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Flexible D i g i ta l
Lighting Controller
Part two – Controlling it – by Tim Blythman
Our new Digital Lighting Controller is a great way to control Christmas
lighting displays, among many other applications. We described the fourchannel slave unit last month, which does the actual light dimming. Now
we will explain a few different ways to control one or more of them.
he first article in this series described a follow-up to our hugely
successful Digital Lighting Controller from 2010.
There are several significant advantages to the new unit. It can control
twice as many lights (64 compared to
32) as well as RGB LED strips. It also
gives you more options for controlling
the light show, including using an Arduino, a Micromite or a PC.
The new slave unit also uses a Mosfet-based trailing edge dimming technique, making it compatible with new94
Silicon Chip
er LED lamps. It receives serial data via
an optoisolator, making the interface
simple and safe.
That means that you can control the
lights directly from a computer, using
not much more than a tiny USB-serial
adaptor, such as the common CP2102based types.
As such, we’ve designed a small
adaptor board with a USB socket at
one end and a Cat5 socket at the other,
making this dead easy.
We have also written PC software
that can be used to run the Digital LightAustralia’s electronics magazine
ing Controller using this Adaptor, written in the cross-platform programming
language, “Processing”. We’re providing a few sample programs to demonstrate different possibilities.
As well, we have designed a PCB for
a Micromite-based master controller.
While this is based on the Micromite V3
BackPack hardware, we are programming it in C (and not Micromite’s native BASIC) for improved performance
and some extra features needed in this
role. We’ll also describe an Arduinobased master unit.
Communications protocol
The serial protocol we are using to
communicate between the slave unit
and master unit of the Digital Lighting Controller is inspired by DMX512, which uses serial data at 250,000
baud over an RS-485 differential physical layer.
Our system, on the other hand, operates at 38,400 baud with a logic-level
single-ended signal, making it compatible with virtually any microcontroller
or computer.
The 8-bit raw serial data gives 256
brightness levels for each light. At a
binary level, the data is practically indistinguishable from that used in DMX512 (see
It’s only the electrical part of the protocol that differs.
One simple trick
The DMX-512 protocol (and by extension, ours) relies on devices receiving a serial ‘break’ to synchronise with
the master controller.
This happens when the serial signal
sits at a logic zero level for an entire
data byte (eight bits) plus the stop bit.
As the receiver does not see the stop bit,
it assumes a framing error has occurred
(the transmitter has not sent correctly
framed data) – see Fig.9.
To guarantee that a break is received
correctly, most transmitters will send
around 13 bit-times of zero. DMX-512
requires 23 bit-times at the zero level, followed by at least three bit-times
at the one level (called a “mark after
break”). Since a break is not normal
data, we also need a special way of
sending it. We’ll explain three different options.
Hardware break
Some hardware, especially devices
like USB-serial converters, can send
a break automatically. This requires a
Fig.9: the serial break signal is necessary to synchronise data between the
master and slave units. It’s not as simple to send as normal serial data, but there
is generally a way to do it.
special command, and the controlling
software must be able to issue it.
During our testing, we found that
TeraTerm (a popular Windows serial
terminal program) can send a break
by using the Alt-B key combination.
Paired with a CP2102 USB-Serial converter, we were able to successfully send commands to slave units by
pressing Alt-B (to send a break), then
Alt-<at> (to send a 0x00 byte) followed
by the data.
While handy to know about, this
technique is not available on all hardware or through the software interface
of the Processing programming language, so we investigated other options.
Baud rate
A well-known trick for sending a
break on serial hardware with variable
baud rates is to send carefully crafted
data at a slower baud rate. An example can be seen at the bottom of Fig.9.
Here, a zero byte at a slower (by half)
baud rate appears to be a break condition to the receiver, which is operating
at a higher baud rate.
This is what we have done for the
Processing program we have created.
We switch from 38,400 baud to 9600
baud and transmit a 0xC0 byte. At
38,400 baud, this is equivalent to 28
bit times (one start bit and six data bits
times four) at the zero level followed by
12 bit times (two data bits plus one stop
bit times four) at the one level, which
satisfies the DMX-512 break and makeafter-break criteria.
