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Raspberry Pi
Tide Clock and
Information Screen
Using the new RaspberryPi
Ra spberryPi 3 B+
– by Tim Blythman
Over the years, we’ve had numerous requests for Tide Clocks.
Although seemingly quite trivial, it’s not an easy feat to forecast the
tides (and that’s all anyone can actually do). . . but here it is.
s you might guess from the title, it’s not the only thing this
project does.
Tide Clock
The idea of a Tide Clock may not
immediately be appealing for someone who lives away from the coast, but
that has not stopped us from receiving
requests for such a device.
Even if you are not nautically inclined, you might use a Tide Clock
to know whether it is safe to
go swimming in the sea baths
or exploring rock pools . . . or
even if there will be any beach
to lie on when you get there
The advantage of this Tide
Clock over others that may
have been suggested in the past
is that they depend on complicated mathematical algorithms.
These only apply to specific locations (and that may, over time,
become inaccurate). This one always has access to the latest tide
We’ve had suggestions for a Tide
Clock to use the movement from an
analog clock to show the relative phase
of the tide, but we feel that this would
not give as much information as we
can show on the screen we are using.
You might have guessed through
our use of a Raspberry Pi 3B+ that we
aren’t calculating the tides, but sim60
Silicon Chip
ply fetching this data from the internet,
specifically, the Bureau of Meteorology
website. While this almost seems like
cheating, we feel that it is the only way
to consistently, accurately and easily
provide tide information for a wide
range of locations across Australia.
We’re using the Python programming language, and although you
don’t need any expe-
The Raspberry
Pi 3 B+ which we used
for this project.This project doesn’t
rely on any of the new features of the
Pi 3, so you should also be able use
the Pi 2 if you already have one.
rience with Python to complete this
project, having some exposure to programming (even in other languages)
might help you with understanding
Australia’s electronics magazine
how it all works.
Although it is based in Australia, also
provides tide information for many locations outside Australia, such as in
Antarctica and Melanesia.
Raspberry Pi 3B+
Element14 has provided us with
a sample of the new Raspberry Pi
3B+, and this is what we have used
for this project.
As far as we can see, there are
no specific features of the Raspberry Pi 3B+ that we are using for this project that would
preclude earlier version of the
Raspberry Pi being used but we
have not yet tested it on any.
Given the fact that the Pi 3B+
is the latest and now most easily obtained, you might as well
use it rather than an earlier version if you need to buy new.
The Raspberry Pi 3B+ does not look
substantially different to the 3B, although you might notice the two shiny
metal cans on the board standing out
the most.
These are the more obvious upgrades – the latest version of the Pi
now sports 5GHz Wifi and a 1.4GHz
processor speed.
Less obvious, is that there is also a
header for PoE (Power over Ethernet)
on the board. This requires a separate
Above: the final Raspberry Pi Tide Clock.
It consists of the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ module, the SILICON CHIP
Raspberry Pi to LCD Breakout Board (as shown inset top right), which
makes connection to the LCD very much simpler, along with the
2.8-inch TFT Touchscreen LCD module (see parts list).
At lower right is our prototype, using a breadboard instead of the
breakout board – obviously this involves lots of inter-connecting cables.
PoE HAT, but sounds like a useful addon if a project requires power to be
provided to it in a hard-to-reach place.
The LAN has also been updated to
Gigabit Ethernet, although this is limited by the fact that it is still connected via the internal USB bus, giving a
maximum throughput of 300Mbps.
Information Screen
Because a Tide Clock might be of
limited interest to those living away
from the coast, we have added another
feature to turn this project into something even more useful.
It arises from nother request we had
recently for a “readout” for the Water
Tank Level Meter from the February
2018 issue. Because the ThingSpeak
website also provides a portal for information to be accessed via the internet, this data can also be displayed.
So why haven’t we called it a ‘Water Tank Level Meter Readout’? Apart
from being quite an ungainly name,
the Information Screen can be easily
adapted to any numeric data that can
be uploaded to a ThingSpeak feed.
We recently saw that someone had
adapted their hamster’s exercise wheel
to upload data to a ThingSpeak feed,
and this is just one of the many thousand publicly accessible feeds that
are out there.
How it works
As we’ve already mentioned, the
Raspberry Pi 3B+ is displaying the data
it receives from the internet. What we’re
using for the display is the same small,
economical touchscreen LCD panel that
is used in the Micromite LCD Backpack
We built our prototype with jumper
The ThingSpeak website is a great
way to record data logged from
sensors. Our Water Tank Level
Meter from February 2018 shows
how even an Arduino board can
upload data to ThingSpeak. Being
‘in the cloud’ allows multiple
devices to access the data too.
