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Dramatically improve performance of SDR – especially at HF
HF Preamplifier
by Charles Kosina
with Gain
There are many cheap Software Defined Radio
(SDR) modules available which perform brilliantly at VHF/UHF but they
generally have poor HF (3-30MHz) performance. They also suffer from wide-open
front ends, which makes them susceptible to cross-modulation from strong signal
sources. This simple tunable preamplifier greatly improves SDR HF performance.
It has (optional) gain control and can run off a 5V supply or phantom power.
The Mosfet’s gain is controlled by
ost SDRs (and many other nector CON1, then to the PCB via pin
radio receivers) can benefit header CON2 and onto DPDT switch varying the DC voltage on the second
from a preamp to boost the S1, which passes it to one of two trans- gate, using potentiometer VR1 which
formers. This provides two different has padder resistors at either end, to
signal from the antenna.
This one is nice and simple, low in tuning ranges, allowing the tuning to limit its wiper voltage to the useful
cost, easy to build and works well over be more selective.
T1 covers a range of about 5-11MHz,
Fixed gain can be provided by
most of the HF range.
It can be built with variable or fixed while T2 covers 11-24MHz. Both are omitting VR1 and changing the resisgain. Variable gain is ideal as it allows tuned by dual variable capacitor VC1, tor values, as described in the circuit
you to avoid overload on strong sig- with its two gangs wired in parallel to diagram.
Q1’s drain load is the primary of
nals, while still taking advantage of give a 6-200pF range.
The tuned signal is then fed to gate transformer T3, with a 1.25mH inthe improved selectivity of a tuned
1 of dual-gate Mosfet Q1. The signal is ductance. The other end connects to
front end.
It’s a fairly compact unit when com- DC-biased from the nominally +5V rail the +5V rail which is bypassed by a
pleted, and runs from a 5V power sup- via a 150kΩ resistor and 10nF low-pass 10nF capacitor. The 75µH secondary is
ply, which in some cases can come filter capacitor, to reject supply noise. connected similarly, and the signal is
AC-coupled to outfrom the receiver itput SMA connector
self via the Preamp’s
Features & specifications
CON3 via another
output lead, using
Tuning range:....... 5-24MHz in two ranges (wider tuning range possible)
10nF capacitor.
‘phantom power’.
Alternatively, if
The circuit of the Bandwidth:........... typically 50-250kHz (varies with tuned frequency)
the device is to be
HF Preamp is shown
Gain:.................... typically 34-36dB
phantom powered
in Fig.1.
via CON3, jumper
The input signal Power supply:...... 5V DC <at> 30mA
JP1 is inserted, alis fed into chassislowing the DC supmount BNC con- Connectors:.......... BNC input, SMA output (can be varied)
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Q1 1.25mH
75 H
10 H
2.2 H
VALUES OF R1 TO 100k, R2 TO 150k
20 1 9
Fig.1: the circuit is quite simple, especially given its performance. It has a gain of around 35dB and a tuning range up
to about 24MHz as shown (but can be extended to about 30MHz). VC1 a and b is a miniature dual variable capacitor,
typically sold as a tuning capacitor for small radio receivers.
ply voltage to flow through T3’s secondary and into the +5V rail. This is
then modulated with the output signal
which is coupled in from T3’s primary.
Two versions
You can build the device in two different versions. Version 1 has T1 & T2
wound on toroidal ferrite cores. These
are not that easy to get, and winding
the turns it tedious, but they have the
advantage of a very high unloaded Q,
up to 350.
Version 2 is easier to build as T1 &
T2 are based on readily-obtainable axial RF inductors, which are each about
the size of a 1W resistor.
The primary winding is just one or
two turns of wire around the inductor body. These inductors exhibit a
surprisingly high Q, up to 120 in the
range of interest.
Obtaining the parts
The output transformer is a broadband Coilcraft device. I got mine as a
free sample, but they are also readily
available from element14. The tuning capacitor comes from Jaycar and
many other sources, including eBay.
The SMA output connector is readily
available on eBay, with one local seller
listing ten for $6.59.
The other components are reasonably standard parts. Those which are
not available from Jaycar or
ics can be purchased from Digi-key,
Mouser, element14 etc.
Changing the frequency range
If you changed the 2.2µH inductor
to 1µH, that would give you a tuning
range of about 12-30MHz, giving you
almost full coverage of the HF band. If
building Version 1, with the toroidal
ferrite cores, this could be achieved
by reducing the number of secondary
windings on T1 by about one third. If
building version 2, using RF chokes,
simply substitute a 1µH choke.
The Tunable HF preamp is built on
a double-sided PCB coded CSE190502,
measuring 79.5 x 29mm. Refer to the
overlay diagram, Fig.2, along with the
photos to see how it all goes together.
Fig.2(a) shows Version 1, with T1
& T2 wound on ferrite toroidal cores,
while Fig.2(b) shows Version 2, using the RF chokes with turns of wire
around the outside of each to make
them into transformers.
