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A Complete
Arduino DCC
Digital Command Control (DCC) is a great way to control multiple trains
on a model railway layout. Unfortunately, commercial DCC systems can
be quite expensive. Here we present an Arduino-compatible Controller
shield that can form the basis of a DCC system. It can also be used as a
DCC booster or even as a high-current DC motor driver.
by Tim Blythman
ou can put together this DCC
controller, which incorporates
a base station and optionally
also a programmer, for a fraction of
the price of a commercial unit.
Combine it with a PC, and you have
a potent and flexible model railway
control system.
It’s based on the Arduino platform, and it’s
easy to build. You can
also add boosters to
the system easily, just
by building a few more
shield boards.
DCC is still the ‘stateof-the-art’ in terms of offthe-shelf model railway
systems, so if you have
a model railway layout
but don’t have a DCC
system (or have a DCC
system that’s inadequate
for your needs), now is the
time to upgrade!
We published an Arduino-based
DCC Programmer for Decoders in our
October 2018 issue (
Silicon Chip
au/Article/11261). Since then, we have
had numerous requests for a DCC Base
Station or Booster.
Therefore, we have
created this DCC
Power shield,
which is the final piece of the puzzle.
Adding this (and an appropriate
power supply) to the Programmer, in
conjuction with DCC-capable locos,
results in a complete DCC system.
As this is an Arduino-based project, the following description assumes that you are familiar with
the Arduino IDE (Integrated
Development Environment).
To download the
free IDE software, go
A complete DCC
control system can
be made by adding a
Uno board and the DCC
Programmer Shield
(which we described in
the October 2018 issue) to the
DCC Power Shield, as shown here.
Fit the DCC Programmer Shield with
stackable headers, so it can be sandwiched
between the other two boards, and take care
that nothing shorts out between the adjacent
boards. You may need to trim some of the pins on
the underside of the DCC Power Shield.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Two locos, one track –
but both are under individual control of
the DCC system. As you can just see, the loco in front
even has its headlight on – also switched on or off at will via DCC.
Want more than two trains? DCC has up to 10,000 addresses available!
We are using version 1.8.5 of the
IDE for this project, and suggest that
if you have an older version installed,
that you upgrade it now.
What is DCC?
We went into a bit of detail on
DCC in the DCC Programmer article,
so we’ll only cover the basics here.
If you want to learn more, read the
aforementioned article from October
2018, and possibly the article describing DCC in detail from February 2012
DCC is designed to allow multiple
model trains to be controlled on a single track, with the same set of tracks
carrying power for the trains and also
digital control commands.
Older command controls systems
exist; we detailed the construction
of one such system (in five parts!) in
1998. This was named the Protopower
16, and it was based on another system
called CTC16. This worked similarly
to the system used to control multiple
servo motors on model aircraft.
But that system was limited to 16
locomotives, while Digital Command
Control has around 10,000 addresses
available; probably well beyond the
scope of most model railroads (and
many full-scale railroads too!).
The most basic method of model
train control is for a single throttle
to apply a variable DC voltage to the
track, which drives the train’s motor
directly. Instead, a DCC base station
delivers a high-frequency square wave
to the track. The base station encodes
binary control data into this signal by
varying the width of each pulse (see
A digital decoder on each vehicle
receives commands and also rectifies
the AC track voltage to produce DC.
The decoder then uses this to drive
the motor and can also control lights,
sound effects (like a horn or engine)
or even a smoke generator.
There are also accessory decoders
which can be used to control things
such as points and signals using the
same DCC signals.
The DCC standard is produced by
the National Model Railroad Association (based in the USA; see siliconchip. These standards
are available for download, which
means that anyone can use them. As
a result, many different manufacturers are making DCC-compatible equipment.
Our Base Station will work with
many commercially-available decoders. There is a vast array of manufacturers of DCC equipment, so we can
only test a small subset. All of those
we have tested have worked well, as
should be expected from a proper application of the standard.
A Base Station in DCC terminology
is, essentially, the brains of the sys-
tem. Typically it receives commands
from attached throttles controlled by
people, or perhaps a computer. These
commands then dictate what DCC data
needs to be sent to the trains to control them.
The Base Station generates a continuous stream of DCC data packets to
control and update all trains, signals
and points as needed.
