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Vintage Radio
By Associate Professor Graham Parslow
The Ferris 106 “portable”
“Robust” is the word that sums
up this top-shelf portable radio.
Everything has been done to make
this a sensitive radio, shielded
against interference, particularly
from a vehicle ignition system.
While it is portable, being so
robust means that you would have
to be fairly strong to carry it long
distances, as it weighs around 8.5kg.
The Ferris model 106 was sold
between 1954 to 1958, a time when
valves reigned over expensive, lowpowered transistors. This radio has
six valves and is the final evolution of
portable radios using 1-series miniature valves, which were in vogue for
roughly a decade from 1948.
The advertisement for the model
106 (reproduced later) shows the places that this ‘luggable’ could be used.
It weighs 8.5kg with batteries and
mounting brackets, 6kg without. Fortunately, it has a comfortable handle.
This radio’s place in history
Not long after the model 106’s production run ended, Ferris moved on
to building transistor radios that used
less power, weighed less and were
more compact.
Two of those germanium-transistor
radios (successors to the model 106)
have been described in Silicon Chip
Vintage Radio articles; one in August
2002 (Ferris 214 car radio; siliconchip. and one in May
2008 (Ferris 174 portable; siliconchip.
Silicon Chip
The model 106 sold for 50 guineas
(£52.10s) when the average weekly
wage for an adult male was £12.10s.
That makes the current equivalent
purchase price around $5000; a figure almost beyond comprehension.
As a ten-year-old in 1958, my pocket
money was 2 shillings a week, so it
would have taken me ten years to save
for this radio!
A car radio was a significant fraction of the cost of a new car, so many
cars were sold with a metal blank in
the dashboard-space for a radio. There
was an obvious market for adding a radio further down the track, and if that
radio could also be a home and picnic
radio, so much the better.
Ferris did not entirely have that
niche to themselves in Australia, because AWA and Astor also catered to
that market.
The very first radio to be mounted in
a “horseless carriage” (steam driven) in
1901 was made by Guglielmo Marconi.
It received only Morse code, so it was
not the true antecedent of this radio.
Most people would give that honour to the Motorola Company in the
Australia’s electronics magazine
USA. In the 1930s, Motorola worked
out how to incorporate an aerial into
a car, largely overcoming the ignition
spark-generated noise radiated from
the copper distributor wires. The Ferris Brothers were not far behind after becoming an incorporated entity
in 1934.
Circuit description
The Ferris 106 circuit has a fairly
standard configuration for a five-valve
superhet with an RF amplification
stage. It does have a somewhat complicated antenna switching arrangement,
to suit its role as a multiple-purpose
car/home/portable radio, along with
the necessary dual (mains/battery)
power supply.
This radio has four knobs; the lower pair are for volume (R9) and tuning
(G1-G3), while another knob acts as
the power switch and also selects between mains and battery power (S2).
The final knob selects which antenna
to use: the car antenna, ferrite rod or
“portable mode”, with the external
antenna and ferrite rod connected in
series (S1).
The Ferris 106 is a 5-valve superhet
with an RF amplification stage and
single pentode Class-A output stage.
The valve heaters are connected in
series, allowing a single full-wave
rectifier to supply both the HT and
filaments, the latter coming via a
2.3kW dropper resistor (R18). While wasteful, this
does keep the power supply relatively simple,
despite it having battery and mains power options,
controlled by switch S2. Note also the complicated
external/internal antenna switching via switch S1.
The signal is received by a plug-in
external aerial or a ferrite (loopstick)
aerial (L3) concealed in the carry handle. The external aerial socket is for a
standard car-aerial termination plug,
although a simple wire antenna can
also be connected.
The position of S1 shown in Fig.1
is intended for use in a car. Switch
S1 connects the vehicle’s aerial to the
aerial coil (L2), which is designed to
match well with the characteristics
of a car antenna and has a secondary
forming a tuned circuit with one gang
of the three-gang tuning capacitor (G1).
