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Vintage Radio
By Ian Batty
DKE38 Deutscher
Germany's Third Reich produced
at least two significant products to
appeal to the common people. The
first was the Volkswagen or “People's
Car” and the second was the Volksempfänger or “People's Radio”. This
was followed by the smaller, more
economical German Small Radio, the
DKE38 Deutscher Kleinempfänger
which was a 2-valve regenerative set
and was manufactured by a number
of German firms.
Germany, battered like most of Europe by four years of war ending in
1918, had endured barely a decade of
political turmoil when the Great Depression hit the Western world.
The 1930s saw opposing political
parties struggle for supremacy from
which the National Socialist Party
emerged. Leaving the next twenty
tragic years to the historians, how
was such a takeover of a modern nation possible?
Warning High Voltages!
Note that the circuit has no power transformer so it is potentially
lethal to the touch since the
circuit can be at the full 230VAC
mains voltage. If you are working
on it, you must use a 230:230VAC
isolation transformer.
92 Silicon Chip
Apart from major political rallies,
radio was an important tool in this
process. Then, as now, stations could
be set up at moderate cost and could,
with enough power, reach every
receiver of an entire country.
With government control of licensing, radio is an ideal medium for
spreading ideas and opinions, for good
or ill. Joseph Goebbels seems to have
recognised this potential early on.
So as part of national reconstruction, ordinary people were offered
two important pieces of technology
we take for granted today: a car and
a radio. And the People’s Radio was
always intended to serve political
ends, at least as much as simply benefiting the population.
Both the VE301 Deutscher Volksempfänger and the DKE38 Deutscher
Kleinempfänger were designed by
engineer Otto Griessing, at the request
of Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels. The larger VE301 was a 3-valve
regenerative circuit with a pentode
demodulator followed by an output
pentode and a full-wave rectifier for
the mains power supply.
Cheap as it was, the VE301 cost
around two weeks’ average wages, so
an even cheaper design became attractive and the DKE38 filled the bill at half
the price. With a triode-tetrode (in the
one envelope) doing all the “signal”
work and a rectifier, the Kleinempfänger is even simpler than a set I built as
a lad back in the late 1950s.
So let’s check out the D(eutsche)
K(lein) E(mpfänger) 38, which appeared in 1938. I’ve two main reasons
for this investigation: how good can a
radio be with just two active stages,
and how can a minimal regenerative
set compare with a minimal superheterodyne radio, such as the Astor DLP
I reviewed in the October 2016 issue?
The VE301 and DKE38 both cover
the standard broadcast (Medium
Wave) band and 145~400kHz of the
Long Wave band. Both bands had been
used for broadcasting since around
1920, principally for local and national broadcasts.
Some debate continues to this day
over the design. Was it just a cheapand-cheerful mate to the Volkswagen
“beetle”? Perhaps the VE301 was deliberately designed to prevent owners
from tuning in to politically-undesirable shortwave broadcasters such as
the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Early valve amplifiers had been
bedevilled by “howling” which was
oscillation due to anode-grid feedback.
Generally regarded as a curse, the effect was investigated by a young engineer, Edwin Armstrong. He seems to
have reasoned that controlled feedback could greatly increase a receiver's gain.
By 1912, Armstrong had developed his regenerative technology to
the point where he was able to pick
up messages between San Francisco
and Honolulu. Remarkably, Armstrong
was in New York; well away from the
intended transmission path. He also
detected transatlantic signals from
Ireland, a feat achieved only with difficulty by Marconi’s much larger and
more complex TRF receivers.
The circuit of the Kleinempfänger DKE38 is unusual for a number of reasons: it
is transformerless and therefore the chassis is live; the fuse can be in the Active
or Neutral line; the loudspeaker is a moving-iron type with no transformer
coupling and the bias for both valves is unconventional. The circuit also has no
volume control; this is provided by varying the aerial coupling.
DKE circuit description
Active functions are handled by the
VCL11 triode-tetrode. It has an 8-pin
base most commonly seen on German
metal valves. It uses a 50mA heater
and while this seems very low for any
heater current, the heater voltage of
90V gives an actual consumption of
around 4.5W for both sections.
Note that the heaters of the rectifier
diode and the triode-tetrode are both
in series with a tapped 2.2kW wire
resistor, R7, which enables the heater
current to be correctly set to suit the
incoming supply voltage.
The triode is a high-mu type, while
the tetrode manages a creditable 4200
microsiemens, considering its low
heater power. Note the cathodes of both
valve sections are connected to pin 3.
