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An Intelligent Touchscreen Lathe Speed Controller
This design combines two very popular projects, the Induction Motor Speed
Controller and Micromite Plus Explore 100 with 5-inch Touchscreen, then
adds some other circuitry, to provide an easy way to control a lathe. It
automatically adjusts its speed to suit the material which is being turned
and provides a constant display of the lathe’s status and allows its speed
and direction to be selected.
ost lathes, apart from small
wood-turning lathes, are
powered by an induction motor. The problem with using an induction motor is that up till now, the usual ways to control lathe chuck speeds
involved belts and stepped pulleys or
a gear box.
While they are still useful, it is now
possible to control chuck speed and direction using our 1.5kW Induction Motor Speed Controller (IMSC), which was
originally published in the April and
May 2012 issues of Silicon Chip (see
But as well as providing those functions, why not provide extra features
such as a speed read-out, touch-screen
control interface and so on?
That’s all doable by building an Explore 100 with the 5-inch touchscreen
and then programming it to control
the IMSC.
As you can see from the screen grabs
in this article, the Lathe Controller interface is quite simple to use and saves
Design by Peter Bennett
Silicon Chip
you quite a bit of time and effort since
all you need to do is specify the material
type and diameter and it will automatically select a suitable motor RPM. You
can then adjust this further if necessary.
And having selected the material
type and/or spindle speed, you can
then control the motor direction and
fine-tune the speed, while monitoring
the actual RPM.
This article gives all the details on
how to add the extra circuitry required
to the IMSC and Explore 100 and hook
Words by Nicholas Vinen
Celebrating 30 Years
them up together, and to the lathe, to
achieve this level of control.
Circuit description
The circuit for this project is shown
in Fig.1, overleaf. It is broken up into
several blocks, to reflect the physical
layout of the system.
The large block at centre right represents the Micromite Plus Explore 100
unit, with LCD touchscreen. This is
housed in a large Jiffy box, along with
a few passive components, an optocoupler and four transistors.
These components interface the Explore 100 to the rest of the circuitry required to control the induction motor.
Those connections are made via two
Cat5 cables which are plugged into 8-pin
RJ-45 sockets CON2 and CON3 (note
that CON3 only uses six of the eight
available wires). Pins 1 & 2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6
and 7 & 8 are connected to the twisted
pairs within the cable (but note that not
all Cat5/6 cables are wired like this).
The connections made over Cat5
use current loops and, in the case of
the motor speed control signal, 4kHz
pulse-width modulation (PWM). It has
been designed this way to allow for relatively long cable runs (of up to 50m).
In most cases though, those cables will
be a few metres at most.
With CON2, all eight connections
between the two main modules (the
IMSC Interface and the Explore 100)
are optoisolated so that ground loops
are not an issue, despite the possibility
of a large distance between the units.
This also prevents ground shifts due to
the long wiring from affecting the accuracy of the control signals.
CON3 connects the Explore 100 control box to the relay box, which is wired
between the outputs of the Induction
Motor Speed Controller (shown at left)
and the induction motor itself (at bottom right). The relay box switches the
two windings of the motor to control
start-up and direction of rotation.
The three high-current mains relays
are driven by NPN transistors Q1-Q3
within the control box, via the 6-wire
cable and each relay has a coil backEMF quenching diode.
When RLY2 switches on, it energises
the motor start winding. When RLY1
is switched on, it reverses the polarity
of this winding, so the motor will start
spinning in the opposite direction. As
its name suggests, the start winding is
only energised when the motor is first
started, hence the relay. After that,
the start winding is disconnected so
it doesn’t burn out. The motor keeps
spinning in the direction that it started.
RLY3 is used to energise the Run
winding. You may wonder why this is
necessary since the Induction Motor
Speed Controller can be switched on
and off. When the IMSC is switched off,
it will slowly spin the motor down at
the programmed ramp rate. By disconnecting the run winding from the IMSC,
the lathe motor will spin down more
rapidly and naturally, improving safety.
Three LEDs are also fitted into the
box housing the Explore 100, labelled
Reverse (yellow), Start (red) and Run
(green). These are effectively wired in
parallel with the three relay coils (via
CON4), with 560Ω current-limiting resistors in series with each LED. These
provide feedback on what the motor
is doing.