Australia’s electronics magazine
wires, but have also designed a breakout board to allow the Pi and display
to be assembled into a compact, freestanding unit.
The Pi fetches its data by using a
carefully formulated web address. A
small program in the Python language
decodes this data into numbers and
times which it can use to create graphs
and other text information which it
displays on the screen.
When operating in Tide Mode, the
Pi retrieves about four days of data at
a time (two in advance and two in the
past). When operating continually, the
Pi only needs to refresh its data every
day or so, as the tide data is quite minimal as only the high and low tides and
times are actually recorded.
The Pi uses a sine curve approximation to interpolate the intermediate tide heights, which is about the
best simple approximation that can be
done without requiring more information. Of course, this is not completely
accurate so we cannot advise using the
Tide Clock for navigation purposes.
In fact, the BOM has a similar warning about the data which we are drawing from, but in our experience, the
readings we are getting are no more
than 10cm different from other sources
of tide information.
The interpolated tide heights are
graphed, with a vertical line in the
middle of the graph indicating the
current time to the nearest hour. Information about the next high tide
and low tide are also extracted from
the data and displayed on the screen,
along with a clock based on the Pi’s
July 2018 61
The Tide Clock display shows a lot of information. The
current day, date and tide conditions for the next twenty
four hours are shown, as well as next high tide, next low
tide and even the time. The tide conditions at Fort Denison
are close and accurate enough for our location on the
Northern Beaches.
current internal time.
Due to the clock, the display is updated every minute, although you
would struggle to see any change minute to minute.
The ThingSpeak interface operates
in a similar fashion, downloading the
data from two ThingSpeak “feeds” and
then displaying it in a graph, along
with a legend and axis labels on each
side, and a time scale at the bottom.
What ties all these parts together is a
small menu screen, which is displayed
when the Pi starts up. From here, either
the Tide Clock or ThingSpeak screen
can be activated.
These pages are actually separate
Python programs, so can be customised to suit your preferences.
For example, if you want to monitor
the tide in two separate location, then
two separate programs preset to those
locations can be saved and loaded by
the menu.
The final step in making it all work
is to activate the menu program as a
service under the Raspbian operating system, so that the menu starts
up when the Pi is powered up. This
means that the Pi can run without a
monitor, keyboard or mouse.
Thus the Pi can be left as a standalone display on your desk. If you do
actually use your Pi as a desktop computer (eg with a monitor, keyboard and
mouse) or similar, you can still use all
these functions, as the Python program simply runs in the background,
and the screen runs independently of
any monitor.
Silicon Chip
The above photo of the LCD screen shows data from the
ThingSpeak channel from the February Water Tank Level
Meter article. The horizontal and two vertical scales can
be adjusted, as can the update frequency. The title and
axis labels are drawn from information in the ThingSpeak
Display connections
The hardware construction is not
particularly involved, You can either
assemble the interface PCB we have
designed or go for the free-wired approach with jumper leads.
Although we have included a spot
for a real-time clock IC, it isn’t necessary for this project, as the Pi will
need internet access to fetch the data it
needs, and if that is the case, it should
have no trouble updating its internal
clock via NTP.
If you are fitting the RTC IC, you will
also need to install the 4.7kW resistors above the IC (near pin 1) and the
capacitor below the IC as well. There
are also extra steps involved in config-
Fig.1: the wiring between the Raspberry Pi 3B+ and the LCD can easily be done
with prototyping jumper leads if you like. Because some of the pins on the
Raspberry Pi go to two pins on the LCD, this is much easier to do with the LCD
attached to a breadboard.
Australia’s electronics magazine
uring the RTC which are beyond the
scope of this article.
The minimal construction requires
the 2x20 way female header to be
mounted underneath the PCB, and the
other two female headers to be mounted on top. Attach six of the spacers and
six of the M3 x 6mm machine screws
to the intermediate PCB, leaving the
bottom left hole vacant. Note that some
spacers go on top (to line up with the
LCD) and some on the bottom (to line
up with the Raspberry Pi).
Through the bottom left hole of the
LCD, place an M3 x 20mm machine
screw and run the seventh spacer onto
this, as this hole lines up directly with
that in the Raspberry Pi. Screw three
more machine screws into the remaining holes in the top of the LCD.
Thread the final spacer onto the end
of the M3 x 20mm machine screw on
the back of the LCD, then attach the
Raspberry Pi to the back of the PCB
using the four remaining M3 x 6mm
machine screws.
Alternatively, if you do not have the
PCB, you can wire it up using Fig.1. We
found it easier to plug the LCD into a
breadboard because some of the wires
(for the SPI signals) are routed to more
than one pin on the LCD.
