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Introduction to Programming
˃Cypress’ System on a Chip
A Programmable System on a Chip (PSoC) is much more than
just a microcontroller. It also contains analog circuitry
which can be configured in thousands of different ways,
greatly reducing the external components required. Does it
sound exotic? Well, you can buy a module with one of these
chips for around $6 and be up and programming it within an
hour or so!
˃By Dennis Smith
he CY8CKIT-049-42XX Prototyping Kit is one of the best development platforms available at the moment. It can be used with Cypress'
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with “schematic capture”
This allows you to draw up the circuit configuration that you need, write
some software, then compile it all together, using the very components you
have just placed on your schematic.
The product page for this unit,
with a wealth of documentation and
downloads, is at
This development board is available in Australia for around $6 (at time
of writing) from element14 (2420489)
or Radio Spares (RS 124-4190). The
IDE, complete with compiler and device specific libraries, is totally free
and available for download from the
link above.
PSoC4 details
According to its data sheet: “PSoC
4 is a scalable and reconfigurable
platform architecture for a family of
mixed-signal programmable embedded system controllers with an ARM
Cortex-M0 CPU. It combines programmable and reconfigurable analog and
digital blocks with flexible automatic
“The PSoC 4200 product family,
based on this platform, is a combination of a microcontroller with digital programmable logic, high performance analog-to-digital conversion,
op amps with comparator mode, and
standard communication and timing
Silicon Chip
Its features include:
• 32-bit microcontroller
• Programmable analog and digital circuitry
• Low power 1.71-5.5V operation
• Capacitive button sensing
• Segmented LCD driver
• Serial communication
• Integrated timers and pulse-width
modulation (PWM) generators
• Up to 36 programmable general
purpose I/O pins (GPIOs)
Included with the PSoC kit is a removable USB-to-serial adaptor. It's
visible in the photo of the PCB, at the
left-hand end. The PCB plugs straight
into a USB port for programming. Once
you have finished your project, assuming you don’t need USB communications, this section of the board can be
snapped off and used as a general-purpose USB/serial adaptor.
This adaptor also has the ability to
be used as a USB-to-GPIO device –
just one of the many “hidden gems”
in this design.
Preparing the board
To get started, plug the board into a
USB port on your PC. An orange LED
lights up on the USB/serial adaptor to
indicate that power has been applied.
You should also see a blue LED flashing on the main section of the board,
which indicates that all is well and the
program loaded into the board during
manufacture is running.
Now unplug the board and plug it
back in again but this time, hold down
the button at the end of the board while
you plug it in. Notice how the blue
light now flashes at a faster rate. This
is because the board is now in bootAustralia’s electronics magazine
loader mode. We will use this facility
later to load our program onto it.
But first, you need to download the
IDE (PSoC Creator 4.1, siliconchip. and device-specific files from the bottom of the main
product page above. These additional files are the “USB-Serial Software
Development Kit” (www.cypress.
com/?docID=47673) and the “CY8CKIT-049-42xx Kit Only (Kit Design Files,
Documentation, Examples)” (www.
Note that at the moment, the IDE is
only available for Windows PCs (Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10). The IDE download is 499MB and the device-specific
file is only 15.4MB.
When you elect to download these
files, the download page will ask if
you wish to use the Akamai download
manager. I suggest that you bypass
the download manager (Cypress provide a link for that) since otherwise,
it requires a separate program to be
installed on your PC which remains
there for future downloads. However,
either approach should get you the
files that you need.
Once downloaded, start the installation by double clicking first on the
b3210.exe” file (the name may change
with future updates). Accept the default file installation locations and the
license agreement.
The IDE and compiler support files,
including drivers, will be installed. You
may be prompted to install a Microsoft
.NET Runtime if this isn't already on
your system. Just follow the prompts,
as this is required for the IDE to run.
You will be asked for some contact
details (name, company and e-mail address). You can opt to skip this step by
selecting the “Continue Without Contact Information” checkbox. We recommend that at this stage, you check
the “Launch Update Manager” option,
to ensure you have the latest version
of the software.
Next, double click on the “USBSerialSDKSetup.exe” to install the USB
driver. Finally, double click the “CY8CKIT04942xxSetupOnlyPackage_
revSA.exe” file. Once again, accept
the default file installation locations
and license.
For some bizarre reason, when we
downloaded this file it was named
VirtualBox is a different piece of software entirely! But when we opened
it, it installed the Cypress IDE. This
seems to be a quirk of their download
Our example project
We're going to start off with a premade example project which you can
get up and running easily. The PSoC
IDE has a plethora of other example
projects you can easily test (over 500).
This example project monitors ambient temperature using an NTC thermistor and displays this temperature
on a standard 16x2 alphanumeric LCD.
The next step therefore is to download the demonstration project files
for this article from the Silicon Chip
The package is named “PSoC4_
Thermistor” and is just over
4MB. Having downloaded this, unzip
the contained files to the “PSoC Creator” subdirectory in your Documents
folder. You can place them elsewhere
if you wish but this is the suggested
Navigate to the “PSoC4_Thermister.cydsn” folder inside the files you
unzipped and double-click on the file
named “PsoC4_Thermistor.cyprj”.