The second position of S1 is the
“portable” position and couples the
signal from the external aerial directly
to tuning gang G1 and the control grid
of the 1T4 RF amplifier. In this case,
the RF input becomes untuned. The
loss of gain is more than made up for
by the RF amplification stage, and this
has the advantage that the set’s performance is less dependant on the aerial.
Inductor L1, the red spiral coil at
the rear of the chassis, is not there to
act as a filter. Instead, it exists to provide a good impedance match between
the radio input and a typical vehicle
antenna. This is necessary because
short antennas as used in cars have a
relatively high capacitance and so L1
is needed to prevent the capacitance
of this aerial from detuning the first
stage of the radio.
In the third position of S1, only
the ferrite ‘loopstick’ aerial and tuning trimmer capacitor C2 connects to
the control grid of the 1T4 and tuning
gang G1. This allows the ferrite antenna to be separately tuned for best performance, without affecting the set’s
performance with an external aerial.
The 1T4 valve is a versatile RF amplifier used both for RF preamplification and IF amplification in this radio.
Amplified RF is passed by L4 to the
tuned circuit formed by the secondary of L4 (fine-tuned by an adjustable
slug) and the second gang of the tuning condenser (G2).
The 1R5 is almost invariably the
mixer-oscillator valve of choice in
portable valve radios after 1948. The
oscillator is driven by the tuned cir-
Australia’s electronics magazine
cuit formed by the G3 gang of the tuning capacitor and inductor L5. T1 is
the first IF transformer, passing the
455kHz difference signal between the
tuned frequency and the higher oscillator frequency.
After further amplification by a second 1T4 valve, the audio signal is derived by diode detection of the signal
at the secondary of T2, using the 1S5’s
internal diode. The negative-going
output additionally provides negative feedback (AGC) to the preceding
valves via resistors R1 and R5, in proportion to signal strength.
Volume control is effected by 1MW
potentiometer R9, feeding audio to
the control grid of the 1S5 valve. The
output from the 1S5 anode is conventionally coupled to the grid of the 3V4
December 2019 101
Above: the bottom of the Ferris 106’s chassis. All the components are original
and did not need to be replaced for the radio to work. Note the vertical Earth
strip down the centre of the chassis.
Below: the top side of the chassis has the valves, IF transformers, power
transformer and three-gang tuning capacitor (G1-G3) in the lower right.
be inserted into either of two bayonet sockets. When the plug is in the
socket shown in the circuit diagram,
the internal speaker is connected. In
the other socket, the internal speaker
is shorted out, and only the external
speaker is fed audio.
This is not a particularly elegant
way to handle connecting an external
speaker, but it does avoid the need for
another switch. The shorting plug can
be seen in the under chassis photo, on
the left. The plug is tethered so it can’t
be lost if it falls out or is removed.
The power supply is configured as
many other contemporary dual-power
portables were. A 6X4 full-wave rectifier produces a DC output of 105V. Series resistor R17 (1kW) cuts this back
to 90V to supply 15mA to the HT circuitry. Another series resistor, R18 (a
2.3kW 5W wirewound type), derives
9V to feed the filament circuitry.
This 2.3kW resistor dissipates 4W
during operation, so it is not an efficient scheme. The valve filaments each
get 1.5V, except for the 3V4, which has
its twin filaments connected in series
and so is fed 3V. Power consumption
from the mains is 24W, which includes
the power to drive the two lamps
mounted at each end of the dial. On
battery power, it only draws around
2W (the dial lights are not powered).
When used in a car, the radio can
run off its internal battery pack. But
this is wasteful given that drawing
power from the vehicle supply is much
cheaper than discharging expensive
So Ferris offered a 30W inverter
which could be used to power the radio from a vehicle via its mains input.
This could be left permanently connected to the vehicle, and the radio
was plugged in while driving.
output pentode. No tone control circuitry has been added, presumably to
keep the knob count at four.
