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AVO Valve Testers and Valve
Characteristic Meters
By Ian Batty
The ultimate evolution of the AVO Valve Characteristic Meter – the MkIV.
“I checked it on the AVO.” For decades, AVO valve testers were the
standard for testing valves (their multimeters were also extremely
popular). This article explains the differences between the various AVO
meters and describes how they work.
Warning: Electrocution Hazard
All AVO valve testers apply AC voltages with peak values ~1.57 times the indicated voltage on the voltage
selectors. From the MkI onwards, they can apply AC voltages with peak values exceeding 600V. Even the
initial Valve Tester can apply peak voltages close to 400V. Exercise care with all AVO Valve Testers.
Never touch any exposed contacts on valve socket panels. Be careful when measuring voltages.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
VO was typically used to refer
to the AVO Valve Characteristic Meter (VCM), based on
a design first made by the Automatic
Coil Winder & Electrical Company in
the late 1930s. This company would
become the famous AVO, best known
for (and named for) its most prolific
product, the Amp-Volt-Ohm meter.
With its initial patent lodged in 1922
by Donald MacAdie, the AVOmeter
would become the sub-standard meter
of choice, with the final one made
in 2008 (Photo 1). Note that I wrote
sub-standard and not substandard; in
measurement circles, a sub-standard is
an instrument second only to the physical examples stored at the National
Standards Laboratory.
But there wasn’t just one “AVO”.
The initial release was the 1936 Valve
Tester, registered as British Patent
480,752: “An Improved Method and
Apparatus for Testing Radio Valves”.
Lodged by Sydney Rutherford
Wilkins on August 26, 1936, the patent describes the AVO Valve Tester
circuit and gives the design principles
described below.
Notably, there is only one non-linear
component, the rectifier in the SET
ZERO circuit, which applies pulsating
DC to the meter circuit in opposition
to the valve’s pulsating anode current.
It’s the balancing of these two currents
that allows the meter to settle to zero
in readiness for the gm measurement.
It’s a remarkably elegant design,
so let’s look into how the problem of
valve testing was definitively solved.
Valve testing basics
Simple valve testers heat the filament or cathode and measure the
emission between the filament/cathode and the anode (in a diode) or the
first grid (in all other valves). You can
use an ordinary ohm-meter for this
job. You would need a list of various
valves types and their expected resistance readings, and such charts were
the manufacturer’s specified anode
2. Shift the grid voltage up and
down by half a volt each way and
observe the swing of the anode current.
Using a 6V6 with 250V on the anode
and screen, reducing the bias voltage
of -12.5V to -12V and increasing it to
-13V should give a total anode current
swing of 4.1mA, confirming a gm of
4.1mA/V or 4.1mS.
But that would demand up to three
adjustable, regulated supplies, and the
Valve Tester hails from the 1930s. Regulated supplies of the day were bulky
and prohibitively expensive. Imagine
designing and building two indepenPhoto 1: an AVOmeter (amp/volt/
dent 0~400V, 100mA supplies before
ohmmeter) Mk8, the multimeter.
the invention of the 6L6 beam tetrode.
supplied with some multimeters, such
Knowing that they could design and
as Hansen’s FN/SU models.
build mains transformers that would
This is emission testing, useful
deliver well-regulated AC supplies,
for sorting out dud valves and mak- the engineers at ACWEC decided to let
ing like-for-like comparisons. How- the valve under test do the rectifying.
ever, emission testing does not test
With the valve performing rectificathe entire valve’s performance under tion, the anode current is pulsating DC.
typical applied voltages, doesn’t test The indicating meter would simply be
at the valve’s full rated voltage or (for calibrated to respond to the pulsating
power valves) typical operating cur- DC and give a reading equivalent to a
rents, and doesn’t check for inter- steady direct current.
electrode shorts or leakages such as
The applied anode (and screen)
heater-cathode leakage.