This will open PSoC Creator 4.1 IDE
and load the project files automatically. Alternatively open PSoC Creator 4
from the Start Menu, click “Open Existing Project” on the Start page and
navigate to the project folder.
You may be asked to create a MyCypress account at this stage but you
can click the “Register Later” button
to skip it, if you don't want to.
The IDE window should then look
something like the screen grab shown
in Fig.1 below.
If the diagram is not shown, double
click on the “TopDesign.cysch” item at
the top of the left-hand panel.
Now you are ready to put the hardware together. Click on the Page 2 tab
at the bottom of the diagram, this will
display a wiring diagram. We've prepared an easier-to-read version of this
diagram and it's shown in Fig.2.
We recommend that you solder pin
headers along the edges of the PSoC
board and then use jumper leads to
plug them into a breadboard, where
you can arrange the components.
Alternatively, you could simply solder the components onto those pads
directly but that would make it difficult to re-configure the circuit for other
uses. Then the components should be
wired up to the PSoC board as shown
in Fig.2.
Now that you've built the hardware, we need to compile and upload the firmware to the chip for it to
do its thing.
Using PSoC Creator 4.1
The PSoC Creator workspace has
four main areas as shown below:
Fig.1: the main view of the PSoC Creator IDE. After building the code, you will receive a confirmation in the output
window which shows the total flash and SRAM usage. While the photos show version 4.2, it’s functionally identical to 4.1.
Australia’s electronics magazine
October 2018 83
Fig.2: circuit diagram for the thermometer example project,
with the equivalent IDE view shown in Fig.3. Note that you
may want to make the Vdd connection for the thermistor on the
opposite side of the board, in case you want to break off the
USB section.
1. Files and Resources, at centre.
This contains a series of tabs with
open files and resources which can be
viewed and edited. Fig.1 shows four
pages currently open: the Start page,
TopDesign.cysch (the schematic diagram), PSoC4_Thermistor.cydwr (the
Design Wide Resource) and main.c
(where most of our program goes).
2. Component Catalogue, at right. A
tree view list of all components currently available, both internal to the
board (like ADC, Digital functions,
Analog functions etc), and “off-chip”
components such as resistors, capacitors etc. To use a component, you drag
the one you are interested into the Top
Design view.
3. Workspace Explorer, at left. This
is a tree view list of all files in the project. Double-click on a file in this list
to open it for editing. In our example,
only three files need to be edited: Top
Design, Design Wide Resource and
4. Output, at bottom. This panel
shows results of compiling the project
Silicon Chip
such as the compilation time, warnings and errors.
Connecting and configuring
We need to tell the IDE which parts
of the chip we will be using and how
they will interact. This is done by dragging the internal components into the
Top Design view and virtually wiring
them up.
After dragging these components
into place, they need to be assigned
parameters and connected to other
components to form a circuit. To connect them, use the drawing tools to
the left side of the Top Design, just to
the right of the Workspace Explorer.
The “Connect” icon is used to join
the components. The other tools are for
annotating it to improve clarity. They
do not form part of the actual circuit.
You will notice that the lines drawn
using the Connect tool will change
from solid to broken lines (dashes) depending on whether you are connecting internal or external components.
Australia’s electronics magazine
To change the parameters for a component, you double click on it and this
brings up the “Configure Box”. For
each component, there is a data sheet
accessible through a button in this
box. This explains how the component
works, how to change it dynamically
from your code and what each of the
parameters does.
Having opened the sample file, we
suggest you double-click on some of
the components such as the ADC,
Thermistor and LCD and read the
data sheets to get an idea of what's
Most of the time you will be using
external components with the board,
such as a Mosfet to control the brightness of a LED or the speed of a motor.
If you want to use the board's internal functions so that they can interact with the outside world, you need
to assign a pin (or a full port) to that
In the supplied example program,
you will notice labels such as “Vhi”
and “Vlow”. These refer to external
Parts List –
example project
16x2 alphanumeric LCD
1 10kW NTC thermistor
1 10kW resistor
1 10kW potentiometer
Fig.3: schematic diagram for the
example project as shown in the
IDE. You can view this on page
2 of the TopDesign.cysch file as
marked below.
Enlarged view of the circuit layout shown in Fig.1.
This example project (a thermometer) displays the
current temperature, Vdd and Vbat (Solar) values.
Australia’s electronics magazine
October 2018 85
In our example, we have three main
components: the ADC, AMux (analog
multiplexer) which selects which signals are fed to the ADC inputs, and the
LCD controller. The code initialises all
three of these components as follows:
/* Start all the hardware
components required */
Fig.4: the pin configuration used in the example project for the PSoC chip. This
is viewed in the PSoC4_Thermistor.cydwr file under the pins sub-heading.
pins on the chip (a pin being a component from the Cypress Component
If you double-click on the “Pins”
item in the tree under “Design Wide
Resources” (in the Workspace Explorer, at left) you will get a view of the
PSoC chip as shown in Fig.4 above.
This indicates which I/O pins are
available and lets you assign labels to
them; double click on a pin to change
its properties, including the name.
