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Just in time for winter . . .
Infrared Sensing
Heater Controller
With summer rapidly becoming a distant memory, you will no doubt be
dragging out the heaters to stay warm. Our new Heater Controller allows
you to select exactly how much warmth you want from the heater and it
can even be fitted with a thermopile sensor for precise temperature control.
ost electric radiators are
pretty crude devices: you
switch ’em on and they get
But in small rooms, they will quickly get too hot and then you will want
to switch them off or possibly down a
level or two, if they have such a switch.
Most heaters pump out too much
heat for a small room, even when they
are on the lowest setting. You really
need a heat controller. Our new Heater
Controller is exactly what you want.
Think of it as a “dimmer for radiators”.
But it is a lot more than that.
We should note that some heaters,
typically oil-filled units, do have a
thermostat where the heater switches
off when the air temperature reaches a
set value and then it switches back on
when the heater cools down.
The thermostat is usually mechani14
Silicon Chip
cal and often makes a clicking noise
whenever the switching occurs and it
may also cause a neon or LED to flash
on and off at the same time.
That intermittent noise and light
may be be disturbing if the heater is
used in a bedroom while you are trying to get to sleep.
It can also result in a noticeable
heating/cooling cycle if you are close
to the radiator.
Our new Heater Controller has no
mechanical switching to cause noises
and it incorporates a thermopile infrared sensor so it can maintain a set
temperature in a room.
Alternatively, it can be built without the optional infrared sensor so you
can use it to simply select the amount
of heating that you desire.
by John Clarke
Celebrating 30 Years
We should point out that the Heater
Controller is not suitable for fan heaters. At the lower settings the fan will
not run and that could cause the unit
to over-heat and fail.
How it works
Our Heater Controller works by applying an integral (ie, whole) number of full mains voltage cycles to the
At lower power settings, fewer cycles are applied and for higher power,
a greater number are applied. We have
included a number of scope grabs to
illustrate this switching operation.
For example, at low power, it may
only apply one cycle of 50Hz 230VAC
out of every 15. At full power, the
mains voltage is on constantly (as if
the controller was not present).
It uses a 15-cycle control period,
The Heater Controller can be
built in two versions:
with a thermopile
sensor for accurate
temperature control;
or without, which
allows you to vary
the power over 15
different levels. The
model shown here
has the thermopile
sensor so you can
“dial up” the
you want.
which corresponds to 300ms for 50Hz
mains (like in Australia, New Zealand
and the UK) or 250ms for 60Hz.
At half power, there are seven or
eight cycles of mains voltage applied
to the heater out of 15 incoming cycles.
The switching action will not be noticeable with heaters with wound resistance elements but it will be visible
with radiator elements in silica glass
tubes and very noticeable in those with
halogen lamps.
In fact, the flashing of halogen lamps
in those heaters will drive you bonkers! Don’t do it.
The mains voltage is only switched
as it passes through zero volts (ie, “zero-voltage switching”).
This minimises any generation of
electromagnetic interference by the
Two versions
As noted, this project can be built in
one of two versions,
with or without a
thermopile sensor
for temperature control. If you build it
without the optional
thermopile sensor,
the knob on the front
panel will allow you
to vary the power
over 15 different power levels.
The second version, with the thermopile sensor, provides a non-contact
temperature measurement method by
detecting the infrared radiation emitted by objects outside the box.
This form of room temperature sensing is ideal since the Heater Controller’s circuitry runs at 230VAC mains
potential and contact with an uninsulated external sensor would be dangerous.
By having the thermopile located
safely inside the unit, with a transparent window for insulation, it is
rendered safe and its operation is not
affected by self-heating due to internal dissipation, as would be the case
with an internal sensor.
The Heater Controller can be used
with a 220-250VAC mains supply at
50Hz or 60Hz. It is not suitable for
use with 110VAC supplies without
some changes being made to the power supply and mains voltage detection
As you can see from the photos, the
Heater Controller is mounted in a lowprofile diecast aluminium case with
mains plug and socket leads at one
end, along with a fuse holder. The adjustment potentiometer is on the lid.
