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An easy-to-build 6-element VHF Yagi for
Great Digital
TV Reception
Do you watch VHF TV? Do you have problems with drop-outs of
your favourite stations? Is the picture often affected by intermittent
pixellation accompanied by “spitting” sounds? Does your TV give a
“no signal” message in periods of wet weather? If you answered “Yes”
to any of these questions, the chances are that your TV antenna is no
longer suitable for the stations you are hoping to receive.
This screen shot, which we found on YouTube, ably demonstrates what can happen when you use an old (or even a new!)
UHF/VHF antenna on a VHF TV signal. It’s almost certainly caused by breakthrough from UHF LTE phone or data signals
“swamping” the VHF signal. The solution, at least in VHF-only capital cities, is to use a VHF-only TV antenna!
Silicon Chip
Celebrating 30 Years
Our new 6-element VHF TV antenna is
simple to build, from easily-obtainable
aluminium tubing . . . but gives a great account
of itself in metropolitan areas where VHF TV
broadcasts predominate. It should also be adaptable for
the relatively few country areas using VHF (except perhaps
“fringe” areas). If you still have an old band II/III VHF antenna
or worse, a “combi” VHF/UHF antenna, this design should help
eliminate interference from other services now using the old
TV frequencies. Notice that it has horizontal polarisation, to
suit the majority of VHF transmissions (eg, all state capitals).
erhaps you have not realised
that in 2014, along with the
switch from analog to digital TV
in Australia, all VHF metropolitan TV
channels were “restacked” into the
higher VHF band, nominally channels
6 to 12 (band III).
Remember being bombarded with
TV ads telling you that you had to retune your TV set? Or the scores of little old ladies calling talkback radio
saying “my TV doesn’t pick up ‘Days
of Our Lives’ any more . . .”
Previous to that you might have
been receiving your main TV broadcasts from VHF or UHF channels. Or
maybe you were using an old TV antenna which was suitable in the days
of analog TV broadcasts but long-term
corrosion and different channel allocations have now made those old antennas simply no longer suitable.
If you take a drive around city streets
you will often observe that many people are still using a VHF/UHF Yagi array (with very long and very short elements), a log-periodic VHF/UHF array
or maybe UHF bow-tie array. Since the
digital TV “restack” most of these antennas simply are not suitable in metropolitan areas.
More information on this digital
restack topic can be seen in our
vember 2014 issue, in an article by Allan Hughes (
Now over the last few years, you
have probably had your TV do a rescan to receive new channels and it has
duly picked up the stations you want,
plus the regional stations which are
typically broadcast from band 4 UHF
translators. In that case, you might say,
“It works. Why worry?”
Well, your old antenna probably
does work – sort of.
But the fact that the antenna is not
cut to suit the restacked VHF channels
could explain your occasional reception problems.
Another factor to be considered is
that the old UHF TV channels that you
happily used have now been allocated
to 4G mobile phone and data use and
that can mean that your TV is now being subjected to 4G LTE interference.
This will only get worse – probably
much worse – in the future as more and
more phone/data services are packed
into the old UHF TV band.
Overall, if your TV antenna is more
than a few years old, there is a fair
chance that it is not delivering the optimum signal to your TV set.
And while digital TV reception is
not subject to the many problems of
Celebrating 30 Years
the old analog TV broadcasts, such as
ghosting, noise, aircraft flutter and is
more tolerant of varying signals, once
the signal level drops below the “digital cliff” you reach the point where
the picture starts to pixellate and then
drops out altogether, leaving you with
that annoyingly cryptic “no signal”
message on screen.
That can be really frustrating at the
crucial points in your favourite TV series or sports broadcast.
The “digital cliff”, by the way, refers to the fact that with digital signals
there is very little between a great picture and no picture. It’s either there .
. . or it’s not, as if the signal simply
“falls off a cliff”.
So you probably need
a new antenna
Do you buy or build? If you are going to buy a new antenna do not buy
one from an overseas source. They are
unlikely to be cut to suit Australian
VHF Digital TV broadcasts.