The final technique (which we use
in our Arduino and Micromite code)
is to take control of the serial output
pin and manually hold it low for an
appropriate time. The isn’t an option
under the Processing language, as we
don’t have direct hardware control.
Still, it is quite easy with many microcontrollers, where direct control of the
I/O pins is possible.
Our Micromite master unit uses a
variant of this. Since 38,400Hz is close
to many audio sample rates, we control both the audio and serial data via
an interrupt which is triggered 38,400
times per second.
The interrupt directly drives the output pin for the serial data, producing
the break condition by counting out
(Left): the Micromite Master consists of a Micromite V3 Backpack
and 3.5in touch panel paired with this add-on board.
(Below): a simpler option allowing Slave units to be controlled
from a PC is shown below. A small PCB connects to a CP2102
USB-Serial adapter.
Australia’s electronics magazine
November 2020 95
enough zero and one bits, followed
with the serial data.
So it is effectively a software serial solution that also incorporates
the break.
Master hardware
Our most basic controller design is
the CP2102 Adaptor PCB, which connects a low-cost CP2102 USB/Serial
adaptor to a Cat5 cable.
Last month, we said that you could
simply use a Cat5 test cable with an
Arduino Uno or similar for testing. But
if you are trying to operate multiple
slaves, the 6N137 fast optoisolator on
the slave units requires a reasonable
amount of current to work correctly
– at least 5mA. The 220Ω resistor on
each slave ensures that it will work
even with a 3.3V signal.
But under more typical conditions
and with a 5V supply, the slave unit
can consume up to 16mA. Many microcontrollers can only supply 20mA
per pin, so you’ll probably only be
able to drive two or maybe three slave
units directly.
Even then, the microcontroller pin
will be working quite hard.
Our CP2102 Adaptor includes a
driver circuit capable of delivering
around 200mA so that it can drive
more slave units; up to 16, in fact. Conveniently, it also has an RJ45 socket,
so pre-made Cat5 leads plug right in.
Its circuit is shown in Fig.10.
CON1 is a six-way header which
corresponds to the most common type
of CP2102 module. The CP2102 can
either be soldered onto this board or
plugged in via a header socket. This
circuit is designed to work with the
3.3V versions of the CP2102 module,
but should work with 5V versions too
(we haven’t tested it, though).
The serial signal from the computer
is fed to the base of PNP transistor Q1
via a 10kΩ resistor.
When TX is high, which is the idle
state, no base current flows and the second 10kΩ resistor pulls Q1’s collector
low. When TX is low, Q1 conducts and
Q1’s collector voltage goes to +3.3V. So
the output signal is inverted.
N-Channel Mosfet Q2 forms a second inverter. In the idle state, it is off
as its gate is held low by the 10kΩ resistor. When TX goes low, Q2 switches
on, pulling its drain low and allowing
current to flow through DATA+/DATAlines from the 5V rail.
The 27Ω 1W protects Q2 from a
short circuit across the DATA+ and
DATA- pins while still ensuring that
all slave units receive enough current, even if a full complement of 16
are attached.
We haven’t added any capacitors as
such a device will usually be attached
to a computer’s USB port, and the USB
specifications say that a maximum of
10µF should be present on the bus.
Since the CP2102 module already has
a 10µF capacitor on board, we can’t
add more. But the 10µF that is present will help to stabilise the 5V rail
on our module.
You could also use this converter
board with other serial sources. They
must be logic-level (not RS-232 or RS485), but they can use either 5V or 3.3V
signalling. If using 5V signalling, pin
1 of CON1 should be connected to a
source of 5V rather than 3.3V.
Thus, you can use this hardware
with an Arduino board to drive multiple slave units. See Fig.13 for an example of how to do this. A 3.3V Micromite can drive it too, using wiring
Fig.10: the CP2102 interface is simple, but allows a computer to control the full
complement of up to 16 slave units (controlling 64 sets of lights!). Mosfet Q2 can
supply up to 200mA to drive the 16 optos in such a setup.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
similar to that for the CP2102 USBSerial adaptor.
