This is only a preview of the June 2018 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 38 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "The USB Flexitimer: accurately timed switching":
Items relevant to "Wide-range digital LC Meter":
Items relevant to "Switch on or off anything with a Temperature Switch":
Items relevant to "800W (+) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Part II":
Articles in this series:
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Building our all-new
800 W plus!
Part 2:
by Duraid Madina
and Tim Blythman
Keep mains-powered equipment running during blackouts with this
high-power, high-capacity Uninterruptible Power Supply. It uses
modern lithium-iron-phosphate batteries which will withstand being
repeatedly discharged without damage. This makes it considerably
lighter and more compact than most equivalent commercial UPSes.
ast month, we described the
overall concept of our new
LiFePO4-powered UPS and explained how it was designed. We also
provided a list of parts needed to build
it, including information on where to
get them.
In this article, we provide a list of
the parts you need to build the control
shield, explain how the shield works
and how to assemble it.
We’ll then go through the steps required to prepare the case, mount
all the parts and wire them up. It’s a
fairly elaborate unit which includes
high-voltage and high-current wiring,
so take your time and make sure you
follow all the instructions carefully to
ensure that you build it safely and so
that it works first time.
Control circuit description
The circuit details for the Arduino
control shield are shown in Fig.2. So
Silicon Chip
that you can see how it fits into the
overall scheme, we’ve also reproduced
the block diagram (Fig.1) from the first
article, which incorporates the corrected wiring for relay RLY3.
The relay driver shield plugs into
the Arduino board and is connected
via four pins: Vin (the 12V supply),
ground and two I2C bus control lines,
SDA (data) and SCL (clock). The Arduino sends commands over the I2C
bus to set the state of the eight relay
driver outputs. Six are used, three to
drive the mains switching relays and
three for indicator LEDs.
The control shield is stacked on
top of the relay driver shield and contains the additional circuitry shown
in Fig.2.
These components allow it to monitor the inverter’s state, the shape and
voltage of the mains waveform and
the battery voltage. They also let it
switch the inverter on and off, “bootCelebrating 30 Years
strap” itself to power up with (automatically) or without (manually) the
mains supply present and sound an
audible alarm to indicate the loss of
mains power or low battery voltage.
Monitoring the
mains waveform
The centre-tapped secondary of a
12.6V mains transformer is wired to
CON1. The 6.3V tap is connected to
analog input pin A1 of the Arduino
via a 75kΩ resistor. This forms a voltage divider in combination with the
two 10kΩ DC bias resistors, to keep
the voltage at this pin within the range
of 0-5V.
The transformer secondary voltages
will be higher than 6.3VAC because it
is lightly loaded and since the mains
voltage can go above 230VAC; perhaps
to as high as 250VAC or more.
A 6.3VAC sine waveform has peak
voltages of ±8.9V but if the mains
Fig.1: the block diagram of the UPS,
re-published from last month, gives
a good overview of how the unit
operates. Note that the wiring for RLY3
was incorrect in the article last month but has been fixed in this diagram.
The circuit of the Arduino control shield (highlighted at centre left) is shown in Fig.2, overleaf.
age goes to 250VAC (as it can in areas
with lots of domestic solar installations) we expect it could be as much
as ±10.76V at the centre tap of the
The three resistors between the
transformer and input A1 translate
this ±10.76V swing to 2.5V ±1.43V,
(ie, about 1.07-3.93V), to suit the Arduino’s internal analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This allows it to monitor
the mains voltage in real-time.
The full 12.6VAC (~20V peak) output of the transformer is also fed
through one of relay RLY4’s normallyclosed set of contacts to schottky diode
D1 and into a 1000F filter capacitor. If
the Arduino is not powered but mains
is present, this capacitor will charge
up to around 20V.
This then feeds the input of REG1,
a 12V linear regulator, to power the
circuit. Once the software has determined that the mains waveform is normal and has switched the UPS output
on, this is no longer necessary as the
unit is powered from the 12V switchmode supply.
So the Arduino drives its D8 output
pin high, energising relay RLY4. This
disconnects the transformer secondary from D2 while leaving its centre
tap connected to analog input A1. Diode D1 prevents the back-EMF from
RLY4’s coil from damaging the
no when it powers off and the relay is
Diode D3 isolates the output of
REG1 from the output of the 230VAC
to 12V DC switchmode supply, so that
when that supply powers up, it doesn’t
interfere with the operation of REG1
and vice versa.
This also means that the VIN rail
will be a bit lower (around 11.3V)
when REG1 is providing power. This
can be sensed by the Arduino via a
100kΩ/10kΩ resistive divider at analog
input A3.