Fig.2: check that the contents of the /home/pi/InfoScreen folder looks like
this after you have copied the files from the .ZIP file. There will also be an
“infoscreen.service” file in the /home/pi folder.
Just like any project that runs on a
computer, no matter how small, this
project depends heavily on software.
We aren’t going to go into the detail of
setting up an SD card, as you can quite
easily buy a NOOBS (New Out Of the
Box Software) card which greatly simplifies the process of setting the Raspbian operating system.
We’ll assume you have the Pi up and
running under Raspbian with a keyboard, mouse and monitor attached for
test purposes, and a working internet
connection via Ethernet or WiFi.
The display uses the SPI interface,
so the first thing is to ensure that the
SPI interface is enabled.
This can be found under the
Preferences>Raspberry Pi Configuration menu option, then by clicking on
the interfaces tab and ensuring that the
SPI enable option is checked. Restart
if necessary.
The required software doesn’t need
much work toinstall it. Using the File
Manager, navigate to the /home/pi
folder and extract the contents of the
downloaded .ZIP to here.
All but one of the files needed will
Fig.3: the Python Shell window and the program laid over it. Note
the version (2.17.13) which shows that we are not using the newer Python3. This
is due to its incompatibility with the display library we are using.
be in the /home/pi/infoscreen folder,
the exception being the “infoscreen.
service” file in the /home/pi folder.
Fig.2: InfoScreen Folder – the ZIP file
also includes some library files to control the display.
These come from https://github.
com/BLavery/lib_tft24T, and also include some great examples if you want
Australia’s electronics magazine
to experiment further with the display.
There may be more files than what
is shown here if we add features later.
The Python programming language
is included with Raspbian, and can
be found under the “Programming”
Make sure to choose “Python 2
(IDLE)”, as the later version is incompatible with the display library we
July 2018 63
that the menu and other information
screens will run as programmed.
Fig.3: Python Window – pressing F5
at this stage will start the MainMenu.
py program, and you should see the
screen initialise and display four
menu items.
Try touching one of the items to
check that the individual screens load
properly. Tapping on the screen will
cause that screen to exit and return to
the menu.
You may not specifically want to use
the locations we have set as default,
and you are probably not interested
in the Water Tank in our ThingSpeak
channel. Fortunately, it is quite easy to
change these to suit your preferences.
Turning the tide
Fig.4: the Tide ID parameter should be taken from the ‘Tide Locations IDs.
txt’ file and put into the Tide program to allow it to download the correct
information. This data was collated from the page source of
Fig.5: a screen grab of the ThingSpeak website for the Rain Water Tank project from
February 2018. We’ve highlighted the information we need to transfer to the python
program to allow it to access our data. Note that this will only work on public feeds.
are using.
Note that we’ve had to make some
small changes to the library file to
make it work with recent versions of
Python (the image libraries are now
imported “from PIL”).
The copy in the “infoscreen” folder
is modified to work “out of the box”,
while the zipped “lib_tft24T-master.
Silicon Chip
zip” version is exactly what we have
downloaded from Github.
Choose the “Open” option from
the “File” menu, and navigate to the
“/home/pi/InfoScreen” folder, which
should be visible in the “/home/pi”
folder which is displayed by default.
Open the “” program.
At this stage, we can run and test
Australia’s electronics magazine
The BOM tide information is available for many locations around and
outside of Australia, as you can see
from their website
Using the map tool, find the location nearest to you.
Note that the nearest location may
not provide the exact tide conditions
at your location, although we have set
our location to “Sydney (Fort Denison)”, we find it is very close to our
conditions on the Northern Beaches
about 15km away.
The BOM has given each of these
locations a code which is not easy to
discern from the website, and it is this
code which the Raspberry Pi uses to
generate a web address to download
the necessary data.
To create a custom tide location, we
are going to edit and make a copy of
the tide program to suit.
Open the “” file and
save it with a different name (in this
case, we’ve used “” so
we know this file points to Lakes Entrance in Victoria).
You’ll see the “location” variable
near the top of the file. This is what
needs to be changed.
Fig.4: Tide ID – open the “Tide Location IDs.txt” file and find the name of
your location in the list. Copy the location code, paste it into the new copy
and save the file.
Press “F5” to run the modified file and
test that it works and downloads the
correct data.
The name that appears at the top of
the screen is retrieved from the BOM
website, so if it is correct and the tide
graph appears, everything is working
as it should.
You can press Ctrl-C from the Python Shell window to stop the running program.
You can create multiple versions for
different locations and give them each
a different name.
If you only want to use one location
and don’t have a ThingSpeak channel,
name the file “” (overwriting the existing file), and it will
be loaded at startup instead of the
menu file.
If necessary, the tide minimum and
maximum heights as displayed on the
graph can be changed with the maxtide and mintide variables.