Second point, do not buy a VHF/
UHF array. You don’t need it and it is
likely to feed unwanted 4G interference to your set, as can be seen opposite.
Even if you want to receive both
VHF and UHF, the transmitters are
February 2018 37
How we measured the antenna’s gain
Elsewhere in this article we mention that this antenna has
a gain of 10dBd; that’s +10dB with respect to a standard
dipole. But measuring the gain of any antenna is not a simple
process and ideally you need to do it in an open paddock
with no large objects, buildings or hills nearby. We made do
with the parking area behind our building.
We used a Hewlett-Packard 8654B RF Signal Generator
which covers the range 10MHz to 520MHz and can deliver
1V into a 50Ω load. We matched this to the 75Ω impedance of
standard dipole which was connected via 75Ω coax cable.
The scope grab at left demonstrates a test in progress. The
yellow trace is the output from the RF generator while the
green trace is signal received under test. Note that we have
applied signal averaging to remove noise. We had to do
repetitive tests at different frequencies (for channels 6 to 12).
In each case we used standard dipoles for the transmitter and
the receiver and the receive dipole measurement was then
compared with the same signal picked up by the 6-element
antenna under the test conditions.
most unlikely to be co-sited, so you
need to point the antennas in different directions – ergo, different antennas will be needed. They may also be
different polarisation.
If you are going to buy a new antenna or have it installed, make sure
it comes from a reputable Australian
Make no mistake, these Australian
companies make well-engineered antennas which will give many years of
service and some of their antennas also
incorporate 4G LTE filtering as well.
Be warned, though, there is a lot of
rubbish (dare we say cons?) around –
particularly online. (See the physicsdefying model on page 43!).
But you can save a significant
amount of money by building your
How much much money? We reckon
you can build the antenna described
here for less than $65. Depending on
where you buy a new antenna, you
could save more than half the price.
What about recycling your
old antenna?
A number of readers have suggested this project and one of their cited
reasons has been to recycle the aluminium tubing from their old antenna.
If you look at the dimensions of the
elements of this 6-element Yagi design,
you might be able to salvage some of
the longer elements from an old lowband VHF antenna. But we don’t recommend it.
Those old elements are likely to be
heavily corroded rolled section aluminium and not worth the trouble
and work in cleaning them up. The
Silicon Chip
cost of the extruded aluminium tubing in our new design is not high; we
purchased ours for under $40 from
Bunnings hardware stores.
Why bother with that old tatty antenna? Stick it out for recycling at your
next council clean-up.
By the way, before you contemplate
starting this antenna project, make
sure that you are in prime reception
area for VHF channels 6 to 12.
You can do that by going to this website – http://myswitch.digitalready. and feeding in the details of
your location.
However, this website is not infallible. By far the best approach is to
simply to walk around your neighbourhood and see what the majority
of antennas are.
If you note that the majority are UHF
(ie, short elements) pointed away from
your city’s primary transmission location, it’s a reasonable bet that there is
little or no VHF signal in your location.
After all, there is no point in building a VHF Yagi if your main reception
comes from a regional (UHF) translator, as it may do even if you live in
the heart of an Australian city such
as Sydney.
For example, in hilly areas such
as Sydney’s Northern Beaches, many
TV antennas are pointed towards the
Bouddi translator on the Central Coast,
perhaps 40km away.
This is despite the fact that they
might be only 10km or so from the
main VHF transmitters at Artarmon
– but there’s a dirty great big hill in
the way!
Similarly in the Southern suburbs –
many viewers get their pictures from
Celebrating 30 Years
one of the even more distant Illawarra
And what about the recent
Some readers will recall that we
published a 5-element DAB+ antenna
in the November 2015 issue (www.
And, given its ease of construction,
a few readers suggested that we simply rescale that design to produce this
VHF antenna.
This turns out to be impractical,
mainly because the VHF coverage
of this new antenna is considerably
wider than that for the DAB channels
(which sit in a narrow band smack
bang in the middle of the TV channels).
