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Micromite to Smartphone
Connector via Bluetooth
By Tom Hartley
This project demonstrates how to use a Micromite as the heart of an
IoT (Internet of Things) device. But there are many other reasons you
might wish to connect a Micromite to your Android smartphone, such as
making it easy to monitor what your device is doing without going to the
trouble or expense of fitting it with an LCD screen. It also makes it really
Phone Image Source:
easy to control the software running on the Micromite.
Android Open Source project
he Micromite Mk2 (January 2015;
is a great way to get into programming
microcontrollers, because you need
so little to get it up and running, and
the BASIC language it uses is easy to
learn. But to make the most of it, you
really need some sort of screen.
That’s why the Micromite LCD BackPack series (starting in February 2016)
has been so popular. It combines the
Micromite with a colour touchscreen,
giving you an easy way to interact with
the device and display information.
But that arrangement is considerably
more expensive and complex, and a
separate screen isn’t always required.
The Circuit Notebook section of the
May 2015 issue (
Article/8395) showed how low-cost
Bluetooth modules could be used to
allow two Micromites to communicate without wires. But what about
using such a module to interface with
a smartphone?
That way, the phone becomes the
user interface to the Micromite, so you
can get away with a much simpler and
cheaper arrangement – assuming you
already have a suitable phone.
And since smartphones generally
have a connection to the internet, the
Micromite can become an IoT (internet of things) device and easily share
data with other devices.
This article explains how to connect
a bare Micromite chip to an Android
mobile phone to communicate and
Silicon Chip
display data without using a screen.
You can even communicate with the
Micromite’s terminal output data
stream using an Android app, sending
it BASIC commands and so on.
Basic arrangement
After programming a 28-pin Micromite chip via the conventional PC USB
connection, I was able to disconnect it
from the PC and transmit the Micromite’s terminal output data stream
over Bluetooth to an Android App,
running on an inexpensive mobile
The design requires very few components:
1) A smartphone running some version of the Android operating
2) A 28-pin Micromite PIC chip
loaded with MMBasic, and a tantalum or ceramic capacitor for
the Vcap pin, as recommended by
Geoff Graham.
3) An HC-05 Bluetooth module,
preferably one with an Enable
pushbutton key.
4) A USB to TTL converter (eg, one
based on the ubiquitous CP2102
5) A short USB extension cable.
6) A BMP180 atmospheric pressure
sensor (for this particular demonstration application).
7) A four-AA battery holder modified by tapping the output voltages at 3V and 4.5V. The fourth
cell is not needed, so that position can be left empty.
8) A small piece of Veroboard.
9) Some hook-up wire.
Bluetooth module setup
The first job is to configure the
Bluetooth module as required by this
Fig.1: the HC-05 Bluetooth
transceiver module is wired up to
a USB-UART bridge and battery
pack so that the Bluetooth module
can be set up using a PC.
Australia’s electronics magazine
project. The HC-05 Bluetooth module has many similarities to a modem,
and the procedure to set it up will be
familiar if you have ever set up serial
communications to a modem.
Before you can do this, you will
need to install a serial terminal program on your computer. For Windows
users, Tera Term appears to be the most
favoured. For Linux users, the PuTTY
SSH Client is recommended. Download and install this software.
Now we need to send the Bluetooth
module the appropriate commands to
set up the baud rate etc. These are sent
as ‘AT’ commands. To do this, you
have to connect the module to your
computer as per Fig.2.
Connect the USB-serial adaptor,
HC-05 Bluetooth module and battery
pack as shown in Fig.2. Start the terminal program on your PC and plug
the USB to TTL converter into a convenient USB port. This will power up
the USB to TTL converter but will not
power up the HC-05 module.
The terminal software will require
information about which USB port it
should connect to. You can find this
in Windows using the Device Manager. In Linux, when there are no
other USB devices plugged into the
computer, then the usual USB port is
Once you have set that, hold down
the button on the HC-05 module and
turn the switch on the battery box to
the ‘ON’ position. Wait a couple of seconds before releasing the button. The
red LED on the HC-05 module should
flash slowly.
