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How to monitor your brain waves
An Introduction to
By Jim Rowe
Elsewhere in this issue, we describe a low-cost Brainwave Monitor
which you can build to measure and record brainwaves – yours,
or those of someone else. But to use that device, you need to understand
what an EEG is, how to use it and how to interpret the results.
This article explains what an EEG is all about.
lectroencephalography or on the exposed brains of the animals.
“EEG” involves monitoring the Beck is generally credited with proposelectro-neurological activity of ing the concept of brain waves.
German physiologist and psychiathe brain, using electrodes placed in
trist Hans Berger was the first to record
strategic positions on the scalp.
This is not to be confused with the human EEG signals in 1924 and also
ECG, or electrocardiograph, which the first to coin the term “electroencephalogram” to describe the function
monitors the tiny electrical signals
of the machine he developed.
which control the heart.
His recordings were made using
But an absence of either EEG or ECG
electrodes placed on the subject’s
signals means you’re just as dead!
The first person known to try look- scalp, rather than on the surface of
ing for electrical activity in brains their exposed brain – a far less invasive
was British physician Richard Ca- scheme, making it much more suitable
ton, who did experiments on the ex- for use on human subjects!
Since Berger’s pioneering work
posed brains of rabbits and monkeys
in 1875. He published his results in there has been a lot of development
the British Medical Journal in August, of EEG measurement technology and
1875 (
Then in 1890 Adolf Beck, a
Polish physiologist, published
the results of tests measuring
electrical activity in the brains
of rabbits and dogs – including rhythmic activity altered
by light striking the animals’ Fig.1: tiny signals within the
eyes. As with Caton’s work, this brain are passed from axon to dendrite.
was done by placing electrodes These are detected and read as an EEG.
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Australia’s electronics magazine
the application of EEG recordings for
diagnosing various neurological and
mental health problems. Nowadays,
it is used for such diverse things as
distinguishing between epileptic and
other types of seizures and in the analysis of sleep disorders.
The American EEG Society was
founded in 1947 and the first International EEG congress was held in the
same year.
There are now EEG Societies in a
number of countries, as well as internationally recognised techniques
regarding the placement of EEG electrodes (described below).
How an EEG works
Our brains are made up from
billions of nerve cells or “neurons”, which constantly communicate with one another by
transferring ions between them
via the tiny gaps or “synapses”
separating them.
At one end of the synapse
gap is a tentacle-like axon (a
protrusion of the neuron cell)
while the receiving site on the
other side of the synapse is known as
a dendrite.
Since the ions are electrically
charged, this means that there are
small electric currents flowing all the
time – especially in the outer layers of
the cerebral cortex, which is the outer
‘grey matter’ part of the cerebrum (the
large upper part of the brain).
Although these currents are quite
small, a proportion of them passes
through the meningeal envelope surrounding the brain and out through
the bones of the skull cap and the skin
of the scalp.
As a result, minute voltages corresponding to these currents can be detected using electrodes attached to the
scalp, as shown in Fig.2.
Because these voltages are so tiny, a
great deal of amplification is needed to
sample and record them. This means
that it’s essential to use various techniques to cancel out “common mode”
signals, such as voltages induced by
nearby 50/60Hz mains wiring, which
would otherwise drown out the EEG
The frequencies of the EEG signals
are quite low, varying between about
0.5Hz and 16Hz. This means that lowpass filtering can also be used to reject
50 or 60Hz hum.
So the basic idea of EEG is to monitor brain activity by using an array of
small electrodes placed on the subject’s scalp, to sense the leakage voltages present on the surface.
Electrode placement
You cannot just stick the electrodes
Fig.2: electrodes placed on the scalp are used to detect tiny voltages caused by
currents flowing between neurons in the outer layers of the brain’s cerebral
cortex. A small fraction of these currents passes out through the meninges, the
skull cap and the scalp.
anywhere on the scalp. You must follow the standardised placement of
EEG electrodes on a patient’s scalp,
to allow comparisons and diagnoses
to be made.
The most common EEG electrode
placement standard used nowadays is
called the International 10-20 System,
which is as follows.
Fig.3 shows two views of a stylised
human head, from the side and from
above. Three main reference points
are shown: the “nasion”, the “inion”
and the “vertex”.
The nasion is the depression directly between the eyes, just above the
bridge of the nose. It’s the intersection
of the frontal bone and two nasal bones
and is regarded for EEG purposes as
the landmark for the front-centre of
the skull.