A Booster is a simple device which
takes a low-level DCC signal and produces a DCC signal of sufficient power
to drive a set of tracks. Many smaller
DCC systems consist of a single unit
which combines a Base Station with
a Booster, while larger systems might
have separate units, including multiple Boosters.
Our DCC Power Shield works as
a Booster. An attached and properly
programmed Arduino board can be
used as the Base Station smarts, thus
creating a basic DCC system in a single unit. Extra DCC Power Shields can
be deployed as separate Boosters, with
an Arduino attached to monitor each
and check for faults.
When programmed with the DCC++
software, the Arduino board and DCC
Power Shield can be combined with
Features & specifications
Based on the Arduino Uno
Provides a DCC output of 12-22V peak at up to 10A, or more with some changes
Can operate as a base station or booster
Compatible with DCC++ and JMRI (DecoderPro/PanelPro) software
Opto-isolated input for use as DCC slave
Works with our DCC Programmer shield from the October 2018 issue
Can also be used as a brushed motor driver
All Arduino pin assignments configurable via jumpers
Australia’s electronics magazine
January 2020 45
“0" BIT
“1" BIT
58 s 58 s
100 s
100 s
Fig.1: the DCC waveform
is a square wave with a
frequency around 5-8kHz.
Binary data to control
trains, signals, points etc is
encoded in the pulse
widths. The BTN8962TA
ICs we’re using are ideally
suited to delivering such a
signal at up to 10A or more.
See the panel “How DCC
works” on pages 44 & 45 of
the October 2018 issue for
more information.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 A A A A A A A A 0D D D D D D D D0 C C C C C C C C 1
our earlier DCC Programming Shield
to create a compact, economical and
fully-featured DCC system.
Power source
A DC power source is needed to
run the DCC Power Shield. The DCC
standards suggest that Boosters should
produce 12V-22V peak, so your chosen power source needs a regulated
DC output in this range.
For modest current requirements
(up to around 5A), a laptop power
supply is a good choice. Many of these
have a nominal 19V DC output at several amps. Any fully DCC-compatible
trains and decoders should handle this
fine, but it’s worth checking any that
you aren’t sure about.
Decoders are supposed to work
down to around 7V. Given that the
track, wiring and locomotives are
bound to drop some voltage, a 12V
‘power brick’ type supply works well
enough for driving trains. However,
we found that this sometimes wasn’t
enough to allow decoder programming to occur.
If you need more current than a lap-
top power supply can provide, you
will need to find a dedicated power
supply in the 12-22V range. Many suitable high-power ‘open frame’ switchmode supplies are available from various suppliers.
One thing to note is that while some
Arduino boards (including genuine
boards) can tolerate up to 20V on their
VIN inputs, some clones use lower-rated voltage regulators which can only
handle 15V.
We have provided an option for a
zener diode to help manage this variation; read on for more information on
how the circuit works.
DCC Power Shield circuit
The circuit of the DCC Power Shield
is shown in Fig.2. Its key function is to
turn a steady DC voltage into a DCCmodulated square wave. For this, we
need a full H-bridge driver. To keep it
simple, we have used a pair of BTN8962
half-bridge driver ICs (IC1 and IC2).
The BTN8962 comes in a TO-263-7
package, which is a surface-mounting
part, although quite a large one. It is
not difficult to solder. There are two
of these, one driving each side of the
track. They are supplied with out-ofphase input signals to produce the required alternating output drive.
Their supply pins (pins 1 & 7) are
connected directly across the incoming
DC supply from CON1, labelled VIN.
A 100µF electrolytic capacitor bypasses this supply. While this may
seem like a low value to use, the current drawn by IC1 and IC2 is quite
steady as when one output goes high,
at the same time, the other goes low.
The outputs of IC1 and IC2 connect to
screw terminal CON2, and then onto
the tracks.
The state of the IN pins (pin 2) determines whether the output pins (4 &
8) are driven high or low. The SR input pin controls the output slew rate.
We’ve tied this to ground to
give the fastest possible slew rate.
The “INH” pins (pin 3) need to be
brought high to enable the outputs.
These are connected together and have
a 100kΩ pull-down resistor so that the
outputs default to off.
The enable signal connects back to
an Arduino pin via a 10kΩ resistor
and jumper JP1, allowing the Arduino to enable or disable the outputs as
required. JP1 lets any Arduino digital
pin connect to the enable signal, to
suit the software used.
The IS pins (pin 6) on IC1 and IC2
are outputs that source a current proportional to the current being drawn
from the output of each IC (plus a
small offset current, which is compensated for in software). These currents
are combined in a ‘diode-OR’ circuit
formed by diodes D1 & D2 and then fed
to a 1kΩ resistor to convert the combined current into a voltage.
This then passes to an RC low-pass
filter (20kΩ/100nF) for smoothing. The
2ms time constant means that peaks in
the current due to the rapidly changing
The three PCBs which make up the DCC system:
on the left is a “standard” Arduino UNO board (or one of its
many clones); centre is the optional DCC Programmer (from our
October 2018 issue) while at right is the DCC Power Booster Shield.
All three boards are made to conveniently plug together.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
100 F
D2 1N4148
OPTO1 6N137
D1 1N4148
DCC signal are ignored, but faults can
still be detected quickly. The resulting
smoothed voltage is fed to one of the
Arduino analog input pins via jumper
JP2, to allow the Arduino to monitor
the track current.
JP2 allows any of the Arduino
analog inputs to be used to monitor
track current, again allowing us to
choose whichever pin suits the Arduino software.
The IS pins will also source current
if IC1 or IC2 detect an internal fault
condition; as far as the software is concerned, this is equivalent to a very high
current being drawn from the output
and is treated the same way.
Bridge driving signals
The input signal to pin 2 of IC2
comes from another one of the
Fig.2: as with many Arduino shields, the
circuit’s smarts are on the Arduino itself. The
shield consists primarily of two integrated
half-bridge drivers (IC1 & IC2), a transistor
inverter (Q1), a high-speed optocoupler for
feeding in external DCC signals (OPTO1), two
LEDs for status monitoring and some headers
to allow the Arduino pin mappings to be
changed if necessary.
duino digital outputs via a 10kΩ series resistor. Once again, any Arduino
digital pin can be used, and this too
is selected by a jumper shunt on JP1.
A simple inverter circuit produces
the out-of-phase signal to drive the IN
pin of IC1. The signal that goes to pin
2 of IC2 is also fed to the base of NPN
transistor Q1 via a 1kΩ resistor. Q1’s
collector is pulled up by a 10kΩ resistor to the ENABLE line. So as long as
ENABLE is high, meaning the outputs
of IC1 and IC2 are active, input pin 2
of IC1 is inverted compared to input
pin 2 of IC2.
Opto-isolated input
To allow a separate base station to
be used, an optoisolated input is provided at CON3. This can accept a logic-level DCC signal, or even a ‘track
Australia’s electronics magazine
voltage’ (12-22V) signal from another
DCC system.
The signal at CON3 passes through a
2.2kΩ series resistor and into the LED
of OPTO1. 1N4148 diode D3 is connected in reverse across this LED, to
protect it from high reverse voltages.
If a logic-level DCC signal is applied
to CON3, then the polarity markings
need to be observed, as current will
only flow through OPTO1 when the
voltage at pin 2 is high. A bipolar
DCC signal can be connected either
way around.
OPTO1 is a 6N137 high-speed optoisolator which has a nominal forward
current of 10mA. Thus the 2.2kΩ resistor is suitable for voltages up to around
22V, ie, the maximum expected from
a DCC system.
The output of OPTO1 is supplied
January 2020 47
1k W
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
Rev F
with 5V from the Arduino board, bypassed by a 100nF capacitor. A 330Ω
pull-up resistor sets the logic high
The output from OPTO1’s pin 6 is
fed via a 1kΩ protection resistor to
jumper JP3. This allows the DCC signal to be fed directly to the input of
bridge drivers IC1 & IC2.
In this case, a jumper on JP1 can be
used to feed the same signal to one
of the Arduino’s digital pins, which
would then be configured as an input.
Due to the open-collector output of
OPTO1, this signal is inverted compared to that applied to CON3.
But this can be solved simply by reversing the connections from CON2 to
the tracks.
This reversibility of the DCC signal
is a necessary feature, as a locomotive
may be placed on the track either way
and must be able to work with an inverted signal.
The only time this matters is when
different boosters feed two adjoining
tracks. In that case, you will need to
make sure that the signals are in-phase.
