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Can YOU master the
If you play video games, you’d be aware that some can be played
with hand gestures – you’re not actually touching the game itself.
Similarly, some phones and tablets can be controlled by gestures.
But there’s a musical instrument which also plays with hand
movements – and it pre-dates games and phones by nearly a century.
It’s called the Theremin (pronounced ther-er-min) which produces
some really eerie, almost spooky, sounds. And you can build one
yourself. Whether you can master it . . . well, that’s another story!
Silicon Chip
Celebrating 30 Years
he eerie sounds of this almost mystical instrument
have featured in many recordings and movie sound
tracks right up to the present – despite being invented by Léon Theremin in 1919!
SILICON CHIP has published six Theremin designs over
the years but this is the first which uses transistors rather
than ICs. Nor does it have any surface mount devices, so
it is really easy to build and getting it to work is simply a
matter of adjusting a couple of thumbwheel knobs.
While all our previous designs have been quite popular,
some of our readers have hankered for a simple, discrete
design and have asked us to revise the Theremin published
in Electronics Australia in June 1969, in an article by some
bloke called Leo Simpson.
Simple it was . . . but that design did not have a PCB
and it required carpentry and other skills to put it together.
Accordingly, while we have changed the fifty-year-old
circuit very little, we have brought the presentation up to
date. As long as you can solder components to a PCB, you
will find it easy to put it together.
The revised design uses slightly different transistors because some of those originally specified are now unavailable. In addition, you can run it from a 9VAC plugpack or
even a 12V battery.
Unlike some commercial Theremins with a bewildering
array of controls, there are just two on our Theremin, just
like the original invention.
One is a vertical “antenna”, which is the pitch control.
You vary the pitch by moving one hand near the antenna.
The man himself, playing the instrument he invented in
1919. Theremin wowed audiences on three continents.
As well as merely changing the pitch, you can add vibrato
effects by fluttering your hand or fingers near the antenna.
Moving your hand from one position to another by a very
small amount will produce a gliding tone or glissando effect; you cannot easily play discrete notes.
(Incidentally, we have retained the traditional name,
“antenna”, for the Theremin’s pitch control, even though
it doesn’t really transmit or receive anything. In addition,
it resembles a whip antenna on a portable radio).
The other control is a horizontal plate and it is used to
Inside our all-transistor
Theremin, essentially an
updated version of the
one Leo Simpson designed
back in June, 1969. It’s
really easy to build but not
quite so easy to play well!
The specially-shaped PCB,
with its integral volume
plate, screws onto the
underside of the box lid.
Not shown here is the Pitch
Antenna (which you can see
in the photo at left). It passes
through the lid and the PCB,
connecting to the circuit via
a pair of fuse clips (bottom
right of photo) acting as
spring contacts.
Celebrating 30 Years
January 2018 25
vary the volume. As well, you can
add tremolo effects (similar but not
the same as vibrato) by fluttering your
hand or fingers above the volume plate.
All this waving and fluttering of your
hands near the controls is merely using capacitance effects to vary the circuit performance but the fact that you
don’t actually touch anything makes
the process seem all the more clever
to an audience.
Playing a Theremin is not particularly easy but if you have a good musical “ear” and you can play a stringed
instrument like a violin or cello, or
perhaps a trombone, you will have a
head start in making music.
Basically, the audio tone or musical
note is produced by heterodyning (or
Silicon Chip
mixing) two radio frequency oscillators to produce an audible beat or difference frequency. Some readers may
have heard a similar kind of whistle,
produced when a shortwave radio receiver is tuned across the dial. By carefully manipulating the receiver dial, it
is possible to produce a beat ranging
from a high frequency whistle to a low
frequency growl.
The two oscillators in a Theremin,
used to produce the audible beat, must
be set up so that they can operate very
close together in frequency and without too obvious a tendency to lock at
the same frequency. One oscillator
must be designed so that its frequency will change readily when a hand
is brought close to the pitch antenna.