Speed Controller interface
Now turning our attention back to
the control circuitry around the Explore 100 and the second Cat5 cable,
this is wired to a small box attached to
the side of the IMSC which provides an
Screen1: the setup screen appears when the Controller is
first powered on and allows you to set either the material
type and diameter or the chuck RPM.
The IMSC, interface circuitry, relay
box and plugpacks were mounted on
the rear of the lathe stand, with the
touchscreen controller box up on top.
isolated interface to it. A small, separate circuit board labelled “output frequency sense” is fitted inside the IMSC
enclosure. Let’s take a look at this first.
This is connected across the U and W
motor outputs which power the main
“run” winding. The differential voltage
between these outputs passes through
an RC low-pass filter comprising two
5.1kΩ 1W (mains-rated) resistors and a
220nF X2 mains capacitor. This has a
-3dB point of around 71Hz so it filters
out the IGBT switching edges.
The resulting sinewave signal is
then applied to the infrared LED
within a PS2501 Darlington output
optoisolator. D4, a 1N4007 diode
Screen2: once setup is complete, it switches to this screen
where you can start, stop and reverse the motor, monitor
chuck speed and tweak it if necessary.
Celebrating 30 Years
January 2018 37
Fig.1: circuit diagram of the Lathe Controller, with the Induction Motor Speed Controller (at left) and Explore 100
(centre right) circuits shown as “black boxes”. See the relevant articles (referred to in text) for internal details. The
additional circuitry ties these two modules together as well as providing motor speed feedback, safe motor starting and
reversing, feedback-based speed control and status indication.
connected in inverse parallel with
this LED prevents it going into reverse
breakdown for one half of the output
phase. This means that the output of
the optocoupler is switched on to produce one pulse for each AC cycle fed
to the motor.
The two extra 5.1kΩ resistors limit the LED current to around 17mA
[350VDC(peak)÷(4 x 5.1kΩ)], which
is well within the 80mA rating of the
The output pulses from the frequen38
Silicon Chip
cy sense circuit are fed right through
the IMSC interface box and back to the
Explore 100 unit via pins 1 and 2 of
the Cat5 cable. One end of this signal
is terminated to the Explore 100’s local ground while the other has a 1.2kΩ
pull-up resistor to the 3.3V rail, giving
a 3.3V square wave signal.
This square wave is filtered using a
120kΩ/1µF low-pass filter, before being fed to pin 11 on the Explore 100
I/O header (“read RPM”). The PIC32
(Micromite Plus) in the Explore 100
Celebrating 30 Years
can then count the number of pulses
on this pin each second to determine
the spindle speed. This RC filter has
a time constant of 120ms which may
seem quite long, with respect to the
50Hz waveform when the motor is
running at full nominal speed, with a
50Hz output.
However, the filter has to cope with
a pulse rate from 50Hz down to about
5Hz, so the 120ms time constant seems
to be a reasonable compromise.
As well as measuring motor speed,
the Micromite also needs to be able
to control the speed. This is done using the PWM output on pin 22 of the
I/O header (CON1), which drives the
base of NPN transistor Q4 via a 1kΩ
current-limiting resistor. When Q4 is
on, it pulls current through the upper
LED in the HCPL2531 dual high-speed
optocoupler within the IMSC Interface
module (OPTO2).
Because the emitters of the two output transmitters are joined together,
we’re only using half of this device.
The collector of the output transistor at
pin 7 is connected to a 3.3V rail output
from the Induction Motor Speed Controller while the emitter at pin 5 has a
1kΩ pull-down to the analog ground
of the IMSC, resulting in a 3.3V square
wave at pin 5 of OPTO2.
This passes through an RC low-pass
filter of 4.7kΩ and 10µF, having a -3dB
point of 3.4Hz. This smoothes the
PWM waveform to produce a variable
voltage that depends on the PWM duty
cycle. The variable voltage is then fed
Celebrating 30 Years
to the control input (Vin) of the IMSC.
The 3.3V and GND rails for this part of
the circuit are connected only to CON4
on the IMSC so that digital noise on
other pins does not unduly affect the
analog control signal.
There is a second, Darlington output
optocoupler within the IMSC interface
(OPTO3) which drives the RUN-bar input at CON5 of the IMSC, enabling or
disabling the motor output. A 1kΩ pullup resistor to 3.3V sets the default state
to have the motor switched off.