supplies would effectively be half
The emission tester also fails to test sinewaves since the valve would not
a key valve characteristic: its mutual conduct during negative half-cycles.
conductance (gm), now commonly
A simple implementation would
called transconductance. This is the see the indicating meter settle to, say,
ratio of anode current change to grid 45mA for a 6V6, rising to 49.1mA
voltage change. It was initially mea- when the grid voltage is made 1V more
sured in microamps (of anode cur- positive. That would work, but you’d
rent) per volt (of grid voltage), with have to observe, accurately, only about
the unit of the micromho (“mho” is a 10% change in the meter reading.
ohm backwards).
Fig.1 shows the problem. It looks
It is now measured using the SI unit like the standing current is about
of microsiemens (µS). It’s a form of 45mA, and the on-test current is about
conductance (G = I ÷ V) because it’s 49mA, so the valve’s gm is maybe about
the inverse of resistance (R = V ÷ I).
4mS (49mA − 45mA).
So, the question then is – how to
We’d prefer a direct indication: a gm
measure it? In principle, the steps are: of zero means the meter does not move
1. Apply the correct grid bias,
at all, a gm of 4.1 gives a meter indiscreen voltage (tetrodes/pentodes) cation of 4.1, and so on, as shown in
and anode voltage, and trim to get Fig.2. This requires two supplies: the
Fig.1: the difference in reading you would expect applying
a 1V signal or step to the grid of a 6V6 with the specified
bias of -12.5V. It’s hard to read this with any precision.
Fig.2: by increasing the meter’s sensitivity and offsetting the
reading so that it’s at zero with the specified bias of -12.5V, it
becomes easier to read the difference in current accurately.
Australia's electronics magazine
August 2022 89
Read the instruction manual before operating an AVO meter
This article includes basic lists of steps for using each type of AVO meter. This
is mainly to give you an idea of how they work. I recommended that you read
the full instructions before using any of the valve testers.
Note that in each case, the recommendation is to set the switches with the
power off or, where available, with the FUNCTION set to CHECK. Doing it this
way prevents accidental short circuits and valve damage.
selected anode voltage & the backing-
off supply, which adds to it. This is
depicted in the simplified circuit of
Fig.3. Although it’s not shown, S1’s
SET position is applying a sinewave
causing an effective -0.5V grid bias.
The anode current flows through
the mA/V pot, which acts as a variable shunt, controlling the meter’s
full-scale sensitivity. Let’s say we have
selected an anode voltage of 250V, and
the backing-off control is adjusted for
minimum effect.
The valve will draw a current of
Ia, so there will be some voltage drop
across the mA/V pot. The meter will
deflect, with the indication depending on the shunting effect of the mA/V
pot’s setting.
Let’s say the valve draws 45mA.
Adding current from the backing-off
supply will raise the voltage at the
anode end of the mA/V pot, reducing
the total current through the mA/V pot.
If the backing-off supply is adjusted to
give enough current to raise the anode
back to 250V, there will be no voltage
drop across the mA/V pot, and the
meter needle will fall to zero.
Now, applying the test bias to the
valve will increase the anode current,
but the backing-off supply is still set
to 45mA and cannot entirely cancel
the new anode current. The difference
between the new anode current and
the backing-off current will be shown
directly on the meter scale, as in Fig.2.
The “SET M. A./V.” (referred to as
“SET mA/V” for future references) can
be adjusted to the expected gm value;
in our example, 4.1mS. This control is
a continuously-variable current shunt
across the meter movement, so this setting gives the meter itself a full-scale
deflection of 4.1mA.
After doing that, the key switch is set
to the mA/V position. This inverts the
sinewave voltage on the grid, replacing the effective -0.5V with +0.5V. This
step will push the total anode current
to about 49.1mA. But, as there is a
counteracting current of 45mA from
the backing-off supply, the meter will
indicate 4.1mA (49.1mA − 45mA).