The other oscillator remains fixed in
Celebrating 30 Years
With both oscillators on the same
frequency, there is a zero beat and no
audible note is heard from the loudspeaker. When a hand is brought near
the antenna, the frequency of the variable oscillator changes and a beat note
is produced.
Circuit details
The two oscillators controlling pitch
utilise NPN PN2222 transistors (Q1
& Q2). These are connected in a Colpitts configuration with an operating
frequency of around 470kHz.
By the way, a Colpitts oscillator is a
type of LC oscillator which lends itself
very nicely to this type of circuit. You
can find a lot more information on line.
The pitch antenna is connected to
the collector of Q2, so bringing a hand
close to the antenna will alter its
Fig.1: two radio frequency signals, generated by oscillators based on Q1 and
Q2, are heterodyned (or mixed), to produce an audio frequency note which
can be varied by the distance of the hand from the pitch antenna. A slighty
different arrangement, but also based on hand/plate capacitance, varies the
volume fed to a conventional audio amplifier and small loudspeaker.
pacitance and therefore will vary its
The other pitch oscillator involving
Q1 is tuned with a 140pF adjustable
trimmer capacitor VC1. This trimmer
is a standard plastic dielectric tuning
capacitor normally used in small AM
radios but only one section is used.
A similar circuit arrangement is
used for the volume control. Both
trimmer capacitors are fitted with
thumbwheels so that they can be easily adjusted.
The waveform from both oscillators
is very clean and as a result, the basic beat note would normally be fairly
pure. If the two oscillators were run
from the same supply they would tend
to lock to the same frequency when
they came within a few hundred Hertz
of each other. This would mean that
the beat frequency would not range
smoothly down to the low bass region.
For this reason, the supply rail for each
oscillator is decoupled via a 1kΩ resistor and 100nF ceramic capacitor.
As a result, the two oscillators will
not lock until the beat frequency is just
a few Hz; a very low growl. It is desirable that the oscillators do eventually
lock though, otherwise it would be too
difficult to adjust VC1’s thumbwheel
for a zero beat.
In the original Theremin circuit,
the oscillator transistors were Philips
BF115 RF devices but these are now
obsolete. So we are using cheap
PN2222 general purpose transistors
which have a very respectable frequency gain (fT) product of 250MHz so they
have no trouble oscillating at 470kHz.
The output from each oscillator is
Celebrating 30 Years
fed via 560Ω resistors to a mixer stage
consisting of a general purpose BC547
NPN transistor, Q3, connected in common-emitter configuration.
The mixer has four output frequencies: the two oscillator frequencies at
around 470kHz, the sum of the two frequencies (around 940kHz) and the difference between the two frequencies,
which is the audible output.
The BC547 does not have a lot of RF
gain and the 2.2nF capacitor shunting
the collector load resistor further attenuates the RF components, leaving
the wanted audible output. The mixer stage is slightly over-driven to add
harmonics, so that the sound will be
subjectively more interesting.
A small change we made to the original circuit is to include the option of
coupling between the pitch and reference oscillators using C1, which provides for “voicing”.
When the pitch oscillator frequency
differs from the reference oscillator so
we get an output tone, the difference
in frequency between the two oscillators tends to pull or distort the beat
frequency wave shape so that it is not
a sinewave.
Typically, for a Theremin we want
a sound that resembles a cello at low
frequencies, morphing to something
more like a flute as the frequency rises.
Adding capacitor C1 allows you
to experiment to obtain a different
sound – try values from about 220pF
to 470pF.
Voltage controlled attenuator
The output from the collector of Q3
is fed to a voltage divider consisting of
a 100kΩ resistor and the drain-source
resistance of N-channel JFET, Q6.
The resistance of Q6 is dependent
on the gate source bias which is provided by the volume control circuitry,
involving an oscillator using Q4, the
capacitance plate and DC amplifier, Q5.
