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Vintage Workbench
The Tektronix
Tektronix Type
Type 130
130 LC
LC Meter
Meter –– Part
Part 33
By Alan Hampel, B. Eng. (Electronics, Honours)
In the last two articles, Alan Hampel described how the T-130 LC meter
works and how he cleaned up the dirty and faulty unit that he got from
eBay. In this last part of the series, he describes how he got it correctly
calibrated and working again.
Servicing the controls
Checking with a multimeter, I found
that the resistance of each contact in
the RANGE SELECTOR switch varied
with each engagement from around
5-15W. That isn’t very good, but the
contacts looked OK to the eye, with
no excessive wear.
I applied contact cleaner/lubricant
sparingly (just achieving a wet appearance), and rotated the switch through
the whole range numerous times.
Checking again with the multimeter,
all contacts showed no perceptible resistance. Then I applied some grease
to the clicker mechanism.
I applied some contact cleaner/lubricant to the shafts of the COARSE
ZERO and FINE ZERO variable capacitors. Everybody who is an electronics
enthusiast or technician soon learns
that pots need lubricant because of
the racket dry pots make in audio gear.
Variable capacitors need lubricant too.
But the effect of dry capacitors is more
subtle: a certain amount of oscillator
frequency instability.
Checking components
I checked all 50 resistors for correct
resistance and visual integrity. That
was possible without unsoldering
anything for all but 10, because unpowered valves are open circuits (normally). I checked the remaining 10 by
powering up and checking for correct
voltage division, and checking current
by shorting each in the chain with a
milliamp range of my multimeter.
This revealed three things:
1) Resistor R96 was 20% high. R96
(470W) and R95 (33kW) back-bias the
Restoring the manual
When I restore a vintage electronic item, I like to have an immaculate manual to go with it. When I bought this T-130, the eBay seller threw in an original
printed instruction manual. Unfortunately, it was for a different serial number,
and was in very poor condition, with numerous stains and pages missing.
I downloaded a manual from the Boat Anchor website (http://bama.edebris.
com/manuals/), but it too had missing pages, and the scan quality was poor.
I decided to re-create the manual in the Tektronix style by re-typing it and
re-taking the photos from the same angles as Tektronix did. I also scanned
the drawings and cleaned them up with Microsoft Paint and Media Impression (a software package that came with my PC and does much the same
job as Photoshop).
I have a Tektronix/US-style symbol library in my CAD system, so I re-drew
the circuit diagram in Tektronix style. The Tektronix original had several errors, which I corrected. I also drew component layout diagrams, though Tektronix never included them in their manual.
All this work on the manual was a good investment. It made me thoroughly
familiar with the circuit, how it works, and what clever tricks the designer Cliff
Moulton used to get excellent performance. That knowledge was invaluable
for fault-finding and calibration.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
charge and discharge diodes, balancing out contact potential. This would
cause too much meter back-bias.
2) Resistor R405 (1.5W) was twice
its correct value, which would starve
the variable oscillator valve of heater
3) Valve V60 (a 6BE6) had about
50kW leakage between the first grid
and the cathode.
I checked electrolytic capacitor
C401 (2 x 15µF) by measuring the ripple voltage on it. It was still good; I
measured 7V versus the 8V stated in
the manual. I saw no corrosion; this
is sometimes seen when electrolytics
leak electrolyte.
I checked electrolytic C402 (6.25µF)
by measuring the ripple voltage on it.
It too was still good.
Surprisingly, electrolytics C99 (5µF)
and C100 (25µF), factory originals,
were installed backwards! Not surprisingly, they each had only about
10% of their rated capacitance and
were very leaky.
As the ripple on the 150V rail was
exactly as stated in the manual, that indicated that polyester capacitor C403
(22nF) was still good. The only other polyester capacitors are the range
capacitors, which are Sprague Black
Beauty polyester. I checked them insitu for leakage (even though leakage
is unlikely) – all had no measurable
All other capacitors are professional ceramic types that are known to almost never fail.
