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We make it so easy to
Build the SC200...
a new, high performance
amplifier module
28 Silicon Chip
an SMD
in sight!
This completely new amplifier circuit incorporates most of the features
of our Ultra-LD Mk4 200W amplifier module but uses easy-to-solder
through-hole components. There are no tiny surface mount components.
ver the last 15 years or so, SILICON CHIP has published a number of very popular audio amplifier
modules. The first of these was the SC480, described
in the January & February 2003 issues.
Best described as a work-horse, this amplifier was and
still is very easy to assemble and get going, and countless
thousands have been have been built. Indeed, you can still
purchase kits for these modules from Altronics & Jaycar.
The next very popular amplifier module was the 20W
Class-A module published in 2007. We billed this as “having the lowest distortion of any amplifier ever published...
anywhere in the world!”
Very keen audiophiles have built it in large numbers but
being Class-A, it does have the normal drawback of being
quite inefficient and therefore it dissipates a lot of heat for
its modest power output of 20 watts.
Finally, the next most notable amplifier module was
the Ultra-LD Mk4 design which not only has high
output power but its very low harmonic distortion
levels challenge even those achieved by the 20W
Class-A design. Indeed, the 110W version of the
Ultra-LD effectively renders the modestly-powered
20W Class-A design irrelevant.
Why would you build that Class-A design when
you can build a much more powerful Class-AB design for the same money and with virtually indistinguishable performance?
So why are we producing this new SC200 module? Firstly, we have felt that while the SC480 design
has been very successful, its distortion and noise
performance is pretty mediocre when compared to
the latter two designs. In short, it is old-hat and well
overdue for a major upgrade.
Second, while the Ultra-LD Mk.4 amplifier module
is virtually state-of-the-art, it does have the drawback
that it uses mainly surface-mount components and
while many have been built, it would have been far more
popular if it used through-hole components – ones that are
much easier to solder!
So in designing the SC200 module, we have tried to make
it much easier to build and at the same time, produce a
module which is far ahead of the SC480 in all aspects of its
performance. All the semiconductors on the PCB are con-
ventional through-hole components. Also the small-signal
transistors are readily available types and while the input
pair of transistors won’t give quite the same extremely low
noise performance of our previous Ultra-LD Mk.3 & Mk.4
designs, they are cheap and readily available.
The other major difference between the new SC200 design and the Ultra-LD Mk.4 is that it does not use the exotic five-lead On Semiconductor “ThermalTrak” NJ3281D/
NJL1302D output transistors which have integral power diodes for quiescent current stabilisation. Instead, this new
design uses conventional 3-lead power transistors from
Fairchild, types FJA4313 and FJA4213.
While the ThermalTrak transistors are largely responsible for the excellent performance of the Ultra-LD amplifiers, they are rather expensive at $8.90 each (current retail
price) and that adds up if you’re building a multi-channel
And unfortunately, as our experience has shown, they
never quite delivered on their promise to provide a stable
quiescent current over the operating temperature range,
without the need for adjustment.
We’ll discuss the new output devices more later.
Main features
The main features of this new module, which we’ve
called the SC200, indicative of its 200-watt power output
into a 4-ohm load, are very similar to those of the Ultra-LD
Mk.4. And while it will replace the work-horse SC480, we
would like to think its performance will be very much in
the thoroughbred class!
It certainly delivers more power than the SC480, for a
similar price to build. Those main features are listed in a
separate panel but some require additional comment.
Apart from exceptional performance, the SC200 has
quite a few features which were not thought of when we
produced the SC480. These include on-board LEDs which
indicate if the power rails are present and which change
colour if the DC fuses blow.
And there is the clipping indicator circuit which drives
a LED to show when the amplifier is being over-driven.
This LED can be mounted on the amplifier front panel if
desired and can be wired to multiple modules to indicate
when any channel is clipping. Or you can simply have a
Main features
• Easy to build
• Uses low cost parts
• Low distortion and noise
• Compact PCB
• Able to produce specified power output on a continuous
basis with passive cooling
• Onboard DC fuses
• Power indicator LEDs
• Fuse OK/blown indicator LEDs
• Clipping indicator LED
• Clean overload recovery with low ringing
• Clean square wave response with low ringing
• Tolerant of hum & EMI fields
• Survives brief short circuits & overload without blowing fuses
• Quiescent current adjustment with temperature compensation
• Output offset voltage adjustment
• Output protection diodes (for driving 100V line transformers
and electrostatic speakers)
January 2017 29
clipping indicator for each channel in
a stereo or surround sound amplifier.
