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Part 1 –
By Phil Prosser
• 192kHz
• 24-bit
This beauty is the ultimate in high-fidelity
audio recording and playback. You could use the SuperCodec
for digitising LPs, recording your own music or playing music with a
very high-quality stereo amplifier driving excellent speakers.
It can also turn your PC into an advanced audio analyser, capable of
measuring harmonic distortion down to 0.0001% and signal-to-noise
ratios up to 110dB (or even more, with suitable attenuators).
his project was inspired by a
reader who wanted to digitise
his LP collection, and asked if
we had a USB sound interface that
would let him record with very high
If you want better quality audio for
your PC, including the ability to record and playback at high sampling
rates and bit depths (up to 192kHz,
24-bit), read on.
In addition to recording and playback of music or other audio, this
project enables your PC to become an
advanced audio quality analyser. You
Silicon Chip
just need the right software; we’ll get
to that later.
With the addition of the SILICON
CHIP Balanced Input Attenuator for
Audio Analysers and Scopes from the
May 2015 issue (
Article/8560), you will have a potent
measurement tool indeed.
It allows you to measure the distortion performance of the very best amplifiers, preamps, equalisers and other
audio devices.
In designing this project we started
by looking for a simple IC CODEC as
the solution. There are some all-in-one
Australia’s electronics magazine
USB audio chips available, but they
fall short on several fronts. They generally limit you to the use of 48kHz, 16bit audio but more importantly, they
generally have quite high distortion
figures of around 0.1%, with signal-tonoise ratios topping out at about 85dB.
We need better performance than that.
The first prototype for this project
used the same analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and digital-to-analog
converter (DAC) boards from the DSP
Active Crossover (May-July 2019;
Those boards use the Cirrus Logic
CS5381 and CS4398 chips respectively.
While they are a few years old, their
performance is phenomenal.
The CS4398 DAC has a dynamic
range of 120dB and signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) of 107dB; the CS5381
ADC achieves an SNR of 110dB, or
So we decided to stick with those
chips but put as much as possible onto
one board, to make it easier to build
and give a nice, compact result. The
performance this USB Sound Card delivers should fulfil even the most ardent hifi enthusiasts’ desires.
We did make several changes and
improvements compared to that earlier project, though. This design teases
the maximum performance from these
parts, in a ‘no-compromise’ approach
to low noise and low distortion.
Plus it provides ‘plug-and-play’
operation for Windows, Mac and Android computers. We tested it on Windows, but trust the vendor’s promise
of Mac and Android compatibility.
During the development process, we
made several key decisions:
• To get the best performance, we need
to isolate the PC’s ground from the
USB Sound Card. Computers are
noisy things, so we must break the
ground loop.
• It must be supported by proper drivers in Windows and ideally, all other
common operating systems.
• The ability to handle different sampling rates is important, though once
set, it will generally be left alone.
• The PCB layout must minimise
noise, plus we need to be able to
connect the inputs and outputs in
a variety of ways.
Stereo input & output with very low distortion and noise
Connects to computer via USB
Windows, macOS & Android driver support
Asynchronous sampling rate conversion (completely transparent)
Full galvanic isolation between computer and audio connectors
Housed in a sleek aluminium instrument case
Power by 12V DC (eg, from plugpack)
Power and clipping indicator LEDs
• Putting a transformer in the box
would introduce measurable 50Hz
related noise, even if we took measures to minimise it. Since we don’t
want a complicated power supply
arrangement, we chose a DC plugpack.
• For the cleanest project for SILICON
CHIP constructors, everything should
be on one PCB.
As we have noted in the past, the
use of some surface-mount components is unavoidable in projects like
this. We need to use specific parts to
get this level of performance, and in
many cases, they only come in SMD
versions. In this case, that includes
the USB interface and the ADC and
the DAC chips.
Where possible, though, we have
used through-hole components. This
has resulted in the PCB being a bit
larger than an all-SMD version would
be, but we have found a very nice case
that fits it neatly.
Principle of operation
Fig.1 shows the block diagram of
the SuperCodec. It consists of a USB
to I2S (serial digital audio) interface
with galvanic isolation to the remainder of the circuit, a local clock generator for the ADC and DAC with bidi-
rectional asynchronous sampling rate
conversion (ASRC), the power supply
section and the aforementioned ADC
and DAC sections.