Silicon Chip
And that is the sensitivity we set using
the mA/V control, so the meter will
show 100%.
Alternately, setting the “SET mA/V”
control to the “mA/V” position gives
10mA full-scale. In this case, our 6V6
will deflect the pointer to the 4.1 mark.
This confirms the previous measurement, but it also allows a direct reading for any valve without having to
look up a table of specs and adjust the
“SET mA/V” accordingly.
So that’s the principle used in the
AVO Valve Tester. A description of
how the follow-on Valve Characteristic Meter operates will come later.
The AVO Valve Tester
The AVO Valve Tester (Photo 2) used
a case similar to their existing multimeters, with an extension board carrying the selector switches and valve
sockets. It could test valves with anode
voltages ranging from 30-250V and
screen voltages from 60-250V. The test
range was either a direct reading of
0~10mA/V or by setting a dial for the
specified gm and reading the valve’s
merit (“goodness”) from the scale.
Heater/filament voltages matched
common valves of the day, with selections of 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 6, 7.5, 10, 13, 16,
20, 26, 30, 35 and 40 volts provided.
The test panel added a ÷7 switch so
that, for example, 1.4V valves could
be tested with a selected supply of
10V, reduced to 1.4V by actuating the
÷7 switch. The Tester also offered a
heater-cathode insulation test.
The instrument’s accuracy depended
on the mains voltage, with an internal
selector panel allowing settings of
200V AC to 250V AC in 10V steps.
The Valve Tester set an instrumentation standard that saw “the AVO’s”
widespread use in civilian and military contexts. I recall using a CT160
at the Williamtown Air Force Base
near Newcastle in the mid-1960s, and
in Darwin.
The photo opposite (Photo 3) shows
the interior. From top to bottom, the
major components are the high-voltage
transformer, meter, function keyswitch
and low-voltage transformer. The dualgang Set Zero (backing off) pot can just
be seen at lower left. The socket panel’s connector is at top right.
For all its brilliance, the Valve Tester had a serious drawback: it tested
with 0V of standing bias. This meant
that the anode current under test might
not be that recommended by the valve
This matters, as transconductance
is anode-current dependent. It’s low
for low anode currents, and increases
Fig.3: a greatly simplified circuit for the original AVO Valve Tester. The twogang potentiometer at upper left is used to zero the meter before starting the
test, while the pot below the meter adjusts its sensitivity so that FSD (full
scale deflection) can be set to the expected reading. A good valve will then
provide FSD, while a weak valve will give a somewhat lower reading.
Australia's electronics magazine
as anode current increases to the permitted maximum.
Let’s consider the 6AU6. With zero
grid bias, it draws around 17mA to
give a gm around 5.5mS. But it’s often
used in audio amplifiers at anode currents as low as 300µA. What is its gm
at such a low current? The Valve Tester cannot apply variable bias (and
we’d need around -4.5V to get such
a low anode current), so it’s impossible to find out.
The Valve Tester also swings the grid
positive, with possible grid emission
effects giving false readings.
To explain the remaining features of
Fig.3, diode D1 rectifies the backing-off
supply to balance the anode current
indication back to zero for testing. In
the SET position, S1 applies an AC
voltage to the grid. Setting S1 to the
TEST position reverses the polarity of
the grid signal, causing the anode current to rise, and allowing the meter to
indicate the change in anode current
as a transconductance reading.
Diode D2 ensures that the screen
cannot go negative during the valve’s
non-conducting cycle. Allowing this
could disrupt the instrument’s measurement accuracy. This diode is
not included in all diagrams; I have
included it in case you find a Valve
Tester with it fitted.
So, while the Valve Tester gave reliable indications for valves (mostly triodes) that specified low (essentially
zero) grid bias voltages, it could not
be relied on for those that required a
negative grid bias for normal operation. That’s pretty much everything
with an oxide-coated cathode.