CP2102 Adaptor construction
Referring to the PCB overlay diagram (Fig.11), start by fitting the two
10kΩ resistors and follow with the
larger 1W resistor. Place Q2 next.
Check that it is the 2N7000 part and
orientate it to match the silkscreen on
the PCB. Crank its leads out, if necessary. Do the same for Q1 and trim the
leads for both transistors.
Slot the RJ45 socket (CON2) in place
and ensure it is flat against the PCB.
The tabs should help to hold it in
place. Solder two end pins and confirm the part is still flat and square before soldering the remainder.
As discussed, you may wish to solder the CP2102 Adaptor PCB directly
to your CP2102 USB-Serial Adaptor.
In this case, we recommend soldering
a pin header for CON1, then solder the
CP2102 USB-Serial Adaptor to the top
of these pins.
Alternatively, since most CP2102
USB-Serial adaptors are fitted (or at
least supplied) with headers, you can
fit the CP2102 Adaptor board with a
female header socket. This is soldered
to the top of the PCB (as seen in the
photo), then bent over to align with the
CP2102 USB-Serial adaptor header.
Some heatshrink tubing applied to
the whole assembly will provide protection and insulation. But leave the
heatshrink off until you’ve tested it
and confirmed that it works.
Once the whole unit is assembled,
connect its USB plug to a computer
and run a CAT5 cable from the CP2102
adaptor to your first Digital Lighting
Controller slave unit. The COM light
on the slave unit should not light up
Fig.11: the USB Adaptor board is easy to
make, thanks to the prebuilt USB-Serial
module. Just fit the few parts as shown
here and you’re ready to connect your
PC to the lighting controller slave units.
Screen1: Processing is easy to learn and is similar to
the Arduino IDE. Creating your own sequence software
is as simple as writing values to an array which is then
automatically sent to the slaves.
yet; if it does, there may be a problem
with your construction. You don’t need
to connect any lamps yet as the front
panel LEDs will provide feedback, but
you can if you want to.
Most up-to-date operating systems
have built-in support for these devices
and it will be automatically recognised
on being plugged in. If this doesn’t happen, you can download drivers from
If you have a terminal program like
TeraTerm, you can use this to communicate with the Digital Lighting Controller slave unit. Open a connection
to the correct serial port (eg, COM port
on Windows) and set the baud rate to
Then send a break with Alt-B, then a
0x00 byte with Ctrl-2 (the same as Ctrl<at>, but there’s no need to press shift).
Any non-zero data bytes following this
should cause the CH0-CH3 LEDs to
light on a connected slave (depending
on what address is set). You can press
the tilde key (~) as it has a relatively
high ASCII value of 126.
Other terminal programs may work
similarly, but we haven’t tested these.
PC control software
We’ve written some sample programs
in the Processing language to interface
with the CP2102 Adaptor. We’ve used
Processing for a few reasons: it’s freely
available, open-source and available on
Windows, Mac and Linux and there is
even an Android variant. Thus it’s a
Screen2: the Digital Lighting Controller Processing sample
program allows lamps to be controlled using sliders. You
can use our sample code to create your own sequence and
control software.
great choice for making software that
can be used on many computers. It is
based on Java.
As we have mentioned previously,
the Arduino IDE is based on Processing. So if you’ve had experience with
Arduino, then you should be at home
with Processing. We’re using Processing version 3.5.3 on Windows 10, although we did test our programs on a
Raspberry Pi running Processing 3.4
too. You can download Processing from
Once installed, you can also export a
standalone app for your platform (you
will also need to have Java installed to
run the standalone app).
Once Processing is installed, open
the sketch program in our download
package (“Simple_DLC_Master”) using the File -> Open menu option. You
should see the first few lines of the
code, as shown in Screen1. Then run
it using Ctrl-R or by pressing the green
play arrow.
This simple program provides basic control of up to 16 lamp channels
– see Screen2.
