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joins the
years ago!
Launch of WRESAT, 29th of November 1967.
Note the kangaroo logo on the side of the rocket.
There is also a woomera (Aboriginal spear
thrower). The rocket had been painted white
(brushed, not sprayed, apparently!) to assist
tracking but beneath that paintwork remained
the greenish US Army colour scheme, some of
which is visible on the recovered Stage 1 vehicle
(see page 21).
Photo courtesy Defence Science and Technology
Group, Department of Defence.
Most people would not be aware that Australia was just the seventh country
to put a satellite of its own design into orbit. Just ten years after the launch
of Sputnik, Australia successfully launched “WRESAT” from the Woomera
Rocket Range in South Australia. On the 50th Anniversary, Dr David
Maddison takes a look at what, for the time, was a remarkable achievment.
ctober 2017 13
2017 13
fter the Soviet Union
launched “Sputnik” in 1957,
the United States launched
Explorer 1 in 1958, then the United
Kingdom followed in 1962. Canada (also in 1962), Italy (1964) and
France (1965) had also launched
Australia followed when it
launched its first satellite, WRESAT, in 1967. Its name (pronounced
“reesat”) is a shortened form of the
Australian Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) SATellite.
Incidentally, Australia was just
the third country to launch a satellite
from its own territory, after the USSR
and USA. (France is often claimed to
be the third country to launch from
its own soil but their launch was
from post-colonial Algeria).
This satellite gave Australia membership of the then-exclusive “space
club” which at the time only had
the six members mentioned above.
It also gained wide publicity in Australia and worldwide.
The entire project was one of exploiting available opportunities
such as the availability of a largely
US-built rocket providing the launch
vehicle, a “can do” attitude, government support with minimal interference and a rapid build of the satellite
which took only 11 months and was
done on a small budget.
The USA had been using rockets
Silicon Chip
at the Woomera Rocket Range (as it
was then known) in South Australia,
in a collaborative research program
with Australia and the UK called
Project SPARTA (SPecial Antimissile Research Tests, Australia).
The purpose of the project was
to test the various physical effects
involved in high speed re-entry of
nuclear warheads into the upper
Ten rockets had been shipped to
Australia but only nine were used.
The options were to return the tenth
rocket to the USA at great expense
or alternatively, according to an idea
put forward by the Australians, the
rocket could be used to launch a
small satellite.
The Americans thought the idea
was excellent and offered a team to
prepare the rocket as well. The gift of
the rocket was a reward for the great
Australia-US friendship and longterm involvement in NASA tracking.
There was a challenge, however:
the Americans and their team would
be leaving Woomera in 12 months
hence, which meant that a satellite
had to be designed, built, tested and
launched within that timeframe.
This wasn’t the first offer the USA
had made for Australia to use one
of their rockets. According to a biographical article about University of
Adelaide’s Professor John H. Carver, there had been a previous offer
Celebrating 30 Years
(Above): “The Canberra
Times” of 30th November,
1967 – “All systems go!”
(Below): Australia joins the
“Exclusive Space Club”,
a cartoon of the time.
Unfortunately, many have
forgotten or don’t know
that Australia was ever a
member. There is an error
in the cartoon where it
says we were the fourth
nation to launch a satellite
– we were seventh overall,
although the third to
launch a satellite from
our own soil.
A photo from the Adelaide Advertiser, November 14, 1967, showing key WRESAT
personnel: (L-R) Project Manager Des Barnsley (WRE), Professor John H. Carver
(UA), Bryan Rofe (Scientific officer in charge, from WRE) and WRE Director Dr
Don Woods. Note the antennas about one third of the way up the body.
Photo courtesy of Professor John A. Carver, son of Professor John H. Carver.
in 1960 but there was no interest in
space research by the Australian Government at the time and so the offer
was declined.
Prior to that, Australian scientists
had tried to get access to rockets being launched at Woomera as part of the
Australian contribution to the International Geophysical Year in 1957–58
but they could not; one of several very
disappointing missed opportunities.
The proposal for an Australian satellite received high-level approval from
the government at the end of 1966 and
with a minimum of bureaucratic interference the project was initiated.