Also, one had to trust that the calibration was accurate. Valves are specified for a range of filament/heater
voltages, and it was luck whether the
Valve Tester actually applied the correct voltage on any one particular test.
While manufacturers allow as
much as ±10% variation of heater
voltage, deviations from the nominal voltage affect results. On test, an
ECC82/12AX7 returned gm values of
2.05mS and 1.5mS for heater voltages of 6.9V (+10%) and 5.7V (-10%),
with a reading of 1.8mS at the specified 6.3V. That’s a variation of +14%/
-17% over the recommended operating range.
Basics of operation
With the power off, consult the
AVO data book and set the roller
switches to the required positions. Set
the filament/heater voltages. Be careful with 1.4V valves; you need the ÷7
setting on the socket panel with the
10V setting on the Tester.
Set the mA/V control to the value
shown in the data book to get an indication of relative functionality, or to
10 to get an actual transconductance
Push the key switch to the mA/V
position and read off the meter indication.
The Valve Characteristic
Meter (VCM)
The Valve Characteristic Meter was
a significant rework of the design.
First, it was unitised and made
more ergonomic. The meter and controls were mounted on a sloping front
panel, making operation and observation much easier. The socket panel was
located on the top surface, removing
the previous connecting lead, plug and
socket. Sockets that had been recently
invented were included. The socket
panel was protected against debris
intrusion by a flip-up cover.
Second, the mains voltage selector
was brought out to the front panel,
with an indication on the test meter.
Third, they added a variable grid
bias control. Operators could set up
all of the valve manufacturer’s specified parameters.
Fourth, the VCM incorporated a
short-circuit relay which appears to
have been included in some issues of
the Valve Tester. This needed to operate at any anode/screen current selection. To achieve this, the relay’s core
held enough residual magnetism to
stay latched in with no current flow.
In regular operation, the anode/
screen current is pulsating DC due to
the rectifying action of the valve under
test. The resulting uni-directional
magnetisation added to the residual
magnetism, holding the relay in.
But a short circuit would draw current on both half-cycles of the internal
Photo 2 (above): the original AVO Valve Tester. The part on the
right was an expanded version of their AVOmeter ‘multimeter’ (a
term that hadn’t been coined yet), while the part on the left houses
all the valve sockets plus some extra controls.
Photo 3 (right): the inside of the AVO Valve Tester is busy but there
are very few actual components. Most of it is (very neat) wiring!
The meter movement is right in the middle, while the transformers
are at the top (HV) and bottom (LV).
Australia's electronics magazine
August 2022 91
Fig.4: the Valve Characteristic Meter (based on the MkIII/IV VCM) is a
refinement of the original concept that added a great deal of flexibility. Its
main advantages are the ability to test the valve over a wide range of bias
voltages and a built-in overload/short circuit protection relay that ends the
test if too much current flows.
Fig.5: the final evolution of the AVO Valve Tester, the VCM163, included a
solid-state sinewave generator and amplifier/rectifier to provide even more
accurate results.
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Australia's electronics magazine
alternating voltage supply. The relay
might hold in on the first half-cycle
(depending on polarity) but would be
thrown out as the opposite-polarity
half-cycle began. Once thrown out, it
was reset by pushing the RESET button on the control panel.
Fig.4 shows the basics of the VCM
circuit. The backing-off/zero circuit
has been modified: it now applies the
opposing current directly to the meter,
but with the same effect. Notice that
the meter now reads the voltage drop
across the fixed 200W resistor (R36).
You can regard the meter as a sensitive, multi-range voltmeter calibrated
in transconductance when testing.
The overload relay (RLYA) senses
anode and screen currents in separate
windings. As described, the alternating current resulting from a short circuit will throw the relay out, demanding that the operator reset it manually.
As with the Valve Tester, diode D2
ensures that the screen never has negative voltage applied.
