Coming up in Silicon Chip
Touchscreen GPS Frequency Reference
This new GPS-disciplined frequency reference has three outputs which can be
programmed to produce just about any frequency from 1.2MHz up to around
100MHz, as well as a disciplined 1pps output. It uses a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator inside an oven for maximum stability.
Designing the Cleverscope CS448
It took more than five years to go from idea to product and designer Bart
Schroder ran into quite a few hurdles along the way, including ICs which didn’t
do what they were supposed to! The end result is a circuit which meets all of
the strict initial design criteria. This is the story of how he achieved that.
Advertising Index
Altronics............................. 68-71
AEE Electronex...................... 41
Cleverscope............................ 46
Control Devices...................... 47
Dave Thompson................... 111
Digi-Key Electronics................. 3
Useless Box
Electrolube............................. 48
We try to design useful devices but here is a project which, if built properly, is
not only totally useless, it’s so advanced that it’s especially useless! Well, maybe
that isn’t strictly true since it provides a source of amusement, especially for kids.
Emona Instruments.............. IBC
Introduction to programming the Cypress CY8CKIT
Jaycar......................... IFC,53-60
This low-cost module incorporates a 32-bit microcontroller and a set of
reprogrammable analog circuitry which can be used for a wide range of tasks.
In this article we show you how to use the CY8CKIT-049 as a thermometer.
Four-channel DC Fan and Pump Controller
An updated speed controller for DC fans and pumps which runs from a 12V
supply, can switch up to 40A of fans and/or pumps based on temperatures
from up to four sensors. It’s configured over a USB interface and can also provide real-time feedback on its operation.
Note: these features are planned or are in preparation and should appear
within the next few issues of Silicon Chip.
The October 2018 issue is due on sale in newsagents by Thursday, September
27th. Expect postal delivery of subscription copies in Australia between September 25th and October 12th.
Notes & Errata
Wide-range Digital LC Meter, June 2018: we forgot to mention in this article that the
software may need to be modified if your I2C LCD module has a different address.
The default address used is 0x27 which suits an I2C board using the PCF8574T
IC and no jumper options set. If your I2C module uses a PCF8574AT IC, you will
need to change that address (on line 14 of the sketch) to 0x3F.
We are in the process of developing a new version of the sketch which will automatically detect the display address. Once we have released that, you should
not need to make any changes regardless of the I2C address your module uses.
Low-cost Automotive Ammeter, Circuit Notebook, June 2018: while not strictly
necessary, it is a good idea to add two 2.2µF 16V Tantalum capacitors, across the
inputs and outputs of the Mornsun Switchmode Converter to reduce hash (see
the data sheet for more details).
El Cheapo Modules 16 – ADF4351 4.4GHz digitally controlled oscillator, May
2018: a reader identified a bug in the code which caused the output frequency to
be wrong in some cases (see the Mailbag section for more details). Revised software is available for download from the Silicon Chip website which fixes this bug.
6GHz+ Touchscreen Frequency Counter, October-December 2017: the power
ground connection for op amp IC9 is made to pin 4 in both the circuit diagram and
on the PCB but it should be to pin 5 instead. This can be fixed after assembling the
board by running a short length of fine wire between pins 4 and 5 of the IC package. This will be fixed in the RevC PCB.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Hare & Forbes.................... OBC
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly... 111
Keysight Technologies............ 49
LD Electronics...................... 111
LEACH Co Ltd........................ 45
LEDsales.............................. 111
Master Instruments................... 5
Mastercut Technologies.......... 44
Microchip Technology.......... 7,77
Mouser................................... 11
Ocean Controls........................ 8
OmberTech........................... 111
PCBcart................................ 31
Rohde & Schwarz................... 51
Silicon Chip Shop......... 104-105
Silicon Chip Subscriptions.... 40
Silicon Chip RTV&H DVD.... 109
TRI Components.................... 39
The Loudspeaker 63
Tronixlabs............................. 111
Vintage Radio Repairs......... 111
Wagner Electronics.................. 9