This divider reduces the VIN voltage by a factor of 11 so the A3 pin will
normally be around 1.09V when running from the switchmode supply and
about 1.03V when running off REG1.
So if you switch S1 off, the Arduino
can sense the voltage drop at VIN. It
will then perform a clean shut-down,
sequencing the relays to turn the UPS
output off cleanly.
Inverter interface
The telephone-style control cable supplied with the inverter plugs
into CON4 (RJ14; 6P4C). Its control
lines are not ground-referenced so it
is necessary to optically isolate it using two PC817 optocouplers, OPTO1
and OPTO2.
When the inverter is operating, the
voltage at the green wire (pin 4) goes
Celebrating 30 Years
low compared to the common black
wire connection at pin 2. This causes
current to flow through the internal
LED of OPTO1 and the 10kΩ currentlimiting series resistor, pulling digital
input D4 of the Arduino low.
It’s normally held high by a current
source within the microcontroller.
The Arduino software can therefore
sense the state of this pin to determine
whether the inverter is powered up.
To switch the inverter on or off, the
Arduino drives digital output pin D2
high for around 500ms. About 18mA
then flows through the internal LED
in OPTO2, limited by the 220Ω series
resistor. This switches on the output
transistor, pulling up the voltage at pin
3 of CON4 (the red wire).
This is equivalent to pressing the
button on the supplied remote control
unit and if the battery voltage is sufficient, the inverter will switch on. If
it’s already on, it will switch off. The
Arduino can check the state of the D4
input pin to verify that it has done so.
Battery monitoring
and switch-on
The 24V (nominal) battery is wired to
CON2 and its voltage is divided down
by a factor of 11 by the 100kΩ/10kΩ
resistors. With the maximum battery
voltage of 29.2V, this gives 2.65V at the
Arduino analog input A2.
June 2018 65
Fig.2: the circuit of the Arduino control shield. This gives the Arduino board the ability to monitor the mains
waveform (via CON1 and the external transformer), control the inverter (via CON4 and OPTO1/2) and “bootstrap”
the power supply after a long blackout or when the unit is being used away from mains power.
The Arduino uses this voltage to display warnings to the user via the front
panel LEDs and piezo buzzer PB1. If
the battery voltage gets too low, it will
shut down the inverter and this will
also cause the Arduino to power down.
If you manually shut it down via S1
but the batteries are still charged, you
can power it up by holding down the
momentary pushbutton switch on the
front panel (S2).
This connects the terminals of
CON3, feeding 24V to the anode of
diode D4, which then charges up the
1000F capacitor at the input of REG1.
REG1 then powers up the Arduino
using the same procedure as described
above. But since the mains waveform
is not present, it will switch the output over to the inverter which then
Silicon Chip
powers the 230VAC to 12V DC switchmode supply once the pushbutton is
You need to hold down this button
for a few seconds to allow this procedure to complete.
The 10Ω 1W series resistor reduces
the inrush current when charging up
the 1000F capacitor and also reduces the dissipation in REG1 during the
start-up period.
Additional components
A two-pin header labelled JP1 (“RST
DIS.”) can be used to connect a 10F
capacitor between the Arduino’s RESET-bar pin and ground. If this jumper is fitted, it will block reset pulses
from the USB interface, preventing
the Arduino from rebooting when it’s
Celebrating 30 Years
plugged into a computer.
This allows a computer to get information about the UPS state via USB
without interfering with the operation
of the UPS. The Arduino can still be
manually reset for uploading a new
sketch by pressing the reset button or
by temporarily removing the shunt
from JP1.
We’ll have more details in the third
article next month on how standard
UPS software can be used to get information from the UPS over a USB
interface, allowing you to monitor the
battery state and even shut the computer down before the battery goes flat.
Shield construction
Use the PCB overlay diagram, Fig.3,
as a guide during construction. The
Fig.3: the PCB overlay
diagram and the photo at
right show where the parts
are fitted on the control
Be careful to ensure
that RLY4, REG1,
the diodes and
electrolytic capacitors are mounted
with the correct
orientation. Also,
the wire entry holes
of CON1-CON3 should face
towards the top edge of the
shield is built on a double-sided PCB,
coded 11106181 and measuring 68.5 x
54mm. It’s available from the SILICON
CHIP Online Shop. Start by fitting the
resistors. It’s best to check the value
of each using a DMM before soldering
them in place.
