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ISSN 1030-2662
9 771030 266001
The VERY BEST DIY Projects!
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Vol.32, No.8
August 2019
Features & Reviews
14 Fluid logic, Fluidics and Microfluidics
Computers and ‘circuits’ based on fluid flows have been built and used since the
late 1950s – now microfluidics brings even more options – by Dr David Maddison
27 We visit the new “maker hub” concept by Jaycar
It’s unlike any Jaycar store you’ve ever seen. Imagine being able to produce your
own projects using the latest equipment – in the store! – by Tim Blythman
42 Canberra’s Vintage Radio “MegaFest”
Organised by the Historical Radio Society of Australia, the largest display, market
and workshop comes to the national capital in September – by Richard Begbie
68 First look: the new Raspberry Pi 4B
The Pi has been called the “gold standard” in single board computers – now the
4B (with some delicious new features) is becoming available – by Tim Blythman
78 Quantum-dot Cellular Automata
While still mostly theoretical, QCA chips could potentially operate at THz speeds and
with even higher density than the latest CMOS processes – by Sankit R Kassa
Constructional Projects
30 Micromite LCD BackPack Version 3
The most convenient and powerful BackPack yet. It has all the features of the V1
and V2 BackPacks and supports both 2.8in and 3.5in touchscreen displays plus
five new optional features – by Tim Blythman
Is your mailbox constantly chock-a-block full of junk mail, even with a “no junk mail”
sign? This cheap and simple project tells junk mail purveyors – literally – to cease and
desist (or any other message you want to record!) – by Allan Linton-Smith
70 Radio Head Unit Dimmer Adaptor
Very few aftermarket car radio ‘head units’ offer a dimming function. This simple
project adjusts the display and backlighting brightness as you dim your instrument
lights. It can also be used as a simple vehicle voltage interceptor – by John Clarke
84 Discrete Logic Random Number Generator
By combining just a few logic ICs, it is possible to digitally generate a pseudorandom number sequence: very handy if you need some random number
generation (and it will help you understand logic ICs!) – by Tim Blythman
Your Favourite Columns
62 Serviceman’s Log
Remaking a “vintage” guitar FX pedal – by Dave Thompson
90 Circuit Notebook
(1) PICAXE “Knightrider” LED chaser display (2) Voice modulator for sound effects
(3) Arduino LoRa chat terminal with QWERTY keyboard (4) Phantom-powered
microphone over telephone cable (5) AM radio distribution amp
96 Vintage Radio: 1924 RCA AR-812 Superhet
The world’s first commercially available superhet – by Dennis Jackson
Everything Else!
2 Editorial Viewpoint
4 Mailbag – Your Feedback
61 Product Showcase
Market Centre
Advertising Index
Notes and Errata
There’s renewed interest in the notwell-understood field of fluidics and
microfluidics, with some exciting
possibilities ahead – Page 14
We made a
quick visit
to Jaycar’s
new concept
“maker hub”
– and we
came away
very impressed! – Page 27
The new Micromite BackPack V3
now supports
screens and
has many
more cool
features but
costs very little more than
its predecessors – Page 30
Imagine their shock
when they shove
yet another junk mail
flyer in your letterbox – and a hidden
voice tells them to
go away!
– Page 48
It’s only been a year
since the last Raspberry Pi was released. . . and now
there is a brand new
one. Here’s our first
look at the Pi 4B
– Page 68
Does your new
radio Head Unit
blind you at
night? Here’s
how to cure it!
– Page 70
Nicholas Vinen
Technical Editor
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Technical Staff
Jim Rowe, B.A., B.Sc
Bao Smith, B.Sc
Tim Blythman, B.E., B.Sc
Technical Contributor
Duraid Madina, B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD
Art Director & Production Manager
Ross Tester
Reader Services
Ann Morris
Founding Editor (retired)
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Advertising Enquiries
Glyn Smith
Phone (02) 9939 3295
Mobile 0431 792 293
Regular Contributors
Dave Thompson
David Maddison B.App.Sc. (Hons 1),
PhD, Grad.Dip.Entr.Innov.
Geoff Graham
Associate Professor Graham Parslow
Ian Batty M.Ed.
Brendan Akhurst
Silicon Chip is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. ACN 626 922 870. ABN 20
880 526 923. All material is copyright ©. No part of this publication
may be reproduced without the written
consent of the publisher.
Subscription rates: $105.00 per year,
post paid, in Australia.
For overseas rates, see our website
or email silicon<at>
Editorial office:
Unit 1 (up ramp), 234 Harbord Rd,
Brookvale, NSW 2100.
Postal address: PO Box 139,
Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Phone (02) 9939 3295.
E-mail: silicon<at>
ISSN 1030-2662
* Recommended & maximum price only.
Printing and Distribution:
Editorial Viewpoint
Jaycar Maker Hubs bring great
We have featured Jaycar’s new Maker Hub on our
front cover this month because we’re excited about the
possibilities that it opens up for our readers.
For some time now, we’ve been aware of the popularity of 3D printers but have been reluctant to design
projects which require 3D printed parts because inevitably, some people who wanted to build those projects
would not have access to a 3D printer. We could supply 3D printed parts,
like we do laser-cut acrylic pieces, but that would require a significant investment of time and effort.
But now you can join Jaycar’s free Nerd Perks program, rock up to their
Maker Hub at Broadway and use one of their 3D printers to print just about
anything you want at quite low cost.
And if the Sydney Hub is successful, we expect that more will open up,
with at least one in every capital city – and ideally at least two or three in
Sydney and Melbourne.
That will mean that we can start using 3D printed parts in our designs,
confident that readers have a relatively easy and inexpensive way to produce them, even if they don’t have access to a 3D printer themselves. And
as they will soon have a laser cutter too, that means you can make custom
versions of our case pieces and so on (eg, in a different colour).
The Maker Hubs should also be a great way to meet with and help (or get
help from) other like-minded individuals, many of whom would also be
And as we’ve written in the introduction article (pages 27-29), we hope to
host the occasional Q&A/tutorial sessions at our local Maker Hub.
New Micromite V3 BackPack will be the standard
The various versions of the Micromite LCD BackPack have been very
popular since the first one was described by Geoff Graham in our February
2016 issue. The two main reasons for this great popularity – all around the
world – are the colour touchscreen and the ease of programming and interacting with the touchscreen that MMBasic provides.
Once we’d designed the V3 BackPack, utilising the much higher resolution 3.5-inch touchscreen module, I was quite surprised to find that we
could supply a kit for this new version for only a few dollars more than the
V2 BackPack, which is itself only slightly more expensive than the original
BackPack, despite having an onboard USB/serial converter and programming interface.
So given that you get a much nicer screen and more convenience for a
relatively modest increase in price, I’m sure the new V3 BackPack kit will
be the one to use from now on.
We will continue to supply the V1 and V2 BackPack kits with the smaller 2.8-inch screen, but I don’t see us designing many projects around them
any more.
The 3.5-inch screen is much clearer than the old one, and the BackPack
with it still fits into a UB3 Jiffy Box. The new laser-cut lid is a little bit of a
neater fit too, as it recesses inside the box itself, rather than sitting on top.
The V3 BackPack also has provision for several different onboard ‘helper’ modules and chips, most of which we can supply via our Online Shop,
which makes it an excellent platform for experimentation and building simple microcontroller-based projects.
Check out the article, starting on page 30, for more details.
Nicholas Vinen
Derby Street, Silverwater, NSW 2148.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 3
your feedback
Letters and emails should contain complete name, address and daytime phone number. Letters to the Editor are submitted on the condition that
Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd may edit and has the right to reproduce in electronic form and communicate these letters. This also applies to
submissions to “Ask Silicon Chip”, “Circuit Notebook” and “Serviceman”.
Fluidics and the human eye
I notice that you are publishing an
article by Dr Maddison on fluidics in
this issue. One area not widely talked
about is “Phaco Fluidics”. This is the
control of the microfluidic environment inside the eye during cataract
surgery. The machines which control
this are called “Phaco Machines”.
I designed and built the only Phaco Machine ever made in Australia.
Most Ophthalmologists (like myself)
buy these from the USA, Germany, Japan etc. In the process of doing this, I
wrote a book on the physics of fluidics.
Interestingly, much of microfluidics can be modelled with electrical
equivalent circuits using SPICE. I got
permission from Anasoft in the UK to
use their software for this application.
There is no existing hydraulic software that can do it because the energy
storage by elastic structures, fluidic
inertia and transient effects are not
well modelled in the usual hydraulic software.
In any case, the story of the Phaco Machine and the Fluidics eBook
(available as a free PDF download) is
on one of my websites:
Dr Hugo Holden,
Maroochydore, Qld.
Suggestions for expanded RF Signal
Generator project
The AM/FM/CW Scanning Signal
Generator project by Andrew Woodfield in the June & July 2019 issue
( is a
simple but very capable and elegant
design. It offers excellent performance
with a low parts count, small dimensions, low power consumption, simple construction, state of the art technology and very low cost. Yes, it ticks
many boxes!
Modulated RF signal generator projects from all sources have been very
few and far between in recent years,
so my congratulations to Andrew and
Silicon Chip for making this project
possible. Given the solid basis of the
design, may I suggest some ideas for
an enhanced Mk2 version as follows:
• RF output ALC (automatic level control) to ensure stability of the
RF level across its frequency ranges,
and to ensure the output signal level
remains calibrated at any frequency
and any stepped/variable attenuator
• A calibrated, stepped/variable RF
output level attenuator, calibrated in
volts/millivolts/microvolts/dB microvolts/relative dB.
• Adequate shielding of RF signal
hardware, including attenuator, to
minimise RF leakage into the device
under test such that, hopefully, a selected RF output signal down to say
2-3µV is possible.
• A constant 50W output impedance
regardless of the stepped/variable attenuator settings.
• Multiple touch-buttons to allow
immediate selection of the desired
AM/FM/CW/Scanning mode/submode options. These buttons could
step through the parameters associated with their particular modes, simplifying the selection of the menus of
• The ability to toggle the modulation on/off at the easy touch of a button for the AM and FM modes, with
an on/off indicator.
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• The ability to toggle the RF output on/off at the easy
touch of a button, with an on/off indicator.
I realise these ideas would add to the complexity of the
instrument, but they will also add significantly to its performance and capability.
Graeme Dennes,
Bunyip, Vic.
Andrew Woodfield responds: Thanks for the ideas, Graeme. Some others are noted at the end of Part 2, in the July
issue. Improved attenuators can be added if suitable parts
can be found.
Better screening is more difficult and requires metalwork
often beyond the average reader, but µV-level tests are possible with the current design (with care). ALC and extra on/
off switches will be considered for a future updated design.
Digital radio before DAB+
The DAB+/FM/AM Radio project in your January, February & March 2019 issues (
has rightly generated much interest, including from me. But
I’m writing in because of another article in the February
2019 issue, on the BWD 216A hybrid bench power supply. It was of both nostalgic and historical interest to me.
Attempts for Australian digital radio broadcasting are
not new and in fact, go back to the heyday of BWD and
Australian electronic manufacturing in the early 1970s.
My first job in Australia (I arrived in 1973) was at AWA
at North Ryde, in the research department as a technician. BWD was an unfamiliar brand of test equipment to
me and in the following years, I used many examples of
their equipment
104 Silicon
My primary job was to assist with a digital frequency
synthesiser being developed for military communications,
for a system somewhat similar to an analog mobile phone.
The prototype circuit had to be able to be ‘microchipped’,
which AWA was capable of at that time. AWA was also
making experimental optical fibre and I was required to
come up to speed on this new technology.
At that time, the Australian government was considering introducing stereo radio. It had tried using the standard
VHF FM system some years earlier, but that was later abandoned. AWA proposed a digital UHF system; I guess hoping that it would be used Australia-wide and they would
have a head start in receiver manufacture.
As we know, the government opted to go back to the
standard FM system we are now slowly phasing out in favour of DAB+. My senior engineer and I were involved in
some work on the Australian non-standard VHF TV channels, and the possible reallocation of these channels to accommodate the proposed new systems.
Whilst there are some notable exceptions of Australian advanced electronic manufacturing, such as CEAFAR phasedarray 3D radar and the like, electronics on a grassroots level
has all but disappeared. Perhaps Dr Maddison should write
an article on CEAFAR and other current significant Australian electronic projects. Australia needs all the push it can
get to reestablish advanced manufacturing work!
Kelvin Jones,
Kingston, Tas.
RF Signal Generator 6m amateur band gap
Congratulations on a potentially most useful project in
the AM/FM/CW Scanning HF/VHF RF Signal Generator.
However, it is unfortunate that there is a gap in frequency
coverage, particularly when the gap covers the 6m amateur band, making the Signal Generator of somewhat limited use for many radio amateurs.
And one questions the use of an SMA connector rather
than the more robust industry standard BNC, which still
operates perfectly satisfactorily at 150MHz.
Antony Bell,
Broadview, SA.
Andrew Woodfield responds: you make a valid point about
the generator’s coverage. The design does provide continuous coverage up to 150MHz, including all of the 6m band.
The generator cannot meet the claimed specifications
on some frequencies; for example, around 62.5MHz (half
the 125MHz DDS clock frequency) and from 120-130MHz,
where the output level falls sharply.
But it does still provide useful CW, AM and FM outputs
across the 6m band. Most amateur receivers will cheerfully
reject the aliasing products. However, users would need to
take much greater care with testing, especially with sensitivity and blocking measurements, as well as basic alignment.
Substituting an AD9851 module and using a higher clock
frequency would improve this, but that would make its performance worse at the low-frequency end. That’s still an
option, as the alternative filter on the circuit diagram suggests. The software does not currently support the AD9851
module, but if there is sufficient demand, a modified version of the software could be made available.
A BNC connector was considered and in fact, the second
prototype was built with one, but the lightweight generator
was routinely pulled around the bench by the heavy BNC
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Silicon Chip
coaxial cable tail! The SMA connector
solved that problem and also made it
cheaper and easier to build. The PCB
provides space for other connectors to
be fitted, with care.
SMA connectors are becoming
something of a standard for amateur
(and professional) equipment in recent
years. They are significantly less expensive and more compact than BNC
and many other types. I use both interchangeably on my bench, along with
N-type and, occasionally, the PL-259/
SO-239 types.
Despite my initial reluctance to use
them, I quickly found SMA easier to
use and more reliable in practice for
testing than BNCs. When using the
generator with BNC equipment, I use
a low-cost, 300mm-long SMA-to-BNC
RG-213 cable tail on the generator output. It also limits the generator excursions about the bench.
You can get SMA/BNC connector
adapters, but I find them less useful.
They can place an undesirable lateral
strain on SMA connectors. Both cable
tail and adapter options are available
for less than $3 online.
All-in-one Time Domain Reflectometry
(TDR) device
Congratulations for your continuing
excellence in the projects presented by
Silicon Chip magazine.
I was browsing through some backissues and came across the Dead-easy
Superhet DDS IF Alignment project
from September 2017 (siliconchip., which was
based on the Micromite LCD BackPack with a touchscreen. This made
me think about a project where such
a similar device could be used to detect cable faults.
The TDR Dongle for Fault Finding from the December 2014 issue
( is
great, as it allows you to figure out
where along a transmission line a fault
has occurred. It does this by injecting
a signal, and you then look at the delay and shape of the ‘echo’ from the
fault (open/short/kink/etc).
But you need a scope to use it, and
that can be really inconvenient if the
cable is in a conduit, or buried in the
ground, or just too long to drag into
your lab.
How about instead designing a new
TDR device using the Micromite LCD
BackPack, so that you just plug it in
and away you go? I feel the MicroAustralia’s electronics magazine
mite and the touchscreen combination would be an ideal way to provide
such a facility.
William Spedding,
Lake Cathie, NSW.
Response: that is an excellent idea,
especially when you consider the updated Micromite LCD BackPack V3
published in this issue on page 30,
with its larger and higher-resolution
screen, which would do a great job of
showing the TDR waveforms.
A Battery Isolator which doesn’t
exactly isolate
I just read your High Current Dual
Battery Isolator project article in
the July 2019 issue of Silicon Chip
Some time ago, I bought a commercial isolator unit and about the first
thing I noticed was that there was only
isolation from the charging side to the
load when off. There was an inherent
diode connection from the load back
to the main terminal, so current could
flow from an auxiliary battery back to
the starting battery.
That’s not good, particularly when
starting, as the starting battery voltage can drop significantly, causing
quite a bit of current to flow through
the isolator in reverse. As a result, I
now only use that unit as a low battery cut-out.
It’s good to see that Bruce Boardman was aware of this problem and
designed the circuit accordingly, although I haven’t quite worked out
how current can flow either way in a
Mosfet. As a result, I am tempted to
build that unit.
By the way, what happened to
the new beaut linear power supply
you were advertising as coming next
month a few times, several months
ago? Keep up the good work.
Brian Playne,
Toowoomba, Qld.
Response: The easiest way to think of
a power Mosfet is as a diode in parallel with a variable resistance. When
the Mosfet is off, the resistance is very
high, and when it is on, it is very low.
So current can always flow in one
direction when it’s off (with significant
losses, as the body diode is not terribly
efficient), and when it’s on, the channel effectively shorts the diode out
(except perhaps if the channel resistance and current are relatively high),
so current can flow through it in either direction.
The body diode is reversed in Pchannel Mosfets compared to N-channel, as is the gate-source voltage polarity (positive to switch an N-channel
on, negative to switch a P-channel on).
Regardless of type, if you connect a
pair of power Mosfets drain-to-drain
or source-to-source, the body diodes
will face in opposite directions and
the resulting structure can block or allow current flow in both directions, although the total resistance and therefore heating/losses are doubled.
Regarding the linear power supply,
we are still working on it. It has taken
a bit longer than expected, but we’re in
the process of building what will hopefully be the final prototype. Assuming
that works well, the first article on the
new Bench Supply should appear in
the October issue or thereabouts.
Note that the “Coming up in Silicon
Chip” section of the magazine does not
promise that the articles mentioned
will be in the next issue. It says “Note:
these features are planned or are in
preparation and should appear within the next few issues of Silicon Chip”.
Admittedly, in this case, it has been a
while since the new project was first
Household Earthing can be
dangerously inadequate
For a long time, I have known the
importance of plumbing to the electrical Earth (MEN) system, and I believe
Silicon Chip even wrote about it. I remember that it was mentioned that
plumbers often use jump cables when
cutting pipe in the roof and changing
water meters to avoid electrocution.
The other day, I had a burst main
pipe from the meter to house. When
I located the leak and dug it up for
the plumber, I found that the copper
pipe from the meter was joined to a
PVC pipe 1.5m from the meter, which
then re-connects to a copper pipe further on.
I have the normal Earth wire which
is fixed to an outside tap and a stake
into the dry sand. To me, this is not a
brilliant idea, and I guess this is why
I get a tingle at times when barefoot
on the bathroom tiles. The plumber
told me that my installation is legal
and the electrician told me it should
be OK. But I do worry about the impedance of dry sand.
This inadequate way of doing things
may have been a factor in the accident
in Heathridge. Electrical safety is a
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
priority and must be taken seriously.
Howard Maddaford,
Wanneroo, WA.
Nicholas responds: You are right that
this has been discussed in the magazine in the past. You are probably
thinking of Leo’s article in the August
2014 issue, “Your House Water Pipes
Could Electrocute You!” (siliconchip. It was also the
topic of his editorial in that same issue.
Leo’s follow-up editorial in the September 2014 issue (
au/Article/7993) is particularly relevant to your situation.
My suggestion is to get a friendly
plumber to replace that PVC pipe
with copper, or get a thick copper wire
to bridge the gap (or even several),
securely clamped to the pipe at both
ends. As you say, depending on the
type of soil, the Earth stake can’t
always be relied on to provide a low
resistance connection.
My Earth stake at home is buried in
concrete. I wonder how effective it is,
given that the concrete must limit rainwater reaching the soil below.
Magazine price hasn’t changed in years
Dear Silicon Chip Staff, thank you
for the great range of electronic projects and topics covered in your magazine. Over the years, I’ve built many
of your audio/visual projects. Including the DAB+ Tuner kit and the fantastic sounding Majestic speaker, deleting the tweeter and turning it into
an awesome sub-woofer powered by
the CLASSiC-D amplifier kit.
While I don’t always have an immediate need for many of your projects at
the time of publication, I find myself
frequently referencing your magazines
for a past project to meet a new need.
Sometimes, the project will date back
ten or so years ago.
I’m thinking of building the WiFi
Water Tank Level Meter from the February 2018 issue (
Article/10963), but there are some aspects of the earlier November 2007
Water Tank Meter project that better
suit my particular needs.
Being able to read the articles for
an understanding of the technologies
used tremendously assists me in deciding if a project is suitable.
For me, the main attraction of both
these kits is being able to monitor multiple tanks, which is something I’ve
not seen in readily available mass-produced units. So thank you for having
the foresight to include this feature. It’s
almost like you knew I would need it
even before I did.
When looking through my library of
back-issues, I noticed that the last time
you had a price increase was March
2013. Even then, the cover price only
went up by 65¢.
So another round of congratulations
for maintaining the value readers get
for such a long time. Hopefully, this
is something which can continue for
a while yet before things like rising
power prices force a review.
I sincerely mean every word of
thanks. Over thirty years, your magazine has developed my electronics
knowledge, facilitated the enjoyment
of my hobby and enhanced my lifestyle through useful projects.
Tim Herne,
Batehaven, NSW.
Response: as you say, costs have risen
significantly over the six and a half
years since the last price increase.
We’ve done everything possible to
avoid having to put up the price again.
We don’t want to lose any readers
and like to think that the magazine is
good value. Not only have we kept the
price the same, but we’re providing
readers with more content than ever;
most issues these days are 112 pages,
despite the number of ads remaining
much the same as before.
But eventually, we will have to increase the price to stay in business.
We will try to put that off for as long
as possible.
EA magazines being given away
As I am downsizing, I have to unload
a complete collection of Electronics
Australia magazines from 1979 until
its descent into oblivion about 2004,
and Silicon Chip since then. I’m also
giving away other miscellaneous items
of electronic literature. They are yours
free of charge if you’re willing to collect them in the Geelong area.
Charles Close,
Geelong, Vic.
Editor’s note: interested readers can
e-mail us and we will pass it on to
New DIY digital oscilloscope kit
Readers who were intrigued by Jim
Rowe’s article about the JYE Tech
DSO138 Oscilloscope in the April
2017 issue (starting on page 53, see:
may be interested to know that an im12
Silicon Chip
proved version is now available. It is
the DSO150, and it also comes in kit
form. Like its predecessor, it is also
available from Banggood in China and
costs the same at around $30.
While the heart of the instrument
(the software) is clearly the same,
the appearance and functionality is a
vast improvement. Instead of the ugly
transparent acrylic case, it is enclosed
in a smaller moulded case which is
quite attractive. The vertical sensitivity is now selected in software instead
of by those two fiddly slide switches;
there are now 12 steps from 5mV/div
to 20V/div.
It is more user-friendly to make adjustments. Instead of having to press
the SEL button multiple time to move
the parameter selection anti-clockwise
around the display, you just press one
of three buttons and then make the adjustment with a rotary control. In other
words, it works more like a full size
(and full price) DSO.
The performance is the same as the
DSO138; frequency response is flat to
100kHz (not 200kHz as claimed). The
-3dB bandwidth is 150kHz, but aliasing precludes accurate waveforms
above 100kHz.
Ross Stell,
Kogarah, NSW.
DMM test leads can have high
I tried to measure the power consumption of a 3W LED power circuit
recently and the difference between
the presence and absence of a digital
ammeter measuring current consumption at 1W output was some 50mA;
far worse than the ammeter’s “burden
voltage” described by Rodger Bean
Australia’s electronics magazine
(thanks, Rodger) in Circuit Notebook,
December 2018 (
It then struck me that there must be
additional and significant resistance in
the DMM leads to produce such a difference. I have a capacitor ESR meter
(MESR-100 100kHz In-Circuit Tester)
which is also capable of accurately
measuring low resistances from virtually zero up to 100W.
So I measured the resistances of all
the DMM and other test leads I possess (some 20 in all). Most measured
between 0.5W and 0.8W. So two leads
would have a series resistance of as
much as 1.5W, possibly more.
Even the high-quality silicone-covered leads of my prize possession, a
new Digitech QM1323 meter, measured around 0.6W each, for a total of
Resistance understandably increases with lead length, and at 900mm,
some of the commercial leads are too
long in my opinion. The lowest resistances I measured of 0.14-0.15W were
of the shortest leads, around 200mm
long. Part of the problem is the relatively thick insulation required to meet
the voltage ratings, and make the leads
sufficiently robust, leaving little room
for copper inside.
So I think anyone making this type
of measurement should buy or make
short, high-quality test leads and remember to take their resistance into
account when measuring current, and
the effect that has on the voltage across
the device under test.
Colin O’Donnell,
Adelaide, SA.
Response: the test lead resistance can
indeed be orders of magnitude higher
than the shunt resistance in an ammeter. For example, if you’re charging a
sizeable lead-acid battery from a power supply set to 14.4V using regular
clip leads, the battery terminal voltage can be well below 14V until the
charging current drops significantly
due to lead resistance. The leads can
get pretty warm, too!
Electronic medical records have
Congratulations on the quality of
Silicon Chip magazine. At 83, I can no
longer compete in soldering competitions, but Silicon Chip enables me to
keep up with what is happening in
electronics. Thank you very much!
In January 2018, we were cut across
to the NBN (FTTN). Our home security
system was connected to the terrestrial
phone line, and had been reliable, but
was beginning to give the occasional
false alarm. The system dated back to
the mid-90s, so was due for a major
The security company told us that
our old system was not compatible
with their new methods of networking
post-NBN, so we upgraded. The new
system seems to be quite reliable after
almost 12 months’ service. It is totally
wireless, that is, the internal motion
sensor connections and the connection back to the base in Sydney are
all wireless, and so far as I am aware,
outside the NBN.
I agree with other correspondents
that there are dangers inherent in the
giving over of personal information to
third parties, but there are advantages
too. Around fifteen years ago, my wife
had hip surgery. This meant she had
scans, anaesthesia, sedation and things
like blood grouping done. This info
was kept in the ACT health database.
Some years later, on New Year’s Day
(a public holiday), she had a tumble
while out walking and broke an ankle,
quite seriously. She told me later that
she was aware while in the ambulance
that the ambos had all that information available in the vehicle. It made
processing her case through A&E very
fast, and sold us on the value of health
She was able to communicate and
confirm details, but what if she had
been unconscious after a more serious accident? The availability of this
information could have been critical.
Bruce Bowman.
Canberra, ACT.
New Battery Capacity Meter suggested
My son is setting up his ute for
camping. Who isn’t? He is fitting an
auxiliary battery and has been looking at the various battery managers
on eBay. It seems there are all permutations and combinations available.
What I think would be an interesting
project would be a measuring ‘head’
attached to the battery, which would
measure current and voltage. A PIC
could then keep track of the current
flowing in and out and calculate the
residual capacity, for example. This
data could then be sent via Bluetooth
to a mobile phone for data readout.
Peter Trigg,
Montrose, Vic.
Response: we published a Battery Capacity Meter in the June & July 2009
issues (,
but while it worked, it was a bit of a
monster. It’s definitely a concept worth
revisiting, but it could take quite a lot
of development work. Don’t expect to
see a revised design until the beginning
of next year at the earliest.
NBN critics missing the point
I find the ongoing criticism of the
FTTN version of the NBN surprising.
We have had FTTN NBN for a year
through a stock-standard basic Telstra plan and have had entirely reliable 50/38Mbps where the node is a
minimum 500m from our home (the
end of the overhead cable run).
This demonstrates that FTTN is a
more than adequate technology and so
any difficulties experienced are either
fault-conditions or unrelated to FTTN
(and therefore not a justification for
inclusion in the FTTN/FTTP debate).
Further, I question the many demands that require FTTP to facilitate
“working from home” when such
“working from home” has, to my decades of experience, been well-served
by borderline ADSL (our previous service) and a web browser linking to the
Few “working from home” scenarios would require anything more than
a ‘thin client’ type service (providing
only a view of the screen with a keyboard/mouse back-channel), and those
who might wish to move massive volumes of information that might justify
FTTP can justify paying a few thousand dollars for a custom installation.
I also note that many of the criticisms of the current FTTN NBN come
from areas serviced by the rural-level
of service – an area that was not, even
under Labor’s grandiose plan for the
NBN, going to get 100Mbps. Yet the
complaints about the LNP version of
the NBN (the FTTN bit) continue to
abound even though those rural areas are still getting the service that Labor planned.
Such complaints are therefore a
misrepresentation of the issues and
an unfair criticism of the LNP’s efforts to make yet another Labor fiasco
actually work.
It is long past time that the true differences between the Labor and LNP
versions of the NBN were fully documented and the actual relative cost
calculated. I note that despite having
Australia’s electronics magazine
many installations completed before
the 2013 election, Labor refused to release figures on cost-per-installation.
It is time that those figures were released and an accurate comparison
John Evans,
Macgregor, ACT.
Nicholas responds: I agree that arguments over whether FTTN is better
than FTTP and so on are pointless,
as it isn’t the “last mile” technology
that’s the problem.
From the day the NBN was announced, my criticism has been that
it put too much emphasis on these
user connections and not enough on
the backbones, which were already
congested in 2007. Giving users faster connections only made that worse.
You’re right that ADSL is probably
good enough for working from home,
giving a reasonably symmetrical connection.
The biggest flaw with ADSL is that
it allocates too much bandwidth for
downloading and not enough for uploading; uploading then severely interferes with the ACK packets needed
for downloading, so uploads are not
only slow but they can cause the connection to grind to a halt.
NBN FTTN is essentially a VDSL2
service which solves this by having a
much more symmetrical bandwidth
allocation, eg, 50Mbits down/20Mbits
We were forced onto the NBN at our
office about a year ago, and while it’s
faster sometimes, overall it’s slower
than our old ADSL connection. It’s not
the line that’s the problem; it’s the network congestion which is getting out
of hand. The line is fast but the congestion is so bad that latency is poor;
DNS lookups are slow, and as a result,
web pages load like treacle.
I don’t see the point in trying to allocate blame. The NBN was poorly
conceived, and it was clear from day
one that it was never going to reach
the stated performance goals without
a massive blowout in cost. I predicted
on the day it was announced that it
would cost at least $100 billion all up
(when they said $43 billion). I reckon
I wasn’t far off.
The question now is how to overcome these problems, and in my opinion, the only solution is an extensive
(and expensive) overhaul of the backbones, including international links, to
handle the increased traffic.
August 2019 13
You have probably heard about the mechanical computers built before
the electronic age. But did you know that computers and ‘circuits’
based on fluid flows have been built and used since the late 50s? You’ve
probably used one; until recently, most automatic transmissions used
oil-pressure logic to select gears. And now “microfluidics” brings more
options for logic and analog signal processing.
Fluid logic, Fluidics
and Microfluidics
Ordinary hydraulic devices such as
luid logic, known as “fluidics”, “fluidic oscillators”. Electrical or elechydraulic cylinders are not considered
was a concept that came about tronic implementation of these same
to be fluidic devices.
during the late 1950s and was functions would be expensive, comThe initial motivation for developheavily researched in the 60s and 70s. plicated and require electrical wiring.
ing these devices was due to the Cold
Like electronics, these devices have no
Certain windscreen washer nozzles
War. There was pressure between the
moving parts; they use fluids (liquids generate a moving spray pattern using
West and the Soviet Bloc to produce deor gases) to perform similar functions fluidic effects; “flapless” aircraft convices that were resistant to the effects
to the electrons in electronics.
trol systems also use fluidics.
of electromagnetic pulses and raTypically, the fluid moves through
diation from nuclear explosions.
channels etched or machined in
Fluidics offered a solution to
a solid block of material, such as
this problem (see Figs.2-5).
metal or plastic.
Later, these devices were
The functions provided can
adopted for more peaceful uses
be analog or digital in nature.
due to their robustness, in apFor example, a fluidic device
plications such as industrial
could provide amplification
(analog) or perform boolean
But with the rapid developlogic operations (digital).
ment of military and civilianDevices that incorporate
grade electronics that could
fluidics and also use moving
withstand the effects of nuclear
parts, such as valves or elecwar and the rigours of industry,
tronics, are known as hybrid
they became mostly obsolete
some time in the 1970s, and few
As mentioned above, the
people know of them today.
example you’re most likely
Fluidics is considered to have
to be familiar with is an austarted in what is now known as the
tomatic transmission; the conArmy Research Laboratory in Marytrolling ‘valve body’ is a hybrid
land, USA.
device – see Fig.1.
Fig.1: the valve body from an automotive automatic
In 1957, Billy M. Horton inOther examples of fluidic
transmission. The numerous passages that are filled with
vented the fluidic amplifier
devices in widespread use totransmission fluid work as a fluidic computer, to make
day are devices that provide decisions as to when or if to shift gear and to direct fluid, (then called fluid amplification).
pulsating streams of water, as
via valves, into the appropriate clutch pack or band
In 1959, Horton and colused in some shower heads servo. Newer automatic transmissions are controlled by
leagues R. E. Bowles and Ray
and hot tub jets which employ
a computer using solenoids in the valve body.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
By Dr David Maddison
Wyss Institute of Harvard
University’s “lung on a chip”
which mimics the mechanical and
biochemical behaviours of a human
lung. It is intended to replace
animals in drug and toxin testing
and other lung-related research.
See the video titled “Wyss Institute
Human Lung-on-a-Chip”
Warren developed a range of such devices, and this attracted widespread
industrial and military interest.
There are earlier patents on fluidic
amplifiers from the 1930s and 1940s,
but these attracted little attention at
the time.
The development of fluidic systems
peaked in the 1960s and 1970s, and
NASA produced a list shown of systems that had been successfully imple-
Fig.2: a fluidic ‘integrated circuit’
logic device (stepper motor actuator)
for a nuclear rocket motor from a
1972 NASA document. Fluidics was
chosen for this device as it was to be
placed next to the nuclear fuel in a
high radiation and heat area.
mented as of 1972 – see Table 1.
Compared to electronic devices of
the time, fluidic devices were slow
and operated at no more than a few
They were smaller than equivalent
electromechanical components such as
solenoids and relays, but much larger
than electronic equivalents.
In practice, no more than three fluidic elements could be connected in a
Fig.3: an exploded view of the
stepper motor actuator shown
in Fig.2.
Australia’s electronics magazine
chain, but they were very robust compared to electronics of that era.
Apart from some niche applications
for traditional fluidics, which are described below, there has in recent times
(since the 1980s) been a revival of interest in fluidics. But interest is now in a different area, known as “microfluidics”.
Microfluidics is mostly used in biotechnology, but also in some other areas. It involves the manipulation of tiny
Fig.4: details
of one of the
fluidic components of the
logic circuit
– a pulse
– shown in
Figs.2 & 3.
August 2019 15
Most fluidic amplifying or control
devices have four basic elements: a
supply port, an output port, a control port and an interaction region
(see Fig.6).
In terms of a vacuum tube equivalent, these elements would be, in order, the cathode, plate, grid and the
interelectrode region. With greater device complexity, there may be
more ports.
The behaviour of the fluidic device
is governed by the types of fluid dynamic phenomena that occur in the
interaction region.
The three main types of effects that
occur are:
1) Jet interaction, where an unconstrained stream of fluid (the supply
jet) is influenced by a control flow
which moderates it.
2) Surface interaction, where the supply jet interacts with a surface. This
includes the Coandå effect, which
refers to the tendency of a stream of
fluid near a surface to attach to that
surface and to remain in contact
with it, even though the direction
of the surface is different from the
initial flow of the stream.
3) Vortex flow, in which a vortex, or
tendency to form one, influences the
device function.
Fig.7(a) shows an example of a logic
device that uses jet interaction. It is an
AND/XOR logic gate.
The output of an AND gate is high
(on) if both inputs are high (on) while
the output of an XOR gate is high (on)
if one input is high (on) and the other
is low (off).
The first picture shows the device
with no fluid. At the top there are two
channels; one is for the supply and
the other may be considered the control channel. In the middle, there is a
“bucket” which forms the AND gate.
It collects (or doesn’t collect) streams
of fluid and has its own output connection. At the bottom of the device,
there is another output to collect (or
not) a stream of fluid, and this is the
XOR gate output.
Fig.7(b) shows how, with fluid applied to one of the inputs but not both,
it can pass through to the output at
the bottom, giving the correct result
for an XOR gate.
But as shown in Fig.7(c), if both
input streams contain fluid, the two
streams collide and the fluid is col-
Fig.6: an idealised representation of
the basic parts of a fluidic device.
The output of the device is dependent
upon what happens in the interaction
region. Source: NASA.
Fig.5: a close-up of the power
amplifier plate, “Power amplifier D”
from the NASA fluidic integrated
circuit (Figs.2-4). Note the scale.
amounts of liquid, typically in the picolitre (10-12l) to microlitre (10-6l) range.
To visualise a picolitre, it is the volume of a cube measuring just 0.01mm
on each side!
Examples of microfluidic devices
include “labs on a chip”, DNA microarrays, inkjet printer heads and some
micropropulsion devices for miniature spacecraft.
Basic principles of fluidics
Fluidics utilises the interaction of
gas or liquid streams in appropriately
etched or otherwise shaped constraining structures.
These can provide sensing, computing, amplifying and controlling functions, generally without moving parts.
These devices are therefore simple, robust and reliable.
Fig.7: a fluidic logic AND/XOR logic gate, using jet interaction. If one of the input streams contains fluid but not the other,
that fluid flows out the bottom. But if both streams contain fluid, they collide and collect in the upper bucket, and exit
through the separate hose. Source: Paulo Blikstein.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
¦P = 0
Fig.9: a wall attachment fluidic
amplifier. Source: J.W. Joyce and R.N.
Gottron, US Army, HDL-SR-77-6.
Fig.10 (above): a microchannel fluidic
diode (note the scale). The diode
element is the chain of triangular
channels. The direction of highest
flow resistance is from right to left,
which may seem counter-intuitive.
Nikola Tesla patented a similar device
called the Tesla valve in 1920. Source:
Graydon Yoder et al, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, ORNL/TM-2011/425.
¦P = 0
Fig.8: a jet deflection fluidic proportional amplifier. Source: J.W. Joyce and
R.N. Gottron, US Army, HDL-SR-77-6.
lected in the AND bucket and flows
through the upper output tube, giving the correct result for an AND gate.
Examples of devices which use surface interaction (fluidic thrust vectoring) and vortex flow (spray nozzles,
flow rate metering and massage chair
control) are given below.
Fluidic element examples
As mentioned above, fluidic elements can perform analog or digital
functions. Here are some examples
of both, but note that this is only a
small subset of the fluidic designs
which exist.
A jet deflection fluidic proportional amplifier is an analog device in
which a supply jet is diverted from
one output port to another, depending on the flow coming from one of
the control ports.
Fig.11 (right): various fluidic logic
(digital) device schematics showing the
valve, logical and electrical equivalents
for each, as used in fluidic digital logic
modules from the 1960s and 1970s by
Bowles Fluidics Corporation. These
were used in industrial assembly lines
and by the US Navy for boiler control.
Source: Bowles Fluidics Corporation,
now known as dlhBowles.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 17
sistance thermometers and shielded
A fluidic oscillator temperature sensor works by supplying fluid with a
varying pressure of fixed amplitude
and frequency to a sensor tube.
Temperature changes in this tube
cause a varying phase shift in the
pressure wave passing through this
tube, and a fluidic phase discriminator measures the resulting phase shift
and produces a signal proportional to
the sensor tube temperature.