Methodical checking
I replaced the temporary and weak
6X4, and the 6U8 in the V30 socket,
with the new 6X4 and one of the 6U8s
The right side interior of the T-130 chassis neatly houses all the valves, transformers and a few other parts. The large
transformer marked “T-130 PA1” at bottom right (T400) is used to power the valve plates and heaters, T30 at upper right
is part of the fixed oscillator (V30), while T1 is marked at lower left and and is part of the variable oscillator (V4).
the seller sent me, following Rule 10
(from “14 rules of restoration” from
the last article):
Every single time you replace a component, do a comprehensive set of
checks to verify both that the fault due
to that component has been cleared,
and that no new symptoms have appeared.
I replaced faulty heater dropping resistor R405, again following Rule 10.
As it’s a wire-wound component, if it’s
high, it’s most likely about to go open.
I couldn’t find a source of resistors
identical to the original, but I installed
a Welwyn part that at least looks like a
type available in the 1960s. Changing
it made the instrument zero slightly
Australia’s electronics magazine
more stable, but still too far off to allow the 3pF range to be used.
Now that I could deem the power
supply good, I went through the rest of
the instrument, stage by stage, checking waveforms. This revealed that:
● The 6U8 variable oscillator
valve (V4) had low emission. I replaced
it with another of the 6U8s the seller
August 2020 99
The interior left side of the chassis houses nearly all the capacitors, resistors and other components mounted on ceramic
strips and connected via point-to-point wiring. Note the two replacement silver-coloured electrolytics (C99 & C100) at the
top right corner; Tektronix factory-installed the originals in backwards!
sent me. That stopped over-deflection
on the 3pF range. The instrument zero
became a bit more stable, but now had
a small backwards deflection.
● Since the 6BE6 mixer (V60) had
extremely high grid-cathode leakage, it
could well be about to fail completely.
I replaced it with a NOS valve from
eBay. This improved things – instead
of the meter dropping back past about
80pF, it didn’t start to drop back until
about 200pF.
Silicon Chip
The low-pass filter is pretty crude,
and its output falls somewhat as frequency increases. The low-emission
valve from the old radio had offset the
input to the Schmitt trigger, so that
triggering up and down ceased past a
certain point.
● Checking waveforms around
the Schmitt trigger confirmed that it
couldn’t follow the filter output past
about 10.9kHz (200pF indicated). With
resistor checks already done, presumAustralia’s electronics magazine
ably, the problem was valve V70 (another 6U8). On plugging in a replacement, the T-130 now followed a variable capacitor up to 250pF.
This was far from perfect, but as all
other components have been checked,
I assumed that I could correct it with
50kW symmetry trimpot R68, which
adjusts the bias on the Schmitt input
to centre the signal between the trigger
levels. That turned out to be correct.
● I then replaced defective
T-130 applications
The obvious applications of the T-130
are checking small capacitors and inductors before soldering them into circuit and – via the probe lead – checking suspect parts in-circuit.
The guard voltage output removes
the need to isolate parts before checking them; a facility that most modern
capacitance and inductance meters
do not have.
Something that almost all design
engineers of valve circuits had to
grapple with is the Miller effect, which
affects amplifier frequency response
and may make negative feedback circuits unstable, requiring compensation (see the panel in part one). The
T-130 makes the measurement of
Miller effect capacitance easy.
First, the static (or stray) capacitance at a grid can be measured by
the T-130 and probe lead with no HT
on the circuit under test. Then the HT
can be switched on, and there will be
an increase in the measured capaci-
tance – this increase is due to the
Miller effect.
The T-130 can be used to identify
short lengths of coax (<< 1/4 wavelength of 140 kHz, ie, << 500m) without knowing the actual length. Just
measure the capacitance with the far
end open, and the inductance with
the far end shorted. Then, Z ≈ √L ÷ C.
For example, let’s say the inductance measured on the T-130 is 0.60µH
and the capacitance is 104pF. Then
Z is approximately 76W. If the sheath
diameter is 10.3mm, the coax must
be RG11/U.
The T-130 with the Dielectric Test
Adapter can help with evaluating the
effect plastics and other insulators
have on RF circuits, provided a flat
sample of at least 55mm diameter is
available. It can, by measuring relative permittivity (dielectric constant),
assist in identifying plastics.