One of the reasons cited for approval
was national prestige, others being the
relatively low cost of the project and
also giving staff at Woomera experience in satellite launches.
NASA agreed to provide tracking
and data acquisition services for the
project via their Satellite Tracking and
Data Acquisition Network (STADAN)
while Britain also offered support by
the use of their facilities. NASA also
donated the data tapes.
There were a lot of very smart and
committed people involved in this
project but in this article, we will focus
on the science and technology rather
than the people within the team and
their specific involvement.
This has been documented elsewhere such as in the book “Fire across
the Desert: Woomera and the AngloAustralian Joint Project, 1946-1980”
by Peter Morton.
Designing and building the
The WRESAT satellite itself was
designed and built as a joint project
between the Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) of the Department of
Supply and the Physics Department
of the University of Adelaide.
They were already cooperating on
a research program with the use of locally developed sounding rockets and
payloads for upper atmosphere measurements for climate research.
Given the short time frame available,
it was logical to build upon the existing work and expertise of these upper
atmospheric measurements.
A satellite offered many advantages
over sounding rockets (rockets carrying instruments to perform experiments during sub-orbital flights), such
as measurements over a much larger
time scale than the few minutes permitted by sounding rockets, plus the
ability to make measurements at any
point on the earth’s surface.
As mentioned above, the launch
vehicle and vehicle preparation team
were provided by the USA, specifically the Advanced Research Projects
Agency of the Department of Defense
(DARPA) through the US Army Missile Command.
This team included private contractors from Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Systems (most recently known
as TRW, Inc. but defunct as of 2002,
when it was acquired by Northrop
WRESAT was built in the form of a
cone which formed the top of the rocket,
rather than the traditional design which
was contained within a jettisonable fair-
Vacuum chamber at the University of Adelaide in which WRESAT was tested to
ensure its systems would tolerate a vacuum.
Photo courtesy of Professor John A. Carver.
Celebrating 30 Years
October 2017 15
The main instrument packages
and components of WRESAT.
Images courtesy Defence Science and
Technology Group, Department of Defence.
ing. Presumably this was done for space
efficiency and simplicity.
The mechanical construction was in
the form of a ring and stringer design,
meaning the round shape was established by a series of rings connected
by a series of long strips or “stringers”,
a typical aerospace type of construction.This was covered by an aluminium skin 1.2mm thick. This is about
two to three times the thickness of the
skin of a light aircraft.
Three satellite cones were built.
The first was used as a model for the
structural design, the second was used
for checking the internal arrangement
and accessibility of components and
the third was the actual working one
launched into space.
The exterior of the satellite was
painted mostly black and the interior
was white, both colours chosen to aid
in thermal management. On the exterior, there was also some silver striping to give a balance between heat absorbed on the sunlit side and radiated
on the shadow side.
An interesting anecdote is that what
was thought to be a special aerospace
grade white paint was imported at
great expense from the USA and 15
coats had to be applied in a marathon
48 hour painting session. But it turned
out that the wrong paint was sent and
it was the equivalent of house paint.
Silicon Chip
Despite this, it worked fine.
WRESAT itself was 159cm long with
a base diameter of 76cm and a weight
of 45kg without the stage three motor.
Including the third stage, it weighed
72.5kg and had an overall length of
217cm. After burn out, stage three (including its motor) remained attached
to the satellite by design.
In comparison, the Soviet Sputnik 1
weighed 83.6kg and had a diameter of
58cm and the US Explorer 1 weighed
13.97kg and was 205.1cm long and
15.2cm diameter. Those satellites were
the first for both countries.
Part of the satellite testing included
placing it in a vacuum chamber at the
University of Adelaide, to ensure its
systems would tolerate the vacuum
of space.
Static, vibration and shock testing
was also done to ensure the satellite
would tolerate the shock of launch and
high acceleration forces. Shock testing
was done to 40g.
As the satellite was to spin, it also
needed to be properly balanced and
this was done on commercial Repco
equipment used for engine balancing.
