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Vintage Radio
By Ian Batty
The 3-transistor
Philips MT4 Swingalong
The Philips MT4 is
quite an unusual
set and not only
for its minuscule
transistor count. It
is styled as a mantel radio but being
and quite compact, it can easily
double as a portable. Perhaps its most interesting aspect is
that it is a reflex superheterodyne circuit which means that one
section handles both RF and audio signals.
I seem to be getting a reputation as
an enthusiast for interesting and unusual radios. This set was offered to me
for review by a fellow member of the
Historical Radio Society of Australia
(HRSA), Ron Soutter.
It has to be the most minimal set
I’ve looked at so far. Forget 7-transistor sets such as the Stromberg-Carlson
78T11 (Silicon Chip, July 2015, www. or
the Philips 198 (June 2015, www. or
the many 6-transistor sets I’ve looked
at. And let’s set aside Astor’s 5-transistor M5 and the 4-transistor GE 2105
that, despite having only four transistors, could certainly hold its own.
The Philips MT4 Swingalong uses
just three transistors! And surprisingly,
it works pretty well. Add in its price
100 Silicon Chip
of around $410 in today’s money (actually £14.10s.6d in 1965) compared
to a 7-transistor set at some $560 and
I could imagine the Swingalong walking off the shelves.
First impressions of the MT4
I’m beginning to think I really have
been too serious with my emphasis
on performance measurements. With
just three transistors, the MT4 is able
to compete with five, six and 7-transistor sets for ordinary listening in
the suburbs.
It may also work OK in the country
but I’ve moved down the Peninsula
to Rosebud. That said, I am still some
75km from the transmitter; not much
closer than the previous 95km or so.
I’m getting good reception in the
kitchen and even from some of the
more remote stations such as 3WV in
Horsham, broadcasting on 594kHz,
are just detectable out of doors. Close
examination of the dial shows city
stations in all states but a smaller roll
call of regionals of the day. Perhaps
it’s a de facto admission of the MT4’s
modest sensitivity. We’ll find out how
good it is later.
We’re familiar with the “sinking
ship” school of engineering by now,
as in “get rid of anything which is
not absolutely necessary”. But how is
anyone going to get any kind of performance with only three transistors?
There’s only one way to do it and the
Philips MT4 resurrects an idea from
the valve days: reflexing. The idea is
simple; use one (or more) amplifying
stages simultaneously at two widelydiffering frequencies.
Maybe the inspiration behind the nickname “Swingalong” came from a Frank
Sinatra song or perhaps a Canadian music TV show of the name. But no
matter the source, the name was on the rear of the MT4’s plastic case.
The idea became public over 100
years ago with the 1914 awarding of
US patent US1087892 to Schloemilch
and von Bronk. Note that this is still
a superheterodyne set, with a self-oscillating converter stage feeding an IF
(intermediate frequency) transformer
and then a stage which handles both
the modulated 455kHz intermediate
frequency and the demodulated audio signal.
Reflexing has been popular at various times. Early sets, with valves costing as much as a week’s wages, had to
offer useful performance at a price that
listeners could afford. Reflexed stages
cut cost but they need careful design,
and the “minimum volume” problem
bedevilled valve designs for years.
The effect is caused by signal rectification at the grid of the reflexed IF amplifier in addition to the demodulator
diode. The grid-rectified signal commonly acts in anti-phase to the audio
coming back from the demodulator.
This gives the counter-intuitive effect that, since the two audio signals
are in opposition; turning the volume
control to zero (i) eliminates the audio
from the demodulator, but (ii) still allows any grid-rectified signal to be
amplified. Typically, it’s not until the
control is advanced “a little” from zero
that complete cancellation – and thus
zero volume – occurs.
Some valve radios (such as Astor’s
Aladdin FG, reviewed in August 2016)
did use reflexing and seemed to have
eliminated the problem.
But how about reflexing in transistor radios? This is the first such set
I’ve come across, though I have seen
a few circuit drawings also using
flexing. The design itself is pretty simple. Converter TR1, an alloy-diffused
PNP germanium OC169/AF117, uses
conventional combination biasing and
collector-emitter feedback.
This design allows signal injection
into the base, simplifying fault-finding
and alignment. While converters using collector-base feedback work just
fine, it’s common to find that injecting
a tests signal to the base stops the local
oscillator dead.
The converter stage first feeds the
first IF transformer and then the oscillator coil. This is the reverse of the
usual arrangement, but it seems to
work just as well. By the way, as was
the usual practice with early transistor
radios which mostly used PNP germanium transistors, the chassis is positive, not negative. This aspect can be
confusing when you are working your
way through the circuit.