The bias supply is in two parts. In
SET mode, the operator uses potentiometer VR5 to apply the specified
grid voltage. Switching to TEST mode
makes the grid voltage 1V more positive. This causes the anode current
to increase above the balanced value
when the backing-off was set. That
extra current will be read as the valve’s
Along with this, the design rework
provided for anode current measurement. The name “Valve Characteristic
Meter” is a clue. This rework allows
the operator to record the anode current for any combination of control
grid bias, screen voltage and anode
voltage. It was possible to plot the
entire set of grid-anode characteristics
for any valve that would fit the extensive set of sockets.
In effect, the VCM offered a complete test bench for any valve, of any
kind, for any test conditions.
Operators could also identify weak
valves, which would work fine at low
anode currents, but lacked the emission to deliver full performance at
full current. Matching valves to each
other (important for high-performance
push-pull operation) was also made
much easier.
A manufacturer aiming to operate a
particular output valve from a lower-
than-specified high tension (HT) supply could easily measure that valve’s
characteristics and could refine a
design to suit. The venerable 6V6, for
example, can give up to 4.5W of output.
But a small mantel set can get by with
just one or two watts to the speaker.
Could an ‘economy’ set do this using
a 6V6 with just 150V HT? Sure, and
the VCM could confirm that.
Basics of operation
With power off or the function
setting in the CHECK(C) position, consult the AVO data book and set the
roller switches to the required positions. If the VCM was off, switch on
in the CHECK(C) position and adjust
the SET~ control for the correct mains
Set filament/heater voltages.
Set grid, screen & anode voltages.
to 100(mA).
Switch to C/H.ins to warm the
valve up before testing.
Switch to TEST and read the
anode current. Set the METER SELECTOR/SWITCH to a lower range if
Set the SET mA/V control to the
expected gm value and set the METER
Adjust the SET ZERO (MkI-II) or
and FINE) to bring the meter to 0.
Press the mA/V button or switch
to mA/V and read the valve’s merit
from the coloured scale.
To get the actual gm value, repeat
the above, but with the SET mA/V
control at 10. Press the mA/V button and read off the valve’s actual gm
value, treating the calibrations as a
0~10mS scale.
The CT160
The ‘clamshell’ CT160 used the
same basic electronic design. While it
did not offer laboratory testing capability, it became the standard ‘quick,
accurate and ready’ instrument used in
many workshops and service centres.
The CT160 only operates as a gm tester; it does not give anode current readings. The electrode voltage settings
(grid, screen and anode) work as for
the MkI-IV and the VCM163. But the
anode current settings take the place
of the backing-off controls in all previous models. A simplified version of
its circuit diagram is shown in Fig.6.
The CT160’s meter is fixed at 700μA
FSD. Perhaps confusingly, the 1mA/V
mark, at around 74% of FSD, is a DC
Fig.6: a simplified circuit diagram of the CT160. It doesn't provide all the
features of its predecessors (eg, it lacks anode current readings), but it is
still a useful instrument and was widely used.
equivalent of 520μA. With the SET
mA/V control at 1mA/V, the applied
grid voltage decrement is 0.52V.
Using the formula ∆Ia = ∆vg x gm, a
valve with a gm of 1mS will give an
anode current increment of 520μA,
resulting in a scale indication of 1.0.
So, while a 0.52V decrement would
give a 1.0 indication for a valve with
a gm of 1mS, applying the 0.52V decrement to a valve with any higher
mutual conductance would overswing
the meter. The SET mA/V control does,
indeed, give a 0.52V decrement on its
1mA/V position, but it gives proportionately less for each higher dialled-in
gm value: 260mV for gm = 2mS, 130mV
for gm = 5mS and so on. I was, again,
awed by the elegance of this instrument’s design.
As with the previous VCMs, the
CT160 is calibrated with simple DC
values, so this preceding complexity
is hidden from the operator.
Basics of operation
With the power off or the function
Australia's electronics magazine
setting in the SET~ position, consult
the AVO data book and set the roller
switches to the required positions.