Radio testing was also done to determine that the antennas and telemetry
worked correctly along with the tracking transponder. Temperature cycling
was done between -15°C and +50°C.
WRESAT structural model undergoing vibrational testing.
Photo courtesy Defence Science and Technology Group, Department of Defence.
Celebrating 30 Years
WRESAT was powered by batteries
(one mission battery and one for the
tracking transponder) rather than solar panels, as back then they were not
off-the-shelf items and an array would
have to have been designed and built
which would also have also complicated the design. There was not enough
time to do this.
The battery type is not disclosed in
the available literature but looking at
spacecraft battery technology of the
period, we speculate that they may
have been silver-zinc batteries with
a potassium hydroxide electrolyte,
such as were used on the Apollo Lunar Module which had a battery voltage of 28V, the same as the battery on
WRESAT. The batteries were intended
to last about 10 days and the orbital
life was expected to be 40 days.
The satellite had two sensor ports,
one at the apex of the satellite and one
at the side. These were protected by
covers during ascent and were later released by explosive nuts. There were
also telemetry antennas external to the
body of the craft.
Instruments and sensors
The measurement sensors in the forward port were three ion chambers,
an ozone sensor and an aspect sensor.
The side port had three ion chambers,
a Lyman a (alpha particle) telescope
The initial
spin axis of WRESAT
was along the long axis but
for the sensors to operate as
desired this had to be changed to rotation
about an axis at right angles to this.
and an aspect sensor. Other equipment
on board included an X-ray counter,
telemetry transmitter, a magnetometer,
a transponder for tracking, a power
supply and the batteries.
The ion chambers measured UV
light at three wavelengths which
strongly affect the atmosphere; one of
the wavelengths had never been measured from a satellite before. The same
sensors could also be used to measure
the temperature of the Sun’s atmosphere and the density of molecular
oxygen in the atmosphere.
There was also a photodiode sensor
to measure ozone in the atmosphere
and an X-ray counter. The Lyman a
telescope measured UV radiation from
hydrogen atoms around the earth.
WRESAT telemetry
WRESAT transmitted telemetry data
at 136.350MHz with a power of 0.1W.
There were 29 channels of data, 15
for the scientific instruments plus 14
for housekeeping functions such as
battery voltage and internal temperature. Apart from their data content,
the signals were also used by NASA’s
STADAN network to track WRESAT.
Ground stations recorded telemetry signals on tape but were not able
to decode the data so the tapes had to
be sent back to Australia for analysis.
It is not clear how tracking continued
after the main battery weakened but
we speculate that this was done via
the C-band transponder.
Science program
Preparing WRESAT, showing some
detail of the electronics packages. Note
part of the third stage rocket motor
visible in the lower portion of the
vehicle. Image courtesy of Professor
John A. Carver.
WRESAT was primarily designed
to conduct atmospheric research,
with a particular emphasis on how
atmospheric properties affect weather in Australia, the ability to conduct
weather forecasts and even “controlCelebrating 30 Years
ling the weather”. This was a topic of
significant interest, especially cloud
seeding research, as was being done
in Australia at the time.
It was a natural extension to the
collaborative work already being conducted between the University of Adelaide and WRE using sounding rockets to measure parameters of the upper
atmosphere and for which expertise
had already been developed.
Other objectives of the WRESAT
program included the development of
Australian scientific and technological
expertise related to satellite development and management of complex projects of this kind and also assistance to
the USA with its research programs.
There were four experiments on
WRESAT. These were based upon or
derived from earlier work that was
done with sounding rockets. Two experiments were designed to measure
ultraviolet radiation from the sun, one
was to measure faint ultraviolet halo
from the earth at night and another
experiment was to measure X-rays
from the sun.
Satellite spin and energy
dissipation mechanism
In order for the satellite to be effective, it had to achieve a certain orientation and rotation. After the burn-out
and separation of the first stage, the
satellite (with stages two and three
still attached) coasted to an altitude
of about 185km, the inertial guidance
system having placed the spacecraft
into a horizontal position with respect to earth.
