Custom-manufactured rechargeable lithium batteries
Premier Batteries specialise in the
custom manufacture of rechargeable
lithium batteries; both lithium-ion and
Shown at right is a recent development: a 120V DC, 14Ah lithium
ion battery in a small portable plastic
case. This battery, designed to supply
up to 20 amps, weighs only 8.5kg and
replaces 10 sealed-lead-acid batteries
weighing 43kg. It is easy to carry and
fully charges in 5 hours.
Manufactured with high-capacity
Sanyo cells, it is
complete with protection circuit and
The high power
and light weight of lithium batteries
has opened up many new opportunities for engineering designers and the
demand for lithium batteries has increased substantially in recent years.
They are often difficult to import so
local custom manufacture fills a vital
and increasing need.
MDO vs. Swept Tuned
Premier Batteries Pty Ltd
9/15 Childs Rd Chipping Norton 2170
Tel: (02) 9755 1845
New RHT-Climate
from Novus
with congestion
in the spectrum,
the traditional
swept-tuned analyser is
incapable of capturing all the
different types of signal, such as wideband and transient.
With the introduction of the Mixed Domain Oscilloscope,
you can now have exceptional real-time wideband capture
up to 3GHz, correlation to any analog waveform or digital
bus transactions giving you a better insight on what is causing the failure (see reviews in Nov11 and May14 issues).
Tektronix 6-in-1 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope MDO has
integrated a real hardware-based Vector Signal Analyser
(VSA) to offer real-time time and frequency domains signal
correlations that no other type of instrument can.
It offers up to 3GHz real-time spectral analysis capture bandwidth at
-149dBm/Hz DANL
Tektronix Southeast Asia Pte Ltd
together with 1GHz
1 Clementi Loop #06-02 | Singapore 129808
time-domain analog,
Tel (Aust No): 1800-709-465
digital signals capWeb:
ture at 5GS/s.
Wi t h a w i d e b a c k light display and distinctive design, the RHT-Climate is a humidity and temperature transmitter that provides
accurate measurements of ambient temperature ±0.2°C (0°C to +60°C) and humidity ±1.8%.
It calculates in real time seven psychrometric properties:
• Dew Point Temperature • Wet Bulb Temperature
• Absolute Humidity • Frost Point Temperature • Specific
Enthalpy • Partial Vapor Pressure • Mixing Ratio
All variables are available by current (4-20mA) or voltage (010V) output signals or by RS485 Modbus RTU communication.
The RHT-Climate also has two digital outputs and one embedded buzzer. The digital outputs can be used as alarms or to
control heating/cooling and drying/humidifying equipment.
NXperience software and USB connection allow the analog
outputs to be modified.
Therefore, simulations of Contact:
temperature and humidity Ocean Controls
change can be carried out 44 Frankston Gardens Dve,
during commissioning of Carrum Downs, Vic 3201
your PLC, BAS or SCADA Tel: (03) 9708 3290
Returns to Sydney; September 5&6
only dedicated
trade event for
the electronics
industry will this year be held in Sydney.
The expo is now in its 9th year and alternates annually between Sydney and
With over 90 exhibitors and a technical
conference plus free seminars featuring
leading international and local industry
experts, this is a must-see event for decision makers, enthusiasts and engineers
designing or working with electronics.
Attendees can pre-register for free
This year’s event will feature a host
of new product releases as well as advanced manufacturing solutions, as
Australian companies embrace the
move towards niche and specialised
manufacturing applications.
2016 Electronex Sydney attracted over
1200 electronics design professionals, including electronic and electrical engineers,
technicians and management, along with IT
Australia’s electronics magazine
and communications professionals, defence, government and service techs.
For further information, contact:
Noel Gray, Australasian Exhibitions and
Events Pty Ltd Tel: 03 96762133
Email: ngray<at>
July 2018 95