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Build an Arduino
Data Logger
with GPS
Part 2 by Nicholas Vinen
As promised, here is a follow-up to the Arduino Data Logger article from the
last issue, with more details about how its software operates. We will also take
you through the steps required to add support for new sensors and show
some photos of the completed shield PCB.
hile the bulk of this article details the operation of the critical
Arduino software for the data logger,
we also have some important information on building the shield PCB, shown
in the photos.
Upon building the PCB, we discovered an error in the overlay diagram,
Fig.2, on page 30 of the August 2017
issue. The pins for the DS3231 real
time clock and calendar module were
labelled incorrectly. The revised diagram, shown here, gives the correct
The PCBs that we supply from our
Online Shop will have the correct labelling.
Regarding mounting the DS3231
module, our module came fitted with
a 6-pin right-angle header. We straightened this with a pair of pliers and then
soldered a 4-pin straight header at the
opposite end.
This module can then be soldered
directly to the PCB, as shown in the
photos. Make sure to trim the pins so
that they can’t short against anything
on the Arduino board below. The advantage of this approach is that you
don’t need to use any screws or spacers
to retain it on the board.
As for the microSD card module,
we used four M2 machine screws and
nuts to hold it on the board, along
86 Silicon Chip
with short untapped spacers. You
could use Nylon nuts or washers as
spacers. These parts were not listed
in the Parts List last month (see Extra
Parts on page 90).
It needs to be pretty close to the
board if you’re using a socket to make
the electrical connections, as we did,
or else the socket pins will not reach
the pads on the board.
The remaining construction details
were in the article last month. So refer
to that article to complete the shield.
Now let’s move on to the Arduino
software sketch details.
Software description
The SdFat and SPI libraries are used
to read and write data on the microSD
card, which is formatted with either
FAT16 or FAT32. RTClib is used to
control the DS3231 real-time clock
and calendar module. The TinyGPS
library is used to decode data from the
optional GPS unit, although the software serial interface used to receive
data from it has been customised, as
explained below.
We also use the OneWire library to
communicate with a DS18B20 temperature sensor, if present, and the
MsTimer2 library to manipulate hardware Timer2 if we have set up any of
the digital inputs to measure frequency.
We use Timer2 to provide the normally one second gating period to
count pulses on the relevant pin, because Timer2 can be left running in
one of the sleep modes. This mode
uses more power than the normal sleep
mode, so we only use it when the frequency counting feature is active.
We also have some custom routines
to put the ATmega328P microcontroller on the Arduino into sleep mode and
wake it up when required.
The setup() routine is run at power-up time and first sets up the input
and output pins. It then checks that
the real-time clock module is present
and whether it has the current time. If
not, it sets the clock time to be the time
that the sketch was compiled, plus 20
seconds (to allow for the approximate
time required to compile and upload
the sketch). It then stores the new time
If the Arduino is reset within one
minute, as determined by comparing the clock time to that stored in
EEPROM to the RTCC, the time is
advanced to the next whole minute.
Thus, if you programmed the chip at
say 11:37:25, and reset it at exactly
11:38:00, the clock would have the
correct time, accurate to the second.
The setup routine then initialises
the microSD card and assuming that’s
The finished Arduino Datalogger without the Elecrow charger module, Li-ion
cell and solar panel connected. Compared to building it with the prototyping
shield, it's much neater and easier to solder.
successful, the main loop starts and
runs as long as there is 5V power
available. If either the real-time clock
or microSD card initialisation fails,
LED1 flashes in an endless loop to
alert the user. It flashes at 2Hz for a
real-time clock fault and 4Hz for an
SD card fault.
The main loop
The main loop() function first
checks for the presence of a GPS module, if one has not already been detected. In the absence of a GPS unit,
pin D8 is always high.
If D8 is found to be low, the software
serial port is set up to receive data from
this pin at 9600 baud, with TTL signal
levels. This serial port is then monitored for ten seconds, looking for the
string “$GPRMC,” which is part of the
standard NMEA data stream.
If during those ten seconds this
string is identified, a flag is set in the
software indicating that a GPS module
is present. Otherwise, the serial port is
closed down and the low level on D8
is assumed to be from electrical noise.