Next, fit the four diodes, ensuring
that the cathode stripes are orientated
as shown. D2 is a 1N5819 while the
other three are 1N4004s. Then install
the two optocouplers. They are the
same type but have a different orientation; ensure the pin 1 markings are
located as shown in Fig.3.
Follow with the three terminal
blocks, ensuring their wire entry holes
are facing the adjacent edge of the PCB
before soldering the pins. Then move
on to the small relay, RLY4. It will have
a stripe at the pin 1 end and this must
go towards the left side of the PCB, as
shown in Fig.3.
The piezo buzzer can be fitted next,
with its positive terminal towards the
bottom of the PCB. Then solder the two
100nF capacitors in place, followed by
CON1 and the two larger capacitors.
REG1 is mounted next, with its metal
tab orientated as shown.
Finally, solder the four pin headers
in place where shown. These are inserted from the bottom side of the PCB
and soldered to the top.
You may find it easier to plug the
headers into the Arduino, flip it over
and solder them to the shield board,
as this will keep them straight during
the soldering process. That completes
assembly of the shield board.
Locating the components
in the case
The UPS has a number of fairly
large components and some of them
get quite warm during operation. The
specified case has plenty of room for
the components to fit and lots of ventilation for cooling air to circulate. Note
that a bigger case would be necessary
if you are going to use larger batteries
or more than two.
We spent quite a bit of time planning the layout of the UPS so we sug-
gest you use the same layout. If you
vary the layout, keep in mind that you
should keep the 230VAC mains wiring
away from any low-voltage wiring, as
we have done.
Since almost all suitable cases
would be made of metal, all panels
must be solidly earthed. You will also
need to ensure that there is adequate
venting and space around the components to handle the expected heat
One of the advantages of the case we
are using is that the rear panel can be
pivoted on the bottom pair of screws
and folded down by removing the top
two screws. This makes assembly considerably easier.
Case assembly
You don’t need any special tools; a
standard assortment of screwdrivers
and pliers is sufficient.
You will need a decent drill and
3mm, 4mm and 5mm bits. A drill press
is helpful but not required. There are a
couple of larger holes which will need
Parts list – UPS control shield
1 double-sided PCB, 68.5 x 54mm
[SILICON CHIP code 11106181]
1 set of pin headers (1x6 pin, 2x8 pin, 1x10 pin)
1 3-way mini terminal block, 5.08mm pitch (CON1)
2 2-way mini terminal blocks, 5.08mm pitch (CON2, CON3)
1 6P4C PCB-mount socket (CON4) [Altronics P1442]
1 DPDT DIL telecom relay, 5V DC coil (RLY4)
[Omron G6H-2 5V or equivalent]
1 5V self-oscillating piezo sounder (PB1)
2 PC817 optocouplers (OPTO1,OPTO2)
1 7812 linear 12V regulator, TO-220 (REG1)
3 1N4004 1A 400V diodes (D1,D3,D4)
1 1N5819 1A 40V schottky diode (D2)
1 1000F 25V electrolytic
1 10F 10V electrolytic
2 100nF ceramic or MKT (code 0.1F, 104 or 100n)
Resistors (all 0.25W, 1% metal film unless otherwise stated)
4-band code 5-band code
2 100kΩ (brown black yellow black brown black black orange brown)
1 75kΩ (violet green orange black violet green black red brown)
5 10kΩ (brown black orange black brown black black red brown)
1 220Ω (red red brown black
red red black black brown)
1 10Ω 1W 5% carbon (brown black black gold)
CAUTION! This project involves mains voltages which can be dangerous if not
handled correctly. Always be careful when dealing with this level of voltage.
Celebrating 30 Years
June 2018 67
Drilling the mounting holes
With everything laid out comfortably, mark out the required location
of the mounting holes for each component in the bottom of the case, using a permanent marker. Holes will be
drilled in these locations later. It’s also
a good idea to mark out the outlines of
the components, to assist with picturing the layout as it progresses.
In the case of the top plates for the
batteries, the outlines make it easy
to mark out the mounting holes, af68
Silicon Chip
D8 D7
to be made with a hole saw, stepped
drill or tapered reamer.
You will also need a needle file to
create the correct profile for some of
the component mounting holes. It will
also come in handy to even out any
rough edges left after drilling. And you
will need access to a vice and some
large pliers to bend a few of the pieces
into the required shape.
Start by putting the case together using the supplied instructions. It is sold
in three parts: one includes the front,
back and sides while the lid and base
are sold separately.
We found it easier to fit the sides to
the base with the included self-tapping
screws, followed by the front and back,
which are attached with bolts and nut
swhich include integrated shake-proof
Having assembled the bottom, front,
rear and sides, we found that the lid
would not fit until we loosened the
front panel nuts. Once you’re happy
with how all the case parts fit together,
remove the lid.