The serial port (COM port under
Windows) is selected by pressing “+” or
“-” and then press “s” to start a connection. The COM port name will light up
green, and the COM light on the slave
unit should start flickering in time with
the “TX” icon on the application. If it
doesn’t light up green, then the serial
port may not be available or may be in
use by another program.
Clicking on the sliders changes the
output levels and thus the brightness
Australia’s electronics magazine
of any connected lamps. You can press
the “OFF” button to set all the lights to
the off state immediately.
If all this is working well, your Digital Lighting Controller System is complete and functional. You may wish to
use this program as the basis for your
own custom controller, but we still
have a few more options to show you.
Lights and sound
We’ve also written a Processing program which emulates the basic features
of the master unit used with the 2010
Digital Lighting Controller. So you can
use the existing sequencing software
to generate sequences (accompanied
by music) to run on the newer Digital Lighting Controller hardware. That
software is included in the download
package for this project.
The older software was limited (by
the file format it generates) to controlling 32 channels, so this program is
also. But you could use our software as
the basis of a system which synchronises sound and lights for more than
32 channels with some modifications.
The sketch is called “Digital_Lighting_Controller”, and it uses an external
library to provide some features; in this
case, the audio playback. The library
can be added in the Processing IDE by
clicking Sketch -> Import Library…
-> Add Library… (see Screen3); Then
type the word ‘minim’ in the search
window; this is the name of the library.
The correct library is shown in Screen4.
Click this item and then click install.
Open the sketch and run it. A window
November 2020 97
Screen3: we are using the ‘minim’ Processing library for
audio playback so that we can synchronise the light display
with sound. The library system works similarly to Arduino
libraries, although the interface is a bit different.
should appear, as shown in Screen5.
This has some control buttons at the
top, the status of the first 32 output
channels below, and details on the file
currently being played at the bottom
of the screen.
We have included some demonstration sequences but could not include
music due to copyright – see the text
file accompanying the demo sequences
for details. The original music files are
still available online but need to be converted to a PCM (uncompressed) WAV
format, for example, using software like
Audacity (a free download).
For more information on using the
original Christmas Light Controller
software, refer to the December 2010
issue, starting on page 66 (siliconchip. There are seven
pages in that issue explaining how the
sequencing software works, so it’s well
worth a read if you plan to use it.
It can create two file types. Those
with the LSN file extension are simply lighting sequences and will play
on their own. Those with an LSQ file
extension are similar but must be accompanied by a WAV file of the same
name, which will be played at the
same time.
In our Processing software, use the
“Open” button to select a file of either
LSN or LSQ type. Then click the “Up”
or “Down” buttons to scroll through the
available serial ports to find the CP2102
Adaptor. Finally, click on the COM port
name to connect to it.
At this point, the COM light on the
slave units should start flashing. Now
click the “Play” button to start the sequence playback. The mimic lights on
Silicon Chip
Screen4: search for ‘minim’ in the Contribution Manager
screen; the correct item is highlighted here. This is the only
extra software that is needed to work with our example code.
the window should flash in time to
those connected to the slave units, and
music will play from your computer.
The “Pause” and “Stop” buttons work
as you would expect.
Micromite master
We have also put together some test
software for both the Micromite and
Arduino platforms. These programs are
simple, but are a good start for those
wishing to design their own controller, especially to control more than 32
lighting channels.
If you would prefer a standalone
master unit, we’ve also designed a Micromite based unit that can do the same
job as the PC software described above,
without tying up your computer. Like
the older dsPIC-based design, it reads
data from an SD card and produces a
stereo audio output plus serial data to
control the lamps.
Now, while we say it’s based on a
Micromite, due to the amount of computing power involved, it wasn’t possible to make this work in the BASIC
language (ie, using MMBasic).
Fortunately, it is easy to program
the Micromite hardware with ‘C’ code
compiled using Microchip’s MPLAB
X software.
You’ll need the Micromite V3 BackPack hardware to build our Micromite
master. There are two reasons for this.
The first is that the V3 BackPack is the
only one that has the SD card socket
wired back to the microcontroller.