January 2018 39
It only switches on when pin 7 on
the Explore 100 I/O header goes high,
allowing current to flow through the
emitter LED within OPTO3. The LED
current is set by a 470Ω resistor between
this LED cathode and ground. When pin
7 goes high, OPTO3 switches on, pulling RUN-bar low.
The OUT terminal on CON6 of the
IMSC is pulled low by the speed controller when the motor is up to speed.
This is fed through the IMSC interface
to arrive at pin 2 of OPTO1, the cathode of its internal emitter LED. The LED
anode is connected to the 3.3V supply
rail of the IMSC via a pi filter consisting
of a 100nF capacitor, a 10nF capacitor
and a 110Ω resistor which also acts as
a current limiter.
Thus, when the motor is up to
speed and OUT is low, 30mA will
flow through this circuit, switching
on OPTO1 and pulling its output pin
4 low. This is normally held high by a
270Ω resistor and this signal is fed to
pin 13 of the Explore 100 I/O (“Up To
Speed”) so that it can be sensed by the
Remaining circuitry
Earlier, we described how RLY1RLY3 are used to start the motor spinning in either direction and then to allow it to continue to run. The coils of
the three relays are driven by NPN transistors Q1-Q3 which are in turn controlled from I/O pins 21, 23 and 25 on
the Explore 100. Each has a 1kΩ base
current limiting resistor and a backEMF quenching diode connected across
the relay coil.
Indicator LEDs1-3 are connected in
parallel with the relay coils, each with
their own 560Ω current-limiting resistor.
So these LEDs light up to indicate
whether the motor start or run winding
is energised and to show which direction the motor is running.
The rest of the circuitry comprises
the mains power supply and motor
wiring. The 230VAC input plug Earth
connects to the Earth terminals on the
IMSC and the motor housing. Active
and Neutral pass through a double-pole
power switch and then onto the input
terminals of the IMSC and two plugpacks. The 12V plugpack powers the
relays while the 5V plugpack powers
the Explore 100.
The rest of the circuitry draws power
either from the regulated supply rails
within the Explore 100 or the IMSC.
The three IMSC outputs are wired up
Silicon Chip
to the terminals of relays
RLY1-RLY3 and in some
cases, directly to the motor terminals.
See the panel elsewhere
in this article describing
how the motor connections
are made.
As mentioned earlier,
two of the three motor drive
outputs (U and W) are also
connected to the Output
Frequency Sense circuitry.
Software operation
Fig.2: here’s how the designer’s lathe motor was
wired up to the speed controller, ignoring the
relays which control start-up and reversing, for the
moment. The start capacitor is shorted out since
it’s no longer required. Note the two possible ways
to wire up the one end of the start winding.
The main goal of this project was to have a supervisory control for the lathe, into which
could be entered the material type and
diameter to be turned. The software
would then set the required speed and
would control the lathe to maintain that
speed, making the turning process much
simpler. The Explore 100 with 5” touchscreen provides the ideal platform.
The set-up screen is shown in
Screen1. It provides auto and manual
RPM control modes. In auto mode, the
user selects material and diameter and
the controller does the rest. If manual
mode is selected, the user sets the speed
regardless of material and diameter.
Once the selection has been made, the
operation page is displayed, as shown
in Screen2.
self-explanatory. The spinbox “Tweak
RPM on-the-fly” allows the user to
switch to manual mode and adjust the
motor speed. Target RPM is the speed
we want while Actual RPM is the inferred motor speed, based on the frequency measured at the motor controller output.
This is an excellent proxy for the
spindle RPM, as verified with a temporary Hall Effect pickup on the tool post
and a magnet on the chuck. The material and diameter selections are repeated
on the Operation page.
The three square “radio” buttons in
the lower right corner tell the software
which of the three motor belt pulley
This shows the wiring between the IMSC and interface box. The speed feedback
board is just visible below the main PCB. Note the improved ventilation.
Celebrating 30 Years
Parts list – Lath-e-Boy Lathe Controller
The pre-existing direction control
switch box, which was wired to both
motor windings.
positions is in use, as this affects the
maximum and minimum RPM values.