Next, lay out the components in the
case, using our photos and Fig.4 as a
guide. Remember to allow space for
wiring up the components.
The inverter, Arduino assembly, battery balancer, mains transformer and
relays all have their own mounting
holes and so are easily attached to the
base using machine screws and nuts.
The batteries have no mounting provisions so we secured them in place
using six brackets placed around their
periphery, bolted to the bottom of the
case. We then fitted large straps over
the top so that they cannot lift off the
base. These are held down with long
bolts and nuts.
You will need to ensure there is
enough space around the batteries for
the brackets to be mounted. In our prototype, the brackets are almost, but not
quite, touching the sides of the case.
Fig.4: this shows the placement of the components in the UPS case and both
the mains and 24V DC supply wiring. All wiring, but especially the mains
connections, should be cable tied together and anchored to prevent movement.
The mains wiring should also be kept as short as practical and insulated with
heatshrink tubing where possible.
ter removing the batteries. Once all
the holes have been marked out, we
suggest that you detach the base from
the rest of the case as this makes drilling easier.
Now is also the time to mark out
the locations to drill holes for attaching the feet. Make sure they won’t interfere with mounting any of the other
components. We ended up sharing a
single mounting screw between one of
the feet and one of the relay bases but
you may prefer to move them slightly
Celebrating 30 Years
apart to avoid this.
All holes are 3mm except those
for the battery brackets (5mm) and a
single 4mm hole for the panel earth.
The earth mounting hole is placed
between the inverter and relays, near
the rear panel; its exact placement is
not critical.
Drill all of the holes in the base before mounting anything and ensure
they have been cleaned of any swarf
before proceeding.
A larger drill bit, rotated by hand
D8 D7
0V 6.3V
Fig.5: use this diagram as a guide for connecting and routing the low-voltage,
low-current wiring. It’s easiest to make the relay coil connections before
completing the mains wiring (see text) and bundle up each set of cables using
cable ties or tubing to keep everything neat.
in the hole, is very handy for removing swarf.
Fitting the components
Re-check that the holes are in the
correct positions to suit all the components before you start mounting them.
The order of assembly is not critical
but there are a few things which make
the process easier.
Leave the batteries and inverter until last as they are the heaviest items.
For each component, insert screws
from the underside of the panel and
fit nuts and lockwashers on the inside
of the case.
If you have an L-shaped bench, you
can position the case across the two
edges so that you can access the underside to do up screws while its weight
is supported. Be careful to ensure it
is stable before proceeding, though.
Start by mounting the relay bases using M3 x 15mm machine screws with a
nut and washer on each. Mount them
with the round hole in the top surface
Celebrating 30 Years
closer to the rear panel. Leave the relays off for now.
The transformer is next and only
needs two M3 x 10mm machine
screws. Orientate the transformer with
the primary (blue and brown wires)
facing towards the relays and the secondary (white and yellow wires) facing away. This will help to keep the
mains and low voltage wiring separate.
The balancer is another simple item
to mount, needing four M3 x 10mm
machine screws with nuts and lockwashers.
If you are using our Battery Balancer
from last month’s issue instead, you
could mount the PCB to a piece of
PCB prototyping board such as Jaycar’s
HP9556 or Altronics’ H0701 by soldering some short stiff wires between the
two. This can then be mounted to the
case using the holes provided in the
prototyping board and some tapped
To lift the Arduino Uno up so it was
more accessible (especially the USB
socket), we used a number of tapped
and untapped spacers and long screws.
Start by threading 25mm Nylon machine screws through the holes in the
Arduino and into pairs of 15mm-long
Nylon tapped spacers on top of each
other. The use of Nylon is important,
to avoid accidental short circuits.
We had to trim the head of the machine screw nearest the SCL pin due
to low clearances on the board. In this
case, the tapped spacer needed to be
threaded onto the machine screw, as
the machine screw will not be able
to rotate.
Now feed M3 x 32mm machine
screws up through the holes in the
panel underneath, place 25mm untapped spacers over their shafts and
screw them into the tapped spacers
already attached to the underside of
the Uno.
You can now plug the relay driver
shield into the Arduino and then plug
the control shield that you built earlier into the sockets on the top of that.
Next, mount the inverter using four
M3 x 10mm machine screws, nuts and
Finally, we come to the batteries.
We started by mounting the six angle
brackets using M5 x 10mm machine
screws, M5 nuts and lockwashers, ensuring that the batteries are a snug fit
and cannot move around (see photo
on page 72).