The second is that the V3 BackPack
supports the larger 3.5in ILI9488 LCD
module. This has 480 x 320 pixels, and
we use this to display more information
Australia’s electronics magazine
than would be possible on the smaller
2.8in displays.
For information on building the V3
BackPack, see our August 2019 issue
But construction is pretty self-explanatory, and we sell a complete kit
for this module (
Shop/20/5082). So you shouldn’t have
trouble building it even if you don’t
have that magazine; there’s no need to
add any of the optional components.
Since the SD card uses pin 4, make
sure you don’t fit a memory chip, as it
would interfere with SD card operation.
You will also need to make a small
add-on board; its circuit is shown in
Fig.12. This provides extra hardware
interfaces, including the lighting slave
driver. That part of the circuit is identical to the circuit of the CP2102 Adaptor
shown in Fig.10. The serial output is
also available at pin header CON3 for
testing purposes.
The board also includes a stereo audio output via a 3.5mm headphone
socket. The Micromite produces the audio signals as a PWM signal on pins 5
(left) and 24 (right) of I/O header CON1.
A pair of 10kΩ resistors provide a 2.5V
midpoint on the 5V rail to re-bias these
signals, which is bypassed by a 220µF
capacitor. We’ll follow the left channel from here as the right is identical
in operation.
The PWM signal is low-pass filtered
by a 3kΩ series resistor and 100nF capacitor to the 2.5V rail to remove the
PWM signal and harmonics. It is then
AC-coupled and biased to 2.5V, then
fed to non-inverting input pin 3 of op
amp IC1. Our prototype uses an
Screen6: the PIC32PROG GUI is the simplest way to
program the PIC microcontroller for this project. It can
also be used to reinstate the MMBasic interpreter, in case
you ever need to do that.
Screen5: our demo software plays sequence files generated
by the original Digital Lighting Controller software from
2010. It has lamp mimics so you can easily check that
everything is working as expected.
C6482AIN, but we also successfully
tested the lower-voltage MCP6272.
IC1 is configured for unity gain by
direct feedback from output pin 1 to
inverting input pin 2 through a 3kΩ
resistor. Since we are using a 3.3V Micromite, the output swing is at most
3.3V and should not stray too close to
the op-amp’s 0V and 5V rails. Still, a
rail-to-rail op-amp is preferred due to
the low headroom.
The output from the op-amp is again
AC-coupled by a 1µF capacitor and biased to circuit ground by a 22kΩ resistor. A 100Ω series resistor isolates the
output from the external wiring.
The buffered stereo signals are fed to
stereo 3.5mm socket CON4, and can be
used as a line-level signal to feed to an
amplifier, or for driving headphones.
PIC32 software
As we mentioned, BASIC is too slow
to handle both the audio and control
Fig.12: the Micromite master board includes
the same driver circuit as the CP2102 Adaptor,
plus an op-amp circuit to feed audio from the
PIC32 to a 3.5mm stereo jack socket.
Australia’s electronics magazine
November 2020 99
data. But our solution (written in C)
should still look familiar to those who
use the graphical capabilities of the Micromite BackPack.
At power-up, it shows a splash
screen while it scans the SD card. It
looks for sequence files (with LSN or
LSQ file extensions) and displays a
count of those found. If there is an error (for example, no card is inserted), an
error code and message is shown. The
“Reset” button can then be used to perform a soft reset of the microcontroller,
which might clear the error.
The control signal (on the RJ45 socket CON2) is sent the whole time the
unit is running, so you should see the
COM light of the attached slaves light
up. When the scan is complete, two options are shown.
The first is “Test mode”. Pressing this
goes to a screen showing 16 sliders and
three buttons. The “Toggle” button at
left cycles between the four groups of
16 sliders, to allow the control of any
of the 64 lamp outputs. Touching the
slider above will adjust the brightness
of that lamp.
The “Tone” button toggles a 600Hz
sine wave output at the audio socket
CON4. The sound continues for a short
while after being turned off due to buffering (the RAM buffers for audio and
control data total 28kB).
“Exit” returns to the main page.