You can also see a list at the right
edge which shows the names assigned to each pin or port. The “\
LCD:LCDPort[6:0]\” entry indicates
that six pins of port P0, starting at pin
0, are assigned to the 16x2 character
LCD. You can check the LCD component data sheet for a description of
what each pin does.
When you add a pin to your schematic diagram, from the Component
Catalog at right, it will be assigned to
one of the pins on the package. If you
aren't happy with its chosen assignment, you can simply drag it to any
other free pin.
Double clicking on a pin in the schematic brings up an impressive list of
options. It can be made into an analog
input, digital input, digital output with
eight different drive methods (including open drain or with a resistor in
Silicon Chip
series with either or both output transistors) or bidirectional. You also can
select which system clock is used to
determine when the input or output
state changes.
For outputs, you can have a separate “output enable” line which allows other parts of the system to enable or disable that pin. In fact, there
are a lot more options for I/O pins than
are available with just about any other
type of microcontroller.
Combining code with the
The aforementioned component
data sheets contains not only details
of the parameters required for the component but also details of the software
commands that can be used to control
the component.
This is the API (Application Program Interface). You will often find
yourself referring to this when writing your own programs.
Examine the contents of main.c by
clicking on the main.c editor tab at top,
or by double clicking “main.c” in the
Workspace Explorer window to open
it. You will see many API calls in the
code. One of the most important is
the Component_Start() function. This
initializes the component and gets it
ready for use.
Australia’s electronics magazine
For those of you that are used to
the Arduino environment, you will
notice there is no “setup” or “loop”
section. This is because PSoC Creator
uses standard ANSI C/C++. All your
code will go into the main() function
with setup code at the top and repeated
code within a for(;;) or while(1) statement block.
The rest of the code first clears the
LCD screen and then measures the
voltage across the thermistor and reference resistor. An API function is called
to obtain the temperature by comparing the two aforementioned voltages.
A string containing the temperature in
degrees Celsius (to two decimal places)
is made and printed to the first line of
the display.
This is followed by measuring and
printing the Vbat value on the second
line of the display, after which it updates this line with the supply voltage
Vdd and keeps alternating between displaying either of the two values with
half second delays between each. This
process repeats indefinitely.
Compiling, linking and
uploading the code
You need to compile and link the C
code before it can be uploaded to the
chip. To do this, click on the build icon
in the tools bar just above the Workspace Explorer window. If all is well
you will see “Build Succeeded...” appear in the Output window, as shown
in Fig.1.
Plug the board into a USB port on
the PC (a USB extension cable comes
in handy for this) while holding down
the programming button at the rear of
the board and make sure the blue light
is flashing rapidly indicating that the
board is in programming mode.
Click on the Tools menu item at the
top of the PSoC Creator main window
and select “Bootloader Host…”; the
window shown in Fig.5 will appear:
Click on the drop-down arrow at the
right-side of the box and make sure the
Fig.5: the programming window which you use to upload your project to the
device. Note you will need the bootloader file which is found in your project's
Fig.6: the log output in the Bootloader Host window when programming is
Fig.7: if programming fails for some reason, an error message will be displayed.
In this case, the wrong COM port was selected.
Australia’s electronics magazine
“Baud:” parameter is set to 115200.
Select the binary file for uploading to
the board by clicking the “…” button
at the right of the “File:” parameter.
Navigate to the “ARM_GCC_541\
Debug\PSoC4_Thermistor.cyacd” file,
which will be located in the “PSoC4_
Thermistor.cydsn” project folder and
click “Open”.
You may see numerous Communications Port entries depending on what
devices are present on your PC but the
bottom one is usually the PSoC board
so select this by clicking on it.
Finally, click the “Program” button
just below the “Actions” menu item.
If programming is successful you will
see something similar to Fig.6. Otherwise, if it fails you will see an error
message as shown in Fig.7.
Check that you get the successful program indication. If programming fails, you may have selected the
wrong Communication Port selected.
Try to find the board in “Devices and
Printers” in the Windows Start menu
to find out which COM port has been
Otherwise, check that the board is
in programming mode by unplugging
it from the computer, and while holding the pushbutton at the end of the
board re-insert it.
Assuming it worked, you should see
the current temperature plus Vdd and
Vbat voltages displayed on the LCD, if
not check your connections.
Also check the datasheet of the particular LCD you are using as there are
different types, some even have the
Vdd and Ground connections reversed.
Also try adjusting the contrast potentiometer from one end to the other.
There is always much to learn when
embarking on a new development
environment but the Cypress PSoC
range of Microprocessor boards and
the PSoC Creator IDE are some of the
most intuitive systems around, and
at a total cost of around $6 (plus components you probably already have in
your parts box) for a board which includes a 32-bit ARM CPU (not 8-bit)
makes the device hard to beat.
In future articles I hope to explore
the PSoC CY8CKIT-059 series of
boards that have more computing power and a USB-to-serial adaptor, which
doubles as a Serial Wire Debug (SWD)
device that enables programming of
the board without needing the Bootloader. It even has real-time single step
debugging of your code.
October 2018 87