Fluidic flight controls
Fig.12: the channel pattern for a
divide-by-ten fluidic computer
component, as featured in Scientific
American, December 1964. It produces
one output pulse for every ten input
pulses. The circuit contains ten logic
elements arranged in pairs, with two
on the right and three on the left. Each
element has an input stream (sausage
shape), an output (a small circle
attached to a short, straight channel),
four control jets (tear-drop shapes) and
four vents (large circles).
With no flow to the control ports,
the supply port provides an equal flow
to both output ports, but with a flow
from one control port, it produces a
proportional difference in the flow to
the output ports – see Fig.8.
A wall attachment fluidic amplifier, like the jet deflection amplifier,
has a supply port, control ports, output ports and vents but is a digital,
bistable device.
When a control port stream impinges on the supply stream, the stream
remains directed to one of the out-
Fig.14: a comparison of airflow control
on an aircraft with conventional flaps
and one with fluidic control. The
airflow is deflected the same in both but
with fluidic control, this is done by the
injection of additional air into the top of
the trailing edge, which tends to follow
the profile of that curved surface (due
to the Coandå effect), causing deflection
of the main air flow. Source: FLAVIIR
Silicon Chip
Fig.13: the fluidic oscillator based
temperature sensor mounted on top of
the vertical fin of an X-15 hypersonic
put ports, even if the control port is
switched off.
That’s because the stream is attached to one of the device’s walls due
to the Coandå effect (Fig.9).
Fig.10 shows how a microfluidic diode is formed, while Fig.11 gives various examples of different digital logic
circuits implemented using fluidics.
Fig.12 shows a fluidic divide-by-10
counter implemented as a single, complex channel in a solid block of material. The result is quite aesthetically
Fluidic oscillators
A fluidic oscillator is another important type of fluidic device. Fluidic
oscillator temperature sensing devices
were used on the X-15 rocket-powered
research aircraft, as they can cope with
the extremely high temperatures experienced during flight at speeds up
to Mach 6.7 (7,274km/h) – see Fig.13.
This was beyond the capability of re-
The BAE Systems “Demon” is an
experimental unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a wingspan of 2.5m,
first flown in 2010. It uses fluidic flight
controls, based on surface interaction
and the Coandå effect, instead of conventional thrust-vectoring and flaps
such as elevators and ailerons – see
Figs.14, 15 & 16.
In addition to the fluidic controls,
it also has conventional flaps that are
presumably used as a backup system,
as they are not necessary for flight
The elimination of flaps and conventional thrust vectoring results in
much less mechanical complexity and
hence greater reliability, and probably
lower cost too.
The absence of moveable control
surfaces on aircraft with fluidic controls also enables the aircraft shape to
be optimised for a lower radar signature, and therefore improved stealth
See the video titled “Cranfield/BAE
Systems Demon UAV’s flapless flight”
Australian innovation
Australian inventor Dr Duncan
Fig.15: this shows how fluidic thrust vectoring works. There is a primary flow
from the jet exhaust, as with a conventional arrangement, but then there is an
additional secondary flow. Depending upon the location of the secondary flow, it
causes the primary flow to be deflected up, down or sideways. Source: FLAVIIR
Australia’s electronics magazine
One of the first mentions of fluidics or pure fluid amplifier circuits (PFAs, as they were then known) from Science and
Mechanics magazine of June 1960. This was the first page of the article. It notes that “Almost everything that has been
done so far in the Army laboratory can be done in the home workshop”.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 19
An auxiliary power unit
provides compresed air to
circulation control devices
in the wings of the craft.
The management of
compressed air throughout
the aircraft is controlled by
DEMON’s onboard computer.
The trailing edge of each wing
has slots from which jets of air
can be expelled. These jets
replace the need for the
elevators or ailerons found
in traditional aircraft.
The demonstrator aircraft, which
weighs approx. 90kgs and has a
wingspan of 2.5m, undertook the first
'flapless' flight ever to be allowed by
the UK Civil Aviation Authority
on 17 September 2010.
Jets of air expelled from
the bottom wing slots curl
upward (this has the effect
of lowering the wing).
Because it is designed to fly with no
conventional elevators or ailerons,
getting its pitch and roll control from
technologies which rely on blown air,
it requires much fewer moving parts,
making it a lot easier to maintain
and repair.
DEMON can fly parts of its mission
by itself but, as it is currently an
experimental vehicle, is not fully
autonomous unlike, for example,
BAE Systems’ MANTIS.
It was developed by BAE Systems
and Craneld University in the UK.
It incorporates fluidic flight controls
developed at Cranfield and Manchester
Universities and flight control
algorithms developed at Leicester
University and Imperial College.
Jets of air expelled
from the top wing
slots curl downward
(this has the effect
of lifting the wing).
The primary jet stream
flows from the fluidic thrust
vectoring nozzle. Secondary
jets, either above or below
the primary jet, can lift or
lower the direction of the
main thrust.
Fig.16: the fluidic thrust-vectoring system on the BAE Systems “Demon”
experimental UAV, first flown in 2010. Fluidic controls result in much less mechanical complexity and improved reliability as
well as better stealth (low radar signature), as the shape of the aircraft can be optimised without moveable flaps. The primary
thrust (jet exhaust) is vectored by fluidic control; conventional trailing-edge wing flaps are also replaced by fluidic controls.
Campbell invented an anaesthetic machine in 1973 that employed fluidic
controls, including the Coandå effect.
This machine became extremely
popular in Australia and New Zealand.
Vortex flow-based fluidics
As mentioned earlier, fluidic devices based on vortex flow include certain shower heads, windscreen washer
nozzles, flow rate meters and a switching device to alternately fill and empty
bladders in a massage chair (Fig.17).
A windscreen washer nozzle may
seem a humble application for fluidics, but such a nozzle containing a
fluidic oscillator (like some shower
heads – see Fig.18) has the capability
of sweeping up and down and from
side to side with no moving parts (see
Figs.19, 20 & 21).
The leader in this field is dlhBOWLES (
They report the following benefits
from their nozzle:
* Cleans 62-70% faster
* Uses 65-74% less fluid to clean
* Allows for 53-65 more cleanings
per bottle fill
Fig.18 (left): diagram
from 1989 European Patent
EP0319594A1 for a “Fluidic oscillator
with resonant inertance and dynamic
compliance circuit”. This can be used
in a pulsating shower head or other
pulsating water jet device, and has no
moving parts. Sub-figs.5-9 show the flow
pattern in the device while Sub-fig.10
shows the pattern of jets from such a
device with multiple outlets. Sub-fig.11
shows a means to adjust the device.
Fig.17: a diagram of a fluidic oscillator
with no moving parts from US patent
6,916,300 for a seat massager from
dlhBOWLES, Inc. An air source is
supplied at the bottom (16) and is
alternately directed to the supply lines
to bladders in the chair connected to
26 and 28. The air from the bladders is
alternately vented at vents 39a and 39b.
Silicon Chip
* Pre-wets an area 19-23 times
* Holds spray position better at all
road speeds
* Greatly improved visibility and
driver safety
* Dramatically reduced smearing,
* Significantly reduces wiper
blade wear
For more information, see the video titled “FLUIDICS - FULL SPEED,
There is no mention of which cars
use these nozzles, but one web reference states that Nissan vehicles have
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.19: a fluidic windscreen spray nozzle from Bowles
Fluidics Corporation illustrating different oscillatory spray
motions, all achieved without moving parts.
had them since 2004 and they are also available as aftermarket accessories for certain cars.
dlhBOWLES makes over 40 million fluidic oscillator
spray nozzles per year, of various types and has over 230
patents in the area. The same company makes the fluidic
oscillator for a massage chair that alternately fills and empties two bladders mentioned earlier (Fig.17).
Fluidic flow measurement
Sontex ( have a range of meters to
measure flow rates of fluid in heating systems. They utilise
a fluidic oscillator which has a frequency dependant upon
its flow rate. A piezoelectric sensor measures the frequency of oscillation in the fluidic oscillator, and thus the flow
rate is determined with no moving parts – see Figs.22 & 23.
See also the video titled “Sontex Superstatic 749 Fluidic Oscillator Heat Meter” at:
Fluidic computers
MONIAC (Monetary National Income Analog Computer)
was also known as the Phillips Hydraulic Computer and
the Financephalograph.
It was invented by New Zealander Bill Phillips in 1949
and is generally regarded as a fluidic computer.
It is a water-based computer that uses fluidic logic and
was initially designed as an educational tool, but was found
to be a useful economic modelling device as digital com-
Fig.21: the flow pattern inside a fluidic cleaning nozzle from
automotive technology company Continental (
au/link/aaru), which manufactures fluidic nozzles to clean
automotive headlights, cameras and LIDAR sensors.
Fig.20: the spray pattern from the Bowles fluidic
windscreen washer nozzle. A conventional nozzle would
produce a single stream of fluid.
puters at that time were not widely available. It was also
used for military purposes.
Twelve to fourteen of these machines were built, and
there is a working one on display at the Reserve Bank of
New Zealand and another at Cambridge University in the
UK (see Fig.26). There is also a non-working one on display at the University of Melbourne.
Various economic parameters such as the amount of
money in the treasury, health and education expenditure,
taxation and tax rates, savings, investment income, import
expenditure and export income could be input via valve
adjustments, and accumulated funds were represented by
the amount of fluid within tanks.
Results could be recorded on a mechanical plotter. While
MONIAC is generally regarded as a fluidic device, it did
have some mechanical components, so it was not a fluidic device in the purest interpretation of the term, but a
hybrid system.
See the videos titled “Making Money Flow: The MONIAC”
(, “Moniac Economic Analog
Computer” ( and “Matletik
Fig.22: the Sontex
Superstatic 749 flow
rate meter, utilising
fluidic oscillation
and a piezoelectric
sensor for reliable
measurement without
moving parts.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 21
Table 1:
1972 NASA list of fluidic systems in commercial use
Automatic turret lathe sequencing
Automatic sealing of random-sized boxes
Measurement and control of frost buildup on refrigerator coils
Punch press work positioning
Photographic film winding control
Gauging for automatic grinding machines
Candy box filling machine control
Scale control for weighing explosives
Sewing machine trimming knife actuation
Controlling a semiautomatic crimping machine
Controlling paper making machinery
Automatic punching machine operation
Sewage pumping station liquid level control
Soft drink bottle casing
Thread, wire, or rod diameter measurement
Bow thruster for boat or ship
Breathing assist device
Automatic boiler control
Non-contact position measurement or proximity switching
Counter systems (predetermining and cumulative)
Disk memories for computers
Automated paint spraying
Alphanumeric displays
Leak testing of automobile gasoline tanks
Pallet loading of different size boxes and conveyor control
Newspaper materials handling machine controls
Ordnance round assembly tolerance inspection
Machining and assembly control of live mortar rounds
Inspection/classification of automotive pollution control valves
Liquid drum filling monitoring and control
Scrap metal baler control
Metal tapping machine control
Steam turbine governor
Gas turbine or jet engine overspeed limiter
Broken tool detector
Moving belt edge guide control
Bin level control for liquid, powder, and small parts
Environmental control in large buildings
Industrial air motor governors
Life test cycling of heart pump check valves
Automatic cold saw cutting-angle setting
Monitoring and control of vacuum in tyre making equipment
Filter bag cleaning controls in tyre making equipment
Paper splice detection for paper coating machinery
Lip-seal inspection using moving-part logic
Life test cycling of postage meters
Coil winding machinery controls
Acid vaporiser controls for textile processing
Irrigation channel switching
Fluidic lawn sprinklers
Tachometers for diesel motor ships
Transistor lead bender
Silicon Chip
Fig.23: a video screen grab of a Sontex meter showing
details of its fluidic oscillator, with simulated fluid flow via
computational fluid dynamics. The stream switches between
the two lobes seen in the centre and the frequency at which
this happens is proportional to the flow rate.
Moniac Simulation” (
You can experiment with a virtual MONIAC at: (note: the Flash plug-in is
required in your web browser).
Another simulator is available at the AnyLogic Cloud at
the following link, which does not require Adobe Flash:
Microfluidics takes the earlier work on fluidics and
dramatically reduces the scale, operating at sub-millimetre sizes. It introduces a whole new range of possibilities, not only because of the reduced scale, but because
fluids behave differently at micro scales than they do at
macro scales.
To be considered microfluidics, at least one dimension
of the fluid has to be in the micron or tens of microns range
(one micron is one-thousandth of a millimetre).
A microfluidic device might be in the form of a ‘chip’,
or it might utilise a microfluidic effect in another type of
device such as the Australian Vortex Fluidics Device, discussed later.
At the tiny dimensions used in microfluidics, several
different fluid behaviours are introduced which can be utilised in these devices. One is that the flow of fluids is no
longer typically turbulent but rather, laminar (see Fig.24)
and therefore fluids do not flow or mix with other fluids
in the traditional sense.
This “clean” flow allows for precise control of fluids
such as their movement and their mixing (or not mixing).
For example, two streams of different fluid can exist sideby-side, or a bubble of one type of fluid can exist inside a
medium of a different type.
Books on fluidics
Today, there is not much readily available information on fluidics, but two books of interest are “Fluid Logic Controls and Industrial Automation” by D. Bouteille
(Wiley, 1973) and “Fluidics: Components and circuits”
by K. Foster and G.A. Parker (Wiley-Interscience, 1970).
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.24: turbulent and laminar flow.
Laminar flow is what almost always
occurs in microfluidic devices.
Microfluidic chip devices are often
made from glass, silicon or a silicone
polymer or other diverse materials,
with channels etched or moulded into
the device. “Inputs” and “outputs”
from the device to the outside world
are made with fine tubes; for example.
a syringe needle can be used in prototypes.
A typical experimental device might
consist of something like a glass microscope slide as a base with a silicone
polymer on top that has the channels
moulded into it.
Photolithography can be used to
produce the desired pattern, similarly
to how conventional microchips are
made. See Fig.25 for details of the basic fabrication process.
Fluids are pumped from the external
environment into the microfluidic device, where they undergo the desired
process(es) and are then removed from
the device.
The processes undertaken might include mixing, sorting, or a chemical or
biochemical reaction.
Apart from actions caused by the
mixing and arrangement of channels
in the device, materials used in the device’s fabrication may be chemically
or biochemically reactive and participate in the desired reaction within
the device.
So-called ‘droplet fluidics’, with a
bubble of one type of fluid inside a
different media is becoming an important part of microfluidics for performing or controlling certain types
of chemical or biochemical reactions
(see Figs.27-30).
Once droplets are formed, they can
be collected and used, or two different types of droplets can be merged
for effective mixing (not possible at a
larger scale).
Individual droplets can also be sorted or separated according to some
Fig.25 (right): the
fabrication of a basic
microfluidic device.
First, a ‘master’ is made
using photolithography
with the inverse of the
desired shape, then the
silicone polymer (PDMS
plastic) is poured onto
this and cured. This is
then peeled from the
master and it is attached
to a glass substrate, and
access ports added.
Source: A. San-Miguel &
H. Lu, Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike
3.0 Unported license.
Fig.26: a MONIAC fluidic logic computer at the Science Museum, London.
Credit: Wikimedia user Kulmalukko (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
3.0 Unported license).
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 23
Fig.27: a microfluidic chip
scheme to generate droplets,
a common operation. In this
case, a reagent is injected
from the top and oil is injected
from the sides to generate an
emulsion of reagent droplets
within oil. Note how the
reagent stream is ‘pinched’
and broken off as it goes
through the restriction. This
is called “flow focusing”. The
width of the reagent channel
might be 20 microns or so,
and the emulsion containing
channel might be 100 microns
(0.1mm). Source: On-Chip
Biotechnologies Co Ltd, Japan.
rameter such as colour. Another thing that can be
done with droplets is to put individual biological
cells inside them.
There are numerous applications for microfluidics, such as biological cell sorting (Fig.30), digital microfluidics to move droplets around on a chip such
as the OpenDrop (Fig.32) or microfluidic transistors
(Fig.33) and a soft robot-like “Octobot” that uses a
microfluidic logic controller (Fig.34) – see the video titled “Octobot: A Soft, Autonomous Robot” at:
Other biological uses for microfluidics include
creating artificial lungs (as shown on page 15) and
testing liver function.
There are even microfluidic devices printed on paper with the help of a specialised inkjet printer and
others too numerous to detail here, beyond these few
Fig.28: a variety of methods of microfluidic droplet formation, as used in “droplet fluidics” mentioned in the text: a) crossflow, b) co-flow, c) flow-focusing, d) step emulsification, e) microchannel emulsification; and f) membrane emulsification.
The coloured fluid patterns reveal the process of droplet formation. Source: P. Zhu & L. Wang, Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fluidics projects that you can try at home
You can make a computer similar to the MONIAC fluidic computer described in the main text using drinking straws, water bottles and some other pieces. See the video titled “A 3-bit hydropneumatic” at
Author “dAcid” has described pneumatic logic gates made with
simple tools on the Instructables website, at:
link/aas1 (see Fig.a).
Fig.a: a simple
pneumatic logic gate,
as described by author
Note that CNC equipment
is required for this. You
might be able to get access
to such equipment at your
local Makerspace if you don’t have any. Google the terms “makerspace” and the name of your town or city and find one that has
appropriate equipment.
Author “novelchip” on Instructables has described vacuum-powered fluidic ink “LEDs” and circuits at: (see Figs.b, c & d).
Fig.b: “LED” indicator devices implemented using fluidics.
The devices on the
bottom row fluoresce
under UV light.
Also see the videos at:
aas3 and
Once again, note that CNC equipment is required to make these
OpenDrop ( is an open-source
hardware and software project that is a “desktop digital biology
Fig.c: a fluidic integrated
circuit (a hex inverter) by
author “novelchip”, alongside its electronic equivalent, the Texas Instruments
SN74S04N. In this case, the
fluidic version is not much
bigger than the electronic one.
Quoting directly from their website, “OpenDrop is a new design
for an open source digital microfluidics platform for research purposes. The device uses modern electro-wetting technology to control small droplets of liquids.”
“Potential applications are lab on a chip devices for automating
processes of digital biology. However, the present design should
also open the technology to other field and allow experimentation
to find new applications. Including the field of art, music, games
and education.”
Liquid droplets are moved around the device under an electric
field of up to 300V AC or DC.
For some current OpenDrop projects, see:
Fig.d: details of the
fluidic hex inverter
integrated circuit
shown in Fig.42,
taken from the
Instructables web
For videos about how liquid drops are manipulated in the device,
see the video titled “OpenDrop Liquid Reservoirs” at: siliconchip. and “Control Software for OpenDrop V3 Digital
Microfluidics Platform” at:
There is a Russian YouTube video titled “Binary pneumatic adder from paper” at: and an associated description in Russian, at: by
author Aliaksei Zholner (see fig.e).
You can use Google to translate the text into English. The logic
devices are made from paper, so no special equipment whatsoever
is needed (except a stream of air; the author uses a balloon). The
author does not use the term “fluidic”, although that is the operating principle of the constructed devices. Logic elements AND,
OR, XOR gates and a transistor are made. It is a very clever digital fluidic computer.
If you have a 3D printer, you can go to
and search using the term “fluidic” to find some fluidic devices
you can print.
There is a good discussion of
some of the challenges in making
a home-built fluidic computer at:
but there is no indication as to
whether the author ever built this
computer. There are some interesting ideas there if you want to
build your own!
One of many companies selling microfluidics components
Fig.e: an element of
is the microfluidic ChipShop the paper-based fluidic
(, computer.
although there are others. Fig.f
shows some of the materials available for experimenters.
Fig.f: a
starter kit from
the microfluidic
that comes
with a frame
to hold chips,
two straight
channel chips
with four channels (200 microns square), two straight
channel chips with four channels (100 microns square),
one straight channel chip with 16 channels (1000 x 200
microns), H-shaped channel chip, droplet generator
chip, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) chips and 120
microlitre rhombic chamber chip.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 25
Fig.29: one
scheme for
merging two
droplets. The
direction of
motion is left to
right and top to
representative examples.
More Australian innovation
A fluidic device has been invented by researchers at Flinders University in South Australia, in the University’s Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology.
It is called the Vortex Fluidics Device or VFD. The VFD
works by delivering reagents to a rapidly rotating tube in
which a thin (250 micron or 0.25mm thick) film is produced,
which results in intense mixing.
Demonstrated applications include protein folding and
unfolding. Famously, it was used to “unboil an egg” (see
It can also be used for biodiesel production at room temperature without solvents; pharmaceutical synthesis with
continuous flow and high yield; mesoporous silica production at room temperature; plasma processing with a plasma in contact with a thin film; and various applications in
synthetic organic chemistry, including making the anaesthetic lidocaine with much less waste than normal, plus
many other applications.
The technology has already been commercialised. Flinders Partners, the commercial arm for Flinders University,
launched Vortex Fluidic Technologies (
au/link/aase) in July 2015, to help commercialise the VFD.
2D Fluidics Pty Ltd ( was formed
in 2018 through a collaboration between ASX-listed First
Graphene Ltd and Flinders University.
Fig.30: microfluidics biological cell sorting. The cells are
probed with a laser and those determined to be separated are
pushed into a reservoir. Source: On-Chip Biotechnologies Co
Ltd, Japan.
2D Fluidics produces electronics-grade graphene and
specific length carbon nanotubes without harsh or toxic
chemicals, for research and commercial purposes, plus
sells VFD devices.
For videos about the VFD, see:
* “Introducing the Vortex Fluidic Device” at:
* “Fluid Dynamics Within the Vortex Fluidic Device”
* “Droplet Dynamics Within the Vortex Fluidic Device”
* “ABC News 24 - Ig Nobel prize winner Raston cracks
global anaesthetic” at:
Fig.32: a microfluidic logic and motor circuit (top) along
with the electronic equivalent (bottom) for Octobot. This
is said to be the world’s first autonomous soft robot.
Fig.31: the OpenDrop v3 is a digital
microfluidics development board,
shown with a bottle of reagent and a
micropipette. This is available for a base
price of €695 (AU$1120) at the time of
going to press. The blue liquid drops
can be seen in the large gridded area,
and the location for the next move (as
directed by software) is shown in the
OLED screen at upper right.
Silicon Chip
Fig.33: a microfluidic transistor, as
might be used in a microfluidic logic
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.34: Wyss Institute of Harvard University’s 3D printed Octobot, powered by
microfluidic logic and motor.
a new concept for Australian electronics:
maker hub
The maker movement is a world-wide phenomenon, credited with
introducing countless thousands (millions?) to electronics. Jaycar’s latest
store at Central Park in Sydney is dedicated to makers at all levels.
nside their new Central Park Mall store on Broadway, Jaycar Electronics has something quite different:
a “Maker Hub”. It’s not in New York, it’s right here in
Sydney; Broadway is one of the main thoroughfares heading south out of Sydney city and Central Park Mall is a
modern mall featuring greenery both inside and out (right
near Central Station, hence the name).
We toured the new store and its integral Maker Hub, and
we liked what we saw.
It provides a place for Jaycar “Nerd Perks” members to
work on their projects, and gives them access to some fairly
advanced equipment for nominal fees.
And the fully-stocked Jaycar Electronics store means that
if you need a part or tool for our project, you won’t have
to go very far!
If you aren’t familiar with the
Maker movement,
refer to our article on the Sydney Mini Maker
Faire in the Janu-
ary 2014 issue (
The store
The first thing that struck us upon seeing the store is the
new styling, with plenty of open space and neatly organised products.
You might have seen some small changes at your local
Jaycar or in their latest catalog, but the full extent of Jaycar’s
new look is visible there. In addition to the new logo and uniforms, the shop generally has a more modern and open feel.
Of course, style is not everything, especially when you
are only interested in finding that one part for your next project. The aisles are wider and there is more space to move.
There’s far less need
to crouch down and
reach into cramped
spaces to find and retrieve the parts that
you need.
And if you are looking at a cable, you will
easily find it on the
By Tim Blythman
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 27
Even the entrance to Jaycar’s new store and Maker Hub is
quite different to existing stores. The Maker Hub is given
its own dedicated area within the store.
Along with individual work areas, the Maker Hub features
conference or seminar areas where groups can gather to
hear from guest makers or just to collaborate on projects.
‘Cable Wall’ along one side of the shop.
The way components are displayed has been massively
improved. Instead of rows of plastic tubs, most of the smaller components are now housed in so-called (according to
our guide) ‘turbines’. These are rotating, segmented towers
which can be spun to quickly find the part you are looking for.
use. There is a 3D scanner, which can produce a 3D model
of solid objects, that can then be replicated using one of the
3D printers. One of the staff members suggested that this
could be used to scan broken parts to create replacements.
That is an idea which we can imagine would appeal to
many people, not just those with an interest in 3D printing.
To our delight, they also have a Voltera V-One PCB printer.
We briefly described this device in our July 2019 article on
Making PCBs ( A sample
prototype that it had produced was on display, featuring a
small PCB with an 8-pin SOIC (SMD) chip flashing several
onboard LEDs.
The board looked quite tidy. Like the 3D printers, it appears this unit will be available for customers to use, although the actual details of this are still to be decided. We
might keep this in mind next time we need a prototype in
a hurry…
There was a Bantam PCB Milling Machine on one of the
benches too; we also mentioned this in our Making PCBs
article. We didn’t get to see it in operation, but it is another
way that Maker Hub customers can create prototype PCBs.
Jaycar will also be adding a laser cutter to the list of machines that you can ‘rent’. It would have been there already
except that it got stuck in customs! They will have plastic
sheets available that you can use to cut out your designs,
again for a nominal charge. They also suggested that customers may be able to use the laser cutter to make holes in
boxes they’ve just purchased (eg, in the lids).
Also on display was the SnapMaker CNC machine. This
is a 3-in-1 machine with interchangeable tools, including
modules for 3D printing, CNC milling and laser cutting.
Again, we were not able to see it in action, and we suspect that both lasers and CNC milling heads will need to
be safeguarded in such an environment.
Along with the
vast number of
‘grown-up toys’,
there was a display
featuring robot kits
aimed at younger
people, as well as a
table in the Maker
Hub set up to demonstrate the mBot
The Maker Hub
Perhaps most interesting is the ‘Maker Hub’ element of
the store. It’s tucked away in the back corner, but with a fantastic view of the park behind the mall. It consists of several benches, slightly higher than waist height. Maker Hub
is written in giant letters on the ceiling, which can be seen
from outside the building.
The Maker Hub is being used to host workshops and other
events, and can also be used by Nerd Perks’ members to work
on their own projects. Nerd Perks is Jaycar’s loyalty program.
During the time we were there, we saw a workshop in
progress. One of the staff members was demonstrating how
to turn a Raspberry Pi single-board computer into an arcade game (using an assortment of other Jaycar parts). The
enthusiastic participants were a mix of ages and genders.
Also in evidence were several 3D printers, many of them
busy turning out an assortment of small plastic widgets.
It’s apparent that Jaycar Electronics is embracing 3D printing; we counted at least six different models on display.
They are all available for purchase, including a tiny model
for only $299.
A sign indicates that you can print your own 3D design
using their printers, for 30c per gram of filament. While the
cost of 3D printers has plummeted, they are still a substantial outlay, so this is both a great way to ‘try before you buy’,
and also an excellent service for people who do too little 3D
printing to justify
buying their own
Or you can just
try it out, to see if
you like it.
The Maker Hub
also features an assortment of other
exciting equipment that you can
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
(Left): a Voltera V-One PCB
printer, which we mentioned
in last month’s feature on
making PCBs. At right is the
Bantam Tools Desktop PCB
Milling Machine. Jaycar has
plans to rent these (and other)
in-house machines to makers
for a nominal charge.
programmable robot, including an obstacle course to be
They also have a small meeting table next to a digital
whiteboard for brainstorming, along with a regular whiteboard, for those who prefer the old-school methods.
Small groups can come up with design ideas and use
the digital whiteboard to save their deliberations to a USB
stick (and perhaps take a photo of the regular whiteboard
to record its contents).
Jaycar’s educational focus
Jaycar’s STEM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) focus has always been strong; consider the Short Circuits project books and kits, which go
back over 20 years (which, incidentally, were designed by
The Short Circuits projects are still being sold, and robots like mBot are an impressive indication of what children have to learn with nowadays.
While we were impressed with the exotic gear that was
on display, it was good to see that a couple of soldering
irons were dotted around the benches, along with hot air
rework stations and other soldering gear.
And right next to the Maker Hub area is a product display for Arduinos and other project construction essentials.
Product placement is key!
According to our guide, the intention here is that the
Maker Hub is not just a space to build your project, but
also to be able to sit, plan and collaborate.
With Central Park Mall located directly opposite the campus of the University of Technology Sydney (and only a
short walk from Sydney University), we expect that many
students will make use of the space to work on their projects.
The “Maker” concept resonates with us, as SILICON CHIP
has a strong focus on DIY electronics. In fact, we would
say that our readers and we have been “Makers” long be-
fore the term was coined. Jaycar’s Maker Hub is a new and
interesting way of helping people like us to make things.
We’re excited to see the Maker Hub, not just because
they have some great toys, but because it will make building electronics much easier for many people, and may inspire the next generation of our readers.
This new Maker Hub is especially convenient because
it’s so close to both the Sydney CBD and Central station,
with plenty of buses and trains meaning that it’s easily accessible to millions of people.
While we have not seen a schedule, it appears that the
Maker Hub will host workshops regularly. And assuming
that it’s popular, other new Jaycar stores will likely open
with their own mini Maker Hubs inside.
Just as you need to be a Nerd Perks member to use the
gear, you will also need to join this program to participate
in the workshops.
Joining is free and also gives you aspects to certain product promotions and discounts.
The initial focus of these workshops appears to be on Arduino and Raspberry Pi based projects, although we expect
to see 3D printing and CNC-themed events in the future.
We are considering hosting an occasional event at the
Maker Hub, where you can meet our staff, ask questions
and maybe even build a kit or two. If we decide to do so,
we will announce it in advance in the magazine, so watch
this space.
Jaycar’s Broadway store is open from 10am until 8pm
every day; the extended hours are also a boon for those
needing parts for a last minute project, and as mentioned,
it is a short walk from Sydney’s main Central railway station. So you might even be able to grab something on your
way to or from work. Did I mention the 24/7 Click and Collect parcel lockers?
For further information, see the following links:
(Left): the store contains some
pretty high-end gear as well, such
as this Swann DVR with a number
plate recognition system (want to
start your own car park?). There
are plans for several more 3D
printers, which maker members
can use for not much more than
the cost of the 3D filaments.
At right is a PCB “printed” by the
Voltera V-One machine shown
above (top left).
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 29
LCD BackPack V3
by Tim Blythman
This BackPack is the most
convenient and powerful yet.
It has all the features of the V1 and V2
BackPacks and supports both 2.8in and 3.5in
touchscreen displays plus five new optional features
which provide convenient functions. These include extra memory, temperature,
humidity and pressure sensors, a real-time clock, an infrared receiver and more!
n our article on 3.5in touchscreen displays in the May
2019 issue (
Article/11629), we looked at three different screens. But we were particularly
impressed by one.
It uses an ILI9488 controller with
SPI interface and has the same connections as the popular 2.8in touchscreen
display used by the original and V2
For that article, we supplied code to
drive that new display from an Arduino and a standard Micromite. We also
mentioned that we planned to write
Silicon Chip
some CFUNCTIONs to speed it up, as
the BASIC code is quite slow at refreshing the screen.
Not only have we now done that, but
we’ve also designed a new version of
the BackPack to properly accommodate the larger, higher resolution screen
with twice as many pixels as the original (480x320 compared to 320x240).
While this article gives sufficient
information for you to fully understand what we’ve done, if you haven’t
seen the V2 BackPack article in the
May 2017 issue (
Article/10652), you might want to
Australia’s electronics magazine
read that one before coming back to
this article.
Essentially, the BackPack is a small
PCB that hosts a PIC32 running the
Micromite firmware. It also provides a
simple power supply, a USB interface,
a header and mounting screws for a colour touchscreen and an I/O pin header.
The best part about it is that MMBasic has native touchscreen support. It’s
such a great idea that we’ve used the
BackPack in numerous other projects.
But the V3 BackPack is more than
just a screen upgrade.
While you can build the new V3
• Compatible with Micromite LC
D BackPack V1 & V2
• Suits 2.8in and 3.5in touchscre
en LCD modules
• Built-in Microbridge provides
serial communications and pro
gramming interface
• Mini USB socket for power and
• Native support for 3.5in displa
y using initialisation CFUNCTION
• Manual or software (PWM) dim
ming for LCD backlight
• 4-pin I2C communication hea
• Optional onboard infrared rec
• Optional onboard DHT22 tem
perature and humidity sensor
or DS18B20 temp sensor
• Optional onboard DS3231 rea
l-time clock
• Optional onboard flash memo
• Optional onboard BME180/BM
E280/BMP280 temperature/pre
ssure/altitude sensor
BackPack using the same components
as the V2 BackPack, you can also add
several extra components to add handy
features without needing to connecting
extra modules, PCBs or wiring.
You can fit it with an infrared receiver/decoder for remote control, a flash
memory IC or SRAM, a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, a DS18B20
temperature sensor or a DS3231 realtime clock IC.
There’s also a header for connecting additional I2C devices, such as a
BMP180/BMP280/BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor, which
can be mounted directly to the board
if desired.
Also, this BackPack gives you the
possibility of using the SD card socket
that’s mounted on the back of the touchscreen board.
All the functions that were in the
original and V2 BackPack are retained
in the V3 BackPack, including its
50MHz 32-bit processor loaded with
a powerful BASIC interpreter, which
can be programmed over a virtual USB
serial port.
functions. It is a PIC32MX170F256B (or
the 50MHz variant, which is what we
supply) in a 28-pin dual inline package. It requires some bypass capacitors
for normal operation: two 100nF MKT
capacitors across its supply rails and a
10µF ceramic capacitor to filter its internal core supply.
There’s also a 10kΩ resistor used as
a pull-up on IC1’s RESET line, to prevent spurious resets.
IC2 is a Microchip PIC16F1455 microcontroller which is both a USB/serial converter and a PIC32 programmer – the Microbridge article in the
May 2017 issue (
Article/10648) describes its functions
in more detail.
When running as a USB/serial converter, pin 5 on the PIC16F1455 receives data (ie, data from the Micromite to the PC USB interface) and pin
6 transmits data (from the PC USB interface to the Micromite).
These signals also run to the edge
pins for the console connection (CON1)
in case you build this PCB but for some
reason do not plug the Microbridge IC,
IC2, into its socket. In this case, you can
use an external USB/serial converter.
The PIC32 programming interface
from the Microbridge is on pins 7, 2
Circuit description
We’ll start by describing the core
functions, which are carried over from
the V2 BackPack.
Refer to Fig.1, the circuit diagram. IC1
is the main processor which runs the
MMBasic interpreter and handles other
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 31
and 3 of IC2. These provide the reset
function, program data and clock signals, which connect to pins 1, 4 & 5
respectively on the Micromite (IC1).
The programming output on the
Microbridge is only active when it is
in programming mode, so the Microbridge does not interfere with the Micromite when it is using pins 4 & 5 as
general purpose I/O pins.
Switch S1 is used to select programming mode and LED1 indicates
the mode (lit solid when in programming mode).
CON2 is the main I/O connector for
the Micromite and is designed so that
it can plug into a solderless breadboard
for prototyping. The connector also
REG1 MCP1700-3302E
100n F
D – /R A 1
R C5 / R X
MCL R / R A 3
R C4 / T X
2 +3.3V
2 5 SC K
SD (3.5in)
/ RA M
C ON 2
1 +3.3V
4. 7k W
D S 3231
(IC1 PIN5)
4. 7k W
TS 2
TS 1
10m F
(IC1 PIN16)
( T S1 & T S2 A R E
M I C R O M I T E L C D BA C K P A C K V 3
Silicon Chip
Q1: 2N7002
Q2: IRLML2244
R E G1
DQ DS18B20
100n F
14 25
I/ O
IC 1
18 SDA
100 n F
17 SCL
2x 10k W
SD (2.8in)
P W M2 /R A 5
R C0 / SCL / A N 4
R C1 / SD A
100n F
makes it easy to add a third PCB to the
LCD BackPack “stack” which can carry
circuitry specific to your application
(such as amplifiers, relay drivers etc).
This connector is wired identically to
the original BackPack.
The Micromite communicates with
the LCD panel using an SPI interface
where pin 3 on the Micromite feeds
Fig.1: the Micromite LCD BackPack V3 circuit
comprises the complete V2 BackPack circuit,
which is based on 32-bit microcontroller IC1,
plus numerous optional components. This
includes an infrared receiver (IRD1), a flash
memory or RAM chip (IC3), a real-time clock
chip (IC4), a temperature/humidity or temperature
sensor (TS1/TS2) and an I2C header (CON8).
Australia’s electronics magazine
data to the LCD while pin 25 provides
the clock signal. When the Micromite
pulls pin 6 low, it is communicating
with the LCD panel, and when pin 7
is pulled low, the Micromite is communicating with the touch controller
on the display panel.
The 28-pin Micromite has only one
SPI port and so pins 3, 14 & 25 (SPI
data and clock) are also made available on CON2 so that you can also use
this SPI serial channel to communicate
with external devices.
Backlight control
You have two choices for controlling
the brightness of the LCD’s backlight.
The first is to fit Mosfets Q1 and Q2
to the PCB, along with their associated resistors (this area is marked with
a box on the PCB).
When you do this, PWM output 2A
on the Micromite is used to control the
backlight brightness from within your
program. This is described in more
detail later.
Alternatively, as with the original
BackPack, you can fit VR1, a 100Ω
trimpot. This is in series with the power to the backlight LEDs, so it limits
the current drawn by them and therefore sets the brightness. Note that you
should install one set of components
or the other (not both). You also have
the option of fitting a link across VR1’s
pads to permanently set the backlight
to full brightness.
The LCD panel has a 3.9Ω resistor
in series with the backlight so you will
not burn out the backlight if you set
the PWM output to 100%, wind VR1
to zero ohms or link it out.
The power supply is derived from
either the 5V connector pin on CON1
or if JP1 is installed, from USB connector CON4. Powering the Micromite
LCD BackPack from USB power is
handy during program development,
but for an embedded controller application, you would typically remove
the jumper from JP1 and supply 5V
power via CON1.
Note that you should not try to power the BackPack from both CON1 and
USB as you could cause damage to
the USB interface on your computer.
The 3.3V power supply for both the
Micromite and the Microbridge is provided by REG1, which is a fixed output
regulator with a low dropout voltage
suitable for use with USB power supplies. This supply is also made available on CON2 so you can use it for
powering external circuits (to a maximum of 150mA).
As mentioned above, one of the major improvements with the BackPack
V3 is that you can use either a 2.8in
320x240 pixel touchscreen or a 3.5in
480x320 pixel touchscreen. The board
is sized to fit the larger screen. It still
fits comfortably inside a UB3 jiffy
box, the same box which we’ve used
to house several Micromite BackPack
based projects over the years.
We have also designed the board so
that with both screen options, the onboard SD card socket is wired up to
IC1. While the Micromite Plus software has read/write support for SD
cards, it will not work on any throughhole PICs. The regular Micromite code,
which works on our 28-pin DIP chip,
does not natively support SD cards.
However, it would be possible
to write BASIC code (or perhaps a
CFUNCTION) to access an SD card
with the regular Micromite, so we decided to wire up the SD card socket
that already exists on the touchscreen
This extra header also helps to hold
the touchscreen squarely onto the
BackPack module without needing
mounting hardware. The SD card is
connected to the same SPI interface
that’s used to drive the touchscreen,
but it has a separate CS line, which is
connected to pin 4 on the Micromite.