If all is well, the second button labelled “Continue” leads to a page with
playback controls. The playback screen
shows information about the currently
selected sequence, including its duration and information about any associated WAV file.
Fig.14: this
Micromite add-on
board can be
attached to the
main Micromite
V3 BackPack via
female header
strips, as shown
here, or you can
solder pin headers
to this board and
sockets to the
BackPack. The
rest of the
construction is
lay the electrolytic capacitor over and ensure its orientation is correct. Also
check the orientation of IC1 and don’t mix up Q1 and Q2.
Pressing “Play” starts playback of
the sequence. It can be paused with
the “Pause” button, which will light
up when it is active. Play can also be
used to resume from a pause.
The “Loop” button cycles between
“Loop off”, “Loop one” and “Loop all”.
The “Next” and “Previous” move between sequences manually. If a track is
playing, Previous returns to the start of
the current track, while it moves to the
previous track if playback is stopped
or paused.
In summary, this Micromite master
code provides similar features to the
original Digital Lighting Controller
master, but is more intuitive to drive
and has the extra test mode features.
Software operation
The software starts by initialising the
LCD, SD card and other I/O peripherals
and starts a timer interrupt.
The 38,400Hz timer interrupt manages quite a few things. The main tasks
are to shift out the serial data to control attached slaves, and to play back
the audio data.
A state machine cycles through producing a break condition, a make condition and then the 65 data bytes that are
sent. At the end of each cycle (which
Fig.13: this shows how to connect an
Arduino board (in this case, an Uno)
to lighting slaves using the CP2102
interface. You can use our example
code as a starting point for your own
lighting control software.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
lasts around 17ms), the software also
checks if the sequence data requires any
of the lamp brightness values to change.
Another part of the interrupt routine
processes data from 56 x 512-byte audio buffers, which are effectively raw
WAV data. Compensation is made for
the difference between the playback
rate (38,400Hz) and the audio sample
rate, and whether the sample format is
8-bit or 16-bit, stereo or mono.
As each buffer empties, it is marked
as empty, and the next is processed.
The main loop re-loads empty buffers
from the SD card. This is so that the
SPI peripheral is not interrupted by the
interrupt routine, which would cause
data corruption if it was not managed
very carefully.
The 28kB buffer allows audio to play
for about 1/6 second at CD quality.
When all the buffers empty, playback
stops. The sequence data is managed
similarly, although its size is not proportional to its playback length.
The test tone is 600Hz because the
512-byte buffers are filled with eight
64-cycle samples of sinewave data. Using whole sinewave cycles means that
the software doesn’t have to keep track
of what part of the wave it is producing; it merely fills each block with the
same data each time.
Projects with a graphical interface always devote a lot of resources to this,
and much of the code is for displaying data on the LCD. This is kept to a
minimum during playback, to reduce
demand on the processor when it is
working hardest.
We’ll assume that you’ve already
built the Micromite V3 BackPack and
have the mounting parts for the 3.5in
LCD. Note that if you order the
This PCB turns
a Micromite V3
Backpack into
a controller
capable of
playing WAV
audio and
driving the
Slave units
of our Digital
mite V3 BackPack kit from the SILICON
CHIP ONLINE SHOP (Cat SC5082), you
have the option to have the chip preprogrammed for this project.
The add-on PCB is quite simple, so
building it will probably take less time
than the BackPack. Refer to its overlay
diagram, Fig.14, during construction.
Start by fitting the smaller resistors where shown. Use a multimeter
to check the values if you aren’t sure
about the colour bands. Follow with the
larger 1W resistor near CON2.
Fit the 1µF ceramic capacitors next,
as they are small and have a low profile.
These are not polarised, so can be fitted either way. Follow with the 100nF
MKT capacitors.
The single electrolytic capacitor
needs to be laid on its side to fit into
the PCB stack. Bend its leads, observing their polarity (longer lead = positive) and solder it to the PCB.
Install the transistors next, being sure
not to mix them up. The BC557 (PNP)
is near the top of the PCB with the Nchannel Mosfet underneath it. Be sure
to align them with their footprints;
you may need to crank the leads to fit
their pads.
