Next Month in Silicon Chip
Silicon Chip’s 30th Anniversary
Advertising Index
Silicon Chip was first published in November 1987 so next month’s issue is
our 360th issue! The anniversary issue will include an article on how to make
the best use of our website.
Deluxe Touchscreen eFuse, Part Three
Dave Thompson...................... 111
Control Devices Group.............. 45
Unfortunately, this article has been delayed due to space contraints. This third
and final article explains how to assemble the unit into the case, calibrating it
and using it. It will also include some information on how the software works.
Digi-Key Electronics.................... 3
5-inch touchscreen Micromite 6GHz+ frequency counter
element14................................. 42
Our new frequency counter is compact and easy to use. It has two inputs which
together cover a frequency range from below 10Hz to above 6GHz.
El Cheapo Modules, part 10: GPS modules
We describe two common GPS modules, their features and how to interface them
to an Arduino or Micromite.
Note: these features are prepared or are in preparation for publication and
barring unforeseen circumstances, will be in the next issue.
The October 2017 issue is due on sale in newsagents by Thursday, September
28th. Expect postal delivery of subscription copies in Australia between September 28th and October 13th.
Notes & Errata
Arduino Stereo Audio Playback and Recording Shield, July 2017: theSC
circuit diagram (Fig.2 on pages 74 and 75) shows LED2 connected to SCK but
the text says it is connected to the CS line. The diagram is correct.
12V DC Cycling Pump Timer, Circuit Notebook, July 2017: a 10µF capacitor
needs to be connected between pin 7 of IC1 and ground in order for IC1 to
operate in pump timer mode.
New Marine Ultrasonic Anti-Fouling Unit, May & June 2017: ETD29 3C85
ferrite cores may no longer be available since they have been discontinued by
FerroxCube. ETD29 3C90 ferrite cores are suitable substitutes.
Induction Motor Speed Controller, April-May 2012, December 2012 &
August 2013: contrary to the instructions on page 74 of the May 2012 issue,
do not feed 3.3V into CON4 to test the unit without using the mains supply.
Instead, feed 3.3V into pin 2 of the ICSP header while making the ground
connection to pin 3 of that same connector. This supply can be provided by a
PICkit 3 programmer set up to supply power to the chip being programmed.
Also, in the circuit diagram (Fig.5 on pages 22 and 23 of the April 2012 issue),
the connections to the EXT and O/S DIP switches are shown reversed; EXT
should go to pin 18 (RB8) and O/S to pin 17 (RB9).
Building the RapidBrake, August 2017: in the calibration instructions on
page 85, the first sentence under “Step 1” is incorrect. It should read: “If the
jumper at JP1 is set for the Y-axis, go to step 2. If the jumper is set for the Xaxis, as before, ...”
Electronex................................. 52
Emona Instruments................. IBC
Freetronics................................ 15
H K Wentworth/Electrolube....... 46
Hare & Forbes....................... OBC
Icom Pty Ltd.............................. 14
Jaycar............................ IFC,53-60
KCS Trade................................. 13
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly...... 111
Keysight..................................... 50
LD Electronics......................... 111
LEDsales................................. 111
Master Instruments..................... 9
Mastercut Technologies............. 43
Mektronics................................. 47
Microchip Technology............. 5,29
Mouser Electronics...................... 7
Oatley Electronics..................... 35
Ocean Controls........................... 8
Pakronics................................... 10
PCB Cart................................... 11
Qualieco Circuits Pty Ltd........... 51
Rohde & Schwarz...................... 49
ROLEC OKW............................ 48
Sesame Electronics................ 111
Circuit Ideas Wanted
SC Online Shop...............104-105
Got an interesting original circuit that you have cleverly devised? We need
it and will pay good money to feature it in the Circuit Notebook pages. We
can pay you by electronic funds transfer, cheque (what are they?) or direct
to your PayPal account. Or you can use the funds to purchase anything from
the SILICON CHIP on-line shop, including PCBs and components, back issues,
subscriptions or whatever. Email your circuit and descriptive text to editor<at>
Silicon Chip Binders................. 39
112 Silicon Chip
Silicon Chip Wallchart.............. 99
Tronixlabs................................ 111
Vintage Radio Repairs............ 111