Other features
Status LEDs LED1 & LED2 are connected to the ENABLE signal with 1kΩ
current-limiting resistors to GND and
5V respectively.
So if ENABLE is high, green LED1
lights up, and if it’s low, red LED2
lights up instead. If ENABLE is highimpedance, such as when the Arduino
is in reset, neither LED lights. A single bi-colour LED could be fitted either for LED1 or LED2 to achieve the
same effect.
If fitted, ZD1 feeds DC from CON1
to the VIN input of the Arduino board.
Its value is chosen to limit the Arduino
input voltage to a safe level at the maximum expected voltage from CON1.
Silicon Chip
+ – CON3
1k W
IC1 BTN8962
IC2 BTN8962
Fig.3: the seven-pin halfbridge driver ICs are
mounted on the left, near
the power input (CON1) and
track (CON2) terminals.
The jumper positions shown
here are those required to
use both the open-source
DCC++ software and our
example sketches.
The jumpers are mostly
handy if you want to use
this shield as a DC motor
driver, so that you can
connect the required
functions to PWM pins.
For example, for 22V into CON1,
ZD1 can be an 8.2V type, so 13.8V is
fed to the Arduino VIN pin. A 1W, 8.2V
zener diode can pass up to 120mA,
which should be enough to power the
Arduino and any connected shields.
We’ve left enough space to fit a 5W
zener diode if you need more current
than that, although if you’re going to be
applying less than 22V to CON1, you
could also use a lower voltage zener,
which could then pass more current
before reaching its 1W limit.
For situations where the voltage on
CON1 is suitable for direct connection to VIN (typically under 15V for
clones or 20V for genuine Arduino
boards), then a wire link can be fitted
in place of ZD1.
However, it would still be a good
idea to fit a low voltage zener (eg, 3.3V)
as this will reduce the dissipation in
the Arduino’s regulator. Just make sure
that the voltage fed to the Arduino’s
VIN pin will not drop below 7V.
If you aren’t sure whether your
Arduino can handle more than 15V,
check the onboard regulator. It’s usually in an SOT-223 three-pin SMD
package with a hefty tab.
Genuine Arduino Uno boards usually have an NCP1117 regulator, rated
to handle up to 20V. Clones often have
an AMS1117 instead, which is only
rated to 15V.
If ZD1 is left off, the supplies are
separate (although their grounds will
be connected). This allows the Arduino to be powered via its USB connector, eg, from a controlling computer.
DCC Programming
Many DCC Base Stations have a
separate output for programming decoders.
In other words, programming is not
done via the main high-current output
Australia’s electronics magazine
driver, which is usually kept connected to the layout.
For this reason, you may wish to
have the DCC Power Shield and October 2018 DCC Programmer shield
plugged into the same Arduino. The
DCC++ software is designed to handle this.
However, this does complicate the
power supply arrangements a bit.
Firstly, the DCC Programmer shield
has a maximum supply voltage of 15V,
so regardless of the type of Arduino
board you are using, you will need to
ensure that the VIN pin is no higher
than 15V.
Also, in this case, it would be best
to build the DCC Programmer shield
without the MT3608 boost module,
and fit the jumper shunt on CON8
between pins 1 and 2, so that the
VIN supply is used for programming
The DCC Programmer shield can
draw up to 200mA from VIN, so the
dissipation of ZD1 will increase substantially. You will need to choose
its value carefully, or use a 5W zener.
Another option, if the system will
always be connected to a computer, is
to build the DCC Programmer Shield
with the MT3608 boost module and fit
it below the DCC Power Shield, then
leave out ZD1 from the Power Shield.
The DCC Programmer Shield will
then be powered from the computer’s
5V USB supply, while the DCC Power Shield is still powered via CON1.
The DCC Power Shield is built on
a double-sided PCB in a typical Arduino shield shape, coded 09207181
and measuring 68.5 x 55mm. Use the
overlay diagram, Fig.3, as a guide during construction.
Start by fitting IC1 and IC2. As you
can see, although these are surfacemounting components, they are quite
large. Because of this, and the fact that
they sit on large copper pours, it will
require quite a bit of heat to make good
solder joints.
Flux paste and solder braid (wick)
will come in handy, as will tweezers.
Apply some flux paste to the pads first,
to make soldering easier.
Working on one at a time, start by
tacking one of the end pins in place
to locate the device.