If you don’t insert an SD card, it won’t
have any effect on this pin so it can be
used for other purposes.
We decided that as long as we were
making these changes, we should add
some other useful features at the same
Added features
The BackPack V3 has provision
for many extra onboard components
which provide various useful functions. None of these need to be fitted;
if you leave them off, the board will
work much the same as the V2 BackPack, except for the option of the larger
screen and SD card access.
These optional extra components
can be used to add extra features to
your Micromite project without needing to add another board or module.
They are:
1) 3.3V Infrared receiver (IRD1).
This mounts near the edge of the board,
so that its leads can be bent to face outAustralia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 33
wards for convenient remote control
of the unit. Its supply is filtered for
reliable operation. Its output is connected to Micromite pin 16, which is
the MMBasic IR input pin, making it
trivial to receive remote control commands in BASIC.
The IR receiver should ideally be a
3.3V type such as the Vishay TSOP2136
or TSOP2138. Having said that, we have
used 4.5V receivers such as the Jaycar
ZD1952 on a 3.3V supply and found
they normally work satisfactorily.
2) Serial flash memory or static
RAM, in either an 8-pin DIP or SOIC
package (IC3). If you aren’t using the
SD card interface, you can fit a flash or
SRAM chip with a standard pin-out to
the board and use this to store configuration data, logging data, temporary
working data etc.
These chips are easier to drive than
SD cards; the BASIC code to access
them is easy enough, and we provide
a sample sketch to do this.
The memory chip’s SPI interface is
connected to the usual SPI pins on the
Micromite, while the chip select line
(CS, pin 1) goes to pin 4 of IC1, same as
for the SD card. That is why you can’t
use both at the same time.
If fitting this chip, you have the option to fit either or both of the pull-up
resistors on pin 3 (write protect/WP)
and pin 7 (HOLD). These may be required to read and write data on the
chip. We’ve also provided for a 100nF
supply bypass capacitor; always a
good idea.
When purchasing a chip for this
board, make sure its pin-out matches
that shown and that it can run off a 3.3V
supply. This is by far the most common
pin-out for 8-pin serial memory chips
and they will virtually all operate from
3.3V, but it’s best to check.
3) A 4-pin header which connects
to the I2C bus and 3.3V power supply
(CON8). A pair of 4.7kΩ pull-up resistors are also provided on the SCL and
SDA lines, although these can be left
out if pull-ups are provided externally.
The pinout of CON8 matches the
commonly available BMP180/BMP280
temperature and atmospheric pressure
sensor modules, as well as the BME280
temperature/pressure/humidity module. So any of these can be soldered directly to the BackPack at CON8.
Alternatively, a four-way header
can be fitted and leads run to one of
the many commonly available Arduino compatible I2C modules, such as
Silicon Chip
character LCD screens and other sorts
of sensors.
4) A DS3231 real-time clock IC
which also uses the I2C serial bus (IC4).
It too has a 100nF bypass capacitor and
a header (CON9) to connect a back-up
battery so that the time and date are
maintained even when the board has no
external power. Micromite BASIC has
built-in commands for I2C-based realtime clocks, so this is another feature
that can be used easily.
The I2C pull-up resistors need to be
installed if a DS3231 chip is installed,
unless they are already present on another connected module.
5) A DHT22 one-wire temperature and humidity sensor (TS1) or a
DS18B20 one-wire digital temperature
sensor (TS2). These connect to pin 5 of
IC1, and there is provision for the required 4.7kΩ pull-up resistor too.
Data from the DHT22 can be read by
a CFUNCTION which is available for
download with the Micromite firmware, while there is a built-in BASIC
function to read the temperature from
a DS18B20.
If fitting a DHT22, it’s best to lay
it over on its side over the top of the
DS18B20 footprint to allow a display
to fit above.
Software support
As noted above, we have written
CFUNCTIONs to provide support for
the 3.5in display; 2.8in and smaller displays based on the ILI9341 are natively
supported by the Micromite.
The CFUNCTIONs for the 3.5in displays ‘hook into’ the existing graphics commands, so once the display
has been initialised, the drawing commands are the same. If you have already written some MMBasic software,
you only need to add a few lines at the
start to support the higher-resolution
3.5in display.
The other great thing about our
CFUNCTIONs is that they do not take
complete control of the SPI bus, allowing other SPI devices to be used.
Unfortunately, these CFUNCTIONs
interfere with the touch controller’s
BASIC functions, so we have had to
write a separate set of CFUNCTIONs
to handle the touch panel.
Most of the other optional components mentioned above are already
supported by MMBasic, so we didn’t
need to write much more code to allow you to use all the new features of
the V3 BackPack. The only thing that
Australia’s electronics magazine
is not natively supported is the flash
or SRAM memory IC, for which we’ve
written some demonstration code, as
mentioned earlier.
High-value ceramic capacitors
Previous Micromites have required
between one and three capacitors
which were either specified as SMD
‘chip’ ceramics (10µF) or through-hole
tantalum capacitors (47µF). This is because of the strict ESR requirements
for some of the parts; 10µF tantalum
capacitors often had too high an ESR
to work reliably.
Some people didn’t like having to
solder the chip capacitors, and tantalum capacitors are more expensive
and can be less reliable. Since then,
through-hole 10µF ceramic capacitors
have become available, and they use
our preferred dielectric too (X7R). So
we have specified those in the parts list.
The other two options are still valid
and can be used instead, if you prefer.
We’ll start by assembling the basic
V3 BackPack (effectively equivalent to
the V2 BackPack), and then we’ll describe what parts to add if you want to
use any of the optional features. Refer
to Fig.2, the PCB overlay diagram, to
see which parts go where.
Start by fitting the surface-mount
components. This includes the miniUSB socket, CON4, and possibly some
of the capacitors as well as Mosfets Q1
and Q2 for PWM backlight control.
The pads for the mini-USB socket have been extended to make them
easier to solder. Line the small posts
in the underside of the socket up with
the holes in the PCB; this should make
everything else correspond. If so, solder one of the large mechanical pads
in place to keep the socket in position
and flush against the PCB.
Now apply some flux to the pads for
the electrical connections. You should
be able to touch the iron to the pad extensions, allowing the solder to run up
to the pins on the socket. Ensure that
the four pins are well attached and not
bridged. If there are any bridges, carefully remove with solder wick. The
pin with the shorter pad is not used in
this application and does not need to
be soldered.
Solder the remaining mechanical
pads to complete the attachment of the
socket. Double check your work, as it
will be difficult to access the pins later
Parts list – MicroMite BackPack V3
(to provide the same functions as the V2 BackPack)
1 double-sided PCB, coded 07106191, 99 x 54.5mm
1 mini USB type B socket, SMD (CON4) [Altronics P1308]
1 SPST momentary tactile pushbutton (S1)
1 28-pin narrow (0.3in) DIL socket for IC1
1 14-pin DIL socket for IC2 (optional)
1 4-way header (CON1) (Micromite UART breakout; optional)
1 18-way straight header (CON2)
1 14-way female header (CON3)
1 5-way right-angle header (CON5) (for ICSP; optional)
1 4-way female header (CON6 or CON7)
1 2-way header and jumper shunt (JP1)
8 M3 x 6mm panhead machine screws (for mounting LCD)
4 M3 x 12mm tapped spacers (for mounting LCD)
1 2.8in or 3.5in LCD touch panel
1 UB3 Jiffy Box (optional) with laser-cut acrylic lid
1 MCP1700-3302E/TO, TO-92 (REG1)
1 PIC32MX170F256B-50I/SP programmed with MMBasic
firmware, narrow DIP-28 (IC1)
1 PIC16F1455-I/P programmed with the Microbridge firmware,
DIP-14 (IC2)
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
3 10µF 16V X7R multi-layer ceramic capacitors (3216/1206
SMD or dipped leaded*) OR
2 10µF 16V tantalum AND 1 47µF 16V tantalum
3 100nF 50V MKT polyester or multi-layer ceramic
Resistors (all 1/4W, 5%)
1 10kΩ
1 1kΩ
Optional parts for PWM backlight control
1 2N7002 N-channel Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q1)
1 IRLML2244TRPBF P-channel Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q2)
1 10kΩ 1/4W, 5% resistor
1 1kΩ 1/4W, 5% resistor
Optional parts for manual backlight control
1 100Ω 1/2W mini horizontal trimpot
Optional parts for infrared reception
1 three-pin 3.3V‡ infrared receiver (IRD1) [eg TSOP2136]
1 10µF 16V X7R multi-layer ceramic or tantalum capacitor
(3216/1206 SMD or dipped leaded*)
1 100Ω 1/4W, 5% resistor
‡see text
Optional parts for external RAM or flash memory
1 SPI RAM or flash IC, DIP-8 or SOIC-8 (IC3) [eg, 23LC1024
RAM or AT25SF041 flash; pinout as in Fig.1]
1 100nF 50V MKT polyester or multi-layer ceramic capacitor
2 10kΩ 1/4W, 5% resistors
Optional parts for real-time clock
1 DS3231 RTC IC, SOIC-16 (IC4)
1 100nF 50V MKT polyester or multi-layer ceramic capacitor
2 4.7kΩ 1/4W, 5% resistors
1 2-pin header for CON9 (optional)
1 2.3-5.5V battery [eg, CR2032 lithium button cell; Jaycar
Cat SB1762]
Optional parts for temperature/humidity sensor
1 DHT22 digital temperature and humidity sensor (TS1) OR
1 DS18B20 digital temperature sensor, TO-92 (TS2)
1 4.7kΩ 1/4W, 5% resistor
Optional parts for external I2C interface
1 4-pin header (CON8)
2 4.7kΩ 1/4W, 5% resistors ^
^ These resistors
shared with RTC
Optional parts for temperature/pressure/altitude sensor
1 GY-68 BMP180 temperature/pressure sensor module
1 GY-BMP280 temperature/pressure sensor module
1 GY-BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor
1 4-pin header (CON8)
2 4.7kΩ 1/4W, 5% resistors ^
* eg, Mouser Cat 810-FA26X7R1E106KRU6 or
Digi-Key Cat 445-173437-1-ND
Resistor Colour Codes (quantites vary depending on options fitted)
4-Band Code (1%)
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black orange brown
yellow violet red brown
brown black red brown
brown black brown brown
brown black black red brown
yellow violet black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
brown black black black brown
with the other components installed.
If you are using SMD capacitors, they
will all be the same type, but the two
transistors are not. Check that these are
not mixed up before soldering them
in place.
For the other SMD components,
which are all quite small, an easy way
to fit these is to apply solder to one of
the pads then hold the component on
top with tweezers. Apply the iron again
to allow the solder to melt onto the
component lead. This avoids having to
handle three things at the same time.
If necessary, adjust the location of
the parts so that the pins are fully lined
up with the pads, and when you are
happy, apply some solder to the remaining pins. Finally, go back and retouch the first pin to relieve any stress
Australia’s electronics magazine
in the solder.
Through-hole parts
The remaining components can be
added in the usual order. Fit the 10kΩ
resistor between IC1 and IC2 and the
1kΩ resistor near LED1. Check these
values with a multimeter if you are not
sure, although the circuit would probably still work if they were swapped!
August 2019 35
Fig.2: the slightly
larger V3
BackPack PCB
can accommodate
a 2.8in (320x240
pixel) or 3.5in
(480x320 pixel)
LCD touchscreen,
using the inner or
outer set of four
mounting holes
respectively. Both
screens share the
CON3 I/O and
power connector
while CON6
makes electrical
to the SD card
socket on the
smaller display,
and CON7
on the larger
display. CON2,
the I/O header,
is identical to
that of the two
earlier BackPack
If you are using PWM backlight control, the two resistors below Q1 & Q2
must be fitted. Their values are marked
on the silkscreen, and they should be
checked with a multimeter too.
Alternatively, you can fit potentiometer VR1 for manual backlight control, or a wire link as shown in our
photo (below right) if you prefer to
have the backlight fully on all the time.
If your potentiometer is more than
9mm tall, it may foul the display PCB
and can be laid over in the space set
aside if necessary.
Solder the capacitors next. If you
are using tantalum capacitors, then
the larger 47µF capacitor goes next to
IC1, while the two 10µF capacitors sit
either side of REG1. Tantalum capacitors are polarised, so take care that the
positive leads (generally marked on the
body) go to the pads with a “+” sign.
If you are using ceramic capacitors
instead, their polarity does not matter and you can use a 10µF ceramic
in place of the 47µF tantalum, ie, all
three high-value capacitors will be the
same type.
There are also three MKT or multilayer ceramic through-hole capacitors
to fit. Solder them in place and trim
their leads.
Silicon Chip
Fit the two IC sockets next, if you
are using them. These are a good idea
in case you need to replace one of the
chips. The notches on both face to the
left, towards the USB socket. Note that
if you do use sockets, IC2 will touch
the underside of the SD card socket on
the 3.5in display. This shouldn’t cause
any problems, but it can be avoided
by separating the boards with 12mm
tapped spacers.
The tactile switch sits near the
left-hand edge of the board. Ensure it is pushed down firmly
against the PCB before soldering
its pins. It may take some force,
but should pop into place
. JP1 can also be fitted, below
the USB socket. Unless you are
powering the BackPack from an
external 5V power supply, the
jumper shunt will need to be fitted to source power from the USB
The other headers should be fitted now. You will probably only
need to install one of CON6 or
CON7, depending on whether you
are using a 2.8in or 3.5in display,
although you can fit both if you
wish to experiment.
It’s a good idea to temporarily
fit the headers onto the display
you are using during soldering as
this will keep the headers aligned
squarely and correctly. CON3 can
be fitted at the same time, to simplify lining up the display with
the BackPack.
All that is left is to install the
semiconductors. LED1 is mounted with its cathode (flat side) towards
the USB socket. Ensure REG1’s outline
matches the footprint on the PCB and
solder it down close to the PCB.
Fitting the optional components
The parts list mentions what components you need to populate each
optional add-on section.
These are all through-hole parts, except for the flash IC (IC3), which can
be a through-hole or surface-mounting
This is the basic
version of the V3 BackPack.
With these parts fitted, this
provides equivalent functions to the V2
BackPack, except for the ability to use the larger 3.5in
touchscreen. The two four-way headers at left allow
either a 2.8in or 3.5in touchscreens to be fitted to this board.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Using the optional components
Using the infrared receiver (IRD1)
MMBasic only supports an infrared receiver on pin 16 of the 28-pin
PIC32, so that is where we have connected it. You therefore lose this
pin as a general purpose I/O when you fit IRD1.
MMBasic can trigger a software interrupt when a valid command
is received and then call a user-defined subroutine. This is set up as
IR DevCode, KeyCode, IR_Int
DevCode and KeyCode specify the variable names which will contain the device and key codes respectively when the user routine (“IR_
Int” in this case) is called. So you could define the function like this:
PRINT “DEVICE:” DevCode ”KEY:” KeyCode
Using the real-time clock
MMBasic has built-in routines to use an RTC module connected to
the hardware I2C pins, as is the case here. Set the Micromite’s internal
clock from the DS3231 IC thus:
Setting the time on the DS3231 is done with a single command
specifying the current date and time:
RTC SETTIME year, month, day, hour,
minute, second
If you are using any other I2C devices, you can connect them via
CON8. If, as is often the case, the module(s) have their own pull-up
resistors, either remove them or omit the onboard I2C pull-up resistors. It may work with both in place, but this is not recommended
Temperature and humidity sensors
The temperature from a DS18B20 (TS2) can be read with a single
MMBasic command:
Functions for communicating with a DHT22 were built into early
versions of MMBasic, but have been removed in later versions; instead, a CSUB is supplied to do the same job. The required code and
documentation can be found in the “Humid.pdf” file in the “Embedded
C Modules” subfolder of the Micromite firmware download, available
After the CSUB has been copied into the BASIC program, the temperature and humidity can be read by a single command like this:
The first parameter (5) tells this function which Micromite pin the
DHT22 sensor is connected to. The results are saved in the TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY variables. Due to the way the DHT22 works, the
results are actually from the previous time this command was issued,
with the current call starting the next conversion in the background.
Therefore, you will need to ignore the values of TEMPERATURE and
HUMIDITY the first time you call this command. Hence, it’s a good idea
to issue it during your initialisation routine.
Using a RAM chip
We test-fitted our board with a 23LC1024 RAM IC (IC3). It’s similar
to the 23LCV1024 used in the 433MHz Wireless Range Extender project in the May 2019 issue (see
There is no WP (write-protect) function on the RAM IC, but it does
have a HOLD pin which needs to be held high, so the 10kΩ pull-up resistors are still required.
We’ve written a sample program to demonstrate using such a chip,
which is named “23LC1024 RAM IC.bas”. It simply writes data to the
chip, based on the contents of the TIMER variable, then reads those
values back and prints them out on the Micromite terminal.
The CS pin of IC3 is hardwired to the Micromite’s pin 4, and this is
set as a constant at the start of the sample program. The SETRAMMODE subroutine provides page, byte and sequential options. Using
the sequential option means that the entire RAM contents can be read
or written in one pass.
A read or write starts with a STARTRAMREAD/STARTRAMWRITE
command, which pulls CS low and sends a command sequence containing the supplied start address.
After that, subsequent calls to RAMREAD or RAMWRITE read or write
a single byte before incrementing the address pointer. The sequence
ends with a call to ENDRAMREAD/ENDRAMWRITE which brings CS
high, releasing the SPI bus.
Using external flash memory
For testing out the flash interface, we tried an AT25SF041 4Mbit
(0.5MB) flash IC (again, as IC3). On this chip, the WP and HOLD pins
are internally pulled high, so the 10kΩ resistors are not needed, although they were fitted to our prototype; it doesn’t hurt to have both
internal and external pull-ups.
Writing to the device is a bit more complicated than for a RAM chip,
but reading uses the same command and format as the RAM IC.
Flash memory cannot usually be written byte by byte. An entire ‘page’,
4KB in this case, must be erased (set to all 1s), then data can be written
byte by byte (or ‘programmed’ according to the data sheet terminology). Writes occur in blocks of up to 256 bytes. The data to be written
is actually stored into a RAM buffer; it isn’t written to flash until the CS
line goes high, at the end of the process.
There are a few more details than what’s described here; so the device data sheet is a good place to check out the subtleties of the process. One wrinkle, for example, is that the writes will wrap around at
addresses that are multiples of 256 bytes. There is also a software flag
(WEL; write-enable latch) that must be set before any changes (erase
or write) can occur to the flash memory contents.
Thus a typical write sequence would consist of setting the WEL flag,
erasing a page, setting the WEL flag again and then writing the actual data.
The sample program is called “AT25SF041 FLASH IC.bas”. Unlike
the RAM demo, which loops continuously, this program reads the flash
once, writes data to the flash once, then rereads it, displaying the results
on the terminal. This is to avoid wearing out the flash.
The flash chip we used has a minimum endurance of 100,000 cycles, which means that it would take 27 hours at one write per second
(to the same part of the flash memory) to potentially cause a failure.
Using a BMP180, BMP280 or BME280 sensor module
We published an article in the December 2017 issue explaining how
to use a BMP180 or BMP280 module with a Micromite; see siliconchip. You can download the sample BASIC code for
free from
While the BMP180 and BMP280 provide temperature and pressure/
altitude information, the BME280 also includes humidity data. You can
find MMBasic source code to read data from a BME280 sensor at TheBackShed forum. See:
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 37
Driving the 3.5-inch touchscreen
When using the 2.8in touchscreen, you set it up once using the
OPTION command (as described in the main text) and from then
on, the Micromite automatically configures it each time the chip
is powered up. But because MMBasic doesn’t natively support the
3.5in touchscreen, setting it up is a bit different.
You need to run some code at the start of your program, every
time the chip is powered up, to configure this display. This code
initialises the display and also sets up the ‘hooks’ into Micromite
BASIC’s graphics commands so that you can draw to this screen
using the same commands as for the 2.8in display.
One big difference of this implementation is that it does not block
use of the SPI pins to other interfaces. In fact, the user program
must start the SPI peripheral just as for any other interface. This is
also the reason why the in-built touch commands won’t work, as
they too require exclusive use of the SPI interface.
Although the various control pins for the LCD and touch controllers
(such as CS, DC and RESET) are hardwired into the CFUNCTION to
match the hardware that is on the BackPack, they need to be set up
by the user program. The advantage here is that control can be taken
back if your program wants to use these pins for other purposes.
The CFUNCTION assumes that all this setting-up has been done,
and will fail if it has not. This is so that the CFUNCTION has minimal overhead and is thus quite fast. This is handy, as the 3.5in displays have twice as many pixels to manage as the 2.8in displays.
The following code needs to appear before the display functions
can be used with the 3.5in display. You can also find this code in
our example programs:
SPI OPEN 20000000,0,8
The first line defines three integer variables. ROTATION sets the
display orientation. Set it to a value between one and four. Mode
one is portrait, two is landscape, three is upside-down portrait and
four is upside-down landscape.
BUCKET (the ‘bit-bucket’) is used as a place to store the return
value of the CFUNCTION. BASIC insists on us storing the return
value of a function when calling it, so even though we don’t need
to use that return value, we need somewhere to store it.
ILI9488_SPI_ADD is used to hold the flash memory address
(shortened to “ADD”) of the CFUNCTION. This needs to be passed
to the CFUNCTION during the initialisation stage, as it needs this
to set up the hooks into the native graphics functions.
The address of the CFUNCTION is retrieved by using the PEEK
function on the second line. We have called the CFUNCTION
“ILI9488_SPI”, so if you change this, you will need to change that
second line too.
The next four lines set up the micro’s SPI peripheral and set up
the I/O pins used to control the screen’s CS, DC and RESET lines.
Finally, the display is initialised by our CFUNCTION according to
the ROTATION setting. After this, you will normally clear the screen
using a command like this:
Silicon Chip
Our demonstration program, “ILI9488_SPI_minimal working.
bas”, can be downloaded from the SILICON CHIP website. This sets
up the display as described above and then draws some patterns
on the screen using the inbuilt graphics functions.
Using the touch interface
As mentioned in the text, MMBasic’s built-in touch panel support
doesn’t play well with our new driver. We suspect that this is because the display driver is not initialised when the touch controller
attempts to start up at Micromite boot time. So we have written a
separate CFUNCTION to provide the touch functions.
The “ILI9488 with touch calibration.bas” demonstration program
(also in the download package on our website) shows how to read
raw touch data and also calculate touch locations on the screen. As
well as initialising the display controller as noted above, the following lines are required to use the touch controller:
These four variables provide touch panel calibration. Our calibration sketch generates a new set of calibration values for a specific
touch panel, which can be pasted back into your program.
The ROTATION variable also needs to be set, as described earlier, since the calibrated touch coordinates depend on the display
rotation that is being used.
The last line sets up the Micromite pin used to drive the touch
controller’s CS (chip select) line.
To retrieve the x-axis component of the current touch position,
use the following CFUNCTION call:
This CFUNCTION requires no initialisation, although it assumes
that the SPI interface has already been set up, as this is required
to use the display anyway. This CFUNCTION reduces the speed of
the SPI bus below the 2.5MHz limit of the touch controller IC for
the duration of the CFUNCTION, and returns it to its previous value
To read the y-axis, the value of one is passed as the first parameter instead:
To retrieve the raw ADC values (which are necessary for the calibration), values of two, three or four are passed as the CFUNCTION’s
first parameter. The z-axis value (with the first parameter as four)
corresponds to the pressure on the touch panel, and is used by our
function to check whether a valid touch is occurring. For example:
By using the z-axis value, the IRQ pin on the touch controller is
not needed for the 3.5in displays, although it is left connected on
our board, for use with the 2.8in displays.
Australia’s electronics magazine
As shown here,
the V3 BackPack can
also be populated with other
sensors and ICs to extend what it can do
without requiring external circuitry. These extra
components include temperature and humidity
sensors, an infrared receiver or a flash IC for non-volatile data storage.
type, and the DS32321 IC (IC4), which
is only available in a surface-mounting package.
If fitting IRD1, you also need to
mount the adjacent 100Ω resistor and
10µF capacitor used to filter and bypass its supply.
It’s a good idea to mount IRD1 with
long enough leads that you can bend
its lens to face in the same direction as
the screen. It can be soldered on either
side of the PCB, as long as its lead connections are not reversed compared to
what is shown in Fig.2.
To fit IC4, the DS3231 IC, apply a
small amount of flux to the pads and
solder one pin in place. Check that
its pin 1 dot is orientated as shown
in Fig.2. Once you are happy that the
part is flat and lined up with the other
pins, carefully solder the rest. Ensure
that no solder bridges have formed; if
necessary, clean them up using flux
paste and solder braid (wick).
You will also need to fit the adjacent
100nF capacitor and both I2C pull-up
resistors (4.7kΩ). It’s also a good idea to
connect a battery (2.3-5.5V) via CON9.
A CR2032 lithium battery is commonly used with the DS3231 and will last
many years.
You can either solder its leads to the
pads for CON9 or fit a pin header and
connect the battery using patch leads
or similar. If you don’t connect a battery, IC4 will lose its time each time
power to the board is cut.
But there isn’t much room for a battery on the PCB, and no mounting location is provided, so you will have
to figure out how to mount it (eg, with
double sided tape) and wire it back to
CON9. If mounting it somewhere on
this PCB, make sure it’s properly insulated so it can’t short to any of the
tracks or components.
Either the DHT22 (TS1) or DS18B20
(TS2) temperature sensor can be fitted,
but not both. They connect to the same
pin on the Micromite (pin 5) but use
different communication protocols.
They share a single 4.7kΩ pull-up resistor, which is inside the box labelled
TS1, but needs to be fitted if either TS1
or TS2 is being installed.
TS1 is quite tall so it can be fitted
laid over towards IC4; the vented side
of the case should face away from the
Breaking news from
While we were preparing this article, Geoff Graham told us that
Peter Mather had made a post on his forum, “The Back Shed”,
describing a driver that he had created for the ILI9488 display
The Back Shed is a great place to get information on the various
Micromites and other topics. See:
His code for the display controller can be found at:
It is implemented as a CSUB which is run by the Micromite at
startup. The initialisation process is different to our CFUNCTION,
but after that, you use the same native graphics commands as
with our code.
The code shown on the forum is for a different Micromite
board, so the initialisation line needs to be changed to suit the
pinouts used on the BackPack. Copy and paste his code labelled
“MM2” into a blank program, then change the second line from:
ILI9488 16,2,9,1
ILI9488 2,23,6,1
These parameters determine the display CD pin, RST pin, CS
pin and orientation. This changes the pin values to suit the BackPack. The orientation is a value from 1 to 4, as explained in the
main text of this article. Upload the program to the Micromite
and run the command:
to store the CSUB as a library instead of BASIC code, then restart the processor with the command:
The driver will then be loaded. At this stage, the Micromite is at
the same state as if the OPTION LCDPANEL command had been
run for the 2.8in screen, and normal touch panel initialisation can
continue, like this:
Readers who are comfortable with the usual way of setting up
touch panels on the Micromite, such as the ILI9341, may prefer
this method as it works similarly. However, note that you will lose
the ability to use the SPI peripheral for other purposes, as is the
case with the 2.8in display.
Peter also noted the glitch with the MISO pin on these displays
which we found (and worked around) while while trying them
out in our May article and then on the V3 BackPack board; see:
Finally, future releases of the Micromite V2 firmware will include
a copy of Peter Mather’s ILI9488 CSUB driver.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 39
baud on a freshly programmed Micromite, if you want to check this out
now, using your favourite serial terminal program.
Here’s how the
3.5in display fits over
the BackPack V3 PCB. It
can also accommodate the 2.8in
display if you wish but it’s designed
to suit the larger display.
PCB. If IC4 has already been fitted,
there should still be room to lay TS1 on
its side, but you will need to initially
mount it slightly above the board so
that it will sit flat on top of IC4 when
bent over.
If fitting an SMD flash or RAM chip
for IC3, orientate it with pin 1 towards the bottom edge of the board,
as shown in Fig.2. You can solder it
using a similar technique as described
for IC4 above.
The through-hole version will be a
bit easier to solder, and is orientated
with its pin 1 dot or notch towards the
left as shown.
In either case, you will also need to
fit the adjacent 100nF bypass capacitor and the two 10kΩ pull-up resistors.
Note that some flash ICs have internal
pull-ups; in this case, you can omit
those resistors. Check your device’s
data sheet to find out.
To connect an external I2C module,
including a BMP180 (GY-68 module),
BMP280 (GY-BMP280 module) or
BME280 (GY-BME280 module), fit pin
header CON8 and the two 4.7kΩ resistors above it. As mentioned earlier,
you can solder the module directly to
CON8; match up its pinout, as printed on the module, with that shown in
Fig.2 or on the PCB.
Note that some modules already incorporate pull-up resistors for the SDA
and SCL lines. In this case, either don’t
fit the resistors on the BackPack, or
remove them from the module. There
should be exactly one set of pull-up
resistors in the circuit.
Programming the chips
Both chips are available pre-programmed from the SILICON CHIP ON40
Silicon Chip
SHOP, but you only really need
IC2 to be pre-programmed since it is
capable of loading the software onto
IC1, using pic32prog (see below). But
having IC1 pre-programmed will save
you some effort, and both chips come
programmed if you purchase them as
part of our kit (Cat SC5082).
While it is possible to program IC2
using a BASIC program on IC1 and a
9V battery, we only recommend this if
you have no other way, and this has a
bit of a ‘chicken and egg’ problem, in
that it only works if IC1 has already
been programmed.
html for more information on this
You can program IC1 after fitting it,
either using the ICSP header (CON5)
and a PICkit or similar programmer, or
by using IC2 in its Microbridge role.
More information on using the Microbridge and its pic32prog software can
be found in the article from May 2017
We’ll proceed assuming that you
have pre-programmed chips, so fit
them now. If you have used sockets,
gently bend the leads of the ICs inwards to fit the sockets, otherwise,
solder the chips directly to the PCB,
taking great care that they are orientated correctly. Both ICs should have
pin 1 facing towards the USB socket.
It’s a good idea to solder two diagonally opposite corners and ensure the
IC is flat and level before soldering the
The V3 BackPack is now usable and
can be tested. Plug the BackPack into
a computer and it should show up as
a new USB-serial device.
Communication occurs at 38,400
Australia’s electronics magazine
Under Windows 10 and Linux, a
driver should be automatically installed. If it is not, then the driver can
be found at
wwwproducts/en/MCP2200 While
this is a different device, it uses the
same USB identification (VID and PID)
codes as the Microbridge firmware.
(Incidentally, the MCP2200 is nothing more than a PIC18F14K50 that has
been programmed to act as a USB-serial bridge, which is why this driver
When properly installed, the Micromite BackPack should appear as a new
virtual COM port on your computer.
Configuring the display
The backlight controls work unchanged compared to the V2 BackPack
(assuming you have fitted Q1, Q2 and
their associated resistors).
The backlight intensity is set on a
scale of 0 to 100 with the PWM function thus:
This command works because pin
26 is the first output of PWM channel 2.
Alternatively, the backlight can be
turned on or off by using the SETPIN
and PIN commands to set the output
of pin 26 high or low.
If you are using a 2.8in display, then
the same instructions as given in the
article from May 2017 (on the V2 BackPack) apply. The following commands
initialise and calibrate the display:
The 3.5in panel works slightly differently, as it depends on a CFUNCTION to work and is not quite as ‘transparent’ as the inbuilt display driver.
See the panel titled “Driving the 3.5inch touchscreen” for details on how
to set up and use the larger screen.
If you have fitted any of the optional components, see the separate panel “Using the optional components”
which describes the software required
to use them.
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Australia’s electronics magazine
2019 41
Vintage Radio “MegaFest”
early twenty years ago, the first National Vintage
RadioFest was held in suburban Canberra. It was
a modest affair.
In subsequent years, under the banner of the Historic Radio Society of Australia (HRSA), the event has ballooned
into Australia’s largest historical radio display and sales
event. It alternates every two years with
a similar large HRSA event in Melbourne.
This year, it will be a significant event, held on September
20-22nd, in the national capital’s vast Exhibition Park (EPIC)
at Mitchell, on Canberra’s north
Highlights include dedicated
activities for HRSA members on
Saturday 21st, and a giant Sunday market on the 22nd, with a
display and workshop open to
the public.
Those who like to collect vintage radios, related posters and magazines, do repairs and restorations,
plus anyone who likes to re-live the ‘Golden Days’ of radio, will gather for the biggest Vintage Radio show Australia has to offer.
One visitor referred to the last Radio-Fest as being like “a
combination of Harvey Norman and Bunnings, circa 1937”!
Sunday’s public open day will feature many displays of
early radios, from very early broadcast receivers (includ-
Silicon Chip
ing crystal sets), through to the beautiful
and valuable high Art Deco period of
Bakelite radios in the 1930s and 40s,
plus the familiar timber cabinets of
mantel and floor-style console radios, and early phonographs and
Many of the radios have been
painstakingly restored to full
working order, with cabinets in
show-room condition.
These displays will be far
outnumbered by for-sale tables
which will feature all of the
above, plus countless parts, literature, advertising material and ephemera of every kind.
Free workshops running throughout the morning will
include a furniture maker, with tips on the restoration and
finishing of timber cabinets, and our own experts speaking about and demonstrating seemingly impossible restorations.
There will also be a comprehensive introduction to understanding and repairing transistor radios.
A giant raffle will offer patrons the opportunity to bag
one of three fully-restored radios from the golden age.
Parking at EPIC is excellent, and for interstate visitors,
there are motels aplenty nearby, with EPIC’s own caravan
park offering another accommodation option.
Saturday’s program for
Australia’s electronics magazine
in Canberra next month
members offers further delights. The
morning sees a
high-class auction
of some of the rarest and most soughtafter antique radio
equipment. This is
a highly selective
catalog, filled with
top-quality lots.
Already entered
in the earliest category for this year’s
auction are two exceptional and beautiful Atwater Kent
breadboard radios, other rare early sets, AWA “Empire
States”, and a host of other desirables.
There will be plenty of highly-collectable Bakelite radios, early literature, in-store advertising material and other
bits and pieces on offer.
In the afternoon, members and partners are offered a
free bus tour of selected Canberra sites of interest, and in
the evening we join in a festive dinner. Once again, our
friendly bus driver will pick up and drop off prospective
By Richard Begbie and Kevin Poulter
diners from the selected accommodation.
Members can expect great food and entertainment,
with ABC local radio host Alex Sloane as the speaker. Her
many years in radio
promise a wealth
of quirky tales and
If you would like
to “access all areas”, especially Saturday’s events and
on Sunday, joining
the society is easy.
For just $40, membership also confers
benefits beyond admission to the show.
This includes a subscription to Radio Waves, the superb
colour quarterly journal of
the society – a high-quality
magazine packed with articles of technical, historical,
and social interest, news from
groups around the country,
plus sixteen full pages of
Members also gain access
to the 50,000 valves in the
Valve Bank, various other
spares like high voltage capacitors and can participate
in our exclusive auctions.
The HRSA also has a range
of technical journals and a
circuit service.
For details on how to join
and more information about the
RadioFest, go to the HRSA
website at:
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019
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Is your letterbox full of junk, even though
you have a NO JUNK MAIL sign? If so, you
need to build our Junk Mail Repeller. It might
not completely prevent junk mail from being
shoved in your box. . . but it should at least
help. And you’ll have some fun watching the
reactions of the would-be junkmeister!
by Allan Linton-Smith
et’s face it, the people who deliver junk mail must be completely blind (or no comprehende
Engrish!) because they can’t seem to
understand the “NO JUNK MAIL” or
in giant letters on your letterbox.
But hopefully they aren’t deaf, too;
that’s where this gadget comes in.
For a little over two dollars (plus a few
bits and pieces that you probably already have), you can build this junk
mail-triggered digital audio recorder/
playback device.
Just imagine, as they cram yet another flyer into your letterbox,
a voice yells back at them: “HEY
YOU! The sign says NO JUNK MAIL!”
That’s just one of its many
uses! But fundamentally, it’s just
a fun project that you could probably think of a thousand uses for.
Maybe a switch on your bedroom
door and a voice saying “sisters not
By the way, even with a “NO JUNK
MAIL” sign, it isn’t illegal for a business or individual to put a flyer in your
letterbox (even if it is against the industry code of practice).
The problem lies with psychology
101: the junk they’re delivering to you
Silicon Chip
isn’t junk – it’s a vital message that you
would be most upset not to receive.
Therefore any sign doesn’t apply to
them. Only to the next bloke with junk!
So people who stuff junk mail in
your box can’t be arrested! But you
can discourage (and probably annoy)
them with this device.
If you actually like and want junk
mail (and that is about the only mail
you get these days), do not attempt
this project.
The project isn’t
just based on the ISD1820
module . . . it IS the project!
Australia’s electronics magazine
Or maybe you should build it and
use it to say “thank you” to the people
delivering you free catalogs.
How does it work?
Every time a flyer or catalog goes
into your letterbox, the extra weight
should be enough to trigger a microswitch – and they’re greeted with a
message – eg, “No junk mail please –
Australia Post only......we are watching you!”
Then have some fun watching their
reactions! (Tough luck if it is your Australia Post postie delivering the junk,
as they sometimes do!).
You can put any message you like,
in any language. We discourage the
recording of a tirade of swear words,
although that would of course but
possible, as it may land on inappropriate ears.
There isn’t much to it; it’s made
from a pre-built, low-cost digital
voice recorder which is installed
in a plastic box, along with a microswitch and a battery. It then
becomes a junk mail repeller!
The voice recorder/playback module we’re using is based on an ISD1820
We built our Junk Mail Repeller
into a UB3 Jiffy box but just about
any enclosure will do, as long as
it fits inside your letterbox. The
microswitch glued to the outside
of the lid is the secret: it triggers
the voice message whenever anything
heavier-than-an-envelope (eg, junk
mail!) lands on it. The switch on the end
is optional – it changes the length (and quality) of the
voice recording which YOU make to suit the situation.
IC, which can record up to 11 seconds
of audio.
We chose this one because (a) it’s a
nice, small unit, measuring just 38 x
42.5mm; but (b) more importantly, it’s
cheap and really easy to get; you can
get it from our online shop (see the
parts list for details) or you can wait a
few weeks after ordering from eBay or
AliExpress, etc. Search for “isd1820”.
We’d suggest being just a little careful on line – the best price we found
was US$1.74 including postage. But
another supplier was asking AU$10.58
PLUS $73.83 postage! Whew . . . we
thought Ned Kelly was Australian. . .
Ours came ready-made, complete
with a tiny loudspeaker. The speaker
would cost you more than we paid for
the whole thing if you bought it locally!
The module can be powered from
3V (its stated maximum is 7V) from
two AA cells in series.
The standing current drain is
220µA, and it consumes about 38mA
during playback. The cells should last
for months, depending on your junk
mail load!
Note that there is a slightly different module available than the one we
used, which has a 10-pin header and
two slide switches instead of a 12pin header.
This one is also suitable for use in
this project, but you have to make a
few slight changes. These are simple
enough that we’ll leave them to you.
That alternative module is quoted as
working from 2.4-5.5V, which is fine
since our battery is around 3V.
And speaking of Australian, Jaycar
have a similar module which is not
that much more expensive but doesn’t
come with a speaker. (Cat XC4605).
The circuit
The circuit of our module is shown
in Fig.1. The ISD1820 (IC1) is responsible for all audio recording and playback tasks. A 100nF capacitor bypasses its 3V supply (from two AA cells).
