Vol.31, No.5; May 2018
Features & Reviews
14 Drone Air Taxis – Autonomous, Pilotless and Soon!
Already trialling in several countries, you’ll soon be able to call up a pilotless
drone taxi from your smartphone. Fares are projected to be not much more
than street taxis but there will be no traffic hang-ups! – by David Maddison
24 Tiny capsule measures, radios your gut gas data
Medical specialists need to know what gases are in your gut – but they are
loathe to operate. Now researchers in Australia have come up with a capsule
that measures gases and radios the info in real time – by Ross Tester
43 LTspice Simulation: Analysing/Optimising Audio Circuits
Continuing our occasional tutorial series to help you understand the very
versatile LTspice simulation software. It’s still available (free!) from new owners,
Analog Devices – by Nicholas Vinen
82 El Cheapo Modules 16: 35-4400MHz frequency generator
Based on the ADF4351 PLL, this <$30 module can produce a signal from
35MHz to 4.4GHz with crystal accuracy. It can even be used as a sweep
generator – by Jim Rowe
Constructional Projects
28 800W (+) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
One of our most exciting projects ever: a build-it-yourself UPS which we believe
isn’t as good as commercial models . . . it’s much better! And if you need even
more grunt, this design allows it – by Duraid Madina and Tim Blythman
36 Multi-use Frequency Switch
Some Drone “Taxis” are still
figments of their proponents’
imagination – but some are
already in testing phase – Page 14
Tiny capsules
pass through
the gut, reading
and sending gas
data as they go
– Page 24
Suffer from blackouts in your office
or home? You need a UPS to ensure
you don’t lose
valuable data.
It’s also the
answer to
power after a
disaster – Page 28
If you need something controlled when it exceeds a certain frequency – up or
down – this superb circuit will do it. Anything that produces a frequency (or can
have a sensor fitted) can be switched – by John Clarke
57 USB Port Protector – just in case!
We thought we’d fried a laptop when something managed to drop onto the
exposed USB port components. We were lucky – but made up this low cost,
mini PCB to guard against “oopses” in the future! – by Nicholas Vinen
70 12V Battery Balancer
12V batteries in series need careful attention to charging if you’re expecting a
long life. This little balancer does it automatically for you and you can even use
them in parallel for extra power handling – by Nicholas Vinen
Your Favourite Columns
63 Serviceman’s Log
I reckon servicemen are cursed – by Dave Thompson
76 Circuit Notebook
(1) 20V, 2.5A adjustable power supply with current limiting
(2) A personal “speedometer” for joggers
(3) Sunset switch to discourage possums and other night visitors!
(4) Adjustable audio low-pass filter
90 Vintage Radio
Zenith Royal 500 “Owl Eye” AM Radio – by Dr Hugo Holden
Everything Else!
2 Editorial Viewpoint
88 Product Showcase
94 SILICON CHIP Online Shop
4 Mailbag – Your
Market Centre
Advertising Index
Notes and Errata
Switch just about any
device if its output
frequency goes above
or below limits which
you set – Page 36.
USB ports can
be fried if
you’re not
(we know!!!).
Be safe with this low-cost
USB Port Protector – Page 57
You can’t simply
charge 12V
batteries in
series as you
would a single
battery – you
need a battery
balancer to ensure
they don’t get out of
balance – Page 70