Once you are happy that each is
centrally located within the footprint,
load some solder on the tip of your
iron and apply it to each of the smaller
pads. Ensure that the resulting solder
fillets are solid.
Use the solder braid to remove any
solder bridges. The two end pins, numbers 1 and 7, are ground and power
respectively. It’s a good idea to add a
bit of extra solder to these pins to help
with current and heat handling.
Finally, solder the large tab of each
device. Hold the iron tip at the point
where the tab meets the pad on the
PCB. Heat the pad until it melts solder applied to it. Feed in solder until a rounded, but not bulging fillet is
formed and allow it to cool.
Next, fit the 12 resistors. The PCB
silkscreen is marked with the values,
and you should check these match
with a multimeter as they are fitted,
to ensure they are the correct value.
Solder close to the PCB, then trim the
leads close to the underside.
Then install the three small 1N4148
diodes (D1-D3) where shown in Fig.3,
ensuring that they are correctly orientated
If fitting ZD1, do that now. Make sure
that its cathode band faces towards the
top of the PCB. Then mount the rectangular MKT capacitors, which are
not polarised.
Now install NPN transistor Q1, with
its body orientated as shown. You may
need to crank the leads out to fit the
PCB pads. Solder it in place, ensuring
it is pushed down firmly against the
PCB. If you plan to fit another shield
above this one, then its top should not
be more than 10mm above the PCB.
The electrolytic capacitor should be
mounted on its side to allow another
board to be stacked above this one. Its
longer, positive lead must go in the pad
towards the top of the board as shown.
Fit OPTO1 next. Check that its
notch or pin 1 dot faces in the
Parts list – Arduino DCC Controller
1 Arduino Uno or equivalent
1 12-22V DC high-current supply (see text)
1 double-sided PCB coded 09207181, 68.5mm x 55mm
1 set of Arduino headers, standard male or stackable (1 x 6-way, 2 x 8-way, 1 x 10-way)
2 2-way 5/5.08mm pitch PCB-mount screw terminals (CON1,CON2)
[Jaycar HM3172, Altronics P2032B]
2 15-way pin headers (JP1,JP3)
1 14-way pin header (JP1)
2 6-way pin headers (JP2)
4 jumper shunts/shorting blocks
2 BTN8962TA half-bridge drivers, TO263-7 (IC1,IC2) [Digi-key, Mouser]
1 6N137 high-speed optoisolator, DIP-8 (OPTO1)
1 BC549 100mA NPN transistor (Q1)
1 green 3mm LED (LED1)
1 red 3mm LED (LED2)
1 1W or 5W zener diode to suit your situation (ZD1; see text)
3 1N4148 signal diodes (D1-D3)
1 100µF 35V electrolytic
2 100nF MKT
Resistors (all 1/4W 1% metal film)
1 100kΩ
1 20kΩ
3 10kΩ
tion shown. Carefully bend the pins to
allow it to fit into the PCB pads and
solder it in place.
The various headers should be fitted next. Note that if you already know
which Arduino pins will be used for
the DIR, ENABLE and ISENSE signals
and they will not change, you could
omit JP1-JP3 and fit wire links in their
To connect to the Arduino, you can
use either regular headers or stackable
headers. We recommend using the Arduino board as a jig to ensure that the
pins are square and flush to the PCB.
Stackable headers can be more
tricky to mount as they need to be
soldered from below. If possible, use
those with 11mm-long pins (some that
have 8mm pins, which don’t leave
much room to solder).
Thread the headers through the
shield and into the Arduino board.
Flip the whole assembly over so that
the shield is resting flat against the
pins, then solder the end pins of each
group in place to secure the headers.
You can then remove the shield from
the Arduino board and solder the remaining pins in place, before retouching the end pins.
It’s easiest to use single-row pin headAustralia’s electronics magazine
1 2.2kΩ
5 1kΩ
1 330Ω
ers for JP1-JP3, snapped to length and
soldered side-by-side for JP1 and JP2.
If you are snapping 40-way headers
to do this, you will need at least two.
Rather than fitting JP3 as a separate
two-way header, you can make the top
two rows of JP1 longer by one pin (ie,
15 pins rather than 14).
The last step in the construction is
to fit the two screw terminals to CON1
and CON2, with their wire entry holes
facing the outside edge of the board.