There was another use for the
T-130. The space charge increases
the apparent grid-cathode capacitance of a valve – the denser the
space charge, the greater the capacitance (this capacitance can appear to be negative at RF under certain conditions!). It’s useful to know
this variation when designing stable
A valve produces both white noise
and flicker noise due to the random
emission of electrons from the cathode. Fortunately, both are reduced
by the space charge. The denser the
space charge, the lower the noise.
This suggests an inverse correlation
between noise level and grid-cathode
capacitance, and indeed there is.
In a noise-critical application, it may
be desirable to predict the noise in a
tube operated in conditions different
to the that given as typical in data
sheets. One can measure the noise
in a prototype circuit directly, but it can
be quicker and easier to measure the
trolytics C99 and C100 with new tantalum units, following Rule 10. No
symptoms were cleared, and no new
symptoms appeared. C99 and C100 are
too small to provide any meter damping. They were only installed from serial number 6040 onwards. Presumably, the Schmitt trigger sometimes
oscillated due to the transients in the
meter circuit wiring getting back to the
Schmitt input.
● Schmitt triggers can oscillate if
the valve gm is very low. Sure enough,
checking it (V70, 6U8 again) showed
that was the case. I replaced it with
a NOS valve (following Rule 10 of
course). The wild pointer swings no
longer occurred when rotating a tuning capacitor under test.
● V45 (another 6U8) had low
emission in the triode, which works
as the discharge diode in the meter
circuit. This caused the backwards
and somewhat unstable deflection of
the meter, as its contact potential was
too weak to balance out the back-bias
from resistors R95 and R96.
● The output of the cathode follower was low, with a lot of hum.
Changing the 6BH6 (V110) fixed it.
movement plastic case was broken on
the left-hand side. A previous owner
had patched it up, but there was still
a gap. That was unacceptable, as it
would let dust in, eventually ruining
the movement. The scale markings had
faded as well.
Damaged meter movement
While not the original, the meter looks very close to some of the later models,
which can be viewed at
As mentioned earlier, the meter
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fortunately, I had another 4.5-inch
meter that fitted the mounting holes
and had the same full-scale deflection
current. It even looks like the meter
Tek fitted to later T-130s. It did not, of
course, have the same scales.
I photographed the scales in the bro-
August 2020 101
Restoring the S-30 Delta Standards Box
Users of the T-130 could send it back
to the Tektronix factory for adjustment
and calibration, but this would have
been inconvenient, to say the least.
Tektronix sold the S-30 Delta Standards Box as an accessory. The S-30
plugs into the UNKNOWN connector
and enables you to check the T-130
accuracy. The S-30 contains preset
capacitors for each range, an inductor, and a choice of 1MW and 100kW
Only one inductor is needed because if all the capacitance ranges
read correctly, and any one inductance range reads correctly, the other inductance ranges must be right.
The resistors allow you to check the
resistance compensation of the variable oscillator.
The capacitors and the inductor in
the S-30 were adjusted in the factory
to within 1%. Combined with the T-130
basic accuracy and repeatability of
±1%, using the S-30 to calibrate the
T-130 then gives you a T-130 with an
accuracy of ±2%.
Typical of reputable American
companies, only ±3% accuracy was
claimed in Tektronix marketing – a
“safety” margin of an additional 1%.
I purchased an S-30 from another
eBay seller. It arrived with the outside marred by wear and tear and
some gum from ownership stickers
was present.
I removed the single control knob,
the anodised front panel and the case,
and gave them all a wash in the sink
with dishwashing liquid. This easily removed the grime and the sticker gum,
but made the wear and tear more obvious. I decided not to do anything
about the wear and tear.
What was more of a concern was
that the inner chassis had rotated
within the case, so that a connection
could not be made. Further disassembly revealed that the inner chassis was secured only by the switch
boss and nut – there was nothing to
stop rotation when the switch knob
was turned.