Circuit description
The complete circuit for the Heater
Controller is shown in Fig.1. We’ll start
by describing the complete version
which provides temperature control.
The circuit is based around microcontroller IC1, Triac Q2 and thermopile sensor TS1.
IC1 provides overFeatures & specifications
all control, driving
3 Controls 230VAC heaters up to 10A/2300W.
the sensor and the
3 Suitable for use with bar heaters, ceramic heaters or oilTriac which confilled convection heaters. Not suitable for halogen or fan heaters.
nects mains power
3 220-250VAC mains operation, 50Hz or 60Hz.
to the heater.
TS1 has four pins
3 Heating power or Temperature control
and it actually com3 Power control: 15 steps from low to full heating power.
prises two separate
300ms (50Hz) or 250ms (60Hz) cycle.
devices in the one
3 Temperature control: 15-31°C in 1°C steps.
package. The thermopile IR sensor is
3 Zero voltage switching for low interference.
3 Triac gate drive: 68mA pulse for 300µs after each zero voltage crossing. connected between
pins 2 and 3 while an
Celebrating 30 Years
April 2018 15
The Heater Controller operates directly
from the 230VAC mains supply and contact
with live components is potentially lethal.
Fig.1: circuit diagram of the Heater Controller. IC1 monitors the mains zero crossing at pin 5, potentiometer setting at pin
6, the internal temperature at pin 3 and external temperature difference at pin 7. It uses this information to decide when
to deliver a gate pulse from pin 2, to switch on Triac Q2 which applies one cycle of mains power to the heater at a time.
NTC thermistor is connected between
pins 1 and 4.
This is important since the thermopile senses the difference in temperature between the room and the sensor itself.
The thermistor allows us to determine the sensor temperature. By adding the two temperatures, we can determine the absolute temperature of
the room.
The microcontroller monitors several signals or voltages, which are internally converted to numbers using
its inbuilt 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
The voltage across the NTC thermistor in TS1 is monitored by input
AN3 (pin 3), while the voltage at the
output from instrumentation amplifier
IC2 is monitored at input AN0 (pin 7).
The setting of the control potentiometer, VR1, is monitored at input
AN1 (pin 6) while the mains voltage
is monitored at digital input GP2 (pin
5), via a 330kΩ 1W resistor.
IC1’s GP5 output (pin 2) drives the
base of NPN transistor Q1. Q1, in turn,
sinks current from the gate of Triac Q2,
switching it on.
Its gate current flows via the 47Ω resistor connected between the 5.1V supply and the A1 terminal, through the
gate and then to circuit ground via Q1.
This is a slightly unusual configuration. The gate resistor (in our case,
47Ω) is normally placed between the
Triac gate and transistor collector, with
the A1 terminal connected directly to
the supply (in our case 5.1V).
However, with that arrangement,
noise on the mains Active conductor
could be injected into the microcontroller supply and cause it to latch up.
In our circuit, the 47Ω resistor between the mains Active and 5.1V sup-
ply provides isolation to avoid this
problem while still limiting the gate
current in exactly the same manner.
Q2’s A1 terminal connects to the incoming mains Active supply via a 10A
fuse. Q2 is used as a switch for making power connection from mains Active to the heater, via the A2 terminal.
The DC supply for the microcontroller is derived directly from the
230VAC mains supply via a 470nF
275VAC X2 rated capacitor in series
with a 1kΩ 1W resistor.
The capacitor’s impedance limits
the average current drawn from the
mains while the 1kΩ resistor limits
the surge current when power is first
It works in the following way. When
the Neutral line is positive with respect to the Active line, current flows
via the 470nF capacitor and diode D1
to the 470µF capacitor to charge it
The first in this
series of scope grabs
shows the zerovoltage switching
action of the Triac.
The remainder show
how the number of
cycles is increased to
increase the power.