Spin rockets were then ignited to
cause the spacecraft to rotate about
its long axis like a rifle bullet, with a
roll rate of around 2.5 RPM. Stage two
was then ignited and was discarded
October 2017 17
The front-over-end rotation was
needed so that the satellite sensors,
which had a field of view of 80°, could
scan the Earth and Sun.
The launch
Woomera Launch Area 6 (LA-6), one of a number of launch facilities that
once existed at Woomera. This pad was last used in 1970, most recently by the
European Launcher Development Organisation to develop a European rocket
although no satellites were ever successfully launched. European satellite
launches are now mostly conducted from French Guiana. This pad was not
used by WRESAT but is shown to indicate the extensive nature of the launch
facilities that were available. Sadly, the historic significance of this pad was not
recognised and only the concrete remains today.
after burn-out. Stage three was then
ignited to insert the satellite into its final orbit, at an initial speed of around
28,500km/h and an altitude of 185km.
With ideal balance and no friction,
the satellite would continue to spin on
its long axis indefinitely (like a rifle
bullet) but just as a (non-ideal) spinning top eventually starts to move off
axis or “nutate” as it loses energy, so
did the satellite. This is because no
system is perfectly balanced or rigid
and spin energy is lost, causing the
axis of rotation to change to the one
with the greatest moment of inertia
(which in this case was not the long
axis). In fact, this behaviour was both
expected and desired.
The desired spin axis was not the
long axis but one at right angles to the
long axis, with the head spinning front
over end and the axis being parallel to
the original spin axis of the satellite at
its start of orbit. The new spin rate was
0.5 RPM, as determined by the ratio of
the axial mode to tumble mode inertia.
The change in spin axes was facilitated by an energy dissipation device
in the form of a metal tube containing
silicone oil which acted to slow the
rotation, removing some spin energy
(as with a spinning top that moves off
axis), due to the movement of the oil
in the tube dissipating energy in the
form of heat.
Silicon Chip
The transition would have happened anyway but purposefully dissipating some of the energy sped up
the process which was achieved within one or two orbits, compared with
the much longer time that would have
been taken if relying on the natural
energy dissipation processes on the
satellite, such as flexing of the body.
The phenomenon of certain rotating objects changing their spin axis
in space is shown in the video “Rotating Solid Bodies in Microgravity” at
Due to a fault in an umbilical connection to the rocket, WRESAT did not
launch on November 28th as planned,
causing great disappointment to many
dignitaries who had attended. However, the next day, WRESAT was
launched at 2:19pm local time. The
launch went flawlessly.
Two minutes after the launch, stage
one burned out and separated. Stages
two and three continued and then the
spin motors fired, to cause the satellite
to spin on its long axis. Stage two was
fired and burned out at 30 seconds,
separated and fell toward the Gulf of
Carpentaria. Stage three fired for nine
seconds, finally propelling WRESAT
to its orbital velocity.
The first incoming telemetry from
the rangehead was good and it was
confirmed that the instrument port
covers were ejected but it was not yet
confirmed that WRESAT was in orbit. The next telemetry came in from
Gove which was also good. Guam was
the first NASA STADAN tracking station to receive telemetry followed by
Fairbanks, Alaska. Things were looking good!
At Fairbanks, it was noted that the
spin rate had decreased from two to 0.7
revolutions per minute, on its way to
0.5, and the change in spin axes was
happening faster than expected.
The next STADAN stations to receive telemetry were St Johns, New-
The ground track of WRESAT for first eight orbits, showing
tracking stations as black dots and telemetry recording stations
as white dots. Image from
Celebrating 30 Years
foundland; Rosman, North Carolina;
Quito, Ecuador; Lima, Peru and Santiago, Chile. Twenty-five minutes after
the Santiago contact, telemetry was received at Carnavon, WA.
This proved that WRESAT had completed an entire orbit and the mission
was a success.
WRESAT transmitted useful data for
73 orbits each of 98.974 minutes’ duration over five days, until the main battery was too weak.
The satellite eventually completed
642 orbits over 42 days, re-entering the
earth’s atmosphere on January 10th,
1968 just before 12 noon GMT, between Ireland and Iceland. Note that
the number of orbits corresponds to 44
days, not 42; it is not clear why there
is a discrepancy.