The power output is very similar
to that of the Ultra-LD Mk.4 which is
to be expected as it uses the same DC
supply rails and same output stage
Circuit description
The main amplifier circuit is shown
in Fig.1. A 1MΩ resistor DC biases the
input signal at RCA socket CON1 to
0V. The signal ground (ie, RCA socket
shield) is connected to power ground
via a 10Ω resistor, which improves stereo separation when modules share a
power supply; it prevents a ground
loop due to the grounds being joined
directly both at the power supply module and at the signal source.
The signal passes through an RF at30 Silicon Chip
tenuating RC low-pass filter (100Ω/1nF
plus ferrite bead) and is coupled to the
base of PNP transistor Q1 via a pair of
series connected 47µF 25V electrolytic capacitors (which are together more
compact and cost less than an equivalent non-polarised capacitor).
A 12kΩ resistor provides a path for
Q1’s base current to flow to ground.
We have used readily available BC556
low-noise PNP input transistors for
the input differential pair, Q1 & Q2.
The input signal goes to the base of
Q1 while negative feedback from the
output goes to the base of Q2.
Both transistors have 47Ω emitter
degeneration resistors for improved
linearity and they are fed with a common 2mA current via trimpot VR2 and
power indicator LED1.
VR2 allows the current split to be
shifted slightly between the two transistors, to trim out base-emitter voltage
mismatch and thus practically eliminate any output offset, to avoid excessive DC current when driving a line
transformer or electrostatic speaker.
LED1 has no effect on the operation
of the circuit except to indicate when
it is powered.
The currents from Q1 and Q2 go to a
current mirror comprising two BC546
NPN transistors Q3 and Q4. The 68Ω
emitter resistors help ensure that equal
current flows through each transistor
as the voltage across these resistors
is much greater than the base-emitter
voltage difference between the two.
Since the currents through Q3 and
Q4 are held equal, any difference between the current from Q1 and Q2
must flow to the base of NPN
Fig.1: the complete circuit for the SC200 amplfier module minus the circuitry for the clipping detector, which is shown
separately in Fig.2. Q1 and Q2 are the input transistors while Q5 and Q6 are the constant-current source. The signal
from the collector of Q1 is fed to the base of Q7, which together with Q8 forms the voltage amplification stage. Q9 is the
constant current load for Q8, providing very linear operation. Q10 is the VBE multiplier and provides a floating voltage
source which biases the complementary Darlington output stage.
sistor Q7. Thus, Q7’s base current is
proportional to the difference in input
and feedback voltages. It forms the first
half of a compound (Darlington-like)
pair along with Q8, a 160V high-gain
transistor. A 2.2kΩ resistor between its
base and emitter speeds up switch-off.
Q7 and Q8 together form the Voltage
Amplification Stage (VAS). Q8 has a
constant current source for its collector load, comprising transistors Q6 and
Q9. Together, these set the collector
current for Q8 at around 6.5mA. As a
result, the current flow to the base of
Q7 is translated linearly to a voltage
at Q8’s collector which controls the
output stage.
PNP transistor Q5 provides a constant current of around 2mA to the input pair and both it and Q9 are driven
by Q6, which is set up to maintain a
constant voltage across their emitter
resistors. In other words, Q6 biases
the bases of Q5 and Q9 in such a way
as to maintain an essentially static
current through their collector/emitter junctions.
Output stage
The output stage consists of two
pairs of Fairchild power transistors arranged as complementary emitter-followers. NPN transistors Q13 and Q14
are connected in parallel and source
current for the speaker while Q15 and
Q16 are PNP types and sink current
from the speaker.
Surface-mount 3-watt 0.1Ω 1%
emitter resistors ensure equal current
sharing, linearise the output stage and
produce a small amount of local feedback. They also serve as handy shunts
for measuring the quiescent current.
Large power transistors require a
substantial base current due to limited gain and this is supplied by driver
transistors Q11 and Q12. These effectively make the output stage a complementary Darlington.
The parallel 220Ω resistor and
220nF capacitor between the driver
emitters speed up their switch-off
when drive is being handed off from
one to the other.