Next, feed the eight M5 x 90mm
June 2018 69
PCBs for most recent (>2010)
SILICON CHIP projects are
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Please note: the SILICON CHIP PartShop
does not sell kits; for these, please
refer to kit supplier’s adverts in this issue.
machine screws through the base
and attach one M5 nut to each, holding them steady. This is important as
otherwise, you risk contact with the
battery terminals which could possibly short them out once the wiring
is in place.
Test fit the batteries and flat plates
to ensure that everything lines up and
then clamp the plates down on top of
the batteries using another eight M5
nuts and lockwashers. It should look
like the photo on page 72.
Having determined that everything
fits, remove the plates for now, giving
better access to the battery terminals.
We mounted the charger on the side
panel to save space. It’s prevented from
moving forward and back by screws
through the side panel (the holes just
happen to be spaced perfectly for this)
and in the other dimensions by a metal
clamp which we have fitted over the
top and bent to provide plenty of friction (see photos on pages 72 & 73).
This clamp is made by cutting a
15cm length of Carinya 20 x 200 x
1mm Flat Make-a-Bracket (Bunnings
Cat 3975816).
This was not included in the parts
list last month but you could just as
easily use a 20mm x 150mm strip of
aluminium or thin steel plate with a
couple of 3mm holes drilled in it.
Bend it into a “Z” shape in a vice
so that when one section is attached
to the side of the case, the other two
sections clamp the charger in place.
Attach it via the existing side panel
holes using two short 3mm machine
screws, lockwashers and nuts.
Front and rear
panel preparation
Re-assemble the enclosure to double-check that everything fits properly. Then remove the back panel.
Unclip the front from the four-outlet
Detail of the control shield installed. This prototype version is electrically
indentical to the PCB described earlier in this article.
Silicon Chip
Celebrating 30 Years
GPO to reveal its six mounting holes
and mark out the hole positions on
the rear panel.
To save space, we mounted the 12V
switchmode power supply directly behind it. To do this, you need to drill
the six mounting holes for the GPO,
then measure the distance between
the mounting holes on the PSU and
locate them relative to the existing
GPO mounting hole.
The shared screw is the one which
goes into the GPO mounting location
just to the right of the left-most outlet. You need to use a 6mm machine
screw here; the other GPO mounting
screws are 10mm and have nuts and
lockwashers on the back.
Having prepared the GPO and PSU
mounting holes, you now need to make
a large hole for the central protruding
part of the GPO to fit through (ie, where
the wiring is attached). You will also
need to drill holes for the mains input lead/cable gland, fuse holder, on/
off rocker switch and a 4mm hole for
the rear panel earth bolt.
We chose to space the switch, fuse
holder and mains cable gland out evenly along the centre-line of the panel.
Ideally, the earth bolt hole should be
located between the mains input lead
and fuse holder.
The hole for the GPO protrusion
is the largest and its size is not particularly critical, as long as it’s large
enough and doesn’t extend outside the
GPO outline.
We made it by drilling a number of
6mm holes around the perimeter of the
opening, then nibbled and filed away
the remaining material until we could
knock out the central panel.
Test-fit the GPO and make sure the
locations where the Active and Neutral wires are terminated are not too
close to the edges of the hole.
Because the switch, fuse holder and
mains cable entry holes need to be
more precise, drill a pilot hole for each
and then opened them up to as large
as possible with drill bits, followed by
careful use of a tapered reamer to get
them to their final dimensions. Test
fit along the way to ensure the holes
don’t get too large.
Make sure to clean away any swarf
or sharp edges with a file and use the
same file to cut a slot to allow the tab
on the switch to fit through the panel.
You can now mount the components on the rear panel, starting with
the switchmode power supply on the
Celebrating 30 Years
June 2018 71
Looking into the completed UPS with the front panel at left, rear panel at right. The front panel has only the three
indicator LEDs and bootstrap switch, while the rear panel houses the mains input lead with safety fuseholder alongside,
the enable switch (almost hidden). the 12V PSU and the four-way switched mains outlet at top right of this photo.
inside, which is attached using 6mm
M3 machine screws into its tapped
holes. Remove the screw which is
shared with the GPO, then mount the
GPO using a 6mm screw in the shared
position and 10mm screws, nuts and
washers for the other five.
The rocker switch is a snap fit while
the fuseholder attaches by means of the
included nut and washer, as does the
cable gland for mains entry.