During recording, it samples audio
from onboard electret microphone
MIC1, which is AC-coupled to its pin
4 and 5 differential inputs. MIC1’s
power supply voltage is filtered by
the 1kΩ resistor and 220µF capacitor,
while the 4.7kΩ series resistors provide suitable biasing.
A 4.7µF capacitor sets the time constant for IC1’s internal automatic gain
control (AGC), used during recording
to automatically provide a suitable
gain for the microphone. Recording is
initiated by the REC pin (pin 1) going
high and continues as long as it stays
high. During recording, the RECLED
pin (pin 13) is held low, so LED1 lights.
The RECLED output is also pulsed
low at the end of playback, causing
LED1 to flash briefly.
IC1 has a small internal audio amplifier, allowing it to drive the 8Ω speaker directly, via pin header CON2. The
module is supplied with a suitable
cable to connect the speaker to this
JST header. Playback is initiated by
bringing either pin 2 (PLAYE) or pin
3 (PLAYL) high.
The difference is that the recorded
message will continue to play until
REC 11
20 1 9
220 F
5 100nF
4.7 F
Fig.1: the circuit of the voice recorder/playback module, with IC1 providing
all of the recording and playback functions. This diagram includes the three
extra components you will need, ie, a two-cell battery to power the unit, a
microswitch to trigger playback of the recorded audio and optionally, a resistor
connected across the onboard 100kΩ resistor to provide better sound quality.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 49
Fig.2: the internal workings of the audio recording and playback chip. The external resistor from ROSC to ground
sets the oscillator frequency which determines the sampling rate. When recording is activated, the output of the
microphone preamp feeds into the storage array via an antialiasing filter. And when playback is activated, the contents
of the storage array are fed to the output amplifier, which is capable of driving an 8Ω speaker at a reasonable volume.
the end even if PLAYE goes low again,
whereas PLAYL must be held high for
playback to continue.
In other words, PLAYE is edge-triggered while PLAYL is level-triggered
(hence the names). If pin 12 (FT) is
held high, audio from the microphone
is fed through to the output.
The module has on-board tactile
pushbuttons which pull the PLAYE,
PLAYL or REC pins high when they
are pressed.
These signals are also fed through to
pins 7, 9 and 11 of CON1 where they
can be connected to external buttons,
microcontroller outputs etc.
FT is fed to pin 5 of this header,
while power and ground appear on
pins 1 and 3 respectively.
The other half of CON1 is intended so a jumper can be placed across
pins 2 & 4, permanently enabling
feedthrough, or between pins 4 & 6,
in which case no connection is made
and feedthrough is controlled by pin 5.
Bridging pins 10 & 12 causes the
RECLED output to be connected to the
PLAYE input. Since RECLED is pulsed
briefly low at the end of playback, after
playback finishes, this will cause playback to start again, as there is a lowhigh transition on the PLAYE input.
Therefore, playback will loop forever, or at least until the bridging jumper
Fig.3: we varied
the value of ROSC
and measured the
time. As expected
(based on what it
says in the data
sheet), the sampling
rate is inversely
proportional to
the resistor value,
thus the recording
time is directly
proportional to it.
The sampling rate
is equal to 640,000
divided by ROSC
in kilohms, which
gives 6.4kHz with
the default value of
Silicon Chip
is removed (it can be kept on pins 8 &
10 when not used).
Finally, the 100kΩ resistor from
ROSC to ground sets the audio sampling rate to 6.4kHz, which means the
maximum length of the audio recording is around 10 seconds (we measured it at 11).
This can be changed either to give a
longer recording time with worse quality, or a shorter time with better quality.
Chip internals
Fig.2 shows the internal block diagram for the ISD1820 IC. It comprises
a microphone preamplifier, oscillator,
audio sample storage array, audio amplifier, filters, power conditioning and
control logic.
The storage array is quoted as retaining the saved audio data for up to
100 years, or until the next time you
press the REC button!
The power amplifier can deliver
about 80mW into 8Ω, which is sufficient to give quite a reasonable volume
when the speaker is mounted in a Jiffy
box (ie, using it as a baffle).
A more powerful amplifier could be
hooked up to the output, along with
a larger speaker, but this may annoy
your neighbours!
Recording quality vs time
We tested various values for the resistor from ROSC to ground and plotted the results in Fig.3. As you can see,
it’s very close to being a straight line.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.4: the measured frequency response of the unit from
microphone to speaker, when the recommended 390kΩ
resistor is connected across the 100kΩ onboard resistor from
ROSC to ground. This gives a sampling rate of around 8kHz
and an audio bandwidth of just over 3kHz. The Nyquist limit
(ie, highest possible frequency) when sampling at 8kHz is 4kHz,
but the filter’s transition band reduces the usable bandwidth to
around 3/4 of that figure. This gives eight seconds of playback
time and we deem the audio quality to be adequate.
The minimum recommended value is 80kΩ, giving a sampling rate of
8kHz and a maximum recording time
of eight seconds. But you can reduce
the value down to 18kΩ, giving just
under three seconds of recording time,
and presumably a sampling rate of
around 35kHz.
The maximum recommended value is 160kΩ, giving a sampling rate of
4kHz and a maximum playback time
of 16 seconds.
You can go as high as 200kΩ, but
the resulting sampling rate of 3.2kHz
is poor, giving an audio bandwidth of
just 1.3kHz.
While the default rate of 6.4kHz is
good enough for voice, after some experimentation, we settled on 82kΩ as
the best compromise, giving a sampling rate of 8kHz and around 8.5 seconds of playback time.
While the 100kΩ resistor is an SMD
Fig.5: if you solder a 33kΩ resistor in parallel with the
existing 100kΩ resistor, you get 25kΩ and that sets the
sampling rate to around 20kHz, resulting in the nearly
10kHz of audio bandwidth shown here. The sound
quality is better, but the playback time is now limited
to around three and a half seconds. That may or may
not be enough, depending on what message you intend
to convey!
type, since you will probably want to
lower the value if you’re changing it,
you can simply solder another resistor across it.
For example, connecting a 390kΩ
resistor across the existing 100kΩ resistor will get you close to the 82kΩ
ideal value. You can even connect this
resistor via a switch, giving you two
different options by merely flicking it.
Note though that if you record with
the switch in one position and play
back in the other, you will either sound
like a chipmunk or Barry White!
While we mounted the switch and
resistor inside the Jiffy box, this may be
regarded as superfluous – once you’ve
decided on the resistor you require (if
any), it could be soldered across R2
and the switch could be left out.
Building it
Once you have gathered the items in
S5 and 390kΩ
Australia’s electronics magazine
1 ISD1820-based voice recorder
module with a small speaker
and speaker wires (SILICON CHIP
Online Shop Cat SC5081)
1 microswitch
1 UB3 Jiffy box (eg, Jaycar Cat
HB6023 or Altronics Cat H0153)
1 2xAA or 2xAAA cell holder
1 390kΩ 1/4W 5% resistor (other
values can be used; see text)
3 M3 x 10mm panhead machine
screws, flat washers and nuts (for
mounting the speaker)
1 SPST toggle switch (optional, for
switchable sound quality)
2 female-female or 4 male-female
jumper leads
light-duty hookup wire
neutral-cure silicone sealant
Front and rear
shots of the PCB
showing the
we made. The
connections to the
PLAYE switch on
the back of the
board could also
be made on pads
2 and 9 of CON1
(indicated) or
indeed to the pins
themselves on the
top side.
August 2019 51
Three 3mm screws, with washers and
nuts, hold the speaker in place, as
seen here.
the parts list, building it is easy. Solder the bare ends of the supplied lead
to the speaker (if they aren’t already
connected) and then plug this into the
header on the module.
Wire up the 2x1.5V battery holder to pins 1 & 3 of CON1, with the
positive end to pin 1 (don’t get it the
wrong way around or you might let
the smoke out...)
You can do this quite easily by cutting a female-female jumper lead in
half, stripping and soldering the bare
ends to the battery terminals, then
plugging these into CON1, taking care
that the right leads go to the right pins.
You can use a similar technique to
wire up the microswitch between pins
2 & 9 of CON1. Alternatively, as we
did, you solder the microswitch wires
to the appropriate pads on the back of
the PCB (either method is fine!).
Next, drill the holes in the Jiffy box
to accommodate the speaker and the
microswitch. Once again, exact positioning is not needed.
For the speaker, we cut the hole using a 35mm holesaw.The microswitch
depends on which type and size you
have. Ours (13 x 6mm) had three pins
emerging and we drilled three 2mm
holes through the lid for these pins.
You’ll also want to drill three holes
around the periphery of the speaker
mounting hole, for machine screws
to hold it into place. We drilled three
3mm holes about 3mm out from the
edge of the speaker hole, 120° apart.
With these holes just outside where
the speaker surround will sit, machine
screws with flat washers and nuts will
clamp the speaker onto the lid from the
inside. See the photo above.
If using a switch to control audio
quality/recording time (as we did),
also drill a hole and mount this now.
Put this on one side or end of the Jiffy box – you don’t want it to interfere
with the microswitch operation.
Depending on the type of battery
Silicon Chip
Here is the completed project, ready to scare off any junk mail deliverer. The AA
battery holder we used is a nice friction fit in the UB3 Jiffy Box. And the switch
at the end (S5) is optional – in fact, we probably wouldn’t bother fitting it once
we’d decided on the length and quality of our voice recording.
holder you use, you may need to make
a small clamp to hold it in position
with a hole drilled in the base of the
box. With the holder we used, there is
no need to clamp it – it slides down
between the PCB guides in the side
of the case and locks nicely in place.
Check it twice!
Check that everything is working
and record your message. Make sure
you are happy with how it sounds,
then use neutral-cure silicone sealant to seal the gaps around the edge
of the speaker and microswitch holes,
and any other holes you’ve made in
the case.
While a Jiffy box is not waterproof,
(especially with a speaker in the lid!)
if you fit the lid on tight, it should survive the sort of splashes it’s likely to be
exposed to in a mailbox. If you want
to be sure, you can always apply silicone around the edges of the lid before
attaching it to the case.
All that’s left is to place the unit in
your mailbox with the microswitch
facing up so that anything landing
on top of it will trigger the recorded
Australia’s electronics magazine
Go ahead, try it out! Then hide behind a tree and wait for an unsuspecting junk peddler to wander on by...
And as we mentioned earlier, this
project has plenty of other uses; eg
– how about a pithy message when
someone opens up your school bag?
Don’t forget that most microswitches can operate in a “N-O” mode when
held down and close when released –
eg, when a bag is opened!
How loud is it?
On the workbench, the answer is
“not very”. Certainly loud enough to
be really annoying – but when you
place the project in your letterbox,
with all its resonances, it becomes
surprisingly loud.
Sure, it’s not enough to scare the
deliverer into a quivering mess but
it should be loud enough for them
to hear!
Speaking of placing it in the letterbox, make sure it is placed so that
any junk mail (usually larger than legit mail!) can trigger the microswitch
but ordinary mail might not have either enough weight or be in the right
place to switch it.
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service your printer or to unclog a blocked print head. 600g TL4260 - TL4266 WAS $24.95
1kg TL4270 - TL4276 WAS $39.95
Rotary tool
bit set
192 piece. Comes
with a variety of
components for
sanding, engraving,
cutting, grinding, and
polishing. TD2455
See website for details.
Build your
own gaming
Retro NES case
Includes access to all
ports on your Raspberry
Pi, additional USB ports,
and a handy storage
slot for your spare micro
SD cards. XC4403
Retro NES
style controller
SNES layout. Features A/B/
X/Y buttons, start, select,
and direction controls.
Easily configurable, USB
powered. XC4404
ESD safe solder/desolder
rework station
For professional and hobbyist use. 60W
Soldering pencil and 300W rework blower.
Dual digital display. Adjustable temperature.
Innovative heater and sensor. Quick heat-up.
Shop the catalogue
Illuminated arcade
Suits 25mm mounting hole.
Microswitch for reliable operation.
Red, yellow, green, blue & white
colours available. SP0662-SP0669
Arcade joystick with
2 way, 4 way and 8 way options
restrictor plate, metal mounting
plate and main shaft, removable
knob. SM1052
1800 022 888
USB interface for
joystick and buttons
Suitable for arcade games, flight
simulators or anything that works
with a USB joystick. XC9046
Tech Talk:
A soldering iron
for every job
Soldering involves heating a low melting point metal
alloy, mixed with flux, to fuse two other pieces of
metal. Soldering finds many uses in electronics,
roofing, guttering, plumbing, jewellery repair, art, and
general home projects.
We have a full range of soldering tools for the amateur
enthusiast through to the pro tradie. The choice of
soldering iron depends on your intended application. For
soldering delicate electronics components an iron with a
fine tip and a stable tip temperature is generally the right
tool for the job.
If you intended to do some larger jobs such as gutter
repair work, then you will need an open flame blow torch
or a heavy duty soldering iron with a wider tip and very
high operating temperature.
We have the lot, choose your iron!
General purpose
Low cost gas powered
25W – 80W
mains powered
• Adjustable tip temperature
and a fold-out stand
• Great for soldering, cutting
plastic, or heat shrinking
• Temp range up to 450°C /
550°C hot blow /
1300°C open flame
• Stainless steel barrel
• Temp range: up to
380°C (TS1465)
470°C (TS1475)
530°C (TS1485)
25W TS1465 $13.95
40W TS1475 $18.95
80W TS1485 $22.95
3-In-1 Heat blower
and soldering iron
• Flame or flameless function
• Adjustable temp control
• Piezo ignition
• Temp range up to 450°C /
500°C hot blow
Delicate jobs
30W mains powered
85W mains powered
• Temperature controlled
• Plated long-life tip
• Temp range up to 450°C
• Long-life tip with
protective cap
• Temp range
up to 400°C
• Exceptional heat recovery
• High insulation,
low current leakage
• Electrically safety approved
• Temp range up to 320°C
Tough jobs
SAVE $20
Piezo ignition micro torch
SAVE $10
Super pro gas powered
• Piezo ignition with safety lock
• Adjustable flame
• Temp range up to 1300°C
Super pro gas powered kit
• Adjustable temperature up to 580°C
• 120 min (approx.) operating time
• Internal piezo crystal ignitor
• Stainless steel finish
TS1320 WAS $119
• Built-in blow torch
• 4 tips, cleaning sponge & case included
• Quality storage case
• Temp range up to 580°C /1300°C torch temp
TS1328 WAS $159
Soldering accessories
sucker &
blower bulb
Soldering iron stands
Affordable, compact and
effective. 110mm long.
General purpose stand. Large,
tip cleaning sponge & pressed
metal base.
Economy TS1502 $9.95
TS1507 $16.95
click & collect
Solder flux paste
Provide superior fluxing and
reduce solder waste. Nonflammable, non-corrosive. 56g
tub. NS3070
200gm Duratech solder
60% Tin / 40% Lead. Resin
cored. 2 sizes available.
1.00mm NS3010
0.71mm NS3005
Buy online & collect in store
Soldering iron
tip cleaner
Static-safe, suitable for leadfree solders. Supplied with
spare insert. TS1510
your destination for
measuring temperature & more
Safely measure temperature in hard to reach places,
Hand held
pH meter
hot or hazardous areas. Backlit LCD. Built-in laser pointer.
SAVE $30
Digital lightmeter
Measure light in 4 ranges (from
0.01 to 50,000 lux).
• 3.5 Digit LCD display
• 1 x A23 battery included
• Separate photo detector
SAVE $20
12:1 Spot
• Economy
• 3 Digit display
• Temp range: -30°C
to 260°C
• 131mm long
QM7215 WAS $59.95
• Dual laser targeting
• 3.5 Digit Display
• Temp range: -50°C
to +650°C
• 146mm long
QM7221 WAS $139
Laser levelling, layout
and stud locating on
vertical and horizontal surfaces.
• 1 x 9V battery included
QP2288 WAS $59.95
SAVE $10
moisture meter
More ways to pay
Detects AC voltages from
50 to 1000V.
• LED flashlight function
• 2 x AAA batteries included
Multi-purpose thermometer for lab,
factory workshop or barbeque. Features
fast response, min/max memory and
data hold. 205mm long. LR44 battery
included. QM7216
Digital thermometer for fridge
or freezer
Keep your fridge at the right temperature
all year round. Shows room temperature
at the touch of a button. Temp range -50
to 70°C. QM7209
CAT III Non-contact
AC voltage detector
Measure water content in building
materials and wooden fibre articles.
Auto power off. Backlit digital LCD screen.
• 4 x LR44 batteries included
QP2310 WAS $34.95
True RMS autoranging
DMM with temperature NOW
Digital stem thermometer
• Professional
high temperature
• 4.5 Digit display
• Temp range: -50°C
to 1000°C
• 230mm long
QM7226 WAS $249
Distance to spot ratio is the ratio of the distance of the thermometer to the
object being measured, and the diameter of the temperature measurement
area. The larger the ratio number the better the resolution.
3-in-1 Stud
with laser level
Optimises solar panel
installations by finding
optimum locations for the
panels. Expressed as Watts
per square metre (W/m²), or British thermal
units per square foot (BTU/ft²). Includes carry
case and 3 x AAA batteries.
• 0-1999W/m², 634BTU/ft² range
QM1582 WAS $99.95
30:1 Spot
Tech Talk: Distance to spot ratio explained
SAVE $10
Solar power
Powerful, Cat III 600V digital
multimeter. Features
non-contact voltage testing,
continuity, diode check.
QM1551 WAS $64.95
8:1 Spot
SAVE $20
Measure distance up to 20m
with an accurancy of just 1.5mm!
• Works in metric or imperial
• Area and volume calculations
QM1626 WAS $69.95
Mini laser
distance meter
SAVE $10
SAVE $10
Simple and accurate device
for checking pH levels in
water. Great for keeping your
fish tank at the proper pH
level. 1 x 9V battery & buffer
solution included.
• 1-14 pH range
• ±0.2 pH accuracy
QM1670 WAS $64.95
Buffer Solution to suit QM1670
QM1671 WAS $8.95 NOW $4.45 SAVE $4.50
SAVE $20
USB temperature &
humidity dataloggers
Log temperature and humidity readings
and store them in internal memory for
later download to a PC.
Plug-In Type QP6013
WAS $119 NOW $99 SAVE $20
USB/LCD Readout Type QP6014
WAS $149 NOW $129 SAVE $20
SAVE $10
with K-type thermocouple
Excellent measurement range from
-50°C - 750°C and a hold function
to lock the reading on the display.
Thermocouple included. 3.5 digit LCD.
• 1 x 9V battery included
QM1602 WAS $39.95
on sale 24.7.19 - 23.8.19
your destination for projects & DIY.
think. possible.
ultrasonic radar
Watch a cool radar slide across your computer screen like the old
war-time movies! Using the simple ultrasonic sensor to measure
distance in a rotating fashion across your workbench.
Uses Arduino and the easy-to-use “Processing” for GUI
programming on your computer.
A big shout
out to...
Note: Accuracy of detecting helicopters not guaranteed.
TOOLS: Drill, Soldering Iron
1 x Duinotech UNO r3 Development Board
1 x Prototyping Board Shield
1 x 9G Micro Servo Motor
1 x Dual Ultrasonic Sensor Module
1 x Socket to Socket Jumper Leads - 40pce
1 x Prototyping Shield for Wi-Fi Mini
2 x 4 Pin 0.1” Locking Header
1 x 3 Pin 0.1” Locking Header
XC4410 $29.95
XC4482 $15.95
YM2758 $9.95
XC4442 $7.95
WC6026 $5.95
XC3850 $4.95
HM3424 40¢ ea.
HM3423 35¢
SAVE 45%
from Kew East, Victoria
for sharing his brilliant
project idea!
Got a great project idea?
Upload your idea at
If we produce or publish your electronics, Arduino
or Pi project, we’ll give you a complimentary
$100 gift card.
Our new flagship store
is NOW OPEN and it is
unlike any other Jaycar
store you’ve ever seen!
This exciting space features:
• Massive 420 square metres
• 7000+ active products
• Interactive display areas
• Work benches & collaborative work spaces
• 24/7 Click & Collect parcel lockers
Plus...the maker hub!
Dedicated space where you can:
• Take part in workshops & events
• 3D printing service
• PCB printing and CNC Router
• Laser cutting
• & more…
Can’t get to the store? Visit:
for informative articles & videos,
upload your project ideas, check workshops
& events schedule and more.
click & collect
Buy online & collect in store
Level 1
Central Park Shopping Mall (opp. UTS)
28 Broadway, Chippendale
NSW 2008
your destination for Arduino®, Pi & imagination
think. possible.
Your Arduino® journey starts here... ESP32
Check out our huge range of Arduino compatible development boards from basic to the
most advanced Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connected projects. It’s all here at a FANTASTIC PRICE!
Dual core microcontroller
Indicates that the product will
work in your Arduino® based project.
Indicates that the product will
work in your Raspberry Pi project.
Wi-Fi mini ESP8266
main board
Perfect compact solution to your
IoT sensor node problem. Packs an
80MHz microcontroller with Wi-Fi
into a board. 4MB flash memory.
11 digital IO pins. XC3802
Uno with
Similar to UNO but with the addition of
Includes a traditional Arduino
MEGA chip + layout as well as an
ESP8266 chip to connect your
projects to the cloud.
Wi-Fi for amazing IoT projects. XC4411
Lilypad board
Compact ATMega 32U4 based main board.
A single chip handles main controller functions
as well as USB connectivity. 9 Digital IO pins.
• LiPo Battery charging connector and circuitry
Duinotech nano board
Most of the DuinoTECH
models use two chipsets, one
for the main controller, one for USB
communication. Now you can have your DuinoTECH
Lite emulate a computer keyboard, mouse, joystick and
many other types of input device. XC4430
equipped with Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth connectivity. 512kB of
RAM, 4MB of flash memory and
heaps of IO pins. XC3800
Mega with Wi-Fi board
Small in size, but packs virtually
all the features of the full duinotech
boards into a tiny DIP-style board that
drops directly into your breadboard.
• ATMega328P microcontroller
Duinotech uno R3
development board
DuinoTECH mega board
100% Arduino® compatible. Stackable design
makes adding expansion shields at ease. Powered
from 7-12VDC or from your computers USB port.
ATMega16u2 USB-Serial chipset. XC4410
Our most powerful Arduino® compatible board.
Boasting more IO pins, more memory, more PWM
outputs, more analogue inputs and more serial ports.
256kb program memory. ATMega2560 Microcontroller.
what’s new
Digital audio converter
Used this module to create your own Raspberry Pi
based music player or just improve the sound quality
from your Raspberry Pi. XC9048
Clear acrylic enclosures
for Arduino®
Protect your Arduino board against
damage, dust and scratches. Pre-drilled
to provide easy access to all ports.
Suits Uno
XC4406 $4.95
Suits Mega XC4408 $6.95
In the Trade?
Dual card adaptor
Insert the SD card switch into your Raspberry Pi
to switch between operating systems on separate
microSD cards. No power required! XC9034
detector module
Detects butane, propane, methane,
alcohol, hydrogen, and smoke. XC4470
Lithium-ion battery power pack
Make your Raspberry Pi project completely portable
with this power expansion board. Attaches directly to
Raspberry Pi. 2 x USB output ports. XC9060
5MP Night
vision camera
Add vision to your next Raspberry Pi
project using our high quality 5MP
camera. Dual infrared LEDs. Performs
even in dim environments. XC9021
3.5” Touchscreen LCD with
stylus and enclosure
Perfect for prototyping or to set up a
portable device with your Raspberry Pi
3B+. Minimal set-up. XC4631
on sale 24.7.19 - 23.8.19
your destination for Nerd Perks:
love jaycar? you’re going to love our rewards!
In store & online
For dollars spent
1 point = $1
eCoupons for future shops in store
200 points = $10 eCoupon
offers, event invitations,
account profile and more...
nerd perks exclusive offers:
Servisol sprays
& aerosols
SAVE $50
Inspection camera with 3.5”
detachable wireless LCD
View and record video and pictures in confined
and dark locations. 1m flexible boom.
QC8712 REG $299
50W Curie
heat technology
soldering station
TS1584 REG $379
SAVE $80
Resistor pack
Rotary tool kit
Dual PC monitor desk stand
Alarm cable
Visor mount rechargeable
Bluetooth handsfree system
Test lead set
2pin mains plug
to IEC C7 female
Corrosion buster pen
Mini gas
soldering tool set
70A circuit breaker
Power point and
earth leakage tester
IP65 sealed ABS enclosure
0.5W 1% mini size metal film. 300pcs.
RR0680 REG $16.95 CLUB $11.95
Connects two phones simultaneously.
AR3138 REG $69.95 CLUB $49.95
Drill, saw, sand, polish, carve or grind.
210pce. TD2459
REG $54.95 CLUB $48.95
16 piece. WT5218
REG $9.95 CLUB $7.95
Piezo ignition, temperature adjust.
TH1606 REG $44.95 CLUB $29.95
SF2265 REG $26.95 CLUB $19.95
15% OFF
nerd perks exclusive offer
Accommodate two monitors up to 27”
each. CW2880 REG $99.95 CLUB $79.95
Multiple testing options.
QP2004 REG $34.95 CLUB $22.95
Remove rust, wax and dirt.
NA1410 REG $24.95 CLUB $19.95
Large 171 x121 x 80mm.
HB6129 REG $21.95 CLUB $14.95
your club. your perks!
*See T&Cs for details
click & collect
SAA approved. 5m.
PS4117 REG $11.95 CLUB $7.95
4 core. 30m roll.
WB1591 REG $21.95 CLUB $14.95
Buy online & collect in store
1 point = $1
200 points = $10 eCoupon
Conditions apply. See website for T&Cs
your destination for
workbench essentials
1. 0-30VDC 0-5A regulated
lab power supply
• Stainless steel. 5-digit LCD
• 0 - 150mm (0-6”) range
• Resolution 0.01mm / 0.0005
(repeatability same)
• Thumbscrew slide damper
• LR-44 battery supplied
TD2082 WAS $39.95
2. Bench vice
5. CAT IV True RMS
autoranging DMM
• Made from hard-wearing
diecast aluminium
• Vacuum base and ball joint clamp
• 75mm opening jaw
• 160mm tall (approx)
TH1766 WAS $39.95
3. LED illuminated clamp
mount magnifier
These SOLDERING STATIONS provide accurate and
controllable tip-temperature, with a high degree of
accuracy and precision, for faster heat
transfer and best tip-temperature
recovery during heavy usage.
Universal drill
press stand
Convert your standard power
drill or rotary tool into a drill
press with this adjustable
stand. Heavy duty cast metal
base and frame.
TD2463 WAS $39.95
Pin vice
Metal construction with
two internal collars. TH1772
SAVE $10
• Adjustable temperature (150-450°C)
• Ceramic element and lightweight pencil
• Analogue display
• 150(L) x 115(W) x 92(H)mm
TS1564 WAS $99.95
4-pce countersink set
Bits include 12, 16 and 19mm. TD2027
Fully insulated screwdriver set for electrical work.
• Slotted sizes 2.5mm, 4mm,
5.5mm & 6.5mm
• Phillips sizes #0, #1, and #2
• 1kV insulation rating
SAVE $10
8-pce screwdriver
& tool set
Features quality rubber-moulded insulation
for in-hand comfort.
• VDE approved to 1000V
• Insulated right to the tip
TD2031 WAS $59.95
7-pce screwdriver set
VDE approved insulated tools
• 2 pin vice collets:
0.3-1.0mm & 1.8-2.6mm
Spiral drive drill/driver
SAVE $10
• Cut, solder, write on it and
not damage your workplace
• Durable A3 size PVC
• 450 x 300m
6. Benchtop work mat
• 125mm diameter 3 dioptre lens
• High / low light setting
• Fully adjustable arm with clamp mount
• Large diameter magnifier
• Interchangeable lens option
• Large, easily to read display
• IP67 environmental rating
• 600V, 4000 count
• AC/DC voltages up to 1000V
• AC/DC currents up to 10A
4. Digital vernier caliper
• Digital control, large LED display
• Built-in over-current & short
circuit protection
• Output current: 0-5A
• 270(L) x 120(W) x 185(H)mm
MP3840 WAS $179
SAVE $20
Insulated pliers & cutters
Strong, tough and reliable. Can cut piano
wire up to 1.6mm. Comfortable double inset
handles. GS approved. WAS $24.95
7" 180mm Bull Nose Pliers
6" 160mm Side Cutters
6.5" 170mm Long Nose Pliers TH1986
Free delivery on online orders over $70
SAVE $20
60W ESD safe
• Adjustable temperature (160-450°C)
• High temperature stability
• LED display
• 160(L) x 104(W) x 124(D)mm
TS1640 WAS $149
SAVE $50
65W ESD safe
• Adjustable temperature (200-480°C)
• Excellent temperature stability and
anti-static characteristics
• LED display
• 146(L) x 115(W) x 98(H)mm
TS1440 WAS $299
Conditions apply - see website for details.
on sale 24.7.19 - 23.8.19
save up to 40
SAVE $40
SAVE $30
outdoor camera
12V 10A intelligent
5-stage battery charger
For charging and maintenance. Safe to
leave connected for months at a time.
• Short circuit protection
• Voltage compensation
• Overheat protection
In-store only. MB3625 WAS $139
SAVE $10
SAVE $20
Dot matrix LED display
3.5" Head-up display with GPS
• Built-in GPS & compass
• Over speed alarm
• Auto brightness adjustment
• 12/24VDC operation
LA9032 WAS $69.95
Blue LED display for your Arduino.
• 10mm LED pitch
In-store only. XC4623 WAS $49.95
Wi-Fi IP cameras
Wi-Fi connectivity makes
installation a breeze.
720p with Pan/Tilt/Zoom QC3837
WAS $79 NOW $64 SAVE $15
720p with Infrared LEDs QC3841
WAS $84.95 NOW $64 SAVE $20.95
SAVE $10
4 Way HDMI switcher with audio splitter
• 4 x HDMI inputs, 1 x HDMI output
• Supports up to 4K UHD resolution
• 146(L) x 70(W) x 24(H)mm
AC1707 WAS $99.95
save up to $50
save $10
Mini wireless alarm kit
• Quick and easy installation
• Easily expanded to cover a
greater area
• Super-loud 120dB siren
LA5282 WAS $89.95
Record surveillance or wildlife
videos in HD 720p to microSD card.
4 x D & 3 x C batteries required.
• Colour LCD
• Weatherproof
QC8027 WAS $189
SAVE $20
SAVE $20
Alcohol breath tester
Quickly and easily check your
blood alcohol content. Backlit
LCD. 3 x AAA batteries required.
Note: Readings are for reference only,
we hold no responsibility for the use of
these devices. QM7304 WAS $54.95
Solar LED light kit 3x3W
• Rugged rechargeable light
• 3.5W monocrystalline solar panel
• 6V 4AH SLA battery
• 2x built-in and 3x individually switched LED lights on leads.
• Mains, in-car & solar chargers included
MB3699 WAS $99.95
SAVE $50
12V monocrystalline solar panels
Designed to withstand harsh environmental
conditions with a durable anodised aluminium
frame and 3.2mm low iron tempered glass.
Junction box included.
120W ZM9058 WAS $249 NOW $199
150W ZM9059 WAS $299 NOW $249
Refer to website for Rewards / Nerd Perks Card T&Cs. Page 1: 20% OFF Filament applies to TL4260, TL4262, TL4264, TL4266, TL4270, TL4272, TL4274 & TL4276 PLA filament. Page 2: FREE Butane Gas (NA1020) applies to products
TS1111, TH1604 & TS1660. Page 4: Nerd Perks Project Kit: Ultrasonic Radar for $39.95 when purchased as a bundle (1 x XC4410, 1 x XC4482, 1 x YM2758, 1 x XC4442, 1 x WC6026, 1 x XC3850, 2 x HM3424 & 1 x HM3423). 6: Nerd
Perks Member Offer: 15% OFF Servisol Sprays and Aerosols applies to NA1000, NA1002, NA1004, NA1008, NA1012, NA1013, NA1015, NA1018, NA1025, NA1067 & NA1504. Nerd Perks Member Offer: 15% OFF Component
Storage Cases applies to Jaycar 014A: Cases & Storage - Storage Boxes.
For your nearest store
& opening hours:
1800 022 888
100 stores & over
130 resellers nationwide
Sydney City
127 York Street
Sydney City, NSW 2000
PH: 02 9267 1614
Head Office
320 Victoria Road,
Rydalmere NSW 2116
Ph: (02) 8832 3100
Fax: (02) 8832 3169
Online Orders
Arrival dates of new products in this flyer were confirmed at the time of print but delays sometimes occur. Please
ring your local store to check stock details. Occasionally there are discontinued items advertised on a special / lower
price in this promotional flyer that has limited to nil stock in certain stores, including Jaycar Authorised Stockist. These
stores may not have stock of these items and can not order or transfer stock. Savings off Original RRP. Prices and
special offers are valid from catalogue sale 24.7.19 - 23.8.19.
Largest high-definition ’scopes in their class
The new 4-Series MSO and 3-Series MDO oscilloscopes
from Tektronix offer more display, more signals, more resolution and advanced capabilities. Both have the largest
capacitive touch screens in their class.
The 200MHz-1.5GHz 4-Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope has a 33.75cm HD (1920 x 1080) capacitive touch
display with up to six analog and digital FlexChannel inputs with 12-bit vertical resolution; up to 16 bits in Hi
Res models. There is support for more than 20 serial bus
protocols and the 4-Series also offers an optional inbuilt
function generator.
The 100MHz-1GHz 3-Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes have a 29.5cm HD (1920 x 1080) capacitive touch
screen, either two or four channels, a built-in spectrum
analyser (on the 1GHz and 3GHz models) and an optional
built-in function generator.
They support a wide range of serial bus decoding and
triggering options.
For more information on the 4-Series
and 3-Series ’scopes
from Tektronix, visit
the Vicom Australia
Vicom Australia Pty Ltd
1064 Centre Rd, Oakleigh Sth, Vic 3167
Tel: 1300 360251
Integrated Passive Components simplify signal conditioning in package that is 20% the size
Integrated Passive Components (IPCs) are attracting increasing
interest due to the miniaturisation of wireless devices, as well as
the need to increase reliability of signal conditioning in RF
circuits such as filtering, impedance matching, differential
to single ended conversion and coupling.
IPCs are essentially electronic sub-systems that combine
multiple discrete passive components into a single surface
mounted device. Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic (LTCC)
technology allows the passive components to be layered
“3-dimensionally.” IPCs deliver the same functionality as
10-40 individual components.
With this approach, the entire front-end between the RF
chipset and the antenna can be manufactured in a single, ultra-low
profile (0.35-1.0mm total thickness) package that is less than 20%
the total size of the same circuit comprised of discrete components.
Microchip’s new ECE1200: the first
commercial eSPI-to-LPC Bridge
Microchip Technology has introduced the industry’s first
commercially available eSPI to LPC bridge. The ECE1200
bridge enables developers to implement the eSPI standard in boards with legacy LPC connectors and peripherals, substantially minimising development costs and risk.
The ECE1200 eSPI to LPC bridge allows developers to
maintain long lifecycles while supporting the eSPI bus
technology that is required for new computing applications. To reduce risk for developers, the eSPI bus technology went through intensive validation for industrial computing applications and has been validated with leading
processor companies.
Designed for today’s
eSPI requirements, Contact:
the ECE1200 detects Microchip Technology Inc
and supports Modern U32, 41 Rawson St, Epping NSW 2121
Standby mode with Tel: (02) 9868 6733
low standby current. Web:
Using this manufacturing process, Johanson
Technology has developed a line of small, highly
reliable IPCs for RF systems.
These components operate over several bands
from 300MHz to 10GHz covering Cellular, DECT,
WLAN, Bluetooth, 802.11 (a, b and g) and GPS
IPCs are available for almost any type of passive circuit, including low and high-pass filters, diplexers,
triplexers, impedance
matched baluns, balun- Contact:
filters, band pass filters, Johanson Technology
couplers and other cus- 4001 Calle Tecate, Camarillo, CA 93012,
tom signal conditioning USA. Tel: (0011) 1 805 389 1166
ElectroneX ’19
returns to
with new venue
ElectroneX – The Electronics Design & Assembly Expo and
Conference – returns to Melbourne this year on 11-12 September.
However, the venue has changed: it will be in the Melbourne
Conference and Exhibition Centre (MCEC). The show is on track
for a sellout with more exhibitors and products than ever before.
First held in 2010, ElectroneX has grown to become the preeminent exhibition for companies using electronics in design,
manufacturing and assembly in Australia
The SMCBA Surface Mount Conference is also held concurrently with the Expo, with
a range of workshops Contact:
for engineers, design- Aust. Exhibitions & Events Pty Ltd
ers and manufactur- PO Box 5269, Sth Melbourne Vic 3205
ers. A comprehensive Tel: (03) 9646 9533
Design Workshop will Web:
also be held.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 61
Remaking a ‘vintage’ guitar FX pedal
Dave Thompson
Ask any guitar player (or just hang around one for a couple of
minutes), and they’ll soon tell you everything about their ‘sound’
and the lengths they’ve gone to in order to achieve it. But for many
of us, finding our tone can be frustrating.
Most beginners (a group in which
I include myself) start by wanting to
emulate an existing player’s sound and
style, with the likes of Buddy Holly,
Jimi Hendrix, Hank Marvin, Eric Clapton and Eddie Van Halen all being
popular role models back in my day.
Of course, the sound I want my own
guitar(s) to make is influenced by the
musical direction I want to go in.
I recall trading a skateboard for my
first electric guitar; the last in a long
line of musical instruments I’d tried
my hand at as a schoolboy. While
proudly showing it off to another
friend, he asked a question I had no
answer for at the time: “Why doesn’t
it sound like guitars on all the records
we listen to?”
At that stage, I hadn’t even considered what I wanted to sound like; all
I knew at the age of 16 is that I’d likely be far more popular with girls as a
guitarist rather than a clarinettist! (As
it turned out, it made no difference…)
Silicon Chip
My quest to answer that question
plunged me into the world of guitar amplifiers, speakers and effects
It was typical of me to think of
hardware before even learning to
play! In my defence, all the glossy
magazines and peer pressure at the
time emphasised having the ‘right’
gear rather than actual playing, so
I can blame at least some of that for
my early decisions (how’s that for a
Another school chum said he had
an old valve amplifier I could have if
I wanted it. At the time, my hobbyist
electronics experience had been limited to relatively simple transistorbased projects gleaned from 1970s
electronics mags, so the world of
valves was alien to me. I was soon to
learn that this mono ‘hifi’ type amplifier, salvaged from an old radiogram,
wouldn’t be any good as a guitar amp
Australia’s electronics magazine
What I really wanted was something
with a bit of gain and bite to emulate
the popular lead guitarists’ tone of the
time; with mismatched input impedances and lack of a high-gain stage,
without significant mods (far above
my pay-grade at the time), this amp
wouldn’t be much chop at all.
At least I could now hear what I
was trying to play, though the ancient speaker burgled from the same
wrecked radiogram was about as suitable for guitar reproduction as the
amp itself. But it was loud enough to
elicit the ubiquitous “turn that thing
down!” command from my parents
that all aspiring guitar players will be
familiar with.
My usual retort was that they should
be glad that I didn’t want to learn to
play the drums!
An expensive hobby
This process gave me my first taste
of being what is now colourfully
Items Covered This Month
Pedal to the heavy metal
An 1890s Weston voltmeter
Idle-stop-start-system fault
Fisher & Paykel “French door”
fridge repair
*Dave Thompson runs PC Anytime
in Christchurch, NZ.
