receive buffer.
Since the CP2102 has a calibrated
48MHz oscillator, it needs no external crystal to operate at the USB 2.0
full-speed rate of 12Mbps. Finally, it
contains its own low drop-out (LDO)
voltage regulator, to give an output
of 3.3-3.45V from an input (REGIN)
within the range 4.0-5.25V. This means
that it can be powered directly from
the USB VBUS line.
Circuit details
While this regulator can supply up
to 100mA, the circuitry within the chip
itself draws only a little over 26mA
(maximum) even in normal operation
and only 100µA when suspended.
This means it can supply up to 70mA
or so for external circuitry needing a
3.3V supply.
In short, the CP2102 is a very impressive chip. Now turn your attention
back to the module’s circuit of Fig.1.
There’s a micro-USB socket at the left
(CON1) to connect to a PC’s USB port
via a standard cable and also to power the module itself. So the VBUS line
from pin 1 of the socket connects to
pins 7, 8 and 9 of the CP2102, with
10µF and 100nF bypass capacitors.
Note that the module does not provide connections to any of the CP2102
UART’s handshaking lines, except for
DTR (“data terminal ready”). However
this is unlikely to pose a problem for
most applications nowadays, since
even the DTR line is rarely used.
On the right-hand side there’s a
6-way pin header (CON2) for the
UART input, output and handshaking
(DTR) connections, plus the ground,
+5V and +3.3V power connections for
use by external circuitry. There’s also
a 100nF bypass capacitor on the +3.3V
line, plus three small indicator LEDs,
each with its own series resistor for
current limiting.
LED1 is driven from pin 11 of the
CP2102, the SUSPEND-bar output, so
it only glows when the device is not
suspended by the host PC, ie, when it’s
communicating with the PC normally via USB. On the other hand, LED2
and LED3 are connected between the
+3.3V supply (pin 6) and pins 26 (TXD)
and 25 (RXD) respectively, to indicate
when data is being sent and received
via the bridge.
LED1 draws a little over 1mA when
it’s operating while LED2 and LED3
will each draw about 5mA. Thus the
LEDs could draw up to 11mA from the
3.3V supply (with full duplex serial
communications, allowing LED2 and
LED3 to light simultaneously) and this
should be taken into account when figuring out how much reserve current is
available for external circuitry.
How to use it
Using the CP2102 based USB-UART
bridge module is very straightforward.
But before you can do so, you may
need to install a virtual COM port
(VCP) driver on your PC. This is the
software which takes care of buffering data to and from the bridge and
setting up the UART. In Windows, it
makes the UART appear as if it were
a legacy COM port.
Fig.2: block diagram for
the CP2102. This UART
interface implements all
RS-232 signals, including
those for control and
handshaking, although
an external level shifter is
required for full RS-232
January 2017 73
Fig.3: full circuit of the SPI/microSD adaptor module. REG1 reduces the 5V
(VCC) input supply from the host module to 3.3V, as required by microSD cards
while IC1 similarly reduces signal levels from the micro (which may run off 5V)
to the 3.3V signal levels used by the SD card's I/Os.
Fig.4: internal block diagram of the
SN74LV125A IC. When an OE input is
pulled high, the corresponding output
is disabled and has a high impedance.
You can get the right VCP driver
from the Silicon Labs website: www.
You can also download the latest
version of the CP2102 data sheet from:
When you go there you’ll find they
can provide VCP drivers for not only
Windows 7-10, but also for Windows
2000/XP/Vista/Server 2003, WinCE,
Mac OS 9 and X, Linux (3.x.x and
2.6.x) and Android. They can also provide drivers for direct “USB-Xpress”
interfacing to the PC, as an alternative
to using the VCP approach.
Note that most modern operating
systems, including Windows 10 and
the latest versions of Mac OS X and
Linux, should already have a suitable
VCP driver installed. In this case, all
you need to do is plug the bridge into
a USB port and check that it has been
recognised (eg, in Windows, check that
a new COM port appears).