Now type “AT” on your computer
terminal program and press Enter, the
module should respond with “OK”. If
it does not, there is probably a baud
rate mismatch so check that the terminal is communicating with the HC-05
at 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, one stop
bit, no flow control (often described
as “8-N-1”).
Also, the Enter key on your PC must
be mapped as a carriage return plus
line feed, usually signified in the terminal software as CR/LF. The other
baud rate to try is 38,400. Different
manufacturers have different default
baud rates on first use. Once you get
the OK, you can proceed to enter these
two commands:
You should get an OK after each one.
Fig.2: you need to change some settings in the HC-05 Bluetooth module before
using it, via serial commands from a computer. This is how you can connect it
up in order to do that. The suggested wiring is in Fig.1.
Fig.3: this minimal circuit is all you need to load the MMBasic firmware onto a
PIC32, turning it into a Micromite. You can save yourself the hassle by getting a
pre-programmed chip from our Online Shop.
If you don’t, you might have a different
version of the HC-05 Bluetooth module; see the panel below.
Next, check that the settings have
been recorded by typing “AT+UART”
and pressing enter, which should
provide the response “38400,1,0”.
Then type “AT+NAME” and press
enter; you should give the response
Power off the circuit and install the
HC-05 in the test rig described in the
next section.
Next, install the Bluetooth Terminal
app by Kai Morich on the smartphone.
You can download it from siliconchip.
Building the circuit
Fig.3 shows how to load the firmware onto the PIC32 chip using a
PICkit if it is not already loaded (or
you can purchase a pre-programmed
Fig.4 is the minimal circuit to build
so that you can interface with the
Alternative versions of the Bluetooth module
We have seen online sellers listing various versions of the HC-05 including the
“original” version (likely the one described in this article), a “new” or “revised”
version and the HC-06.
We ordered some of the new/revised HC-05 modules to try out. They look
much the same as the original HC-05, and if you order one from a seller who
doesn’t make the distinction, that may well be the one you receive.
The new/revised version worked as described in this article, except that it
did not respond to the “AT” commands listed in this article at all. However, it
seemed to default to 38,400 baud, so we were able to communicate with a
Micromite simply by wiring it up and setting that as the baud rate.
We haven’t tried the HC-06, but chances are it works much the same way.
You might just need to experiment with the baud rate if you cannot communicate with it after selecting 38,400 baud.
Australia’s electronics magazine
September 2021 83
Fig.4: the minimal circuit to communicate with the Micromite over USB, using a
USB/Serial adaptor.
Fig.5: by adding a BMP180-based temperature/pressure sensor module as well
as the HC-05 Bluetooth module to the Micromite, we can turn it into something
useful. It now reports atmospheric data on the smartphone screen via a terminal
The test rig connected to a Micromite Explore-28 which was built on a
breadboard. This setup should easily work with the Micromite BackPacks and
Explore-28, assuming the requisite pins are free.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
Micromite running MMBasic.
However, you won’t be able to do
much with such a basic configuration,
so we will describe how to get the circuit shown in Fig.5 up and running.
This includes a BMP180 temperature/
atmospheric pressure sensor so it can
actually do something useful.
Note that with the Tx/TxD lines of
the two serial modules in parallel, you
can only have one active at a time.
That's assuming that the inactive module is not driving its Tx line actively,
which is the case with the HC-05 and
USB-serial modules I used, but might
not be true for all such devices. If both
Tx lines are active at the same time,
it's unlikely anything will be damaged
(although not impossible), but it certainly isn't going to work as they will
fight each other.
While Fig.4 shows both a USBserial and Bluetooth adaptor, you don't
need both; the USB-Serial module is
intended mainly for testing and can
be left off once you're confident that
the HC-05 is working. Also, you don't
need to connect the BMP180 module;
it's simply there to demonstrate what
you can do. Modify the circuit to suit
your requirements.
The BMP180 sensor communicates
using an I2C serial bus, so it is connected to pins 17 and 18 as shown in
Fig.5. It also needs a ground connection and a +3V connection. As before,
the 4.5V tap on the battery pack is only
required to run the HC-05 module.