Silicon Chip
Celebrating 30 Years
What is a Thermopile?
up. On negative half-cycles, the current through the 470nF capacitor is
reversed via diode D2.
Zener diode ZD1 limits the voltage across the 470µF capacitor to 12V
and that supply then feeds a second
470µF capacitor via a 47Ω resistor and
its voltage is limited to 5.1V by zener
diode ZD2.
This is the supply for the microcontroller, IC1 and it is decoupled with
a 100nF capacitor close to the micro.
IC1 monitors the GP3 digital input at
pin 4 and this can be tied to the 5.1V
supply or to 0V using a jumper shunt
at JP1. When this pin is pulled high,
the reading from VR1 is used to control the percentage of full power delivered to the heater.
When this pin is pulled low, the heater is temperature controlled instead, using TS1 for feedback.
VR1 is connected across the 5.1V
A thermopile is a “pile” of
thermocouples that are exposed to the outside via an infrared window. A thermo-couple is a junction between two
dissimilar conductors, bonded
together as shown.
One set of junctions is exposed to infrared energy while
the other set is shielded from
the infrared and thermally connected to a reference thermal
mass. This is indicated as a heatsink in the diagram.
The thermopile we are using has 60 thermocouples connected in series, so their voltages are added together.
The output voltage from the thermopile varies with the difference between the temperature of the infrared-exposed junctions and the heatsink-connected junctions. If the infrared radiation heats the first set of junctions up to the same temperature as the heatsink,
then their output will be at 0V.
The output voltage can be positive or negative, depending on whether the heatsink connected junctions are colder (positive) or hotter (negative) than the infrared exposed junctions.
The fact that the temperature measurement is based on received infrared energy means
that this is a non-contact method of temperature measurement. All objects which are above
absolute zero give off some infrared energy and the hotter they are, the more they emit,
hence we can use this energy as a way to remotely sense temperature.
The sensor we are using also includes an NTC thermistor which is joined to the heatsink.
This allows the heatsink temperature to be measured. The temperature of the monitored
object (ie, the source of infrared energy) is the heatsink temperature plus the temperature
measured by the thermopile.
So if the thermopile package temperature is 25°C, as measured by the thermistor, and
the thermopile infrared temperature measurement is registering 4°C then the actual temperature measurement is 29°C (25°C + 4°C). If the thermopile registers -3°C then the result is 22°C (25°C - 3°C).
The thermopile includes an infrared-transparent window that allows the infrared energy
into the thermopile. We are also using an external lens, to protect against accidental contact with the circuitry on the inside of the box.
One more thing to note about thermopiles: while we said above that the infrared emissions from an object depend on its temperature and that is true, they also depend on the
colour of the object’s surface.
A “black body” is an ideal emitter with an emissivity of 1.0 and the thermopile is calibrated to accurately measure the temperature of such objects. All other objects have an
emissivity between zero and one and as a result, the thermopile will pick up less infrared
energy at any given temperature and so will measure less than their actual temperature.
Examples of objects with low emissivity includes most shiny objects, for example, with
polished metal surfaces. To accurately measure the temperature of an object based on infrared energy, you need to know the emissivity and divide the measurement by this value.
In the case of our Heater Controller, the emissivity of a typical room should be high
enough, and the difference between internal and external temperature low enough, that
such compensation should not be necessary.
We do, however, suggest that you avoid pointing the IR window at very shiny objects.
Celebrating 30 Years
April 2018 17
Fig.2: follow this overlay and
wiring diagram to build the full
version of the Heater Controller,
which is capable of operating in
power control or temperature
control modes, as determined by
the position of jumper JP1.
supply with the wiper connected to
the AN1 input, as described earlier.
The 100kΩ resistor from the wiper to
ground holds the AN1 input at 0V, setting the control to minimum, should
VR1’s wiper go open circuit.
Temperature measurement
The resistance of the thermistor in
TS1 decreases with increasing temperature and therefore it has a negative temperature coefficient (NTC).