There are plug selectors and a switch
beneath the transparent lid just below
the meter. Be aware that these are at
mains potential. Adjust for the correct
mains indication.
Set filament/heater voltages.
Set grid, screen & anode voltages.
Set the anode current’s coarse
switch and fine potentiometer controls
to the specified values.
Switch to C/H to warm the valve
up before testing.
Rotate the mA/V control to the Cal
position and set the function switch
to TEST.
Be ready to adjust the anode current, as the meter may swing wildly
back past 0, or forward past full scale.
I find it easier to adjust the grid voltage when the meter overswings – it has
the same authority as the two anode
current controls combined, but it’s a
single control and is easier to manage.
Once the meter gives a safe indication,
August 2022 93
trim the grid voltage and anode current controls. Aim to get the specified
anode current, even if the grid voltage
is not close to the specified value.
Anode current has the most effect
on gm, so the correct setting of anode
current has priority. Be aware that a
very low grid voltage implies a valve
with poor emission.
The VCM163
Finally, the VCM163 introduced a
solid-state measurement design (Fig.5).
This revolutionary instrument uses
a transistor oscillator to generate a
sinewave signal that is applied to
the grid of the valve under test. This
high-frequency signal modulates the
half-wave 50Hz applied to the grid.
The VCM163 uses a high-pass filter in the anode circuit to pick off the
amplified high-frequency modulation
from the anode current. This signal is
further amplified and rectified to drive
the transconductance meter.
Since the transconductance is
measured by the amplification of a
high-frequency signal, AVO removed
the entire backing-off section. This
allowed continuous measurement of
anode current by a dedicated meter.
No longer did operators need to set
anode current, back off, measure
transconductance and then remove the
backing-off setting to check that the
anode current had not drifted.
Half-wave rectification is now done
by silicon diodes, removing the possibility that high-voltage negative
half-cycles applied to valve electrodes
will affect the instrument’s accuracy.
The VCM163 retains the fundamental AVO principle: mains transformers
can deliver sufficient regulation to permit accurate valve testing without the
need for regulated DC supplies.
Setting the valve up as a signal
amplifier gave the highest accuracy. It
also took the gm meter out of the valve’s
current path, meaning that overloads
caused by incorrect settings, or shorts,
would not pass damaging amounts of
current through the meter’s delicate
moving-coil winding.
Basics of operation
CHECK(C) and LEAKAGE to ~. Check
that the meter settles to the calibration
mark. If the front-panel SET~ control
won’t adjust, remove power, open the
voltage selector panel on the left side
and adjust the coarse mains tapping.
With power off or the function setting in the CHECK(C) position, consult
the AVO data book and set the roller
switches to the required positions.
Set filament/heater voltages.
Set grid, screen & anode voltages.
Set the anode current and mA/V
controls to the expected values.
Switch to C/H to warm the valve
up before you start testing it.
Switch to TEST and read off
the anode current from the left-hand
meter. Read the transconductance
value from the right-hand meter.
Model identification
The Valve Tester is immediately
identifiable by its two-part construction. Valve Characteristic Meters can
be identified as follows:
] MkI: Grey aluminium exterior case,
unitised design, flip-top lid over valve
sockets, side carry handles, sits flat on
the bench.
] MkII (Photo 4): Similar to the MkI
with added front handles, standup
runners raising the instrument off
the bench and a valve data book tray
] MkIII (Photo 5): Revised design
with ‘roll-over’ handles, panels over
the frame, black front panel, large dials
for grid voltage (left) and transconductance (right).
] MkIV (see lead photo): Revised
design with combined grid voltage
variable/range switch and transconductance variable/range switch.
] CT160 (Photo 6): clamshell design,
transconductance only.
] VCM163 (Photo 7): has two meters.
Special handling
Never tap any meter on the glass.