Email: dave<at>
called a ‘gear slut’. It is a natural human tendency to try to overcome a
perceived deficiency by throwing
money or resources at it, and I am no
However, the more I learned, the
more I discovered that anything worth
having in the guitar-playing business
cost a lot more than the average pimply teenager could scrape together.
While it’s true that buying a topquality brand-name guitar is as prohibitive today as it was then, I’d still
have needed to work my after-school
job for years to be able to afford something like a Fender Stratocaster or a
Gibson Les Paul, arguably the two most
sought-after models in history.
I ended up with a reasonably good
Strat clone, but still had to plug it into
a proper amp to get any real sound out
of it. At the time, transistor amps were
very much in-vogue and becoming far
more affordable than tube amps, due
to the proliferation of increasingly-
inexpensive and ever higher-powered transistors and hybrid amplifier
This, coupled with a concerted
campaign by the marketing people to
portray valve amps as being old-fashioned, heavy to cart around, expensive to repair and all but superseded
by the miracles of modern electronics, led to a boom in solid-state amplifier sales.
The ever-diminishing stocks and
increasing cost of suitable valves and
transformers also made going solidstate appear to be the sensible option.
However, more-savvy guitar players knew the truth; transistors didn’t
sound as good as valves when used in
guitar amplifiers.
Making transistor guitar
amps sound better
To combat this, manufacturers of
solid-state amps soon started using
a variety of circuits to try to emulate
the much-desired ‘valve sound’. This
sparked another sales boom, this time
in effects pedals.
Ironically, many of these floormounted units were solid-state, yet
all manner of electronic jiggerypokery was used to try to capture
the ‘warm’, harmonic-rich and more
pleasant-sounding distortion that
valves naturally exhibit when pushed
outside their normal operating parameters.
These days, sophisticated solidstate ‘modelling’ amplifiers that can
make any guitar sound fantastic are
highly regarded (and very expensive!)
but in general, transistor guitar amps
Australia’s electronics magazine
are thought of as sounding ‘harsh’ and
discordant when over-driven.
While not ideal for certain guitar
sounds, transistor-based amps have
found favour for those desiring lowergain but still-powerful ‘clean’ sounds,
such as in country or jazz music and
for keyboard or bass guitar amplification (although many bass players do
like to add a little ‘fuzz’ too!).
One of the earliest attempts at making any amplifier sound better is a device called a “Tone Booster”, or “Treble
Booster”. This is essentially a low-gain
preamp and filter that was intended to
add some extra sparkle to an overdriven valve amplifier, due to the tendency
of the sound to ‘darken’ when the amp
was pushed into clipping.
They typically also boosted the output of then-weaker guitar pickups,
which added a hint of overdrive and
colour to the sound.
Many different companies made
these units, some of which are now
prized and highly collectible. There
were also local companies and savvy
individuals making clones of these
boosters, hoping to cash in on the
popularity and scarcity of overseas
My assignment, which I chose
to accept
This brings me to my current assignment; a customer called at the workshop bearing one such Tone Booster
clone and wanted it refurbished so
that he could use it. He’d acquired it
from someone’s estate, and it appeared
to have been sitting in a garden shed
for the last 50 years.
August 2019 63
There was no name on the nowshabby and rust-spotted metal case,
and the faded panel labels had been
simply-but-neatly drawn on. But it was
quite well-made with tidy, point-topoint wiring evident among the cobwebs and dead earwigs inside.
It was anybody’s guess who’d
made it, or when, but with a battery
attached, it still worked, though the
pot was shot and the jack-plug connections dodgy.
Now, this is the point where things
get contentious amongst gear-heads;
the Booster could be termed a vintage
pedal, and though not strictly a collectible (or even all that desirable or valuable), swapping out components just
isn’t the done thing. Working or not,
this clone might be worth something
to someone, so it didn’t feel right to be
messing with it.
While the owner didn’t care so
much about that side of it, I pointed out
some potential problems with what
he intended to do with it. He’d been
doing some internet research and like
many guitarists, had been swayed by
the fact that many of his heroes had
used a similar device in their recording and stage setups.
He wanted to add this Tone Booster to his existing pedal-board effects
chain and have it powered by the
board’s ‘daisy-chained’ 9V power
I informed him that while this could
likely be achieved, it would mean
overcoming considerable electronic
hurdles, and the benefits of doing that
were probably not as desirable as he
might think.
Silicon Chip
For a start, this effect was either on
or off, and turning it off would kill the
signal from that point onwards. Modern effects use a bypass system, where
stomping on a heavy-duty DPDT (or
3PDT) switch adds or removes the
effect from the signal loop; this box
only had a small, case-mounted on/
off switch, unsuitable for switching
with one’s foot anyway.
Plus, adding a bypass system would
completely ruin the original aesthetic
of the Booster.
Then there was another more complex issue; this device uses a germanium PNP transistor; therefore, the circuit could be termed ‘positive ground’,
with the battery positive terminal connected to the case.
Running it from a negative-ground
power supply wasn’t going to be simple, especially if it is connected to
his other pedals, as the input and
output would essentially be shorted
to ground.
Again, while this could be overcome, it would completely change the
Booster’s original look.
Over the years, I’d met several constructors and heard of many others
who had successfully modified vintage
pedals, or made their own versions.
So my advice to the customer was
to leave the original as-is and create a
whole new pedal using a more modern case, negative-earth supply and a
bypass system but using period components and circuitry. The idea was to
try to achieve the same overall sound.
He went away and thought about it
and came back with the mandate to go
ahead, although he had some reserva-
Australia’s electronics magazine
tions about being able to get the same
sound as the original Booster.
Designing a new old pedal
I reverse-engineered the circuit and
found it was a clone of the much-coveted Dallas Rangemaster, a widelycopied 60s-era Tone Booster supposedly bearing mythical powers.
Just what made it so great is up for
debate, as it is generally accepted that
every Rangemaster gave a slightly different sound due to the ‘use-whateveris-in-the-parts-bin’ approach to manufacture and the relatively wide component tolerances of the era.
What is known is that almost all
the great guitar players over the years
have either used one at some point in
their careers, or raved at length about
it in magazines and videos.
As most of the industry tech guys
I knew who’d done this kind of work
have long-since settled down into
middle-aged obscurity, I hit the web
and was gratified to discover that there
is a thriving sub-culture dedicated to
the Rangemaster, and they’d already
done all the research and development
into modernising the pedal.
As there was no point re-inventing the wheel, I cherry-picked what I
wanted and drew up a circuit incorporating all the various mods required
for modern stage use, whilst retaining as much of the original circuitry
as possible.
Nutting out the design
That meant sticking with a germanium PNP transistor and using vintage carbon-composition resistors
and polyester or film capacitors. This
posed no problems for me, because I
have drawers packed with NOS (New
Old Stock) components collected over
the last 40 years, many of which are
from dad’s collection and date back
to the 60s.
I have many AC and OC-series
transistors that will do the job, along
with hundreds of various values of
old capacitors, resistors and potentiometers.
All I needed from my stash was one
PNP transistor, four capacitors, one pot
and two resistors for the basic booster circuit. I also decided to add three
different-value, switchable input caps
to offer a wider range of tone choices,
since modern pickups are typically
hotter and sound different from those
from the olden days.
I also added input pull-down and
output resistors, which are not necessary when the Booster is used as a
stand-alone effect but are preferred
when used in conjunction with other pedals, to match impedances and
minimise switching noise.
Another modification I made is to
use a trimmer pot instead of one of the
originally fixed bias resistors, to help
with fine-tuning the transistor operating point and hopefully enable us to
dial in the perfect tone.
I also decided to use a transistor
socket, so I could experiment with other transistors to get different sounds.
I also included a foot-operated total
bypass switching system, which completely removes the booster circuit
from the signal loop, without affecting anything else.
By today’s standards, this is a flawed
circuit, with non-optimal input and
output impedances and noisy, ‘oldtech’ components, all expected to interface with modern, high-gain electronics. Regardless, many guitarists
will put up with noisy pedals (or use
gates or other methods of minimising
noise) to get a better overall tone, so
this isn’t a show-stopper.
A different power supply
Nonetheless, I still had to modify the
original circuit slightly to use a negative ground, so we can plug in other
pedals and use the customer’s existing power supply. This modification
should not affect the tone.
Initially, I thought I would simply
be able to switch the existing ground
and signal points at the jack sockets
while keeping the rest of the circuit
above ground. But this turns out not
to be a good idea as it can cause circuit instability and add more noise.
The solution was to use a powerconverter board to manipulate the
voltage polarity instead; this ensures
the circuit functions as originally intended, while still making the Booster
compatible with the modern power
supply and other pedals in the signal chain.
In case the customer wanted to use
the pedal as a stand-alone effect, or
off-grid, I added the ability to run it
off its own 9V battery.
I utilised the power socket’s second set of contacts to take the battery
out of circuit when external power is
plugged in. I also used a stereo jack
socket for the signal input, so power
is switched on when the mono input
jack is plugged in; this is standard with
newer pedals.
I chose a solid, cast-aluminium enclosure for the case as this will stand
up well to the ‘rock-and-roll’ life of
a floor-mounted effects pedal. It also
supplies a stable platform for stomping on the heavy-duty bypass switch.
These cases are now inexpensive and
widely available from many vendors.
Putting it all together
Construction was very straightforward; much of the hard work is drilling
the case for the various components.
It is certainly far simpler to build than
the DAB+ Radio I’ve just assembled
( That
project is a real test for constructors!
Setup is also easy, with nothing
much to do. To start off, I plugged a
recommended OC44 transistor into the
socket. I then hooked up a power supply, my guitar and a 15W valve amplifier, so I could tweak the bias voltage
by adjusting the bias trimmer to get
the most pleasing sound.
The Booster certainly makes a big
difference; through it, my Telecaster
sounds bright and punchy. The Booster at full volume drives my 12AX7
preamp into a very pleasant crunch.
Switching the input capacitor selector to other values made quite a tonal
difference, but I think this will vary
widely depending on what guitar is
Regardless, the customer was delighted when he heard me playing
through his new pedal, and later
Australia’s electronics magazine
called to tell me it sounded fantastic,
if a little noisy, through his setup. But
that’s all part of the vintage charm.
Job done!
Weston voltmeter repair
D. V., of Burpengary, Qld, got a very
unusual request lately. He was asked
to repair a Weston voltmeter.
Haven’t heard of Weston? I can’t
blame you. The Weston Electrical Instrument Company existed from 1888
to 1954. They were one of the early
electrical pioneers and this is the greatgreat-grandfather of the multimeter
which we all use today. This is what
happened next...
Being an old and long retired electrician, the request to repair the Weston voltmeter aroused my interest. I
was keen to see how it was made and
whether I could get it working. So I
duly agreed and waited for the instrument to show up at my door.
It arrived carefully packed in an aluminium carry case. Inside was a neat,
polished timber box, possibly American redwood, measuring 200 x 180 x
100mm deep – or should that be 8 x
7 x 4 inches?
The label inside the lid described it
as a “WESTON Standard Portable Alternating and Direct Current Voltmeter, No: 123” with an accuracy of 1/5
of 1%! The date it was tested in the
Weston Laboratory was August 20th,
1891. The label states (paraphrased):
“This instrument indicates Legal
Volts. It has been standardized for
use in a HORIZONTAL position, and
to obtain the most accurate results,
should be used in that position. It is
absolutely permanent, and if properly used, its indications may be relied
upon to within 1/5 of 1%.
Resistance of 60 volt coil at 70°F:
1107.72 Legal ohms
Resistance of 120 volt coil at 70°F:
2224.11 Legal ohms
Standardized at Weston Laboratory,
Newark N. J., U.S.A.
Date: August 20th, 1891 By Wallace
Hill, Certified: Edward Weston
Do not handle this instrument
roughly. Rough usage is liable to injure the jewelled bearings, or pivots,
and thus cause friction and diminish
the sensibility of the instrument.
Avoid wiping the glass cover just
before making a reading. Neglect of
this rule frequently causes great discrepancies in the readings of electrical
measuring instruments, owing to the
August 2019 65
The Weston Voltmeter dated at 1891, with a view of its internals directly below. The paper sleeve remarks that the
glass cover should not be wiped before testing as the rubbed parts become electrified.
fact that the rubbed parts become electrified and the moving parts are electrified by induction, and are therefore
subjected to forces other than those
they are intended to measure.
Carefully read the instructions for
use accompanying the instrument before attempting to use it.”
Well, the instructions had disappeared long ago as the instrument was
acquired somewhere in the 1940s. Nobody knew where it had spent the previous 50 years of its life.
The meter movement sits behind a
thick glass panel, held in place with
a single screw. I thought it would be
a moving iron meter as the scale is
cramped at the beginning.
But removing the works revealed
a rather large moving coil assembly
with two wound field coils. There
is a timber bobbin with silk-covered
resistance wire wound on it, to provide for the two voltage ranges, 120V
and 60V.
Mounted on the glass panel is a
small multi-position rotary switch
with small wire resistors between the
contacts. The scale is marked 60° to
105°, no doubt in Fahrenheit! The
switch was very stiff with age and a
few of the resistors and switch contacts measured open-circuit.
A mercury thermometer is mounted
under the glass, with its bulb curved
around so that it is close to the field
Silicon Chip
coils. You set the knob to match the
temperature on the thermometer to
compensate for the change in the resistance of the coils as they warm up.
The moving coil is wound in a ring
with the jewelled pivots glued on.
There is no metal former as in a modern moving coil instrument, so there
is no damping of the meter movement.
The stator coils are wound on Bakelite
formers. The moving coil pivots are
mounted between the two coils with
the hairsprings which carry the current to the coil.
Also, it has a disc brake. Because
the meter has no damping, a change in
reading will cause the pointer to swing
like a pendulum. By easing the pressure on the Operate button a little, a
small brake pad touches the disc and
steadies the pointer. Press the button
Australia’s electronics magazine
right in and the pointer will settle at
the correct reading within 1/5 of 1%,
The original wiring was rubber insulated, and after 127 years it had
crumbled away, so I replaced it with
plastic-insulated wire.
I checked the meter accuracy against
a Fluke 87 multimeter as my calibrator couldn’t provide the required current. It takes 50mA for full-scale deflection! Initial testing showed an error of
about 2% on the 60V range and about
4% error on the 120V range. This was
better than I expected for such an old
I decided to shunt the bobbin resistors with wire-wound resistors to
improve the accuracy a little. These
could be hidden, tucked away inside
the instrument. The accuracy was then
about 2%, which was deemed good
enough for a museum piece.
How did Mr Weston achieve the
stated accuracy of 1/5 of 1%? Probably by setting everything up in ideal
conditions in his laboratory. The meter
would have had only the curved lines
on the dial. A precise voltage would
have been applied and a small mark
put on the scale. This would have been
repeated over and over until all the
major marks were made.
Then a very talented and neat artist
would mark up all the necessary calibration points. So the accuracy would
be within 0.2% of his instruments, at
least initially. How long it remained
that accurate, it’s hard to say.
Having gotten it working satisfactorily, I popped it back into the carry
case and sent it back to the museum,
where it will no doubt fit in nicely.
Car start-stop battery bodge
A. K., of Armidale, NSW had to use
some lateral thinking to overcome a design flaw in his car. You have to wonder why the engineers who designed it
didn’t think of this in the first place...
I purchased a new SUV five years
ago. While gazing into the engine compartment, I noticed that it had a big
12V battery – much larger than I was
expecting it to be. I was to find out why
that was the case shortly.
This car has a feature called the idle
stop-start system (ISSS), where the
motor shuts down if the brake pedal is held down for more than a few
seconds. It starts up automatically as
soon as you take your foot off the brake
again. This is starting to become more
common, and some people hate it. But
it does explain why the vehicle needs
such a large battery – to allow for the
frequent cranking that results.
The ISSS feature is designed to save
petrol and reduce car emissions in cities. It’s OK in a city when you’re frequently stopping at traffic lights but in
a small town with lots of roundabouts,
it can be a problem!
Three years after I purchased the car,
the ISSS fault lamp started blinking.
I was told by the service department
that this indicated when the battery
was down to 75% of its full charge.
They told me to make sure the battery
electrolyte was topped up and take it
for a long drive, or use a mains charger
and that would fix it.
And it did, for nine months, then
the lamp started flashing again. This
time, the service department gave the
battery a thorough test, which it passed
with flying colours. However, within
six months, the flashing was back to
stay. The service department’s answer
was for me to buy another battery!
But the batteries had lasted much
longer than five years on my four previous cars, so I took exception to this.
I have worked extensively with 12V
lead-acid batteries used for emergency power over my 40-year career as a
broadcast technician.
I always refilled them with distilled
water, using a hydrometer to check
the cells and I do the same with my
car batteries. The car doesn’t crank
long before it starts and it starts every time. I never saw a battery voltage
below 12.3V. So it should still be in
good condition.
I started wondering why I was having this problem and decided that the
ISSS system must be especially hard
on the battery or especially fussy about
its condition.
Perhaps the battery’s impedance had
increased as it aged and that was causing the problem. So I needed a way to
reduce the battery’s impedance to a
more normal level.
Then I remembered my old mentor
technician (boss) soldering a 1000µF
capacitor across a 9V radio battery, extending its life by quite a bit. Perhaps a
capacitor across my car battery would
do the same. But it would need to be
much bigger than 1000µF!
Back in the 90s, one Farad capacitors were all the rage for use with
car sub-woofer amplifiers. I dropped
into the local car hifi shop and luckily picked up an old one off the shelf
for a good price, as new 1F capacitors
are $150-200.
I attached the capacitor to the car
battery holder as close as possible
and wired it in parallel, keeping the
leads short. I was disheartened that after starting the car, the ISSS lamp was
still flashing. But the next day, the ISSS
lamp didn’t flash and for the past six
months, the flashing has not returned.
I consider that a success!
I have more recently become aware
that some car manufacturers (mine
in particular) manipulate the battery
charging voltage. I checked my battery voltage with the engine running
and got a reading of just 12.55V. I was
expecting at least 13V, so what is going on?
Then I remembered a letter in MailAustralia’s electronics magazine
bag (Silicon Chip; September 2018),
where a car owner found his car would
only properly charge the battery when
the lights were on.
I then turned on the headlights to
main beam and lo and behold, the battery charge voltage went up to 13.8V.
Even switching on the parking lights
did the trick.
Perhaps this was the other reason
my car battery was not aging well. I
don’t drive much at night and with the
lights off, perhaps it was never being
fully charged.
I suggest readers who own newer
vehicles may want to monitor their
battery charging voltage, to make sure
it is getting charged adequately from
time to time.
Fisher & Paykel fridge repair
D. M., of Toorak, Vic made a simple
repair which saved his friend hundreds of dollars and no doubt, lots of
frustration. He’s very annoyed at the
situation, and we can’t blame him…
I have a friend with a Fisher and
Paykel “French door” fridge. It was
giving an F20 error code. A Google
search explains this is due to a broken
wire that goes from a door to the body
of the fridge. The wire is evidently for
a heating element.
The wires are located under the upper-left hinge cover which snaps off.
She had previously had this problem
repaired several times by a technician
sent by F&P, and she paid $400 each
time. She wanted me to look at the
fridge and see if I could stop it from
failing repeatedly.
It only took me a few minutes to get
to the wires in question, and they appeared to be ordinary wires, not a type
specially designed to be fatigue resistant, as you would expect in a situation
where they can be repeatedly bent and
unbent dozens of times per day.
Multiple breaks in these wires had
been repaired with wire joiners. I removed all evidence of the previous
repairs and soldered new high-quality wires of similar thickness in their
place. I think my repair will last a
long time.
It took me about thirty minutes in
total, and I think it is outrageous that
she paid $400 on multiple occasions
to the same person for essentially the
same repair. Especially since the fault
appears to be due to a design flaw, ie,
using an inappropriate type of wire for
this application.
August 2019 67
The new
Pi 4B
The Raspberry Pi 3B+ was introduced only about one year ago. The
Raspberry Pi foundation has clearly been busy in the meantime as they
have just announced the release of the Raspberry Pi Model 4B. It’s more
than just another upgrade . . . with several delicious new features (as
you can see below), it’s a whole new pie!
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
he Raspberry Pi series of single-board computers (SBCs)
has proven immensely popular,
with around 20 million sold since the
launch of the first model, around seven years ago.
We reviewed the most recent model, the 3B+, in our July 2018 issue
The Pi 4B is similar in many ways
to the 3B+, but it is somewhat more
What’s in the Pi?
The Raspberry Pi Foundation is touting the Pi 4B as “your new desktop
We’ve tried using some of the older
variants as a desktop computer, and
while they are usable under light load,
they struggle with, for example, large
numbers of browser tabs.
But the Pi is very powerful compared
to most embedded controllers, so in a
sense, it bridges the gap between the
microcontroller and desktop worlds.
The Pi 4B now has options for 1GB,
2GB or 4GB of RAM, which is a considerable step up from the maximum
of 1GB in the older version (it wasn’t
that long ago that PCs struggled to address 4GB!).
The RAM is also more than double
the speed now. That alone will make
a massive difference in performance,
especially for desktop applications.
The main SoC (System on a Chip)
processor is now an ARM Cortex A72
made with a 28nm process, compared
to the 40nm process used for the Cortex A53 in the 3B+.
The A53 was a “high-efficiency
core” while the A72 is a “high-performance” core.
That means it has more cache memory, supports out-of-order execution and
has a 15-stage pipeline, compared to the
8-stage pipeline of the A53.
The A72 also has a more advanced
branch predictor and runs slightly faster, at 1.5GHz rather than 1.4GHz.
All these changes mean that you can
expect code to run about 60% faster
Raspberry Pi 4 specs
SoC: Broadcom BCM2711B0 quad-core A72 (ARMv8-A) 64-bit <at> 1.5GHz
GPU: Broadcom VideoCore VI
Networking: 2.4GHz and 5GHz 802.11b/g/n/ac wireless LAN
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 5.0, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
GPIO: 40-pin GPIO header, populated
Storage: microSD
Ports: 2 × micro-HDMI 2.0, 3.5 mm analog audio/video jack, 2 × USB 2.0, 2 × USB
3.0, Gigabit Ethernet, Camera Serial Interface (CSI), Display Serial Interface (DSI)
Dimensions: 88mm × 58mm × 19.5mm, 46 g
on the Pi 4B than it did on the Pi 3B+.
Communication upgrades
The Gigabit Ethernet port is now usable at true Gigabit speeds, as it no longer communicates with the CPU over
USB, and two of the externally accessible USB ports are now USB3 types.
Dual micro-HDMI sockets replace the
single full-size HDMI socket found on
the older models. For those folks who
like a dual monitor setup, this suddenly got a lot easier with a Raspberry Pi.
All these features will certainly make
the new Pi 4B more usable as a desktop computer.
There are a few other minor changes.
It’s powered via a USB-C connector, and
the micro-HDMI sockets mean a different cable or adapter is needed.
These changes, and the rearrangement of the Ethernet and USB ports,
mean that existing cases will not fit
the new model.
There are also some changes to the
way the Pi boots; there is now a boot
EEPROM on the board itself which replaces the bootcode.bin file previously
stored on the SD card.
Support for PXE (network) and USB
booting should be available with a future firmware upgrade.
The Raspbian operating system has
also stepped up, with the most recent
Australia’s electronics magazine
version (June 2019) changing to Debian’s “Buster” release.
We expect that you will need this
new version of Raspbian to operate the
new version of the Pi.
It appears that the Pi 4B now has
the necessary grunt to truly become a
desktop computer and we expect it will
be quite popular as new users become
more willing to try it out.
It’s also likely to be hard to beat in
performance/price ratio as an embedded controller.
As we are writing this article, only
the 1GB variant appears to be in stock
(at Core Electronics), although we expect demand to be high.
All three models should be available
in quantity around the end of September, but you can place a pre-order now
(and we recommend that you do so, as
they may sell out fast!).
The Pi 4B starts at around $56 (not
including a power supply, SD card or
cables); the 2GB model $72 and the 4GB
model $88 (all prices including GST).
See the following websites for more details:
August 2019 69
Radio Head Unit Dimmer Adaptor
and Voltage Interceptor
by John Clarke
Very few aftermarket car radio ‘head units’ offer a dimming function,
which makes driving in the country at night downright hazardous.
This simple device fixes that, adjusting the display and backlighting
brightness as you dim your instrument lights, giving you back your night
vision and letting you see properly! It can also be used as a basic Voltage
Interceptor for various automotive sensors.
hen driving at night, especially outside of towns and
cities where there are no
street lights, your eyes need to adapt
to the dark.
It’s called “night vision”.
Bright headlights generally aren’t
sufficient for you to see far enough
down the road to drive safely, because many vehicles shine far too
much light at your face to allow
your eyes to adapt properly to
the dark.
One especially bad offender is ‘infotainment’
screens; while these
generally dim automatically at night (ie,
when your headlights
are on), they’re usually
still far too bright. Some can’t
be turned off at all.
And if you fit an aftermarket
Silicon Chip
‘head unit’ to your car, to add new features like Bluetooth or MP3 playback
(or just to enhance the sound quality),
you will usually find that the display
doesn’t dim at all when you turn on
the headlights.
That isn’t good enough!
Australia’s electronics magazine
This device was designed specifically to solve that problem. Not only
does it allow you to dim the display of
a typical head unit automatically, but
it will adjust the display brightness as
you adjust your dashboard instrument
light dimmer.
So it’s really convenient.
Once it’s set up, you simply adjust your dash lights to
the desired brightness, and the radio
will follow suit.
It’s a small unit
that draws little power
and can be hidden away
under the dash or possibly even inside the head
unit. It’s quite easy to set
up, too. So if you’ve installed
a new head unit, or are planning
to do so, you need to build this device.
It’s tough to dim the head unit
play without it, since most aftermarket
radios don’t have any wires to control
the display brightness.
So to be able to dim the display, you
will need to open it up and find the
display backlighting supply source.
This is then intercepted and adjusted
by our Dimmer Adaptor. In most cases,
this is not hard to do for anyone with
a little electronics knowledge; we’ll
explain how to do this later on.
Why we had to design
this device
Part of the reason you need this
Dimmer Adaptor is that typically,
the switch lighting and alphanumeric display in the head unit are backlit by LEDs, whereas the instrument
backlighting in most vehicles more
than a few years old uses incandescent lamps.
The dimming voltages required are
quite different between LEDs and incandescent lamps.
For example, the head unit may use
two white or blue LEDs connected in
series to illuminate the buttons, and
these will likely be driven from a regulated supply of about 8-9V via a current-limiting resistor. So 8-9V would
give full brightness while around 6V
would cause them to barely light up
at all.
Compare that to 12V incandescent
lamps, that still give some light down
to below 1V. Additionally, incandescent lamps have a brightness that is
very non-linear with supply voltage.
Even if your vehicle has backlit instrument lamps that use LEDs, their
operating voltage range will not necessarily be suitable for head unit display dimming.
Our Dimmer Adaptor works in either situation.
One final aspect to note is that the
Fig.1(a): the unit’s output voltage varies
smoothly as the input voltage varies. This
example suits a typical head unit with
LED backlighting. As the input voltage
ranges from 12V down to 1.6V, the LED
drive voltage drops from 8V to 6V. With
the instrument lights off, the backlight
goes to full brightness.
dimming control voltage for instrument lamps drops to 0V when the
parking lights and headlights are off.
However, the radio head unit should
have its backlighting at maximum
brightness during the day.
This requirement is also catered for
by our Dimmer Adaptor.
That’s because its output voltage
can be set to a particular value corresponding to various instrument dimming voltages in up to 16 steps.
When the input voltage is between
two of the programmed values, the output voltage is linearly interpolated so
there is not a sudden change as the instrument light brightness is adjusted.
Figs.1(a) & (b) show two examples
of how the Dimmer Adaptor can be
configured to operate.
In Fig.1(a), the unit is programmed
Fig.1(b): a more complicated
example, with five voltages defined.
Without interpolation (black lines),
the output voltage would jump to
the next set point as soon as the
input voltage reached the defined
threshold. The interpolated output
(red) provides a linear variation
between the set points instead.
to deliver 8V at the output when its input is 0V, then reduce its output to 6V
as the input voltage increases to 1.6V,
then the output rises again, finally
reaching 8V when the input is at 12V.
This has the effect of giving maximum display brightness (8V for two
white/blue LEDs in series) when either the headlights are off, or the instrument lights are at the maximum
brightness setting.
As the instrument lights are dimmed,
the LED drive voltage smoothly drops
towards 6V, which would give minimal display backlighting on the head
Fig.1(b) demonstrates how the linear
interpolation works. Here, five different points have been programmed in.
The black lines show what the result
would be without interpolation, and
Compact unit
Suitable for use with voltage or PWM based instrument dimming
Maps output voltage against input voltage
Easy setup of the adaptor
Voltage follower or PWM output with 500mA current rating
Voltage modifier output (low current signal)
16 programmable input voltage steps available
Interpolation for output between each input voltage step
Adjustable output change rate and smoothing
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 71
The PCB mounts in the base of
the UB5 Jiffy Box. We’ve used a
flanged lid, which actually becomes the base
of the unit and provides convenient mounting holes.
The cable gland nut’s side faces must be vertical to fit the
PCB cutouts.
the red line shows the result with interpolation.
You can see that it’s much smoother.
Using more points would help to
give a good brightness correspondence
between incandescent and LED lamps.
Circuit description
The circuit of the Dimmer Adaptor
is shown in Fig.2. It is based around
microcontroller IC1, a PIC12F617-I/P.
The vehicle’s 0-15V instrument light
dimming voltage is applied to CON1.
This is reduced to a 0-5V signal by
the 20kΩ/10kΩ resistive divider and
filtered by the 100nF capacitor, then
applied to pin 3 of IC1.
This pin is its AN3 analog input and
converts the 0-5V at that pin into a
digital value of 0-1023 using its internal analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
This is then used to control the
duty cycle of the 7.8kHz pulse width
modulated (PWM) waveform at its
pin 5 output.
The PWM signal is smoothed using an RC low-pass filter comprising
a 100kΩ resistor and 100nF capacitor.
This gives a voltage which is proportional to the PWM duty cycle, at pins
2 & 5 of dual CMOS op amp IC2.
Half of this op amp, IC2b, buffers
and amplifies the filtered PWM voltage. It has a gain of three, set by the
ratio of the 20kΩ and 10kΩ feedback
resistors, giving it a 0-15V output
range, assuming that the supply voltage is high enough (otherwise, the upper limit is set by the supply voltage).
The 100nF capacitor across its feedback resistor limits its output voltage
slew rate to provide further filtering.
The 0-15V signal from this op amp
is fed to the “MOD OUT” terminal of
CON2 via a 100Ω resistor, which isolates the op amp output from any external capacitance and also provides
some protection in case of a short circuit or if a voltage is accidentally fed
back via this pin.
As mentioned earlier, the smoothed
PWM signal is also fed to pin 2 of
IC2a, which is the inverting input
of the other half of the dual op amp.
Fig.2: the Dimmer Adaptor circuit is based around microcontroller IC1, dual op amp IC2 and transistors Q1 & Q2.
IC1 monitors the drive voltage to the instrument lights at its AN3 analog input (pin 3) and produces a PWM waveform
at its output (pin 5). This is smoothed to give a varying DC voltage, and op amp IC1a drives transistors Q1 and Q2 to
varying the head unit backlight drive voltage at DIM OUT.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
This op amp drives the base of NPN
transistor Q1 via a 3.3kΩ/1kΩ voltage
divider, with a 10µF capacitor helping to filter out any remnants of the
PWM waveform.
Since Q1 is configured as a common emitter amplifier, it has the effect of inverting the signal from IC2a,
ie, if the voltage at the output of IC2a
rises, Q1 conducts more current and
so its collector voltage drops. Similarly, if the output voltage of IC2a falls,
Q1 conducts less current and its collector voltage increases, pulled up towards the 12-15V supply voltage by
the 470Ω resistor.
This inverted voltage at the collector of Q1 is then buffered by emitterfollower Q2, with the resulting voltage fed to the “DIM OUT” terminal
of CON2. The voltage at this point is
also fed back to input pin 3 of IC2a,
the non-inverting input, via another
20kΩ/10kΩ divider, to translate the
0-15V at the output back to 0-5V at
this pin.
The reason for this seemingly odd
configuration is to control the current
to the radio’s LED display, and therefore its brightness.
The V+ terminal is connected to the
supply voltage for this LED display,
but the track feeding that voltage to
it is cut and connected to the “DIM
OUT” terminal instead. So how much
current is conducted by Q2 determines
the display brightness.
The feedback goes to the non-inverting input of IC2a, and the control
signal to the inverting input, simply
because its output voltage is inverted
by Q1.
By swapping around the inputs, we
‘re-invert’ the way it operates, therefore giving it negative feedback so that
its output will stabilise at the desired
voltage, as determined by the filtered
PWM signal.
The 10µF capacitor at Q1’s base not
only filters this signal further but also
provides loop compensation, slowing
down its response rate and thus preventing high-frequency oscillation due
to the extra loop phase shift introduced
by the two added transistors.
Alternative PWM drive
As we shall explain later, linear
control of the head unit backlighting may not provide equal dimming
between the LED display and switch
backlighting. This can be solved by
Parts list – Head Unit Dimmer Adaptor
1 double-sided PCB coded 05107191, 77 x 47mm
1 UB5 Jiffy box (optionally with flanged lid)
[Jaycar HB6016, Altronics HF0205]
1 3-way PCB-mount screw terminal, 5.08mm spacing (CON1)
2 2-way PCB-mount screw terminals, 5.08mm spacing (CON2)
1 8-pin DIL IC socket
1 SPST tactile momentary pushbutton switch (S1) [Altronics S1120, Jaycar SP0600]
9 M3 x 6mm panhead machine screws (for Q1 and PCB mounting)
1 M3 x 10mm panhead machine screw (for Q2)
2 M3 hex nuts
4 12mm long M3 tapped spacers
2 IP65 cable glands to suit 3-6.5mm diameter cable
Automotive wire, solder, connectors, self-tapping screws etc
1 PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller programmed with 0510619A.HEX (IC1)
1 LMC6482AIN dual CMOS op amp (IC2) [Jaycar ZL3482]
1 LM2940CT-5.0 automotive 5V regulator (REG1)
1 BC639 500mA NPN transistor (Q1)
1 BD139 1.5A NPN transistor (Q2)
1 3mm high brightness red LED (LED1)
1 15V 1W zener diode (ZD1) [eg, 1N4744]
1 100µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 22µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16V PC electrolytic
1 470nF 63V MKT polyester
5 100nF 63V MKT polyester
Resistors (all 0.25W, 1% metal film unless otherwise stated)
4 band code
5 band code
1 100kΩ
brown black yellow brown or brown black black orange brown
3 20kΩ
red black orange brown
or red black black red brown
4 10kΩ
brown black orange brown or brown black black red brown
1 3.3kΩ
orange orange red brown or orange orange black brown brown
2 1kΩ
brown black red brown or brown black black brown brown
1 470Ω 1W, 5% yellow violet brown gold or yellow violet black black gold
1 100Ω
brown black brown brown or brown black black black brown
1 10Ω
brown black black brown or brown black black gold brown
1 10kΩ multi-turn top adjust trim pot (VR1) [Bourns 3296W or similar]
getting rid of this linear control and
instead, switching the lights on and
off rapidly, varying the duty cycle
to control the brightness – ie, direct
PWM control.
This can easily be achieved by a
few simple changes to the circuit. The
feedback resistor from DIM OUT to pin
3 of IC2a is eliminated, and instead,
it connects pin 3 to the +5V rail, as
shown in Fig.2.
Pin 3 of IC2a then has a constant
voltage applied of around 1.66V (5V ÷
3). The 100nF capacitor that filters the
voltage at pin 2 of IC2a and the 10µF
compensation capacitor at the base of
Q1 are also removed.
IC2a then acts as a comparator, and
its output will go high when its pin 2
Australia’s electronics magazine
voltage is below 1.66V and low when
it is above 1.66V. When its output is
high, Q1 switches on and pulls Q2’a
base down, switching it off. And when
its output is low, Q2’s based is pull up
by the 470Ω resistor, switching it on.
As a result, backlight current can
flow whenever the pin 2 voltage is
above 1.66V.
Power supply
The circuit is powered from the vehicle’s 12V ignition switched supply,
which is wired to CON1. Power flows
from there to the input of automotive
5V regulator REG1 via a 10Ω resistor.
The resistor and 470nF decoupling capacitor filter out any voltage
transients, reducing their amplitude
August 2019 73
significantly by the time they reach
REG1’s input.
This LM2940CT-5.0 regulator is not
damaged with a reversed supply connection or transient input voltage up
to 55V for less than 1ms. Its output is
stabilised by a 22µF filter capacitor.
The resulting 5V supply powers microcontroller IC1.
Dual op amp IC2 is powered from
the nominally 12V supply via the same
10Ω resistor, but there is also a 15V
zener diode (ZD1) across the supply,
to protect the op amp from transient
voltage spikes.
This supply is also smoothed by a
100µF capacitor.
Additional components
Trimpot VR1 and pushbutton switch
S1 are used to set the unit up. VR1 is
connected across the 5V supply with
its wiper going to pin 7, the AN0
analog input. IC1’s internal ADC can
sense the voltage at this pin and thus
Fig.3: the Dimmer Adaptor
PCB is quite compact so it
can fit inside the head
unit, or a UB5 Jiffy
box. The vehicle connections
are on the left (CON1) while
the head unit wires are
connected on the right
(CON2). Trimpot VR1 and
tactile switch S1 are
used to configure the
unit. Once it has been set
up, no further adjustments
need to be made.
sense the trimpot’s rotation.
Test point TP2 is used to measure
the voltage at pin 7 during the setup
procedure, described below.
VR1 is also used to set the unit’s response time once it has been set up,
which will be explained in more detail later.
S1 is connected between digital input GP1 (pin 6) of IC1 and GND. IC1
has an internal pull-up current enabled on this pin which usually keeps
it high, at around 5V. When S1 is
pressed, this pin is pulled low to 0V,
changing the digital input state, and
this is sensed by IC1.
LED1 is used during setup and lights
up when digital output GP5 (pin 2) is
driven high. Its operating current is
set to around 3mA by the 1kΩ series
resistor ([5V - 2V] ÷ 1kΩ).
A 10kΩ pull-up resistor between
pin 4 of IC1 (MCLR) and the 5V supply prevents unwanted resets of the
micro. Its internal power-on reset cir-
Fig.4: as described in the text, the unit can optionally
control the head unit display brightness using PWM
at 7.8kHz. This may give better brightness matching
between different display elements. This shows a typical
output waveform (at DIM OUT) when the Dimmer
Adaptor is used in this manner.
Silicon Chip
cuitry ensures it starts up normally
each time power is applied.
The Dimmer Adaptor is built on a
double-sided PCB coded 05107191
which measures 77 x 47mm. This is
sized to mount into a UB5 Jiffy box.
The PCB overlay diagram shown in
Fig.3 indicates which components
go where.
Start by fitting the smaller resistors.
Their colour codes are shown in the
parts list but it’s best to use a digital
multimeter to double check their value as the colour bands can be easily
Once all the smaller resistors are in
place, mount zener diode ZD1 with its
cathode stripe facing as shown, then
the larger 470Ω 1W resistor.