Its value at 25°C is close to 100kΩ and
will be reduced at higher temperatures.
Its resistance is monitored indirectly
at the AN3 input of IC1, by connecting
the thermistor as part of a voltage divider, ie, with a 100kΩ resistor to the
5.1V supply.
The resulting voltage is converted to
a digital value in IC1 and that value is
used to compute the sensor temperature
in °C using a table that lists the expected
voltage against temperature.
With the thermistor at 25°C, given
that its resistance of 100kΩ matches
that of the fixed resistor, the voltage between NTC- and NTC+ should be half
of the 5.1V supply (ie, around 2.55V).
The thermistor resistance changes in
a non-linear manner with respect to
This online calculator can be used
to determine how the thermistor resistance varies with temperature, by plugging in a Beta value of 3960 and a resistance at 25°C of 100kΩ: siliconchip.
For example, we can determine that
if the sensor is at 15°C, the thermistor
resistance will be around 158556Ω, giv18
Silicon Chip
ing a voltage of 3.13V (5.1V x 158556Ω
÷ [158556Ω + 100kΩ]) across the thermistor (ie, at Vout1), assuming the supply voltage is exactly 5.1V.
So that determines the temperature
of the sensor itself. The thermopile output voltage allows us to determine the
difference between the sensor temperature and the room temperature, but it is
Celebrating 30 Years
a very small voltage and needs amplification before it can be measured by IC1.
To achieve this, we use an instrumentation amplifier (IC2). The amplifier
gain is set at about 211 by the value of
resistor Rg, 470Ω. This amount of gain
gives IC2’s output a slope of 10mV/°C.
The gain takes into account the losses
in infrared heat through the lens used
Fig.3: this diagram shows which components can be omitted, to build the unit
only for heater power control only. JP1 is replaced with a wire link and two
additional wire links are fitted where shown. The photo below is of the full
version and shows all wiring completed and secured, as in the diagram opposite.
to cover the sensor.
The output voltage of IC2 is referenced against a non-zero voltage so that
we can measure the room temperature
even if it is colder than sensor TS1.
So if the output from IC2 is at this
reference voltage, the thermopile measurement is zero degrees (ie, ambient
equals sensor temperature). The
ence voltage is set by trimpot VR2 to
half-supply, ie, 2.55V.
If the output of IC2 is 20mV above the
reference voltage then the temperature
difference is +2°C.
The micro adds this differential temperature to the sensor temperature,
computed as explained above, to gauge
the room temperature.
Celebrating 30 Years
The negative end of the thermopile
(pin 3 of TS1), which connects to the
inverting of IC2 (pin 2) is connected
to ground.
Thus, the positive output of the thermopile, at pin 2 of TS1, can vary above
or below ground, depending on whether
the outside temperature is above or below the sensor temperature.
The thermopile is a voltage source
and it can generate a negative voltage,
despite the circuit not having a negative supply.
However, instrumentation amplifier
IC2 is capable of handling input voltages down to 150mV below its negative supply.
The thermopile output voltage is
typically within ±1mV so this is not
a problem.
The 100nF capacitors at the AN0,
AN1 and AN3 inputs of IC1 provide a
low impedance source for the analogto-digital converter’s sample-and-hold
Zero voltage crossing detection
Pin 5 of IC1 (GP2) is a Schmitt trigger
digital input. This monitors the mains
Neutral via a 330kΩ resistor and is filtered with a 4.7nF capacitor. An interrupt in IC1 occurs whenever the voltage changes from a high (around 4V) to
a low level (around 1V) and also from
a low to a high.
That interrupt occurs when the mains
voltage swings through zero volts in either direction. The interrupt tells IC1
that the voltage of the mains has just
passed through 0V.
This allows IC1 to synchronise gate
triggering with the mains waveform.
Note that the 4.7nF capacitor at pin 2 introduces a phase lag (delay), but this is
compensated for within IC1’s software.
