This is only a preview of the January 2021 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 42 of the 112 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "AM/FM/SW Single-Chip Digital Radio":
Items relevant to "MiniHeart: A Miniature Heartbeat Simulator":
Items relevant to "The Bass Block Subwoofer":
Items relevant to "Busy Loo Indicator":
Articles in this series:
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A Miniature Heartbeat Simulator
Give a favourite soft toy a beating heart! With both soft sound and a real
beat, it could relax a baby, puppy or kitten for sleeping, or even help you
sleep better yourself. All are possible with the SILICON CHIP MiniHEART!
any newborns – human babies as well as pets –
are unsettled when left alone to sleep. They miss
their mum, and it’s lonely and frightening for
them. Just being able to cuddle up to the sound of a heartbeat can help with their anxiety.
The MiniHeart is a small gizmo that produces a low-level
soothing heartbeat sound, mimicking that of a real heart.
The beat rate can be adjusted so that it more accurately
matches the rate of the heart it is to emulate, while a timer
will shut off the heartbeat after a set time.
The unit is switched on and off with a toggle switch
with the actuating lever only protruding slightly outside the box. This is to prevent any injury to a
baby. It is fully enclosed into a
plastic case that clips together, and we have added extra
screw supports to make sure it stays shut. That way, the
two internal AAA cells will not be easily accessed to cause
a choking hazard.
We recommend enclosing the device into a cloth bag
that is sewn or zippered shut. That provides an extra margin of choke hazard safety which is necessary when used
with a baby.
We should point out that the simulated heartbeat is not
a loud sound – it is not meant to be.
It is more like the subtle sound of a real beating heart;
it needs to be placed close to the ear, and is felt
more than heard. Think of it as a tiny heart,
but in a rounded rectangular prism shape.
A loud heartbeat sound would require a
large loudspeaker properly baffled to produce bass along with an amplifier with a
reasonable amount of power.
Neither of these are a feature of the
MiniHeart (but could be added externally).
Heart sounds
Silicon Chip
When listening to a heartbeat,
you will hear two distinct, separate sounds, often called a
“lub” and a “dub”.
These two sounds are
produced by the closing of
heart valves required to
pump blood efficiently.
You’ve almost certainly seen the classic
heartbeat waveform
as shown on an electrocardiogram (ECG).
These are the electrical signals sent to
the heart muscles, and
when monitored with
electrodes on the skin,
are useful for diagnosing heart
problems. Electrode readings do not
represent the sounds and vibrations made by the
heart; heartbeat sounds are heard using a stethoscope.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.1: this block diagram shows that the MiniHeart is quite simple, using
just a microcontroller and a Class-D amplifier chip to produce the sound.
A basic RC low-pass filter turns the PWM output of the micro into an
analog signal for the amp, while ferrite beads and capacitors reduce EMI
from the Class-D drive to the speaker
The MiniHeart block diagram is shown in Fig.1.
Microcontroller IC1 produces a heartbeat waveform in the
form of a pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal. The pulse
rate is 31.25kHz, and the pulse width is varied to produce a
smoothed lower-frequency waveform after passing through
a low-pass filter. This removes the high-frequency signals
so that only the heartbeat waveform remains.
Fig.2 shows how a PWM signal is used to produce a
lower-frequency, smooth waveform. The red waveform is
the PWM output from the microcontroller, IC1, while the
green waveform is its average value after filtering out the
PWM pulse frequency. For convenience, we show a sinewave, although any wave shape could be generated.
If the PWM signal has a 50% duty cycle, ie, an equal period of being high and low, then the filtered voltage will sit
mid-way between the high and low voltage levels.
To produce a higher voltage, the PWM signal duty cycle
is altered so that the period while high is longer than the
period when low (ie, duty cycle > 50%).
Conversely, for a lower voltage, the PWM period is kept
low for longer than it is high (duty cycle <50%).
The green wave shows the signal that appears after the
low-pass filter has removed all of the higher frequencies.
Note that this PWM signal is a representation only – in reality, the frequency of the PWM signal is very much higher
(around 700 times higher!) than the sine wave shown and
cannot be reproduced to scale on the diagram.
Overleaf, we show the various scope waveforms for the
Scope1-Scope3 show the general operation. Scope1
shows a few periods of the PWM signal at around 31kHz
(25µs timebase). Scope2 and Scope3 (10ms timebase) are
the ‘lub’ and ‘dub’ signals produced after filtering the
PWM signal.
Scope4 shows a single heartbeat with both the ‘lub’ and
‘dub’ waveforms, while Scope5 shows two heartbeats, with
the pause between each heartbeat visible.
The period between each heartbeat, the frequency of the
‘lub’ and ‘dub’ waveforms and the period between the ‘lub’
and ‘dub’ waveforms have a small amount of randomness
added. This is to prevent the heartbeat from sounding too
artificial. It simulates the variation in heartbeat rate and
timing of a real heart.
These waveforms are fed to a tiny Class-D (ie, switching) amplifier that’s usually used in mobile phones and it
Compact size
Adjustable volume
Adjustable timeout and heart rate
Flashing LED synchronised with the heartbeat
On/off power switch
Power: two AAA cells (nominally 3V), operating
down to below 2.5V
Current draw: 10mA average during operation,
500nA standby (typical)
Timeout: adjustable from two minutes to four
Heartbeat rate: 42 to 114bpm
Rate randomness: about 15% variation
Sound frequency: 45Hz-51Hz (with a 2Hz
Waveform generation method: PWM <at> 31.25kHz
Waveform sampling rate: approximately 1kHz
is designed to be highly efficient. It drives the small loudspeaker in bridge mode, to maximise the power output from
the limited 3V DC supply. The loudspeaker is weighted, ie,
the speaker cone has a weight attached to it. This is so that
low-frequency vibrations will be heard and felt.
Circuit details
The full circuit is shown in Fig.3. At its heart (!) is a
PIC12F617 microcontroller, IC1. Its master clear (MCLR)
input, pin 4, is tied to the 3V supply rail via a 10kΩ resistor to provide a power-up reset function.
IC1 applies 3V across adjustment trimpot VR1 via its GP5
digital output; this is only brought high when the trimpot
position is monitored via IC1’s AN3 analog input (pin 3).
After the GP5 output is brought high, to 3V, the voltage at
AN3 is converted to a digital value via IC1’s internal analogto-digital converter (ADC). Once the value is read, the GP5
output goes low again (0V) to conserve power.
Jumper link JP1 can be placed in one of two positions;
position 1 where GP1 is pulled to 0V, or position 2 where
GP1 is pulled to the 3V supply. When in position 1, trimpot VR1 adjusts the heartbeat rate. When in position 2, VR1
adjusts the timeout period.
The heartbeat rate can be set from 42 to 114 beats per
minute (BPM). The timeout can be set between two minutes and four hours.
The heartbeat rate can be adjusted while the heartbeat is
Fig.2: this shows how a high-frequency pulse-widthmodulated ‘square wave’ can be fed through a low-pass filter
to produce a smoothly varying, lower-frequency arbitrary
waveform (shown in green). The instantaneous voltage of
the green waveform equals the average voltage of the red
waveform. In reality, the pulse frequency would be much
higher in comparison to the reconstructed waveform.
Australia’s electronics magazine
January 2021 41
Fig.3: the full MiniHeart Simulator circuit is not much more complicated than the block diagram.
Here you can see the detail of the second-order low-pass filter, the AC-coupling capacitors to the
inputs of IC2 and the series resistors which set its gain. LED1 responds to the average voltage
delivered to the speaker, so it starts to light once sound is being produced.
being generated, but the timeout is only checked at powerup. So after charging timeout value via VR1, power must be
switched off and on again for the new timeout to take effect.
The heartbeat generation switches off after the set timeout
period. This conserves power in case it is left switched on.
If JP1 is removed then the pin 6 GP1 input is not held
high or low. The voltage can float at a voltage anywhere
between 0V and 3V. This can lead to high current consumption in IC1, reducing cell life, as digital inputs are
supposed to be in one state or the other.
So IC1 checks for this condition by changing GP1 to an
output and setting it to a high level for 1ms. The 1kΩ resistor charges the 100nF capacitor to 3V. Then GP1 is changed
to an input, and the level is checked. If the input voltage
remains high, then there is either a jumper in position 2
pulling the input high, or there is no jumper, and the input
IC1 uses its internal 8MHz oscillator to generate the
31.25kHz PWM signal at output pin 5. This is fed to a twostage RC low-pass filter. The first stage comprises a 10kΩ
resistor and 100nF capacitor to give a -3dB roll-off at 159Hz.
The second stage has the same roll-off frequency but uses
a 100kΩ resistor with a 10nF capacitor. These components
give an impedance which is 10 times that of the first stage
filter, minimising the loading on the first stage due to the
second stage. The filtered signal is fed to volume control
Scope1: this shows just over seven periods of the ~32kHz
PWM signal that is produced at pin 5 of IC1. The signal
swing is 3V peak-to-peak, and the timebase is 25µs.