Next, solder IC1’s socket in place,
followed by IC2. While you could use
a socket for IC2, it’s better to solder it
directly to the PCB. Take care with the
Fig.5: with VR1 set for 0-1V at TP2, the unit is in fast
response mode. The cyan trace at the bottom shows a
12V step the input voltage, and you can see that the DIM
OUT voltage (yellow) responds almost immediately,
giving a response time of around 20ms, which is virtually
Australia’s electronics magazine
The track feeding
power to the head
unit front panel
display lighing
has been cut and
wires soldered to
either side, run to
the V+ and OUT
terminals of CON2
on the Dimmer
orientation of both and be careful not
to mix up the two ICs as they both have
eight pins. Follow with tactile switch
S1, which will only fit with the correct orientation. Make sure it’s pushed
down fully before soldering its pins.
REG1 can be now installed. It is
mounted horizontally on the PCB.
Bend its leads so they enter the PCB
pads with the tab mounting hole lining
up with the hole on the PCB. Secure
it to the board with a 6mm M3 screw
and nut before soldering the leads.
Q2 also mounts horizontally, with
its metal tab facing upwards. Secure
it to the PCB using a 10mm screw and
nut before soldering its leads
The smaller MKT capacitors are
next; these are not polarised. Follow by
mounting transistor Q1. Gently bend
its leads to fit the hole pattern on the
PCB, then solder it with its flat face
orientated as shown in Fig.3.
Now fit trimpot VR1. It is 10kΩ and
may be marked as either 10k or coded
as 103. It is orientated with its adjustment screw toward LED1 (see Fig.3).
Once that is in place, fit LED1. Its
anode (longer lead) goes into the pad
marked “A” on the PCB. Install it with
its lens about 5mm above the PCB, so
its upper surface is level with the top
of VR1.
The next job is to fit CON1 and
CON2. CON2 can either be one fourway terminal block, or two 2-way terminal blocks dovetailed together.
In both cases, make sure the wire entry holes are facing towards the nearest
edge of the board and that the blocks
are pushed down fully before soldering their pins.
Now mount the polarised electrolytic capacitors. In each case, the longer
lead goes into the pad marked with
a + sign.
The Dimmer Adaptor could be fitted
inside the head unit if there is room.
Fig.6: with VR1 set for 1-2V at TP2, the unit is in
intermediate response mode. Once again, the input (cyan)
has a 12V step, and the output is shown in yellow. Note the
smoother output ramp and the response time of around
70ms. This will better match the response time of small
incandescent lamps.
Holes are
required at
each end of the
box for cable glands,
plus four in the base for
the mounting pillars, as seen fitted here.
Otherwise, you can mount it outside
the head unit in a UB5 box. We used
a flanged box that has an extended
length lid with extra mounting holes,
making it easier to mount under the
But you can use a standard UB5 box
instead, or the unit can be wrapped in
insulation and cable tied in position.
To prepare the box, you need to drill
holes for the cable glands at each end.
There are cut-outs in the PCB to accommodate the gland nuts but note that the
nuts need to be centred properly and
orientated so that the sides are vertical to fit into these recesses.
Having fitted the cable glands, slide
the PCB into place and mark out the
four mounting holes, then drill them
to 3mm. Mount the PCB using the four
12mm tapped spacers and eight machine screws.
If you want to make a label for the
lid. The artwork can be downloaded
from the SILICON CHIP website.
Fig.7: setting VR1 for more than 2V at TP2 gives an
even slower response (proportional to the voltage).
Here we have set 4V at TP2, giving about 1/3 of a
second between the input changing and the output
voltage reaching its target value. The maximum delay
is 400ms with TP2 at 5V.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 75
looking for a steady reading of
around 7-10V.
Our test head unit was
marked as 9V, but we found
that this was closer to 8V. This
is the positive rail for the display lighting.
Once you’ve found it, you
need to open up the head unit
itself and break the PCB track
feeding this pin; it will likely
This front panel artwork can be photocopied
come from the output pin of a
or, for a better result, downloaded from
regulator before going to the and printed
front panel connector.
– see the text below for details.
Confirm you have the right
For a rugged label, print onto clear track with a continuity measurement
overhead projector film (using film before cutting.
suitable for your type of printer) as a
The Dimmer Adaptor V+ terminal
mirror image, so that the ink is on the on CON2 goes to the regulator output
back of the film when the label is af- (ie, the driven side of the cut track),
fixed. Attach it with clear silicone seal- while the DIM OUT terminal is wired
ant (or grey if the box is black).
to the section of the cut track going
Alternatively, you can print onto to the front panel. The earlier photo
an A4 sized synthetic ‘Dataflex’ sticky shows where we made our conneclabel for inkjet printers or a ‘Datapol’ tions.
sticky label for laser printers.
Note that while we have used tape
For details see: as a temporary measure to support
the wires, it will not hold for long.
We recommend using dabs of neutral
cure silicone sealant (eg, roof and gutThe Dimmer Adaptor is supplied ter sealant) to hold the wires permawith power from the vehicle’s ignition- nently and secure in place.
switched +12V wire plus a chassis conYou can run these two wires out of a
nection for 0V. (Power could also be pre-existing hole on the head unit, or
supplied from the head unit “power if there is no suitable hole, drill one.
antenna” wire which is live when the You can seal it up with another squirt
ignition is switched on).
of silicone, and this will also prevent
Both of these wires are accessible the wires from chafing or doing any
at the rear of the head unit. Just make damage if they are bumped or pulled.
sure the +12V wire you tap into is off
Checking the dimming signal
when the ignition is off.
The vehicle’s instrument light dimThe unit controls the radio lighting
ming wire then needs to be connected to follow any curve within the voltage
to the Dimmer Adaptor input (labelled range of the circuit (0-15V). Basically,
“IN” on CON1). That takes care of the you are defining a mathematical functhree wires to CON1.
tion (curve) which maps the incomTo make the connections to CON2, ing voltage from the vehicle dimming
you will also need to delve inside the circuitry to the output voltage, which
radio head unit and find the main sup- controls the head unit brightness.
ply for its display lighting. You can do
Before going any further, connect
this using a multimeter.
your DMM (still on a low DC volts
Most aftermarket head units have a range) between TP1 and GND and
detachable front panel and the power verify that the voltage varies as you
for the panel backlighting is fed to it adjust the vehicle’s instrument dimvia a multi-pin connector, so you can ming control.
find the backlighting power pins by
You should get a varying reading on
probing these pins.
your meter regardless of whether the
Set your multimeter to its 20V range vehicle’s dimming is linear or PWM(or slightly higher, if it doesn’t have based. Note though that if the vehia 20V range) and connect the black cle’s dimming is PWM based and uses
probe to chassis or some other con- a frequency well below 100kHz, you
venient 0V point.
may need to increase the value of the
Probe the head unit front panel pins, 100nF capacitor connected to pin 3
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
of IC1 (in the lower left corner of the
PCB) to give smooth dimming.
For example, you could use a 10µF
electrolytic capacitor if you find your
vehicle uses 1kHz PWM (positive to
the top) or 100µF for a 100Hz PWM
frequency. Many multimeters have a
frequency measurement function, so
it’s a good idea to check the dimming
frequency now.
Set-up procedure
The unit needs to be calibrated to
provide an appropriate light output
from the head unit over the vehicle’s
instrument dimming range. In other
words, we want its brightness to match
that of the other instruments as they
are dimmed. Entering set-up mode
clears any previous configuration. So
the unit needs to be set up from scratch
each time.
The set-up procedure is best done
when it is dark; if you have a garage,
you can sit in the car with the door
closed and the lights off. Otherwise,
you will need to wait until night time.
To enter the programming mode,
press and hold S1 as you are switching the ignition on.
(Note: you don’t need to start the engine and indeed, if you are in a garage
or other confined space, you should
not do so.)
When you release S1, LED1 will
flash once to indicate that the Dimmer Adaptor is ready to be set up.
Switch on the radio head unit and turn
on your parking lights or headlights,
then set the dash lights to their highest brightness.
The unit is set up by successively
dimming the dashboard lamps using
the vehicle’s dimmer, then adjusting
VR1 on the unit to give a similar brightness on the radio head unit. S1 is then
pressed to store this data point. Several different levels can be programmed,
and the micro then generates a piecewise linear curve by interpolating between each step.
The input voltage must start at the
highest voltage and progressively drop
for each successive voltage point that
is saved. This is why you need to set
the dash lights to maximum brightness to start.
Adjust VR1 to give the desired
head unit display brightness to match
your maximum brightness instrument
lights. Then press S1. LED1 should
flash off twice, indicating the next
value to be programmed is at point 2.
Then dim the instruments a little and
adjust VR1 for a similar dimming on
the head unit. Press S1 to program it in.
You can program up to 16 brightness values, although you don’t have
to program that many.
One thing to keep in mind during
the set-up procedure is that you probably want the head unit display to
operate at full brightness during the
day, when your headlights (and thus
instrument lights) are off. When this
is the case, there will be no voltage at
the unit’s input.
So once you have reached minimum
instrument brightness, switch off the
lights and adjust VR1 to maximum (or
your desired display brightness setting
for daytime use) and press S1 to set the
final stored value for this situation.
Once you’ve finished programming
in all the brightness steps, switch off
the ignition. When you switch it on
again, without pressing S1, the Dimmer Adaptor will dim the head unit
display as programmed, and provide
full brightness when the parking or
headlights are off.
Switching to PWM control
If you find that some of the display
LEDs do not dim to the same level as
others, or the alphanumeric display
does not dim at a similar rate to the
switch illumination LEDs, it may be
that there are fewer or more LEDs connected in series, causing the mismatch
in brightness with dimming voltage.
This can be cured by converting the
Display Dimmer Adaptor to produce
a variable duty cycle switch mode
output drive to the radio head unit
display panel instead of a DC voltage, as explained above in the circuit description. Having made this
change, you will need to repeat the
setup procedure, but otherwise, the
unit will operate in substantially the
same manner.
Making these changes is easy. Cut
the thin track on the bottom of the PCB,
between two rectangular blocks, near
the MOD terminal of CON2 (shown
as a red line in Fig.3). Then solder a
component lead offcut between the
two nearby empty pads, shown as a
red line in Fig.3. Finally, remove the
100nF capacitor below REG1 and immediately to the left of the 3.3kΩ resistor, and the 10µF electrolytic capacitor.
Fig.4 shows a typical waveform at
the DIM OUT terminal of CON2 when
the unit is operating in PWM mode.
Using VR1 to adjust dimming
Once the unit has been set up, trimpot VR1 can then be adjusted to give
either fast, smooth or delayed dimming of the head unit display.
The main reason for providing
these options is so you can have the
head unit display dimming match the
brightness of incandescent lamps that
may be used in the instrument cluster. These can take time to change
brightness due to thermal inertia in
the lamps.
Each time you adjust VR1, press S1
to have this new adjustment take effect. LED1 will light to indicate that
VR1’s position has been read.
Note that you don’t have to press S1
if you adjust VR1 when the unit is off,
Using this unit as a
Voltage Modifier
The separate output at CON2 labelled
MOD OUT allows the Dimmer Adaptor
to be used as a voltage modifier. So if
you have a sensor output that varies
over a specific voltage range, but want
to change that range (eg, to suit an
ECU which expects a different type of
sensor or to change a vehicle’s throttle
response), you can use this design to
do just that.
There are many automotive uses for
a Voltage Modifier. As this unit lets you
program the output voltage for a series
of different input voltages, and then linearly interpolates between them, you
can build up an input/output voltage
map quite easily.
If you need a more comprehensive
and fully featured Voltage Modifier,
then see our Automotive Sensor Modifier design in the December 2016 issue
as VR1’s position is read at power-up.
When VR1 is adjusted so that the
voltage at TP2 is below 1V, the unit
will adjust its output brightness as
soon as it notices a change in the input voltage, giving virtually no delay.
This is demonstrated in Fig.5.
When VR1 is set for a voltage of 1-2V
at TP2, the output voltage will change
more smoothly and more slowly. In
this mode, the output changes in small
increments over time until it reaches
the required voltage; see Fig.6.
This rate is even slower if VR1 is
adjusted for 2-5V at TP2, as shown
in Fig.7.
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August 2019 77
For almost forty years now, CMOS has been the technology of choice
for implementing digital logic. And over that time, transistors have
consistently shrunk, allowing higher logic density, faster operation and
lower power consumption. But further improvements are becoming
increasingly challenging. Quantum-dot Cellular Automata technology
could provide a quantum leap (no pun intended) in logic performance.
irtually all digital chips these days
are built using Complementary
Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
technology. This is a mature technology, with many advanced fabrication
facilities worldwide churning out
large numbers of high-performance
microprocessors. But it is becoming
increasingly difficult to improve this
To gain better performance, CPU
fabrication processes need to achieve
faster switching speeds, lower leakage
currents, higher density, lower power
consumption (and thus heat generation) and all this while keeping reliability high and costs low.
Quantum-dot Cellular Automata
(QCA) is one of the most likely technologies to succeed CMOS. Other
possibilities which are currently being investigated include the Single
Electron Transistor (SET) and Carbon NanoTube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET).
QCA is an emerging concept in computational nanotechnology. QCA cells
can be used to perform all complex
computational functions essential for
general-purpose computation. This
includes the majority function (the
output value is the mode of the input
values, ie, if more than half the cells
are logic high than the output will be
a logic high), inversion (an input of 1
becomes an output of 0, and vice versa) and fan-out (the output of one cell
feeding multiple inputs).
QCA technology may replace CMOS
technology in the near future because
it can be fabricated with tiny cells (on
the nanometre scale) which can provide high density, and it offers the
possibility of high operational speeds
– into the terahertz range! It also has
ultra-low power consumption, without any leakage currents at the nanoscale level.
The biggest challenge at the moment
is finding suitable QCA chip fabrication techniques which can be implemented on an industrial scale.
This article describes the basic principles of using QCA technology to
implement logic functions in an integrated circuit.
Basics of QCA technology
The QCA cell is the fundamental
component in QCA technology. It
comprises four quantum dots which
are connected through electron tunnel junctions – see Fig.1(a).
There are four places where electrons can conform inside the cell, but
only two electrons are trapped inside.
These electrons will take residence in
the two locations which require minimum energy (ie, place the cell in its
lowest stable energy state), for example, as shown in Fig.1(b).
To be in a low energy state, the two
electrons must be at the furthest possible distance apart, which means that
they will reside in opposite corners of
the cell. Coulomb interaction between
electrons in adjacent cells (in this case
repulsion) is used to gain the necessary computing logic states like logic
zero and logic one. The two possible
states are shown in Fig.1(c), and they
are arbitrarily assigned to represent
zero and one.
The logic state passes from one cell
to another nearby due to the electric
field interactions of the electrons in
the wells. Cell polarisation propagates
through all nearby cells and continues all over the circuit until it reaches the end.
By Dr Sankit Ramkrishna Kassa, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, India
Image source:
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Because of these interactions, no
current flows between the cells; the
electrons only move within the cell,
and as they move in opposite directions, their magnetic fields cancel
out (as do their electric fields, except
at very short distances from the cell).
Therefore, very little power is consumed by QCA circuits when transitioning from one logic state to another.
Fig.2 shows the structure of a QCA
wire, used to pass information. The
cells are simply arranged side-byside. Right-angle turns are possible,
and logic signals can be distributed
by T-intersections (fan-out) or even
The resting state of each cell in the
wire is the same (one or zero) because
electrons repel each other, as they are
negatively charged, and this allows
the electrons to remain as far apart as
possible. As mentioned above, this is
the lowest stable energy state.
One end of the wire is actively driven, either from an external signal or by
another QCA cell which is being held
in a particular state, and the signal
propagates along the wires as each cell
moves into its lowest energy state, ie,
aligned with the other cells. Propagation speed and direction are controlled
by choosing which cells are on which
clock phase, which is explained later
in more detail.
Fig.3(a) shows how a logic inverter
can be formed from QCA cells. Essentially, it’s just two wires which meet at
one corner. Once again, the electrons
re-arrange themselves to be as far apart
as possible, but in this case, that happens when the logic values in the output wire are the opposite of those in
the input wire.
Note that it’s easier for us to show
cells diagonally opposite each other,
but in reality, there would probably be
a slight overlap to enhance the electric field interactions of the electrons
in the corners.
Note also that the actual fabricated
cells will not necessarily be square; if
they have rounded or cut-off corners,
that would allow the electrons to be
closer again.
The inverter shown in Fig.3(b)
works in the same manner, but because the input wire splits, its electrons can be in proximity to two corners of the first cell in the output wire,
doubling the interaction between them
and making the result both faster and
more reliable.
Fig.1: a quantum cell consists of two electrons located in four possible wells,
joined by four tunnel junctions. The electrons tend to reside in diagonally
opposite wells as this is the lowest energy state. The two resulting possible states
are defined as logic one and zero.
Fig.2: the logic state propagates along a QCA wire consisting of several cells
placed side-by-side, due to the repulsion of the electrons in adjacent cells. They
will stabilise at the greatest distance possible, which is where all cells are either
in the zero or one state.
Fig.3: an inverter is formed by placing two QCA wires in contact at their
corners. The lowest energy state in this configuration is with all the cells in one
wire in one state, and the cells in the other wire in the opposite state. This can
be doubled-up to make a more robust but functionally equivalent inverter.
Fig.4: for QCA wires to cross,
multiple layers are needed,
allowing cells to be vertically
stacked. A cell above or below will
take on the opposite polarisation
(ie, it acts as an inverter) but
it’s simple to arrange for double
inversion so that the cells at either
end have the same polarisation, as
shown here.
Cells can also be stacked vertically,
to form 3D structures, so that wires can
cross. Fig.4 is an orthographic projection of two wires crossing, with different logic polarisations. Note that each
QCA cell stacked vertically above another effectively forms an inverter. But
so long as the number of inverters in
Australia’s electronics magazine
each wire is even, the states at either
end will be consistent.
Building logic with QCA cells
The most fundamental structure in
QCA logic is the three-input majority
gate, shown in Fig.5(a). All other logic structures such as AND gates, OR
August 2019 79
Fig.5: the 3-input majority is
the most fundamental logic gate
used in QCA logic. This shows
two possible implementations of
the gate, functionally identical
but with the inputs and outputs
arranged differently. Any of the four
surrounding cells can be the output;
this is determined by which cell is
free to change state (ie, is not actively
driven) and the three inputs are
gates, XOR gates, adders, multiplexers etc are usually formed from this
Once again, it works because the
cells settle in the lowest possible energy state. When all three input cells
have the same state (all zero or all
one), the middle cell aligns with the
others, and thus so does the output
– and the polarity of all the cells becomes the same.
But when one of the input cells is
in a different state from the other two,
its effect on the state of the middle cell
is weaker, as the electric field acting
on the middle cell is the combination
of the three external fields. And since
the electrons can only exist within the
wells (based on quantum theory), they
will settle in the wells which are on average furthest from the others nearby.
Therefore, when two of the inputs
are one and one is zero, the middle
cell and the output are one, and when
two of the inputs are zero and one is
one, the middle cell and output settle
at zero. Hence, we get our ‘majority
out of three’ effect.
Given that the structure is symmetrical, how do we determine which cells
are the inputs (which are functionally
interchangeable) and which is the output? It merely depends on which cells
are being actively driven. The three
inputs are driven externally or from
the ‘outputs’ of other wires/structures,
while the output cell is free to take on
either state, and can then go on to influence other cells.
The arrangement shown in Fig.5(b)
has the same effect as that of Fig.5(a),
working on the same principle, except that the electrons interact in the
corners rather than along the edges of
the cells. There are some logic structures where this configuration would
fit better. Note that the middle cell’s
polarisation is opposite to that shown
in Fig.5(a), but this is re-inverted at
the output, so is of no consequence.
Silicon Chip
Forming the usual logic gates
Other logic implementations
Fig.6(a) shows how an OR logic
gate is formed from a 3-input majority
gate, by changing one of the three input cells to a cell which has its value
fixed at one.
This would generally be built using
a normal cell, but having an external
electric field (eg, from a nearby conductor held at a particular potential)
which forces it to remain in this particular state permanently. It might also
be built by doping the cell in such a
way that it only has two wells.
So now, we have the situation where
we only need one of the two inputs to
be a one before the majority of inputs
are one, and thus the output is one –
which is, in effect, the OR function. In
other words, the output is one unless
both input values are zero.
The AND gate shown in Fig.6(b) is
made in the same way, except now
the fixed cell has a value of zero. So
for the output to be one, both inputs
must have a value of one.
Building an XOR gate is a little
more complicated. Fig.7 shows how
three AND gates, an OR gate and an
inverter (to turn the AND gate into a
NAND gate) can be configured to form
the XOR function. And Fig.6(c) shows
this same structure implemented using QCA.
You should be able to identify the
AND gates, OR gates and inverter by
comparing sections of Fig.6(c) with
Figs.6(a) & (b) and Fig.3(a). But in case
it isn’t clear, we’ve labelled the gates
for you, and colour-coded the cells. External inputs are shaded green, outputs
blue, inverters red, fixed gates grey and
3-input majority gates orange.
Any logic structure can be built
up from AND, OR and XOR gates,
although with QCA, it’s often easier
to return to ‘first principles’ and use
3-input majority gates as the primary
element, as this results in smaller and
faster designs.
Because QCA cells interact by the
electrons contained within repelling
electrons in other cells, it is possible
to design more complex QCA gates by
taking advantage of the fact that cells
not directly adjacent can still have
some interactions.
In the designs described above, the
interactions between adjacent cells
dominate, and so cells further away
have no real effect, except perhaps to
slightly speed up or slow down the expected transitions. But say you have a
cell with two adjacent cells, and those
two cells are in opposite states, ie, one
is zero and one is one.
Their electric fields would cancel
out around the cell in question, so you
would not know what state it would
settle in. However, that may then be
determined by the next closest set of
cells. It is possible to take advantage
of this to produce more compact implementations of certain sets of logic.
For example, Fig.6(d) shows an alternative XOR gate design. As you can
see, it is much more compact than the
‘obvious’ design shown in Fig.6(c).
The cells shaded in pink are synched
to clock one, while those in yellow are
tied to clock two (see below for an explanation of clocks). When the inputs
are both zero or both one, you can follow the flow of logic through the gate
using the rules described above and
you get the right answer at the output
(ie, zero in both cases).
However, it’s not so straightforward
when one input is zero and the other
is one. In this case, the cell to the left
of the output has a zero cell at one corner and a one cell at the other corner.
So its state will depend on the states
of cells further to the left.
One disadvantage of this approach
is that this logic block may need to
be clocked more slowly than the one
shown in Fig.6(c) because it relies on
a weaker interaction (the fixed cell
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.6: the 3-input majority gate is combined
with cells that have fixed polarisation to form
an AND or OR gate. The combination of three
AND gates, one OR gate and an inverter forms
an XOR gate.
interacting being the tie-breaker two
cells away), and will take longer to
settle into a steady state. On the other
hand, it requires fewer clock phases
from input to output, which could
mitigate the slower clock requirement.
But until QCA logic is implemented
successfully on an industrial scale, we
won’t know whether that speed impact negates the other advantages of
such a configuration. There are many
other possible XOR gate implementations and one of the other options may
possess the best trade-off between size,
delay and clock speed.
All QCA circuits require a clock
which most importantly provides
power to run the circuit, as well as
synchronisation and control over the
information flow through QCA wires.
QCA logic normally uses four
clocks, and each clock has four phases
90° apart. Each of the four clocks are
90° out of phase from the prior clock.
This is known as Landauer clocking.
The four phases are switch, hold, release and relax, as shown in Fig.9. The
designer can choose which clock feeds
which cell, and therefore, in which directions signals flow through the cells.
During the switch phase, the QCA
cells settle down to one of the two defined logic states, as influenced by its
neighbours, some of which will normally be in the hold phase. During the
hold phase, the QCA cells maintain
their current state. During the release
and relax phases, the QCA cells become unpolarised in preparation for
the next switch phase.
Often, several adjacent cells run on
the same clock, forming small static
‘islands’ through which information
can propagate freely during the switch
phase. Their states are locked together
during the hold phase.
Fig.7: this shows how the XOR gate
operates, based on other gates which
are easier to build.
Fig.8: three 3-input majority gates plus two inverters can be used to build a onebit adder with carry inputs and outputs. These can be easily combined to form
multi-bit adders (eg, 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit).
Australia’s electronics magazine
The clock phase relationship of cells
is often shown through colour-coding,
although we have avoided this in most
of the earlier diagrams, as it can be confusing to beginners. However, choosing the right clock phase for each cell
is very important, as depending on the
design, changing a cell from one clock
to another one can stop it from working properly.
Note the number of cells allowed
on one clock must be <= eEk ÷ (KB ×
T). Where Ek is the kink energy, KB
the Boltzmann constant and T is the
operating temperature in Kelvins. The
kink energy is the difference in energy
between two cells with the same polarity
and the opposite polarity.
A one-bit adder
To demonstrate building a more
complicated (and indeed useful) logic
block using QCA, we will now show
how a one-bit adder can be formed.
These can be daisy-chained to allow
August 2019 81
Fig.9: QCA logic uses
a four-phase clock.
During the switch
phase, cells start
unpolarised and begin
to polarise while the
tunnelling barrier is
raised. In the hold
phase, the barrier is
raised high enough
so that tunnelling
cannot occur and the
cell is locked to its
current polarisation.
In the release phase,
the barrier is lowered
and the cell returns to its unpolarised state. In the relax state, the cell remains
unpolarised and thus is in a neutral or “ground” state (neither “0” or “1”). This
neutral state is sometimes shown as a electron located in a fifth well in the
middle of the four outer wells.
Fig.10: a practical implementation of the one-bit adder using QCA cells. You
can see how the three majority cells correspond to Fig.8 by the A/B/C labelling.
One problem with this adder that the A input is located inside the circuit. Also
note that due to the way it is clocked, the series of cells that come from the B
majority actually skips over the cell in the intersection. This is because when
the cell marked “X” is in the hold phase, therefore polarised, the green cell
directly below it will be in the release phase (unpolarised) and have no effect
on the blue cell below. This means that during the switching phase, the blue cell
will primarily be affected by cell X two cells above it.
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Australia’s electronics magazine
larger numbers to be added.
For example, 32 one-bit adders
form a single 32-bit adder, capable of
summing two integers between 0 and
4,294,967,296 (ie, a little over four billion), or between -2,147,483,648 and
That isn’t to say that using 32 onebit adders is necessarily the best way
to add two 32-bit numbers, but it will
undoubtedly give you the right result.
The basic concept of how to form a
one-bit adder using QCA is shown in
Fig.8, along with its truth table. “A”
and “B” are the two numbers to add
up (either zero or one), and “CARRY
IN” is the carry output of the previous
stage, which is usually fixed to zero for
the first stage. The result is a two-bit
number, represented as “SUM OUT”
(the lower bit) and “CARRY OUT” (the
upper bit).
As you can see, the one-bit adder
function can be formed from three
3-input majority gates (labelled “MV”
for “majority vote”) and two inverters, shown as circles at two of the
gate inputs.
One possible QCA implementation
of this logic configuration is shown
in Fig.10. The colour coding this time
shows the clock phases for each cell.
One critical part of this circuit is the
placement of the clocks as it helps
control the flow of logic.
Note that the distance between outputs, inputs and computational cells
is critical, due to unintended interations between cells if they are moved
to slightly different positions.
Therefore, designing QCA logic is
a bit more tricky than implied by our
description so far, and assigning clock
phases correctly to cells each cell is
also vital, giving them time to stabilise
in the correct polarity. It's also important to avoid having too many or too
few cells on the same clock, depending
on the clock timings that will be used.
One potential problem with this circuit is the location of one of the inputs,
as it is surrounded by the circuitry.
This means multiple layers would be
required to provide input data. This
makes it more difficult to expand to
form a multi-bit adder, however, this
example circuit is much simpler than
other arrangements.
If you follow the signal flow, represented by the small black arrows,
you will see that this arrangement
calculates the logic exactly as shown
in Fig.8. The cell states are shown for
Fig.11: input, output and
clock waveforms for the
one-bit adder as simulated
by QCADesigner. Shown
from top-to-bottom are
inputs A, B and the Carry
Input, then the Carry and
Sum Output followed by
Clocks 1-4. Note that the
Carry Output is on Clock
1 so it appears 90° earlier
than the Sum Ouput on
Clock 2. Note that the
output for the first values
of the simulation are not
always accurate.
the case where A=1, B=0 and CARRY
INPUT=1, giving the correct result of
Fig.11 shows the simulated waveforms from the one-bit adder shown in
Fig.10, once the four clocks have been
applied as required for each cell. Note
how the outputs swing between ±1V,
but are close to 0V during the release
and relax phases. The outputs should
be sampled during the hold phase to
ensure valid data is received.
The QCADesigner tool
If you would like to try your hand
at designing QCA-based logic, you can
try out QCADesigner. This is a free,
open-source tool which is available
online at:
It facilitates design, layout and simulation of QCA circuits. The user can
quickly lay out a QCA design with an
extensive set of CAD tools. Several
simulation engines allow rapid and accurate simulation. This tool has been
used by researchers to design full adders, barrel shifters, random-access
memory, etc.
Editor’s Note: sometimes simulation using QCADesigner can be inconsistent. We’ve found that the first and
last values will differ between runs on
some circuits and are best ignored.
QCA chip manufacturing
There are four types of fabrication
classes defined for QCA IC manufacturing: semiconductor, molecular,
metal-island and magnetic.
a) Semiconductor: the existing,
highly advanced CMOS manufacturing technology can be used to fabricate
QCA cells. Cell polarization is encoded as charge position, and quantumdot interactions rely on electrostatic
coupling. But with current CMOS
technology, only small numbers of
cells can be fabricated at a nano-scale
b) Molecular: a fabrication method
to build QCA cells from single molecules. Its advantages include: highly
symmetric QCA cell structure, very
high switching speeds, extremely high
device density, operation at room temperature, and even the possibility of
mass-producing devices using selfassembly.
c) Metal-island: the first technology that has been used to demonstrated QCA operation in the real world.
Quantum dots are built using aluminium with metal islands as big as 1 micrometre in dimension. The problem
with this is that the cells are too large
to be truly competitive with CMOS.
For that, QCA needs to reach the nano-scale level. Also, metal islands that
large require extremely low temperature for correct operation.
d) Magnetic: also referred to as
MQCA, is the latest trend in QCA fabrication. Here, the interaction between
magnetic nanoparticles provides the
Australia’s electronics magazine
two polarities. The magnetisation vector of these nanoparticles is analogous
to the polarization vector in all other
In MQCA, the term ‘quantum’ refers
to the quantum-mechanical nature of
magnetic exchange interactions and
not to electron-tunnelling effects. Devices fabricated this way can operate
at room temperature.
If nano-scale QCA-based ICs can be
mass produced, it will have a huge
impact worldwide and completely
change the electronics industry. Powerful chips will become tiny and operate at extremely high speed with very
low power consumption.
This will have an especially big impact on the following industries: military, security, communications, gaming, artificial intelligence, autonomous
vehicles and chip design.
The power needs are projected to be
so low that QCA devices will be able
to power themselves using solar cells
integral to the chips.
More information
The links below should explain
QCA in greater detail:
August 2019 83
Logic ICs
By combining just a few logic ICs, it is possible to digitally generate a
pseudo-random number sequence. There are two reasons why you
might want to build this circuit: one, it’s interesting and will help you
learn how logic ICs work. And two, it can do something useful: it can
generate LED patterns to display on our very popular Stackable LED
Christmas Tree that we published in November last year.
by Tim Blythman
he LED Christmas Tree is electrically quite simple:
it takes a DC power source and a serial data stream,
and switches the dozens or even hundreds of LEDs
on and off to create the pattern that’s described by that serial data.
This simplicity is its strength; its
low per-board cost and expandability mean that you can build
an impressive LED Christmas Tree display without
spending much money.
For more information on that Christmas Tree, see
the November
and December
2018 issues or
visit our website
You do need a way to generate
interesting patterns to show on those
LEDs, and we did this from a PC or an Arduino in the original project. But another project
that we published last year, in the September 2018 issue, gave us an idea. That was the Digital White Noise Generator by John Clarke (
Silicon Chip
In that article, John programmed a small microcontroller
to produce a seemingly random (but not quite) series of 1s
and 0s that would not repeat until about four billion cycles.
By running this random generator at quite a high speed,
and filtering the output, it produces a convincing ‘white
noise’ sound, which doesn’t repeat for a very long time
(some digital white noise generators have noticeable repetition, which is annoying!).
So we’ve combined a couple of shift register
chips with a few other bits and pieces to
make a similar random number
generator without using
a microcontroller.
And we’ve made it
so that you can use it
to drive the LED Christmas Tree, or just as a way
to investigate and understand its principle of operation. It’s nice and simple, so
it’s easy to build and straightforward to understand.
We describe it as “pseudo
-random” and not truly random because if you know
the current state, you can
predict the next state, and the
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.1: this shows one way of building a 16-bit
LFSR with a maximum non-repeat interval of
65,535 clocks. It’s a relatively simple method,
so it’s the one we’ve chosen to use in this
project. The binary values in each cell move
one step to the right in time with the clock
signal. The XOR gates calculate a new bit value
which is fed in as the first bit of the sequence.
Three iterations of the pattern are shown.
pattern does eventually repeat. But in practice, the outputs change so fast that the output is not really predictable and the repetition period is long enough that you’re
unlikely to notice it.
The computations needed to generate this random string
of binary digits are quite simple. This is a technique known
as a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), but note that
the word “linear” is not used here in the electronic sense
– we’ll have more on that shortly. That means that
you don’t necessarily need a microcontroller to
use this technique. Old-fashioned discrete shift
registers can do the job, too.
Shift register basics
Fig.1 shows how a shift register works. Data
is fed into one end of the shift register, and on each
clock pulse, that value (zero or one) is loaded into the
first position in the shift register. The data which was
previously in the first position then moves into the second position, and so on until the last value which used
to be in the last position ‘falls out’ and may go on to be
used elsewhere, or is simply discarded.
Some shift registers also include an output latch, so
that you can shift all new data into the register without
the output states changing, and the new data is then fed
through to the output latches when a separate clock pin is
pulsed. We don’t need that sort of function in this project,
though; the shift register ICs we’re using
update their output states the instant that
they receive a clock pulse.
Generating random numbers
The idea behind the LSFR is to feed
back the data which is about to ‘fall out’
of the end of the shift register back to the
input side. But it isn’t fed back as-is, because if it was, the pattern would repeat
every eight cycles for an 8-bit register, or
16 cycles for a 16-bit register etc. That’s far
too predictable to be considered random.
However, if the data coming out of the
shift register is combined with the state
of some of the bits already in the shift
register, even in a very simple way, that
prevents the pattern from repeating until
a much larger number of steps have occurred.
In our circuit, we have combined two 8-bit shift register
ICs to form a single 16-bit shift register. The aforementioned
White Noise generator used a 32-bit register which gave a
much longer repeat period; however, being implemented
in software using a microcontroller, those extra bits didn’t
take up physical space.
We decided that having four shift register ICs,
plus the supporting componentry, would
be too large; after all, we want to keep
this device simple, so you can easily see how it works. And anyway,
the White Noise Generator had
a very high clock rate of around
154kHz, which was necessary
to produce pleasant-sounding noise
over the audio bandwidth of 20Hz-20kHz.
In this example, we want to be able to
see the patterns generated, so even if you
are updating a large set of LEDs quite rapidly, you don’t need a clock rate of more than
a couple of kilohertz. So despite the much
smaller register size, the repetition period is
still quite long.
The way that we are combining the output
of the shift register with some of its contents
is a basic boolean logic operation called exclusive or, abbreviated to ‘XOR’. A two-input
XOR has a balanced truth table, with four possible input combinations (00, 01, 10, 11) and
the result is equally likely to be a zero or a one
(00 => 0, 01 => 1, 10 => 1, 11 => 0).
This is important because operations which
do not produce an equal number of zero or one
outcomes for a random distribution of input
values will rapidly cause the bits in the register to become all zero or all one; not what we
want when we are trying to generate a random
looking pattern!
By the way, we haven’t explained how the
random values translate into light patterns, but
hopefully you have figured it out: we can feed
the ‘random’ series of zeros and ones into the
Christmas Tree and for each bit which is one,
the corresponding LED will be on, and for each
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 85
IC4: 74HC14
SD b
SD a
S Db
IC 3
D1–D16: 1N4148
IC1: 74HC86
IC1a 14
Fig.2: the circuit which implements this 16-bit LFSR uses just four standard ICs
and a few other bits and pieces. IC4a is the oscillator which provides the clock
to drive shift registers IC2 and IC3. The four 2-input XOR gates in IC1 are used
as the feedback function while spare inverters IC4b-IC4e buffer the Q15 bit
value so it can be fed to various external circuits.
bit which is zero, it will be off. If we shift these values in
rapidly, the LEDs will appear to twinkle, like stars.
Linear operations in logic
We mentioned earlier that the term “linear” does not
mean the same thing in mathematics as it does in electronics. In electronics, it suggests that the circuit is operating in the analog domain; this circuit is decidedly digital.
In boolean logic, ‘linear’ basically means that the func86
Silicon Chip
tion F satisfies the equation aF(x + y) = aF(x) + aF(y). Our
XOR operation satisfies that condition.
To expand on why XOR is a good choice, and why we
said earlier that it’s good that it has a ‘balanced’ truth table,
consider what would happen if we used the similar AND
function instead. A zero at the output of the shift register
would always give a zero at the input, and as a result, it
wouldn’t take long for all the bits to become zero. They
would then stay that way forever.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Similarly, if we used an OR function
instead, the register would fill with ones
in short order. On the other hand, XNOR
could be used instead of XOR, as it has
a very similar truth table to XOR.
There is one scenario in which the
XOR function doesn’t work well, and
that’s when all the inputs all start as
zero, as then the output is always zero,
so the register will get stuck in this state.
Our circuit has extra components to detect this state and override the output
in that case.
We have also carefully chosen which
bits are XORed together to ensure our
sequence does not repeat prematurely.
With a 16-bit linear feedback shift
register and well-chosen ‘taps’, we can
cycle through 65535 (216-1) states before the sequence repeats.
With a 2Hz update rate, that means
the sequence will take over nine hours
to repeat. The taps we’re using are
shown in Fig.1. These guarantee the
maximum repetition period, as stated
See the 2018 White Noise Generator
article (link above) for more background
on how this type of a pseudo-random
number generator works.
Parts list –
Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator
1 double-sided PCB coded 16106191, 91.5mm x 63mm
1 2-pin header (CON1)
1 SMD mini type-B USB socket (CON2; optional)
2 3-pin headers (CON3,LK1)
1 6-way female header (CON4)
1 16-way female header (CON5; optional)
1 4-way female header (CON6; optional)
1 2x4-way pin header (JP1-JP4)
5 jumper shunts (for JP1-JP4 & LK1)
4 14-pin DIL IC sockets (for IC1-IC4; optional)
1 74HC86 quad XOR gate, DIP-14 (IC1)
2 74HC164 8-bit shift register, DIP-14 (IC2, IC3)
1 74HC14 hex Schmitt trigger inverter, DIP-14 (IC4)
16 1N4148 small signal diodes (D1-D16)
1 BC547 NPN transistor (Q1)
1 470µF 10V electrolytic
4 100nF ceramic or MKT
Resistors (all 1/4W 5% or 1%)
4-band code (5%)
5-band code (1%)
1 10kΩ
brown black orange gold brown black black red brown
2 1kΩ
brown black red gold
brown black black brown brown
Circuit description
The circuit is shown in Fig.2. We’ve kept it as simple as
possible, so it’s based on just four logic ICs, one transistor, sixteen diodes and just a few resistors and capacitors.
IC2 and IC3 are the two eight-bit shift registers, and they
are cascaded to form a single 16-bit shift register. This is
done by holding the O7 output of IC2 to the SDb input (pin
2) of IC3, tying the clock input pins (pin 8 of each IC) together and holding the SDa and MR pins high. This means
that the SDb input determines the input state of the shift
register, and the chips are always active.
As a result, the value of a bit fed into pin 2 of IC2 (zero
or one) will appear 16 clock pulses later at pin 13 of IC3.
Pins 3-7 and 10-13 of both ICs are outputs carrying the values of the individual bits from each shift register.
The common clock pins are driven from pin 12 of IC4f,
a Schmitt trigger inverter, which buffers the output of oscillator IC4a. This is another Schmitt trigger inverter with
a resistor and capacitor in the feedback loop, causing it to
oscillate at around 2Hz. You can change this frequency
by varying either the resistor or capacitor values; increase
either to slow it down or decrease either to speed it up.
It’s important that a Schmitt trigger inverter is used for
this oscillator since the built-in hysteresis (ie, the difference in positive-going and negative going input switching
voltage thresholds) ensures that it oscillates and also makes
the frequency fairly predictable.
XOR gates
IC1 is a 74HC86 quad XOR gate. The four gates are combined to effectively provide a single five-input XOR gate,
with these inputs being at pins 1, 2, 5, 12 & 13 and the
sult is available at pin 8.
Usually, jumpers JP1-JP4 will be inserted, and LK1 will
be in the position shown in Fig.2, so four of these inputs
are connected to outputs Q10, Q12, Q13 and Q15 of the
shift register. This gives us the configuration shown earlier
in Fig.1, with one additional XOR input.
This fifth XOR input comes from a 16-input NOR gate,
built from diodes D1-D16, NPN transistor Q1 and its two
biasing resistors. In practice, what this means is that transistor Q1 is switched on as long as at least one of the Q1Q16 outputs of the shift register is high (1). In this case,
its collector will be low, so the fifth XOR input at pin 1 of
IC1a will also be low.
However, if the shift register contains all zeros, none of
diodes D1-D16 will be forward biased and so transistor Q1
switches off, allowing the 1kΩ resistor to pull its collector
high, to +5V. This then causes the output of our five-way
XOR gate to be one, not zero, ensuring that the shift register
cannot stay in the all zeros state for more than one cycle,
as a one will be fed into its input in this case.
The output of the XOR gate is normally fed to the shift
register input, pin 2 of IC2, via LK1. If LK1 is instead placed
in its alternative position, the output of the shift register
is merely fed back into the input. Because Q1 prevents it
from being all zeros all the time, this has the effect of one
output being high, which then moves from one end of the
shift register to the other, before repeating.
When this unit is connected to the LED Christmas Tree,
that causes it to generate a ‘chaser’ effect as one lit LED
moves through the tree every seventeen clock pulses.
Driving external circuitry
The four spare inverters in IC4 (ie, those not used for the
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 87
Note that the USB socket provides a measure of reverse polarity protection, as the USB plug can only be
inserted one way, while there is no protection when using pin header CON1. So be careful when wiring CON1
as you’ll fry the board if you reverse it.
Silicon Chip
IC1 74HC86
IC2 74HC164
IC3 74HC164
IC4 74HC14
Use the PCB overlay diagram, Fig.3, and the photos as
a guide during construction. The Pseudo-random Number Generator is built on a PCB coded 16106191 which
measures 91.5 x 63mm.
If you are fitting CON2, the optional surfacemounted mini-USB socket for power, do this first.
Apply some solder flux to the pads on the PCB
and locate the socket with its pins into the holes
on the PCB. Solder one of the side mechanical tabs
in place and ensure that the pins line up with their
pads before proceeding.
Load the iron with a small amount of solder and touch
the iron to the pads. The solder should flow onto the
C 2019
pad and the pins. Only the two end pins for power are
needed. Check that there are no bridges to adjacent pins,
and if there are, carefully remove with solder braid or
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
wick. Once you are happy that the power pins are sol10k
dered correctly, solder the remaining mechanical pins.
Now move onto the resistors and diodes. Make sure
that the diodes are all orientated correctly, ie, with their
15 13 12 10
cathodes stripes towards the top of the board.
Then solder the ICs in place. You can use sockets
if you wish. These must also be orientated correctly, with the pin 1 dot/notch in each case towards
470 F
the bottom of the board. Don’t get the chips mixed
up since there are three different types, but they all
have the same number of pins (14).
Fig.3: like the circuit, the PCB layout is quite simple. The main
You may need to carefully bend the legs on the ICs so
thing to watch while building it is the orientations of IC1-IC4
that they are straight and vertical before they will fit. Soland D1-D16. Various headers and jumpers are provided so you der two diagonally opposite pins on each IC, then check
can experiment with and probe the circuit to see what happens
the orientation and that the IC is flat against the PCB beif you change it slightly. A header socket is provided to allow
the board to directly drive a Stackable LED Christmas Tree, (as fore soldering the remaining pins.
The four small 100nF capacitors are not polarised. Fit
seen on page 85) with as few as 10 LEDs or as many as several
them now. Follow with the sole transistor, Q2, with its flat
face orientated as shown. You may need to carefully bend
oscillator) are paired up to buffer the output of the shift its legs to fit the PCB.
Fit the pin headers next, including CON1, CON3, LK1
register. The O7 output from pin 13 of IC3 is fed to input
pins 5 and 9 of inverters IC4c and IC4d, and their outputs and JP1-JP4. Follow with header socket CON4, mounted at
are also paralleled and connected to pin 1 of CON3, to right-angles, so it can plug into the male header on an LED
provide a bit more drive current for any external circuitry Christmas Tree board. This can be done by surface-mounting it to the pads on top of the PCB rather than soldering
connected there.
That signal is then similarly re-inverted by IC4b and it into the through-holes. If you want your tree to project
IC4e, to provide an in-phase buffered output at pin 2 of up from this board, CON4 can be fitted vertically instead.
Now fit optional headers CON5 and CON6, if desired.
CON3. This gives us complementary signals at pins 1 & 2
of CON3, which could provide a 10V peak-to-peak signal These are provided to allow you to experiment by feeding
different combinations of the sixteen shift register outputs
for driving a piezo (for example).
The in-phase output is also fed to the DI pin of CON4, into the XOR gate inputs. We’ve recommended using fewhich has a pinout designed to match the Stackable LED male headers for these so that so you can make connections
Christmas Tree, so it can be used to drive a tree directly. using male-male jumper wires, but other combinations
The buffered clock signal is taken to the CLK and LT pins are possible. Finally, fit the electrolytic capacitor, ensuring
on CON4, so that each bit of pseudo-random data fed to the its longer positive lead goes into the hole marked with the
“+” sign, then plug jumper shunts into JP1-JP4 and LK1 as
tree is synchronously shifted all through the tree.
The power supply for this circuit is elementary: a 5V DC shown in Figs.2 and 3.
externally regulated supply is fed in via either USB socket
CON2 or pin header CON1. Bulk bypassing is not required; Testing
If you have a Christmas Tree PCB, plug it into CON4, enone 100nF capacitor per IC is sufficient.
Australia’s electronics magazine
suring the pin functions line up correctly (ie, it is not reversed) and apply regulated 5V DC power through either
the USB socket (CON2) or pin header (CON1). You should
see the LEDs on the tree start to flash, although depending
on the initial state of the shift registers, it may take 10-15
seconds before you see anything.
Hint: if you aren’t using CON2, you can easily get the
5V DC required to feed to CON1 from the pins of a USB/
serial adaptor plugged into a USB port.
If you don’t have a Christmas Tree PCB, you can connect
a simple LED in series with a 1kΩ series resistor across
pins 2 and 3 of CON3, or even connect a piezo speaker (eg,
Jaycar AB3440) to these pins (in this case, a faster clock
rate is advsed.
Alternatively, you can connect these devices to CON3,
between either pin 1 or pin 2, and pin 3 (GND).
Further experimentation
Finally, if you want to see what makes the LFSR’ tick’,
JP1-JP4, CON5 and CON6 can be used to change the ‘taps’,
ie, which shift register bits are combined to define the shift
register’s input state.
To do this, remove the shorting blocks from JP1-JP4 and
use patch leads to connect the four outputs that you want to
feed back from the terminals of CON5 to the pins of CON6
(the order doesn’t matter).
If you want to use fewer than four inputs to the XOR
gate, wire the unused pins of CON6 to either GND or +5V.
The taps we have used with JP1-JP4 inserted provide a
so-called maximal length sequence (65,535 steps for a 16bit shift register), but there are other combinations of taps
which also create a maximal length, as well as a number
that are much shorter.
Also note that if Q15 (ie, the last bit of the shift register)
is not fed into the XOR gate, then that will necessarily result in a shorter sequence.
The article at has more information on the mathematical theory of linear feedback
shift registers, and also how they are used in fields such
as cryptography and digital communications.
As mentioned earlier, if used to drive the LED Christmas Tree, you can place LK1 in its alternative position to
switch the circuit into chaser mode.
If you decide to adjust the operating frequency as described above, by varying the value of either the 470µF capacitor or nearby 1kΩ resistor, keep in mind that this resistor value can’t go much below 470Ω due to the limited
output current of IC4a.
So to increase the frequency, you’re better off reducing the capacitor value (lower value capacitors are usually cheaper, too!).
You can increase the resistor value, so if you want to
make the frequency variable, you could use connect a
10kΩ potentiometer (or similar) in series with a 470Ω resistor between pins 1 and 2 of IC4a, then reduce the timing
capacitor value to 4.7µF to give an adjustable frequency
of around 2-40Hz.
If you reduce the timing capacitor to 33nF, that will give
a clock rate of about 20kHz, and you will then get a signal
that’s suitable for basic audio use, as a white noise source.
But note that at this rate, it’s hardly even a pseudo-random
number generator: the sequence will repeat every few seconds, and that will be quite apparent.
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Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 89
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions will be
paid for at standard rates. All submissions should include full name, address & phone number.
PICAXE “Knight Rider” LED chaser display
Over the years many Knight Rider
displays have been published, all inspired by the original design used in
the 1982-1986 TV series.
The Knight Rider car featured a
row of lamps, recessed into the grille
at the front of the car, switched on sequentially to produce a back-and-forth
chaser display. This circuit drives
LEDs similarly and can be used for
model cars, robot projects etc.
It's based on a PICAXE20M2 microcontroller (IC1) with the chaser
patterns and speed controlled by the
software. You can select six chaser patterns by rotating VR1 while VR2 varies the speed. Fitting a jumper on JP1
will override VR1 and cause the unit to
continually cycle the first three chaser patterns, while a link on JP2 will
force it to cycle the remaining three
chaser patterns.
LEDs1-12 should be arranged in a
single row. The six patterns are:
1) 1 x 12 way Knight Rider display
2) 2 x 6 way Knight Rider display
3) 3 x 4 way Knight Rider display
Patterns 4-6 are the same as patterns
1-3 except that two LEDs are lit at any
given time, instead of just one.
The LEDs are driven by 12 output
pins from microcontroller IC1, via
150W current-limiting resistors. This
Silicon Chip
value suits a wide range of LEDs. They
may be any colour; the brighter, the
better. For the prototype, I used highbrightness white LEDs.
Mode and speed potentiometers
VR1 and VR2 are monitored by analog
inputs C7 (pin 3) and B0 (pin 18) of
IC1. It measures the voltage level on
the wipers of each pot. The state of
jumpers JP1 and JP2 are monitored by
digital inputs C6 (pin 4) and B1 (pin
17). These pins are held high by pullups inside IC1, but are pulled low if a
jumper is fitted.
Power comes from a 6V battery pack
(eg, four AA cells), which is switched
by power switch S1. Diode D1 provides reverse polarity protection and
also drops the battery voltage to just
over 5V, below the maximum 5.5V allowable for microcontroller IC1.
100µF and 100nF bypass capacitors
are used to stabilise its supply. ICSP
socket CON1 connects to the serial input (pin 2) and serial output (pin 19)
on IC1, so you can load programs onto
it using a PICAXE programming cable.
If you mount the display inside another device, it may be able to draw
power from that device's battery. If its
battery voltage is too high (say, 12V),
you could use a 7805 regulator or similar to derive a 5V supply.
Australia’s electronics magazine
The LEDs could be replaced with
transistors to drive lamps or other high
current loads. Better still, you could
use two ULN2003N Darlington transistor driver ICs for this purpose.
My prototype was built on two IC
prototyping boards, with the microcontroller on one board and the 12
LEDs on the other. These boards were
mounted in a Jiffy box, along with the
battery and power switch.
You could dispense with the case
and mount the boards directly into a
model car, a robot project or any other
device that takes your fancy.
VR1 and VR2 can be either trimpots
or standard potentiometers, depending on your application.
The PICAXE website explains how
to use your computer to program
the PICAXE20M2. You will need an
AXE027 USB cable (www.picaxestore.
com/axe027 or
link/aari) and a copy of the free “program editor software” and “USB driver
software” from the PICAXE website.
Download my PICAXE Basic program (“knight_rider_20m2.bas”) from
the Silicon Chip website, and then load
this program using the USB cable connected to the in circuit serial programming (ICSP) header, using the program
editor software.
Ian Robertson,
Engadine, NSW. ($65)
Voice modulator for sound effects
I built this circuit to simulate voices from science fiction shows such as
Dr Who’s Daleks and Cybermen. You
speak into a microphone, and the unit
produces a modified output, making
you sound like one of those characters,
by modulating the sound with an oscillator waveform.
The optimum oscillator for a Dalek
voice is a 35-45Hz square wave. For
the Cyberman voice, it's an 80-120Hz
If you feed in recorded music or connect it to a guitar pickup rather than a
microphone, it will produce a variety
of interesting and weird effects, especially when modulating with very low
frequency or with a high frequency
harmonic related to the input signal.
So it can be used for music and instrument effects, too.
Audio is fed in either via CON1 or
CON2, depending on the source. You
also need to feed in an external oscillator signal to CON3, which may come
from a function generator or similar.
The audio is AC-coupled to level adjustment potentiometer VR1, then
AC-coupled again to the base of NPN
transistor Q1.
This is biased to operate as a common-emitter amplifier. The signal from
its collector is then fed to the base of
NPN transistor Q2, which operates as
an emitter-follower buffer, to drive the
primary of isolating transformer T1,
via a 10µF coupling capacitor.
T1 acts as a mixer, allowing the oscillator signal (level adjusted using
VR2) to modulate the audio signal.
The resulting balanced signal is then
optionally fed to one of two diode
bridges, as selected using the fourpole, three-position rotary switch S2,
or straight to the output transformer.
In the position shown, the signal
passes through a bridge of four germanium diodes before being applied
to the centre-tapped primary of transformer T2.
If switched to the next position, the
signal instead passes through a bridge
of four silicon diodes. And in the third
position, the signal passes straight
through to T2. This gives you three
further options to modify the type of
effect generated.
T2 converts the sound back to a single-ended audio signal and provides
some filtering, with the 1nF capacitor
across its secondary, to cut out very
high harmonics which would make
the resulting sound too harsh. VR3
provides an output level adjustment,
and the resulting signal is fed to output socket CON4.
Australia’s electronics magazine
While not overly critical, it's best
if the four diodes in each bridge are
well matched to each other. This can
be done by measuring their forward resistance on an analog multimeter set to
1X scale – or a DMM with a diode test
and voltage measurement function –
and selecting the four which are most
similar from a larger set.
To use the unit, initially set switch
S2 to “bypass” (ie, the third position)
and adjust the input signal up to the
point of no clipping/distortion at the
output. You can then switch S2 to use
the germanium bridge (a softer modulation result) or the silicon bridge (a
much harsher result) and adjust the
oscillator frequency for the desired
The oscillator signal needs to be at
least 1V RMS (for a sinewave) or 1.5V
peak-to-peak (for a square wave) to enable the diodes to conduct.
Depending on the oscillator injection level, modulation can vary from
slight to a harsh chopping of the signal.
Sinewave modulation gives a
smoother output, especially with musical sources. The two diode bridges
can be soldered directly to the selector switch terminals.
Warwick Talbot
Toowoomba, Qld ($80).
August 2019 91
Arduino LoRa chat terminal with QWERTY keyboard
I live near Bandhavgarh tiger reserve, a 1150km2 area with a core jungle area of 820km2 where only rangers
are allowed. In this area, mobile phone
coverage is abysmal.
One day, I was chatting with a ranger
and asked him how he communicates
when in the jungle. He showed me a
huge microwave tower which runs on
solar and battery power, and he complained that it hardly works when it’s
needed. It’s 10 years old and a power
guzzler – after one or two sentences,
the power goes out.
So I came up with the idea of using
LoRa transceivers to provide a chat
terminal which can be used in this remote area. I figured that would be more
Silicon Chip
reliable than voice communication.
It uses LoRa modules operating at
868MHz with 0.5-1W transmit power and a small whip antenna, operating at 1200-9600 baud. Text is shown
on a 128x64 pixel monochrome LCD
screen and entered using an old PS/2
keyboard, and the whole thing is managed by a low-power ATmega328 (Arduino) chip running at 8MHz.
In India, 865-867MHz is a free band
in which there are 8 channels spaced
250kHz apart. But this is not legal for
use in many other countries, including
Australia and New Zealand.
Luckily, LoRa modules are available which operate on several different bands, including the 434MHz in-
Australia’s electronics magazine
dustrial, scientific and medical (ISM)
band, which can be used in most
countries as long as the output power is kept within specified limits. In
Australia and New Zealand, this limit
is 25mW.
You can use the RFSet software to
set your LoRa module radio parameters to ensure that they comply with
local regulations. In the same RFSet
software you can set a four-byte ID
code so that your modules can only
communicate with other modules with
the same ID code.
The system will run for 10-12 hours
from a small 3.7V mobile phone battery. This can easily be charged by a
small solar cell in a few hours.
One of the challenges of this design
is that the LCD screen and PS/2 keyboard require a 5V supply while the
battery voltage varies between 3.3V
and 4.2V, so a boost regulator is needed. The MT3608 2A step-up module
(Silicon Chip Online Shop Cat SC4437)
is suitable and costs a measly $2.
In operation, the LCD screen is divided into two windows; four lines
of text at the top are used to see what
you are sending while four lines at the
bottom show the received text. A line
separates the two areas of the screen.
A very simple text editor is used in the
top window, allowing the easy creation of chat messages.
This responds to the following keys
on the keyboard: all alphanumeric
keys and the space bar (for entering
text), left and right arrows (for moving the cursor), backspace and DEL
(for editing text) and ESC (to clear the
screen). To send a message, you type
your text and then press the “#” (hash)
key. When a message is received, LED1
lights up.
Turning to the circuit, the LoRa
module is powered directly from
the 3.7V LiPo cell and is controlled
by the Arduino over a bidirectional
serial port on its PD6 and PD7 I/O
pins. The micro doesn’t have enough
pins to drive the screen directly, so
an MCP23017 I/O expander connects
the two. This is controlled over an
I2C bus and it drives all the screen’s
I/O pins.
Pins 15-17 of IC2 set its I2C address,
and these are all tied to 0V, setting its
address to 0x20. This is the address
that the supplied software for IC1
sends its command to.
The PS/2 keyboard’s data and clock
pins go to the PC0 and PD2 I/O pins
on IC1 respectively.
To save power, the LCD screen’s
logic (Vdd) and backlight (Va) supply
come from I/O pin PC2 of IC1. This
pin is driven high to power the LCD. It
can supply just enough current to run
the screen, with the backlight current
limited by a 330W resistor. This way,
the screen can be shut down when it
is not being used, resulting in significant power savings.
The screen is shut down when the
ESC key on the keyboard is pressed.
But when there is an incoming message or another key on the keyboard
is pressed, the screen is powered
back up.
Testing has shown that a small 5dBi
antenna on a mast is sufficient to allow
the device to communicate between a
ranger in the jungle and the home base.
With maximum power (30dBm) and
1200 baud operation, we’ve found the
range to be around 10-40km depending on location.
All the modules needed to build
this Chat Terminal are available from
websites like eBay and AliExpress,
while the Arduino software can be
downloaded from the Silicon Chip
As it’s running on a standalone ATmega328 chip without a crystal oscillator, you will need to install the
“Breadboard” Arduino bootloader
first, as explained at: www.arduino.
Bera Somnath,
Vindhyanagar, India. ($90)
Phantom-powered microphone over telephone cables
I designed this circuit to provide
sound for my CCTV video surveillance
system, as it will work over telephone
wire or Cat5 cables.
This avoids the need for long runs
of coaxial cable or an always-on wireless link in an overcrowded radio
It uses an LM386 audio amplifier to
drive two back-to-back audio transformers as part of a basic unbalanced
phantom power circuit.
It's powered from a 12V DC supply,
with the supply voltage to the LM386
IC varying over a range of about 4-6V.
A small 10kW potentiometer (VR1) is
used to set the sound level.
The electret condenser microphone
is very sensitive, so continuous loud
sounds will cause the amplifier to
drop out, as its supply voltage falls
too low if its current draw becomes
excessive. For this reason, this circuit
is not really suitable for music or any
continuous high-level sounds, but
it's fine as a baby monitor or CCTV
The noise level is kept low by amplifying the microphone signal before
feeding it over the long cable. Also,
Australia’s electronics magazine
the power supply for the electret is filtered by a 220W resistor and 33µF capacitor to remove any high-frequency
noise that may have been picked up
in the cable.
You can fit a small speaker at the receiving end, or couple the signal to a
line out socket, or both. The LED and
series resistor are optional, to provide
a convenient indication that the circuit
is powered. You could also fit a power
indicator LED across the supply at the
remote end if desired.
John Crowhurst,
Mitchell Park, SA. ($75)
August 2019 93
AM radio distribution amplifier
While unusual, it is possible to improve AM reception indoors (especially in a large building with a metal
roof) by feeding the output of an outdoor AM antenna to a distribution amplifier like this.
It buffers the signal picked up by
the external antenna and feeds it either directly to AM radios with external antenna sockets (fairly uncommon), or to indoor antennas, to be
radiated and then picked up by the
internal antennas of radios within
the structure.
You could use AM loop antennas
(available on eBay etc) or merely long
wires for both the outdoor and indoor
The signal from the external antenna is clamped to ±0.6V using a 100W
series resistor and two small signal diodes (D1 & D2) connected in inverse
parallel. This protects the circuit from
EMI and inductive coupling due to
distance lightning – it won't do much
in the case of a direct strike, so the
indoor antennas should be mounted
away from people.
The signal is fed to the base of four
low-noise NPN transistors (Q1-Q4;
BC550C) via 10nF coupling capacitors.
You can adjust the number of buffer
stages to suit your application. Each
one is identical.
The base of each transistor is DC
biased to around 1.5V by a pair of
1MW resistors. This is less than the
2.5V than you might expect from a resistive divider across the 5V supply
rail; the difference is due to the base
Silicon Chip
current which bypasses the bottom
resistor in the divider. The transistor
emitters sit at around 1mA, ie, there
is around 1V across the 1kW emitter
The AC signal from the antenna
modulates the transistor base voltages,
and since the transistors are configured
as emitter-followers, a signal with almost the same amplitude (just a little bit lower) appears at the emitters.
The point of these transistors is not
to provide gain, but to prevent the
external antenna from being loaded
by the low impedances of the indoor
antennas, which would otherwise
result in minimal coupling between
the two.
The circuit will pass signals up to
around 3MHz, limited by the ~1mA
transistor collector current.
The circuit is powered from an external 5V DC regulated supply, which
Australia’s electronics magazine
is filtered by a 100µH series inductor
and several capacitors to ground, with
different values so that they are more
effective at different frequency ranges. This supply powers LED1 to indicate that the circuit is operating. If
the supply is accidentally connected
in reverse, diode D3 will conduct and
blow fuse F1.
One advantage of using indoor antennas to re-radiate the signals is that
you will not have an electrical pathway between the antenna on the roof
and indoor sockets/radios, which
could otherwise conduct lightning
If you are using a circuit like this
to connect directly to antenna input
sockets, it is a good idea to unplug the
radios and stay away from the wiring
during thunderstorms.
Petre Petrov,
Sofia, Bulgaria. ($60)
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Vintage Radio
By Dennis Jackson
The 1924 RCA AR-812
superhet radio receiver
This was the world's first commercially available superheterodyne
radio and a “portable” set to boot – the RCA AG-814 external aerial loop
antenna and model 100 loudspeaker puts its total weight close to 30kg!
This set uses just six UV199 triodes, with most components tucked away
in the “catacomb”, a metal container sealed with a wax-like substance
(in this case rosin). The intention was to prevent competitors learning
about how the radio was designed.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
e are fortunate to be living in
a time of rapid technological
progress. Yet few of us are aware of
the great minds whose work long ago
underpins many important aspects of
that modern technology.
Much of their hard work is now
taken for granted, as if the facts and
techniques that they worked so hard
to acquire have always been obvious.
By around 1900, Guglielmo Marconi
had put together the bits and pieces
gained by the discoveries of the great
researchers before him to become the
“Father of Radio Spark Telephony”.
But Major Edwin Armstrong, formerly of the US Signal Corps, could
be referred to as the father of modern
radio, having played the major part
in the development of the superheterodyne radio receiver and being the
inventor of the regenerative detector.
He also developed the Armstrong oscillator which helped to make audio
modulation possible.
He came up with and eventually put
into practice the concept of frequency
modulation which has now become
the norm for both radio and television
A brief history of the superhet
History records that Armstrong was
not the first to come up with the idea
of the superhet radio. Canadian engineer R. A. Fessenden had made observations concerning beat notes in the
transmission of radio signals using
Morse code around 1900.
Radio technology developed slowly
until the first world war of 1914-18 resulted in an urgent need for radio receivers superior to the tuned radio frequency (TRF) sets then in use for communications. There was also a need to
develop direction-finding equipment
to detect enemy ships at sea.
Lucien Levy of the French signal
corps obtained a patent for a superheterodyne receiver in 1917. Americans entered the conflict in Europe in
April 1917 and sent over an expeditionary force.
Major Armstrong was attached to
this and he quickly became aware of
the poor performance of the sets of
the time. He set about investigating
the lack of sensitivity and selectivity.
Armstrong believed the problems
could be overcome by mixing the
Recreation of the wiring diagram for ►
the AR-812 radio.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 97
incoming signal with a locally produced signal to produce a beat note
of a fixed frequency, which could be
further filtered by fixed tuned circuits,
avoiding the necessity to use variable
tuning for each stage of RF amplification as in the TRF receiver.
Armstrong then built the first practical Superhet radio, an eight-valve
set which performed better than any
others of the day. This was around the
time when the armistice was signed,
and so the need for radio sets became
less urgent.
He applied for a patent covering the
Superheterodyne radio on 30 December 1918 and was undoubtedly the first
to take out a patent on the Superhet
in the USA.
The first consumer Superhet set, the
RCA AR-812, came on to the US market in March 1924. These were sold
by the Radio Corporation of America,
better known as RCA. They were built
by the Victor Talking Machine Company. RCA did not manufacture wireless
sets until the beginning of the 1930s.
Edwin Armstrong and Harry Houck,
who is usually credited with the development of the second harmonic
mixer, were the primary engineers for
the AR-812.
These sets sold for US $269.00 without batteries, speaker or antenna; a
considerable sum of money by today’s
standards. A Ford Model T motor car
could have been purchased for a similar sum at that time.
It is interesting to note some sources
claim about 80,000 units were sold. It
appears that few of these sets made it
to Australia.
Getting hold of an AR-812
Despite this, I noticed one of these
sets for sale on eBay about four years
ago. It was being offered by an antique
shop in Queensland. All of the UV199
valves were missing and I noted that
the chassis layout was very unusual,
which I found both puzzling and interesting. I was aware of the RCA AR812 at the time but knew little of its
history or development.
Since it was the first true Superhet
set, I became convinced that this set
would be a very worthwhile addition
to my collection of mainly 1920s radios.
The AR-812 duly arrived at my
home in Hobart and I must confess to
sneaking the box into the workshop
through the back gate to avoid any
Silicon Chip
awkward questions about what I had
purchased, how much I spent etc. No
time was lost getting it all laid out
upon the workbench.
The long, narrow table-top cabinet with its carry handle was in good
nick. A dose of paint stripper would
remove the several layers of very dark
varnish applied sometime in the distant past and a careful sanding followed by a couple of coats of spray
lacquer would restore its appearance
to its previous glory.
A large central front panel hinged
down on two locating pins to reveal
the works. Central to the interior of
the hinged panel and screwed to it
was the mysterious metal box known
as the “labyrinth”.
Two variable tuning condensers
were fitted, one on each side of the
box. The one on the left was used to
manually tune the inbuilt frame aerial
and the other on the right to separately
tune the local oscillator.
Two pairs of oscillator coils were
mounted immediately under the oscillator condenser.
Beginning the restoration
As mentioned earlier, all UV199
valves had been previously removed.
I had made a bad mistake by being a
bit overeager and had ordered, after a
good deal of searching on the internet,
a set of UX199 valves of the period via
eBay from the USA.
Upon finally receiving these, I discovered I had ordered the wrong type.
I really needed the earlier type, the
UV199. They are the same valve but
the UX199 has a narrower base with
shorter pins and a different pinout.
After a further search through the
internet, my luck changed and I was
able to eventually purchase the six required (and rare) UV199 valves in two
lots, four being boxed new old stock.
The mysterious catacomb box
proved to be not so mysterious, due
to its seals being broken. Its encapsulation, which resembled (and strongly smelled of) pine rosin had partly
melted and oozed out to expose its
secret contents.
My understanding is that the electronic contents of this catacomb were
sealed and encapsulated to protect
RCA’s then-innovative Superhet circuit from prying eyes and to ensure
any servicing required within was
done by their staff.
A numbered terminal strip ran along
Australia’s electronics magazine
the back and a list of various test points
between the strip and the valve sockets
was published in the owners’ handbook, allowing ohmic readings to be
taken along this strip to determine if all
was well within. There are also wires
connecting terminals on that strip to
various valve pins.
There was most likely an exchange
system available to servicemen when
required. My nerve failed me when I
considered the consequences of melting away the rosin, so I began picking
away at it with a sharp piece of wire.
This worked as the rosin was brittle
and came away in small pieces.
Both step-up audio coupling transformers were missing from the set,
but the set came with two transformers which appeared to be a good fit,
despite appearing to be of much more
recent construction. After this set became operable, I experimented with
various other transformers, but the
two which came with the set gave the
best results.
This surprised me because they have
a very low DC resistance, the primary being just 300W and the secondary,
800W. The original transformers that
would have come in the set had coils
with 1000W and 6000W DC resistance
Upon further investigation, it became apparent that the AR-812 frontend circuit was very unconventional
(perhaps not surprising, given that
superhet conventions hadn’t been established yet when it was designed!).
Initially lacking a circuit diagram, I began drawing one out on a large piece
of paper using coloured pencils.
The mystery deepened and I made
only modest headway until I purchased a CD from the USA with a
scanned copy of the original operators’ manual and a well-drawn circuit
diagram made by another enthusiast,
who was apparently also an excellent
RCA did not readily give out information regarding the secrets of their
catacomb, but there isn’t much to go
wrong inside it, except for open circuit conductors. My resistance check
revealed one open-circuit coil which I
removed from the laminated plate and
rewound using litz wire salvaged from
a disused IF transformer, taking care
to count the turns accurately.
There were a few loose wire ends
visible, apparently caused by the volatile elements in the rosin drying out
The chassis is mounted to the front of the radio with a tuning gang on each side (C1 & C2). There are two compartments on
the front of the case which each store half the required batteries. The original set was powered from six A batteries (1.5V
each), two or four B batteries (45V/22.5V), and one C battery (4.5V) to provide negative grid bias. While the set is shown
with an external loop antenna in the lead photograph, there is an internal antenna located on the rear of the case. It is
possible to attach a handle to the top of the set for carrying, but the weight makes this somewhat prohibitive.
The back of the chassis shows the connections made from the catacomb. The purple-labelled components above the tuning
gangs are Karas Harmonik high-impedance audio transformers which were tested as replacements for T1 & T2.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 99
over time and causing the rosin to
crack as it shrank, breaking fine wires.
I resoldered these into place using the
newly-acquired circuit diagram as a
guide, along with a certain amount of
No retuning was necessary because
the IF transformers had fixed tuning
using mica capacitors, and the incoming RF and oscillator output were separately hand-tuned from the front panel.
All of the RF inductors, except for
the oscillator coils, are recessed into
rectangular cut-outs in a laminated
iron plate within the catacomb, and
they also have laminated iron cores.
The audio coupling transformers are
also mounted within.
The AR-812 also has an internal
aerial wound on a thin timber frame
encircling the rear of the chassis compartment. There is a simple switch
mounted on the inside rear of the case
to switch between the internal frame
aerial and an external long wire aerial.
There are also two drawer-like compartments at the front of the set to house the
dry cell batteries, one on each side of
the main chassis compartment.
Originally, three large single cells
producing 1.5V each were connected
in series in each compartment, and
these batteries were then connected in
parallel to give a total voltage of 4.5V
for the A supply to heat the filaments
of the valves.
Four 22.5V dry cell batteries, or two
45V batteries, were connected in series to provide 90V for the B+ supply
to the plates of the valves.
A small three-cell, 4.5V tapped battery mounted in a pocket at the rear of
the chassis compartment made up the
C or bias battery.
With all of the internals reassembled, all UV199 valves in place and
a final positive check for faults in
the catacomb completed, I plugged a
set of high-impedance (2000W) headphones into the speaker socket and set
the speaker switch set to cut out the
last two audio stages. I connected my
trusty vintage radio power supply from
Electronics Australia (March 1990) to
supply the B voltage.
I prefer to use three alkaline D cells
for the A supply via the dropping rheostat as there is less chance of damaging
those precious filaments. I also make
up a C bias battery by connecting three
alkaline cells in series.
I connected a long aerial and a
good Earth and switched it on but,
you guessed it, I heard nothing on
the headphones. It was all doom and
gloom. But then, few restored radios
work the first time.
After fiddling with this and that for
a couple of cold frosty winter nights,
I distinctly remember hearing a very
faint whisper in the headphones. Eureka! Things could only get better, and
they did; there was a reasonable signal detectable immediately after the
detector, indicating that all was well
with the RF section.
The audio from the audio stages
was weak when using a horn speaker.
These are usually sensitive and I tried
several types, all of around 2000W DC
resistance. The audio section is relatively simple and all voltages were
around about what one would expect.
I suspected that one or more of the
valves might have had low emissions.
I didn’t have any known-good UV199
valves to swap in for testing.
An opportunity presented itself a
year or two later when rebuilding a
Browning Drake receiver from about
the same era. It was recommended
that a UX199 valve was used in the
first RF stage of this set to make neutralising easier.
I made up a socket to fit a UV199
and fitted it in parallel with the 201A
or UX199 used in the Browning-Drake,
so I could individually test my UV199s
in the Drake.
One of the UV199s from the RCA
AR-812 Superhet proved to have reduced emissions, so I sought out a replacement valve, which improved the
audio output considerably, but it was
still quite weak.
AR-812 performance
Although the UV199 valves were
The inside of the catacomb with most of the rosin melted away. The leftovers were picked at with a sharp piece of
wire, but traces of it can still be seen.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Here's an alternative version of the circuit diagram, taken from a service manual. This was included as a supplement to
the following circuit diagram on page 102 as it more clearly shows all connections from filaments to HT etc.
passable for RF amplification by 1924
standards, they were only used in the
audio output stage because there were
no better types available at the time.
Audio amplification is not a role that
these valves are well suited to.
Attempts to improve this situation
were later made by fitting a special
socket, which had to lay on its side
to give clearance to the audio output
socket, so a more suitable valve could
be used. An extra HT battery was also
required to provide the higher HT re-
quired for the audio valve.
One advantage of the AR-812 is that
it is very economical on battery power.
The UV199 requires only 60mA for the
heaters; only six valves are performing
eight functions, achieved by reflexing
two of the valves (ie, using them for
both RF and AF amplification at the
same time).
It is fairly easy to tune in stations and
to operate the set. Stations are tuned
in by using the oscillator dial on the
right, which has excellent selectivity.
The dial on the left, used to tune
the inbuilt aerial, has very broad tuning, making tuning in stations easy,
especially once found and marked on
the paper dial inserts provided with
the set.
It is a good idea to back off the filament rheostat before switching off and
to slowly turn it clockwise to increase
the heater current after switch on until a comfortable (but not excessive)
sound level is reached.
This avoids damage to the filaments
The other side of the catacomb after replacing the two transformers at left. The new transformers had a much lower
primary and secondary DC resistance that what the originals were rated at, but performed just as well.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 101
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
This circuit diagram was drawn by Alan Douglas using a program called TANGO, and is reproduced here from a scan. The RCA AR-812 is a reflex receiver and
one of the first superheterodyne sets. Each valve in the AR-812 has quite a low current draw of ~60mA, which is why this circuit can be powered from dry cells. RF
amplifier V1 is reflexed to function as an IF amplifier, while V2 performs as both the local oscillator and mixed (first detector), meaning the circuit effectively has
eight stages. V3 is used for further IF amplfication, V4 is the second detector and V5/V6 are both used for AF amplification. The set uses a fairly low IF frequency of
45kHz, although some documents indicate it being as low as 40kHz and as high as 50kHz. Some versions of this circuit have the two transformers connected to the
grid of V5 and V6 with a turns ratio of 1:3; this circuit has a ratio of 1:6 which matches the service manual. A wave trap may be needed for local stations as they can
come in at multiple places due to the set’s design. A cleaner version of the circuit can be found at on the
second page, but it does have some slight differences to the circuit shown above.
Connection diagram (left) and continuity test (right) for the catacomb.
by overheating, which can cause the
thorium coating, which improves cathode emissions, to boil off.
While this set’s performance isn’t
high by today’s standards, it would
have been pretty good when it was released nearly 100 years ago!
Putting it in historical context
I have the AR-812 set up and working as I write this, and I can say that
it is now performing well. Apart from
the sound from the large horn speaker
being sibilant and metallic, it’s at least
as good as a smaller transistor set on
local stations, considering the limitations of their small speakers.
One can imagine a family crowding closely around the set, listening
in a medium-sized room, but there is
still a little to spare because although
I have the volume control full on, I
do like to back off the filament rheostat to lengthen the life of the valve
There were once claims of coastto-coast reception in the USA, but I
can’t substantiate that performance.
It is possible to receive some of the
stronger Melbourne stations at night
here in Hobart, although they come
in weakly.
After all, this set uses very low gain
valves (with a theoretical gain of about
five times) and there is no RF amplification in the front end; this results in
noticeably louder reception at night.
I have another example of an early
superhet, an Ultradyne L2 from 1925.
Robert Emile Lacault’s Ultradyne L1
came on the market late in 1924, and
as far as I can tell, it was the second
superhet available to the public.
The set’s layout is very different,
with the Ultradyne being more conventional and an excellent performer
for its time. This Ultradyne set uses
eight UX201A four-pin triodes.
I also have a 1927 RCA Radiola 60
which was probably the first mainspowered superhet, using then-new
five-pin screen-grid tetrode valves
and single point tuning. This set gives
much better performance than the
first battery-powered, cutting-edge
I also have several five- and sixvalve TRF sets from the same era (also
using 201As) which perform well on
local AM transmissions.
It must be said that a set such as Major Edwin Howard Armstrong’s AR812 represented a great leap forward
for radio in the early 1920s and superheterodyne receivers are still widely
used today for AM reception.