Using a generous amount of Blu
Tack to contain chips and prevent
them spreading within the inner chassis, I carefully drilled a location hole
and installed a nut and bolt to prevent
rotation – something Tektronix should
have done.
The Blu Tack left a grease mark,
so I used a cotton bud and isopropyl
alcohol to get rid of it.
This is one
of the ‘old’
style S-30s,
the ‘new’
style ones are
slightly taller
with a visible
logo and
smaller print
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
The capacitance and inductance trimmers are mounted on the sides of the S-30 chassis. They are meant to be adjusted as
required with the aid of an RLC bridge, and can be accessed by removing the blue case.
ken meter and converted them into a
CAD file. I then jury-rigged a Rotring
technical pen in a desktop NC milling machine and used that to inscribe
new scales, complete with Tektronix logo, to fit the replacement meter
Adjustment and calibration
T-130 owners could buy an S-30
Standards Box for calibration (see panel). This contained various adjustable
capacitors that could be checked on a
standard audio RLC bridge (see diagram at left). It also contained an adjustable inductor. Since this inductor
was designed for 140kHz, it could not
be checked on a standard RLC bridge.
The T-130 manual describes an “Inductance Standardizer” which contains a 1% tolerance 4310pF capacitor. This resonates when connected in
series with a correctly adjusted S-30
inductor at 140kHz. The T-130 is used
as a 140kHz null resonance indicator.
Tek didn’t sell the Inductance Standardizer – they expected S-30 owners
to build it themselves.
I bought an S-30 from another eBay
seller, and I made an Inductance
Standardizer with paralleled 1nF and
3.3nF 1% capacitors.
However, calibration with a frequency counter is easier and more ac-
curate. All you need is a Production
Test Fixture, a 300pF 1% capacitor, a
100pF capacitor (accuracy unimportant) and two 0.5W carbon resistors,
100kW & 1MW. The resistors must be
identical types.
The Production Test Fixture (shown
overleaf) ensures the stray capacitance
in connecting the capacitor and resistors is always the same. The T-130 can
easily resolve 0.05pF, so physical precision in connection is vital.
Carefully zero the meter with the
mechanical adjustment. Turn on the
T-130 and leave it for one hour to warm
up and stabilise. Connect a frequency counter to the output of the fixed
oscillator buffer at R49 (1.5MW) and
adjust T30 for a reading of precisely
Then, with the COARSE ZERO adjusted for half-scale deflection on the
3pF range, adjust resistance compensation trimmer C7 until the deflection is the same for both the 100kW
and 1MW resistors. The manual says
adjustment should be made last, but
since it has a significant effect on the
adjustment of T1, it’s better to do it
Next, connect a scope to the Schmitt
trigger output on R74 (15kW). Select
the 300pF range and insert the 300pF
capacitor. Adjust R68 (symmetry) for
the best waveform symmetry.
Now connect a frequency counter to
R74 (or leave the scope connected, if it
has an inbuilt frequency counter). Adjust the COARSE and FINE ZERO controls for a dead beat on the 3pF range
with nothing in the Production Test
Fixture. Re-insert the 300pF capacitor
and adjust T1 for precisely 15,477Hz.
Repeatedly adjust COARSE ZERO,
FINE ZERO and T1 until you get dead
beat and 15,477Hz without further adjustments. Then, with the 300pF capacitor still inserted, adjust R78 for exactly full-scale deflection of the meter.
At this point, the total tuning capacitance without the 300pF capacitor is
1136pF, T1 is 1136µH, and both the
300pF and 300µH ranges are correct.
The Schmitt trigger output for all ranges is correct and the range trimpots R97
through R100 can then be adjusted.
Insert the 100pF capacitor and adjust the COARSE and FINE ZERO controls to get precisely 5781Hz. Then adjust the 100pF range trimpot R97 for
C1 3.3nF 1% RS 168-3336
TO 130
C2 1.0nF 1% RS 168-3346
RS 104-8416
TO S-30
RS 386-143
The circuit diagram for the Inductance Standardizer is shown above, with the
interior shown slightly below actual size (64mm long diecast box).
Inductance Standardizers were meant
to be constructed from the circuit
provided in the manual and as made
obvious from the labelling, this wasn’t
made by Tektronix.