We used 0.25mm insulated wire but
enamelled copper (ENCU) wire would
also be satisfactory.
Many of the components are SMDs,
with 2012 (metric) / 0805 (imperial)
capacitors and 3216 (metric) / 1206
(imperial) resistors.
I find that an SMD board now takes
me less time to assemble than one with
Australia’s electronics magazine
through-hole components, and none
of the parts on this board are difficult
to solder.
Start by fitting the SMD passives.
Tack one end down, then solder the
other end and wait for the joint to solidify before refreshing the first joint.
Then mount dual-gate Mosfet Q1 with
its larger tab orientated as shown above,
followed by transformer T3, with its
pin 1 dot at upper left.
Follow with edge-mount connector
CON3, which is placed over the edge
of the board before soldering its pins
top and bottom. Make sure the middle contact pin is on the correct side
to match with its pad. Then fit the pin
headers where shown.
If you are building Version 1, now is
the time to wind and mount the toroidal
transformers. T1 has a half-turn for its
primary (best fitted after the secondary
has already been soldered to the board)
and 13 equally-spaced turns for its secondary. Try to wind the secondary so
that it spans just over half the core,
meaning the start and end correspond
with the PCB pads (see photos).
T2 also has a half-turn primary but a
22-turn secondary, which is wound to
cover the entire circumference of the
core (not shown for clarity in Fig.2(a);
see the photo) and then brought back
across the core to terminate to the other
secondary pad on the PCB.
Once you’ve wound the secondaries
January 2020 41
The same-size photo
below shows version
2, with the enlarged
inset at left showing
how the one and
two-turn primary
windings are added.
The PCB pads for
the “earthy” end of
the primaries are
directly under the
2.2µH and 10µH
Fig.2a (top) is the component overlay for version 1, using
two toroids for T1 and T2 with primaries and secondaries
wound through them. Fig.2b (bottom) shows version 2, an
identical overlay but using axial RF chokes instead, with
primaries of one or two turns of thin wire around them.
and soldered them to the PCB pads,
you can solder one end of each
primary, pull it tight across the core and
then trim it and solder the other end.
If you’re building Version 2, you just
need to wind one turn of 0.25mm wire
(ENCU or insulated) around the body of
the 2.2µH inductor and fit it for T1 as
shown, with the added windings as the
primary, and wind two turns around the
10µH inductor and use it as T2; again,
the added windings are the primary.
If you’re using a trimpot for VR1, fit
it now. If you want the gain to be externally adjustable, solder leads onto the
three terminals of your chosen potentiometer and attach a three-pin plug to
the other end. Alternatively (and more
simply), cut female-female jumper
leads in half and solder the exposed
ends to the pot terminals. The sockets
at the other end can be plugged into
the PCB header later.
Now fit the variable capacitor. Remove the knob first, then attach the
body to the PCB using the two supplied
screws through from the underside.
Solder the three pins, then re-attach the
knob to the shaft, which passes through
a hole in the PCB.
Leave LED1 off for now.
Preparing the case
Now place the PCB assembly in the
case, sitting on its spacers, and slide it
so that CON3 touches the side of the
case. Measure the distance from the
centre of CON3 to the top of the box.
Then measure that same distance on
Silicon Chip
the outside, from the top of the box
near CON3, and mark where the hole
will need to be drilled. Remove the
PCB and drill a small hole there, then
enlarge it to 7mm.
Check that the connector fits through
the hole with the spacers sitting on
the bottom of the box. If so, deburr it.
Otherwise, you may have to enlarge it
slightly. Once it fits, drill a small hole
at the opposite end of the box and enlarge it to around 10mm, then check
that the BNC socket fits. Once it does,
deburr that hole too and again, clean
out the swarf.
Now remove the spacers from the
PCB, push CON3 through the hole you
drilled and mark out the four mounting
hole positions. Also mark the location
where LED1 will protrude through the
base, once it has been installed, and
mark a suitable location for the DPDT
switch. Note that a 5mm LED will have
to clear the PCB once fitted.
Drill the marked holes to 3mm, then
enlarge the LED hole to 5mm, and the
switch hole until the switch fits. Deburr
all the holes and clean off the swarf.
If you’re building the Preamp with an
external gain control, now is also a
good time to figure out where the pot
will be mounted and drill and deburr
a suitable hole.
If you are going to be supplying external power, drill a hole for the DC socket
now. It would make sense to move the
BNC socket slightly towards one side
of the case to make more room for the
DC socket.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Final assembly
The last component to be fitted to
the board is the LED. It’s mounted on
the opposite side to most of the other
components, and its longer lead must
face towards the pad marked “A” on
the PCB.
Push its leads through their holes
so that the lens is fully down onto the
PCB, then slot the board in place holding the leads, and use them to push the
LED lens through its mounting hole
while CON3 is hard against the edge
of the case.
Prop the board up so that the LED
lens is not being pushed back into
the hole, attach a couple of the board
mounting screws to ensure it’s in position, then solder and trim LED1’s leads.