Displaying ThingSpeak
If you are adding a ThingSpeak feed
to your Raspberry Pi Info Screen, then
there are a few more steps to configure it too.
You’ll need to know the ID of the
channel and the numbers of the fields
which you want to display. The ID is
part of the URL you use to view the
channel on a browser, so you might
find it in the address bar too.
Fig.6: the highlighted items can be edited to customise this program to suit your
channel and preferences.
Fig.5: ThingSpeak fields – from the
overview page of the channel (eg
for our Water Tank), look for the field
numbers as shown by the arrows. We
call the two feeds channel “a” and “b”,
so we define their corresponding feeds
as shown in the program.
Fig.6: ThingSpeak Program – here
is where the vertical graph ranges
(“amin”, “amax”, “bmin” and “bmax”)
can be set, as well as the number of
vertical divisions shown (“divisions”).
The “hourspan” and “hourdivision” variables also dictate how far
back the graph goes in hours from the
present and how this is broken up on
the graph.
As for the tide program, save the
changes with a different name and
press “F5” to check that the program
does as you expect.
Make changes by pressing CtrlC from the Python Shell window to
stop the running program and resave
if necessary. You can also exit by tapping the screen.
If all you wish to ever display is a
single ThingSpeak channel, then you
can do the same trick as for the tides,
Fig.7: the program simply checks touch panel and activates other
programs as required. It should be edited to suit the menu choices you wish to use.
and name the program “MainMenu.
py” to run by default.
Menu please
As you might expect, the Menu program also needs to be customised to
suit any changes you have made to the
individual displays.
If you are only running one screen,
then you will have overwritten the existing “” file, and don’t
need to do this step.
If you are running multiple screens,
Australia’s electronics magazine
open the “” file.
Fig.7: Menu Program – there will be
two locations that need to be edited for
each screen. The first is the line at the
top, which contains a list of “friendly”
menu names.
These should be set to something
easily understandable, but not more
than about twenty characters.
Note the last option is to shut down
the Pi – if you do need a fourth option
and have another way to cleanly perJuly 2018 65
form a shutdown (eg attached mouse,
keyboard and monitor), then this can
be replaced too.
The three lower lines indicated contain the names of the programs which
were saved earlier, including the full
file path.
If you have only changed the name,
then that is all that needs to be change,
ensuring that the “.py” extension is
As for the other programs, it can be
tested by pressing F5. If the program
you have added does not start, check
that the filename is correct.
Boot setup
If everything is working so far, and
you would like the display to automatically jump into the menu when the Pi
starts up, then we need to make a few
more changes to make that happen.
What we need to do is set up the program to act as a service which runs in the background. To
do this, we have created a short text
file called “infoscreen.service” (in the
.ZIP download) which needs to be installed and activated.
Open a terminal window (this is a
black icon in the toolbar). If you have
extracted the folder as described above,
this file will exist in the home folder.
We need to copy it with this command:
sudo cp infoscreen.service
and make it executable:
sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd
The following command lets the
system know that a new service has
been added:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
After which the service can be enabled (that is, set to start at boot):
sudo systemctl enable infoscreen.
The service can be stopped (for example if you want to manually run the
programs or test some changes):
sudo systemctl stop infoscreen.
And then restarted:
sudo systemctl start infoscreen.
We’ve also included a “terminal
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Parts List –
Raspberry Pi Tide Clock
1 Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Raspbian
installed on SD card
[Element14 part number 2842228
or Altronics Z6302C]
1 Raspberry Pi to LCD adapter PCB
part number 24108181]
1 2.8-inch TFT Touchscreen LCD
module with SD card socket
part number SC3410]
1 20 x 2 female header
1 14-pin female header
1 4-pin female header
8 M3 x 12mm tapped spacers
13 M3 x 6mm machine screws
1 M3 x 20mm machine screw
commands.txt” file so that you can
copy and paste the above commands
directly into the terminal window.
Restart the Raspberry Pi to test that
everything works as expected. You can
make changes to the programs while
the screen is running but they will not
take effect until the next reboot.
So the start/stop method is a much
quicker way of making and checking
Another screen
Other tweaks that might be made are
to the colour scheme- some of these
are set by variables near the start of
the program and some by variables in
the library.
They are expressed as (R,G,B) triplets, with intensities from 0-255. For
example, pure red is (255,0,0).
As you might imagine, with a connection to the internet, there is a vast
amount of information that can be collated and displayed.
Another screen we are working on
will download weather forecasts and
display them – you might see this in a
future download.
If you are a keen Python programmer
(or even have some experience in other
languages, particularly JavaScript, as
many websites have data available in
the JSON format), you could write your
own programs to get data for display.
Further reading: