Vol.34, No.1
January 2021
Features & Reviews
10 Automotive Electronics, Part 2
In the second part of this series we take a look at the electronic control
modules (ECM) found in modern vehicles – by Dr David Maddison
32 Review: Altium 365 and Altium Designer 21
Altium 365 is a cloud-based companion to Altium Designer. It lets others view
your design without them needing an Altium subscription, along with many
additional features like version control for paying customers – by Tim Blythman
48 How to use the MPLAB X Development Environment
MPLAB X is a multi-platform, free download from Microchip which is used to
code, program and debug PIC and AVR micros – by Tim Blythman
82 AVR128DA48 & Curiosity Nano Evaluation Board
Microchip’s AVR128DA48-based evaluation kit provides an easy way for you to
test out a powerful new AVR micro – by Tim Blythman
This AM/FM/SW Digital Receiver is
based around a single BK1198 radio
IC, controlled by an Arduino Nano.
As a result, it uses a modest number
of parts and assembly is relatively
straightforward – Page 20
102 El Cheapo Modules: Mini Digital AC Panel Meters
In last month’s article we described a variety of DC panel meters; this month
we’re looking at the AC equivalents – by Jim Rowe
Constructional Projects
20 AM/FM/SW Single-Chip Digital Radio
This radio uses a BK1198 radio IC and an Arduino Nano, so it only requires a
small number of extra components to build. It covers the AM band from 5131629KHz, FM from 87-108MHz and SW from 6.4-22MHz – by Charles Kosina
40 MiniHeart: A Miniature Heartbeat Simulator
The MiniHeart produces a low-level soothing heartbeat sound. The beat rate
and volume is adjustable; an off timer can also be set. It’s powered by two AAA
cells – by John Clarke
Altium 365 allows for easy
management of layouts between
multiple users through shared
component libraries, version control,
a shared editor/viewer and much
more – Page 32
The MiniHeart is a
heartbeat simulator.
It has an adjustable
rate of 42-114bpm
at a frequency of
45-51Hz – Page 40
68 The Bass Block Subwoofer
This 4W subwoofer is easy to build and pumps out plenty of bass. It measures
approximately 40cm tall, 27cm wide and 24cm deep – by Nicholas Dunand
78 Busy Loo Indicator
This project uses a reed switch and a magnet to detect when the toilet door is
closed and flashes a bright light to signal someone’s busy – by John Chappell
Your Favourite Columns
61 Serviceman’s Log
One good turn deserves another – by Dave Thompson
75 Circuit Notebook
The Bass Block
is a compact
4W subwoofer
with a frequency
response of 40100Hz at ±3dB
and 25-150Hz at
±5dB – Page 68
(1) A reliable solar lighting system
(2) Converting a cheap welder to a high-current battery charger
(3) Radiating test antenna for AM radios
94 Vintage Radio
1963 Philips Musicmaker MM1 mantel radio – by Assoc. Prof. Graham Parslow
Everything Else
2 Editorial Viewpoint
4 Mailbag – Your Feedback
93 Product Showcase
100 Silicon Chip Online Shop
107 Ask Silicon Chip
111 Market Centre
and Errata
112 Advertising Index
The new AVR
chips from Microchip
are faster and have more functions
than the older types while
generally costing less – Page 82
January 2021 1