Secondly, this antenna is intended
for horizontal polarisation while the
DAB+ antenna is a vertically polarised
design with the mast fixing point behind the reflector.
And because we are covering a wider bandwidth we decided to go for a
6-element design which should give
more gain over the frequencies of interest and a little less for DAB+ reception.
By the way, some VHF TV antennas
are stated as being suitable for DAB+
reception as well as TV.
That is partly true, but if you are using a horizontally polarised VHF TV
antenna for TV reception, its pickup
of DAB+ broadcasts will be largely
incidental. Having said that, such
reception may be quite adequate in
your area.
Antenna gain
A 6-element Yagi antenna like this
Fig.1: the 6-element VHF TV Yagi with a plan view (at top) and the assembly detail shown below.
should give reception at quite long distances from the transmitter, perhaps
100km or more. However, we have
not tested this aspect. We can vouch
for the gain figure of around 10dB (as
detailed on page 38).
You may also wonder “why six elements?” when the DAB+ antenna had
five – indeed, you often see antennas
with fewer elements or more.
The reason is both simple and
complicated. The simple part is, the
more elements the higher gain, so you
should pick up more signal.
The complicated part is that you
soon run into “the law of diminishing returns” where adding more elements doesn’t really justify either the
cost nor the increased size.
Six elements, for a wide-band anCelebrating 30 Years
tenna such as required for VHF TV,
appears to be the “sweet spot”.
Tools you will need
Most enthusiasts will have most of
the tools needed for this project. You
will need a hacksaw, electric drill and
a vise. It would also help if you have a
drill press but you can do without this.
Apart from an antenna clamp (UFebruary 2018 39
The reflector and director elements are attached directly
to the boom using self-tapping screws. Ideally, all screws,
nuts and washers should be 316-grade stainless steel to
minimise corrosion.
bolt and V-block), no special hardware
or fittings are required.
Tube cutter
A tube cutter is a very handy tool in
an antenna project such as this. You
end up with smooth square cuts with
no swarf. We used a Bunnings product, the Haron Model STC330N. When
using this cutter, it is important not to
rush the job.
Mark the position of the cut on the
tube with an HB pencil and then position the blade of the cutter precisely on
the mark, with the tube sitting between
the rollers. Apply very light pressure
with the knob of the cutter and then
measure from the end of the tube to
the blade of the cutter, to make sure
you are cutting to the exact length you
want (to be sure, to be sure!)
If you have not used one of these
cutters before, do a couple of practice
cuts on scrap of aluminium tube or
plastic conduit, just to get the feel of
the whole procedure.
You are also likely to find that because the tube is very smooth and quite
small in diameter, it is hard to get a
grip on it as the cut deepens. Gripping
the tube with a rubber kitchen glove
makes it a lot easier.
Buying the aluminium
For convenience we purchased the
10mm round aluminium tubing and
19mm square aluminium tube from
the local Bunnings warehouse. They
stock the 19mm square tube in 3-metre lengths and the 10mm tubing in
1-metre lengths.
So we purchased seven 1-metre
lengths of the 10mm tube and one
3-metre length of the 19mm square
Silicon Chip
The ends of the folded dipole are fabricated using 30mm
lengths of aluminium tubing shaped to mate with the upper
and lower pieces. They are held together with 50mm long
machine screws, nuts and split washers.
tube. Total cost: just under $40.
You might be able to purchase your
aluminium from a nearby metal supplier and in that case, they might cut
it to the various lengths you will need
(perhaps for a small extra charge?).
One drawback of buying tube from
Bunnings is that every item you purchase has an adhesive label attached
which can be quite difficult to remove.
While the label won’t interfere with
reception, simply for appearance sake
you will need to remove all traces of
the adhesive and that can be done with
kerosene or eucalyptus oil.
Screws & nuts
After a few years’ exposure to the elements, many antennas are in a poor
state. Aluminium does not “rust” but
it does oxidise and its surface becomes
very powdery, particularly in seaside
areas or in metropolitan areas where
there is a lot of industrial fallout.