The inion is the location of a small
bump or protuberance on the outer
surface of the occipital bone of the
skull, which can be felt through the
scalp. This point is regarded for EEG
purposes as the rear centre point of
the skull.
The vertex or top centre of the skull
is basically the point halfway along the
centre line of the skull, equally distant
from the nasion and the inion.
This vertex is used to locate the reference ground (Cz electrode) for EEG
Fig.3: EEG electrodes should be placed on the scalp in positions defined by the International 10-20 System, and
illustrated here.
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August 2018 15
Fig.4: the combinations of EEG electrode positions which
are most useful for sensing slow waves, ‘spindles’ and
Alpha rhythms. Note that the Cz ‘reference ground’
electrode should always be placed at the skull’s vertex.
measurements. This is used as the basis of the 10-20 EEG
electrode placement grid.
The distance between the vertex and the nasion is divided into three parts, with intervals of 20%, 20% and 10%
as shown, and in the same proportions for the distance between the vertex and the inion.
Similarly, the distance between the vertex and the line
on each side of the head between the nasion and inion is
also divided into three parts with intervals of 20%, 20%
and 10% as shown in Fig.3.
These points are then used to visualise a grid, as indicated by the dashed red lines on each view. The intersections of these grid lines are used for most of the EEG electrode positions.
These are labelled using a convention where electrodes
on the longitudinal centre line have the suffix “z” (as in
Fz, Cz and Pz), while those on the left-hand side of the
skull are given odd numbers (like F3, C3, P3, F7, T3 and
T5) and those on the right-hand side are given even numbers (like F4, C4, P4 and so on). The letter prefixes given
to these electrode positions correspond to the names of the
brain lobes underneath their positions.
So the electrodes above the frontal lobes are given the
prefix “F”, those above the temporal lobes have the prefix “T”, those above the parietal lobes have the prefix “P”
and those above the occipital lobes have the prefix “O”.
In addition to the 19 electrode positions defined by the
10-20 grid, there are four extras; two near each ear.
As shown in Fig.3, these are M1 and M2, located at the
left and right mastoid protuberances (the small bumps just
behind and above each external ear), and A1 and A2, located either on the lobe of each external ear or on the tragus, the small pointed skin protuberance just above and
behind the lobe.
In practice, the M1 and A1 electrode positions are regarded as interchangeable, as are the M2 and A2 positions.
This is because they are both very near the midpoint of the
lowest grid line between the nasion and inion on each side,
ie, two near each ear.
Note that for higher-resolution EEG measurements and
research, many additional electrode positions are used.
Generally, these are located halfway between the grid
lines shown in Fig.3. The additional electrode locations
are labelled according to the Modified Combinatorial Nomenclature (MCN). But this more complex electrode array
system needn’t worry us here.
Which combinations are useful?
With so many electrode locations to choose from even
in the 10-20 system, selecting the combinations which are
likely to be the most useful can be a bit bewildering. Fortunately, people who have recorded a lot of EEGs over the
years have come up with a short list of electrode combinations that have been found most useful. These are listed in
Fig.4 – Suggested Electrode Combinations.
The combination of F4 and M1 (or A1) is suggested as
best for capturing slow EEG waves, with the F3 and M2/
A2 combination as an alternative.
Similarly, the combination of C4 and M1 is suggested as
best for capturing rapid “spindle” EEG waves, with the C3
and M2 combination as an alternative.
Then for capturing the brain’s relaxed “alpha rhythm”,
the combination of either O2 and M1 or O1 and M2 is suggested.
With all of these combinations, the EEG sampler’s ground
reference lead is assumed to be connected to the Cz electrode at the vertex or top of the skull. This is necessary to
achieve the clearest and least noisy recordings.
So you don’t need a huge number of electrodes and leads
to capture the most useful EEG recordings. In fact, with
only seven electrodes (including the Cz electrode), you can
perform three different EEG recordings simultaneously, using an EEG Sampler with three differential input channels.
Stimulating neurons electrically
While this article is about sensing the electrical impulses generated by neurons, it is also possible to do the reverse, ie, use externally-generated electrical impulses to
stimulate neurons.
We described a circuit to do just this in the project about
Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) in the January 2011
issue (
This is intended to reduce the pain from headaches and
to promote relaxation.
In addition to the synapses described earlier, for communication between neurons, synapses also exist between
motor neurons and muscle fibres.