Scope2: this ‘lub’ signal reproduces a a real heartbeat sound,
produced by filtering the PWM waveform, measured at the
wiper of VR2. Note the longer timebase used here (10ms/div).
Silicon Chip
is held high via the charged 100nF capacitor.
This test is repeated with a low output. If the level
changed, then JP1 is inserted. To prevent the floating input condition, GP1 is changed to a low (0V) output and
left like that, minimising power consumption.
Heartbeat generation
Australia’s electronics magazine
trimpot VR2 and then to the non-inverting input, pin 3, of amplifier IC2 via a
1µF capacitor and 27kΩ resistor.
IC2 is a TPA2005D1 Class-D (ie,
switching) amplifier in a tiny SMD package, measuring only 3 x 5mm. It is specifiIN –
cally designed for use in mobile phones
where its high efficiency is crucial. The
block diagram of the TPA2005D1 is
shown in Fig.4.
It has differential inputs to an internal
IN +
amplifier that drives the PWM section at
a switching frequency of 250kHz, set by
the internal oscillator. The PWM section
then feeds an H-bridge circuit for drivSHUTDOWN
ing an external loudspeaker.
The data sheet for the TPA2005 highTPA2005D1
lights two interesting points. The first is
its high CMRR (common-mode rejection
Fig.4: the internal block diagram of the TPA2005 Class-D audio amplifier chip.
ratio) which supposedly eliminates the
Its differential inputs go to a balanced analog amplifier and then onto a PWM
need for input coupling capacitors. But
modulator which drives a Mosfet H-bridge, and that in turn drives the speaker.
this high CMRR only applies if the amThis provides high efficiency and plenty of power from a low supply voltage.
plifier is used in balanced mode, with
As shown, the chip can drive a speaker in Class-D mode without a filter.
both inputs at the same DC level.
In our circuit, we are using it in unbalanced mode, with ceramic capacitor close to IC2’s supply rails, and a 100nF
the inverting input grounded (via the 1µF capacitor), so capacitor at IC1’s supply rails.
we need to use two input capacitors. The 27kΩ resistor
Diode D1 is included to protect against component damfor the non-inverting input, in conjunction with the inter- age if the cells are inserted with reversed polarity. In that
nal 150kΩ feedback resistor, sets amplifier gain at about case, the diode will conduct and limit the negative voltage
5.5 times. Since the amplifier is a bridge type, the overall to the circuit. The disadvantage is that this will quickly
gain is double that, ie, 11 times.
drain the cells, but presumably, you would notice that the
The second interesting point is that the TPA2005 can run
device is not working and fix it straight away.
without an output filter that would usually be required to
The alternative protection method, with a diode in series
remove the 250kHz switching signal. That is, provided the with the supply, drops too much voltage for this application.
output leads are kept short. Even so, we use ferrite beads Even a Schottky type, with its lower forward voltage, would
(FB1 and FB2) plus 1nF shunting capacitors to reduce elec- not be suitable and we can’t justify the cost of a Mosfet in
tromagnetic interference (EMI).
this role (which would have a lower voltage drop again).
Power supply
Power is from two series AAA cells to provide a nominal 3V supply, switched on or off by power switch S1. A
100µF capacitor bypasses the switched supply with a 1µF
LED1 lights simultaneously with the lub/dub sounds
and is driven via the VO- output of IC2. With no signal,
this output sits at an average of 1.5V. This is derived by an
Scope3: this is the ‘dub’ signal measured identically to the
‘lub’ signal shown in Scope2. Again, it is a reproduction of
a real heartbeat sound.
Scope4: a single heartbeat sound with both the ‘lub’ and
‘dub’ waveform. You can see their slightly different shapes
and amplitudes, and the delay between them.
Australia’s electronics magazine
January 2021 43
Also, after the timeout period expires, microcontroller
IC1 is placed in sleep mode and only draws about 150nA.
Amplifier IC2 is also switched off by IC1 taking the GP0
output low, which connects to its SDWN (shutdown) input. IC2 then draws around 500nA. We measured a 500nA
current for the whole heartbeat circuit when in shutdown
on our prototype (half a microamp!). The cells should last
for their shelf life with such a small current drain.
Scope5: two heartbeats as shown in Scope4. With this
slower timebase, you can also see the delay between beats.
RC low-pass filter (2.2kΩ/100nF) from the 250kHz square
wave signal at pin 8 of IC2. It swings between 0V and 3V
with a 50% duty cycle when idle.
The LED lights when this voltage rises above the usual
LED forward voltage of around 1.8V, and that happens when
the duty cycle of the pin 8 output increases above 60%.
Saving power
Since the device is powered from AAA cells, we need
to minimise power usage to conserve cell life. Typically,
the circuit draws an average of 10mA when producing the
heartbeat. However, once the timeout period has ended,
the current needs to drop to a very low level until the unit
is switched off.
This is achieved in several ways. Firstly, as already mentioned, there is no voltage across VR1 most of the time.
The MiniHeart Simulator is built on a double-sided,
plated-through PCB coded 01109201 which measures 70
x 73mm. It is housed in an 80 x 80 x 20mm vented plastic enclosure.
Fig.5 shows the PCB component overlays. Begin by fitting
the SMD Class-D amplifier chip, IC2. It requires a very fine
soldering iron tip and, ideally, a lit gooseneck or desktop
magnifier (a good LED headband magnifier also works well).
Identify its pin 1 dot under magnification, then orientate
it as shown in Fig.5, with pin 1 towards the speaker hole.
Add some flux paste to the middle of the central pad (or
liquid flux, if you don’t have paste), position IC2 carefully
over its pads, then tack-solder pin 4 to its pad.
Check that the IC is still aligned with the PCB pads on
both sides; remelt the solder if required. If all is OK, solder the remaining corner pins and then pins 2, 3, 6 and
7. Use solder wick to remove any solder that bridges between the IC pins.
IC2 also has a ground pad that needs to be soldered to
the PCB. This can be done by feeding solder from the underside of the PCB, through the hole positioned under the
IC. Use minimal solder to prevent the solder from spreading out and shorting to the IC leads.
The flux you added earlier will help this solder flow onto
the pad on the underside of the IC.
Now install the resistors and surface mount capacitors.
Parts List – MiniHeart Heartbeat Simulator
1 double-sided, plated-through PCB coded 01109201,
70 x 73mm
1 Hammond 1151V4 vented enclosure, 80 x 80 x 20mm [Jaycar
2 AAA PCB-mount cell holders
2 AAA alkaline cells
1 40mm diameter Mylar cone loudspeaker [Jaycar AS3004]
1 PCB-mount SPDT toggle switch (S1) [Altronics S1421]
1 8-pin DIL IC socket
2 ferrite beads, 4mm diameter & 5mm long (FB1,FB2)
[Altronics L5250A, Jaycar LF1250]
1 3-way header, 2.54mm pitch with jumper shunt (JP1)
2 9mm-long M3 tapped spacers
2 M3 x 6mm panhead machine screws
4 No.4 self-tapping screws
2 M3 x 6mm Nylon machine screws (countersunk head preferred)
1 M8 marine-grade 316 stainless non-magnetic steel nut
(6.35mm tall)
1 40mm length of 0.7mm diameter tinned copper wire
(for FB1 and FB2)
1 100mm length of light-gauge hookup wire
(or 2-way ribbon cable or figure-8)
1 small tube of neutral-cure silicone sealant
(eg, roof and gutter silicone)
Silicon Chip
1 PIC12F617-I/P microcontroller programmed with
0110920A.hex (IC1)
1 TPA2005D1DGNRQ1 1.4W mono filter-free Class-D
amplifier (IC2)
1 1N5404 3A diode (D1)
1 3mm high-brightness red LED (LED1)
1 100µF 16V PC electrolytic
3 1µF 6.3V SMD M3216/1206 X7R# ceramic
4 100nF 50V SMD M3216/1206 X7R ceramic
1 10nF 50V SMD M3216/1206 X7R ceramic
2 1nF 50V SMD M3216/1206 X7R ceramic
Resistors (all 1% SMD M3216/1206)
1 100kW (code 1003 or 104)
2 27kW (code 2702 or 273)
2 10kW (code 1002 or 103)
1 2.2kW (code 2201 or 222)
1 1kW (code 1001 or 102)
1 10kW mini horizontal trimpot (VR1)
1 100kW mini horizontal trimpot (VR2)
# a Y5V type was found to work in our prototype
but X5R or X7R is a better choice
Australia’s electronics magazine
Fig.5: these (and the
matching photos below),
show where components
are mounted on both
sides of the PCB. It’s
generally best to fit
all the SMDs to the
top side (and possibly
also the bottom side)
before moving on
to the through-hole
components due to
their small size and low
height. Note how the
speaker is orientated
so that its terminals fit
through the provided
board cut-out, and also
how the cell holder
wires are bent to fit the
PCB pads, fed in through
the underside and
soldered on top.