Once the driver is installed and
working, you can set up your applications to communicate with the module
via the new COM port. That includes
setting the correct baud rate and other options.
Of course, your circuitry on the
UART side of the module needs to be
connected to the appropriate pins on
header CON2. These will usually be
just the RXI, TXO and GND pins, although you might also want to make
use of one of the power supply pins
as well.
like 0-1.8V (UHS-I) or 0-0.4V (UHS-II).
Just because a chip has an SPI interface doesn’t mean it can necessarily
interface directly with an SD card. If
the micro operates from a 5V supply,
its SPI port(s) may well provide and
expect logic high signals above +3.3V.
This means that the adaptor is needed
both to drop the supply voltage down
to 3.3V (assuming a suitable rail is not
already available elsewhere) and also
to act as a logic level translator for the
SPI signals.
The module shown here incorporates LDO regulator REG1 to drop the
+5V supply voltage from the micro
(via J2) down to the +3.3V needed by
both the microSD card at J1, and the
single chip (IC1) on the module itself.
IC1 is an SN74LV125A tri-state buffer, to interface between the 5V logic
levels (TTL) used on the micro side
(via J2) and the low-voltage (0-3.3V)
logic levels used on the SD card side
(via J1). IC1 operates as a quad noninverting buffer with tri-state outputs,
ie, each output has its own OE (out-
74 Silicon Chip
If you aren’t sure whether the bridge
is working properly, the simplest way
to test it is to wire up the RXI pin to
the TXO pin. You can then open a terminal emulator, connect to that port
and type on your keyboard. The typed
characters should be sent back to you
and appear in the terminal. If that
works, but you still can’t communicate
with your target device, check that the
connections to its TX/RX pins are not
swapped and also that you have set the
right baud rate.
microSD card interface
There are many different adaptors
for accessing an SD memory card
from a microcontroller or embedded module but they generally function in the same manner. The main
differences are in terms of the card
socket they provide and the chip(s)
they use for interfacing.
The full circuit for this module
is shown in Fig.3. Note that all SD
cards can communicate via either
serial peripheral interface (SPI) or a
faster method, which consists of either a 4-bit parallel bus (older cards)
or a high-speed differential interface
(UHS-compatible cards). The SPI
method is by far the simplest to implement with a microcontroller, unless it has a built-in SD card interface.
The other important thing to note is
that all SD memory cards are intended
to run from a 3.3V power supply and
expect logic signals no higher than
+3.3V. Some cards can only accept
signals swinging over a smaller range,
This microSD module on a 43 x 24mm
PCB is available from the Silicon Chip
online shop at:
put enable low) input; see the internal
block diagram of Fig.4. The OE inputs
are not used, they are all tied to ground
to enable the buffers permanently.
If you trace the signal paths through
the circuit, you’ll see that the three
outgoing signal lines from the micro’s
SPI port at J2 (CS [card select], SCK
[serial clock] and MOSI [data; master out, slave in]) each pass through a
3.3kΩ isolating resistor (to reduce ringing and provide some static electricity protection) and then through one
of the buffers in IC1 to reach the corresponding pin on SD card socket J1.
For example, the 5V MOSI signal enters via J2, passes through its 3.3kΩ resistor and then goes to buffer input 1A
(pin 2). The low-voltage logic version
of this signal then emerges from the 1Y
output (pin 3) and runs to the MOSI
pin of J1, the microSD card socket.
The SCK and CS signals are processed via IC1 buffers 2 and 3 in the
same way. The path followed by the
MISO (data; master in, slave out) signal is similar, the only difference being
that in this case the signal is travelling
from the microSD card at J1 back to the
micro at J2. Note though that the circuit
does not level-shift this signal to 5V,
so the micro will have to cope with a
data input signal that only swings up
to around 3.3V; most 5V micros are
capable of this.