Launch location and
WRESAT was launched over what
was arguably one of the finest rocket ranges in the world, which was
then known as the Woomera Rocket
Range and is now known as the RAAF
Woomera Test Range.
One of Woomera’s great advantages was the largest overland downrange distance in the Western world
of 2250km, from Woomera to the north
coast of WA, making parts recovery
relatively easy for post flight analysis.
Having been established as a joint
venture between Australia and the UK,
in the 1950s and 1960s it was the sec-
ond-busiest rocket range in the world
next to Cape Canaveral. WRESAT was
launched into a polar orbit so the trajectory was to the north, rather than
toward the north coast of Western
There is some variation in the reported orbital parameters of WRESAT
but according to Fire Across the Desert,
the perigee of the orbit was 169km and
the apogee was 1245km.
On the other hand, according to the
1968 annual report of the Department
of Supply, it was 177km x 1287km. Another figure cited is 198km x 1252km.
The most correct figures likely come
from NASA’s computed orbital elements for this flight, designated 1967118A and issued on 29th November,
which are 170km x 1249km.
According to those orbital elements,
the orbit was nearly polar with an inclination from the equator of 83.3°. The
velocity at apogee was 25,016km/h and
at perigee, 29,137km/h.
Range safety and satellite
Safety over the rocket range was always a top priority at Woomera and
while no one would want to do it,
if the rocket veered out of control, it
would have been necessary to press
the self-destruct button. The rocket
self-destruct mechanism was called
Because of its northerly track, it was
not clear whether the self-destruct ra-
Planned trajectory for WRESAT launch. Note the first stage estimated landing
area in the Simpson Desert. Dick Smith found the stage in 1989. There is
speculation that the second stage did not land but burned up on re-entry. The
northerly launch corridor was one of two that were possible from Woomera, the
other being the launch corridor to the north west. Image courtesy of Defence
Science and Technology Group, Department of Defence.
Celebrating 30 Years
One of the two FPS-16 radars used
to track WRESAT at launch. Image
dio signal could reach the rocket or
whether it would be attenuated by
the second stage rocket flame. A decision was made to install a WREBUS
transmitting station at the Oodnadatta
Airfield to ensure a signal could get
To ensure that the rocket remained
on track or to detect any deviation from
the planned track, its progress was
monitored by observers using optical
trackers plus a pair of FPS-16 radars
which were part of the range facilities.
One of the radars was located 40km
from the beginning of the range and
the other 115km south of Coober Pedy.
The radars could track a target out to
at least 971km and a ranging error of as
little as five metres was possible. These
radars operated around 5.5GHz, with
up to 1MW of output power.
There was also a Digital Impact Predictor which had been developed for
the Blue Streak and Europa programs,
to predict impact points of the rocket
stages or debris.
The radars could operate in either
the conventional mode, whereby they
detected a reflected signal from a target,
or in “beacon” mode whereby a coded
signal was transmitted from the radar
which triggered a C-band (4-8GHz)
transponder on the spacecraft. This
then replied with an appropriate signal.
The transponder was a special unit,
model SST-135C, designed to work
with this radar equipment.
This allowed a much greater range
and the spacecraft could be tracked
up to the point of orbital insertion and
In the diagrams of WRESAT, the Cband transponder is visible and it can
be seen to have its own battery pack.
While not stated anywhere in the
literature surveyed for this article, it is
assumed that the C-band transponder
remained active for the life of the mission, even after the main satellite battery had become weak.
October 2017 19
This would have been how the satellite was tracked throughout its orbit (via other radar stations around
the world) and its re-entry point determined. That is speculation by the
Author, however.
The radar system and its various
modifications were considered cutting-edge technology for the time. The
radar system was also used by NASA
to track Mercury and later spacecraft.
The launch vehicle
While the satellite was of Australian
design, as stated earlier, the SPARTA
launch vehicle was donated by the
United States. It was a three-stage rocket that used a Redstone missile (SRBM)
with 416kN thrust as its first stage.