IC1 is a normal 8-pin
DIP . . . but IC2 (a
is TINY (it’s shown
below about life size).
A word of warning:
don’t sneeze or turn
a fan on if you ever
want to see it again!
These components are located on both sides of the PCB. The
capacitors are usually unmarked except on their packaging.
The resistors will probably be marked with a small code,
as shown in the parts list. The first few digits indicate the
resistance value, followed by the number of extra zeroes in
the last position. So for example, a 1kΩ resistor will have
the code 102 or 1001. That is a 10 followed by two zeros,
or 100 followed by one zero. For 10kΩ, the code will be
103 or 1002 etc.
Next, fit diode D1, taking care to orientate it correctly.
Then mount ferrite beads FB1 and FB2 by first feeding
tinned copper wire through the centre hole, then inserting
and soldering these to the PCB pads. Keep the wire taught
when soldering to prevent the beads from being loose.
We used a socket for IC1 in case we ever want to remove
it for reprogramming. Take care to orientate the socket correctly (notch toward the PCB edge).
Trimpots VR1 and VR2 can be mounted now. Take care to
place the 10kΩ trimpot in the VR1 position and the 100kΩ
trimpot in the VR2 position. Then fit three-way header JP1
with the shorter ends of the pins through the PCB holes.
Power switch (S1) is installed in the position shown. The
switch we used differs slightly from the one in the parts list
in that the actuator is longer on the recommended switch.
The positioning of the switch has therefore been moved
further from the edge of the PCB. That way, the switch actuator will protrude from the case by the same amount as
shown on our prototype.
LED1 mounts with the anode (longer lead) in the hole
marked ‘A’. Solder it so that the top of the lens is 11mm
above the top edge of the PCB
For the AAA cell holders, bend the wire terminals so that
they stick out the sides of the holder, then bend them up to
feed the leads through the holes on the PCB from the underside, and solder them on the top. The cell holders need to
be orientated correctly, as shown on the overlay diagram.
The base of the cell holders should be positioned so that
they sit on the enclosure base when the PCB is seated on
the four mounting posts. That means that the bottom of the
cell holders will be lower than the bottom edge of the PCB.
Next, fit the 100µF capacitor. Insert its leads with the
longer lead through the hole marked +, then lie it over, so
the capacitor body is between the LED and AAA cell holder. It must be no higher than 11mm above the top edge of
the PCB. That will allow the lid to fit.
The two PC stakes for the loudspeaker connections can
Australia’s electronics magazine
January 2021 45
The Min
Fig.6: this drilling diagram shows the locations of the
3mm LED hole, two 3mm lid attachment holes (along
the bottom) and optional holes to access the adjustment
trimpots without having to remove the lid.
now be installed with the shorter end inserted into the
PCB from the top side.
At this stage, don’t plug in the PIC microprocessor (IC1).
If you purchase your PICI2F617-I/P for this project from the
SILICON CHIP ONLINE SHOP, it will already have the firmware
(0110920A.hex) loaded. If you wish to do this yourself,
the file can be downloaded from the SILICON CHIP website.
Fig.7: the “front panel” artwork, which has a
hole provided for the LED. See our website link
in the text for ideas on how to print this out and
attach it to the lid. You can download a PDF of
this artwork from the SILICON CHIP website.
the LED hole and the two trimpot adjustment access holes.
The holes for the trimpots are optional; you can omit them
if you’re happy to open the case if you need to make any
The lid panel artwork (Fig.7) is also available for download from our website. Details about printing and attaching panel artwork can be found at
Press the side clips into the case lid to release it from Testing
the baseplate. Locating flanges insert into one edge of the
Place a shorting link in JP1’s position 1 and connect two
lid also secure it in place.
wires, about 80mm long, to the two PC stakes under the
The PCB is designed to be mounted onto the integral PCB in readiness to solder to the miniature 8-ohm speakstandoffs on the base of the case. There is only one correct er. We used two wires stripped from a length of rainbow
orientation, and that is with the two notches along the top cable; mini figure-8 would also work well as well as sepaedge of the PCB fitting into the
rate hookup wires.
case lid locating flanges on the
The loudspeaker mounts on
base plate. The PCB is secured
top of the PCB with the speaker
with small self-tapping screws
terminals in the cut-out area. The
into the standoffs.
wires connect to the speaker terWe attach two 9mm-long M3
minals from the underside of the
tapped spacers to the PCB to alPCB. For the moment, the speaker
low the lid to be screwed down.
will be loose.