Ensure that they are flat against the
PCB; this is particularly important
if you need to stack a shield above
this one.
You may need to trim the underside
of CON2, as this could foul the DC jack
of an attached Uno board. Similarly,
the underside of CON1 comes close to
the metal shell of the USB connector
of an attached Uno.
It’s a good idea to add a layer of
electrical tape on top of the USB connector on the Arduino board, to make
sure they can’t short if the boards flex.
Jumper settings
We suggest that you connect DIR to
D10, ENABLE to D3 and ISENSE to
A0, as shown in Figs.2 & 3. This suits
our software. There are triangular silkscreen markings on the PCB to indicate
the default jumper locations for JP1.
January 2020 49
To use the board as a DCC Booster with
our supplied software, add a fourth
jumper across JP3 at upper-right.
There are a few different ways this
shield can be used, and each has its
own software requirement. We’ll describe a few of these possibilities. The
following assumes that you have fitted
the jumpers to the default locations
described above.
We mentioned the DCC++ software
in our October 2018 article. It is designed to work with either an Uno or
Mega board; we paired it with the Uno
previously, and the discussion in this
article assumes the same.
The Uno is adequate to work with
the JMRI (Java Model Railroad Interface) software and will naturally cost
less than a Mega.
The DCC++ project also includes
a Processing-based GUI application
for your PC that can interface with
the Base Station, although this has
been customised to work with a layout belonging to the DCC++ software
Alternatively, you can use JMRI.
We also covered this software in the
previous article. JMRI can be downloaded from
There are versions for macOS, Windows and Linux. It can even be run on
Raspberry Pi single-board computers.
Follow the installation instructions,
including installing Java if necessary.
As we mentioned, our hardware is
compatible with DCC++ in base station mode.
There is more information, including the required Arduino sketch, available for download from: https://github.
This software is designed to work
with several commonly-available Arduino motor driver shields. But these
shields need some modifications to
work, whereas our hardware only requires the correct jumpers to be set.
The default setting in DCC++ for the
work with our hardware.
Open the Arduino IDE, select the
Uno board and its serial port via the
menus and open the DCC++ Base Station sketch that you’ve downloaded.
Then upload the sketch to the Uno. If
Screen1: while JMRI’s DecoderPro program has many features,
it also has a set of basic tools for controlling trains. This
throttle window allows speed, direction and light functions to
be controlled. You can even switch track power directly; the
green icon at upper right mimics the status LEDs on the shield.
Silicon Chip
you open the serial monitor at 115,200
baud, you will see a banner message;
this indicates that the Base Station
software is working as expected.
You can also interact with the Base
Station through serial commands. The
protocol is detailed in the PDF file that
is included in the DCC++ Base Station
project ZIP file.
Once you have tested this, close the
Serial monitor and open the DecoderPro program. Go to Edit -> Preferences, and under Connections, choose
DCC++ as System Manufacturer,
DCC++ Serial Port as System connection. Ensure that the serial port setting
matches that of the Uno.
Save the settings and close DecoderPro, so that it can reload the new settings. Re-open DecoderPro and under
Edit -> Preferences, choose Defaults,
and ensure that the name of the new
connection name is used for all connections (instead of “Internal”).
Unless you have other hardware you
want to use, you should select DCC++
for all options.
Save, close and re-open DecoderPro again. Click the red power button in DecoderPro and ensure that
it turns green. The LED on the DCC
Power Shield should switch from red
to green.
The simplest way to drive trains is
to select Actions -> New Throttle, set
the locomotive address and manipulate the controls (see Screen1).
Screen2: while very basic, our standalone sketch named
“DCC_Single_Loco_Control.ino” allows power, speed,
direction and lights to be controlled by commands in the
serial monitor. The software can be modified to control
multiple locos. Advanced Arduino users could use it as the
basis of an automated layout control system.
Australia’s electronics magazine
JMRI can do a lot of different things,
so we suggest you read its manual to
find out about its capabilities. The
JMRI project also includes PanelPro,
which can be used to design track
and signal diagrams for controlling a
model layout.
Adding the DCC Programmer
If you have already built the DCC
Programmer, then the Arduino board
is already programmed to work with
the DCC Power Shield, and the DCC
Power Shield can be added to the
stack, ideally at the top.