We have chosen to use a MiniDSP
MCHStreamer to provide the USB interface. This is a pre-built device that
we have integrated into our design.
This avoids us having to develop
the hardware and USB driver software for the PC which is complex,
expensive and needs to be done very
well to deliver you an easy-to-use
It is essential that constructors can
reliably install the sound driver software for this project and have it work
with a minimum of fuss. The investment in this component is well worth
the ease of use it will deliver you.
This project appears to a Windows
computer as a sound interface that you
select and use just like any other – we
show you how to in the box titled “Setting up the MCHStreamer”. This is essentially a regular audio device then,
just one of very high quality.
The MCHStreamer is a very clever
device that can provide 10 input and
output channels (five stereo pairs)
with sampling rates of 32-384kHz at
24 bits. It supports I2S as well as TDM
and other audio formats.
We are using it as a two-channel
Fig.1: the concept of the USB SuperCodec is deceptively simple, since much of the complexity is hidden in the prebuilt MiniDSP MCHStreamer module. That USB interface module produces a serial digital audio stream which passes
through a galvanic isolation section and onto the ASRC, then the separate ADC and DAC sections. It’s all powered
from the PC USB 5V and a 12V DC plugpack.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2020 25
Fig.2: spectral analysis (large window FFT) of the data
from the SuperCodec’s ADC when fed a sinewave from
a Stamford Research Ultralow Distortion Function
Generator. This gives an excellent result of 0.0001% THD
(-121.4dB). That’s despite an Earth loop causing a largerthan-normal spike at 50Hz, which was fixed with some
extra isolation in the final version of the Sound Card.
Fig.3: a close-up of the 980-1020Hz portion of the spectral
analysis, showing very little evidence of clock jitter in the
ADC system. That’s because the crystal oscillator, digital
isolators and ASRCs are all low-jitter devices. High jitter
can distort signals since the sampling rate effectively
changes between samples.
(stereo) audio interface. This leaves pack, along with power for the rest of download the PC driver software.
We have laid out our sound card so
many channels unused, but that is the circuit.
You can buy the MCHStreamer from that the MCHStreamer plugs straight
not the aim of this project. If you want
onto the underside of
to use this design as
the board. This avoids
the basis of a multiSpecifications
having to send highchannel recorder, be
• Sampling rate: 32-192kHz
speed digital signals
our guest!
• Resolution: 16-32 bits (24 bits actual)
over a ribbon cable.
The MCHStreamer
• Loopback total harmonic distortion (THD): 0.0001% (-120dB)
When purchasing parts
is powered from the
• DAC THD+N: 0.00050% (-106dB)
for this, be very careful
USB cable and breaks
to get the header speciout the I2S audio in• ADC THD+N: 0.00063% (-104dB)
fied in the parts list.
terface that we need
• Loopback THD+N, no attenuator: 0.00085% (-101.4dB)
Any alternative needs
on a pair of headers.
• Loopback THD+N, 8dB resistive attenuator: 0.00076% (-102.5dB)
a pin pitch of 2mm and
The chip we’re us• Recording signal-to-noise ratio (SNR): 110dB
a minimum height of
ing for galvanic isola• Playback SNR: 107dB
10mm; otherwise, you
tion requires a pow• Dynamic range: 120dB
will not be able to seat
er supply on both
• Input signal level: up to 1V RMS
the MCHStreamer fully.
sides of the barrier.
• Output signal level: up to 2.4V RMS; 2.0-2.2V RMS
Luckily, the MCHPerformance
(-1.5 to -0.75dB) for best performance
Streamer has a 3.3V
output available on
We used three methan expansion header
which we can use to power the com- ods to measure the performance of the
puter side of that chip. The audio side audio-interface/mchstreamer Once USB SuperCodec, and these measurepower supply is derived from the plug- you register and order it, you can ments aided us in improving it over
Fig.6: the noise floor of the complete DAC+ADC system.