Corrosion will also be a lot worse
if you don’t use the right screws and
nuts. We strongly recommend the
use of stainless steel screws, nuts and
washers throughout, whether for machine screws or self-tappers. They do
cost more but they last indefinitely.
Some readers may wonder about
the grade of stainless steel required.
We recommend AS316 for best corrosion resistance; it is better than the
inferior AS304, particularly in seaside
You may find some of the required
stainless steel screws are available
from Bunnings – however, make sure
they are AS316 (the packet will be
clearly labelled). Most will be also
available from ships’ chandlers (almost invariably AS316) or specialCelebrating 30 Years
ist hardware or engineering suppliers. We purchased our stainless steel
parts from Bomond Trading Co, in
Brookvale, in Sydney.
Don’t, on any account, use brass
screws. When used to attach aluminium elements these will corrode away
almost before your eyes. Nor do we
recommend galvanised, bright zinc
or cadmium-plated and passivated
steel screws (with a gold appearance –
they’re rubbish!). In seaside areas, all
of these can be visibly corroded with
just a few days’ exposure.
In rural areas, away from the sea or
city pollution, you can probably get
away with galvanised screws but the
antenna will last longer if you paint it
– including all the screws.
Starting work
Constructing this antenna is quite
straightforward. If you have all the
materials available you can probably
do it in a couple of afternoons.
Fig.1 shows all the details of the
6-element antenna. It shows the dimensions of all the elements and the
various hardware bits you will have
to make to assemble the antenna. At
top is a plan view showing the lengths
of all six elements and their spacing
along the boom. Note that the spacing
between the elements varies.
Before you start, make sure you
have obtained all the aluminium and
hardware listed in the Parts List. You
will be frustrated if you get half-way
through and find you can’t progress
further because you lack screws or
some other item. Get ’em all before
you start.
You need to cut the 19mm square
tube (the boom) to length and then
mark it for drilling and this is where
it is quite easy to make mistakes. Double-check everything before you cut
or drill!
If you are experienced in metalwork
and have access to a set of vee-blocks
and a drill press, you could substitute 25mm diameter stainless steel
tubing which is readily available but
quite expensive and quite difficult to
cut and drill.
Do not use nickel plated tubing – it
will rust quickly. Nor should you use
stainless steel tubing sold for wardrobe hangers. It is likely to be AS304
rather than the specified AS-316 and
will corrode in seaside areas.
Centre-punch the boom for all holes
prior to drilling. The boom is 1500mm
long – see the plan diagram on Fig.1.
Mark the hole centre position for the
reflector element first, 20mm from one
end of the boom, and then work your
way along.
If you have a drill press which lets
you drill all the element holes square
through the boom you are fortunate. If
not, mark the hole centre positions on
both sides of the boom and drill from
both sides. If you don’t get the element
holes lined up properly, you will have
the elements skew-whiff, and that may
degrade performance.
A few words of advice on drilling
is appropriate here. Drilling in thin
wall aluminium tubing can be a problem and many people tend to end up
with holes that are more triangular
than round. The way around this problem is to drill all the large holes (ie,
all 10mm holes) under size and then
ream them out to the correct size using a tapered reamer.
Don’t drill the larger diameters with
too high a speed otherwise there may
again be a tendency to produce “triangular” holes. If you have a bench drill
which allows you to set slower drilling
speeds, so much the better.
Either way, it is best to drill the element holes to 10mm and then slightly increase each hole with a tapered
reamer so that each element is held
firmly in the boom.
Reaming larger holes
Be careful when reaming holes out
because it is quite easy to get carried
away and then end up with holes
that are oversize. Use a scrap piece of
10mm tubing to test when the holes
specified at 10mm are the correct size.
Each director element and the
flector is held in the boom with a selftapping screw, as shown in diagram
A of Fig.1. Drill a 3mm hole at the
centre point of each element but only
through one side.
