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Andrew Woodfield
Using fewer than
twenty inexpensive parts,
this compact little audio
oscillator can fit into your
shirt pocket, yet it delivers a
super-accurate sinewave
when and where you need it.
It even fits into a snazzy
3D-printed case!
A Shirt-Pocket
Audio DDS
ing tested. That can be handy in some
ler, a rotary encoder with integrated
ompact, battery-powered test
audio test setups.
push switch for output frequency segear is really useful if you have
lection, a compact I2C OLED display
to travel a lot. It can be invaluCircuit description
to show the selected frequency, and a
able for some professional tasks in reThe complete circuit of the audio
crystal for accurate timing.
mote places, or you can use it to work
oscillator is shown in Fig.1. It uses an
A few other passive components
on your own projects while out and
Atmel ATtiny85 8-pin microcontrolcomplete the design.
about, should the opportunity arise.
The ATtiny85 micro (IC1) forms
This equipment must be small,
the heart of the design. Its main clock
light, and inexpensive. It’s all too
is generated using a standard 8MHz
easy for equipment to be damcrystal with two 15pF ceramic load
aged or lost.
capacitors, and its internal oscillaThis oscillator is equally usetor amplifier.
ful around the workbench. It deThe small 64x32 pixel OLED dislivers very accurate audio tones,
play is used to show the selected
just like much larger and more
audio output frequency. A customexpensive equipment.
designed font provides excellent disBeing battery-powered and in a
play clarity. It connects to the
small plastic case, it’s easy to
Actual size of the case (including knobs) is 75 x 30 x
isolate it from the circuit be- 50mm so it will easily fit in your pocket (as shown above). ATtiny85 via a two-wire I2C
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
bus (SDA for data and SCL for clock).
Two I2C bus pull-up resistors are
typically connected to each of these
I2C bus lines. Here, these resistors are
inside the OLED display module, reducing the parts count.
Compatible OLED screens are made
by several vendors; most data sheets
give 3.3V as the maximum supply voltage. A few suppliers suggest they can
run off 5V, but we’re keeping it under
3.3V for wider compatibility.
A standard ATtiny85 chip will operate from 2.7V to 5.5V, according to
the Atmel/Microchip data sheet, with a
maximum clock speed of 4MHz at 2.7V.
However, I bench tested more than
30 devices from multiple batches and
found that they will cheerfully operate
down to 1.65V using either the internal or external 8MHz clock.
Therefore, I thought it reasonable to
power the device directly from a battery of two regular AAA cells in series. It’s a simple solution supplying
a nominal 3V for the modest load current of 10mA. The battery life will vary
depending on specific requirements.
The oscillator, including display,
will successfully operate down to the
typical end-of-life voltage of the pair
of AAA batteries, around 1.8V.
Given this, you can expect about
six months of intermittent use, ie, an
hour or so of use every couple of days.
Rotary encoder
The rotary encoder selects the re-
Features & specifications
• Frequency range: 1-9999Hz in 1, 10, 100 or 1000Hz steps (user selectable)
• Frequency accuracy: crystal-locked to within 0.002% at 1kHz
• Output level: 0 – 1.5V peak-to-peak (0 - 530mV RMS) sinewave (3V supply)
• Total harmonic distortion (THD): less than 3%
• Display: 0.49in (12.5mm) 64x32 pixel OLED
• Power supply: 2 x AAA cells <at> 10mA typical
• Battery life: estimated six months of intermittent use
• Enclosure: 3D-printed compact clip-together PLA clamshell or standard Jiffy box
• Size (in clamshell case): 75 x 30 x 34mm (excluding 3D-printed knobs)
75 x 30 x 50mm (including knobs)
• Weight: 75 grams (with battery)
quired output frequency and the tuning step size. The photo overleaf shows
what a typical quadrature rotary encoder with pushbutton looks like.
The circuit arrangement used here
is unusual, detecting rotary encoder
rotation and button pressing with a
single I/O pin on the microcontroller!
Usually, the two quadrature outputs
of a rotary encoder are connected to
separate pins on the microcontroller.
The integrated pushbutton switch on
the encoder then often demands an
additional pin. That would result in
the need for at least 10 pins total on
the microcontroller in this application.
Instead, I have used a basic threeresistor analog-to-digital converter
(ADC) along with a noise-reducing
10nF capacitor to connect all three
switches internal to the rotary encoder
to one micro I/O pin.
The component values used are important. They ensure that the closing
of any of the internal three rotary encoder switches will generate a logic
high-to-low ‘pin-change’ interrupt on
the microcontroller. This allows the
use of an event-driven interrupt handler routine to quickly and efficiently
update the audio oscillator frequency
within the very fast ‘direct digital synthesis’ (DDS) software loop.
This DDS software method prevents the use of the commonly used
periodic timer interrupt, which would
introduce a regular and unacceptable
pause in the sinewave output. The pinchange interrupt method also delivers
an improved encoder response; there
is no need to wait for a periodic timer
to detect rotation or switch closure.
The response to rotating the knob is
Fig.1: the complete Audio Oscillator circuit. It is based
around microcontroller IC1, an OLED display, a rotary
encoder and an output filter/level control. The filter converts
the 62.5kHz PWM signal from pin 6 of IC1 (which has a varying
duty cycle) into a smooth sinewave by removing the higher
frequency components.
Australia’s electronics magazine
September 2020 43
Scope1: the waveform at pin 1 of IC1 when rotary encoder
RE1 is rotated one step clockwise.
Oscilloscope screen grabs Scope1 &
Scope2 show the resulting waveforms
at pin 1 of the micro, for clockwise and
anticlockwise rotation respectively.
The sharply falling leading edge triggers the interrupt.
The two different waveforms which
follow this leading edge for each direction of rotation are then detected by
the software by sampling the analog
voltage on that pin.
The tuning step size is changed using the encoder’s integrated pushbutton. Pressing this pulls pin 1 of IC1
directly to ground, below the voltages
produced by encoder rotation. This
allows the micro to detect the button
press and switch to the next step size
(1, 10, 100 or 1000Hz). The 10nF capacitor prevents switch bounce from
interfering with the process of detecting encoder rotation.
Sinewave generation
The audio output tone is generated
using pulse-width modulation (PWM)
from one of the ATtiny85’s internal
counter-timers, which is fed to its dig-
Fig.2: potentiometer VR1 allows the
output level to be adjusted over the
full range of 0-530mV RMS. However,
if you want switchable ranges, they
could easily be incorporated using a
scheme like this.
Silicon Chip
Scope2: the waveform at pin 1 of IC1 when rotary encoder
RE1 is rotated one step anticlockwise. It is almost a mirror
image of Scope1.
ital output pin 6. Its 62.5kHz modulated carrier is higher than usual with
an 8MHz crystal; a tradeoff resulting
in 1% higher distortion.
A simple passive 3-pole elliptical
low pass filter comprising three capacitors and one inductor, after the 1kΩ
resistor from pin 6, filters out the carrier from the wanted sinewave. This
filter has a 40dB notch around 60kHz.
This filter method reduces current consumption and the component count.
The PWM output is matched to the
filter using that 1kΩ resistor. Otherwise, the low output impedance of
the microprocessor pin would cause
increased waveform distortion, particularly below about 1.5kHz. The filtered sinewave output voltage level of
about 1.5V peak-to-peak can be adjusted using the front panel level control
potentiometer, VR1.
Resistor RX is optional. It may be a
simple wire link if the output range is
suitable for your applications, or an
extra resistor can be added to reduce
the maximum level. Alternatively,
a two- or three-way switch and additional resistors could be added in
series with the output potentiometer
to provide a range of output levels, if
space permits.
Fig.2 shows one possible arrangement using a three-way switch. Space
has been provided for wiring this into
the PCB using the connections for RX.
The version described here does not
implement this optional feature, making the finished oscillator as small as
The output does not include any
DC blocking capacitor. Most equipAustralia’s electronics magazine
ment you would feed the sinewave
into will have an input capacitor. But
if required, a suitable capacitor could
be squeezed into the remaining space
around VR1.
