Vol.33, No.2 February 2020
Features & Reviews
12 Underground mapping, leak detection & pipe inspection
How do authorities know what pipes and cables are buried down there, especially
when they start excavating? And fixing leaks can be a nightmare if the maps you
have are not quite accurate . . . – by Dr David Maddison
38 We review: chipKIT’s new “Lenny”
Lenny is a new PIC32-based Arduino to come out of the Microchip stable . . . or is
that the Atmel stable? It uses the Arduino R3 footprint and layout so you’re getting
the best of both worlds – by Tim Blythman
75 El Cheapo modules: 8-channel USB Logic Analyser
Finding or troubleshooting the
services buried under your feet can
be a real art – or is it a science?
– Page 12
You may recall the $150+ “Saleae” Logic Analyser we reviewed a few years ago.
Here’s a clone out of China which has even higher performance but is just $13
including postage . . . less than one tenth of the price! – by Jim Rowe
Constructional Projects
26 Remote monitoring station messages or emails by 4G!
AKA Brendan’s wonderful wombat warning whatchamacallit . . . you can monitor
just about anything and receive a text message on your phone if it’s triggered,
sprung, intruded, flat, overcharged, out of water – you decide! – by Tim Blythman
44 Indoor Air Quality Monitor based on Micromite BackPack
Volatile organic air pollutants are said to create a whole raft of problems, including
“sick building syndrome”. This monitor gives a direct readout in parts per billion.
It’s built around the mighty Micromite V3 BackPack – by Geoff Graham
68 Low distortion, two-channel DDS audio signal generator
This very low distortion, two-channel audio signal generator produces sinewaves,
triangle waves, square waves, pulse trains and noise. It has adjustable output
frequency, amplitude and phase, plus sweep and pulse modes – by Phil Prosser
84 Building the new “bookshelf” stereo speakers
This month we complete construction of our new bookshelf speakers. They’re
compact and economical to build and you don’t need specialist tools or even a lot
of woodworking experience – by Phil Prosser
Your Favourite Columns
61 Serviceman’s Log
When in doubt, swap it out – by Dave Thompson
94 Circuit Notebook
(1) Two 100Mbit Ethernet connections over a single Cat6 cable
Cartoon Art
(2) Metered variable power supply uses inexpensive modules
(3) “In situ” Ethernet cable tester
(4) Signal Generator output booster using LM1877
98 Vintage Radio
See P37 for
details of this
unique offer!
Tecnico-Aristocrat 651 from 1946 – by Associate Professor Graham Parslow
Everything Else
2 Editorial Viewpoint
4 Mailbag – Your Feedback
83 Product Showcase
111 Market Centre
111 Advertising Index
112 Notes and Errata
Monitor just about anything –
wombat traps included – and
get a message on your 4G phone
when triggered – Page 26
chipKITs new “Lenny” is a PIC32based Arduino
which uses
a close
relative of
the IC in a
Micromite – Page 38
How’s the air quality in your home or
office? Does
it suffer from
“Sick Building
This nifty unit
uses a Micromite
BackPack to measure
Volatile Organic Pollutants – Page 44
We’re re-purposing some existing
project boards to create a high
DDS Audio
– Page 68
Just about anyone – even you!
– can put these
high performing
– Page 84