The few remaining sets such as these
should be restored to working order for
the benefit of all those of us in the future who can appreciate the genius of
their designers and inventors.
An advertisement for the AR-812 with its original horn speaker. The radio sold
for US $269, without batteries; nearly the same price as a Ford Model T!
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 103
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Projector Speed (Apr11), Vox (Jun11), Ultrasonic Water Tank Level (Sep11)
Quizzical (Oct11), Ultra LD Preamp (Nov11), 10-Channel Remote Control
Receiver (Jun13), Revised 10-Channel Remote Control Receiver (Jul13)
Nicad/NiMH Burp Charger (Mar14), Remote Mains Timer (Nov14)
Driveway Monitor Transmitter (July15), Fingerprint Scanner (Nov15)
MPPT Lighting Charge Controller (Feb16), 50/60Hz Turntable Driver (May16)
Cyclic Pump Timer (Sep16), 60V 40A DC Motor Speed Controller (Jan17)
Pool Lap Counter (Mar17), Rapidbrake (Jul17), Deluxe Frequency Switch (May18)
Useless Box IC1 (Dec18), Remote-controlled Preamp with Tone Control (Mar19)
UHF Repeater (May19)
Garbage Reminder (Jan13), Bellbird (Dec13), GPS Analog Clock Driver (Feb17)
RF Signal Generator (Jun/Jul19)
Four-Channel DC Fan & Pump Controller (Dec18)
Programmable Ignition Timing Module (Jun99), Fuel Mixture Display (Sept00)
Oscar Noughts And Crosses (Oct07), UV Lightbox Timer (Nov07)
6-Digit GPS Clock (May-Jun09), 16-bit Digital Pot (Jul10), Semtest (Feb-May12)
Super Digital Sound Effects (Aug18)
Micromite Mk2 (Jan15) + 47F, Low Frequency Distortion Analyser (Apr15)
Micromite LCD BackPack [either version] (Feb16), GPS Boat Computer (Apr16)
Micromite Super Clock (Jul16), Touchscreen Voltage/Current Ref (Oct-Dec16)
Micromite LCD BackPack V2 / V3 (May17 / Aug19), Deluxe eFuse (Aug17)
Micromite DDS for IF Alignment (Sept17), Tariff Clock (Jul18)
GPS-Synched Frequency Reference (Nov18)
ASCII Video Terminal (Jul14), USB Mouse & Keyboard Adaptor (Feb19)
Maximite (Mar11), miniMaximite (Nov11), Colour Maximite (Sept/Oct12)
Touchscreen Audio Recorder (Jun/Jul 14)
Stereo Audio Delay/DSP (Nov13), Stereo Echo/Reverb (Feb 14)
Digital Effects Unit (Oct14)
Micromite PLUS Explore 64 (Aug 16), Micromite Plus LCD BackPack (Nov16)
Micromite PLUS Explore 100 (Sep-Oct16)
Digital Audio Signal Generator (Mar-May10), Digital Lighting Cont. (Oct-Dec10)
SportSync (May11), Digital Audio Delay (Dec11)
Quizzical (Oct11), Ultra-LD Preamp (Nov11), LED Musicolor (Nov12)
DSP Crossover/Equaliser (May19)
(AUG 19)
KIT – includes PCB, programmed micros, 3.5in touchscreen LCD, laser-cut UB3 lid, mounting
hardware, SMD Mosfets for PWM backlight control and all other mandatory on-board parts
Separate/Optional Components:
- 3.5-inch TFT LCD touchscreen (Cat SC5062)
- DHT22 temp/humidity sensor (Cat SC4150)
- BMP180 (Cat SC4343) OR BMP280 (Cat SC4595) temperature/pressure sensor
- BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor (Cat SC4608)
- DS3231 real-time clock SOIC-16 IC (Cat SC5103)
- 23LC1024 1MB RAM (SOIC-8) (Cat SC5104)
- AT25SF041 512KB flash (SOIC-8) (Cat SC5105)
- 10µF 16V X7R through-hole capacitor (Cat SC5106)
1.3-inch 128x64 SSD1306-based blue OLED display module (Cat SC5026)
laser-cut matte black acrylic case pieces (Cat SC4987)
MCP4251-502E/P dual-digital potentiometer (Cat SC5052)
(JUN 19)
(FEB 19)
N-channel Mosfets Q1 & Q2 (SIHB15N60E) and two 4.7MW 3.5kV resistors (Cat SC4861) $20.00
IRD1 (TSOP4136) and fresnel lens (IML0688) (Cat SC4862)
(FEB 19)
Short form kit (includes PCB and all parts, except for the extension cable) (Cat SC4851)
SW-18010P vibration sensor (S1) (Cat SC4852)
(JAN 19)
Main PCB with IC1 pre-soldered
Main PCB with IC1 and surrounding components (white box at top right) pre-soldered
Explore 100 kit (Cat SC3834; no LCD included)
Laser-cut clear acrylic case pieces
Set of extra SMD parts (contains most SMD parts except for the digital audio output)
Extendable VHF whip antenna with SMA connector: 700mm ($15.00) and 465mm ($10.00)
PCB-mounting SMA ($2.50), PAL ($5.00) and dual-horizontal RCA ($2.50) socket
(AUG 18)
PCB and all onboard parts (including optional ones) but no SD card, cell or battery holder
(MAY 18)
(OCT 17)
All parts including the PCB and a length of clear heatshrink tubing
Explore 100 kit (Cat SC3834; no LCD included)
One ERA-2SM+ & one ADCH-80A+ (Cat SC1167; two required)
(MAY 17)
PCB plus all on-board parts including programmed microcontroller (SMD ceramics for 10µF) $20.00
P&P – $10 Per order#
ISD1820-based voice recorder / playback module (Junk Mail Repeller, AUG19)
23LCV1024-I/P SRAM (DIP) and MCP73831T charger ICs (UHF Repeater, MAY19)
MCP1700 3.3V LDO regulator (suitable for USB Mouse & Keyboard Adapator, FEB19)
LM4865MX amplifier IC & LF50CV regulator (Tinnitus/Insomnia Killer, NOV18)
2.8-inch touchscreen LCD module with SD card socket (Tide Clock, JUL18)
ESP-01 WiFi Module (El Cheapo Modules, Part 15, APR18)
MC1496P double-balanced mixer IC (DIP-14) (AM Radio Transmitter, MAR18)
WiFi Antennas with U.FL/IPX connectors (Water Tank Level Meter with WiFi, FEB18):
5dBi – $12.50 ~ 2dBi (omnidirectional) – $10.00
NRF24L01+PA+NA transceiver with SNA connector and antenna (El Cheapo 12, JAN18)
WeMos D1 Arduino-compatible boards with WiFi (SEPT17, FEB18):
ThingSpeak data logger – $10.00 ~ WiFi Tank Level Meter (ext. antenna socket) – $15.00
Geeetech Arduino MP3 shield (Arduino Music Player/Recorder, VS1053, JUL17)
1nF 1% MKP (5mm lead spacing) or ceramic capacitor (Wide-Range LC Meter, JUN18)
MAX7219 LED controller boards (El Cheapo Modules, Part 7, JUN17):
8x8 red SMD/DIP matrix display – $5.00 ~ red 8-digit 7-segment display – $7.50
AD9833 DDS module (with gain control) (for Micromite DDS, APR17)
AD9833 DDS module (no gain control) (El Cheapo Modules, Part 6, APR17)
CP2102 USB-UART bridge
microSD card adaptor (El Cheapo Modules, Part 3, JAN17)
DS3231 real-time clock module with mounting spacers and screws (El Cheapo, OCT16)
*Prices valid for month of magazine issue only. All prices in Australian dollars and include GST where applicable. # P&P prices are within Australia. O’seas? Place an order on our website for an accurate quote.
NOTE: The listings below are for the PCB ONLY. If you want a kit, check our store or contact the kit suppliers advertising in this
issue. For unusual projects where kits are not available, some have specialised components available – see the list opposite.
NOTE: Not all PCBs are shown here due to space limits but the Silicon Chip Online Shop has boards going back to 2001 and beyond.
For a complete list of available PCBs etc, go to Prices are PCBs only, NOT COMPLETE KITS!
DEC 2014
DEC 2014
DEC 2014
JAN 2015
APR 2015
APR 2015
MAY 2015
MAY 2015
MAY 2015
MAY 2015
JUNE 2015
JUNE 2015
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JUNE 2015
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JULY 2015
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OCT 2015
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MAR 2017
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APR 2017
6GHz+ 1000:1 PRESCALER
MAY 2017
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APR 2019
APR 2019
APR 2019
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MAY 2019
MAY 2019
MAY 2019
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JULY 2019
JULY 2019
AUG 2019
AUG 2019
AUG 2019
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Send your email to silicon<at>
Ferrite bead query
I’m just getting around to building
the 6GHz+ Frequency Counter (October-December 2017;
au/Series/319). My question relates to
the SMD ferrite bead (FB1) from the 5V
regulated output of the LM2940 regulator. In the parts list, it is described
as a “low-resistance SMD ferrite bead
I have attempted to calculate the
inductance required (L = X ÷ 2πƒ),
but I’m not sure what frequency constitutes noise so that I can get a value
for the impedance. Also, I’m not sure
what “low-resistance” means in this
instance. Is 50W low enough? What
sort of current rating should I select
for? (P. E., via PE Magazine UK)
• We answered a similar query in the
Ask Silicon Chip section of the January
2019 issue (on page 111), but this query
brings up some potential misconceptions which we should address.
We don’t think the inductance of the
bead is relevant. Ferrite beads aren’t
inductors; while they do have a small
inductance, and this will have some
effect, they mainly work due to hysteresis losses in the ferrite material.
This is the main cause of their rising
impedance with frequency. If what we
wanted was a low-value inductor, we
could just use one – SMD inductors
are available in the nH range.
To answer your question, look for
a ferrite bead with a DC resistance
well below 1W, and a reasonably high
impedance at 100MHz (say, at least
100W). Beads with good RF attenuation and a DC resistance below 0.1W
are readily available. The one mentioned by J. T. in the January issue is
the Laird HI1206T161R-10, which is
what we used in our prototypes. That’s
an excellent choice.
Note that ferrite beads also provide
some impedance from eddy current
losses; however, ferrite material has
significantly lower eddy current losses than iron, which is one of the main
reasons it’s used for inductors despite
its low saturation threshold. For more
information on the mechanism by
Silicon Chip
which ferrite beads work, see the paper at:
Where to get fonts for a
graphical LCD
Having read Tim Blythman’s article on Low-cost 3.5-inch LCDs for
Arduino and Micromite (May 2019;, I
am building a readout for my weather station using an MCUFRIEND 2.8inch TFT LCD shield with ILI9338
controller. It has a parallel interface
but I am using (successfully) the Arduino Uno serial interface to transfer
data to it.
However, I can’t find the correct
code to print the degree (°) symbol. I
have searched a plethora of extended
ASCII tables without success. Can you
please point me in the right direction?
I enjoy the quality of Tim’s contributions to Silicon Chip and look forward to many more. (B. R., North
Maleny, Qld)
• Your project sounds interesting. Perhaps you can write it up for our Circuit Notebook section when you’ve
Many of the fonts which we use for
the touch panels come from the following website:
Many of these fonts change the backtick symbol (` ASCII code 96, hex 0x60)
to a degree symbol. You can test this
for your font by putting the backtick
symbol in your code (as though you
wanted to display it on the screen),
and if the font has this modification, it
will render as a degree symbol instead.
The reason they do this is partially explained by the following quote
from Wikipedia: “The degree sign was
missing from the basic 7-bit ASCII
set of 1963, but in 1987 the ISO/IEC
8859 standard introduced it at position 0xB0 (176 decimal) in the Latin-1
Many microcontroller fonts only
include ASCII characters from code
32 (space) to code 126 (tilde), to save
space; therefore, they do not include
Australia’s electronics magazine
the degree symbol. But since the apostrophe (code 39) and back-tick (code
96) are so similar in appearance, it is
thought more useful to replace backtick with the missing degree symbol.
If your fonts do not take this approach, it’s possible to modify them
yourself, either by manually changing the font definitions or by using
an online tool, such as the one at:
Increasing Ultra-LowNoise Preamp gain
I really enjoy reading Silicon Chip
magazine. I like having online access
to my subscription, especially for looking at past articles and projects.
I recently completed the UltraLow-Noise Remote Controlled Stereo Preamplifier (March-April 2019; and
built it with two SC200 modules, a
power supply and speaker protector etc to make a complete amplifier.
It works very well after fixing a couple of minor errors by the constructor (ie, me).
But I would like to have a little bit
more gain from the preamp to allow
for some signal sources that produce
quite low signal levels. I think this
could be solved by increasing the gain
of the first op amp to 2.3-2.4 times instead of two times.
I think that this could be achieved
by increasing the feedback resistor
from 2.2kW to approximately 3kW, ie,
the resistor between pins 1 & 2 of IC1a
(the first op amp following the input
to the preamp). Would this be workable and not affect things too much?
Or should I modify something else to
slightly increase the gain as desired?
Thank you. (P. McG., Loftus, NSW)
• Yes, you can change the 2.2kW
feedback resistor between pins 1 and
2 of IC1a and IC2a to get more gain.
Since your suggested value of 3kW is
not that much higher than the specified 2.2kW, the 470pF capacitor also
across these pins would not require
changing in value; the resulting
frequency roll-off would still be well
above 20kHz.
Note though that if you were to increase these resistor values much more
than that, you should ideally also reduce the parallel capacitor values
proportionally. So for example, if you
used 4.7kW feedback resistors, increasing the gain to around 4.3 times, you
should then reduce the parallel capacitors to around 220pF (ie, 470pF ×
2.2kW ÷ 4.7kW) to keep the frequency
response the same.
Using a VOX to pick up
mobile ringtone
I was just reading through an article
in the July 2011 issue of Silicon Chip
magazine on building a VOX (VoiceActivated Switch;
au/Article/1101). This piqued my interest, as I have been searching for a
way to use a mobile phone to activate
a remotely controlled security device
on our rural property.
I could build the VOX with an electret microphone to pick up the ringtone, but I want to avoid revealing
the position of the phone. The article
states that the device will accept an
audio signal through a 3.5mm jack.
Would this include a ringtone signal
from the phone’s headphone output?
(K. W., Hamilton, NZ)
• Yes, you can use the ringtone sound
to trigger the VOX via the 3.5mm jack
plug connection from the phone to the
VOX’s 3.5mm jack socket input. No
modifications are required. Just adjust the sensitivity for reliable detec-
tion and the delay according to your
10W resistors in UltraLow-Noise Preamp
In your articles on the Ultra-lownoise Remote Controlled Stereo Preamp
in the March 2019 issue (siliconchip., on page 38, there
are two 10W resistors marked with asterisks, and next to them it says “* see
text”. But I can’t find any mention of
these resistors in the text.
A friend has pointed out that the
10W resistors are shown in the circuit
diagram, Fig.7, on page 33, just to the
left of CON5. They are connected between the 0V terminal of CON5, the
power supply input, and the grounds
for the left and right channels. He says
that they are a standard anti-ground
loop measure and that they isolate
the RCA grounds from chassis ground.
Perhaps other readers would be interested in this explanation. Also, I enquired with element14 about obtaining the specified MKP capacitors (Cat
1005988 & 1519289), but they add a
$20.00 freight charge to the total which
cannot be waived.
Thanks for an excellent magazine.
(J. C., Chelsea, Vic)
• Yes, as your friend said, the 10W
resistors are included to minimise
ground loop current. Any small
ground voltage differences can cause
a significant current flow unless the
resistance between the ground points
is increased. This can also lead to hum
being injected into the signals.
The 47pF and 470pF capacitors can
be C0G/NP0 ceramic, MKT polyester or MKP polypropylene. RS components sell a 470pF MKP type (see, RS Cat
484-2016). Their delivery is free for
online orders. Most 47pF ceramic capacitors are C0G/NP0, including those
sold by Jaycar.
How to fix remote with
worn contacts
In the 1980s, I purchased a Panasonic SG-HM 42 stereo system. After a few
years, the remote packed up, I pulled
it apart and discovered a small device
that looked like a capacitor, marked
“3.3”. It had not been soldered properly; it had dry joints on both leads. I
tried replacing it with a 3.3µF capacitor, but the remote wouldn’t work. I
then swapped back the original part,
fixing up the solder joints, and it
worked a treat.
The remote now refuses to work
reliably. I discovered that the carbon
contacts have worn off the most-used
buttons. I tried shorting the buttons
out but that doesn’t work.
I tried about 10 different universal
remotes but none worked. I finally
found one that does work, but all it
will do is switch the stereo on and off.
It seems to me that the carbon
pads act as low-value resistors which
are connected when the buttons are
pressed. I tried replacing them with
relays but this caused the buttons to
trigger different functions.
I saw a complete remote for sale in
Pushbutton flip-flop relay control circuit wanted
I need a circuit for a bi-stable
flip-flop multivibrator, but I haven’t
been all that successful in finding
one online.
I am after a circuit which I can
toggle on and off from a single (preferably) normally open pushbutton switch. It would be ideal if this
switch could be connected between
the positive rail and the input of the
circuit and if the circuit could run
from a 12V supply.
The flip-flop needs to be able to
drive a relay. That way, I can use
one button push to turn it on, and
another button push to turn it off. I
have no problem making a flip-flop
that has two inputs, one to turn it on
and one to turn it off, but the single
input design eludes me. A discrete
circuit would be my preference, but
I’m not against using an IC. (P. W.,
Pukekohe, NZ)
• You can find a notional circuit
which does what you want on
page 11 of the Texas Instruments
CD4013B data sheet (Figure 9, “Power Button Circuit”,
In that circuit, the first IC (SN74LVC1G17) is simply a Schmitttrigger inverter used to debounce
the switch. You can use any Schmitt
trigger inverter in its place, such as
the 74C14, which will run from a
12V supply.
Australia’s electronics magazine
The second IC can be any version
of the 4013B dual D-type flip-flop,
including the Texas Instruments version, and these can also run from a
12V supply.
The Q output can’t drive a relay
directly, but it can drive the base
of an NPN transistor via a 3.3kW
For example, you could use a
BC337 and connect its emitter to 0V
and its collector to the negative end
of the 12V relay coil.
Add a 1N4004 diode between its
collector and the 12V supply, with
the anode to the collector. The positive end of the relay coil then goes
to +12V.
August 2019 107
the UK for $50 but purchasing it looks
like a bit of a chore. Can you recommend a replacement remote control to
me? (M. M., Croydon Park, SA)
• It is unlikely that any universal remote control would be suitable for a
system from the 1980s, as it likely uses
an outdated protocol. It should be possible to restore the switch contacts on
the remote.
If you search the web for “restoring
switch contacts on remote”, you will
find restoration kits to re-make the carbon paint contacts. One recommended method is to use vehicle demister
conductive paint.
If that doesn’t work, we suggest
that you follow up the replacement
remote that you saw on the internet
from the UK.
Using Altronics drivers
for bass guitar
I have bitten the bullet and ordered
some ‘proper’ Celestion guitar drivers (Seventy 80s) for Allan LintonSmith’s Dipole Guitar speaker design
(September 2018;
However, I want to try using two Altronics C3070 drivers for a bass guitar
and would like to design a reflex or
sealed enclosure to suit their Thiele/
Small parameters. They are inexpensive, sensitive (95dB <at> 1W/1m) and
rated at 100W. And I bought two for
the A-frame project before getting the
Celestion drivers, so I have a vested
interest in using them!
I have a five-string bass with a bottom E string, so it needs to have a reasonable response down to 30Hz. I am
fully aware of the need to protect the
drivers from subsonic transients with
a high-pass filter etc, as otherwise,
vented speakers are especially prone
to death by bass guitar!
I heard of a program called Bass Box
years ago; is that what you used to design the wonderful Majestic speakers?
I would very much appreciate Allan’s
advice. (J. E., Thornleigh, NSW)
• Allan Linton-Smith replies: The
speaker choice depends a lot on the
bass player, the amplifier and the settings used. In my experience, speakers used by guitar players are easily
wrecked because of the huge amount
of distorted signal (ie, square waves)
the players like to produce.
Purpose-built guitar speaker drivers such as the Celestion Seventy 80
Silicon Chip
are designed to handle a lot of abuse,
whereas hifi drivers are much more
The Altronics C3070 drivers are
worth a try, but their resonance frequency is quite low. For bass guitar
work, they would be ideally housed in
the recommended 35 litre sealed enclosure because otherwise, their x max
(cone excursion) could be easily exceeded and cause permanent damage
if heavy transients occur, especially
with a powerful DC-coupled amplifier.
The high-pass filter you mention, set
at 25Hz, will give a little bit of insurance but damage can still happen easily at much higher frequencies.
Otherwise, you might carefully try
Altronics’ recommended 40 litre box
with a 500x35mm port. The ported version might not be liked by some bass
guitarists, because it could produce a
“muddy” sound.
I have no experience with Bass Box
software. I suggest that you use the following website for a rough estimate
of your box design:
Using light chaser to
trigger sound playback
As a member of a flying club, we
have assembled a non-flying educational display aircraft for kids to sit in
and play with the controls etc. I wish
to record air traffic control phrases
that will play when the kids activate
dashboard switches.
I want to use cheap and easy-to-obtain greeting card digital voice recorder/player modules to play the phrases when the user activates a momentary switch. I want to use a number of
these (5 to 10) with different phrases,
but don’t want more than one to play
at a time.
Is there a simple circuit that will
switch/activate one player at a time
(per momentary switch press)? Ideally,
there would be a time delay between
switching to prevent a new phrase
from playing before the previous one
is finished. (W. L., Oakey, Qld)
• We suggest that you use the Light
Chaser project from Short Circuits
3 (originally all designed by Silicon
Chip). Jaycar have a kit for this, Cat
KJ8064 (see
aarp). This can be used to play each
track in sequence.
There is a link to a PDF version of
the Short Circuits 3 book on the JayAustralia’s electronics magazine
car website, at the link above. You can
see the relevant circuit on page 45 of
that PDF.
You would leave off all the LEDs and
use the collectors of Q1-Q5 to drive
the trigger inputs of the voice recorder modules (presumably, the pushbuttons on these modules pull a pin low
to trigger playback). If not, drive the
coil of a 5V reed relay using transistors Q1-Q5 and solder its NO and COM
contacts across the trigger switches.
You will also need to adjust the
555 timer (IC1) rate to make it slower.
A 10µF capacitor at pin 2 (instead of
2.2µF) and a 470kW resistor from pin
2 to pin 3 (instead of 22kW) will give
about 3s between each output.
To trigger the circuit with a pushbutton, break the connection from
pin 6 of IC1 and connect a momentary
pushbutton across the cut track (ie,
one end to pin 6 and the other to the
positive side of the timing capacitor).
Add a 1MW pull-up resistor from pin
6 to pin 8 so that it won’t trigger until
that button is pressed.
That circuit as shown is suitable for
triggering up to five modules. But the
4017 chip (IC2) has more outputs and
could be expanded to drive up to 10
transistors. To do this, break the connection between pins 1 and 15 and tie
reset pin 15 to 0V. You can then use
pins 1, 5, 6, 9 and 11 to drive the added transistors, Q6-10. For more details,
see the 4017B data sheet, available for
download on the internet.
You might also want to look at the
Junk Mail Repeller on page 48 of this
issue as multiple of these devices could
be used to play back various phrases.
DAB+ signal booster
I have a Sangean DCR-89 DAB+
clock radio which has a short wire antenna at the rear of the case. The signal
strength display shows a reasonable
signal in the morning (about 50%), but
at other times, the radio often drops
out due to insufficient signal.
My house has a metal roof and
I cannot easily install an external
antenna. I have a VHF TV antenna
which works well with digital TV.
Would I be able to connect the radio
antenna wire to the TV antenna in
some way? I think the DAB+ transmitter is at the same location as the
TV towers for Adelaide.
Have you published any indoor
DAB+ antenna boosters which I could
build? How would I connect such a
booster to the radio as there is no antenna socket, just the wire hanging out
the back? (J. B., via email)
• We haven’t published any DAB+
boosters, but since all DAB+ broadcasts in Australia use the VHF band
III frequencies, which are shared with
TV signals, you should be able to use
a VHF antenna or booster designed for
televisions with a DAB+ radio.
We don’t recommend making a
direct connection from an antenna
socket to the antenna of a radio not
designed to be driven by an external
antenna. We suggest you connect the
input of a VHF amplifier to your indoor antenna socket (via a splitter, if
required) and then wire a small VHF
antenna to its output, re-radiating the
signal inside your house. This can
then be picked up by the radio’s existing antenna.
Questions about Touchscreen Clock Radio
June 2019 was another great issue of
Silicon Chip magazine. The only problem is that I read it in two days! Great
work, please keep it up.
I need a new clock radio, and the
design by Dan Amos in that issue
seems perfect.
I might re-use an enclosure from a
discarded appliance, or I might build
a housing out of timber or acrylic
sheeting from a dumped flat screen
monitor; the options are endless.
There are also literally hundreds of
sound systems donated to recyclers
at our relatively humble country tip,
most with perfectly good speakers.
Our tip shop is a veritable gold mine.
I ordered all the modules from the
Silicon Chip Online Shop and they arrived in record quick time; great service from the Big Smoke!
I found numerous mounting options online for the TEA5767 receiver,
which is helpful. But I have a few
What type of capacitors and inductors should I use? And can I use
a 5V coil relay controlled directly by
the Micromite BackPack? (S. S., Barrington NSW)
• We suggest that you use MKT/MKP/
greencaps as they are better than ceramics for coupling. That’s because
ceramics (except for C0G/NP0) have
a very high voltage coefficient, which
means they have a very non-linear
Ideally, the inductors should be
air-cored, but that’s a bit impractical
at 300µH if you want to keep the unit
We are not sure whether ferrite or
powdered iron cores would be better in this role, but we would prob-
ably choose powdered iron as the resulting inductors will be smaller, and
they do not saturate as easily which
will hopefully mean that they have
decent linearity.
You could use a 5V coil relay rather
than a 12V relay, but it wouldn’t save
you any components and would probably draw more power.
That’s because its coil power will be
the same, but its supply current will
have to flow through MOD4, which is
not 100% efficient.
The only type of relay that can really be driven directly by a micro is a
reed relay, but such relays won’t have
the current rating (2A+) necessary to
power MOD5. And since that means
you will still need a driver transistor,
you might as well stick with the 12V
relay specified in the original design.
Building a 24V battery
charger and balancer
I have been searching past issues of
Silicon Chip for a deep-cycle battery
charger, to suit two 12V batteries of
approximately 100Ah each which are
charged from solar panels.
I may require a battery balancer. I
want to build a solar-charged 24V DC
household system to power various
small devices.
I think I have seen an article in the
magazine to this effect in the past, but
A suitable case for building a complete SC200 amplifier
I want to build a pair of SC200
power amplifier modules (January-May 2017;
Series/308) with your Ultra Low
Noise Remote Controlled Stereo
Preamplifier (March & April 2019;
into a nice metal case.
I was particularly impressed
with the March 2012 article by
Greg Swain on building a complete
Ultra-LD Mk.3 stereo amplifier
which incorporated a magnificent
diagram of the inside of the finished
amplifier showing all the various
components and how to lay them
out inside the chassis, giving an optimised layout and wiring.
Can you nominate a powdercoated chassis of the appropriate
dimensions into which I can fit
all the required circuit boards and
components? And, if it is not prepunched, a drilling guide for the
holes required? So far, the main reason I have not built an SC200-based
amplifier is that I am uncertain how
to build it into a suitable case which
will give a good final presentation.
I am 82 years of age now and still
soldering on. I have a perfectly good
Cambridge Amplifier with a matching CD player but would like to have
one that I built myself. (B. T., Rosebud, Vic)
• It’s a pity that the case we used
for the Ultra-LD Mk.3 amplifier is
no longer available, as it would also
be suitable for an SC200-based amp
(the SC200 modules were deliberately designed to fit in the same
We suggest you consider using a
Australia’s electronics magazine
Bud Industries rackmount case as
used in our UPS project (see the May
2018 issue for details; siliconchip.
They are available from Digi-Key
(see advert on page 3) as separate
components that you assemble, at
a quite reasonable price. They’re
supplied as bare aluminium, but it
wouldn’t be difficult to spray paint
them black (or white, or whatever
other colour you want). Use good
quality paint from your local hardware store and it should give a hardwearing finish.
Unfortunately, you would need to
drill and cut all the holes yourself,
but aluminium is easy to work, and
a little planning (eg, printing and attaching paper templates produced
in a CAD program) can give excellent results.
August 2019 109
I am unable to remember which issue
it was in. (P. C., Ormiston, Qld)
• We published a 10A solar battery charger in the March 2012 issue
(12/24V MPPT Solar Charge Controller;
That article includes a description of
how to alter it to suit 24V systems. The
PCB and other parts are available from
our Online Shop (see
We have not published a suitable
balancer yet, but we are considering
designing one for 24V or 48V battery
banks made up of 12V batteries (or
multiple sets of 12V batteries in parallel).
Measuring wind
turbine air pulses
Have you ever published a kit that
is capable of measuring the strength
of the pulses coming from the rotating blades of a wind turbine?
I was wondering if it would be possible to use a MAP sensor from a car,
as these are quite sensitive and are
easy to get.
I am about to be surrounded by 53
towers with a height that equals the
Realto Tower in Melbourne, producing a claimed 9.4MW each. These are
to be erected in the forested area between Yinnar, Boolarra and Mirboo
I have read of problems with the
pressure pulses caused by the blades
causing all sorts of adverse effects on
peoples’ health, and I would like to get
some pressure measurements from the
installation at Toora so that I can get
an idea of what we are in for.
I fear that no amount of protest will
avoid their installation, as our State
Government is blind to the adverse effects that have been widely reported
by reliable sources all over the world.
(P. A., Gippsland, Vic)
• We haven’t published such a project. However, we have published altimeters that could be modified for
this purpose. They can discern changes in air pressure with a resolution of
around 0.1hPa.
We published a Touchscreen Altimeter design in December 2017
that could be used to monitor the air
pressure with some software changes.
It would need to be set up to sample
rapidly and apply some sort of ‘peak
hold’ algorithm so that you could reliably detect the maximum pressure
We also published an analog altimeter design in the September-November
1991 issues. It used a pressure sensor
and instrumentation amplifier, giving
a voltage proportional to the pressure,
that you could then measure. Copies
of those back-issues can be ordered
from the Silicon Chip Online Shop
You may also want to take a look at
our “Bad Vibes” Infrasound Snooper project from the June 2015 issue
Capacitor Discharge
Ignition kit wanted
I was just reading your article on
the High-Energy Multi-Spark CDI for
Performance Cars (December 2014
& January 2015;
Series/279) and was wondering if a full
kit is available. If so, does the transformer need winding or does it come
pre-wound? (Dave, via email)
• There is no complete kit available
for that project. But we do sell the
hard-to-get parts, which includes most
of the transformer components, all the
ICs, the Mosfets and some other parts
You will also need the PCB, which is
available separately (
The remaining parts are common
and available from Jaycar and Altronics. You will need to wind the transformer, but it isn’t difficult if you follow the instructions in the article.
If you still think it’s beyond your
abilities, check our Marketplace section, starting on page 111; there are
a couple of people who advertise
there, who can build kits for those
who don’t want to (or can’t) do it
Connecting LEDs in series with a mains appliance
My son wants to have a red light
(neon or LED) come on when he
switches on an outside light. The
problem is only an Active and return
wire come to the switch; there is no
Neutral wire. He suggested merely
putting one LED in series with the
wire from the switch to the light. I
told him he’d blow the LED to smithereens, but, after further thought, I
think it may be workable.
Assuming the light is 55W and
has ~220V across it (to simplify the
maths), it will draw an average of
250mA. So, a 10W 1W resistor in
series with the light will have 2.5V
across it.
A red LED (~1.7V forward voltage) with a 22W series resistor, connected across this, should light up
OK. However, the LED will be on less
Silicon Chip
than 50% of the time as the supply
voltage is AC.
The resistor values would need
changing if the bulb wattage changed.
Will this work? Do you have a better
idea, or have you published a circuit to do this? Is there a commercial switch available with an inbuilt
LED? (J. B., Northgate, Qld)
• The main problem with using a
resistor to providing a small dropping voltage in series with the lamp
is that it may not survive the initial
turn-on surge current, and it would
probably explode spectacularly during even a brief short circuit in the
lamp (as can happen, for example,
when PAR bulbs blow).
Incandescent lamps have a very
low cold resistance compared to
when alight. And if the lamp is a
Australia’s electronics magazine
compact fluorescent or LED type,
these usually have an internal
switchmode supply which also
draws a large initial current as its
capacitor(s) charge up.
Another way to derive a suitable
voltage for LED driving is to use a
few diodes in series, eg, 1N5404 (rated at 3A, 400V). You could use four;
three in series in one direction, and
one in the other, so that the lamp
still receives an AC voltage. Connect
the LED across the three diodes with
a series resistor to set its operating
LED current. Make sure it has the
correct polarity.
The diodes will provide a reasonably fixed voltage for the LED, even
if the lamp wattage varies, and will
handle brief surges of tens of amps
without failing.
Cash in your surplus gear. Advertise it here in SILICON CHIP
* Australia & New Zealand;
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Phone Keith: 0409 662 794
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kits, components and much more – with
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DAVE THOMPSON (the Serviceman
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custom design work. No job too small.
Based in Christchurch, NZ but service
available Australia/NZ wide.
Email dave<at>
LEDs, BRAND NAME and generic
LEDs. Heatsinks, fans, LED drivers,
power supplies, LED ribbon, kits, components, hardware, EL wire.
a) Set of Dick Smith Electronics catalogues from 1975-1982. Must be in
pristine condition. Will pay $100 for the
set (inc. postage), only one set needed.
b) Copy of a book once sold by Jaycar
entitled “High Power Loud Speaker Enclosure Design & construction”’; catalogue number BC1166. Will pay $50
(inc. postage) to the first with a pristine
copy, ie, little use; slight dog ears OK.
Contact Melanie (on behalf of inquirer
on 02 8832 3100)
VINTAGE RADIO REPAIRS: electrical mechanical fitter with 36 years ex
perience and extensive knowledge of
valve and transistor radios. Professional and reliable repairs. All workmanship
$17 inspection fee plus charges for parts
and labour as required. Labour fees $38
p/h. Pensioner discounts available on
Contact Alan, VK2FALW on 0425 122
415 or email bigalradioshack<at>gmail.
PCB MANUFACTURE: single to multi
layer. Bare board tested. One-offs to
any quantity. 48 hour service. Artwork
design. Excellent prices. Check out our
Selling assorted books on electronics
and other related subjects like audio,
video, programming etc. The books are
relatively old in most cases and vary in
It’s preferred you come in person to see
what books we have and what we’re
willing to sell:
Silicon Chip
1/234 Harbord Road (up the ramp)
Brookvale NSW 2100
(02) 9939 3295
Or need to update an old board? We
do PCB layouts from circuits, drawings,
photocopies or sample boards. Contact
Steve at sgobrien8<at> or
phone 0401 157 285. Get a new PCB
and keep production going!
Classified Ad Rates: $32.00 for up to 20 words (punctuation not charged) plus $1.20 for each additional word. Display ads in
Market Centre (minimum 2cm deep, maximum 10cm deep): $82.50 per column centimetre per insertion. All prices include GST.
Closing date: 5 weeks prior to month of sale. To book, email the text to silicon<at> and include your name, address & credit card details, or phone Glyn (02) 9939 3295 or 0431 792 293.
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such
projects should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring
should be carried out according to the instructions in the articles.
When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with mains
AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high
voltages, you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages
should anyone be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine.
Devices or circuits described in SILICON CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the
infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any
liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the
Competition & Consumer Act 2010 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2019 111
Coming up in Silicon Chip
4-axis Motorised Chair for Simulators
Motorised chairs can be used to increase realism in racing and flight simulators,
but they’re expensive. This article shows you how to build your own from scratch,
including a Micromite-based motor controller interface which connects to your
PC via USB and is compatible with a wide range of software.
Cyber-espionage and Cyber Weapons
This two-part series from Dr David Maddison is a window into the fascinating
world of Cyber-espionage. The first part focuses on techniques which can be
used to extract information from devices without the consent or knowledge of
the operators, by exploiting hardware design flaws. It also includes a section
on surreptitiously modifying electronic devices to spy on the operators.
Advertising Index
AEE Electronex......................... 41
Ampec Technologies................. 11
Dave Thompson...................... 111
Digi-Key Electronics.................... 3
Emona..................................... IBC
Hare & Forbes....................... OBC
HRSA Radiofest.......................... 6
Micromite Explore 28
Jaycar............................ IFC,53-60
This tiny module has the power of the 28-pin Micromite, but it also incorporates
an onboard power supply, USB/serial interface and programming interface.
Despite this, it’s barely any larger than a 28-pin DIL package IC. And it’s
available as a kit or a pre-built module, so that you can get up and running
(and programming in MMBasic) straight away.
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly...... 111
Rechargeable LED bicycle light
This device uses a switchmode converter to drive a string of LEDs from
a rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack. It has multiple light modes and
automatically reduces the LED current to prevent overheating.
Universal 6-24V Battery Charge Controller
This revised Battery Charge Controller is more flexible than our previous
designs. It turns a ‘dumb’ battery charger into a smart charger, suitable for use
with various types of 6V, 12V or 24V batteries, including lead-acid, gel-cell,
Li-ion and LiFePO4 (lithium-ion phosphate). You can select between one of
three preset charging profiles or one of three adjustable profiles, and choose
between one, two or three-stage charging.
LD Electronics......................... 111
LEACH Co Ltd............................. 9
LEDsales................................. 111
Microchip Technology.................. 5
Ocean Controls........................... 8
PCB Designs........................... 111
Rohde & Schwarz........................ 7
Silicon Chip Back Issues........... 89
Silicon Chip Shop.............104-105
Silicon Chip Subscriptions......... 95
The Loudspeaker 10
Note: these features are planned or are in preparation and should appear
within the next few issues of Silicon Chip.
Tronixlabs................................ 111
The September 2019 issue is due on sale in newsagents by Thursday, August
29th. Expect postal delivery of subscription copies in Australia between August
27th and September 13th.
Wagner Electronics................... 33
Vintage Radio Repairs............ 111
Wiltronics Research.................... 4
Notes & Errata
Versatile Trailing Edge Dimmer, February-March 2019: the infrared remote control specified for this
project (Little Bird SF-COM-14865) has been changed to emit different remote control codes. This
new version looks slightly different from the original as it has dotted white circles around the buttons
(see photo). If you have this version of the remote, you will need to use the revised version of the
firmware (1011119B.HEX) which has been modified to expect the new set of remote control codes.
Low-power AM Transmitter, March 2018: on the PCB, the connections to pins 2 & 3 (D & S) of
Mosfet Q3 have been swapped, rendering the reverse polarity protection inoperative. This has been
fixed on the RevD PCB. For earlier PCB revisions, these pins should be bent and crossed over, with one
insulated using a short length of heatshrink tubing or similar.
LifeSaver For Lithium & SLA Batteries, September 2013: in some cases, reverse leakage through the
dual diode can affect the voltage at pin 3 of IC1, causing the voltage thresholds to be lower than expected
and possibly preventing their adjustment via VR1. As this connection to the diode is not necessary for operation, constructors should cut the top-side track between VR1 and the diode (between VR1 and ZD1) or use a
BAT54 diode rather than a BAT54C.
Silicon Chip
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