Q4 is another PN2222 NPN transistor and the volume oscillator is also
a Colpitts type, running at around
900kHz. The volume oscillator also
has its supply decoupled via a 1kΩ
resistor and 100nF capacitor.
The output of the volume oscillator
is fed, via a 4.7pF ceramic capacitor,
to a parallel tuned circuit consisting
of a 330µH RF choke and the capacitance of the volume plate. A portion
of the signal across the tuned circuit
is coupled to schottky diode D1, via
an 18pF capacitor.
January 2018 27
Scope 1: this signal is the output of the “pitch”
reference oscillator (based on Q1) which is adjusted
in frequency by the pitch thumbwheel capacitor,
VC1. Note that the output is quite clean.
The resulting DC voltage is amplified by PNP transistor Q5 and applied
to the gate of the FET after filtering
with a 2.2nF capacitor. The level of the
audio tone being reproduced should
decrease when a hand is brought near
the volume plate.
Initially, the volume oscillator is
adjusted, by means of 140pF rotary trimmer capacitor VC2, to give a
minimum loudness of the audio tone
when the hand is near the volume
plate. This involves tuning the oscillator so that its frequency coincides
with the resonant frequency of the
tuned circuit.
As a result, the voltage derived from
the diode will be at a maximum so that
Q5 is forward biased and consequently, turned on. The gate of the FET is
taken toward the positive supply rail
and its drain to source resistance is
held to a low value. This shunts a large
portion of the beat note signal to the
positive supply.
When you move your hand away
from the volume plate, the capacitance in the tuned circuit changes the
resonant frequency so that the DC derived from the diode decreases. This
progressively carries Q5 toward cut-off
so that the drain-source resistance of
the FET increases. Thus more of the
audio tone signal is fed to the following amplifier. At this point, a particular characteristic of the FET becomes
apparent. For small voltages of either
polarity (or AC) applied between the
drain and source, the FET behaves as
Silicon Chip
Scope 2: similarly, the output of the “volume”
oscillator based on Q4. This is adjusted by VC2.
Both these measurements are difficult to make
because of loading by the scope probe.
a resistor which can be varied in linear
fashion by a voltage applied between
source and gate.
With the gate voltage varying between zero to about 4V below the
source, the relationship between gate
to source voltage and drain to source
resistance may be relatively linear but
this is no longer true as the gate to
source voltage approaches the pinchoff voltage of the FET.
In this region, the relationship becomes very non-linear, with a small
increase in gate to source voltage resulting in very large change of drain
to source resistance and so the FET is
turned off over a small voltage range.
It means that, in a certain region near
the volume plate, a small hand movement will result in a large change in
loudness so that it tends to act almost
as a switch. To reduce this effect, a
33kΩ resistor is connected between
collector and emitter of Q5. When the
transistor is turned off, the 33kΩ and
the 10kΩ collector load resistor form
a voltage divider which limits the FET
gate to source voltage to about minus
six volts. This has the effect of making
the volume control action more progressive but it does reduce the available range of the control.
Note that it is not possible for the
volume control circuitry to give zero
sound output, since the minimum resistance of the FET is typically 100Ω
and it cannot shunt all the signal to
the positive supply.
To sum up, the pitch of the TherCelebrating 30 Years
Fig.2: PCB
overlay for
the Theremin
showing were
goes. All
with the
exception of the
speaker, mount on
this PCB. Immediately
below is a same-size photo of the
PCB, this time installed on the lid
of the UB1 Jiffy box we used. If you
were really keen, you could make
a timber case, just like Theremin’s
original and, indeed, most of the early
commercial Theremins sold.
Incidentally, there
are two minor
between the
photo of the
prototype at
right (PCB
Rev “A”) and
the final PCB/
overlay above
(Rev “B”).
The value of
VR1 has been
changed to 50kΩ
(it was 100kΩ) and
a 2.2nF capacitor has
been added near Q7.