It’s higher than the ADC alone, but still very low at around
Silicon Chip
Fig.7: here the 1kHz test signal has been reduced in amplitude
by 10dB, dropping from around 1V RMS to around 0.1V
(100mV) RMS. That’s below most normal ‘line level’ signals,
but despite this, distortion performance is still excellent, with
THD measuring as -112dB/0.0002%.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.4: the first loopback test, measuring the performance
of the complete DAC+ADC system. Performance is still
excellent with only slightly higher harmonic distortion than
the ADC alone, at -118dB (still rounding to 0.0001%).
To verify that clock jitter is not a
problem, we then ‘zoomed in’ to the
1kHz fundamental, as shown in Fig.3.
This plot shows spectral data for 1kHz
±20Hz. This shows that the fundamental is 120dB down at about ±2Hz from
the fundamental. That’s about as good
as you can expect, and suggests that
jitter in the clock source and digital
signal path is minimal and has little
effect on performance.
Loopback testing
Importantly, there is no spike at
25kHz, 12.5kHz or related frequencies,
suggesting that the switchmode regulators are not squegging, ie, are free from
subharmonic oscillation that could affect audible frequencies.
The harmonics of the very slightly
distorted 1kHz fundamental are visible at 2kHz, 3kHz etc up to 8kHz,
then 11kHz and 12kHz. The strongest
harmonic is 2kHz (second harmonic),
at around -118dB. The result is a very
low THD figure of -118dB/0.00013%.
Remember that this now includes any
distortion from the DAC plus the ADC,
so this is very impressive. But this
measurement does not include noise.
To calculate the THD+N figure and
signal-to-noise ratio, the inputs to the
The second test method was to connect the unit’s outputs to its inputs via
a stereo RCA-RCA cable. This lets us
conduct ‘loopback’ tests using PC audio
analysis software. The result of the first
such test is shown in Fig.4. You can see
that we’ve solved the
SuperCodec DAC THD+N vs Frequency
Earth loop now as the
50Hz peak is at -130dB!
22kHz BW 0dB
You can also see the
22kHz BW -1dB
50kHz spike from the
22kHz BW -2dB
22kHz BW -7.5dB
switchmode circuitry.
Total Harmonic Distortion (%)
several iterations until we arrived at
the final design.
The first method was to feed in a
very low distortion sinewave from a
Stamford Research DS360 Ultralow
Distortion Function Generator. Very
large sample sets were run through an
FFT so we could inspect the close-in
phase noise.
The reason for doing this (rather
than merely looping the output back
to the input) is that we need independent clocks for the signal generator and
ADC to pick up any distortion caused
by clock jitter. With both devices running off the same clock, those effects
are liable to cancel each other out, at
least partially.
The results of this first test are shown
in Fig.2. Note that we had an Earth
loop during this test, leading to a greater than usual spike at 50Hz (this was
fixed later); despite this, the reading is
extremely promising with just a THD
figure of just 0.0001% (-118dB) THD.
Fig.5: the noise floor of the ADC, measured with the inputs
shorted. The biggest spike in the audible range is at 50Hz
due to mains hum pickup, but this is hardly a problem,
being below -140dB.
19/05/20 14:37:19
80kHz BW 0dB
Fig.8: the 1kHz test signal has been increased to the
maximum DAC output level of a bit more than 2V RMS. You
can see that in this case, more isn’t necessarily better, as the
THD figure is slightly worse than the 1V test case, yielding a
THD figure of -111dB/0.0003%. That’s still excellent, though!
500 1k
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.9: THD+N (not THD) at four different signal levels
for the SuperCodec’s DAC, asFig.9
measured with our Audio
Precision System Two. The fifth curve has a wider
measurement bandwidth of 20Hz-80kHz, to get a more
realistic idea of distortion levels at higher frequencies.
Unfortunately, measurements with 80kHz bandwidth
also have an unrealistically high noise level.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2020 27
SuperCodec ADC THD+N vs Frequency
19/05/20 14:51:30
Total Harmonic Distortion (%)
Total Harmonic Distortion (%)
19/05/20 15:20:11
1V RMS (0dB)
0.5V RMS (-6dB)
No attenuator
8.0dB attenuator
SuperCodec loopback THD+N vs Freq.