The lower speed pulleys are used only
if additional torque is required at low
(A radio button is like a checkbox except only one in a group can be selected
at any given time.)
To ensure the software is responsive, pretty much all events are handled in interrupt routines, including
the touchscreen interface, which utilises the TOUCH (REF) function. The
motor speed is sensed by measuring
the intervals between an interrupt triggered by the level change on the READ
RPM input.
Motor speed control is achieved us-
This junction box connects the
Controller outputs to the motor.
1 Induction Motor Speed Controller kit [Altronics Cat K6032]
1 Micromite Plus Explore 100 kit [SILICON CHIP Online Shop SC3834 or
1 5-inch diagonal colour LCD to suit Explore 100
[eg, or]
3 10A 250VAC DPDT relays, 12V DC coil (RLY1-RLY3; [Jaycar SY4065])
3 DPDT relay cradles (optional, for RLY1-RLY3; [Jaycar SY4064])
2 10A mains cables, cut in half (for mains input and to connect plugpacks)
1 12V DC 500mA regulated plugpack
1 5V DC 1A regulated plugpack
1 10A 250VAC DPDT toggle switch (S1)
1 10-way connector with matching plug and cable (to connect IMSC
interface to Speed Controller)
4 RJ-45 modular connectors
2 Cat5(e)/Cat6 cables with twisted pairs 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8
1 large solder type protoboard (cut up as required)
1 large jiffy box (for Explore 100 and associated components)
1 medium-sized jiffy box (for IMSC interface)
1 diecast aluminium box (to house RLY1-RLY3; must be earthed)
various lengths and colours mains-rated and light-duty hookup wire
3 PS2502-1 Darlington optocouplers (OPTO1,OPTO3,OPTO4)
1 HCPL2531 dual high-speed optocoupler (OPTO2)
4 BC337 NPN transistors (Q1-Q4)
1 yellow 5mm LED (LED1)
1 red 5mm LED (LED2)
1 green 5mm LED (LED3)
3 1N4004 1A 400V diodes (D1-D3)
Errata involving incorrect colour
1 1N4007 1A 1000V diode (D4)
1 10µF 10V electrolytic
1 1µF multi-layer ceramic
1 100nF MKT or ceramic
1 10nF MKT or ceramic
1 220nF X2 MKP
coding for the induction motor has
been applied (39, 41 & 43)
Resistors (all 0.25W 1% unless otherwise stated)
1 120kΩ 4 5.1kΩ (1W 5%) 1 4.7kΩ 7 1kΩ 3 560Ω
1 240Ω 1 110Ω
ing a simple proportional feedback
strategy. A closed loop continually
measures the error and reduces it. Effective gain of this loop is controlled by
selecting the time between corrections
and the proportion of error applied to
each correction.
These numbers are determined by
experiment and are quite flexible. Settling time and stability are completely
adequate for the purpose. Since the
source code is available, the software
can be modified by those who would
like to adapt it for their own projects.
The only niggle is the loading time of
the title or “splash” screen. This takes
nearly 12 seconds to load from the micro SD card.
Perhaps it should be called the “drip
screen”! This is due to the way that
Celebrating 30 Years
1 470Ω 1 270Ω
MMBasic loads data off the SD card.
You will need to build and test the
Induction Motor Speed Controller and
Explore 100 modules separately before
you can build the extra circuitry which
ties them together.
If you’re building the IMSC from a
kit, it should come with assembly instructions. Otherwise, refer to our articles in the April and May 2012 issues, plus the additional information
and revisions in the December 2012
( and
August 2013 (
Article/4219) issues.
For the Explore 100, assembly instructions are in the October 2016 issue; the only tricky aspects are solderJanuary 2018 41
Modifying the motor to allow the speed controller to be connected
It is worth reading the April 2012 article so the motor will start forward or reversed be experimentally connected to A, then to
on the Induction Motor Speed Controller as required.