Quiescent current stabilisation
The four base-emitter junctions
in the output stage, plus the voltage
across the emitter resistors adds up
to around 2.2V (as shown just to the
left of Q10 in the circuit diagram) and
thus a similar DC bias must be maintained between the bases of Q11 and
January 2017 31
D6 1N4148
BC546, BC556
D7 1N4148
D5-D7, ZD1-ZD2
20 1 7
Fig.2: the clipping detector monitors the output waveform and lights LED6
whenever the output voltage comes within about 4V of either supply rail.
This indicates the onset of clipping. NPN transistor Q17 detects positive
signal excursions while PNP transistor Q18 detects when the output signal
approaches the negative rail.
Q12 to keep the output transistors in
partial conduction most of the time;
otherwise, there will be substantial
crossover distortion each time the signal passes through 0V.
The reason is that when the signal
polarity changes (ie, from positive to
negative or vice versa), the output current drive is handed off from one set
of output transistors to the other; ie,
from Q13 and Q14 to Q15 and Q16 or
the other way around.
This transition has to be smooth or
else there will be a step in the output
voltage and the way to smooth it is to
ensure that there is overlap between
the conduction of both pairs.
In other words, with the output at
zero volts, all four transistors are passing some current. This is known as the
quiescent current.
This partial conduction requirement
is a defining characteristic of a ClassAB amplifier (otherwise, they would
be Class-B).
To maintain a more-or-less constant
quiescent current we need a “floating”
voltage source of 2.2V between the
bases of Q11 and Q12 and this is provided by the VBE multiplier Q10 and
its associated components.
But since the base-emitter voltages
of the six transistors in the output stage
all vary with temperature, a fixed floating voltage source is not suitable.
The base-emitter voltages drop with
increasing temperature at around
2mV/°C so a fixed voltage source of
2.2V would lead to increased current
as the output transistors heated up
and ultimately, to thermal runaway
and destruction.
VBE multiplier
So our floating voltage source must
not only be adjustable, to compensate
for manufacturing variations in the
output transistors and emitter resistors, it must also automatically reduce
the bias as the amplifier heats up, so
that the quiescent current remains reasonably constant.
But first, let’s explain the basic concept of a “VBE multiplier” before we
consider how it tracks and adjusts for
changes in operating temperature.
The VBE multiplier is sometimes referred to as an “amplified diode” and
this gives some insight into its operation. Consider that the base-emitter
voltage of a conducting transistor is
around 0.6V. The bias network to our
VBE multiplier comprises the 680Ω resistor between collector and base and
the 1kΩ trimpot and 150Ω resistor between base and emitter. This forms a
divider between its collector and emitter, with a tap at the base.
We already know that the voltage
between base and emitter is 0.6V and
Output power (230VAC mains):.................. 200W RMS into 4Ω, 135W RMS into 8Ω
Frequency response (10Hz-20kHz):........... +0,-0.05dB (8Ω); +0,-0.12dB (4Ω);
Input sensitivity:.......................................... 1.26V RMS for 135W into 8Ω; 1.08V RMS for 200W into 4Ω
Input impedance:......................................... 11.85kΩ shunted with 1nF
Rated Harmonic Distortion (4Ω, 8Ω):......... <0.01%, 20Hz-20kHz, 20Hz-30kHz bandwidth
Signal-to-Noise Ratio:................................. -116dB unweighted with respect to 135W into 8Ω(20Hz-20kHz)
Damping factor:........................................... ~250
Stability:....................................................... unconditionally stable with any nominal speaker load 4Ω
Music power:................................................ 170W (8Ω), 270W (4Ω)
Dynamic headroom: ................................... 1dB (8Ω), 1.3dB (4Ω)
Power supply: ............................................. ±57V DC from a 40-0-40 transformer
Quiescent current:....................................... 88mA nominal
Quiescent power:........................................ 10W nominal
Output offset: .............................................. typically <10mV untrimmed; <1mV trimmed
32 Silicon Chip