If a GPS module is determined to be
present, the unit will then wait for the
programmed period for a position lock
(defaulting to five minutes). If a lock
occurs during this time, the latitude
and longitude (along with the number
of satellites in view and the current
time) are stored for future reference
and pin D7 is driven low, to switch off
the GPS module and conserve power.
It is only brought high again once the
GPS details need updating, which by
default is once per hour.
If a lock does not occur during this
time, the location data is not updated
but the GPS module will still be powered down for an hour, at which point
it will try again. If the unit had GPS
lock previously, those co-ordinates
will be preserved. Otherwise, they will
be kept blank.
While it is doing all this, the normal data logging tasks are still going on, as we don’t want to lose any
data just because the GPS module
is active.
Data logging
Each time through the loop, the unit
checks the state of D9. If D9 is high (it
is pulled high by default), and the unit
has not received a message on its serial
interface to pause logging, it will then
check whether the configured logging
interval has passed.
If it has, the states of the analog and
digital inputs are queried and stored
in a RAM buffer, along with the data
The revised PCB overlay
diagram from last month.
The difference is that
every connection on the
DS3231 RTC was flipped
horizontally, eg, GND ↔
SCL, VCC ↔ SQW, etc.
September 2017 87
Top and bottom views of the assembled shield board. The right-angle
polarised connector at lower left (on the top view) is for the four analog
inputs plus ground while the digital inputs are on the 5-pin header to its
right. Note the real-time clock module is mounted so the cell is accessible.
from any extra sensors that the logger
is configured to query.
Once this RAM buffer is full, typically after about a minute, the microSD
card is brought out of sleep mode and
the values are converted into humanreadable format and appended to the
log file. While this is happening, LED1
is lit. As a result, is flashes very briefly
about once per minute, to indicate that
logging is occurring.
If pin D9 has been driven low, or a
pause command is received on the serial console, the log file on the microSD
card is closed and the unit will go into
sleep mode to conserve power until it
is told to continue logging.
The next time there’s logged data to
be written to the microSD card, a new
file will be created with the name containing the date and time of the first log
entry and the entries will subsequently
be written to that file.
Once all the logging tasks have
been completed, the software checks
the main USB serial console to see if
any data has been received. If it has, it
compares it against a list of commands
and if a valid command has been received, it processes it. There are four
commands: “stop”, “cont”, “list” and
“dump”. They are terminated with a
newline (enter/return).
“stop” pauses logging and “cont” resumes it; pausing is equivalent to pulling pin D9 low, so when a “stop” command is received, any buffered data is
88 Silicon Chip
written to the microSD card and it can
then be removed. When it’s replaced,
the “cont” command will then cause
the log file to be re-opened (assuming
D9 is not held low).
The “list” and “dump” commands
can only be used when the log file is
closed, so will normally be preceded
by a “stop” command. “list” displays
a list of all the log files on the microSD card over the serial console.
Dump then allows one of them to be
downloaded through the serial console. The log file name to be written
must be sent immediately after the
dump command, for example, “dump
Sleep mode
When the unit is not doing any logging, handling any serial commands
and the GPS unit is not powered up,
it will go into sleep mode to conserve
We couldn’t find a suitable Arduino
library to perform this sleep function
so we wrote the SleepMilliseconds()
function ourselves. This will put the
chip into sleep mode for a period between 16ms and eight seconds, using the low-power watchdog time to
wake it up.
During this time, the ATmega328P
consumes well under 1mA. However,
other circuitry on the Arduino board
(eg, regulators) brings the total up
to around 8mA. Still, this is a much
lower power consumption than when
it is active and allows for a decent
battery life.
One of the tricks we’ve employed is
that we temporarily disable the Arduino’s hardware UART which provides
the main USB serial port when entering sleep mode, so that we can enable
a Pin Change Interrupt on pin D0, the
RXD pin for that serial port.
This means that the chip will automatically wake up if the state of that
pin changes, which occurs whenever
there’s any serial data being transmitted to the unit. Hence, the unit
can be in low-power sleep mode but
still respond to commands on the
serial port.