Always follow the component
overlay when assembling.
emin is controlled by beating two RF
oscillators running at about 470kHz
together, one of which is sensitive to
hand capacitance. The resulting beat
note can be varied over the whole of
the audible range.
The loudness of the beat note is controlled by a third oscillator running at
about 900kHz and feeding a tuned circuit which has its resonant frequency
shifted by hand capacitance.
A DC voltage, derived from the
tuned circuit, is used to vary the drain
to source resistance of a FET, which is
part of a voltage divider to which the
beat note signal is applied.
Having grasped this, the rest of the
Theremin is easy to understand. The
signal from the FET attenuator is fed
to a 50kΩ potentiometer and then to
an audio amplifier and loudspeaker.
The 4-transistor amplifier is a conventional direct-coupled design with
the two output transistors connected
in the complementary symmetry mode
but operating in pure class-B mode, ie,
there is no quiescent current to reduce
crossover distortion.
We are not concerned with crossover
distortion in this design, partly since
providing a quiescent current would
increase overall current drain which
is not desirable if operating the Theremin from a battery.
Celebrating 30 Years
As it turns out, as you can see from
the Scope 4 waveform, crossover distortion is not noticeable in the output.
The total current drain is mostly
due to the collector current of Q8, the
class-A voltage gain stage of the amplifier. Maximum power output is about
400mW into an 8-ohm speaker.
One interesting point to note about
the amplifier is that we are using a
standard arrangement whereby the
loading on the collector of Q8 is reduced by “boot-strapping” from the
output. Instead of connecting the
470Ω collector load for Q8 to the 0V
rail, we have connected to the speaker active terminal, ie, at the negative
January 2018 29
Scope 3: this scope grab shows the signal at the output of
the mixer, Q3, measured at its collector. Its amplitude is
varied by JFET Q6 before being fed to the volume control,
VR1, and the audio amplifier.
Scope 4: the output from the audio amplifier, across
the loudspeaker. Note that there is no visible crossover
distortion despite the fact that there is no quiescent current
in the output transistors: this is operating in pure class B.
electrode of the 470µF output coupling capacitor.
By dint of the emitter-follower action of output transistors Q9 & Q10, the AC load impedance “seen” by the collector of Q8 is a great deal higher than 470Ω.
In effect, because of the emitter-follower action, the AC
voltage (ie, the audio signal voltage) is virtually the same
at either end of the 470Ω resistor and therefore the AC current is greatly reduced.
Note that the small DC load current of Q8 flows through
the voice coil of the loudspeaker to the 0V rail.
This improves the gain, linearity and output voltage
swing of Q8. The only potential drawback of this circuit
is that if the loudspeaker is disconnected, Q8 has no current path and therefore the amplifier latches up, drawing
negligible current.
By the way, we should also note that running the Theremin from battery power will have a drawback, since the
virtual earth effect provided by those two 470nF capacitors. Therefore, the effects of hand capacitance may be reduced to some extent.
Power supply
Power for the circuit comes from a 9VAC plugpack. A
12V battery can also be used but may not give the performance of an AC supply. Note that a switchmode 12V
DC supply is not suitable for this project due to the large
amounts of harmonics and noise they normally emit – it’s
a fair bet that would either interfere with the oscillators,
get into the audio amplifier . . . or both.
Switch S1 applies power to the circuit. The 470nF capacitors on each side of the input supply ground the AC
connections and swamp any capacitance effects of the plugpack to ground. This ensures there are no spurious sounds
from the Theremin due to the plugpack. As a side benefit,
the 470nF power supply capacitors provide a virtual earth
effect so that the hand capacitance is more effective for the
pitch and volume controls.
The 9VAC is rectified by bridge rectifier BR1 and then
filtered with a 1000µF capacitor to provide a relatively
smooth ~12VDC supply for REG1, a 9V regulator that delivers a stable 9V DC to the circuit. A 470µF capacitor close to
the regulator output ensures stability of the regulator and
can provide any short term peak current for the amplifier.