C. The better of these options is typically
to get a background of induction motors
Even with the start winding isolation and the one that starts to turn the motor at the
and a description of the Controller. While direction taken care of, the subject motor lower voltage. It does not matter whether
its main purpose was to vary the speed of would not start, as the Speed Controller the motor starts in the forward or reverse
pool pumps, it was also suitable for the tripped out with a fault indication. Over cur- direction. The direction of rotation can be
control of machine tools, such as lathes.
rent was a prime suspect. Certainly, the in- controlled with the forward/reverse relay
Most basic lathes vary the speed of the stantaneous current on starting is enormous or a winding polarity reversal.
chuck by changing belts, an inconvenient – at 230VAC 50Hz, it is about 50A. Starting
Fig.2 shows the connection of the moand inefficient method of approximating at low speed, which means low voltage as tor to the Controller in this case.
the desired speed. As a result, it is likely well, should alleviate this.
I found that this ¾ HP motor had to be
that many hobbyist lathes remain on the
Although the Controller permits a slow accelerated with about a four-second ramp
one speed for most of their lives, a far from
ramp-up from a low voltage, at slow speeds from 0-50Hz. This is set by trimpot VR2
optimum situation for quality and speed of the winding reactance drops proportionate- (RAMP) in the Controller. As the voltage is
operation. Variable speed control is an at- ly to the frequency, so the current does not applied and the armature begins to rotate,
tractive modification.
necessarily drop as expected. This motor it generates a back-EMF that reduces the
Any reasonably sized lathe will use a ca- simply drew too much current for the Con- current and gives room for more voltage to
pacitor-start motor. This has a high start- troller to start it.
be applied, accelerating the armature furing torque to overcome the load presented
There is also a possibility, as yet unveri- ther. The ramp voltage must not increase
by the belts, pulleys, close-fit bearings and fied, that with a capacitor in circuit, the Con- too fast for the armature to accelerate and
back gears, with a centrifugal switch to troller interprets a leading power factor as a generate the current limiting EMF.
take the start winding out of circuit as the short circuit, since in both cases it would see
motor comes up to speed. Unfortunately, current increasing without a corresponding Other motor configurations
the Induction Motor Speed Controller is voltage increase.
But what if both ends of the windings
specified as being unsuitable to drive such
Fortunately, the Controller itself provides are not brought out, as is typical of a huge
a motor. But is it?
the solution. It has a three-phase output. We number of small, non-reversible capacitor
The main reason given for the unsuit- can split the windings across two phases to start induction motors? Can such a moability is that at a low selected speed, the keep each phase current within the maximum tor still be controlled in the manner decentrifugal switch will cut back in, and the of the Controller, at least up to a certain size of scribed above?
current drawn by the start winding may motor. One phase is selected for the main windThe answer in many cases is yes! Not
burn the winding out. Almost as an after- ing. Of the other two phase voltages, one leads only can such a motor be speed controlled,
thought, a sidebar advises that “there is the main by 120° and the other lags by 120°. it can also be reversed. Fig.3 shows the two
also a risk that the over-current protection
Either of these should give sufficient quad- most likely motor configurations at left. In
in the Speed Controller will simply prevent rature current to the start winding to create both cases, the start capacitor is removed
normal operation”. Amen to that!
a rotating field but it is necessary to remove and the wire that connects directly to one
The subject of this project is a 1970’s the start capacitor and short its connecting of the existing terminals is taped off and
era Taiwanese lathe with a 250mm swing. leads together. If the output terminals of the secured. The remaining wire is the new
Its motor is a ¾ horsepower (560W) four- Controller are labelled A, B, and C, the main connection point for the start winding.
pole capacitor start induction motor. It is winding is connected between A and C and
This wire, adequately insulated, is
also reversible.
one end of the start winding is connected to B.
brought out of the capacitor chamber. This
At first glance, it appears well within
The other end of the start winding can lead and the previously assigned phase
the 1500W capacity of
and neutral leads connect to
the Speed Controller. The
the three-phase output of the
main and start windings
Speed Controller, as shown at
are brought out to the onright. Reversal of the direction
off switch, which reversof rotation is achieved by swapes one winding to reverse
ping any two phases.
the rotation of the chuck.
Changing a faulty start caHaving access to both
pacitor is routine maintenance
ends of the start winding
on induction motors, hence, reovercomes the problem
moving the start capacitor and
of the centrifugal switch
installing the two-phase wiring
re-engaging at low revs.
should be well within the caIt is easy to provide a
pability of any builder with the
relay to isolate the start
knowledge and skill to build the
winding as the motor
speed is reduced. It is
Doing so opens up a greatly
also easy to provide a Fig.3: for motors where separate connections are not provided for the increased number of applicarelay to reverse the po- start winding, the start capacitor can be removed and one of its conn- tions for variable speed oplarity of the start winding ections brought out to provide the connection to the start winding.