Parts list – SC200 Amplifier Module
1 double-sided PCB, coded 01108161, 117 x 84mm
1 diecast heatsink, 200 x 75 x 28mm (Altronics H-0536)
4 M205 fuse clips (F1,F2)
2 6.5A fast-blow M205 fuses (F1,F2)
1 small ferrite bead (FB1)
1 2.2µH air-cored inductor (L2)
(or 1 20mm OD x 10mm ID x 8mm bobbin and 1m of 1.25mm diameter
enamelled copper wire, plug 10mm length of 20mm diameter heatshrink tubing)
1 1kΩ 25-turn vertical trimpot (VR1)
1 100Ω mini horizontal trimpot (VR2)
1 switched horizontal RCA socket (CON1) OR
1 2-pin polarised header (CON5) OR
1 vertical RCA socket (CON6)
1 4-way pluggable terminal block with socket, Dinkle 4EHDV or equivalent (CON2)
1 4-way pluggable terminal block with socket, Dinkle 3EHDV or equivalent (CON3)
4 TO-3P insulating washers
3 TO-126 or TO-220 insulating washers
7 15mm M3 machine screws with nuts
6 6mm M3 machine screws with nuts
4 9mm M3 tapped nylon spacers
8 PCB pins (optional; TP1-TP7)
2 FJA4313 250V 17A NPN transistors, TO-3P (Q13,Q14)
2 FJA4213 250V 17A PNP transistors, TO-3P (Q15,Q16)
3 KSC2690A medium power NPN transistor (Q8,Q10,Q11)
2 KSA1220A medium power PNP transistors (Q9,Q12)
3 BC546 NPN transistors (Q3,Q4,Q7)*
4 BC556 PNP transistors (Q1,Q2,Q5,Q6)*
1 blue 3mm or SMD 3216/1206 LED (LED1)
2 red 3mm or SMD 3216/1206 LEDs (LED2,LED4)
2 green 3mm or SMD 3216/1206 LEDs (LED3,LED5)
1 1N4148 small signal diode (D1)*
1 BAV21 high-speed signal diode (D2)*
2 FR307 3A fast-recovery diodes (D3,D4)
1 1000µF 6.3V electrolytic
1 100µF 63V electrolytic
1 47µF 35V electrolytic
3 47µF 25V electrolytic
2 220nF 50V multi-layer ceramic or MKT
1 100nF 250VAC MKP
4 100nF 63V/100V MKT
2 1nF 63V/100V MKT
1 150pF 250V C0G/NP0 ceramic or MKT/MKP
Resistors (all 0.25W, 1% unless otherwise specified)
1 1MΩ
4 47kΩ 1 22kΩ
2 12kΩ 2 6.8kΩ 3 2.2kΩ 1 680Ω
1 470Ω 1W 5% through-hole or SMD 6332/2512
1 470Ω
1 330Ω 3 220Ω
1 120Ω
1 100Ω 1W 5% through-hole or SMD 6332/2512
* SMD versions
2 100Ω
2 68Ω
2 47Ω
1 10Ω
be substituted;
1 6.8Ω 1% 3W SMD 6332/2512
see text next month
4 0.1Ω 1% 3W SMD 6332/2512
since the beta (DC current gain) of
the transistor is quite high (>100), it
will draw negligible base current, so
the current through the two resistors
and trimpot VR1 will essentially be
identical. Furthermore, since we will
have 0.6V between base and emitter,
it follows that we need 1.6V between
collector and base, if we are to obtain
2.2V between collector and emitter.
So, to adjust the resistance of VR1
to obtain 1.6V between collector and
emitter, we need a resistance ratio between collector/base and base/emitter of 1.6V÷0.6V or 2.6666:1. This
means the total resistance of VR1 and
its series 150Ω resistor will be 680Ω x
0.6÷1.6 = 255Ω. And that means that
trimpot VR1 must be set to a value of
255Ω -150Ω = 105Ω.
We can therefore calculate the total resistance of the divider between
collector and emitter at around 255Ω
+ 680Ω = 935Ω and therefore 2.2V /
935Ω = 2.35mA will flow through it.
The remainder of the 6.5mA, ie,
4.15mA must flow through the collector/emitter junction of Q10.
But what if the external operating
conditions around the VBE multiplier
act to increase the voltage between its
collector and emitter above 2.2V? If
that did happen, the resistive divider
would cause its base-emitter voltage
to increase but that would force the
transistor to turn on harder and that
would have the effect of reducing the
collector-emitter voltage.
So the VBE multiplier transistor is
instead forced to operate with a constant collector-emitter voltage! In other words, it operates as a shunt voltage regulator, maintaining a constant
voltage across the collector/emitter
Additional parts for
clipping detector circuit
1 2-pin header and matching plug
(optional; CON4)
1 BC546 NPN transistor (Q17)*
1 BC556 PNP transistor (Q18)*
1 2N5551 high-voltage NPN transistor
1 yellow, amber or red LED (LED6)
2 4.7V 0.4W/1W zener diodes
3 1N4148 small signal diode (D5-D7)*
Resistors (all 0.25%, 1%)
6 100kΩ 1 68kΩ 1 33kΩ 1 1kΩ
January 2017 33
SC200 Load Lines (Two Pairs Output Transistors, ±57V Supply, 1% resistors)
8 Resistive Load
8 Reactive Load, 135W (5.6+5.6j)
Resistive Load
Collector Current (Amps)
Reactive Load, 200W (2.83+2.83j)
Collector-Emitter Potential (Volts)
junction even if the current passing
through it varies (but as long as it’s
higher than the 2.35mA required for
the divider to operate properly).