This is in addition to the side
Insert the two AAA cells and
clips on the cover that hold it in
switch on the power. Check there
place. Two screws then go into
is about 3V between pins 1 and 8
the standoffs from the outside of
of IC1’s socket.
the lid. Attach these spacers by
Disconnect power and insert
feeding short machine screws
the programmed PIC in its sockthrough the underside of the
et, making sure it is oriented corPCB into the two corner holes,
rectly (the notch toward the edge
then tighten the tapped spacers
of the PCB). Reapply power and
onto the screw shafts.
the speaker should start to move
This view shows how the PCB is secured to the case
The template (Fig.6) shows
in response to the ‘lub dub’ sound.
lid but more importantly, shows the “damper” glued
the position of the two holes re- to the mica speaker diaphragm (in this case, a stain- If not, make sure that VR2 is adjustquired for the securing screws. less steel nut). Don’t be tempted to use a mild steel
ed at least partly clockwise. Adjust
It also shows the locations for nut: they’re magnetic and will not work in this role.
further clockwise for more sound.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Note that the sound will have an approximate 1kHz background tone. That’s because, even though this tone is filtered
out in the circuitry, the speaker is much more efficient at
producing 1kHz compared to the approximately 47Hz ‘lub
dub’ sounds. Also note that you won’t really hear the ‘lub
dub’ sound, but you will feel it if you place a finger at the
centre of the loudspeaker cone.
The loudspeaker cone needs to be weighted to make the
heartbeat audible and to prevent the reproduction of higher
frequency tones. To do this, we use an M8 stainless steel (nonmagnetic) nut as a weight on the speaker cone. A non-magnetic nut must be used; otherwise, the speaker cone would
be pressed against the magnet of the speaker by the nut.
We get away with this because the speaker cone is made
from Mylar and so it is quite strong. This means that the central speaker coil is still centred within the magnet gap even
with extra mass.
To attach the nut, apply a smear of neutral-cure silicone
sealant (roof and gutter silicone is ideal) to one side of the nut
and affix centrally on the speaker cone. Additional silicone
is required to fill the inside of the nut, making sure it is filled
down to the cone. Keep the silicone flush with the top face
of the nut. Also apply a thin layer around the speaker cone.
While you’re at it, it’s a good idea to secure the ferrite
beads (FB1 and FB2) using some of the silicone to hold
them to the PCB. Only a small amount is necessary. This
will prevent them from rattling and adding obscure sounds
to the heartbeat.
The loudspeaker is also secured to the PCB with some
silicone around the central magnet, where it fits into the
PCB hole.
Note that the speaker needs to be positioned correctly,
with the wire entry points positioned over the PCB cutout and with the back of the speaker magnet resting on the
base of the case.
The PCB should be temporarily positioned on the integral
standoffs in the case while the silicone cures. This way, the
speaker will be at the correct height above the PCB.
Using it
Adjust the timeout period so that the heartbeat sound
lasts for the length of time you require. This is done with
JP1 in position 2. To do this, move JP1 into position 2 with
the power off and set the required time. Full clockwise adjustment of VR1 gives a 4-hour timeout. The mid position
is two hours and mid-way between fully anticlockwise and
mid-way is about one hour.
Set the timeout and then switch on the power. The timeout period will be recorded. Any further adjustment of VR1
with the power on will be ignored. It is only the setting of
VR1 at power-up when JP1 is in position 2 that is recorded.
The setting is stored in non-volatile flash memory and remembered for use next time.
When jumper 1 is in position 1, the heartbeat rate can
be adjusted. This can be changed with power on, from 42
to 114 beats per minute. The setting is also stored in flash
memory, and the last setting will be used should the unit
be powered up with JP1 in position 2.
The volume is set using VR2. However, the drive to the
loudspeaker will become distorted if VR2 is rotated too far
clockwise, so a position less than halfway clockwise should
be used.
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Energy Meter (Aug16 –
Micromite V3 BackPack:
Super Clock (Jul16 –
JUST $7500
Boat Computer (Apr16 –
See August 2019 (Article 11764)
Ultrasonic Parking Assistant (Mar16 – P&P: Flat $10 PER ORDER
(within Australia)
Price is for the Micromite BackPack only;
not for the projects listed.
Australia’s electronics magazine
January 2021 47