Output transformer T3 has a primary impedance of 10kW, driving a 3.5W,
8-inch Magnavox loudspeaker. The
Silicon Chip
speaker certainly acquits itself well
in this radio, until reaching 250mW,
a limitation imposed by the 3V4 output pentode.
The shorting plug to the extension
speaker is a metal cylinder that can
Australia’s electronics magazine
When I acquired this radio, it had
no knobs, so the knobs shown here
are not original. A clear photo of the
original knobs can be found online
at: They
are also visible in the advert shown at
right. The front Ferris badge was also
missing, so I had to acquire and fit a
Perhaps due to the use of quality
components, the radio worked the first
time I tried it, even though the components all seem to be original. The paper capacitors are made by UCC and
the electrolytics by Ducon.
An interesting feature of the chassis layout is that there is
an Earth strap running through the centre which allows components to be neatly laid out in parallel or perpendicular to it,
giving a pleasing and tidy appearance.
The mains socket is the type used on toasters and electric
kettles of the 1950s. I wanted to upgrade to a contemporary
socket, so I installed an IEC socket to take a standard IEC power cable, as used for desktop computers, kettles etc (see photo
at lower right).
The front of the chassis accommodates the valves, tuning
capacitor and mains transformer. The large central void leaves
space for the Magnavox speaker, mounted on the front panel.
The back-wave from the speaker can pass to the round grille
hole in the rear panel via the battery compartment. The front
and back panels are the same pressing.
The external covering of the case is steel (it is magnetic)
with an internal lamination of copper for high conductivity
and shielding; a superior method of construction.
The history of Ferris
This history is abbreviated from a feature article in the Sydney Morning Herald in December 2007 (
William Malcolm Ferris was the son of Henry Ferris, a railway worker. Ferris attended Sydney High School and made
pocket money by repairing neighbours’ electrical appliances.
He acquired the nickname “Chum”, and this was how he was
usually known.
He started his business in 1932, building home radio receivers
one at a time in a rented flat above a Mosman butcher’s shop.
His elder brother George joined him in 1934, and they established Ferris Bros Pty Ltd. In 1938, Chum released the Ferris
Fultone 56, the first car radio designed and built in Australia.
Despite the initial success of the Fultone 56, war intervened,
bringing petrol rationing and shortages. Ferris Bros diversified
into manufacturing devices to provide alternative fuel for cars.
After the war, private car ownership took off, and in 1947
the brothers brought out the Model 74, which operated from
either 6V or 12V car batteries or mains power. It was a great
success, and the Ferris name soon became a synonym for car
radios (or “wireless” sets, as they were known).
The firm diversified into television and antenna production, and even released a line of model trains, which are now
collectors’ items. The company grew in the 50s and early 60s
into a business employing more than 700 workers. While best
known for radios, Ferris Bros was a genuinely diverse operation, manufacturing TV receivers, laboratory equipment and
even boat trailers and golf buggies.
Ferris sold his business to the Hawker Siddeley group in
1970, and changes in tariff law soon meant that it was uneconomical to produce consumer electronics in Australia. By the
mid-1970s it was possible to land a Japanese radio for less than
the unassembled parts would cost locally.
Ferris was made a fellow in the Institute of Radio and Electrical Engineers in 1981, in recognition of his many inventions
and pioneering work in Australian electronics.
In 1998, he donated a vast amount of advertising material,
journals and an extensive collection of radios, spanning more
than 30 years of production, to the Powerhouse Museum in
The Ferris 106 is an excellent example of mature valve technology and superior engineering, as you would expect from a
company with a reputation like Ferris.
An advertisement for the Ferris 106. You can see the original
bright red knobs and logo. The quality of this scan is poor,
and we’re not too sure where or when this advertisement
was originally published.
An IEC socket was installed to replace the 2-pin mains
cable, making it a bit safer and more convenient.
Australia’s electronics magazine
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