Connect the test rig setup to your
PC and terminal program via the USBTTL converter.
We have based the software for this
demonstration project on the program
written by Jim Rowe for the December
2017 article on the GY-68 module with
the BMP180 chip. It can be found at
The revised version is named
“BMP180 barometer check prog console only.bas” and is available for
download from the Silicon Chip website associated with this article. The
only real change is that all lines which
pertain to formatting and/or displaying information on the LCD screen
have been removed. Instead, it simply prints the data obtained from the
BMP180 chip on the console using
PRINT commands.
Run the program and confirm that it
all performs correctly in the usual PC
terminal mode. Then shut down the PC
terminal and unplug your test rig from
the PC’s USB port. Install the Bluetooth
Terminal App on your mobile phone
(if you haven’t already).
Power up the test rig. Notice that the
red LED on the HC-05 module is flashing rapidly. Follow the instructions
for connecting a Bluetooth device to
the Bluetooth Terminal App on your
The steps involve registering the
HC-05 in your phone’s Bluetooth
devices list. It will first show up as an
alphanumeric address similar to an IP
address but segmented into several
pairs of hexadecimal characters. Once
you provide the password of 0000 or
1234, your HC-05 should then appear
on the list as MMITE01.
Now return to the Bluetooth Serial
App on the phone and connect to the
MMITE01 adaptor. Successful connection to the HC-05 will be detectable
by the flashing LED having slowed
down considerably. The App should
also display precisely what you have
previously seen on your PC’s terminal program.
If not, turn the test rig off and on
again. When you turn off the test
rig, the Bluetooth Terminal App will
report it has lost the connection. Just
tap on the connect icon in the App,
and it should reconnect without any
further need for your inputs or adjustments.
Screen 1 shows a typical display
on the mobile phone when connected
to the Micromite via Bluetooth. This
particular App can log received text,
so data coming across from the test rig
can be saved.
Another advantage of using this particular Bluetooth Terminal App is that
it adds the current date and time to
every line of data received, making it
unnecessary to build an RTC module
into your circuit. In fact, now that the
data is in your phone, you can exploit
the fact that your phone is, in reality, a
very sophisticated computer and display resource.
For example, you can now write
your own Android Phone Apps using
MIT App Inventor (ai2.appinventor. because that tool has a Bluetooth connectivity module as a standard built-in item. See our article
explaining how to use App Inventor in
the February 2021 issue (siliconchip.
Python programs run well on mobile
phones, so that provides another
opportunity for enhancing the usefulness of your data collected by the
Another possibility is to install a
web server on your Android phone,
such as KickWeb (
au/link/ab8z). That way, you can use
PHP scripts or continuously looping
Python programs to forward sensor
derived data to services such as Thingspeak ( where
your data can be displayed graphically and made available across the
whole internet.
That time of year is nearly here...
Spice up your festive season
with eight LED decorations!
Tiny LED Xmas Tree
54 x 41mm PCB
SC5181 – $2.50
Tiny LED Cap
55 x 57mm PCB
SC5687 – $3.00
Tiny LED Stocking
41 x 83mm PCB
SC5688 – $3.00
Tiny LED Reindeer
91 x 98mm PCB
SC5689 – $3.00
Tiny LED Bauble
52.5 x 45.5mm
SC5690 – $3.00
Tiny LED Sleigh
80 x 92mm PCB
SC5691 – $3.00
Tiny LED Star
57 x 54mm PCB
SC5692 – $3.00
If possible you should try to purchase
a HC-05 module which has an “Enable
pushbutton” key, as shown at the
upper left of this photo. This specific
HC-05 is a HiLetgo branded version.
Screen 1: a very basic display of local
barometric pressure (in hectopascals
[hPa]) in the smartphone terminal
app, delivered by the Micromite. By
changing the Micromite BASIC code
and hardware, you can get it to report
just about anything you want!
Australia’s electronics magazine
Tiny LED Cane
84 x 60mm PCB
SC5693 – $3.00
We also sell a kit containing all
required components for just
$14 per board ➟ SC5579
September 2021 85