Be aware that the original Valve
► Photo 4: the AVO VCM MkII looks similar to the MkI,
also having a flip-top lid with extra handles fitted to the
Photo 5 (above): the AVO VCM MkIII has roll-over handles.
Its grid voltage and gm controls are on the front panel,
while the MkIV has them behind protective windows.
Source: Rodney Champness
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Tester meter movement is not enclosed,
as the interior photo shows. Opening
the back of the Valve Tester exposes
the meter movement, making ‘clean
room’ maintenance essential.
The instrument is well-constructed
but my example had a two-wire power
lead. I did notice that slight ‘tingle’ that
you get (due to mains leakage) when I
ran my fingers over the front panel. I
recommend the fitting of a three-core
power lead to provide Earthing. You
would need to make connections to
the metal frames of the two power
If you decide to take on an AVO to
repair, get all the info you can first.
All VCMs are compact, and the MkIV
is tight to the point of inaccessibility/
invisibility for some components.
Further reading
The available circuit drawings are
often difficult to interpret. I welcome
discussion and corrections regarding
my simplified illustrations.
I have not found a single, easily-
comprehensible circuit for any AVO.
An example is the calibration circuit –
the critical first area to examine when
repairing or calibrating.
I found the original AVO documentation hard to understand, mixing
operating instructions with technical
descriptions. If you’re a newcomer to
the AVO, consider getting help from
an experienced owner.
You can find the detailed manufacturer’s instructions online, so I have
not attempted to make this article comprehensive. You can find out a lot more
Differences between voltage readings and applied voltages
AVO valve testers rely on the tested valve’s self-rectification, so the applied voltages and currents are not the same as those selected on the controls, or indicated on the meter.
On their DC ranges, meters commonly display average values, so they indicate 0.637 of a half-sinewave’s peak value, rather than the correct RMS factor
of 0.707 for AC.
The conversion factor from average to RMS is (0.707 ÷ 0.637) = 1.11, so with
a selected anode voltage of 400V – the DC-equivalent mean – the instrument
applies 444V RMS to the valve anode. While you won’t usually measure it, this
is a peak value of some 630V. AVO’s meter is calibrated to deflect to twice the
valve’s anode current. The grid voltage is even stranger. Selecting -10V bias on
the Grid Voltage setting measures as -5.2V on an average-reading meter.
This is a bit confusing, but you only need to consider it if you’re testing or calibrating an AVO valve tester. In the main part of the article, I treat all currents
and voltages as DC values, unless the AC values are critical to description or
Just to reiterate, the controls and the meter are calibrated for the equivalent
DC values.
by reading those instructions. See the
links to just some of the many valuable
references at the end of this article.
Next month
In the follow-up article next month,
I’ll describe three AVO Valve Testers/
VCMs that I was given to test (plus my
own CT160) and some of the problems
that I encountered. In some (but not
all) cases I was able to fix the problems
and get them working properly again.
Useful links
Martin Forsberg’s excellent entries
on the UK Vintage Radio Repair and
Restoration Discussion Forum, in collaboration with Euan MacKenzie and
permissions from Yutaka Matsuzaka: (be aware
Photo 6: the CT160 is the only AVO Valve Tester in a
clamshell case. While it’s a later design, it only offers direct
measurement of gm.
these texts are copyrighted).
For the MkIV, see Guido Pedrali
Noy’s thorough reconstruction of the
user manual at:
Frank Philipse’s extensive list of
resources for the MkII/III/IV, CT160
and the VCM163: https://frank.
Extensive discussions for AVO
products at:
A must read (!) article on the
VCM163 at:
Even more information on the AVO
MkIV, including meter replacement:
For information on servicing and
repairs, see pages 3-10 of the PDF at:
Photo 7: the VCM163 is the only one with two meters!
They show DC anode current and transconductance.
Source: Jerry Aldrich, UK Vintage Radio Repair Forum
Australia's electronics magazine
August 2022 95