The voltage at pin 5 is clamped by
IC1’s internal protection diodes. They
clamp at +5.4V and -0.3V. Since the
5.1V supply for IC1 is essentially connected to the mains Active via the 47Ω
resistor, the sensed Neutral voltage is
relative to the 5.1V supply.
Controlling power level only
If you only want to be able to control the heater power and don’t need
temperature regulation, jumper JP1 is
set to pull pin 4 of IC1 high. In this
case, there is no need to install TS1
or IC2, trimpot VR2 nor any of the associated resistors and capacitors (see
Fig.3). This would reduce the cost of
building the unit.
April 2018 19
Parts list – Heater Controller
1 double-sided PCB coded 10104181, 103 x 81mm
1 diecast aluminium box 119 x 94 x 34mm [Jaycar HB-5067]
1 Fresnel lens for IR sensor (Murata IML0688) [RS components Cat 124-5980] †
1 M205 10A safety panel mount fuse holder with 10A M205 fuse (F1) [Altronics S5992]
1 4-way PC mount terminal barrier (CON1) [Jaycar HM-3162]
1 3-way PC mount terminal block with 5.08mm pin spacings (CON2)
2 cable glands for 5-10mm cable
1 DIL-8 IC socket
1 3-pin header with 2.54mm spacing and shorting block †
1 2m long 10A mains extension lead
1 knob to suit VR1
4 4mm eyelet connectors
4 8mm long M3 tapped Nylon spacers
3 M4 x 10mm screws
2 4mm ID star washers
3 M4 hex nuts
8 M3 x 5mm machine screws
4 stick-on rubber feet
10 PC stakes †
1 100mm length of 3mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 25mm length of 6mm diameter green heatshrink tubing, if required for eyelet lugs
3 100mm lengths of 250VAC 7.5A mains wire (for VR1)
4 100mm long cable ties
1 PIC12F675-I/P microcontroller programmed with 1010418A.hex (IC1)
1 AD623AN instrumentation amplifier (IC2) †
1 ZTP135SR thermopile sensor (TS1)‡ [element14 Cat 2506255]
1 BTA41-600BRG insulated tab 40A 600V Triac (Q2)
[element14 Cat 1057288, RS Components Cat 687-1007]
1 BC337 NPN transistor (Q1)
1 12V 1W (1N4742) zener diode (ZD1)
1 5.1V 1W (1N4733) zener diode (ZD2)
2 1N4004 1A diodes (D1,D2)
Super glue, heatsink compound, solder
2 470µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16V PC electrolytic †
1 470nF 275VAC X2 class
7 100nF 63V or 100V MKT polyester ‡
1 4.7nF 63V or 100V MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 330kΩ 1W
2 100kΩ §
1 1kΩ †
1 1kΩ 1W
2 470Ω §
1 20kΩ multi-turn top adjust trimpot (code 203, 3296W style) (VR2)†
1 10kΩ linear 24mm potentiometer (VR1)
2 47Ω
(† not required for power control only version)
(§ 1 required for power control only version)
(‡ 2 required for power control only version)
* depends on version
Silicon Chip
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
orange orange yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
brown black red brown
yellow violet brown brown
yellow violet black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
orange orange black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
brown black black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
yellow violet black gold brown
Celebrating 30 Years
Note that it would be possible to
build the unit so that it could be used in
either mode, by fitting a 250VAC-rated
single-pole double-throw toggle switch
to the box and wiring it in place of JP1.
In percentage control mode, the
temperature sensed by TS1 would be
The Heater Controller is built on
a double-sided, plated-through PCB
(printed circuit board) coded 10102181
and measuring 103 x 81mm. This is
mounted inside a diecast box of 119 x
94 x 34mm.
Fig.2 shows where the components
are fitted for the full version, which can
regulate the temperature, while Fig.3
shows just the components fitted which
are required for controlling the heater
power level (percentage).