The software is written using a mix
of assembly code and BASCOM, the
BASIC-like compiled language for the
Atmel/Microchip AVR family. Assembly code is used for the core tone generating routine which must be very fast.
Other sections, such as the interrupt
handler code and the I2C and OLED
routines, are written in BASIC as they
are not so speed-critical.
The DDS lookup table contains 256
bytes of data defining the amplitude of
the sinewave over time. The frequency
is precisely determined by the value
of the 24-bit word used to increment
the DDS cycle accumulator. One byte
(eight bits) of this word is used as a
pointer into the sinewave amplitude
data, with the other two bytes (16 bits)
represent the fractional position.
The 24-bit wide accumulator ensures excellent frequency precision,
along with the accurate and stable
crystal-controlled processor clock.
A fast interrupt subroutine handles
the rotary encoder and tuning step size
selection. It looks for specific voltage
changes to determine the direction of
rotation, the number of turns, and the
selection of tuning steps.
The interrupt routine unavoidably
disrupts the output waveform briefly
while the frequency change is being
made. But the waveform is never going to be pure when the frequency is
being adjusted anyway.
Screen updates for the ultra-compact 64 x 32-pixel OLED display are
sent via the I2C serial bus. The display’s integrated SSD1306 controller
requires careful initialisation to deliver correct operation. Its parameter
settings differ significantly from those
needed for the larger and more common 128x32 or 128x64 OLED displays,
despite using an identical controller.
The display software also makes use
of a purpose-designed character font
for this display, shown in Screen1. It
aims to maximise character clarity and
visibility despite its size. The resulting
four-digit display largely determines
the frequency range of the oscillator.
Displaying frequencies of 10kHz or
above accurately would require five
digits. That would reduce display
clarity beyond acceptable levels, particularly for those of us with reduced
visual ability.
Note that smaller 0.42in (diagonal)
72x40 pixel OLED displays are available but oddly, they are built on a larger
PCB than the 0.49” 64x32 pixel OLED
display I chose! So there is little benefit in using one, but if you have one,
it will work.
The software is also compatible with
some, but not all, 0.96in 128x64 OLED
displays using SSD1306 controllers.
A few of these have extremely slow
(faulty) I2C reset performance and
will not operate correctly with this
software. The software will not work
with any OLED displays fitted with
an alternative “compatible” SH1106
Rotary encoder selection
The rotary encoder used in this design is critical. It must be a pulse-type
rotary encoder. Unfortunately, these
are visually indistinguishable from
level-type encoders; worse, most suppliers will not tell you which type they
are selling!
Electrically, however, they are quite
different. The two outputs on leveltype encoders change at the ‘click’ or
detent as the shaft is rotated, with the
two encoder output pins remain fixed
in one of the encoder’s four quadrature output states when the shaft is
In contrast, pulse-type rotary encoders produce a pair of short quadrature
pulses mid-click, with both encoder
output pins resting open circuit. These
encoders are the most commonly
Parts list – Audio DDS Oscillator
1 PCB coded 01110201, 65.5 x 24.25mm
1 8MHz low-profile crystal (X1) [Altronics V1249A]
1 ATtiny85 8-bit microcontroller, DIP-8, programmed with 0111020A.hex
[Jaycar ZZ8721 or Altronics Z5105]
1 8-pin DIL IC socket
1 pulse-type rotary encoder with integrated pushbutton switch (RE1) [see text]
1 DPDT slide switch (S1) [Jaycar SS0852, Altronics S2010]
1 0.49in 64 x 32 I2C OLED display module [eBay, AliExpress etc]
1 15mH molded radial choke (L1)
[eg, Murata 17156C (Digi-Key) or Murata 22R156C (RS)]
2 2-pin headers and matching sockets (CON1 & CON2; optional)
1 4-pin SIL header socket, ideally a low-profile type (CON3)
1 4-pin header (plugs into CON3; may come with OLED screen)