Now remove the front panel and
marked it out to suit the three LED
indicators and the momentary pushbutton. Given that there is even more
space on the front panel, this is not so
critical, so again we aimed for placing these items evenly along the front
We drilled the holes to suit (6mm
for the LED indicators and 13mm for
Silicon Chip
the pushbutton) and test mounted all
the items before removing them again.
Given that we will have to solder wires
to them, and the front panel does not
have a convenient fold-down feature,
it is much easier to remove them at
this stage.
When positioning these holes, keep
in mind that they need to be inside the
locations where the side panels meet
the front panel.
Wiring it up
There is a lot of wiring in this project, including 250VAC-rated mains
wiring, high-current 24V DC wiring
and also low-current, low-voltage
Take care to ensure that the mainspotential wires are kept away from the
others and that they are not needlessly
Celebrating 30 Years
long and free to move about.
Once fitted, the 3-pin mains plug
MUST be removed any time you are
working on the UPS.
But you shouldn’t be too careless
with the batteries either as they can deliver in excess of 100A when shorted.
So be very careful when making or
changing any wiring to the batteries.
Keep in mind that the inverter output is also a high-voltage risk and it
can be powered up even when the unit
is disconnected from mains!
Battery wiring
The battery wiring is a good place
to start and the details are shown in
Fig.4. Use electrical tape to insulate
the bare ends of wires while doing
this, to avoid accidental short circuits.
Be careful to avoid shorts while doing
this wiring since the batteries can supply a lot of current.
There are three buses that connect
to the batteries. These are:
• The 0V bus, which connects the battery negative terminal to the charger, balancer and inverter negative
terminals and the Arduino ground
(black wires).
• The 12V bus, which joins the two
batteries and also connects to the
balancer (white wires).
• The 24V bus, which connects the
battery positive terminal to the
charger, balancer and inverter positive terminals and the Arduino 24V
input (red wires).
The inverter is supplied with thick
red and black leads with eyelets at each
end. We used these to connect the batteries to the inverter inputs and made
up wires for the remaining connections. Use 10mm M4 machine screws,
shakeproof washers and nuts to attach
the leads to the battery terminals.
Our charger came with quite a
lengthy output lead, as depicted in
Fig.4, so we only had to solder short
lengths of wire to a matching socket
to connect to the batteries.
You will need longer wires if your
charger lead is shorter.
To complete the 0V bus, we need
to connect the charger, balancer and
Arduino to the battery 0V terminal.
The charger wiring will carry several
amps while the other connections are
well under 1A but you can use medium-duty or heavy-duty hookup wire
for all these connections.
We used a 40cm length of black wire
from the battery to the charger connection and a 100cm length from the battery to the balancer.
These were both crimped into a single 4mm eyelet. Attach this eyelet with
the same screw that’s holding the inverter cable onto the battery negative
While making this connection,
slip a 50mm length of 20mm diameter heatshrink tubing (ideally, clear
or black) over the whole assembly –
both eyelets, the battery terminal and
the screw.
This should cover all the exposed
metal and later, when we shrink it
down, it will prevent any stray wires
from contacting this terminal.
Solder the shorter black wire onto
the charger socket negative terminal
and screw the longer one into the battery balancer negative terminal, along
with a second 30cm length of black
wire which is then attached to the
BAT - terminal on the Arduino shield.
Similarly, for the battery positive
connections, cut a 60cm length of medium-duty red wire (for the charger)
and a 30cm length of medium-duty
red wire (for the balancer) and crimp
these into a single 4mm eyelet.
This is attached to the battery positive terminal using another M4 machine screw, nut and shakeproof
Solder the longer wire to the positive terminal on the charger socket and
screw the shorter wire into the positive terminal of the battery balancer,
along with a 30cm length of red medium-duty wire, which you can then
connect to the BAT + terminal on the
Arduino shield.
This connection should have no
effect until the pushbutton is wired
up later.
The link between the two batteries
is made from a short length of very
heavy-duty wire with a large 4mm
eyelet crimped onto each end.
We suggest you use a vice to crimp
these (unless you have a special tool)
since these will carry the full battery
current (30A+) and the connections
need to be good!
Then we just need to run a wire from
one of the two joined battery terminals to the centre tap on the balancer.
Crimp a 40cm length of white light or
medium-duty wire into a 4mm eyelet and attach this to one end of the
heavy inter-battery cable, then screw
the other end to the COM (common)
terminal of the balancer.
Before proceeding, ensure that the
We've "folded down" the rear panel in this photo to show its contents clearly: from left, the mains input lead, 10A safety fuseholder, the enable switch, the 12V PSU and the four-way switched mains outlet. Note the liberal use of heatshrink sleeving.