LED1 shows that the power is on.
Silicon Chip
All of the circuit components are accommodated on a
relatively compact PCB which also provides the volume
control plate – making it easy to build. The pitch antenna
is a 400mm length of 10mm aluminium tube, inserted into
a hole in the front panel and PCB and making contact with
the circuitry via two springy contacts, which are actually
the contacts from a standard 3AG PCB fuseholder.
The two tuning capacitors are mounted directly on the
PCB and their thumbwheels protrude slightly from each
side of the box, in our case a standard plastic UB1 Jiffy box.
Begin construction by installing the resistors. You can
check the colour code for each resistor value by referring
to the table of resistor values later in this article.
However, whether or not you are familiar with the resistor colour code, we strongly suggest that you check each
resistor value with a digital multimeter before it is inserted and soldered into place (some colour bands are notoriously similar to others).
Resistors are not polarised and can be inserted either way
into the board. But it is good practice to install them so
that their colour codes all align in the same direction (eg,
tolerance band at the bottom or on the right). This makes
it so much easier to check their values later on.
The four 330µH inductors can be placed now.
Next, install the capacitors. There are three types used
in this circuit. One type is MKT polyester, recognised by
their small “block” shape. The second type is disc-shaped
Neither polyester nor ceramic capacitors are polarised
– they can be inserted either way around. They are usually marked with a code (shown in the small capacitor code
table) to indicate their capacitance.
Celebrating 30 Years
The third type of capacitors are the electrolytics. These
are (usually) cylindrical in shape and with rare exception
(and none in this circuit) are polarised – they must be inserted the right way around, as shown on the PCB overlay.
They have a polarity marking of “–” symbols along one side
which indicates the negative lead.
Next to go in are the semiconductors, all of which are
polarised. Install diode D1 and the bridge rectifier, BR1,
followed by the transistors.
Make sure you put the correct transistor in each position – some look identical.
Note that the PCB is designed for the PN2222A transistors
for Q1, Q2 and Q4. If using 2N2222A transistors, they will
require insertion at 180° to that shown on the PCB overlay,
with the base lead bent back to fit the PCB hole position.
Transistors Q9 and Q10 are mounted horizontally with
the metal face toward the PCB. Their leads are bent down
90° to insert into the PCB holes.
As well as soldering, these transistors are attached to
the PCB with M3 x 10mm screws and nuts with the screw
placed from the solder side of the PCB and the nut on the
transistor. Attach the screw and nut before soldering to ensure they fit in the right position.
REG1 is mounted horizontally, similarly to Q9 and Q10
but is mounted on a small heatsink that is sandwiched
between it and the PCB. Bend the leads down 90° before
inserting into the PCB, secure the tab to the heatsink and
PCB using an M3 x 10mm screw and nut and then solder
the leads in place.
CON1 and S1 can be installed now. Make sure these two
parts are mounted hard up against the PCB before soldering.
The two fuse clips which make contact with the pitch
antenna can then be soldered in. The clips may require
opening out a little to ensure a good contact with the 10mm
aluminium tube antenna.
CON2 is for making connection to the loudspeaker. Install the 2-pin header on the PCB. The 2-pin socket is wired
to ~100mm lengths of hookup wire by crimping the wire
ends to the crimp connectors first (you can solder these
too for a secure joint) and then inserting into the socket
shell. The other ends of the wire are soldered to the loudspeaker terminals.
LED1 mounts horizontally inside the cutout in the PCB,
with the leads bent to insert into its holes in the PCB. Make
sure the polarity is correct – the longer lead is its anode.
The two plastic dielectric tuning capacitors (VC1 and
VC2) are secured to the PCB by two short M3 screws (they
should be supplied with the capacitors). Their three tag
leads need to be bent at right angles to insert into the holes
on the PCB. They are then soldered in place.