As noted earlier, the choice of zener diode and power supply will be
more complicated if you want to construct an all-in-one setup. Since this is
likely to be a smaller system, we suggest that a modest power supply will
be suitable.
Using the DCC++ software with
JMRI is the same as noted above.
Using it as a booster
When a signal is fed in via the optoisolated input (CON3), the DCC Power Shield is effectively working as a
booster. The signal can be from another
Base Station or system, with the DCC
Power Shield turning that signal into
a more powerful DCC signal that can
be used to drive trains.
While it might not seem that an Arduino is needed in this case, it’s a good
idea to have one as we can program it
to monitor the DCC signal and intervene if there is a problem. So we’ve
written a sketch to allow an Arduino
to take on this supervisory role.
There are two main conditions to
check for. Firstly, we want the booster
to be able to protect the shield if too
much current is being
from it.
This could be due
to an overload or even
a short circuit, such
as a metal object being dropped across the
Thus, our sketch
continually monitors
the voltage present on
its A0 pin via its internal
analog-to-digital converter (ADC). If it gets above a certain threshold, the power to the track
is cut by pulling the ENABLE pin low.
A timer starts and the sketch attempts to re-apply power after it expires. If the short circuit is still
Using the DCC Booster Shield as a motor driver
The DCC Booster Shield can be used as
a high-current motor driver shield. In this
case, the signal on the DIR pin determines
the motor direction, and a pulse-width
modulated signal is applied to ENABLE to
control the speed.
The BTN8962 has active freewheeling,
so no external diodes are needed.
If used like this, LED1 and LED2 will
both appear to be on at the same time, with
green LED1 becoming brighter and red
sent, then the over-current condition
re-occurs, power is cut again and the
timer re-starts.
The other condition we need to
consider is if the incoming DCC signal is lost. This could be for any reason, such as if the connection to CON3
is broken or the upstream DCC Base
Station has a fault. In any case, when
there is no signal at CON3, the input
to IC1 is held high and IC2’s input is
low. There is then an unchanging DC
voltage across the tracks.
This may not sound like a problem,
but some DCC locomotives can be programmed to undergo ‘DC conversion’.
When a locomotive decoder detects
that there is a steady DC voltage present, the locomotive behaves as if it
was on a conventional ‘single-throttle’
layout and will typically set off in one
direction at full speed (hopefully not
towards the end of the track…).
This feature was initially added to
allow DCC locomotives to
be used on conventional layouts, perhaps as an
aid to
LED2 dimmer as the duty cycle increases.
As noted earlier, the 100µF electrolytic capacitor is adequate for a DCC application. A larger value may be needed for
motor driving.
We suggest leaving ZD1 off, as larger
motors will create hefty spikes at the end
of each drive pulse.
Keeping the two supply rails separate
will prevent this from damaging the Arduino board.
owners transitioning to DCC from DC
Fortunately, the DC conversion
feature can be turned off in the decoder by setting a configuration variable. You can use a DCC Programmer
such as from our October 2018 article
to do this.
In any case, the sketch detects that
the DCC signal is no longer changing
and pulls the ENABLE line low, disabling the track output and preventing
such runaways.
To enable the use of the optoisolated input, add a jumper across JP3.
Leave the jumper on ‘DIR’ for pin D10
in place; D10 is set as an input in the
software and is used to monitor the
incoming DCC signal.
The Booster sketch is called “DCC_
This uses a library to perform the precision timing needed to generate the
DCC waveform, called “TimerOne”.
This can be installed via the Library
Manager by searching for “timerone”
or from the ZIP file we have included
with our software package.
Open the sketch, select the Uno
and the serial port and upload it.
Disconnect the USB cable and
connect your power source
to CON1. The red LED
should light. Connect
a valid DCC signal to
CON3 and the green
LED should light. You
should then have a valid DCC signal at CON2.
The DCC Power Shield can be combined
with an Arduino Uno and DC power supply to
create a basic DCC system. Using our standalone
sketch or JMRI’s DecoderPro program, this combination
can be used to control DCC-equipped trains, points and
signals on a model railway layout.
Australia’s electronics magazine
January 2020 51
Where do you
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On-Line SHOP
A standalone sketch
We’ve also created a simple standalone sketch that produces a DCC signal, suitable for controlling a single
The decoder identification number
has been set to 3 (which is the default
for new, unprogrammed decoders), although it can be changed in the code.