Parts list –
CP2102 Adaptor module
1 PCB coded 16110204, 45 x 20.5mm
1 CP2102 USB-Serial converter [SILICON CHIP ONLINE SHOP SC3543]
1 6-way female header socket (CON1)
1 6-pin header (CON1) – see text
1 RJ45 PCB-mount socket (CON2) [Altronics P1448]
1 BC557 PNP transistor, TO-92 (Q1)
1 2N7000 N-Channel Mosfet, TO-92 (Q2)
2 10kW 1/4W or 1/2W resistors
1 27W 1W resistor
1 10cm length of 25mm diameter heatshrink tubing
(optional; clear is ideal)
IRM-02-5 module availability
Since last month, many vendors have sold out of the
Meanwell IRM-02-05 module. Digi-key was expecting
more stock around late October but this may sell quickly
If you can’t get the IRM-02-05, use the IRM-01-5.
It is a drop-in replacement; the only difference is its
1W rating instead of 2W. The board draws less than
1W – the only reason we didn’t specify the IRM-01-5
initially is that the difference in price is very small.
The usual arrangement for the Micromite 18-way header is to fit the male
header to the Micromite BackPack PCB
and the female header to the PCB below this, although the reverse will work
perfectly well. This might be necessary
if you have previously fitted the female
header to the Micromite BackPack, as
we did with our Micromite RCL Box
(June & July 2020;
Fit the headers, ensuring both are
square. You might like to temporarily
secure the boards together using the
12mm tapped spacers and machine
screws. We fitted the four-way header
to our boards too, but it is not strictly
necessary as the master unit PCB does
not have a corresponding socket.
Solder IC1 in place, observing the
pin 1 notch orientation. We used a
socket so we could try different op
amps, but you will get more reliable
results by soldering this chip directly
to the PCB.
Finally, add CON2 and CON4. CON3
(the serial data header) is entirely optional. Push each connector down firmly onto the PCB. In particular, the RJ45
socket does not have much clearance
above it, so it must be flat against the
PCB. Solder one pin in place and check
Parts list –
Micromite master module
1 Micromite V3 BackPack with 3.5in LCD
(kit Cat SC5082, programmed with 1611020B.HEX)
1 USB Type-A to Mini-B cable
1 double-sided PCB coded 16110201, 86 x 55mm
1 UB3 Jiffy box [Jaycar HB6013, Altronics H0203]
2 M3 x 12mm tapped spacers
2 M3 x 25mm machine screws
1 18-pin header (CON1)
1 18-way female header socket (CON1)
1 RJ45 PCB-mount socket (CON2) [Altronics P1448]
1 2-pin header (CON3; optional)
1 PCB-mount stereo 3.5mm socket (CON4) [Altronics P0094]
1 LMC6482AIN or MCP6272 dual rail-to-rail op-amp, DIP-8
1 BC557 PNP transistor, TO-92 (Q1)
1 2N7000 N-channel Mosfet, TO-92 (Q2)
1 220µF 16V electrolytic
4 1µF ceramic
3 100nF MKT
Resistors (all ¼W 1% metal film, except where noted)
4 22kW
4 10kW
4 3kW 2 100W
1 27W 1W 5%
Australia’s electronics magazine
November 2020 101
each connector is still flat before soldering the remaining pins.
Plug the PCB into the back of the
Micromite BackPack for testing and
programming. Most modern operating
systems will already have drivers for
the Microbridge USB interface, but if
not, instructions can be found in the
original Micromite BackPack article.
Programming the PIC
Unless you have purchased a preprogrammed microcontroller or kit,
the PIC32 on the BackPack needs to
be programmed with a HEX file. Since
we are not using BASIC, we can’t use
the regular MMBasic upload method,
but you can use the onboard Microbridge IC over USB, which is the simplest method.
Alternatively, if you have a PIC programmer such as a PICkit 3, PICkit 4 or
Snap, you can program the chip using
that. We fitted a right-angled header
to the ICSP header on the BackPack so
that it wouldn’t foul the boards above
or below. But it did protrude far enough
to hit the enclosure. We simply shortened our pins slightly (by about 1mm)
with a pair of sidecutters to solve that.