Cut the potentiometer shaft to 12mm in length from its
end to where the threaded boss starts. Snap off the location spigot and install onto the PCB.
Check your construction carefully to make sure there are
no mistakes – especially the orientation of all polarised
components (electrolytic capacitors, diode, transistors and
regulator) and the right components are in the right places.
If you are satisfied that all is correct, plug in your 9VAC
plugpack (or 12V DC battery – positive to centre pin) and
switch on. LED1 should light up. We have included quite
a few test points on the PCB. These are labelled from one
Parts List – Theremin
1 PCB coded 23112171, 226 x 85mm (includes integral
volume plate)
1 UB1 Jiffy box 158 x 95 x 53mm
1 9VAC 350mA plugpack
1 ~400mm length of 10mm diameter aluminium tube (for
pitch antenna)
2 Mini tuning gang capacitors (includes thumbwheel and
mounting screws) (VC1,VC2) [Jaycar RV-5728]
4 330µH chokes (L1-L4) [Jaycar LF-1106 Altronics L 7040]
1 3” loudspeaker (4Ω or 8Ω)
1 knob to suit pot
1 PCB mount SPDT toggle switch (S1) [Altronics S 1421]
1 PCB mount DC socket (2.1 or 2.5mm) (CON1)
1 mini heatsink 19 x 19 x 9.5mm
2 M205 fuse clips
4 M3 tapped x 9mm standoffs
11 M3 x 10mm screws (4 are optional. See text)
3 M3 nuts
1 2-way pin header socket
1 2-way pin header plug (CON2)
4 stick-on rubber feet (the taller the better!)
1 PC stake for TP GND
1 15mm length of 10mm diameter heatshrink tubing
3 PN2222 NPN transistors (Q1,Q2,Q4)
[or 2N2222A (see text) Jaycar ZT-2298; Altronics Z 1166]
2 BC547 NPN transistors (Q3,Q7)
2 BC327 PNP transistors (Q5,Q8)
1 2N5484 JFET (Q6)
1 BD139 NPN transistor (Q9)
1 BD140 PNP transistor (Q10)
1 BAT46 schottky diode (D1)
1 7809 9V regulator (REG1)
1 W04 1A bridge rectifier (BR1)
1 3mm high intensity blue LED (LED1)
1 1000µF 25V PC electrolytic
3 470µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 220µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 22µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 10µF PC electrolytic
2 470nF MKT polyester
2 100nF MKT polyester
2 10nF MKT polyester
2 2.2nF MKT polyester
8 100nF ceramic
1 10nF NP0 (COG) ceramic
2 330pF NP0 (COG) ceramic
1 100pF ceramic
1 47pF NP0 (COG) ceramic
1 18pF NP0 (COG) ceramic
1 4.7pF NP0 (COG) ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 820kΩ 3 560kΩ 1 330kΩ 3 150kΩ
4 33kΩ 3 10kΩ
1 5.6kΩ 1 1.5kΩ
1 470Ω 1 220Ω
1 100Ω 1 22Ω
1 50kΩ 16mm log pot (VR1)
Celebrating 30 Years
2 100kΩ
7 1kΩ
2 1Ω 5%
January 2018 31
This close-up of the PCB shows how the two variable capacitors (actually mini
AM radio tuning gangs) are fastened in place. If you find the knob catches or
binds on the board or case, you may need to adjust the position or deepen the slot.
through to twelve, with additional test
points labelled TP GND, 9V, 9V’, 9V1’,
9V’2 and 9V’4.
Connect the negative lead of your
multimeter to TP GND. TP 9V should
measure close to 9V (but can range
from 8.85 to 9.15V). Test point 9V’
should be around 8.6V and test points
9V’1’, 9V’2’ and 9V’4’ should be
around 8V to 8.6V.