This was fuelled with liquid oxygen
and Hydyne, a mixture of 60% unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH;
similar to hydrazine) and 40% diethylenetriamine (DETA)
This is somewhat more powerful but
also more toxic than the alcohol/water
fuel used in earlier Redstone rockets.
The Redstone was America’s first
large short-range ballistic missile and
was capable of carrying a 3100kg nuclear warhead 280km. In other applications, it had a range of up to 323km.
It was a direct descendant of the German V-2 rocket of World War 2 and
was mainly designed by German engineers who had been bought to the
USA after the war.
The rocket was produced from 1952
to 1961 and retired from use by the
US Army in 1964 after which many
surplus rockets were put to alternative uses such as tests and satellite
launches, including WRESAT.
The Redstone missile was also modified and used to put America’s first astronaut into space (John Glenn).
SPARTA’s second stage was a 93kN
Antares 2 (designed by Thiokol, also
known as X-259). This was originally
the third stage of the USA’s Scout fourstage solid fuel rocket, also designed
for launching satellites.
The third stage was an Australiandesigned BE-3, by WRE (Weapons
Research Establishment), with 34kN
thrust. This also used solid fuel.
In order to conduct firings of the
SPARTA rockets, including the one
that launched WRESAT, some equipment that had previously been donated to the Smithsonian Institution for
museum display had to be borrowed
back. WRESAT was the last launch that
utilised a Redstone missile and was
considered a great end to the career of
this excellent and successful rocket.
At launch, the SPARTA rocket with
the WRESAT payload weighed around
25.8 tonnes and the Redstone motor
developed 34.0 tonnes of thrust for
122 seconds.
These figures come from the booklet
describing WRESAT from WRE, however, Wikipedia quotes 30.0 tonnes as
the mass of a SPARTA launch vehicle
with 42.4 tonnes of first stage thrust
and a burn time of 155 seconds.
It is therefore conceivable that the
launch used a lesser fuel load than normal for the WRESAT mission.
Dick Smith undertook an expedition in 1989 to find the first stage of
the rocket vehicle in the Simpson Desert (see box). The second stage was
designed to land in the Gulf of Carpentaria and has not been found (it’s
unlikely that it ever will be).
The re-entry of the second stage
was not observed and it is speculated
it may have burned up as it fell back
to earth.
The third stage remained attached
to the satellite. This was intended to
eliminate the added complexity of a
separation mechanism.
After the successful launch, congratulations were received from numerous places, including a radio
broadcast from Prime Minister Harold
Holt, who said it was “a notable sci-
Some of the University of Adelaide and Weapons Research Establishment
scientists, engineers, technical and support staff involved in the WRESAT
project at WRE. Photo courtesy Professor John A. Carver.
Silicon Chip
Celebrating 30 Years
Dick Smith finds the
WRESAT Stage 1 rocket
Event Cover for WRESAT launch with 5c stamp issued by
the Postmaster-General’s Department. Acknowledgement
Dr Ross J Smith:
entific achievement, demonstrating a remarkable advance
by Australia”.
A notable message from Hubert Humphrey, Vice President of the United States reads “Word that your scientific
spacecraft is performing successfully in orbit is a source
of satisfaction to all. Congratulations and welcome to the
‘Space Club’.”
A summary of congratulations received from around the
world appears at
Scientific findings and conclusion
The findings of WRESAT were published in three sci-
Redstone launch
vehicle and
Overall height
was almost
21.8m (all
shown here
are in feet
and inches).
Note that the
third stage
attached to the
satellite after
motor burn out.
Image courtesy
of siliconchip.
In 1989, Dick Smith was reading about the history of
the Woomera Range and was inspired to find the remains
of the rocket that launched WRESAT.
With the cooperation of the Department of Defence, he
contacted the Range Safety Officer at Woomera, Bruce
Henderson, who used original tracking data from the
launch to determine the probable location of the first stage.
The location was predicted to be 623km north of
Woomera and 255km west of Birdsville with an error range
of 8km. Dick Smith mounted an expedition to find the remains of the launch vehicle and he found it in the Simpson Desert on the 5th of October.