We ran into one slight problem with
the Arduino SdFat library which is
that the first time you open a file on
the SD card, the card’s current consumption jumps from under 1mA to
around 15mA and even if you close
the file, it will continue to operate at
the higher power level.
We solved this by closing the file after each write and resetting the SD card
interface, via a call to the sd.begin()
function. We then re-open the file later
and append data as required.
This means its power consumption
is back under 1mA all the time, except
when we are actively writing to it. Apparently this is a well-known and longstanding bug in the Arduino version
of the SdFat library and it’s mystifying
that it has never been fixed.
GPS serial interface
The Arduino Uno only has one hardware serial port which is hooked up to
its USB port (via a second Atmel chip
on the Uno board). We wanted to keep
this for communications with a PC, so
that logged data could be off-loaded
without removing the microSD card
(although in some cases, removing the
card would be easier/faster).
That means that the serial data from
the GPS unit must be received using a
“software serial port”, where the RXD
pin is just a normal digital input (with
internal pull-up enabled) and software
routines count the time between state
changes on that pin to decode the serial data.
The Arduino IDE comes with a popular library called SoftwareSerial to do
just that but we discovered in writing
this software that it has serious limitations. Basically, the problem is that
it’s a “blocking” type library, where the
CPU is 100% busy during the time that
serial data is being received.
Since a GPS unit sends out quite
a large burst of data each second, of
several hundred bytes, without a huge
RAM buffer, the buffer would always
overflow. That’s because while the
CPU is busy receiving serial data, it
has no time left to actually process it.
There’s another problem with SoftwareSerial which is that it assumes
that if you’re allocating a pin to receive
serial data, you also want to allocate
a second output pin to send serial
data. We don’t need to send any data
to the GPS unit and we don’t have any
spare pins.
We found a library called AltSoftSerial which solves the first problem.
It uses a piece of hardware in the Atmel chip known as an “input compare
unit” which, in combination with a
hardware timer, effectively provides
time stamps indicating when the state
of a pin has changed.
This allows the processor to continue running other code while it waits
for transitions on the serial input pin
and since the library is interruptbased, it provides a software serial
port that works almost as well as the
hardware port (at the low 9600 baud
rate we’re using, anyway).
Its major limitation is that the input compare unit is hooked up to pin
D8, so you must use this as the RXD
pin (and therefore you can only have
a single AltSoftSerial port). Similarly,
it uses “output compare” hardware to
produce the TXD signals in an asynchronous manner, which means the
TXD pin must be on D9.
In a stroke of luck, it just so happened that we had hooked up the GPS
TXD pin to D8 on our prototype, and
its RXD pin to D9, so we could use
AltSoftSerial without having to make
any hardware changes.
However, when we subsequently
decided to add S1 to the design, we
found that AltSoftSerial also forced
you to use the transmit and receive
functions together. So we made a
copy of the library, renamed it ReceiveOnlyAltSoftSerial and deleted the
sections which enable transmission.
That library is provided along with
our sketch.
Adding new sensors
One of the major advantages of this
data logger over our previous projects
is that it’s quite easy to customise.
While we provided it with a wide
range of standard features, we haven’t
tried to account for every possible sensor that you might want to attach. For
example, you may want to log data
from an I2C barometric pressure or
humidity sensor.
Since it’s written using the Arduino
IDE and already has built-in I2C support, you just can download some
example code for the sensors you want
to use, check that the example sketch
works and then integrated it into the
data logger code. This does require
some programming experience but
there’s a lot of information available on
the internet on programming Arduino.
One minor issue to consider is the
amount of free flash memory space.
With all the features enabled in our
code, it uses 96% of the total flash
memory (30,978 bytes out of 32,256
However, if you don’t need the
DS18B20 or frequency counter support, that immediately drops to 84%
(27,394 bytes). Disabling serial debugging (by removing the #define
SERIAL_DEBUG line near the top of
the file) drops this further, to 81% or
26,406 bytes.
We realise that modifying the software can seem daunting, so we'll give
a concrete example showing you the
modifications to make to interface a
GY-68 I2C barometric pressure sensor
to the unit (and we will be offering
this sensor in our online shop in case
you want to give it a go; Cat SC4343).