The incoming signal is tuned by L2
(in parallel with L3 on the MW setting)
and variable reaction capacitor C2 and
then fed to the grid of the triode via
July 2017 93
This shaft (left knob) varies the coupling
between the primary and secondary
aerial coils to provide the volume control.
100pF capacitor C4. C4 allows grid leak
bias to develop across 1MW resistor R1;
if C4 was not present, the antenna coils
would prevent grid leak bias.
The amplified signal appears at the
anode and is fed back via adjustable
capacitor to C3 to L4 which then couples back to L2 & L3 and of course, then
feeds back via C4 to the triode grid.
This means that the grid signal is increased. If you’re thinking this would
make a good oscillator, you’re right. It’s
got the potential to set up the “howling” oscillation described above. But
if we carefully control the amount of
positive feedback, it’s possible to lift
the stage gain from around 40 times to
well over 100.
There’s a mechanically-variable
coupling control for volume acting
on the aerial coil’s primary. The above
photo shows the tuned/reaction windings on the top side of the phenolic
chassis, with the “swinging” primary
winding and its control mechanism
Band-changing occurs when the
tuning dial passes the midpoint of
its rotation. LW operation uses a single secondary winding. For MW, S1
puts the second winding in parallel
to reduce the total circuit inductance,
just as resistors in parallel give a total
lower value.
The dial is calibrated with 0-100
markings; red for LW, plain for MW.
Given that tuning accuracy is affected
by the regeneration setting, showing
tuning frequency or station markings
would not have been practical.
As well as an amplifier, the circuit
is a leaky grid demodulator, ie, a di94 Silicon Chip
This close-up shot shows an example of a typical movingiron loudspeaker. Note that the driving coil is driven directly
from the plate of the tetrode without an output transformer.
ode of sorts. “Grid leak” resistor R1 is
commonly 1MW or greater. This allows
the grid to drift weakly negative. The
valve will now rectify any incoming
signal; positive-going signal peaks will
push it to maximum anode current,
negative-going peaks towards cutoff.
The net effect is much greater
amplification of the negative signal
peaks. The amplified signal is developed across the 200kW resistor R2,
with filter capacitor C5 partially filtering the RF component in the process of
demodulating the audio, which is then
fed to the grid of the output tetrode via
capacitor C6 and resistor R4.
The output stage's grid bias is developed across R6, a factory adjustment which sets the output stage’s
anode current. It’s a classic back bias
arrangement and not, as described in
one online article, designed to reduce
HT supply hum. The bias is fed to the
grid via resistor R5.
Some confusion exists regarding
coupling components R3, C7, R4 and
C6. Taking C6 first, it’s the usual coupling capacitor from the driver to output, in this case from the triode’s anode to the tetrode’s grid.
R4 would usually be a stopper resistor, placed so that it damps parasitic
oscillations in the tetrode. But here,
it appears in combination with 30pF
capacitor C7.
Ineffective at audio frequencies, C7
provides negative feedback at aboveaudio frequencies to filter out any of
the original RF carrier from the output
audio. R4 is needed to prevent C7’s
feedback affecting the demodulator’s
RF operation.
R3 provides conventional negative
feedback from the output stage’s anode
back to the demodulator and thus to
the output grid.
Moving-iron loudspeaker
The loudspeaker requires special
mention. For a start, it is a movingiron arrangement, with the cone attached to an iron pole-piece instead
of a voice coil, as in a conventional
dynamic speaker.
Second, it has a very high DC resistance of 2kW and an even higher impedance of 17kW at 1kHz, which means
that this can be driven directly from
the tetrode's plate rather than using an
output transformer. The plate current
flows through the loudspeaker's field
coil but it is only 12mA and not likely
to cause much additional distortion.
The pressed cardboard “basket”
may seem pretty agricultural, but it
does not need the steel basket we see
used in dynamic speakers (needed to
hold the voice coil, magnet and cone
in alignment).
The moving-iron type’s “motor”
contains all parts except for the outer
rim of the cone. Since this outer rim
does not need precise positioning,
the pressed-cardboard basket gives
adequate strength and stability while
economising on costly steel. Eliminating the output transformer also saved
steel and wire; highly necessary in
pre-war Germany.
The moving-iron speaker can
also use a high-impedance winding
that matches directly to the output
valve. This eliminates the costly and
bulky output transformer needed for
matching to the low voice coil impedances of dynamic speakers.
