Vol.31, No.12; December 2018
Features & Reviews
12 “The Grand Tour”: the incredible Voyager missions
Way back in 1977, two Voyager spacecraft were launched to probe Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune. 41 years later – and way past their expected demise –
they’re now the most distant man-made objects in space – by Dr David Maddison
44 The Arduino Uno’s cousins: the Nano and Mega
Arguably the world’s most popular micro (especially amongst hobbyists), the
Arduino has two not-so-well-known variants, the smaller Nano and the larger
Mega 2560. Here’s an explanation of the differences – by Jim Rowe
74 El cheapo modules, part 21: stamp-sized audio player
No-one would have
believed that the two
Voyager spacecraft
would still be
operational 41 years
later. But they are,
albeit running on
limited power – Page 12
You won’t believe how sensitive
this new Magnetometer is. We
found it could detect a pin head
centimetres deep! – Page 24
Less than five dollars gets you the DFPlayer mini: a tiny (21 x 21 x 12mm) digital
audio player which can handle MP3, WMA and WAV, in mono or stereo, off either
a microSD card or USB flash drive with a capacity up to 32GB – by Jim Rowe
Constructional Projects
24 An incredibly sensitive Magnetometer to build
A magnetometer detects changes in magnetic fields, whether natural or manmade. This magnetometer is SO sensitive you have to make allowances for such
things as waves and tidal flow! – by Rev Thomas Scarborough
38 Amazing light display from our LED Christmas tree . . .
Last month we brought you our EXPANDABLE Christmas Tree, which is already
very popular with readers (judging by the number of kits sold!). Now we present a
controller to provide spectacular display options – by Tim Blythman
66 A Useless Box
What does a Useless Box do? Well, not much – it’s pretty useless! But build this
nonsense project and you’ll keep the kids (and grandkids) amused until at least
next Christmas – and probably way beyond – by Les Kerr & Ross Tester
84 Low voltage DC Motor and Pump Controller (Part 2)
With a huge array of options to suit YOUR particular application, this motor/pump
controller will handle up to 40A DC on a nominal 12V supply. We couldn’t fit it in
last month – so we’ve used the time to include even more! – by Nicholas Vinen
Your Favourite Columns
58 Serviceman’s Log
Travelling makes me go cuckoo! – by Dave Thompson
78 Circuit Notebook
(1) Simple guitar practice amp
(2) Accurately measuring voltage and current at the same time
(3) 1kHz crystal-locked sinewave oscillator
94 Vintage Radio
1948 AWA compact portable Model 450P – by Graham Parslow
Everything Else!
2 Editorial Viewpoint
4 Mailbag – Your Feedback 103
64 Christmas Showcase
82 SILICON CHIP Online Shop 104
Market Centre
Advertising Index
Notes and Errata
Want to be able to
individually address
each LED in our
Christmas Tree?
We show you how
to do it with this
new controller
– Page 38
They can’t resist
flicking the switch.
But when they do,
Froggy comes
out and turns
the switch back
off again! Build
it for Christmas!
– Page 66
This month’s El Cheapo
module is intriguing:
a digital audio player,
complete with its own
amplifier and card
reader, for less than
$5 out of China!
– Page 74