2 knobs to suit RE1 & VR1 [3D printed or Altronics H6016]
1 2 x AAA side-by-side cell holder (optional; see text)
[Jaycar PH9226, Altronics S5052]
1 pair of small alligator clips [Jaycar HM3020, Altronics P0101+P0102]
1 3D-printed plastic enclosure, assembled size 75 x 30m x 34mm
(or a UB5 Jiffy box – see text)
1 300mm length of light- or medium-duty two-core cable
1 100mm length of red light-duty hookup wire
1 100mm length of black light-duty hookup wire
1 20mm length of insulated solid-core wire (eg, bell wire or breadboard jumper wire)
1 4.7µF 50V electrolytic
1 100nF ceramic
2 33nF MKT or greencap
1 10nF MKT or greencap
1 470pF ceramic
2 15pF ceramic
Resistors (all 1/4W 1% metal film)
1 10k
1 3.9k
1 1.8k
1 1k
1 1k linear 9mm potentiometer (VR1) [Jaycar RP8504, Altronics R1986]
Programming Adaptor Board (optional)
1 PCB coded 01110202, 25.5 x 22mm
1 8-pin DIL IC socket
1 3x2 pin header (CON4)
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
1 100nF ceramic capacitor
1 1k 1/4W resistor
plied at low cost from Asian sources.
This open-circuit condition at the rest
position is critical for generating the
desired encoder interrupt waveforms
A mugshot of the
troublesome rotary
encoder. Unfortunately,
level-type encoders are externally
indistinguishable from the pulse-type
encoders that we need. You just have
to take an educated guess about which
one to order, then test it when it
arrives, using the procedure described
in the text.
Australia’s electronics magazine
used in this design.
These two encoder types can be
quickly and easily distinguished with
a continuity tester. An encoder can be
tested using an ohm-meter or even an
arrangement as simple as a series LED,
resistor and battery as follows:
1. Connect one lead of the continuity meter to the centre pin of the
three (ignore the two on the opposite side).
2. Connect the other lead to one pin
on either side of the centre pin; it
doesn’t matter which.
3. Rotate the shaft one click.
4. Measure the continuity while the
encoder is at rest.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 several times.
September 2020 45
Fig.3: the components mounted
on the PCB, with matching
photos to assist assembly. Don’t
fit CON1 & CON2 when using
the printed case. The wire link
(shown in red) is not needed on
commercially-made double-sided
boards. The OLED screen
(not shown in the photo at right)
plugs into CON3 after the other
components have
If the encoder is a pulse type, the
been fitted.
meter should show an open circuit
(very high resistance) at all rest positions. You should see a brief period
of continuity (low resistance)
while rotating the encoder.
If the encoder is a level type,
the meter will show continuity
on every second detent position and an open circuit on the other
detent positions.
So my suggestion is to order an encoder from a website like ebay, AliExpress or Banggood and then verify that it is the pulse type using the
above method before proceeding with
The Pocket Crystal Audio Oscillator is built on a PCB coded 01110201
which measures 65.5 x 24.25mm. I
etched mine at home, but the commercially-made version available in the
a couple of dollars.
Refer to the PCB overlay diagram,
Fig.3, to see which parts go where.
For those making this single-sided
PCB at home, the board may be left
square if it will be fitted into a Jiffy
box, or trimmed carefully along the
curved PCB outline if using the 3Dprinted enclosure.
Construction should begin by fitting
the resistors and then the capacitors.
The single electrolytic capacitor is the
only polarised one; its longer lead goes
into the pad nearest the edge of the
board, marked with a + symbol. Also,
space the 4.7µF electro off the board
by about 1.5mm to allow it to be bent
over when inserted later into the 3D
printed case.
Next, solder the crystal onto the
PCB, followed by the 8-pin IC socket. Ensure that the pin 1 notch on the
socket faces in the direction shown.
If you’ve etched the board yourself,
you need to fit one insulated wire link,
shown in red on Fig.3. The commercial board should have a top layer track
joining these points, so you won’t need
to install a link.