Silicon Chip
Celebrating 30 Years
Using it with a
3-phase motor
While this project was designed to be
used with a lathe driven by a single-phase
induction motor, the IMSC is capable of
driving 3-phase delta-wound motors.
Since a 3-phase motor lacks a start
winding, start capacitor and centrifugal
switch, you don’t need RLY1 or RLY2 and
their associated wiring. RLY3 will need to
be a four-pole type to allow it to switch
all three phases.
However, the design as presented here
does not drive the “REV” terminal on the
IMSC so it has no way of commanding
motor reversal for a 3-phase motor.
Therefore, you would need to run a
connection between the collector of Q1
and the REV terminal on the IMSC so that
the Explore 100 can reverse the motor
direction. The software should not need
any modifications.
The relay box, which connects the IMSC to the motor, has an earthed
aluminium backplate. If using a 3-phase motor, only two relays are required.
ing the few SMDs. After that, it’s pretty much just a matter of soldering the
components in place where indicated
on the PCB silkscreen.
The prototype Speed Controller interface was built into a small Jiffy box
which was mounted to the outside of
the IMSC, while the Explore 100 interface plugged directly into the Explore
100. As you can see from the photo,
the “output frequency sense” section
of the circuit was mounted inside the
IMSC box itself.
The Explore 100 Interface, IMSC Interface and Output Frequency Sense
sections of circuitry were built on
solder-type prototyping boards using
point-to-point wiring, so there are no
PCBs or overlay diagrams. The relays
were mounted in a separate box with
an earthed aluminium backplate, as
shown in the photo above.
Since each section of the circuit is
relatively simple, after soldering the
required components to a piece of protoboard, you should be able to use the
circuit diagram as a guide to wiring it
up. You can use wire wrap wire (Kynar), bell wire or light-duty hookup
wire to make the connections between
component pins.
The Explore 100 and its associated
interface components, shown in the
shaded box in Fig.1, were housed in a
single large jiffy box. You will need to
make a rectangular cut-out in the lid
for the Explore 100’s LCD plus three
holes for the status indicator LEDs and
some holes for wires/sockets for the DC
power input and RJ-45 (or DB9, as in
the prototype) interface sockets.
Loading and using the software
If you’ve built The Explore 100 kit
should come with a pre-programmed
microcontroller but you still need to
set up the LCD panel and then load the
Lathe Controller BASIC code into the
Explore 100.
You should do this with the IMSC
and related circuitry powered down,
however, the circuit has been designed
so that nothing bad should happen if
the unit is powered up without any
code running on the Explore 100.
In other words, the default state of
each output is set up to be safe and not
drive anything, including the motor.
Instructions for setting up the LCD
panel and touchscreen were given in
the October 2016 issue (Explore 100
part 2;
10303), however, if you don’t have that
handy, you can simply enter the following commands over the serial or
USB console:
OPTION TOUCH 1, 40, 39
Celebrating 30 Years
After typing the final command and
pressing enter, you will be presented
with a cross-hair target in the corner
of the LCD screen.
Press on its centre with a stylus-type
object (eg, a toothpick) and then repeat
for the targets which appear in the other
three corners. With any luck, you will
get a message on the console which
reads “Done. No errors” and that indicates that the touchscreen has been set
up correctly.
You can then download the Lathe
Controller BASIC code from the SILICON CHIP website (free for subscribers)
and upload it using MMEdit or similar
software (MMEdit is a free download
for Windows or Linux; see www.c-com.
Once the code has been uploaded,
MMChat should automatically launch
and you can then issue the “OPTION
AUTORUN ON” command, followed
by “RUN” and the graphical user interface (GUI) should appear on the
LCD screen.
You can verify that this appears to
be working before disconnecting your
PC and you are then ready to power the
whole rig up and test it out properly.
We suggest you do this initially with
nothing in the lathe so that you can
verify it’s all working correctly without risking any damage.
The operation of the software was
explained earlier, although it’s pretty
much self-explanatory anyway.
January 2018 43