The ferrite aerial rod is a full-length
type, so I expected fairly good signal
pickup. Usually, there’s about a 10:1
ratio, meaning that a field strength of,
say, 500µV/m gives about 50µV signal
at the converter base.
The 2-section tuning gang is a cutplate design. Don’t let the identical
shape of the moving plates in both
sections fool you, as it’s the stationary plates that differ in shape, to give
good tracking between the oscillator
(C3) and aerial tuning (C1) without
the use of a padder capacitor. First IF
transformer L6/7-L8 uses the familiar
tuned, tapped primary and untuned,
untapped secondary.
Reflexed second stage
It’s the circuit around TR2, another
OC169/AF117, that is unusual. First,
volume control R5 attenuates the IF
signal from the first IFT’s L8 secondary as it is turned down. We’ve seen
this approach with the Astor Aladdin
FG, where the reflexed second IF stage
also had the volume control in the IF
signal path.
This approach should eliminate the
minimum-volume effect and it’s notable that Langford Smith (writing in
Radiotron Designer’s Handbook, 4th
edition) shows the volume control in
the audio path between the demodulator and the grid of the reflexed stage
(it’s a contrast to this set and the FG).
Langford Smith’s design would permit
grid rectification and thus accentuate
the minimum volume effect.
Setting the volume control’s IF attenuation aside, TR2 works as expected. Bias is supplied through a
high-value base resistor (R4, 120kW)
and is balanced by the AGC voltage
fed back from demodulator diode D1
via the 8.2kW resistor, R6. There’s one
wrinkle: TR2’s 33W emitter resistor
has no bypass capacitor, so emitter
degeneration slightly reduces the gain
of the stage.
TR2’s collector feeds the second
IFT’s primary, L9/10, which form a
tuned, tapped winding. Untapped,
untuned secondary L11 feeds IF signals to demodulator D1, a germanium
OA71. D1 feeds AGC voltage and the
demodulated audio back to the base
of TR2. Since R6 would attenuate the
audio markedly, it’s shunted for audio signals by the 220nF capacitor C9.
A close-up of the dial shows that it
had station markings for all of the
Australian states.
September 2017 101
Fig.1: the circuit of the Philips MT4 is quite unusual in that the second stage involving transistor TR2 is reflexed. This
means that it amplifies the 455kHz intermediate frequency as well as the recovered audio from diode D1. This approach
enabled good gain with only a limited transistor count.
Now, TR2 is set up as an audio amplifier (even though it also amplifies
the IF signal). First, volume control R5
will have little effect on audio gain (in
theory), as it’s shorted (for audio) by
the 1st IFT’s low-resistance L8 secondary; more on this later.
So TR2 gets the demodulated audio
on its base and the amplified audio
signal appears at its collector. Its
audio load is the 1kW resistor, R8.
Any IF signal appearing across R8
is shunted by 10nF capacitor C11
and the audio signal is fed via 10µF
capacitor C12 to the base of output
transistor TR3, an alloyed-junction
TR3 is a conventional Class-A stage,
drawing a constant 13mA of collector
current. This is a lot more than a comparable Class-B push-pull stage with
no signal, and is why the set uses the
large 276P battery.
It’s around 51 x 63 x 80mm. The
original battery (with a capacity of
1500mAh) would give some 100-plus
hours of playing time; modern equivalents would approach 500 hours.
With a supply voltage of 9V, TR3 dissipates about 115mW. Theory implies
that the maximum output power could
be around 50mW, so can its Class-A
stage do much better than previous
review sets? We will see.
TR3 drives the primary of output
transformer L12-L13, which in turn
drives the 3W speaker. Finally, there’s
negative audio feedback from the
speaker to the base of the IF/audio
amplifier, TR2, via 180kW resistor R13.
102 Silicon Chip
Alloy-diffused transistors
As described in my article on the
Grundig Taschen Transistor Boy (December 2016,
au/Article/10485), Philips began
transistor production with the second generation of junction transistor
technology – alloyed junctions. While
these could reliably produce the trusty
OC44/45 RF/IF transistors, an operating frequency of some 15MHz was
about the limit.
The problem – as it has been since
Bardeen and Brattain’s first examples
– was to get the active base region as
thin as possible. Alloying, relying as
it does on two mutually-dissolving
materials (a bit like lead and tin in
solder) could not produce base layers
fine enough for very high-frequency
The third generation of transistors
combined established alloying techniques with the newer principle of
diffusion at near-melting temperatures. Diffusion of a gas, or a metal
vapour, can be made to progress into a
substrate more slowly and with much
greater control.
Construction began by working just
one side of the transistor die. The bottom side would become the collector
(let’s say P-type) and the N-type base
This diagram shows the steps to
produce analloy-diffused transistors.
layer would be diffused from the top
down into the collector. So far, we
would just have a very good diode.
