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Difficulty finding remote
for an older project
I have recently updated my hifi
system, including the addition of the
Remote Volume Control & Preamplifier Module (February-March 2007; and the
Studio Series Preamplifier (July 2006; I’m
very pleased with the results.
Unfortunately, I have not been successful in finding a suitable remote
control to use with the project. Merchants do not seem familiar with the
recommended Philips RC5 codes,
resulting in several universal remotes
being purchased and returned as
Operating without a remote control
is not a big issue; however, I want to
switch on the auto blanking function
for the LED display, which is quite
bright when always on. Can you please
help? (G. G., Perth, WA)
• Everyone involved in that has since
retired, but from what we can see in
the article and the source code (which
is available), virtually any universal remote control should work with
that project. That includes the current
Altronics A1012A and Jaycar AR1955
& AR1975 products. You just need to
program them with the correct code.
The instructions that come with
those remotes are generally not terribly helpful as they do not give much
information about what each setting
does. But based on experience, we
think that one of the following codes
would likely work:
Altronics A1012A:
TV code 0088, 0149 or 0169
Jaycar AR1955:
TV code 0200
There surely would be other codes
that would work; you’d have to look
through the manuals for anything that
sounds like a Philips product and try
those codes.
See the October 2021 issue on page
81 for more information on the Altronics A1021A and how its codes correspond to some older remote controls.
Sourcing a KDV149
varicap diode
I built the AM Loop Antenna &
Amplifier from Oatley Electronics
(October 2007;
Over the years, the weather got to it
and I had to dispose of it. I now live in
a new location on the coast in North
Queensland and I want to build up
this antenna again, but Oatley no longer have the kit and I can’t find a data
sheet for the KVD149.
Can you recommend a diode to use?
I discovered that NTE618 is a replacement but I can’t find a supplier. Also,
the op amp is no longer available, so
I plan to use an LM833. (P. C., Balgal
Beach, Qld)
• The NTE618 is available from eBay at
New thermistor for
Temperature Switch
I built the January 2007 Versatile
Temperature Switch (siliconchip. from a Jaycar kit
(Cat KC5381) some time ago. I need to
replace the NTC sensor but I am not
sure of the correct type to use. Can you
please help? (E. A., Jakarta, Indonesia)
• The Vishay NTCLG100E2103JB
thermistor should be suitable for most
automotive uses and is rated up to
200°C. You can get it from element14
(Cat 1164822).
Alternatively, for up to 250°C,
use the Amphenol TH310J39GBSN,
also available from element14 (Cat
2921623). Other suitable parts stocked
by element14 are Cats 2921622,
2773999, 2525366, 2771940, 2771941
& 3397782.
Notes & Errata
Tele-com Intercom, October 2021: in the parts list on page 38, one of the alternative transformers for the ringer section is
shown as Triad FS24-100-C2 (Mouser Cat 553-FS24-100-C2). This should instead be Triad FS24-100 (Mouser Cat 553-FS24100). Also see the notes on suppressing noise from alternative switchmode power supplies (other than those specified in the
parts list) in the Mailbag section of this issue.
Hybrid Lab Supply with WiFi, May & June 2021: the optional microSD card socket is the Hirose Electric DM3D-SF, not the
Altronics P5717 (an Oupiin part) as specified in the parts list on page 36 of the May issue.
The January 2022 issue is due on sale in newsagents by Thursday, December 30th. Expect postal delivery of subscription
copies in Australia between December 30th and January 14th.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine