Temperature Shock Tests, ShockEvent
Test Cabinets from Simultech Australia
Environmental conditions have a
great effect on the functionality and
reliability of electronic components,
devices and systems.
In order to discover latent weaknesses in the shortest possible time,
a typical temperature test is often insufficient; test specimens must be subjected to multiple, abrupt temperature
With Simultech’s temperature shock
test cabinet, extremely rapid temperature changes in the range from -80°C
to +220°C can be implemented.
Simultech Australia Pty Ltd
Industrial Park, 21 Chris Drive,
Lilydale Vic 3140
Tel: (03) 9735 9816
This allows you to reduce the incidence of early failures and increase
the reliability of your products – reproducible, certified and in time lapse.
Simultech’s Environmental Simulation Chambers and Systems are available under the brand names “weis-
NSW Government backs
Digital prescription app
Create secured IoT
endpoints with 32-bit
MCU featuring
chip-level security
With the tremendous growth of IoT nodes, security has become
an afterthought for many designers, increasing the risk of exposing
intellectual property (IP) and sensitive information.
Fortunately, the newly launched SAM L10 and SAM L11 MCU
families from Microchip can help designers plan for security at an
early stage with Arm TrustZone for Armv8-M, a programmable environment that provides hardware isolation between certified libraries, IP and application code.
These MCUs, based on the Arm Cortex-M23 core, feature chiplevel tamper resistance, secure boot and secure key storage that,
when combined with TrustZone technology, protect customer applications from both remote and physical attacks.
The SAM L11 family also includes an on-board cryptographic
module supporting Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Galois
Counter Mode (GCM), Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), as well as a
secure bootloader for secure firmware upgrades.
Both MCU families offer Microchip’s latest generation Peripheral
Touch Controller (PTC) for capacitive touch capability with best-inclass water tolerance and noise immunity, making the devices ideal
for a myriad of automotive, appliance, medical and consumer Human Machine Interface (HMI) applications.
In addition, they provide industry-leading power consumption in
active and all sleep modes with Microchip’s proprietary picoPower
technology. The SAM L10 received a ULPMark score of 405, which
is over 200% better performance than the nearest competitor certified by EEMBC. A power debugger and data analyser tool is available
to monitor and analyse
power consumption in Contact:
real-time and fine tune Microchip Technology Inc
the consumption num- Unit 32, 41 Rawson St Epping NSW 2121
bers on-the-fly to meet Tel: (02) 9868 6733
application needs.
Silicon Chip
stechnik” and “vötschtechnik”.Product highlights include:
• New, eco-friendly refrigerant R449A
• Web-based user interface WEBSeason
Patients will soon be able to receive medical prescriptions from their doctor via a worldfirst smartphone app being developed by startup company
with support
from the NSW
John Barilaro, Deputy Premier, Minister for Small Business, Skills and Regional NSW said
ScalaMed has received a $25,000 Minimum Viable Product grant
from the NSW Government-backed “Jobs for NSW” to develop the
app. This grant supports startups that are yet to generate revenue
to create innovative solutions that address industry needs or market gaps.
When implemented, patients will be able to download the
ScalaMed app and add their doctor to receive prescriptions straight
to their mobiles, including information on their medication and how
to use it. It will also provide digital record keeping for patients, doctors and pharmacists.
ScalaMed founder Dr Tal Rapke, who has worked in medical
wards for 20 years, said his next generation prescription system
represents the future of healthcare. “ScalaMed won’t replace the
need to go to a doctor,” he said.
“Rather, it is the first step in creating consumer-centered healthcare where we can take the hassle out of managing prescriptions.
This system aims to streamline the prescription system and provide efficient digital record-keeping to benefit patients, healthcare
professionals and pharmacists.”
ScalaMed is looking to roll out the app in Australia and the US
and will use blockchain
technology to ensure Contact:
data security and ar- NSW Dept of Industry
tificial intelligence to GPO Box 5477 Sydney NSW 2001
support patients being Tel: (02) 9338 6600
Australia’s electronics magazine