Follow the overlay diagram appropriate to your version. Start by installing the resistors. Table 1 shows the
resistor colour codes but you should
also check each resistor using a digital multimeter.
Three additional wire links are fitted
for the heater power control only version. These are shown in Fig.3; one to
set the mode, in place of JP1, and two
to hold the AN0 and AN3 inputs of IC1
at 0V. Use resistor lead off-cuts to make
these links now.
Following this, install the diodes
which must be orientated as shown.
Note that there are several different diode types: standard 1N4004 diodes for
D1 and D2, a 12V 1W zener (1N4742)
for ZD1 and a 5.1V 1W zener (1N4733)
for ZD2.
IC1 is mounted on an 8-pin DIL
socket so install its socket now, taking
care to orientate it correctly. Leave IC1
out for the time being, though. IC2 is
installed for the full version, soldered
directly on the PCB. Transistor Q1 can
also be installed now.
Fit the capacitors next. The X2 class
capacitors and the polyester types usually are usually printed with a code to
indicate their value; see the small capacitor codes table.
Small Capacitor Codes
Qty. Value
o 1 470nF 0.47F
o 2/7* 100nF 0.1F
o 1 4.7nF .0047F
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April 2018 21
Fig.4: this diagram
and the photos at right
and below show how
the sensor is mounted,
with its lens emerging
through an 11mm hole
drilled through the
side of the case.
The electrolytic types are marked
with their F (microfarad) value and
must be oriented with the polarity shown. The longer lead is positive while the negative end is usually
marked on the can with a stripe.
The screw terminals and trimpot can
be installed now. The 3-way terminal
block for CON2 is fitted with the lead
entry toward the lower edge of the PCB.
VR2 has its adjustment screw near the
top edge of the board, as shown in
Figs.2 & 3. If fitting a pin header for
JP1, solder this in place now.
TS1 is fitted for the full version and
is mounted along the edge of the board.
This arrangement is shown in Fig.4.
The sensor is located centrally within
the cut-out on the side of the board,
with the leads to pins 1 & 2 along the
top of the PCB and the leads to pins 3
& 4 along the underside.
You can either use PC stakes to connect the lead of TS1 to the PCB terminals or bend the sensor leads to fit into
the PCB holes directly. Make sure the
leads for pins 1 and 2 do not short to
the pads on the PCB for pins 3 and 4; a
small piece of electrical tape or heathsrink tubing could be used to insulate
them from the board.
Any pigtails on the underside of the
PCB, including the ends of PC stakes,
must be cut short to prevent contact
with the base of the sensor. Leave Triac
Q2 to be installed later.
Preparing the case
Now you need to drill some holes
in the diecast enclosure. Drilling templates are provided in Fig.5. The lid
requires a 9.5mm diameter hole for
potentiometer VR1 and a 4mm Earth
screw hole so drill them now.
Silicon Chip
If building the full version, follow
the instructions below. Otherwise, go
to the heading titled “PCB location”.
The first hole that needs drilling in
the box base is that for the lens. This
is on the side of the box and is 9mm
in diameter.
Once drilled, fit the lens into the
hole with the two protruding locating
prongs on the rear rim of the lens housing both facing downward. Attach three
of the four 8mm spacers to the PCB with
the screws from the top of the PCB. The
omitted spacer can be the one nearest
VR2 or near fuse F1.
Now place the PCB into the box with
the thermopile sensor entering the lens.
While holding the PCB in place, press
the PCB toward the lens so that it is
held tightly in place.
Align the PCB so it is squarely positioned in the box and mark the mounting hole position for the missing spacer
on the base of the box, then drill this
hole to 3mm and check that the hole
is correctly positioned.
If adjustment is needed, file the hole
with a small needle file so it is correctly
positioned. Once correct, remove the
spacers and lens and place the PCB in
the box. Align it with the hole already
drilled. When the PCB is squarely positioned, mark out and drill the remaining three holes.
PCB location
Note that when the PCB is in the
box, the CON1 screw terminal end of
the PCB sits further away from the end
of the box compared to the other end.