Don’t mount the elements on the
boom yet because the dipole should
be assembled and mounted on the
boom first.
You need to keep a mental image of
how the finished antenna will appear.
If at any time you become confused,
take a look at Fig.1 and the photos
showing the actual antenna we built.
Making the dipole
The folded dipole is made from five
pieces of 10mm aluminium tubing:
one 810mm long, two short (385mm)
and two tiny end spacers around
34mm long. The detail of its assembly
can be seen from the diagram at the
bottom of Fig.1. The two short tubes,
shown as diagram E on Fig.1, are cut
and shaped so that they key in with the
top and bottom elements of the dipole.
Again, further detail can be seen in
the accompanying photos. The top and
bottom pieces of the dipole are held at
each end with a 60mm long M4 screw,
together with a nut and lock washer.
At the centre, the lower halves of
the dipole are terminated on an insulating plate (shown in diagram D
of Fig.1). This plate is made of 3mm
acrylic (Perspex or Lexan). The dipole
halves are each secured to the insulating plate with a 20mm long M4 screw,
nut and lock-washer.
Terminals for the dipole are provided with two 32mm long M4 screws,
each fitted with a nut and lock-washer
plus a wing-nut and flat washer.
The insulating plate is secured to
and spaced off the main boom via a
19mm length of 19mm PVC conduit,
shown as a “dipole centre spacer” in
diagram F of Fig.1.
The top piece of the dipole is secured to the boom with a 60mm long
M4 screw, nut and lock-washer.
The details of the dipole insulating plate and fixing to the boom can
be seen in the accompanying photos.
Note that while we used black Perspex, you could use a piece of polycarbonate if that is what you have on
hand. However, note our remarks on
painting, later in this article.
By this time the antenna should just
about complete. You need to add the
antenna clamp, to enable it to be attached to the mast. This must be just
Celebrating 30 Years
Parts List – 6-element
VHF TV Antenna
1.5 metres of 19mm square tubing
with 1.2mm wall thickness
7 1-metre lengths of 10mm diameter
tubing with 1mm wall thickness*
1 120 x 40 x 3mm Lexan or Perspex
1 stainless steel or galvanised U-bolt
and V-clamp to suit mast
5 8G x 13mm pan head self-tapping
3 M4 x 60mm (pan head)
2 M4 x 32mm screws (pan head)
2 M4 x 20mm screws (pan head)
7 M4 nuts
2 M4 wing nuts
7 M4 lock washers
2 M4 flat washers
1 19mm long spacer cut from 19mm
electrical conduit or 19mm square
aluminium tubing
Miscellaneous (sizes/lengths to suit)
Mast and wall mounts or barge-board
mount (hockey stick style)
300Ω to-75Ω in-line balun (Jaycar
Cat LT-3028 plus matching
Quality 75Ω coax cable to suit
(Jaycar WB-2006/9, Hills SSC32 or
Black plastic cable ties
Silicone sealant or Delrin plugs
If required as anti-bird strengthening:
2 1.5m lengths 19mm external use
PVC conduit
* Actual length required is approx. 5.2m
if being cut into lengths by supplier
Note: all screws, washers and nuts
should be AS316-grade stainless
behind the first director.
You will also need a 300Ω-to-75Ω
balun to match it to 75Ω coax cable.
You can purchase this from Jaycar (Cat
Unfortunately, many antenna
clamps are sold with a cadmiumplated and passivated finish (which
look like a “gold” finish). This is barely adequate for inland areas but rusts
quickly in sea air. We may seem to be
paranoid about corrosion but since
the SILICON CHIP editorial offices are
only a kilometre or so from the crashFebruary 2018 41
The dipole insulator plate has wing nut terminals to
connect 300Ω ribbon or a 300Ω-to-75Ω balun. The plate is
made from Perspex, Lexan or other acrylic material. The
square boom makes mounting easy.
ing waves we are very aware of just
how quickly metal hardware can rust
and corrode.