This sensor will be described in
some detail in a future “El Cheapo
Modules” article. It contains a BMP180
sensor and has a 4-pin SIL header with
the pins labelled VIN, GND, SCL and
SDA. Wiring it up to the Arduino is
easy; we just used four male-to-female
jumper leads to connect these pins to
5V, GND, A5 and A4 respectively.
We then downloaded the sample
Arduino code for this module and discovered it uses an I2C address of 0x77.
The sample code contains a number
of helper function to interface with
the sensor.
The first step to integrating this with
our Data Logger code is to remove
the line near the top of the file which
reads “#define DS18B20_INPUT 2”.
We don’t need the DS18B20 temperature sensor features since the GY-68/
BMP180 has an onboard temperature
sensor. This frees up some flash memory, giving us 10% free.
We then copied and pasted the entire GY-68 sample code into the bottom
of the Data Logger sketch but deleted
the setup() and loop() functions (as
these would conflict with those used
by the Data Logger).
The sample code does two things
in its setup() function: sets up the
serial port, then calls the function
“bmp085Calibration”. So our next
step was to add a call to this function
at the bottom of our setup() routine.
The end of the setup() function now
looks like this:
From the side you can see that due to the depth of the screw head that the
PCB doesn't fit entirely flat relative to the Arduino board. If this is an issue
for you, simply omit the screw in that corner; as it will still have three
others to support it.
Serial.println(F(“SILICON CHIP
Arduino Datalogger ready”));
September 2017 89
Extra Parts for the Arduino Datalogger
Used for mounting the microSD module to the shield PCB
4 M2 x 10mm machine screws
4 M2 hex nuts
4 short (~4mm) tapped or untapped spacers to suit M2 screws
4 M3 Nylon nuts
8 M2/M3 Nylon washers, 1mm thick
Looking at the loop() function in the
sample code, the following four lines
at the top are responsible for reading
data from the sensor:
// MUST be called first
float temperature =
float pressure =
// “standard atmosphere”
float atm = pressure / 101325;
// Uncompensated calculation
// - in metres
float altitude =
Note that there is a bug in this code;
the third float variable should be set to:
float atm = pressure / 101325.0;
Otherwise, it will round the atmospheric pressure to the nearest bar (ie,
it will pretty much always be 1.0)!
Anyway, having looked at this code,
we need to create some RAM buffers
for storing these values before we can
log them. Towards the top of the Data
Logger code, at the end of the section
labelled “// Other stuff”, we add the
following line to do this:
float BMP180buf
This gives us two floating point values per log entry to store the pressure
and temperature data. So now, we
modify the end of the function “write_
RAM_log_entry” to look like this:
// in degrees Celcius
BMP180buf[log_ram_filled][0] =
// in bar
BMP180buf[log_ram_filled][1] =
(bmp085ReadUP()) / 101325.0;
90 Silicon Chip
Now we just need to modify the
“write_buffered_log_entries” functions so that the temperature and
pressure values are written to the
log file.
First, we modify the CSV header,
so that the line which used to look
like this:
if( !file.println(F(“Date,Time,VA0,
VA1,VA2,VA3, D0,D1,D2,D3,
SecondsSinceLock”)) )
Now looks like this:
if( !file.println(F(“Date,Time,VA0,
VA1,VA2,VA3, D0,D1,D2,D3,
SecondsSinceLock”)) )
We also need to modify this section:
static const char
LogEntryTemplate[] PROGMEM
That’s rather hard to understand
but basically, it just defines the format
of each number that’s stored in a log
entry in the CSV file.
We need to add two, both with decimal points, at the end (GPS data is not
included in this line). After adding
these, the new line looks like:
static const char
LogEntryTemplate[] PROGMEM
%02d,%d.%02d,%d.%02d, %d.
Note that we have set it up to log the
temperature with one decimal place
(%01d) and pressure with three decimal places (%03d).