Test points 1, 3 & 5, should be about
1.0V, although TP5 might be a little
lower at around 0.8V instead. TP2, 4
& 6 should be at 0.4V, with TP6 possibly as low as 0.22V. TP7 should be
around 1.1V and TP8, 0.6V. Test point
9 will depend on the setting of VC2,
but should be in the range of 2V to
8.6V and adjustable with VC2.
Test point TP10 should be 6.2V.
Connect the loudspeaker for the next
readings. You should measure 5.5V at
TP11 while TP12 should be around
If all the voltages measure correctly,
remove power ready for installation
in its box.
We housed our Theremin in a UB1
Jiffy box (as we believe most constructors will do) but for authenticity, you
might like to make your own timber
box just like Léon Theremin’s original design (and most early models).
That’s up to you.
The PCB is mounted upside-down
on the lid of the box (so that the component side is facing downward). If
you make a timber box, it should have
the same or similar arrangement. Four
3mm holes in the lid hold the PCB in
Three slots need to be cut in the top
edge of the box itself. One is to allow
the volume plate (part of the PCB) to
emerge from the left side, while two
others allow the dials attached to VC1
Resistor Colour Codes
Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
5-Band Code (1%)
grey red yellow brown
grey red black orange brown
green blue yellow brown
green blue black orange brown
orange orange yellow brown orange orange black orange brown
brown green yellow brown
brown green black orange brown
brown black yellow brown
brown black black orange brown
orange orange orange brown orange orange black red brown
brown black orange brown
brown black black red brown
green blue red brown
green blue black brown brown
brown green red brown
brown green black brown brown
brown black red brown
brown black black brown brown
yellow purple brown brown yellow purple black black brown
red red brown brown
red red black black brown
brown black brown brown
brown black black black brown
red red black brown
red red black gold brown
brown black gold gold (#: 5%) n/a
Celebrating 30 Years
and VC2 to emerge from the front and
Other holes required are in the
right end (7mm for the volume control pot, 10mm for the power socket;
5mm for the power switch) along with
one 10mm hole in the box lid for the
Pitch Antenna to pass through (plus
the four already mentioned for holding the PCB in place). The base of the
box will also need a series of holes to
let the sound out for the loudspeaker.
We have provided diagrams for all
of these holes. You can either measure
and mark the hole positions or photocopy the diagrams and use them as
templates (or download the diagrams
from, print those
out and use them as templates).
Attach the two thumbwheels to VC1
and VC2 with the supplied M3 screws.
Make sure that the thumbwheels do
not bind against the PCB when they
are rotated.
If they do, you may need to file a
little off the thumbwheel bush to provide extra clearance above the PCB.
Glue the loudspeaker to the base of
the box using contact adhesive, silicone sealant or similar. Rubber feet are
attached to the underside of the box to
raise it for sound to escape.
Installation in the box
While the PCB can be secured to the
box by means of the potentiometer nut,
we elected to also secure the PCB to
the lid of the box using four 10mm M3
tapped spacers, each with a 5mm M3
screw top and bottom. (Alternatively,
you could use 10mm untapped spacers
with a 20mm M3 screw and nut, right
through from the front panel).
This approach does make the installation of the PCB in the box slightly
more difficult but it can be done – as
our photos prove!
Small Capacitor Codes
470nF MKT
100nF MKT
10nF MKT
2.2nF MKT
100nF ceramic
10nF ceramic
330pF ceramic
100pF ceramic
47pF ceramic
18pF ceramic
4.7pF ceramic
Learning more about the Theremin (and even learning how to play it!)
The internet has thousands of examples of Theremin exponents.
(just Google “Theremin”). Many of them are brilliant musicians and
they really know how make this instrument literally “sing”.
One of the best is actually Léon Theremin’s grand-niece – Lydia
Kavina’s demonstration at
-17340257 is only a couple of minutes long but is well worth watching. On the same page is an interesting article by Martin Vennard,
of the BBC World Service, about Léon Theremin and the instrument he invented.