After that, insert the remainder of the
PCB mounting screws.
Mount the BNC socket in the hole
you made earlier and solder a short
length of hookup wire to its middle pin.
Connect this wire to the lower terminal of CON2, to the left of the header
for S1, as shown in Figs.2(a) & (b). You
don’t need to connect the RCA socket
shield, as it’s grounded to the metal box
and this connects to board ground via
CON3’s shell.
All that’s left now is to wire up and
fit switch S1. Crimp a length of 6-way
ribbon cable into the IDC connector
shell, so that the red wire will be towards the top when plugged into the
header on the board such that the cable
exits to the left (ie, towards the nearest
board edge).
Now separate and strip the wires
at the other end. Starting with the red
wire, solder them to the following
switch terminals: NC1, NC2, COM1,
COM2, NO1, NO2. In this case, the
numbers 1 and 2 refer to the two switch
poles. It doesn’t matter which is 1 and
which is 2, as long as you are consistent. It also doesn’t matter which side of
the switch you consider to be NC and
which is NO.
Once the wires have been soldered
and the switch mounted in the base,
plug the IDC socket into the header as
shown in the photos.
If using a DC socket to feed in external power, solder wires to its two tabs;
if your socket has three tabs, plug in a
plugpack and use a DMM to figure out
which is positive and which is negative. Mount the socket in the hole you
made earlier, then terminate the leads
to CON4, either by soldering them directly to its pins (see PCB for polarity)
or by attaching a two-way header socket
to the wires.
As with the pot, you can cut a femalefemale jumper lead in half and then solder its bare ends to the DC socket. The
other ends will plug straight into CON4.
Alternatively, if using phantom power
from the radio receiver via CON3, place
a jumper shunt on JP1 now.
If you’re fitting an external gain control pot, mount this now, and plug its
terminals into the pin header soldered
in place of VR1. The lead soldered to
the anti-clockwise end of the pot (as
viewed from the front) plugs into the
left-most terminal of the VR1 header,
with the PCB viewed right-side-up.
Using it
Now it’s just a matter of screwing
Parts list – Tunable HF Preamp
1 double-sided PCB, code CSE190502, 79.5 x 29mm
1 diecast aluminium case, 115 x 65 x 30mm [Jaycar HB5036, Altronics H0421]
1 BF1105 dual-gate SMD Mosfet (Q1)
1 5mm or 3mm LED (LED1)
2 small toroidal ferrite cores, 12.5mm OD, 7.5mm ID, 5mm thick (T1/T2) [eg, TDK
B64290A0044X830] OR
2 axial RF chokes, 2.2µH & 10µH [Jaycar LF1514 + LF1522, Altronics L7014 + L7022]
1 Coilcraft PWB-16-AL transformer (T3) [element14]
1 chassis-mount BNC socket (CON1)
1 edge-mount SMA socket (CON3)
3 2-pin headers (CON2,CON4,JP1)
1 chassis-mount DC socket (optional)
1 shorting block/jumper shunt (for JP1)
1 DPDT toggle or slide switch (S1)
1 3-pin header (for VR1)
1 3x2-pin header (for S1)
4 6.3mm Nylon M3 tapped spacers
8 M3 x 6mm machine screws
1 1m length of 0.25mm diameter enamelled copper or insulated wire
1 1m length of light-duty hookup wire
1 50mm length of 6-way ribbon cable (for S1)
1 6-pin IDC socket (for S1)
5 10nF 50V SMD ceramic capacitors, 2012/0805 size, X7R dielectric
1 dual variable capacitor (VC1) [Jaycar RV5728]
Resistors (all SMD 3216/1206 size, 1%)
1 150kΩ
2 22kΩ*
1 2.7kΩ
1 100kΩ linear chassis-mount potentiometer (VR1) OR
1 100kΩ multi-turn vertical trimpot (VR1)
* or 1 100kΩ + 1 150kΩ for fixed gain (omit VR1 & 3-pin header)
the lid onto the box, connecting your
antenna to CON1, your radio to CON3,
hooking up a 5V power supply (if using external power), and switching S1
to the appropriate band. You may wish
to label the case to indicate which position is for the lower tuning range and
which is for the upper.
With power applied, check that LED1
lights. Switch to your SDR’s spectrum
analyser view and set the range to
3-30MHz. Check that adjusting VC1
changes which frequencies are being
amplified, and that VR1 (if fitted) allows you to control the gain. Check
also that S1 switches bands and that
the two ranges are roughly as expected.
As VC1 is not calibrated, you will
need to use a spectrum display to see what frequency
you are tuning in, although
you can ‘blind tune’ by simply adjusting VC1 and S1 for
maximum signal at your desired frequency.
Then adjust VR1 (if fitted)
for the best reception without overloading the receiver.
Shown a little larger than
life size, this is the completed PCB (in this case version
1 with toroids) mounted in
the diecast case. S1 is shown
here mounted off the board
but the Altronics S2075 slide
switch could probably be
mounted directly.
Australia’s electronics magazine
January 2020 43