Next, we need to make sure that the
RAM buffer used to temporarily store
the log lines before writing to the SD
card is large enough, so change this
char buf[56+38];
char buf[56+30];
char buf[72+38];
char buf[72+30];
Now all that’s left is to add the code
to actually write the temperature and
pressure data to the log file. Just after
the line which reads:
// add any extra logged data here
We insert the following:
This is a bit complex because unfortunately, the Arduino sprintf()
function (used for converting numbers into text) does not support floating point numbers. So what we do is
first print the integral portion of each
value, then the digits after the decimal
point; one for temperature and three
for pressure.
Running the Verify/Compile command from the Sketch menu then gives
us the following output at the bottom
of the screen:
Sketch uses 30,608 bytes (94%)
of program storage space.
Maximum is 32,256 bytes.
Global variables use 1,470 bytes
(71%) of dynamic memory,
leaving 578 bytes for local
variables. Maximum is 2,048
So all the extra code for the BMP180
pressure/temperature sensor takes just
4% of the flash memory space and
leaves plenty of RAM free, despite the
extra buffering.
Uploading this new code to our
prototype gives the following log output:
Customising the software
You can simply download the software and then upload it to an Arduino Uno to get started with the data logger. However, since each logging application is different, we went to some effort to make the software easily customisable. The
top of the sketch looks like this:
#define VRAIL_5
#define A0_DIV_RATIO
#define A1_DIV_RATIO
#define A2_DIV_RATIO
#define A3_DIV_RATIO
//#define DS18B20_INPUT
// 5 minutes
// half an hour
You can change the first line to vary the logging interval, in the range of 1-60 seconds.
The second line should be altered to provide maximum accuracy for the analog inputs. Simply power up the
data logger with your preferred power supply and measure the voltage between the 5V and GND pins. Change the
VRAIL_5 value to this figure and (re-)upload the sketch.
Note that if you’re using the solar option, it’s best to make this measurement while the unit is running off battery power since this will be the normal condition and it’s likely to result in a different measurement than when
USB/solar power is connected, as this will bypass the power supply regulator.
The next four lines, Ax_DIV_RATIO, allow you to change the 100kW/47kW dividers for the four analog inputs
to measure higher voltages. Simply increase the 100kW value or decrease the 47kW value to allow higher voltages
to be measured, then alter the relevant lines in the software to compensate. If you don’t, you will get incorrect
readings. Since the four values are defined separately, you can use different divider values for each analog input.
The next two lines define which of the four digital inputs (#0-3) are used for a DS18B20 temperature sensor and
as a frequency counting input. These features are disabled by default, to save power, so the four inputs operate as
general purpose digital inputs. Remove the two slashes at the start of the line to enable that feature. Leaving these
features disabled will also increase the amount of free flash memory.
Note that if you are using a DS18B20, it must be connected directly to one of pins D2-D5 rather than via a 1kW
resistor (or replace the relevant 1kW resistor with a wire link) and you also need to fit a 4.7kW pull-up resistor from
5V to that pin – see Fig.1 last month. If using the frequency counting feature, the maximum frequency is limited
to roughly 10kHz and readings can be expected to be within a few percent of the actual frequency.
The next line defines the number of log entries to buffer in RAM. A larger value reduces power consumption
since the microSD card only needs to be powered up each time the buffer fills. In the default case, with a 6-second interval and 6-entry buffer, that’s once every 36 seconds. Basically, you probably don’t need to change this,
but you can reduce the value to free up some RAM (to a minimum of one) and increase it if you’re confident that
there’s enough free memory to do so.
The next two lines define how often and for how long the GPS unit is powered up, if it is connected. By default,
the unit will wait for a lock for a maximum of five minutes and it will power up the GPS module once per hour
to get a fresh reading. You can increase the timeout value if your logger will be in a marginal signal area but this
will increase power consumption for those times where it can’t get a lock.
Similarly, you can reduce the check interval to update the GPS co-ordinates more often than once per hour but
this will also come with a power consumption penalty.
If the last line is removed, the unit will not print debugging messages on the serial console, other than log entries
(as they are created). This reduces flash usage, as described in the text, making room for more code if required.
So those log entries show that the
new sensor is working, giving us an
indoor temperature reading of just
over 20°C and a pressure of just over
1 bar. This modified sketch, titled
ino, is supplied in the download
September 2017 91