The lack of a power transformer has
already been mentioned. One side of
the mains supply is fed through the
double-pole switch S2 to the anode
of the rectifier diode, VY2.
The output from the cathode feeds
a standard pi filter, with two 4µF
capacitors, C9 & C10, together with an
iron-cored choke. R6, between the negative terminals of the two capacitors,
develops the back bias for the grid
of the output tetrode, as mentioned
above. C8, across the diode, is there
to reduce rectifier buzz.
Appearance and controls
The DKE38 has a very spartan Bakelite cabinet with simple controls: the
left-hand knob, volume, adjusts the
coupling between the aerial coil primary and its tuned windings.
The central tuning control tunes
either the Long Wave or Broadcast
bands, with the change-over occurring at the middle of its 360° travel.
The right-hand “regeneration” control
adjusts feedback from the triode’s anode to a regeneration winding on the
aerial coil assembly.
The set is constructed on a fibre
composite chassis with point-to-point
wiring. It’s pretty much a doublesided breadboard radio. My set’s mains
cord anchoring consisted of one mains
wire doubling through a hole in the
chassis – not even close to safe.
The top view of the chassis (on the
last page) shows the 8-pin VCL11
socket at top left, above the aerial coil.
The VY2 rectifier socket is towards the
right, above the filter choke with the
two main filter capacitors at the righthand edge. The tuning capacitor occupies the lower centre.
Original parts are easily spotted: any
large enough to be branded bore the
Reichsadler “Imperial Eagle” symbol.
The underside view shows the aerial
coil at lower right, with the large tuning knob in the centre. Minor components are wired point-to-point under
the fibre/composite chassis.
The aerial coil primary offers two
tappings for different lengths of aerial wire, with a third connection via
300pF capacitor C1. The adjustable regeneration and tuning capacitors both
use plastic dielectrics.
This makes them compact but also
easier and cheaper to manufacture
than air-spaced versions which must
The DKE38 shown with the original moving-iron loudspeaker. Note the
vertical tapped resistor which is used to set the filament current in the
rectifier and the triode-tetrode. The preset control is R6 which was adjusted
by the factory to set the back bias for the tetrode section.
be made to high precision to preserve
plate spacing. There’s a bonus for the
tuning capacitor – it can rotate through
a full 360°, allowing the set to change
bands (as noted below) simply by turning the knob past the end of the current band.
The picture directly below shows
the “flat” solid-dielectric tuning capacitor on top of the chassis, with its
tuning knob below. The band-change
contacts are just visible on top of
the tuning capacitor. The vertically
mounted reaction capacitor is on the
right-hand side with its tuning shaft
pointing forward to pass through the
front of the case.
Making it work
As purchased, the physical condition
This shot shows the tuning knob which covers the LW and MW bands. The knob
on the right is the regeneration control.
July 2017 95
This underside view of the
set shows that it is a nonmetallic chassis. This causes
problems when using any
of the controls, because of
hand-capacitance effects.
of the set was good, although the chassis was understandably dirty and dusty.
A brush had little effect, so I turned to
one of those microfibre kitchen scourers. Used dry, it cleaned off all the dust
and left a light polish on the fibre composite chassis.
The Bakelite cabinet was shiny with
no noticeable blemishes, it had the
original knobs, and the Reichsadler
emblem was undamaged. You’ll find
some examples where that emblem
has been defaced, presumably due to
its association with the Nazi Party. A
second set, bought while this article
was in preparation, was defaced. However, I used it for some internal photos
as it’s pretty well original.
Electrically, the review set had been
restored “to some extent”. Many components had been changed and the
original moving-iron speaker had
been replaced by an oddball dynamic speaker of some 300W impedance
and a 3600W series resistor. Not surprisingly, I couldn’t get a peep out of
it. A junkbox 240~30V transformer
gave a pretty good match for the substitute speaker and I was able to get
some operation.
I also noticed a 200pF capacitor connected between the Earth connection
96 Silicon Chip
on the aerial socket bar and the “low”
side of the mains. I’m guessing this
was to capitalise on mains earthing
and eliminate the need for a separate
earth wire. Be aware that, if such a capacitor fails (or even becomes leaky),
you’ve got a 50-50 chance of putting
your aerial system at lethal 230VAC
mains potential.
Even so, the set still didn’t work as
well as I expected, so I popped in a
spare VCL11 I’d bought some time ago.