500 1k
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.10: THD+N (not THD) at two different signal levels for
Fig.10Audio Precision System
the SuperCodec’s ADC, using our
Two as the signal source. The rise in distortion with
increasing frequency seems to be an artefact of the way the
audioTester software calculates THD+N. We don’t think it
is a real effect. The true THD+N level for the ADC is well
below 0.001% across the whole frequency range.
500 1k
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.11: THD+N (not THD) calculated in a loopback manner,
ie, using just the SuperCodec with its outputs feeding its
inputs. As the nominal DAC output level is 2.4V RMS and
the maximum input level is 1V RMS, its performance is
best with an 8dB resistive attenuator (1.5k/1k) between
the outputs and inputs. Otherwise, the SNR is degraded by
an additional 7dB or so.
ADC were shorted out, and a new spec- other test frequencies ranging from decent results at the maximum output
trum captured (Fig.5). We then rein- 20Hz up to 19kHz, all with virtual- signal level, if that’s what you need.
stated the loopback cables and meas- ly identical results, so the plots are
ured the input level with the DAC si- not worth reproducing. We also ran Audio Precision testing
lent (Fig.6). These give us an idea of 1kHz tests with lower and higher sigThe third measurement method we
the noise floor, which is around -104dB nal levels.
used was to hook the SuperCodec up
for the ADC alone and -102dB for the
Fig.7 shows the results with the to an Audio Precision System Two anDAC+ADC. Both figures are limited by output level reduced by 10dB. This alyser. This was mainly to verify that
50Hz hum pickup.
only increases the THD figure to
the above results were all correct, and
Since these levels are significantly -112dB/0.0002%, indicating that you we weren’t somehow fooling ourselves
higher than the THD alone, that means aren’t sacrificing much performance by using the Sound Card to measure
that the THD+N performance figures by operating the codec at lower signal its own performance.
for the Sound Card are determined just levels when necessary.
We ran three tests: one to test the
by the noise levels.
Fig.8 is at the maximum output sig- DAC in isolation, one to test the ADC
By the way, since the DAC has to nal level, which increases second and in isolation, and one to test the whole
have its output level set no higher third harmonic distortion so that the system.
than -7.5dB to avoid overloading the THD figure is -111dB/0.0003%. This
The first test involved feeding digital
ADC in the loopback test, we could indicates that the optimal signal lev- sinewaves to the SuperCodec’s DAC,
have gotten better results by inserting el for low distortion is a few decibels with its outputs then fed into the AP2’s
a resistive divider between the output below maximum. But you’ll still get distortion analyser. This yielded SNR
and input. Indeed, if you are
and THD+N measurements
using this device as part of
both of 106dB, and the distora measurement system, you
tion vs frequency and level
would need resistive dividplot of Fig.9.
ers, especially if the device
These figures match the exyou are measuring has gain
pected performance given in
(eg, an audio amplifier).
the CS4398 IC data sheet pretSo when used as a measty much precisely, suggesting
urement system, you can
we’ve built the circuit around
expect slightly better perforit correctly!
mance than the figures givThe second test involved
en here suggest. Essentially,
feeding the AP2’s low distorthe loopback THD+N (and
tion sinewave generator into
thus the measurement limit)
the SuperCodec’s ADC and
will approach the 0.00063%
plotting similar curves, shown
(-104dB) figure given for the
in Fig.10.
ADC alone.
These curves are a bit ‘wonky’
The back end of the SuperCodec has all the input and
We made many other output connectors (the RCA sockets) along with the USB
due to the weird way that the
loopback measurements at connector and the 12V DC power socket.