Celebrating 30 Years
June 2018 73
Projects with SIZZLE!
Two high-voltage projects which use the same PCB:
High Energy Electronic
Ignition for Cars
Jacob's Ladder
Published in Nov/Dec 2012
Special components for both
Published in
projects are available from
Nov/Dec 2013
( the SILICON CHIP On-Line Shop:
PCB, programmed PIC, IGBT
Look for details of all projects at
screws holding the terminals onto the
batteries are all very tight, along with
the inverter input terminals.
All the battery terminal connections
need to be done up tight or they could
overheat when the unit is operating
due to a high resistance.
Mains wiring
You need two mains leads with
moulded plugs. These are for the incoming mains connection and the output of the inverter. They can be cut
from spare equipment power cables
or purchased separately.
The incoming mains lead should
be at least one metre long, as this will
need to reach a nearby GPO. The mains
cord needs to be held securely with the
cable gland so it cannot be pulled out.
Additionally, the securing nut on
the gland should be locked using super
glue around the thread before tightening to prevent its being easily removed.
The inverter lead should be around
50cm long and does not exit the case.
Note that all the wires used for Active, Neutral and Earth should either
be stripped from mains cords or mains
flex or be rated for a minimum of
250VAC at 10A or more.
They must be colour coded correctly: brown for Active, blue for
Neutral and yellow/green striped for
Earth. The correct colours are shown
in Fig.4.
The three relays (left to right) are
for mains switching (RLY1), output changeover (RLY2) and inverter
switching (RLY3).
This keeps the wiring as short and
neat as possible.
The wiring from each relay to the
incoming mains, inverter and output
GPOs all attaches to the relay bases
close to the rear panel.
Silicon Chip
The connections on the other side
are between adjacent relays only and
as you can see from the photos and
diagrams, are fairly simple.
Keep these wires short (around
10cm) and cable tie them together once
they have been finalised.
Make sure to do the screw terminals up nice and tight so they won’t
come loose.
These short wires can be stripped
out of the off-cuts from the lead used
to connect to the inverter.
Start by making these four short connections. Expose a minimal amount of
copper at the end of each wire (about
5mm) and be careful to avoid nicking the conductors when stripping
the wires.
Earth connections
Now do the Earth wiring. Take one
of the pieces of yellow/green striped
wire you stripped out of the mains cable and cut it so that it will reach from
the rear panel Earth bolt to the bottom
panel Earth bolt. Strip both ends and
crimp 4mm eyelets onto each.
You will also need an intact 40cm
length of mains flex (which you may
be able to make from the left-over
length of mains cable). Strip back 5cm
of outer insulation from each end and
5-10mm from each of the inner conductors. Crimp a 4mm eyelet onto the
Earth wire at one end.
Then strip 5cm of the outer insulation from the end of the mains input
cable and 5-10mm from the inner conductors and after feeding it through the
cable gland on the rear panel, crimp
a 4mm eyelet onto the Earth wire. Do
exactly the same with the inverter output cable.
All four Earth eyelets can now
be attached to the rear panel Earth
bolt (M4 x 10mm) with a shakeproof
washer between each and an M4 hex
nut on top.
Do this up nice and tight. The other
end of the wire with the second eyelet connector is then attached to the
bottom of the case using a similar arrangement.
By the way, it would be perfectly
valid to connect all the mains Earth
wires together at the case bottom Earth
bolt rather than the rear panel, as long
as the rear panel is still Earthed to the
base separately (since it can be detached when working on the unit). We
simply used the rear panel because it
kept the wiring neater.
Celebrating 30 Years
Relay coil wiring
While not mains wiring, it’s easiest
to wire up the relay coil terminals before we complete the rest of the mains
wiring. Use two short lengths of red
light-duty hookup wire to join the
three relay coil positive terminals, as
shown in Fig.5.
Then cut four 1m-long lengths of
light-duty hookup wire: red, orange,
yellow and white. Connect them to
the coil terminals at one end and the
Arduino relay driver outputs as shown
in the diagram.
Remaining mains wiring
The Active and Neutral wires of the
length of mains flex can now be terminated to the two spare terminals on the
back of the middle relay – see Fig.4 for
details. Similarly, the Active and Neutral wires of the inverter output cable
go to the terminals on the back of the
relay closest to the corner of the case,
and the plug on this cable can then go
into one of the inverter outputs.
Before fitting the fuse holder into the
case, solder a short length of brown
wire to the terminal closest to the
threading. Mount it in the rear panel and slip a long piece of 20mm diameter heatshrink tubing over the incoming mains cable. Next, solder the
brown wire in that mains cable to the
remaining fuse holder terminal (the
one near the end).