Then it was time to take it for a test
drive. All measurements were made
with an isolating transformer and a
220VAC supply, as I didn’t want to
stress this rare set with the full mains
So how did it go? For a set made
some 80 years ago, with just two
active elements; pretty well. But if
you’re expecting “superhet convenience”, you’d be disappointed.
At maximum sensitivity, the Kleinempfänger suffers from hand capacitance effects when tuning or adjusting
it – the Bakelite case and chassis simply can’t provide the levels of grounding and shielding we take for granted
with a metal chassis. This set also demands careful adjustment for optimal
I measured the sensitivity first.
Using the standard dummy antenna between my signal generator and
the set, for 50mW output, the LW
band needed 25mV at 145kHz, and
3.5mV at 400kHz. For the MW band,
it was 1.4mV at 600kHz and 600µV
at 1400kHz. Removing the dummy
antenna improved the 150kHz sensitivity to 600µV, implying that actual
performance will depend on aerial
wire length.
As expected, bandwidth varied
with the degree of regeneration. For
the LW band at 145kHz, it was only a
few hundred Hertz at full regeneration
and ±800Hz with a 10dB reduction. At
its top end (400kHz), full regeneration
gave a bandwidth of ±800Hz, with a
10dB reduction giving ±1200Hz.
For the MW band, full regeneration
480kHz bandwidth was under ±200Hz
(really!) and ±500Hz at reduced regeneration. At 1630kHz it was ±3900Hz
and ±7900Hz respectively.
These figures reinforce the general
problem with Tuned Radio Frequency sets of all kinds: bandwidth varies
drastically with tuning and regeneration simply exaggerates the effect. At
the low end of the MW band, just at
the point of oscillation, radio
This is the top view of
the set. On the righthand
side are the two 4µF filter
capacitors and the ironcored filter choke.
casts sound like they’re coming down
a drainpipe.
What if we eliminate regeneration?
Disconnecting it completely demanded some 270mV of input at 600kHz for
50mW out. Remembering that optimal
adjustment gave 50mW out for only
1.4mV in, this implies a “regeneration
gain” of up to 200 times; as much as
an extra (very good) RF amplifier. It’s
evidence of Armstrong’s revolutionary improvement to receivers in those
long-ago “pre-superhet” days.
What about responses to signal
strength? Output rises from zero signal to a certain level (depending on
aerial coupling and regeneration),
then flat-lines. For a 50mW output
setting, I could increase the input by
some 50dB and get no significant rise
in output power.
What’s happening here is that, as
signal rectification increases grid bias,
anode current and thus stage gain both
fall off as the input signal increases.
In circuit, there’s a marked rise in the
triode's anode voltage with rising signal strength.
Audio performance will depend
partly on the speaker (for a movingarmature type) or on the output transformer for a dynamic speaker. Using a
representative output transformer, the
low-frequency –3dB point was 130Hz.
High-frequency response varied greatly, as the RF bandwidth figures indicate. High-frequency response is
markedly reduced at maximum regeneration.
Maximum audio output varied frustratingly with aerial coupling, tuning
and regeneration. The best was some
140mW but a more reliable clipping
figure of 100mW gave some 10% THD
(Total Harmonic Distortion).
While 100mW is much less than
the customary valve mantel with a
6V6 output stage, it’s comparable to
many transistor mantels such as the
Astor M5.
At 50mW output, THD was around
5%, about 7% at 10mW output. Direct audio injection gave a maximum
output of some 500mW with visible
distortion. In practice, it reaches 10%
THD at around 200mW.
Is it as good as the Astor DLP? The
answer has to be no. The DKE38 is not
as sensitive, its audio response varies
widely, it has lower audio output and
is much harder to get the best results
from. The DKE38 makes the case for
the combination of superhet circuitry
and ganged tuning capacitors.
Would I buy another one? During
this project, I did. It came at a good
price but with one drawback. Otherwise pretty original (including the
speaker), it had its Reichsadler symbol defaced, as noted above. You can
expect to pay upwards of $1,000 for an
all-original, working DKE38.
All told, the Kleinempfänger DKE38
is a remarkable piece of minimalist
engineering, and one of the last regenerative sets made in large numbers and
offered for sale to the general public.
Further reading
Ernst Erb’s Radiomuseum has an
extensive collection of circuit, photos
and German-language operating manuals. Go to the home page and enter
DKE38 into the search bar:
There’s an extensive article on Phil’s
Old Radios:
I’ve focused on the DKE38’s technology in this article. For a reminder of
its actual political environment, with
examples of propaganda posters, try
Phil’s Old Radios on the VE301:
July 2017 97
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