Next, mount the four-way header
socket for the display (CON3), then the
15mH moulded inductor. Follow with
the rotary encoder and potentiometer.
Depending on the type of 9mm potentiometer you purchase, it may either mount directly onto the PCB or
use component lead off-cuts to extend
its leads to allow vertical mounting. If
doing that, it would also be a good idea
to glue the pot body to the board
(eg, using neutral-cure silicone) as
horizontal pots lack the mounting
tabs of the vertical types.
Next, fit a pair of thin, 50mmlong red and black insulated
stranded wires to CON1 for power. You can use a header and
socket or, as I did, simply solder the wires to the PCB pads.
Similarly, connect the 300mm output twin lead to CON2. If you don’t
have twin lead, you could use heatshrink tubing on a pair of individual
light- or medium-duty hookup wires.
Do not fit anything to the other end of
these wires just yet.
Programming IC1
If you have a blank micro, program
it as per the box labelled “Programming the ATtiny85”.
After programming (or if you purchased a preprogrammed micro), plug
it into the socket, ensuring that its pin
1 dot lines up with the notch on the
socket. You may need to straighten its
leads to fit into the socket. Be careful
not to allow any of the leads to fold up
under the chip body during insertion.
Next, plug the OLED display into its
socket on the PCB. The screen is usually supplied with a four-way 0.1inpitch header. If it has not already been
fitted to the display PCB, solder it now.
Next, if you’re using a standardheight header socket for CON3, use
Audio DDS Oscillator
Fig.4: this artwork can be printed,
laminated, cut out and attached to
the front panel of the unit using glue
or double-sided tape. You can also
download this as a PDF from the
Silicon Chip
Fig.5: renderings of the 3D printed front and rear
panels that form the custom case, along with the 3Dprinted knobs. The associated STL files can be downloaded from our website,
or you can purchase these pre-made. The back panel has an integrated battery
holder, but you need to fabricate or acquire the spring terminals and clips (eg, as
part of the SILICON CHIP kit), as described in the text.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Programming the ATtiny85
If you haven’t purchased a preprogrammed ATtiny85, you will
need to program your blank chip before you can use it. You can
use an AVR ISP programmer such as the USBasp (See It can be purchased online from many suppliers,
often for less than $3, including delivery!
Such programmers are used with a PC or laptop; suitable software is available for Windows, Linux and macOS. This description
will focus on the Windows platform.
The drivers for the chosen programmer must be installed before using it. The drivers for the USBasp can be obtained from
the link above.
Programming software is also required. (Freeware) software
for Windows includes eXtreme Burner (
ab3m), AVRDUDESS ( and Khazama (
There are many websites and YouTube videos describing the
setup and use of these programs. Here is a summary of the procedure required to program the ATtiny85 for this project:
1) Load the USBasp drivers.
2) Plug in and complete the installation of the USBasp programmer. If the option is present on the USBasp programmer, and
some boards support this feature, select 5V operation rather
than 3.3V for programming the ATtiny85.
3) Download the programming software and install it.
4) Open the programming software and select ATtiny85 as the
target device.
5) Download the HEX file for the audio DDS generator and select
it as the file to be used to program the ATtiny85.
6) Plug the six-pin connector from the USBasp programmer into
CON4 on the Programming Adaptor Board (more on this below).
7) Select “Write FLASH buffer to chip” or “Write – Flash” to program the ATtiny85 with the HEX file. The LEDs on the USBasp
will blink furiously for about a minute while the HEX file is being
The ATtiny85 Programming Adaptor circuit just
connects the micro pins to the 6-pin programming
header, with a small power supply bypass capacitor.
a spudger or a sharp-edged blade to
carefully slide off the plastic pin separator from the pin header. Then trim
the four pins shorter by about 2mm.
This allows the display to fit as closely
as possible to the top of the ATtiny85
chip. See the side view photo for an
idea of how it plugs together.
If you were able to get a low-profile
header socket for CON3, that should
not be necessary. It should just plug
straight in, although you may still have
to trim the header pins a little.