It was recovered by volunteers in April 1990 and returned to Woomera, 600km away. The story of the recovery is very interesting itself and details are to be found in
the article by Kerrie Dougherty, listed on page 24.
Dick Smith’s wife, Pip, with the wreckage of the
WRESAT first stage. Note how where the white paint
has weathered off, it has exposed the original US Army
colour scheme. Fortunately, the wreck had not been
found by souvenir hunters or there might not have been
much left! It was returned to Woomera, where it is now
on display. Photos courtesy Dick Smith.
Celebrating 30 Years
October 2017 21
Another early
Another satellite produced
in Australia at about the same
time as WRESAT was the amateur
radio satellite Australis-OSCAR 5, built
by students at the University of Melbourne. (OSCAR stood for Orbiting
Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio).
The satellite was completed on
June 1, 1967, pre-dating WRESAT,
but it required some minor modifications and was finally launched
on January 23, 1970 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
The satellite was 43cm x 30cm x
15cm in size and weighed 17.7kg. It
was the first remotely controlled amateur satellite and the first launched by
the new AMSAT organisation.
See the following links for more details: (the
most detailed site)
Here is a recording of some of its telemetry:
Recommended videos and other resources
Recollections of Professor John H. Carver on the WRESAT project can be found on pages 87 & 88 of “Space Australia: The Story of Australia’s Involvement in Space” by Kerrie
Dougherty and Matthew James, 1993. Available from the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences,; (Powerhouse Publishing), $32.95 plus p&p
There is information about WRESAT and other early Australian involvement in the
space program at the Honeysuckle Creek website. See
A scan of the original booklet published about WRESAT is also available there.
“Weapons Research Establishment Satellite (WRESAT)”, 1967:
At 1:35 in this video, you will see the recovered first stage of the WRESAT launch
which was found by Dick Smith:
Unfortunately, YouTube has removed the audio from this video due to copyright
reasons but you can still see some interesting scenes, albeit silent ones. “Woomera
Rocket Range”:
This video is not directly related to WRESAT but talks about the Island Lagoon
Tracking Station at Woomera that received the first images from lunar orbiters that
were used to select landing sites for the Apollo missions. It shows how heavily involved Australia was in the early space race. “How Woomera helped to map the
moon”: See also:
“A small scientific satellite”
“Preparation of the satellite”
“Launch of the satellite”
User “mendahu” on has created some graphic reconstructions of aspects of the launch at
A biography of Professor John H Carver which also discusses his work on WRESAT:
Australian Space History by Colin Mackellar, including WRESAT:
Re-connecting veterans of WRESAT: and
“Old Reliable: The story of the Redstone” with mention of WRESAT:
There is a project to build a replica of WRESAT and its rocket, however, the crowd
funding link does not appear to be working:
entific papers plus a doctoral thesis.
One of the findings was a confirmation
of a layer of ozone in the atmosphere
between 110km and 120km altitude.
Another was a refined figure for the
temperature of the Sun’s atmosphere
which is close to the currently accepted figure.
Unfortunately, since the early days
when Australia had quite an extensive involvement in space exploration, we have subsequently failed to
follow up on numerous space-related
WRESAT could have been the start
of a productive space industry in Australia but unfortunately, that was not
to be.
Silicon Chip
There is a display of one of the WRESAT test satellites at the Woomera Heritage
Centre. This is a picture of the display. You can see various pictures of the displays,
including two of WRESAT at the following link:
Australia’s space-related contributions to the International Geophysical Year 195758, from page 29 to 32:
“Retrieving Woomera’s heritage: recovering lost examples of the material culture of
Australian space activities” by Kerrie Dougherty:
For a detailed look at the Redstone missile, go to
There are some excellent diagrams and detailed photos.
Redstone missile history and firing procedure:
Detailed description and US Army manuals for Redstone missile:
“Redstone: The Missile That Launched America into Space”:
* These SILICON CHIP Shortlinks will take you direct to the appropriate page
Celebrating 30 Years
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