Thermal tracking
So how does VBE multiplier transistor Q10 adjust for temperature changes
in the output transistors? We make it
do that by mounting Q10 on the heatsink immediately between driver transistors Q11 and Q12. Furthermore,
Q10 is the same transistor type as Q12,
so the thermal tracking of the driver
transistors and by extension, that of
the four output power transistors, is
quite good; not perfect but quite good.
So if the temperature of the heatsink
rises by 50°C, that would mean that
the required base-emitter voltages of
all seven transistors (for a given collector current) on the heatsink will reduce by 50 x 2mV = 100mV.
If the base-emitter voltage of Q10
has reduced by 100mV, given that it
operates with a gain of (1.6 + 0.6)÷0.6
= ~3.7 times, the voltage of our floating source will be reduced to 2.2V –
100mV x 3.7 = 1.83V and this voltage
will be applied across the four baseemitter junctions of the complementary Darlington output stage transistors.
That means that even though the transistor junction temperatures may have
increased by 50°C, their quiescent current should remain much as it was at
much lower temperatures.
In practice, the process is not quite
that good so we also have local feedback provided by the 0.1Ω 3W emitter
resistors for the output transistors. If
34 Silicon Chip
Fig.3: this
shows resistive
and reactive
load lines for
operation into
loads. Note
that all the
load lines are
inside the safe
operating area
(SOA – red
line) of the
the voltage across these emitter resistors increases, due to increasing quiescent current, that will tend to reduce
the base-emitter voltage (by subtraction) and therefore the current will
reduce (or at least, not increase by as
much as it would without them).
By the way, the 220Ω resistors between either end of the Vbe multiplier
Q10 and Q11/Q12 act as RF stoppers
and also limit current flow under fault
conditions (eg, a short circuit).
Feedback & compensation
Negative feedback goes from the
junction of the output emitter resistors to the base of Q2 via a 12kΩ/470Ω
resistive divider, setting the closed
loop gain to 25.5 times (+28.5dB). The
bottom end of the feedback network
is connected to ground via a 1000μF
electrolytic capacitor.
This has a negligible effect on lowfrequency response but sets the DC
gain to unity, so that the input offset
is not magnified at the output by the
gain factor of 25.5.
The 150pF compensation capacitor
is connected between the collector of
Q8 and the base of Q7, ie, it is effectively a Miller capacitor for the VAS
“Darlington” (in a real Darlington, the
collectors would be common). This is
a single-pole compensation arrangement which rolls off the open-loop
gain at a high frequency to give unconditional stability with highly reactive
loads across the amplifier’s output.
The 22kΩ resistor in series with the
collector of Q7 limits its current under
fault conditions. Should the amplifier
outputs be shorted, it will try to pull
the output either up or down as hard
as possible, depending on the offset
voltage polarity.
If it tries to pull it up, the output
current is inherently limited by the approximate 6.5mA current source driving Q11 from Q9. However, if it tries
to pull down, Q8 is capable of sinking
much more than 6.5mA.
The 22kΩ resistor limits Q8’s base
current to around 2mA and since Q8
has a beta of around 120, Q8’s collector
will not sink much more than 240mA.
This is still enough to burn out Q12’s
220Ω base resistor but that may be the
only damage from an extended short
circuit; very brief short circuits will
should not cause any lasting damage.
Note that the 22kΩ resistor will
cause Q7’s collector voltage to drop
as it is called on to supply more current and the Early effect means its gain
will drop when this happens. This can
cause local negative feedback and oscillation. A low-value capacitor in parallel with the 22kΩ resistor prevents
this while still allowing the current to
Q8’s base to quickly drop to 2mA during a short circuit.
Output filter
The 0.1Ω 3W emitter resistors of
output transistors Q13-Q16 are connected to the output at CON3 via an
RLC filter comprising a 2.2μH series
inductor in parallel with a 6.8Ω 3W
surface-mount resistor, with a 100nF
capacitor across the output terminals.