Now move the heatshrink tubing up
over the body of the fuse holder so that
it covers both solder joints and shrink
it in place.
We can then connect the Active and
Neutral wiring for the third relay, closest to the transformer. There are three
wires to go into each of these terminals:
one from the incoming mains lead (or
fuse holder, in the case of Active), one
for the battery charger and one for the
small mains transformer that’s mounted next to the relay.
Cut the charger cable to 30cm, retaining the moulded figure-8 plug on one
end. Strip the outer insulation back by
5cm and then strip around 5mm of the
insulation from each of the inner conductors. The transformer wires should
be supplied already stripped and the
incoming mains lead should have been
prepared earlier.
So now it’s just a matter of feeding
the sets of three wires into each terminal, careful to avoid any stray strands
of copper sticking out, then do them
up nice and tight.
The other end of the 40cm length of
mains flex you cut earlier goes to the
terminals on the four-outlet GPO. The
Active, Neutral and Earth connections
for the switchmode power supply units
are attached to these same terminals.
Before making these connections
though, cut a short (~5cm) length of
brown wire, strip it at both ends and
crimp a 6.3mm spade connector onto
one end. This plugs into one of the
rocker switch terminals, with the other end terminated to the Active input
of the switchmode PSU.
Now cut 20cm lengths of blue,
brown and yellow/green mains-rated
wire and strip the ends, then attach
these to the relevant switchmode PSU
terminals, except for the brown wire.
Crimp another 6.3mm spade connector
to one end and plug this into the free
terminal on the rocker switch.
You can now feed the other ends
of these three wires into the GPO terminals, along with the wires from the
central relay. Do this one terminal at a
time, making sure you don’t get them
mixed up (follow the labels printed
on the GPO terminals) and do them
up firmly.
A quick test
Now it’s time for a quick test. Insulate the transformer secondary wires
and leave the relays out of their sockets,
then stand clear of the unit and plug it
into a wall socket. The battery charger
should start up and you should be able
to see the battery voltage rising using a
DMM connected between the 0V and
24V terminals on the shield board. You
should also be able to measure around
13-14VAC across the transformer secondaries.
The inverter can be tested by holding the power button next to its mains
output socket for a second or so (without touching any of the other components). You can plug a lamp or other
test load into the spare output socket to
see that it’s working properly. Shut the
inverter down by pushing the power
button again.
After ensuring the UPS not plugged
into mains and the inverter is off, tidy
up the mains wiring. Wherever two or
more wires are terminated next to each
other, cable tie them tightly together
to provide a degree of security should
one of them come loose.
Where the cables run next to each
other, bundle them together. Your wiring should look like that in our photos.
Running the control wires
Now we can finish the control wiring shown in Fig.5. To connect the
inverter to the Arduino, simply plug
the telephone-style cable supplied
with the inverter into the socket on
the UPS shield and the other end into
the inverter. Bundle the excess cable
up with a cable tie and tuck it out of
the way.
Use three 50cm lengths of light-duty hookup wire, two yellow and one
white, to extend the secondary wires
on the small mains transformer. Shrink
short lengths of small diameter heatshrink tubing over the joins and terminate the wires into the three-way
screw terminal on the control shield,
with the white centre tap wire to the
middle terminal.
Next, cut 70cm lengths of red and
black medium-duty hookup wire and
connect them to the DC outputs of
the mains switchmode power supply
mounted on the rear panel. Route these
to the Arduino and connect them to the
DC input terminals on the relay driver
shield. Make sure the red wire goes to
the +12V output and 5-24V DC input
All the wires that run from the back
to the front of the UPS are now in place,
so take this opportunity to tidy them up
using some self-adhesive cable clamps,
P-clamps and a generous number of
cable ties. If any of the cables are too
long, bundle them up using cable ties
so they won’t move.
The remaining eight wires connect
the 12V LED indicators and pushbutton on the front panel to the relay
shield and UPS shield. The button
wires are not polarised but the LED
wires are. Connect these up as shown.
Solder the wires to the LEDs and
button terminals and cover the joints
with heatshrink tubing; clear is best as
this allows you to see which wires go
to the LED anodes and cathodes. The
LEDs may have a small red dot on their
positive (anode) terminal.
When finished, cable tie the bundle of eight wires together and strap
it down.
The wiring is now complete, go back
over your work and closely compare
it to our diagrams and photos to make
sure everything is as it should be. SC
In the third and final article on our UPS next
month, we will test the completed UPS and
explain how to interface it with a computer.
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