Australia’s electronics magazine
August 2020 103
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An excerpt form the Tektronix catalog from 1975 showing the T-130 and a photo of the Production Test Fixture, right at
the end of its production life. A replica of the Production Test Fixture, made from stainless steel and a standard UHF-to-N
adapter, was shown in the first article of this series in the June issue on page 39.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
exactly full-scale deflection.
When I made this adjustment, I
found that R97 was hopelessly noisy.
Applying lubricant didn’t fix it. I could
not locate an identical pot, so I moved
the wire on one end of the track to the
other end – that solved the problem.
Next, remove the 100pF capacitor
and adjust the remaining trimpots for
full-scale deflection on the remaining ranges with the correct frequencies. Use the COARSE ZERO and
FINE ZERO controls to get the listed
frequencies: 1812Hz to adjust R98
(for 30pF range), 612Hz to adjust R99
(10pF) and 184Hz to adjust R100 (3pF).
Finally, remove the Production Test
Fixture, set COARSE ZERO to about
5° back from maximum and set FINE
ZERO to its midpoint. Adjust zero
span trimmer C2 for a dead beat on the
3pF range. Seal all adjustments with
tamper-proof seal or red nail varnish.
Performance after restoration
The T-130 is very good. There is no
perceptible drift in zero over the specified supply voltage range of 210-250V
AC. The drift of the zero setting in the
initial warm-up is less than 0.15pF
indicated. After that, no drift in zero
or full-scale deflection is perceptible
on any range except the 3pF and 3µH
ranges, which in any case remain within 5% and 1% when the FINE ZERO is
Fun with screws!
I re-assembled the instrument using
new screws because the old ones
were all corroded and unsightly.
Typical for an American company,
Tektronix used Unified Coarse (UNC)
6-32, 8-32 and 4-40 threaded screws
to hold their instruments together.
They used a mixture of CSK (countersunk), FH (flat head), PH (pan head)
and TH (truss head – a wide version
of pan head) screws. They used Keps
nuts; these are the sort that have a star
lock washer pre-attached to the nut.
I found I had run out of some of the
screws needed. There are three specialist fastener shops in Perth. I rang
the first one and asked:
“Do you have in stock screws UNC8-32 x 1/2 THS plated or stainless?”
“Err, do you want wood screws?”
“No, I’m asking for UNC-8-32 x 1/2
“Err, um, but what sort do you want,
do they have a pointy end?”
“Forget it, mate. You don’t understand UNC screw terminology – that
tells me you don’t sell UNC.”
I rang the second firm. The chap
clearly knew his screws, and had them
in stock. But his minimum sale quantity was 200 of each item. Cripes, I’ll
never use that many in the rest of my
life, and all the sizes I need would cost
me more than the instrument is worth.
I rang the third firm. That chap also
understood the terminology, but he
didn’t stock them. He told me to ring
firm number 2.
I fired up eBay and bought 20 of
each size from a Chinese seller. They
arrived within a week, post free, costing me about $4 for each size. And
local shops wonder why they are losing sales...
adjusted just before making a reading.
Tek claimed that the oscillators will
not pull in together above 1Hz separation (0.016pF indicated). Mine certainly betters that specification.
a 25pF capacitor and got a stable reading. Clearly, with all the faults the
T-130 had, it could not measure anything. Did he lie? Not necessarily.
He probably connected the 25pF capacitor, selected the 100pF range and
switched the T-130 on. The 1N2630
probably didn’t short the heaters until he shipped it to me. Because of the
incorrect rectifier not being properly
grasped by the socket, there was no
HT, therefore no back-bias to oppose
contact potential in the charge and
discharge valves.
One of them had weak emission,
and it just so happened that the weak
emission produces about 25% meter
deflection. So it might have appeared
that the instrument was working, at
least in that one specific test case! SC
Did the eBay seller lie?
The seller claimed he tested it with
Australia’s electronics magazine
The T-130 LC Meter with the
Inductance Standardizer and S-30
Delta Standards Box connected
August 2020 105