The inductor isolates any added capacitance at the output (eg, from the cables
or the speaker’s crossover network)
from the amplifier at high frequencies,
which could otherwise cause oscillation. The resistor reduces the inductor’s Q, to damp ringing and also forms
a Zobel network in combination with
the 100nF capacitor, which also aids
Driving a line transformer
While a very low output offset voltage gives slight benefits when driving
normal speakers, it’s absolutely critical
when driving a 100V line transformer
(for professional PA applications) or
electrostatic speaker (which will typically have an internal transformer).
That’s because the DC resistance
of the primary winding will be much
lower than that of a loudspeaker’s
voice coil, so a lot of DC current can
flow with an output offset voltage of
High DC voltages (ie, ±57V) are present on
this amplifier module. In particular, note that
there is 114V DC between the two supply
rails. Do not touch any wiring (including the
fuseholders) when the amplifier is operating, otherwise you could get a lethal shock.
just a few millivolts.
The other requirement for driving a
transformer is to have protection diodes on the amplifier output to clamp
inductive voltage spikes which occur
when the amplifier is driven into clipping (overload).
These would otherwise reverse-bias
the output transistor collector-emitter
junctions, possibly causing damage.
D3 and D4 are 3A relatively fast recovery diodes with low junction capacitance for their size and we have
checked that they do not have any impact on performance.
So there should be no changes necessary to use this module in a PA amplifier or to drive electrostatic speakers, as long as the output offset voltage
is trimmed out during set-up.
Indicator LEDs
We have already mentioned a blue
LED1 connected in series with the
input pair current source and which
is lit while ever the board has power
applied. Since there is an ~50V drop
required from Q5’s collector to VR2’s
wiper, the power to operate this LED
is effectively free.
We’ve also included red/green LEDs
LED2-LED5 to indicate the status of
the output stage power rails. It isn’t
always obvious that a fuse has blown
without careful inspection.
In the case of LED2, assuming F1
has not blown, the voltage at either
end of the fuse-holder is the same so
no current will flow through the red
junction. However, LED3is connected
between the collectors of Q11, Q13 and
Q14 and ground via a 47kΩ currentlimiting resistor, so it will light up.
If fuse F1 blows, the collector voltages will drop to near 0V, so green
LED3 will turn off but the full rail voltage will be across the fuse-holder and
so the red LED2 will switch on. Similarly, LED5/LED4 indicates green/red
when F2 is OK/blown.
These LEDs will also indicate if one
of the two supply rails is missing (eg,
due to a wiring fault); in this case,
Spot the five surface-mount 3W resistors. Four are the emitter resistors for the
output transistors and the fifth is inside the output inductor.
LED1 will probably still light up so it
might not otherwise be obvious.
Clipping indicators
Now we can talk about the on-board
clipping detector/indicator circuit.
This involves just a few components
and will indicates whenever the amplifier is driven into clipping, which
may not be obviously audible.
It can drive an external LED mounted on the front panel of the amplifier.
These components may be omitted if
they are not required.
The clipping detector circuit is
shown in Fig.2. Zener diode ZD1 derives a reference voltage 4.7V below
the nominally 57V positive rail, ie,
at about +52V. This is connected to
the emitter of NPN transistor Q17. Its
base is connected to the amplifier’s
output via a 100kΩ current-limiting
resistor, with diode D6 preventing its
base-emitter junction from being reverse-biased.
At the onset of clipping, the speaker
voltage will rise above the +52V reference plus Q17’s base-emitter voltage,
ie, to about +53V. Q17 will switch
on and sink current via LED4, a 1kΩ
current-limiting resistor and isolating
diode D5, lighting up clipping indicator LED6. As the reference voltage is
relative to the positive rail, any variations in supply voltage will be accounted for.
ZD2, PNP transistor Q18 and diode
D7 work in an identical manner for
negative excursions.
However, Q18 drives LED6 via highvoltage NPN transistor Q19 which acts
as a level shifter. The 100kΩ resistor
in series with its collector limits the
LED current to a similar level (1mA)
despite the much higher rail voltage
This is not the simplest clipping detector circuit but it presents an almost
completely linear load to the amplifier output, to minimise the possibility of any distortion due to its input
load current.
It’s connected to the driven end
of L2, to give the amplifier the best
chance to cancel out any non-linearities in the load it introduces.
Next month
Have we whetted your collective
appetites? Next month we will present the full details of performance
and construction details.
January 2017 35