If you can, buy U-bolts and clamps
that are stainless steel, as used for car
exhaust systems (or boat fittings), as
these will last a lot longer. At minimum, choose hot-dip galvanised.
Be aware that zinc “plated” fittings
are not as rust resistant as galvanised
types. Zinc-plated fittings have a
smooth bright appearance while hotdip galvanising is unmistakable – it
has quite a rough grey appearance.
We also suggest that the ends of all
the elements and the boom be stopped
up with silicone sealant. This will
stop them from whistling in the wind.
(Commercial antenna manufacturers
tend to squash the ends flat for this
Better still, you can buy Delrin plugs
to suit the square aluminium tubing.
These look neater.
If you live in an area where corrosion is a problem, it is also a good idea
to paint your antenna.
If nothing else, the dipole insulating plate should be painted as acrylic
material does deteriorate in sunlight
(ie, UV).
We suggest you leave the antenna
for a month or so to weather and then
paint it with an etch primer. Finish it
with an aluminium loaded paint.
When you have finished your antenna you need to carefully consider its
installation. There is no point in going to a lot of trouble making it if you
don’t install it properly.
Try to install your new antenna well
Silicon Chip
Finally, the 300Ω-to-75Ω balun is secured to the boom using
black cable ties. The U-bolt must be sized according to the
mast used – we fashioned our own V-block from a piece of
scrap angle aluminium as the suppliers didn’t stock them.
away from existing TV antennas as
these can have quite a serious effect
on the performance. Similarly, nearby
solar panels, metal guttering, electric
cabling, metal roofing or sarking (ie,
reflective insulation such as Sisalation) can have a bad effect on antenna performance. And don’t forget the
effect of a hot water tank which may
be lurking just beneath the roof tiles.
Combatting the bird menace
Most birds love antennas. You provide them with a lovely vantage point,
so they use it. Most birds don’t do it
any harm but when heavier birds such
as kookaburras congregate on it, they
can bend the elements.
The two most damaging birds are
pelicans and sulphur crested cockatoos. Cockatoos seem to have a particularly mischevous streak – several will
bounce on your antenna elements just
for fun, to see if they can damage them!
To combat really heavy birds, it is
best to provide a strong perch about
750mm above the antenna boom. Then
hopefully the birds will land on the
perch rather than your antenna.
Mind you, you can easily replace
bent elements, since you will have
built the antenna in the first place.
An alternative, often seen where
large birds are a real problem, is to fit
a length of 19mm PVC tube (outside
rated for best UV protection) to the outer ends of all elements. This transfers
the weight of the bouncing birds over
all elements and helps protect them –
to some degree.
The PVC tubes can be drilled to
10mm (same as the elements) and
slipped over the ends. Silicone sealCelebrating 30 Years
ant will hold them in place but this
also tends to break down in sunlight
– a stainless steel self tapper could be
a better option.
Cockatoos are very destructive and
they love chewing antenna cable, baluns and plastic fittings on commercial
antennas. You can partly protect the
cable if you run it down inside the
mast but there is no complete solution.
Finally, install the antenna as high
as possible above the roof and guttering. If that is a problem, try to install the antenna so that it is at least a
half wavelength away from the nearest metallic object such as guttering
or roofing.
This means a distance of about
750mm away from guttering, solar
panels etc.
Take care when installing the antenna. Safe working with ladders is
particularly important. Take your time
and don’t take risks. You don’t want to
end up in hospital with a life-changing
injury – a common result of handymen
working on ladders.
Line up the antenna so that it is
aimed at your designated VHF TV
transmitters. Usually they are in the
same general location. You can find
out more from
Choosing coax cable
You probably know that there is a
wide range of prices for coaxial cable,
ranging from cents to dollars per metre. What’s the difference and why is
it important?
When it comes to coax quality, price
is usually a pretty good guide.
Apart from the coax impedance (you
want 75Ω), the main criteria you look
for is attenuation, or loss. Unfortunately, all coax is lossy – this means
that even if you get the last microvolt
of signal from your antenna, depending on the quality of the coax lead, at
least some of it will be lost on the trip
to your TV receiver. You want to minimise that loss.