This allows space for the cable gland
nuts. Holes for the fuse, cable glands
and Earth screw can also be drilled
now, making sure these are drilled at
Celebrating 30 Years
the CON1 end of the box.
Re-attach the 8mm long spacers to
the PCB. Then bend the Triac leads up
at 90°, 4mm from the body of the Triac. Insert the leads into the PCB from
the underside.
The PCB can now be secured to the
case with the screws from the underside into the tapped spacers. Mark out
the Triac mounting hole position on
the base of the case. Remove the PCB
again and drill to 4mm. Clean away
any metal swarf and slightly chamfer
the hole edge.
Re-attach the PCB and adjust the
Triac lead height so the metal tab sits
flush onto the flat surface, then secure
the Triac with the M4 screw and nut.
Note that the metal tab is internally
isolated from the leads and so does
not require any further insulation between its tab and case. Solder the Triac
leads at the top of the PCB, then trim
them short.
Now remove the screws to gain access to the underside of the PCB and
solder the Triac leads from the underside. The four rubber feet can be
attached to the base of the case now.
The case lid should be fitted with a
panel label. We have designed three labels. One is for the power-control only
version, one is for a temperature-control only version and the third option
is for when JP1 can be used to select
either control mode. These label files
can be downloaded from our website
Once the label has been attached,
cut out the potentiometer hole and
Earth screw hole with a hobby knife.
Cut the 10A extension lead in two,
to provide one lead with a plug on the
end and another with a socket. Where
the lead is cut depends on how long
you prefer each lead.
You may prefer a long plug cord
and short socket lead, so the heater is
located near to the controller. Alternatively, the lead can be cut into two
equal lengths. Before cutting though,
make sure you have sufficient length
to strip back the insulation as detailed
in the next two paragraphs.
Strip back the outer insulation
sheath by about 200mm on the socket
lead so you can get a suitable 100mm
length of Earth wire (green/yellow
stripe) for the connection between the
chassis and lid.
Then cut the blue Neutral wire and
brown Active wires to 50mm. Some of
the spare 150mm brown wire length
can be used later to connect from the
fuse to CON1.
The plug lead outer sheath insulation should be stripped back to expose
100mm of wire. This leaves sufficiently long Earth and Active leads. Cut the
Neutral wire to 50mm. Pass these wires
through the cable glands and connect
as shown in Fig.2, stripping back the
insulation before terminating to the
fuse and CON1.
Make sure the plug lead and socket lead are placed in the correct cable
gland and wired as shown. Note that
when wiring the fuse holder, heatshrink tubing should be placed over
the wire terminals. Heatshrink tubing
3mm in diameter is suitable. Pass the
wires through the tubing before soldering to the terminals.
Cut the shaft of VR1 to 12mm long
and file the edges smooth. Then attach the three 100mm lengths of 7.5A
mains rated wire to its three terminals
and cover with 3mm heatshrink tubing. The other ends connect to CON2.
These wires are held in place using a
cable tie that feeds through holes in
the PCB.
Attach VR1 to the lid and note that
the potentiometer must be oriented as
shown, so it fits beside the mains rated capacitor on the PCB. Fit the knob;
you may need to lift out the knob cap
with a hobby knife and re-orient the
cap so its pointer position matches the
rotation marks on the panel. Apply a
smear of heatsink compound to the
underside of the Triac before installing the PCB inside the case.
Connect the Earth wires to M4
crimp or solder eyelets and cover with
green heatshrink tubing. The eyelets
attach to the side of the case and the
lid using an M4 screw, star washer
and nut.
IC1 can now be plugged in, taking
care it is oriented correctly. Insert the
10A fuse into its holder. Press the cover onto the terminal barrier (CON1) to
prevent accidental contact.
Check your construction carefully
and especially check that the Earth
wires (green/yellow striped) actually
are connected to the case and Earth
pins on the mains plug and socket.
