New dsPIC33CH512MP
Dual-Core, High Memory,
The new dsPIC33CH512MP508
dual-core Digital Signal Controllers
(DSC) from Microchip build on the
previously released Microchip dsPIC33CH128MP508.
The dual-core DSCs enable designers
to isolate time-critical and safety-critical functions from system functions
and communication routines.
This family is optimised for highperformance embedded, digital power,
motor control and safety critical applications running sophisticated algorithms. Applications include wireless
power, server power supplies, drones
and automotive sensors.
What’s new in dsPIC33CH512MP508?
Extends flash size from 128 to 512KB
in the dual core dsPIC33CH device family
512KB flash on Master core for AUTOSAR, complex application, communication
stacks; 72KB PRAM (Program RAM) on
Slave core for complex control algorithms
Dual cores and advanced peripherals
make systems robust and functionally safe
Dual CAN-FD for robust communication
Unprecedented peripheral integration in
6x6 package for BoM cost saving
Electronex Expo returns
to Sydney in 2020
• Features for Functional Safety: ECC Memory, MBIST, DMT, Dual WWDT and more
• ICSP Write Inhibit (OTP) for secure boot
loading together with CryptoAuthentication devices to target secure applications
• Automotive AEC Q100 Grade 1 qualified,
-40°C to +125°C
Development tools include:
dsPIC33CH Curiosity Development
Board (DM300028-2)
dsPIC33CH512MP508 Motor Control Plug-In Module (PIM) (MA330046)
dsPIC33CH512MP508 General
Purpose Plug-In Module (PIM)
Microchip Technology Inc
Unit 32, 41 Rawson St Epping NSW 2121
Tel: (02) 9868 6733
JST’s “Wet Process” Semiconductor
Cleaning Equipment
Automated wet-process cleaning
equipment is suitable for chips, wafers, semiconductors and other electronic devices including lasers. The
more complex the equipment, the
greater the need for advanced, adaptable cleaning options.
JST’s 300 CLV Cleaner and Stripping
Tool offers a dry-to-dry process. Once
product is placed in the dry tank, it can
process through either single or multiple chemical processes, rinse and dry
according to a pre-programmed recipe
without operator intervention or mechanical moving parts to maintain.
Australian Exhibitions & Events
JST Manufacturing Inc.
PO Box 5269, Sth Melbourne Vic 3205
Tel: (03) 9676 2133
219 E. 50th St., Boise, ID 83714, USA
Tel: (0011 1) 800-872-0391
Following the success of last year’s
Electronex in Melbourne, the event
returns to Sydney this year. It will be
held at Rosehill Gardens from 9 – 10
September 2020.
The move to the MCEC in Melbourne
was an outstanding success with more
than a 12% increase in attendance and
a record number of exhibitors participating in the 2019 event.
In a further endorsement for the
growth of the electronics sector and
the success of the event, 53% of visitors had not attended Electronex previously and over 90% were engineers,
managers or involved in production or
Electronex was first held in 2010
and has grown to become the preeminent trade event for companies
that utilise electronics in manufacturing, assembly or servicing.
The SMCBA Surface Mount Conference is also held concurrently with
the Expo. Free seminars are also held
on the expo floor and cover a range of
hot industry topics to complement the
conference workshops.
The Sydney Expo is now open for
bookings and around 60% of the
space had already been booked by
late December last year.
Australia’s electronics magazine
February 2020 83