software we used (audioTester)
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Parts list – USB SuperCodec
1 PCB assembly – see below
1 Hammond 1455N2201BK extruded aluminium instrument case
with black panels [Altronics H9125, Mouser 546-1455N2201BK]
1 MiniDSP MCHStreamer USB-to-I2S interface
1 12V DC plugpack, 1.5A+ [Altronics M8936D, Jaycar MP3486]
2 white (or black) insulated panel-mount RCA sockets
(CON6a,CON7a) [Altronics P0220, Jaycar PS0496]
2 red insulated panel-mount RCA sockets (CON6b,CON7b)
[Altronics P0218, Jaycar PS0495]
2 plastic TO-220 insulating bushes
2 M3 x 6mm panhead machine screws
1 M3 x 10mm panhead machine screw
2 M3 flat washers
3 M3 shakeproof washers
1 M3 hex nut
2 3mm inner diameter solder lugs
2 3mm inner diameter fibre washers
1 8mm tall adhesive rubber foot [Altronics H0930, Jaycar HP0825]
4 12mm round slim adhesive rubber feet [Altronics H0896]
1 1m length of heavy-duty figure-8 shielded audio cable
[Altronics W2995, Jaycar WB1506]
1 30cm length of 2.4-3mm diameter black or clear heatshrink
1 30cm length of 5mm diameter black or clear heatshrink tubing
PCB assembly parts
1 double-sided PCB coded 01106201, 99.5 x 247.5mm
1 150µH 5A toroidal inductor (L1) [Altronics L6623]
2 47µH 0.5A bobbin-style inductors (L2,L4) [Altronics L6217]
1 100µH 5A toroidal inductor (L3) [Altronics L6622, Jaycar LF1270]
13 4-5mm ferrite suppression beads (FB1-FB13)
[Altronics L5250A, Jaycar LF1250]
2 M205 fuse clips (F1)
1 5A fast-blow M205 fuse (F1)
3 16x22mm TO-220 PCB-mount heatsinks (HS1-HS3)
[Altronics H0650, Jaycar HH8516]
1 PCB-mount DC barrel socket, 2.1mm ID (or to suit plugpack)
(CON1) [Altronics P0620, Jaycar PS0519]
2 tall 6x2-pin header sockets, 2.0mm pitch (CON2,CON3)
[Samtec ESQT-106-03-F-D-360; available from Mouser]
2 4-pin polarised headers with matching plugs, 2.54mm pitch
(CON4,CON5) [Altronics P5494+P5474+P5471, Jaycar HM3414+HM3404]
3 mica or rubber TO-220 insulating washers
3 plastic TO-220 insulating bushes
3 M3 x 6mm panhead machine screws
3 M3 flat washers
3 M3 shakeproof washers
3 M3 hex nuts
1 60 x 70mm rectangle of Presspahn, Elephantide or similar
insulating material
1 CS5381-KZZ stereo 192kHz ADC, TSSOP-24 (IC1) [#]
7 NE5532AP or NE5532P dual low-noise op amps, DIP-8
2 CS8421-CZZ stereo audio sample rate converters, TSSOP-20
(IC6,IC7) [#]
1 CS4398-CZZ stereo 192kHz DAC, TSSOP-28 (IC9) [#]
1 MAX22345SAAP+ 4-channel high-speed digital isolator,
SSOP20 (IC12) [#]
1 DS1233A-10+ 3.3V supply supervisor, TO-92 (IC13) [#]
1 4N28 optocoupler, DIP-6 (OPTO1) [Altronics Z1645]
1 ACHL-25.000MHZ-EK 25MHz clock oscillator module (XO1)
2 LM2575T-ADJG 1A buck regulators, TO-220-5 (REG1,REG2) [#]
3 LM317T 1A positive adjustable regulators, TO-220
(REG3,REG6,REG8) [Altronics Z0545, Jaycar ZV1615]
1 LM337T 1A negative adjustable regulator, TO-220 (REG4)
[Altronics Z0562, Jaycar ZV1620]
1 LP2950ACZ-3.3 100mA 3.3V low-dropout regulator, TO-92
(REG5) [Altronics Z1025]
1 AZ1117H-ADJ 1A adjustable low-dropout regulator, SOT-223
(REG7) [Altronics Y1880]
1 BC547 or BC549 100mA NPN transistor (Q1)
2 high-brightness 5mm LEDs (LED1,LED2)
9 1N4004 400V 1A diodes (D1,D22-D29)
2 1N5822 40V 3A schottky diodes (D2,D3)
12 BAT85 30V 200mA schottky diodes (D5-D16) [Altronics Z0044]
1 2200µF 25V low-ESR electrolytic [Altronics R6204, Jaycar RE6330]
1 2200µF 10V low-ESR electrolytic [Altronics R6238, Jaycar RE6306]
4 470µF 25V low-ESR electrolytic [Altronics R6164, Jaycar RE6326]
1 470µF 6.3V low-ESR organic polymer electrolytic
[Panasonic 6SEPC470MW] [#]
1 220µF 25V low-ESR electrolytic [Altronics R6144, Jaycar RE6324]