But now, placing a P-type dot onto
the base surface and using alloying,
the emitter could be formed on top of
the base layer, giving the familiar PNP
“sandwich” construction. Alloy-diffused OC169/170/171 transistors were
used in the front ends of FM tuners,
and the 175MHz AF118 was used as
a video amplifier.
Diffused-alloy transistor construction is a bit of a mix-and-match, but (i)
it gets away from the messy “two-sided” manufacturing of purely-alloyed
devices and allows greater automation,
and (ii) the combination of diffusion
and alloying finally produced transistors such as the AF186, able to work
to over 800MHz.
Clean-up and alignment
I received the set in good condition.
Apart from a cabinet clean and a contact spray for the noisy volume pot, it
was ready for the test bench and the
photo session.
Some restorers prefer to leave sets
“as is”, unless the performance is obviously lacking. But every set I’ve reviewed so far has benefited from a basic alignment. Original factory settings
may have been a bit less than optimal
and it’s normal for the alignment to
drift over many decades.
This set responded to local oscillator adjustment at the bottom end, with
sensitivity coming up some 2~3 times.
The IFTs came out spot on.
The Philips MT4 was equipped with a full-size ferrite rod antenna which ensured good signal pickup. The PCB on
the left was quite compact given the relative complexity of the circuit. The large space on the right accommodated the
Eveready 276P battery which gave somewhat more than 100 hours of life.
The audio injection of 20mV at
TR2’s base may seem high. As usual,
I’ve relied on my generator’s output
meter rather than the actual injection
voltage, as readers may not have audio
millivoltmeters to hand that would
allow measurement of actual audio
levels during testing. I did check the
circuit voltages, and found around
7mV at TR2’s base and 35mV at TR3’s
base. That’s more in line with the signal levels in other sets.
I found the antenna and oscillator
trimmers, on the “inside” end of the
gang and hidden behind the ferrite
rod bracket, very difficult to access.
I’d have (i) spun the gang around 180º
or (ii) used a gang with trimmers on
the other end.
How good is it?
It’s certainly not in the same league
as the earlier Philips 198; almost nothing is. But it’s a creditable performer
given its simplicity. As described below, maximum output is under 20mW,
so all testing was done at 10mW output.
Sensitivity (10mW output) is
1.6mV/m at 600kHz, 1mV/m at
1400kHz, and it achieves these figures
with better than 20dB signal-to-noise
ratio. These figures reflect the lower
RF/IF gain caused by a single IF stage
not amplifying converter noise as
much as a two-stage IF channel does.
The AGC is rudimentary; output increased by 6dB for an input rise of only
15dB, after which output fell rapidly
as the converter overloaded.
IF bandwidth is ±1.3kHz at 3dB
down. Testing it at -60dB was impractical, however, it did show a -30dB
bandwidth of some ±12kHz; again
confirming its simplified IF channel
Audio response from the volume
control to speaker is about 240Hz to
8kHz with a 2dB peak around 1kHz.
It’s another set that could have used
some top cut. From aerial to speaker
it’s 200Hz to 1.9kHz. Distortion at
10mW is creditably low at 2.5%, but
it rises rapidly, reaching 10% and clipping at around 15mW output.
The volume control does have most
effect on the IF signal, as full rotation
of the pot only reduced the audio gain
by some -3dB. It’s essentially an IF
attenuator rather than an audio one.
With a collector current of some
13mA, the output stage only manages some 15mW out while drawing
around 115mW from the battery, so
the output stage efficiency is only
around 15%. It’s another example of
real-world output stages failing to approach Class A’s theoretical maximum
of 50% efficiency.
Against this, the converter’s best
sensitivity of some 180µV, for an air
field of only 1mV/m, shows efficient
coupling from the antenna rod to the
converter base.
How good is it? Like the GE T2105,
it’s a good performer in just about
every setting. Having described the
GE T2105 as cheap and cheerful, I’m
going to tag the MT4 similarly – budget designs can work and quite well.
Whoever designed this set did some
pretty clever engineering, combining
adequate performance with minimum
Would I buy one?
This set will go back to its generous
owner but I’d like to have an example.
It’s a good performer and a reminder
of how much performance a fine engineering team can get out of simple
circuitry. And yes, one showed up at
the HRSA’s Radio Market in June at a
great price. Not a member?
Go to and take up
the invitation.
Further reading
My special thanks to Ron Soutter of
the HRSA for the loan of his set and
the original circuit diagram, which I
have redrawn (Fig.1).
You’ll also find the MT4 on Ernst
Erb’s Radiomuseum: SC
September 2017 103