So the hardware side of the module
is quite simple. Having said that, the
SD card control protocol is quite complicated and so the software required
to drive it is far from trivial.
Putting it to use
Since the module simply provides
a transparent bridge linking the microSD card to the SPI port of your microcomputer, the software or firmware
in the micro can exchange data with
the card using the standard SPI commands. So with an Arduino, you can
use commands like:
receivedVal = SPI.transfer(val);
There’s also an Arduino code library built into recent versions of
the Arduino IDE, designed especially for reading from and writing to SD
cards. It offers commands like begin(),
mkdir(), open(), remove(), rmdir(),
available(), close(), write() and read().
With a Micromite it’s also fairly
straightforward, using commands like:
SPI OPEN speed, mode, bits
received_data = SPI(data_to_send)
However, the Micromite Plus has
built-in library commands specifically intended for reading and writing to
SD cards; see the article on Micromite
programming on page 58.
Useful links
Information on using standard SPI
commands with an Arduino, including some short examples, can be found
Details on using SPI communications with a Micromite begin on page
92 of the Micromite manual: http://
An article on the SPI bus is available at:
Wikipedia also has a very informative article on the many kinds of SD
cards, at:
COM Port: PC communications port, normally sending and receiving data using the RS-232 serial protocol.
CS (Card/Chip Select): used in an SPI bus to indicate when the master wants to communicate with a slave (pulled low).
DTR (Data Terminal Ready): a "flow control" signal which is used to indicate when the serial port is ready to receive data.
Other, related flow-control signals include DSR (Data Set Ready), CTS (Clear To Send) and RTS (Ready To Send).
EEPROM (Electrically Eraseable, Programmable Read-Only Memory): non-volatile memory that can be erased and rewritten
by applying a higher voltage than is used to read data back. EEPROM is normally more robust than flash.
LDO (low drop-out [regulator]): a regulator which can maintain regulation with less than 2V between its input and output.
Micromite: a Microchip PIC32 programmed with the MMBasic interpreter.
MISO (master in, slave out): the serial data line used to transmit data from the selected slave to the master in an SPI bus.
MOSI (master out, slave in): the serial data line used to transmit data from the master to the selected slave in an SPI bus.
QFN (Quad Flat No-lead): a standard series of surface-mount integrated circuit packages. As the name suggests, it is attached
to a PCB without through-holes via lands (pads) on the bottom and sides of the package (ie, without leads).
RS-232 or EIA-232: one of the most common standards for serial communications. Used by the serial ports on older PCs.
Uses one wire for self-clocked data in each direction plus optionally, several flow control signals.
RX or RXD: serial data receive line. Normally connected to TX or TXD on the other device.
Serial Communication: the process of transferring data one bit at a time over a communication channel or bus.
SCK (Serial Clock): the shared clock line in an SPI bus, driven by the master, typically up to 20MHz.
SD (Secure Digital): a non-volatile portable storage device utilising flash memory. Successor to MMC (MultiMedia Card).
SPI (Serial Peripherial Interface): a standard serial interface bus, commonly used between a microcontroller and peripherals
such as SD cards. Unlike RS-232, SPI has a separate clock line, ie, three wires for bidirectional communications.
TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic): refers to digital signals with a 5V or (later) 3.3V amplitude, as used in early digital circuits.
TX or TXD: data transmission line. Normally connected to RX or RXD on the other device.
UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter): circuitry which handles sending and receiving of serial data using
one of several different serial protocols or variations thereof.
USB (Universal Serial Bus): high speed serial bus with power (initially using four conductors) which replaced RS-232 and
parallel ports for interfacing a PC to pluggable peripherals; from 1.5Mbps up to 5Gbps in the latest version.
UHS (Ultra High Speed): transfer speed for the latest SD cards; up to 104MB/s for UHS-I, and 312MB/s for UHS-II.
VCP (Virtual COM Port): a device driver that emulates an RS-232 serial port over a different protocol such as USB.
January 2017 75