Vol.33, No.1 January 2020
Features & Reviews
10 What to do before the lights go out . . .
Unfortunately, power outages are a fact of life these days – and Murphy says they
will occur at the worst possible time. Here we look at some of the ways you can
prepare for the inevitable blackouts and how to survive them – by Nicholas Vinen
32 Migrating from iPhone to Android without tears!
Many people have switched their allegiance from Apple to one of the (often much
cheaper) Android phones out there. But how do you transfer your contacts, data,
messages and anything else without risking losing the lot? – by Dr David Maddison
85 El Cheapo modules: “Intelligent” 8x8 RGB LED Matrix
Serial (single wire) control allows each LED to display over 16 million different
colours or primary colours at 256 brightness levels. And they can be cascaded for
large, really eye catching displays – by Jim Rowe
Constructional Projects
20 A low-voltage valve audio preamp
It doesn’t look like a “normal” valve – in fact, it has a soft blue glow – but this
“Nutube” twin triode from Korg can operate from really low anode voltages. So low,
in fact, that we have made a preamp that runs on a 9V battery – by John Clarke
40 Tunable HF Preamp for Software Defined Radio (SDR)
SDR is a great way to get into radio listening – but most have woeful performance at
HF. Build this little tunable preamp and your SDR will really sing! – by Charles Kosina
Want your house to be the only one
in the street with lights on during a
blackout? Read our tips! – Page 10
Updating from
an iPhone to an
Android phone
should be easy
but there are
many traps for
young players!
– Page 32
Wow! A preamplifier
that opeates
from 7-22V DC
using a brand
new, tiny twin
triode valve! – Page 20
44 Add DCC to your model train layout with Arduino!
Running one loco is so passé! Now you can add a Digital Command Control
(DCC) system and run as many trains on the same track as you wish – and
control signals, crossings, train lights . . . whatever you like! – by Tim Blythman
70 Easy-to-build Bookshelf Speaker System
For not much money you can build this great little speaker system – and it even
has optional subwoofers which can double as speaker stands – by Phil Prosser
92 Low cost, high precision thermometer calibrator
Accurately measuring temperature is notoriously difficult. Here’s a cheap way to
ensure your analog and digital thermometers are correct – by Allan Linton-Smith
If you use SDR, you’ll know it’s
deaf on HF! Build this Tunable HF
Preamp and you won’t believe how
much better it can be ‑– Page 40
Your Favourite Columns
62 Serviceman’s Log
When things go wrong . . . really wrong – by Dave Thompson
96 Circuit Notebook
(1) 3.2MHz reference derived from 10MHz
(2) Micromite Mk2 development board with Microbridge
(3) 12V, 20W instrument practice amplifier
100 Vintage Radio
Panasonic “Radarmatic” R-1000 – by Ian Batty
Everything Else
2 Editorial Viewpoint
4 Mailbag – Your Feedback
111 Market Centre
61 Product Showcase
112 Advertising Index
90 SILICON CHIP ONLINE SHOP 112 Notes and Errata
Add an
Arduino DCC system
to your model train layout and
you can have many locos operating
at the same time! – Page 44
Build these
speakers for
your TV, hifi or
system – they’re
economical and
easy to construct
– Page 70