The PCB can now be tested. Before
you connect the 3V supply, carefully
programmed. A bar graph may be displayed to show progress.
8) Program the ATtiny85’s internal ‘fuses’. These memory locations configure the operating characteristics of the ATtiny85
to suit the software being run on the device. To do this, type
in the following settings into the relevant Fuse page/section of
the programming software, then click on “Write” to send the
data to the fuses:
Low: 0xEF
High: 0x5F
Extended: 0xFF (unchanged)
Lock: 0xFF (unchanged)
8) Assuming the programmer reports the programming has been
successful, remove the programming cable from the adapter
board and transfer the ATtiny85 from the programming adapter board to its socket on the audio DDS oscillator PCB.
Programming Adaptor Board
There is no programming connector for the ATtiny85 on the
oscillator PCB. I program my ATtiny85 chips using a separate
adaptor built from a scrap of prototyping board with an 8-pin IC
socket, the Atmel-standard 6-pin programming pin header and
a couple of supporting components.
The circuit diagram for my adaptor and the equivalent PCB
are shown below. For those wanting to make a little PCB for this
programming adaptor, if you don’t want to make it on veroboard, you can order this board when you order your main PCB
(and possibly case), for just a couple of dollars more.
The resistor and LED are optional. They show when power
is applied to the Programming Adaptor Board from the USBasp
The ATtiny85 to be programmed is plugged into the 8-pin IC
socket; make sure it is orientated correctly, with its pin 1 dot
near the notch. The USBasp programmer plugs into CON4, with
its pin 1 towards the IC socket. Power for the programming
adapter board comes from the USBasp.
If your USBasp or similar programmer has a selection of programming voltages available, it’s best to
select ‘5V’ for reliable programming of the
Fit the components as shown here;
the two wire links can be made from
component lead off-cuts. Pins 1 of both
the IC and CON4 are at upper left.
check all of your soldering for shorts
or missed connections. If it looks OK,
connect up a 3V supply (important:
no more than 3.3V!) and check that
the Oscillator operates as expected.
Making the enclosure
The enclosure should now be prepared and assembled with the battery
holder and power switch.
You can purchase a small Jiffy box
enclosure from the usual suppliers
if you wish. Alternately, you can get
the 3D printed custom enclosure parts
Australia’s electronics magazine
make them yourself if you have a 3D
printer – see Fig.5.
There are two files required to print
the enclosure; the first is for the front
panel half of the enclosure, the second
is for the rear half with its integrated
battery holder. These are available for
download in the standard STL format.
These can be 3D printed using
standard PLA filament in any colour.
The prototype enclosure was printed
using grey filament with 50% fill and a
0.2mm layer thickness, although these
parameters are not critical. Each half
requires about 2g of filament. If you
September 2020 47
One half of the custom case
houses the PCB while the
batteries fit neatly into the
other half. The alternative
would be to build the
Audio Oscillator
into a small jiffy box
(or similar) but you
probably won’t be able
to fit it into your pocket!
do not have your own 3D printer, it is
also possible to go to a Jaycar maker
hub and do it there.
The two halves of the enclosure clip
together firmly without the need for
additional screws.
The rear section’s integrated battery
holder is dimensioned for two AAA
cells. It requires the addition of battery
contacts, wiring, and a battery joiner.
The battery contacts can be made by
cutting 4mm and 3mm diameter circles from thin tinplate. A scrap piece
of 0.2mm-thick tinplate was used for
the prototype. It is possible to recycle
a domestic tin can; Milo tin lids are
nice and flat.
These handmade battery contacts
should approximately match the divots provided inside the battery holder
at the switch end.
Solder a 10mm length of thin red
multi-stranded insulated wire to the
centre of the smaller circle and a similar length of black wire towards one
edge of the larger circle. The wire
should then be fed through the switch
end of the battery holder, and the metal circles glued in place using epoxy.
Once the glue has set, test-fit a pair
of AAA batteries. These should clip
firmly into place side-by-side, but they
will likely slide back and forth in the
holder by about 1-1.5mm. Bend the
battery joiner to take up that space.