Lydia Kavina demonstrates
the instrument her greatuncle invented.
Kavina’s Theremin rendition of Debussy’s Clair de Lune is simply enchanting. Search online for her other music.
Another masterful example of Theremin playing is in the nearly
17-minute long video at, where
Carolina Eyck, a German composer and Theremin player (reputed
to be one of the world’s best) not only demonstrates her prowess
on the instrument but as she does, she explains in some detail
just how she plays it.
Admittedly, the Theremin she plays is considerably more complex (and expensive!) than our simple model and offers a range
of user controls which would scare off all but the most expert of
players. But this video will help you gain a real understanding of
the intricacies of the Theremin – especially if you want to get more
from it than just the usual howls and squeals of a novice player!
Carolina Eyck
explains what
the Theremin
can do!
Slide the box lid/PCB assembly into
the box with the switch lever and potentiometer shaft emerging through the
holes in the right end. Then secure the
potentiometer with its nut.
Install the antenna before making
adjustments. The antenna is inserted
24mm into the top lid. We placed a
10mm diameter length of heatshrink
tubing at the lower end of the Aluminium tube to mark when to stop
any further insertion of the tube into
the box.
Ensure that the two thumbwheel
knobs for VC1 and VC2 can move
freely within the box when the lid is
in place. If they bind, you may need
to deepen the slots they sit in. If all
The UB1
Jiffy box with
the speaker glued
in, plus the three slots
and three holes required
in the sides and ends.
You will also need to drill a circular
pattern of holes in the base of the box
to let the sound out.
Celebrating 30 Years
is OK, secure the lid to the box with
its screws.
Adjusting for pitch and volume
Set VR1 at mid position, plug your
power supply in and turn it on. Adjust the volume thumbwheel and pitch
thumbwheel till a sound can be heard,
then set the volume thumbwheel so
that sound can be heard even when
the hand is near the plate. Adjust the
pitch thumbwheel with left hand index finger and hand over the volume
plate. That is so the hand is kept away
from the pitch antenna.
Adjust the pitch thumbwheel trimmer for a zero beat with your hand
away from the pitch antenna. Frequency should rise as your hand is brought
near to the antenna. With your hand
close to the volume plate, adjust the
volume control trimmer for a minimum loudness.
Note that it is not possible for the
volume trimmer to completely turn off
the sound, for the reason already explained. These adjustments will have
to be repeated each time the unit is set
up in a different position.
You will find the Theremin is capable of an endless variety of sounds.
January 2018 33
This photo shows the PCB mounted on the box lid, ready for installation. The PCB “hangs” from the box lid with the
components underneath. The pitch antenna goes through the lid, through a matching hole in the PCB and is held in place
with the spring fuse clips you can see near the power switch (left end).
Low grunts and growls can be produced by a quick, sweeping motion
of the hands. Similarly, one can obtain
wails and squeaks in the high range.
To produce a vibrato effect, hold the
volume hand in a fixed position and
flutter the pitch hand near to the antenna at the desired rate.
Finer changes can be made by
moving the fingers while the hand
remains still. Similarly, to create a
tremolo effect, hold the pitch hand
in a fixed position and flutter the
volume hand. (You will see the
two ladies playing the Theremin
in our examples [see panel] make
extensive use of their fingers).
As we mentioned earlier, if you
are interested in altering the voicing, you can add in capacitance between the emitters of Q1 and Q2,
shown on both the circuit and PCB
overlay as C1.
Somewhere around 220pF to 470pF
is a good starting point when experimenting but you could go higher or
lower than this without risking anything.
(Above): this drilling/
cutting diagram for
the UB1 Jiffy Box is
reproduced half size
so you will need to
enlarge it 200% if
using as a template.
The front panel
we glued to the
box lid for a really
professional finish.
This can also be
downloaded from
if you want to print
it on heavier or
glossy stock.
Silicon Chip
Celebrating 30 Years