Cheaper coax has a solid plastic
dielectric, mid-range has an extruded pattern which is mostly air (hence
“air-core”); the best domestic coax has
“foam core” dielectric (which has minimum loss) and the outer conductor is
not only pretty tightly woven (for minimum loss) it also has one or more levels of aluminium foil surrounding the
copper mesh (for minimum loss AND
to minimise interference).
Attenuation is expressed in dB/100m
and increases as frequency increases.
Because we’re not talking super high
frequencies (~250MHz and less) you
can be a bit less fussy in selecting coax.
But really, if you’re making this antenna because you need all the signal
you can get to avoid the digital cliff,
buy the best coax you can afford, within reason.
If the length of coax lead-in needs to
be relatively long and there are splitters to serve more than one TV set this
becomes even more important.
When the antenna is mounted on its
mast, make sure the coax is firmly secured to that mast (and to the antenna
boom) with black cable ties (for best
UV protection), otherwise the cable
can flap around in the wind.
There is nothing more annoying
than lying in bed late at night and listening to the cable slapping against
the mast!
Cable ties are cheap: use them!
An astonishing technological breakthrough in TV antennas . . . (!)
Every now and then a product comes along that totally rewrites the laws of physics, the laws of electronics, the laws of
commonsense and probably the laws of gravity and decency
(among others!).
Such is the 230 x 102mm TVFox Antenna, available only online, which appeared as banner advertising on a couple of what
could only be described as suspect Australian websites. It was
pointed out to us by SILICON CHIP reader George B.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
Since then, we’ve also seen variants of these (one called
the “TVSurf”) offering similar remarkable (and totally unjustifed)
“benefits” – including a testimonial from “William of Perth” who
claimed that “this antenna saved him tons of money”. Exactly
the same testimonial can be found on other websites. William
sure gets around!
George wanted to know if these so-called “super antennas” could do what they appeared to claim – that is, pick up
subscription TV channels for free.
We have to say that this has some of the most creative
copywriting we’ve seen in a long, long time. For a start, nowhere do they actually claim that they can receive pay TV
channels – but the very name, TVFox Antenna, is misleading in the extreme.
They claim that there is a law which forces all cable companies to also transmit their programming on free-to-air channels – and this is what the super antenna receives.
Well, we don’t know if such a law does exist in the US (we
seriously doubt it!) . . . but we do know there is no such law in
Australia. In fact, the exact opposite applies, making it illegal to
view subscription or pay TV programs without paying for them!
Other claims make for fascinating reading: “designed using discrete military tech” (whatever that means!).
“Mount your razor-thin TVFox antenna anywhere – behind
your TV or a picture frame . . .etc etc” Oh yeah? Sure, you
could mount it there, but would it receive anything (especially shielded by your TV!)? We’d like to see that!
“Up to 30 mile range” Not even with a downwind! And
notice the “up to” – that means it could be 30-inch range!
“Allows you to receive hundreds of free television programs in your area without complicated setups or monthly
The “antenna” is completely passive. But even if it had an
inbuilt (powered) amplifier we doubt it would receive anything,
unless you could reach out and touch the transmitter! Maybe.
There’s even a photo on one website of it mounted on the
side of a caravan – with no apparent connection to the TV set
above. Is there no end to the TVFox wizardry?
Then there’s the price: $35.74 – not too expensive (if it
worked), except that’s in US dollars. So it’s more than $AU45!
Oh, but you do “qualify” for $5.00 shipping – only if you order
today! (And that’s US$ too!).
So if you were to buy one, it’s going to cost you more than
$AU50 to find out that you’re not exactly overjoyed with its
In a word, it’s a con – and our advice is to run the proverbial
mile away if you see one. We’ll give you the URL just so you
can have a good ol’ chuckle yourself. But whatever you do, don’t
be conned into buying one – no matter how good it sounds!
Be amazed yourself, via
Celebrating 30 Years
February 2018 43