We suggest you use this option if you
want to try out DCC for the first time.
We can’t offer advice on fitting decoders; there are so many options for
both decoder choices and how they
are connected.
The companies that make the decoders do offer advice (and many have
custom decoders to suit specific locomotives).
After all, they want to make it easy
for you to buy their products.
Our standalone sketch also requires
the “Timer One” library mentioned
above, so make sure that is installed
Set the jumpers on the shield to the
default positions and connect the Uno
to the computer. Open the “DCC_Single_Loco_Control.ino” sketch and select the Uno board and its serial port.
Press the Upload button to compile
Silicon Chip
and upload the sketch, then open the
Serial Monitor at 115,200 baud (see
You can now enter commands as
numbers which correspond to the desired locomotive speed, in 128 steps.
Thus, numbers from -127 to 127 are accepted. You should ensure that 28/128
step speed mode is set on your locomotive decoder.
Type “P” (upper case) to turn track
power on and “p” (lower case) to turn
it off. The power will automatically
turn off if current over half an amp is
detected. You can also use “A” and “a”
to turn on and off the loco’s headlights.
The program is elementary, but it
has several unused functions to send
all manner of DCC packets to the track.
If you are comfortable with Arduino,
you should have no trouble adapting
it to do something more advanced.
Current limitations
Using the specified components
and the DCC++ software, the shield
can easily deliver up to 10A. This is
mostly limited by the screw terminal
connectors. The DCC++ software also
has a hard-coded current limit which
kicks in at around 10A.
Of course, the software limit is easy
to change, but any hardware changes
should be done with care.
The output driver ICs are capable of
handling around 30A, with the PCB
tracks topping out around 20A.
In any case, everything runs cool
well below the 10A limit, so maintaining this limit is good for component longevity.
DCC has a wide range of operating
voltages, so to increase output power,
it may be easier to increase the supply voltage.
Most locomotives use PWM speed
control on their motors, so a higher
supply voltage simply means a lower
PWM duty cycle (and thus current consumption) for the same speed.
We haven’t done any tests above
10A, but if you are set on increasing
the current capacity of the DCC Power Shield, then you should ditch the
screw terminal connectors and solder thick copper wires directly to the
board (ideally, to the power pins of
IC1 & IC2).
If the wires can handle 20A, then
your modified DCC Power Shield
should have no trouble doing that.
To go higher than this will probably
mean that IC1 and IC2 need some heatAustralia’s electronics magazine
sinking, as well as even thicker wires.
We suggest that you instead consider
using more, smaller boosters. For example, you could modify the Booster
sketch to monitor and drive multiple
DCC Power Shields stacked above it.
A larger system
If you are planning a system with
multiple Boosters, either because you
need the power or it otherwise makes
sense to do so, then there are a few
minor caveats.
When running multiple boosters,
avoid daisy-chaining the DCC signal
from one Booster to the next. Instead,
fan out the DCC signal from one Base
Station to all the Boosters.
Many commercial base stations have
a low-powered DCC signal output (Digitrax names this Railsync), which is
ideally suited for this purpose.
The first problem with a daisy-chain
configuration is that if one Booster
goes down, then so do all those that
are downstream, as the DCC signal
will be shut off.
Secondly, each Booster also has a
small but measurable delay in propagating the signal. In our case, this is
around 4µs, due to the switching time
of the BTN8962s.
This delay is not usually a problem,
but it may become one at the boundary where the tracks from two Boosters meet (where there would typically
be an insulator, to prevent one Booster feeding another Booster’s section
of track).
Where the tracks meet, a train may
be briefly fed by both the Boosters. If
there is a delay between the signals
from the two Boosters, then it may
appear to be a short circuit if the two
Boosters are delivering opposite polarity voltages at that instant.
This is less likely to occur if the
Boosters are well synchronised, which
should be the case if all are being fed
the same signal.
You should also ensure that the
Boosters are fed with similar supply
voltages, so that one Booster does not
try to power another Booster’s track
when the train bridges their join.
You must also ensure that the Boosters are wired with the correct polarity
where the tracks meet.
For situations where the polarity can
change (such as in a reversing loop),
check out our Reverse Loop Controller
in the October 2012 issue (siliconchip.