The electrical impulse across the synapse causes the
muscle fibre to contract and this is how the brain controls
movement in the body. The injection of an electrical im16
Silicon Chip
pulse along this path can cause the muscle to contract
Similarly, sensations such as heat, cold and pain cause
electrical impulses which travel to neurons in the brain via
We have previously published two circuits for transient
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), which can be used for
pain relief. See the August 1997 ( and January 2006 ( issue for details.
A warning: as you will note in the TENS articles, their
output must NEVER be applied to the head, especially in
the areas where EEG electrodes would go. NEVER try
to connect a TENS machine to EEG electrodes (in most
cases, they won’t fit anyway!).
Australia’s electronics magazine
But why would YOU bother?
While it should be pretty obvious that an EEG in the hands of
a medical professional would be extremely valuable in all sorts
of clinical/diagnostic situations, the question must be asked,
“why would the average person bother reading their (or someone else’s) EEG?”
And “don’t you need many years of experience to decipher
EEG waveforms?”
In a professional application the answer to the latter question
is undoubtedly yes – it would be folly (and probably dangerous!)
for an untrained person to even attempt to analyse EEG waveforms with a view to diagnosing brain disorders.
However . . .
Fig.5: sample waveforms showing how EEG waves change
during the various stages of relaxation and sleep.
Our Brainwave Monitor is designed for this exact task.
It’s possible to switch each of the Monitor’s three input
channels between two alternative electrode pairs, using a
small electrode switch box to be described in a future issue.
Then by using only three additional electrodes and leads
(ten in all), you can capture EEGs from any of the electrode
combinations shown in Fig.4, merely by selecting them using the switch box.
What to look for
So what kind of EEG waveforms can you expect when
using the Brainwave Monitor?
We can’t explain everything you need to know to interpret EEG waveforms in this article – that’s a job for an expert. But the waveform samples shown in Fig.5 will give
you an idea of the sort of waveforms you are likely to see
at various stages of brain relaxation and sleep.
EEG waves are named according to their frequency range.
They are Delta waves if their frequency is between 0.1Hz
and 3.5Hz, Theta waves if their frequency is between 4Hz
and 7.5Hz, Alpha waves for frequencies between 8 and
13Hz and Beta waves in the range 14-40Hz.
Their peak amplitude is typically between 10µV and
100µV, with Alpha waves generally less than 60µV and
Beta waves usually in the range 10-20µV.
So an amplification factor of around 5,000 to 250,000
times is required for the EEG signals to be sampled by a
typical analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
As you would expect, the signal amplitudes are greater
if measured at the surface of the brain (1-2mV). Even this
is a small fraction of the voltage of a nerve impulse, which
is around 100mV.
In spite of the problems of amplifying and processing
such tiny signals in a very noisy electrical environment,
our Brainwave Monitor makes this a reasonably routine
procedure. You can connect it to your laptop or notebook
PC to view and record brainwave signals.
What a great idea for a school electronics project!
There are many references (on the net and elsewhere) extolling the virtues of a personal EEG in controlling and changing
your own brain activity. Possibly using external simulation, with
practice it appears you can “train” your brain to achieve some
positive outcomes.
Indeed, there are several commercial organisations which offer various EEG-compatible software to enable users to experiment in this area – the example below is from the US Transparent
Corporation ( who claim that EEG
units can be tools to improve the mind through a non-invasive
brain stimulation process. “Neural stimulation therapy, also
commonly referred to as brainwave entrainment, uses deliberately engineered sound or light stimuli to influence the mind in
beneficial ways”.
Other reports we’ve seen suggest EEG can be used for highly
stressed individuals to reduce those stress levels by recognising the types of EEG waveforms which not only reveal stress but
also the waveforms which show stress reductions.
We’ve also seen claims that EEG analysis can help those suffering sleep disorders.
There are also reports of students who use EEG to reduce
stress levels before important exams. And others which show
that a general sense of wellbeing can be achieved by knowing
what brainwaves show.
We’re not saying that these reports are all accurate (indeed,
any of them!) – the net is notorious for misinformation – but if
you’re interested in these, or many other “self-help” applications
of the EEG, we would strongly suggest you do extensive study
so that you know what you are doing. It might also be wise to
discuss any possible plan of action with a health care profesSC
sional who has expertise in this area.
Using Transparent Corp’s “Emotiv EPOC or Emotiv EEG
for EEG-Driven Stimulation”
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August 2018 17