There is a slot provided for this foldScreen1: despite being
quite tiny (at around
12mm diagonal – it’s
shown here about twice
life size), the currently selected
frequency is clear due to the bold font,
with its four digits occupying the entire
width of the screen.
Silicon Chip
ed joiner to be inserted into one end
of the battery compartment.
To make this, cut a
60mm x 8mm strip of tinplate. Trim and bend it approximately into a flattened C shape
to fit the available space. When
folded correctly, the batteries
will fit snuggly into the battery
holder. Along with the PLA plastic
of the case, the arrangement will also
provide a little tension to maintain
good battery contact.
A useful accessory during this process is a voltmeter clipped to the black
and red wire. This allows all of the
connections to be checked for reliability during final assembly.
Completing construction
The wiring to the slide power switch
can now be completed. Begin by connecting the short red and black wires
from the PCB to the switch. They
should be about 50mm long. Make sure
the power switch is off and the batteries are removed from the holder before
soldering the power wiring in place.
The switch can now be mounted on
the rear panel using a little hot melt
glue or neutral-cure silicone sealant.
If your slide switch has mounting
tabs, trim these off first using a pair
of side-cutters.
Mount the PCB in the front half of
the enclosure, first feeding the output
wires through the hole provided. The
PCB assembly is mounted using the
nuts and washers supplied with the
rotary encoder and potentiometer. Vertical-mount potentiometers may not
have nuts; in this case, it will just be
the rotary encoder boss and nut holding in the board.
The small alligator clips may now
be fitted to the output wires. Alternately, if you are using a Jiffy box,
you may prefer to use a small output
connector mounted on one end of the
box. Options include a panel mounted
RCA socket (eg, Jaycar Cat PS0270 or
Altronics Cat P0161 etc), or a 3.5mm
audio socket (eg, Altronics Cat P0093
or Jaycar Cat PS0122 etc).
Print the front panel artwork (Fig.4)
and attach it to the front of the enclosure. The artwork can be printed using a colour laser or inkjet printer.
Trim the artwork to size and cover it
with self-adhesive transparent film.
This panel artwork can then be glued
Australia’s electronics magazine
to the front of the enclosure. Doublesided adhesive tape can be used quite
If using glue, it is desirable to cover
the rear of the artwork first with another piece of self-adhesive film to
prevent the glue bleeding through the
printed artwork.
The two knobs can now be fitted
to the control shafts. The prototype
used two knobs specifically designed
for the unit which were 3D-printed
(see Fig.5). These STL files are also
available for downloading, or if you
purchase the 3D printed case, it will
come with the knobs. These slide firmly onto the respective control shafts.
Alternately, see the parts list for commercially-made alternatives.
The final step is to install the battery. Then clip the case together, and
the oscillator is ready for use.
It couldn’t be easier. Switch it on,
select the frequency you want with
the tuning knob, set the desired output
level with the level control, and you
are in business. Press the tuning knob
to step through the various frequency
step options: 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz
and then back to 1Hz again.
Despite its simplicity, this compact
little audio oscillator is surprisingly
useful. I hope one of these finds a home
in your shirt pocket too.
Because of the difficulty in sourcing
the pulse-type rotary encoders used in
this project with any certainty, the SILICON CHIP ONLINE SHOP will be stocking
and selling them (Cat SC5601).
We will check each batch to make
sure they are the right type! This part
can also be used in some of our previous projects, such as the AM/FM/CW
Scanning HF/VHF RF Signal Generator
and the DIY Solder Reflow Oven.
We have also decided to offer an (almost) complete kit for this project, Cat
SC5622. It will include the programmed
micro, PCB, all onboard parts, and
3D-printed case. The case has been
tweaked to accommodate pre-made
AAA battery clips, which will also come
in the kit. We’ll be supplying standard
knobs with the case (not 3D printed).
The only parts not included are the
wires and battery.
See our Online Shop on pages 104 &
105 for more details.