Microbridge programming
We previously described how to use
the Microbridge to program a HEX file
to the PIC32 on the Micromite BackPack using the command line.
But there is also a Windows GUI
program available called “P32P
GUI” (see Screen6). It can be downloaded from the Back Shed Forum at
Extract the program from the ZIP
file and run it. Select the HEX file
(16110201.HEX, available from our
website) using the “select file” button,
then press the pushbutton on the Micromite BackPack PCB; the LED on the
BackPack should light up, indicating
that it is ready to be programmed. Then
push the “flash PIC32” button to start
the process. Once complete, the LCD
should show the main screen.
also connect speakers or headphones
to the 3.5mm socket. Check that you
get a test tone and that the slave responds to commands.
There is also some debugging data
output at 38,400 baud on the USB-serial adaptor (Microbridge), which you
can view using a serial terminal program such as TeraTerm.
You can copy the sample LSQ files
from our software bundle to an SD
card; even without WAV files, you will
be able to initiate playback of the lamp
sequences. Use the Digital Lighting
Sequencer software (originally written for the 2010 Lighting Controller)
to generate custom sequences.
PICkit programming
Finishing the master unit
While the PICkit 3 and PICkit 4 (but
not Snap) can supply power when programming the chip, it is best to power
it from the USB socket if the LCD is
attached, as its backlight requires substantial current.
In the Microchip IPE, select “PIC32MX170F256B” as the part, click
“Apply”, then “Connect”. Browse for
the HEX file, then click “Program”.
The LCD should light up with the
splash screen.
To complete the board stack, remove the two spacers closest to the
main (14-way) LCD header. Thread
25mm machine screws through the
acrylic front panel, washers and LCD
PCB, and secure with the existing
12mm spacers.
The Micromite BackPack PCB is then
secured with two more 12mm spacers
on the 25mm screws and the existing
machine screws at the other end.
Finally, secure the new master unit
PCB onto the new spacers using short
machine screws.
With no SD card inserted, only the
“Test” screen will be operational. Connect an RJ45 cable to a slave unit and
Case cutting
Fig.15 shows the holes required in
Fig.15: holes must be cut in the
Jiffy box for the SD card, USB
socket, audio output socket
and RJ45 slave connector.
Download and print this
diagram for use as a template.
To make rectangular cutouts,
drill a series of small holes just
inside the perimeter, then use
a file or side cutters to knock
out the centre section, and flat
or triangular files to smooth the
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
The PCB mounts below the Micromite
PCB and sits to one side, allowing its
RJ45 socket and headphone jack to
protrude from the case.
the master unit Jiffy box. Note that the
BackPack PCB sits reversed compared
to our other projects, so that the SD
card slot is at the top.
Thus, the RJ45 and 3.5mm sockets
are at the left, and the USB socket is at
the right. Check this carefully before
you begin cutting.
It can be fiddly to get the board into
the case. Try putting the left-hand side
of the acrylic front panel in place, then
pivot the right-hand end down to get
the sockets into their corresponding
holes. If they are snug, you might need
to enlarge the holes slightly.
Then you just need to attach the
acrylic panel into the UB3 Jiffy box
with the supplied screws to complete
assembly (or slightly longer self-tappers, if you find they’re a bit short).
Any USB power supply should be capable of powering the unit.
The many options that we’ve presented here demonstrate just how flexible the new Digital Lighting Controller can be.
We think many people will want to
take advantage of being able to control
mains-powered lamps through such a
simple interface and incorporate our
design into existing lighting displays
along with addressable LED strips, especially when using an Arduino.
We’ll have more information about
combining our mains slave units with
LED strips in a short follow-up article next month, which will cover
both Arduino and Micromite-based
In the meantime, we expect that
many people will use our slave units
with their own custom controllers.
We look forward to seeing what you
can create, using the new Flexible
Digital Lighting Controller as a starting point!
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