Check this with a multimeter set to
read low ohms. The cable glands need
to be tightened to hold the mains cords
in place.
Because these are easily undone,
the thread of the glands should have a
drop of Super Glue (cyanoacrylate) applied to the threads before tightening.
This way, the glands cannot be easily
undone. Attach the lid using the four
screws supplied with the case.
If you fitted the pin header for JP1,
now plug the shorting block into the
percentage (%) position. Connect a
heater to the controller and with the lid
in place, apply power and check that
the power can be varied using VR1.
The following text only applies to
the temperature-control version, so if
you built this, unplug the unit, open
up the lid and shift the shorting block
into the alternative position.
Setting up the thermopile
The reference voltage needs to be
adjusted now and this procedure also
compensates for any offset voltages
present in TS1 and IC2.
Do not plug the unit into the mains
directly during this procedure! You
will need a supply that is between 5
and 9V DC, (eg, a 9V battery) connected between the 0V PC stake and the
V+ PC stake on the PCB.
Monitor the thermopile voltage using a multimeter connected to the 0V
(black) and Thp (red) terminals, then
adjust VR2 so that the voltage at Thp
is half the voltage measured at the terminal that’s labelled 5.1V. So for example, if the supply is 5.1V, Thp should
be set to 2.55V.
This adjustment must be done when
the thermopile is measuring the same
temperature as its own body. To ensure
this, place a matte black object larger
than the diameter of the lens directly
in front of it.
This object needs to be the same
temperature as the sensor, so place it
nearby and leave it for an hour or so,
to ensure that they are very close in
This black body can be a block of
wood painted matte black, the side of a
black plugpack, a piece of matte acrylic, black-handled kitchen utensil, etc.
Final calibration
Final calibration is done with the
unit powered from the mains, so make
sure the lid is in place.
Firstly, measure the ambient temperature with a thermometer and set
VR1 to that setting, noting that calibration can only be done if the ambient
temperature is within the range of 1531°C. Switch on the power and after
about five seconds, check if the load
is on or off. An incandescent lamp
Close-up view of the mains input and output section of the Heater Controller.
Don’t forget to place the protective shroud over the mains terminal block.
Celebrating 30 Years
April 2018 23
makes a suitable load (and you can
see if it’s on!).
Calibration is made by adjusting
VR2 but this adjustment must be done
only after power is switched off. So
the adjustment will be a trial and error procedure.
VR2 needs to be adjusted clockwise
if the load does not switch off when
VR1 is set to just under ambient temperature. Adjust VR2 anticlockwise if
the load is still off with VR1 set to ambient temperature.
During this procedure, ensure that
the lens is not blocked and has a good
view of the room and is not pointed at
a large window, oven, fridge, air conditioner or another source of heat/cold.
Temperature control mode
When using the Heater Controller as
a thermostat, the thermopile will need
to be placed so that the room temperature can be monitored.
This room temperature is best detected by using a non-shiny black object placed near the thermopile lens.
The object should absorb the surrounding heat from the room air, allowing
the thermopile to take the temperature reading.
In practice, you may just need to
place the controller box and lens near
to any object of any colour to have satisfactory temperature control.
The acceptance angle to the thermopile via the lens is about 84°. This can
be visualised as a cone projecting out
Silicon Chip
Fig.5: drilling and cutting templates for the diecast aluminium box and lid. The
“D”-shaped fuseholder hole should be drilled to 11mm and then filed to the
shape shown here, to prevent the fuseholder from rotating.
from the lens with an 84° angle at the
base. This is close enough to 90° that
100mm from the lens, the area that is
observed by the thermopile is a circle
of 200mm diameter. In other words, it
is a 1:2 ratio of the distance from the
lens to the spot size.
Celebrating 30 Years
Take care not to have the thermopile
facing the heater itself. The high infrared level from the heater will cause
the controller to switch off the heater.
Bar radiator elements can reach 380°C,
while convection heaters will be significantly above ambient.