4 100µF 25V low-ESR electrolytic [Altronics R6124, Jaycar RE6322]
8 47µF 50V low-ESR electrolytic [Altronics R6107, Jaycar RE6344]
1 33µF 25V low-ESR electrolytic [Altronics R6084, Jaycar RE6095]
4 22µF 50V bipolar electrolytic [Altronics R6570A, Jaycar RY6816]
14 10µF 50V low-ESR electrolytic [Altronics R6067, Jaycar RE6075]
1 1µF 63V electrolytic [Altronics R4718, Jaycar RE6032]
2 1µF 25V X7R SMD ceramic, 2012/0805 size
[Vishay VJ0805Y105KXXTW1BC or VJ0805Y105KXXTW1BC] [#]
1 220nF 63V MKT
19 100nF 63V MKT
17 100nF 25V X7R SMD ceramic, 2012/0805 size
[Kemet C0805C104M3RACTU] [#]
4 22nF 63V MKT
7 10nF 63V MKT
9 10nF 50V X7R SMD ceramic, 2012/0805 size
[Kemet C0805C103J5RACTU] [#]
2 2.7nF 100V NP0/C0G SMD ceramic, 2012/0805 size
[TDK C2012C0G2A272J125AA] [#]
4 1.5nF 63V MKT
8 470pF 50V NP0/C0G ceramic [TDK FG28C0G1H471JNT00] [#]
1 220pF X7R SMD ceramic, 2012/0805 size
[AVX 08052C221K4T2A] [#]
2 100pF NP0/C0G/SL ceramic [Altronics R2822, Jaycar RC5324]
2 33pF NP0/C0G ceramic [Altronics R2816, Jaycar RC5318]
Resistors (1/4W 1% metal film types)
5 47k 6 10k
2 5.6k 4 2.4k 2 1.5k
14 1.2k 3 1k
4 750 4 680 1 560
2 330 2 270 4 240 2 220 4 91
1 0 (or 0.7mm diameter tinned copper wire)
4 10
Resistors (1/10W 1% SMD types, 2012/0805 size) [#]
2 47k 5 2k
2 1k 1 220 1 22
1 10
All components marked with [#] are available from Mouser.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2020 29
To whet your appetites
for the construction
details to be presented
next month, here’s the
“naked” SuperCodec
PCB before it was
placed in its case.
As we explained in
the text, there are
mainly through-hole
components but also
a few SMDs, mainly
because they’re not
available in throughhole versions.
calculates THD+N, as we will explain
in a later article. But despite this, they
confirm that the ADC performance is
just slightly worse than the DAC performance, mainly to do with its lower
signal levels.
The final test involved running more
loopback tests, but this time using
the audioTester software to measure
THD+N, so that we can make a direct
comparison to the Audio Precision figures. This yielded the curves shown
in Fig.11.
This time, there appears to be an artificial drop at higher frequencies, which
we think can be ignored. Our assumed
real performance is pretty much flat, as
shown by the dashed lines.
So it seems that a measurement system based around a personal computer, the SuperCodec and some low-cost
software has performance approaching that of our Audio Precision System Two, which cost many thousands
when new.
Even good used AP2s are priced at
four figures.
Plus, you gain some additional
functions and features with this solution compared to the AP2, such as
THD-only measurements (rather than
Next month:
As the USB SuperCodec circuit is fairly
complicated, we don’t have enough room
left to describe it in this article. So we’ll
be presenting all the circuit diagrams
next month, along with an in-depth description of how it all works. Following
that, we’ll describe how to build and test
it in detail, along with some tips on how
best to use it.
In the meantime, if you’re interested in
building the USB Sound Card, we suggest
that you get busy ordering all the parts
that you will need, as per the parts list.
Our test setup. We initially built a version of this card without the asynchronous sample rate conversion (ASRC) components,
shown at right. The performance is pretty much identical but it’s less flexible, so we decided to stick with the design that
included ASRC.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine