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Vintage Radio
Tasma 305 ‘rat radio’ from 1936
By Fred Lever
Manufactured by Thorn & Smith (Tasma) in Mascot NSW, the Lawrence
305 is a superhet console radio. It was purchased in a slipshod initial
condition, with missing components or oddball replacements. A full
rework was needed, of course keeping to the time period.
I purchased a derelict Tasma radio
chassis from eBay, shown in Fig.1.
The chassis was rusted, missing parts
and in sad condition. Over its life, it
had acquired replacements such as
the odd IF coils, but one nice original item was the Tasma dial (Fig.2). I
refurbished the radio using the gang
and dial, and as many of the original
parts as I sensibly could.
The chassis took some sorting out,
with some engineering to fit later-
series front-end valves; as part of this
process, I needed to fabricate bits and
pieces such as coils and shield cans. I
arrived at a working chassis and used
a 12-inch 1960s Rola permanent magnet speaker fitted with an output transformer and a choke to replace the original electrodynamic type.
The set was then a working radio,
just waiting for a cabinet to live in.
The chassis and speaker sat around
for ages waiting for me to make my
mind up on what cabinet I would
make. I sketched some ideas based
on photos of a model 305 and other
similar Tasma sets. My thinking then
swung around to making what someone in the 1950s or 60s might have
made if they needed a second or
‘shed’ radio using a chassis from an
old wrecked pre-war console radio.
I considered using distressed timber pieces from the scrap pile with
old nail holes, warts and all, just like
a “rat rod” vintage car where a modified engine and transmission are fitted to a fresh chassis but with a faded
body, showing the patina of 80 years
or so of use. Thus, my hotted-up Tasma
1936 model 305 chassis and speaker
became a “rat radio”.
I have plenty of old scrap timber
pieces. Most fit the technical description of firewood, having patina in
spades! I set to and made up a small
console cabinet. The whole process
of chassis refurbishment and cabinet
construction stretched over a long
period. This article picks out just a few
of the essential steps in the journey.
Refurbishing the chassis
The chassis is serial number 305141,
ARTS&P rego B52187. The rust had set
into the horizontal surfaces with deep
pits; I removed the top parts (Fig.3)
and discovered some very rough metalwork. Some butcher had chiselled
out the original IF cutouts to put in an
odd pair of 175kHz coils, one Kingsley
KIF4 and one unknown type.
Fig.1: the chassis was in an abysmal
state when I received it.
Fig.2: the dial didn’t look too bad
(besides the discolouration from the
lamp’s heat at the top), but it was
pretty brittle. I added a protective
layer to preserve it.
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Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.3: the chassis after removing all the parts but before
rust treatment.
I profiled and drilled the IF cutouts to accept a matched pair of 1950s
455kHz units labelled “24-7” and “242”. I added a hole in the rear to accept
a mains power cord gland. With drilling and cutting completed, I brushed
off the loose rust but did not attempt
to smooth the chassis out any further.
Then I masked up the parts on the
chassis underneath and sprayed one
coat of etch primer on the top and,
before that set, one thick coat of Mission Brown enamel (Fig.4). The brown
then crinkle dried, effectively hiding
the pockmarked steel.
Editor’s note: if you’re going to paint
over rust, after removing any loose
rust, you should apply a ‘rust converter’ or a primer that does a similar job, like Rustoleum Stops Rust
Rusty Metal Primer. Otherwise, it can
Fig.4: with the worst of the rust gone and a coat of primer
plus a thick coat of paint, it’s now ready to rebuild.
continue to rust under the paint.
The electronic parts
I stripped the electronic parts out
from under the chassis. The set had
a preassembled tagboard (Fig.5) with
most of the IF and AF resistors and
capacitors on it. The capacitors were
hidden underneath (see Fig.6). A wiring loom was laced around the edge of
the chassis with all the supplies like
the heater wiring, transformer connections and B+ feeder wires. Some
bodgy plastic wires had been added
at some point.
I pulled the plastic-coated wiring out and used some spare period-
correct cloth-covered wire to make
up the missing connections. The electronic parts were in terrible condition,
with many of the capacitors leaky and
Fig.5: the original wiring; note the tag strips on which pretty much all the
smaller parts were mounted.
Australia's electronics magazine
the resistors way out of tolerance.
I replaced all the out-of-spec parts
with 600V-rated polyester capacitors
and 1W resistors from Jaycar, except
for the back-bias and voltage droppers,
where I used either PW3 or 2W types.
I did not need to put any parts under
the tag strip. That allowed the strip to
be re-mounted lower in the chassis.
The chassis had a four-pin socket
for a type 80 rectifier, with the rest
being 6-pin valves. I kept the type 80
rectifier and type 42 output valves as
in the original but put a fresh set of
octal sockets for the first three valves:
a 6K8 mixer, 6U7-G IF amplifier and
a 6B6-G demodulator/AF amplifier.
The last two needed external shields.
I fabricated these from soup cans – see
Fig.17 for the result.
Fig.7 shows the original circuit
Fig.6: some of the larger capacitors
were hiding under the central tag strip.
February 2022 93
Fig.7: the Tasma 305 radio’s
original circuit. I would
have liked to restore it to
its original condition, but
too many of the original
parts had gone bad and
exact replacements are very
difficult to get.
Fig.8: this is the ‘rat radio’ circuit I came up with; it brought the
radio ‘up to date’ if one were living in the 1950s. Parts from that
era are much easier to get, and in fact, I already had most of them.
Silicon Chip
Fig.9: the two matched 1950s era
intermediate frequency transformers I
found in my collection that turned out
to work pretty well.
Fig.11: the wobbulator output with
the known-good, pre-tuned IFT I used
as a reference. I aimed for a similar
result when testing the ‘new’ IFTs.
Fig.12: the output using the 24-7 IFT
after adjustment. It’s more or less as
while Fig.8 is my final ‘rat’ circuit.
The arrangement is a typical superhet
of the 1950s with AGC control on the
first two valves, to keep a level output for a range of radio stations. The
front end covers the broadcast band
only, and has a curious twin-coil and
three-gang tuning arrangement, like a
poor man’s RF stage without a valve.
I considered inserting an extra 6U7
RF amplifier and making it a six-valve
set but I refrained from that and just
wired the 6K8 and 6U7 as usual. The
6B6 has a set of diodes that perform
the detection and AGC functions.
I tested and have marked the circuit with the optional part to use a
gain 6B8 pentode. However,
the lower-gain 6B6 triode was sufficient to drive the type 42 to full output. If a 6B8 were used, the plate-toplate feedback resistor from the type
42 would help reduce the excess gain
and calm any instability.
When testing unknown IF coils, one
puzzle is to determine which is the primary and secondary, and which ends
go the plate, B+, grid, and bias. This
can make a difference in some cases as
the coils may not be symmetrical and
will work inefficiently if connected
backwards. On most old IFTs, one can
find a flying grid top cap wire, allowing you to determine the grid and secondary connections.
I connect the transformers both
ways around to my tester to see if
the response was better one way or
another. With these IFTs, there was a
definite ‘good’ and ‘bad’ way of connecting the primary, so that defined
the P and B+ pins for me.
The intermediate frequency transformers (IFTs) are marked 24-7 455KC
and 24-2 455KC (Fig.9). I wanted to
test them first, so I dug out the valve
IF ‘wobbulator’ tester I made years ago.
This tester puts the IFTs into a valve
environment with full HT and circuit
capacitances. It quickly shows if a coil
is not working correctly.
The tester is virtually a radio, with
a local oscillator using a 6SN7 tunable
oscillator, a 6SK7 IF stage and a 6H6
detector. Breakout terminals at appropriate circuit points are provided to
clip on meters or an oscilloscope. A
6AC7 sawtooth sweep generator and
a 6AC7 reactance valve ‘wobbles’ the
6SN7 tank oscillator to sweep the frequency and thus provide a response
The sweeper was still connected to
an IFT I had been tested previously, so
I powered the unit up and verified that
it still worked. With a bit of fiddling,
I obtained a sweep response shown
in Fig.11. I set the centre frequency at
455kHz and peaked the cores to get
maximum response.
I then swapped in the transformer
marked 24-7 and got the result shown
in Fig.12 with the slugs adjusted to
their centre peaks. That looked good,
so I tried the other unit and got the
trace shown in Fig.13, then peaked
it and got a pretty good-looking
response, shown in Fig.14.
Fig.13: the output with the 24-2 IFT
before adjustment.
Fig.14: the output with the 24-2 IFT
after adjustment. Also fine.
Testing the IFTs
The oscillator coil
While I had sorted out the IFTs and
was using the original air-cored aerial
coils, I had no oscillator coil. I needed
a coil to produce the tuning range, say
500-1700kHz, plus 455kHz, meaning it
needed to operate from about 950kHz
to 2150kHz.
Delving into the coil box, I found an
air-cored coil the same diameter as the
Tasma tuning coils. This was a single
three-terminal tapped coil meant for
Fig.15: the oscillator coil after I’d finished making my modifications to suit the
set under construction.
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Fig.16: the oscillator plate waveform
looks bizarre and mangled.
Fig.17: ahh, much better. The top of
the chassis after restoration. The soup
can shields are a ‘love it or hate it’
affair. I happen to think they look
pretty decent.
a different type of oscillator circuit. I
unwound turns from the main winding and then drilled an extra hole in
the former to make the coil a four-
terminal unit, suitable for the 6K8 frequency changer.
I reduced the turns until it measured
1.4mH, the inductance I have used
in previous 455kHz superhet builds
(see Fig.15).
I hooked it up to a tuning gang on
the bench and checked the frequency
range with a fixed and variable padder capacitor. The best way of testing
a coil is to put it in the same electrical surroundings as it would be in the
set. I wired up a 6SN7 triode to the
gang and coil to form an oscillator and
checked the result.
Depending on the gang trimmer and
padder settings, I could get frequencies from 900kHz to 2400kHz, which
was close enough to try. I also cut up
a scrap Philips IF aluminium shield
can in the lathe to suit and tested with
the coil inside that; the can’s presence
alters the coil’s inductance.
I added a ferrite core so I can vary
the inductance a bit in the chassis.
That gave me three things to tweak: the
core, the padder and the gang trimmer.
I fitted the cut-down can with threaded
feet pinched from another can to hold
it to the chassis.
The coil worked a treat. The oscillator plate wave is a bit mangled (Fig.16),
something there is a bit non-linear!
However, the tuned tank wave, the one
that matters, was clean with regular
Silicon Chip
amplitude all over the tuning range.
Odds and ends
There was a broken mains voltage selector switch on the rear of the
chassis. I removed that and fitted
the three-core mains lead and gland.
That allowed me to provide a solid
Earth wire connection to the chassis.
I cleaned the dial (shown in Fig.2) by
drilling out the rivets, taking it apart
and treating each part separately.
The celluloid front piece has a dark
blemish at the top from lamp heat, and
the painting inside was in a fragile
condition. The lettering would flake
off if touched. I left the blemish as a
‘beauty spot’ and sprayed some clear
fixative over the surface. Some white
paint spruced up the inside of the
metal casing.
I fashioned a vintage-looking
pointer from a piece of alloy sheet and
tapped the spindle so I could use a tiny
BA-size screw to hold the pointer on.
I cleaned or re-painted other parts to
freshen them up.
The final circuit
My final circuit is not all that different from the original. My IF transformers are 455kHz, differing from the
original 164kHz, hence the need for a
new oscillator coil.
There were some challenges in making the tuning, oscillator and IF coils
track in harmony and getting the call
sign markings on the dial to match
roughly where the stations were. But
Australia's electronics magazine
it was nothing that a spot of trimmer,
core and padder setting tweaks could
not handle.
I did not use the wire-wound “Candohm” voltage divider resistor shown
as item 20 in Fig.7 (and visible in Fig.5)
as the end of that was burnt out. I simply used individual dropping resistors to provide the various screen and
oscillator voltages needed. Using the
smaller modern parts simplified the
look of the under-chassis and gave
better access to the valve sockets, as
shown in Fig.18.
The old electrolytic cans with most
of the original transfers still intact
looked great. I bolted the dead cans
back on the chassis with the decal surfaces sealed with clear spray and fitted
some modern replacements on a tag
strip mounted onto the ends.
The speaker choke
The speaker was originally an electrodynamic type where the magnet-
exciting coil was also the smoothing
choke for the HT supply, having a DC
resistance of 1650W. I had an old Rola
2W 12in type 12O permanent magnet
speaker spare, so I bolted it to a plywood off-cut, as shown in Fig.19.
I had a 30H choke with 22W resistance to replace the function of the
magnetising coil. After experimentation, I finished with a 2kW 30W wirewound resistor connected in series
with this choke. That combination
gave me a 250V DC HT with minimal
ripple in the working chassis. Then I
Fig.18: the bottom of the chassis after
restoration. The smaller modern
components make it look much
neater, and it’s also considerably
easier to work on, especially as there
are no more capacitors hidden under
the central tag strip.
Fig.19: the Rola 12O loudspeaker I
selected for the radio.
rewound a 30VA power transformer
to work as an output transformer and
fitted both to the panel (Fig.20).
The output transformer
With a 2W coil impedance, it’s best
to keep the transformer adjacent to the
speaker so the connecting leads are
short. I needed a pretty ‘lazy’ transformer for 5W audio with plenty of
iron, a secondary delivering about 3V
and a turns ratio to reflect 7kW load
to the type 42 plate. I used a Jaycar
MM2150 (30VA) with a 60W mains
primary and a tapped secondary of 6,
9, 12 and 15V.
The primary inductance is 5H, and
it uses an interleaved lamination stack.
The primary handles at least 30mA of
DC plate current, and this will add permanently to the iron magnetisation, so
I wanted to air gap the stack. The secondary was wound with just the right
size wire for a 2A speaker coil current
rating (3V at 4W) and had plenty of
taps to play with.
The primary was the problem; its
turn count was not high enough to give
a reasonable inductance with the air
gap, and it was also too low to get a
ratio to reflect 7kW from 2W. The solution was to strip the primary and see
how many more turns of a smaller wire
I could put back on. I have some eight
thou (0.2mm) diameter enamelled
wire rated at 80mA, so I used that.
I managed to cram 2150 turns into
the former, about twice the original
number. With 230V AC applied, that
gave me 1.6V, 3.4V, 5.1V and 8.6V at
the output. I used the 3.4V tap, a ratio
of about 70:1. The reflected impedance
would be 9.8kW (702 × 2W) , a tad high
for a type 42 valve. I restacked the laminations and now had a primary with
200W resistance and 6.1H inductance.
Fig.21 shows the primary coil bobbin with a dreaded thermal fuse and
Fig.20: the rear of the speaker
showing how I mounted the output
transformer I made by modifying
a mains transformer, plus the filter
choke and series resistor for the HT
supply (replacing the field coil of the
original electrodynamic speaker).
Fig.21. I removed the thermal fuse
from the transformer while modifying
it as it will no longer be a mains
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2022 97
Fig.22: the modified transformer
after reassembly. Note the red tape
providing the ‘air gap’ in the core
to prevent saturation from the
unavoidable direct current flow.
Fig.23: the Bakelite speaker plug I
fabricated from a discarded valve
base and a scrap dome.
Fig.24: the simple cradle I made to
hold the chassis. It’s strong and fits
the chassis nicely.
original winding, both of which were
removed. I taped the core “I” pieces
together with red insulating tape that
defined the size of the air gap (Fig.22).
I wired the speaker assembly to the
chassis using a discarded valve base
as a 5-pin plug. A scrap Bakelite dome
fitted neatly into the valve base, so I
glued that in (Fig.23).
For a starting point, I made up a flat
bar cradle for the chassis to sit on and
bolt to, shown in Fig.24. This cradle
sits at an angle in the chassis, sloping
backwards so that the dial is tilted
more on an eye-line (see Fig.25).
I cut up two five-ply sheets to form
the sides, 914mm high and 254mm
deep. The cradle sits between these,
far enough from the floor to leave room
for the speaker plate (Fig.26). This bit
of guesswork caused trouble as the dial
wound up not being in the centre of
the space it occupied and ruined the
theory of ‘proportions in design’ when
viewed from the front! The set should
have been further up.
Oh well, this was just another challenge to solve later. Then it was a matter of putting enough timber into the
structure to make a frame that would
take the weight of the set (Fig.27).
That structure is the bones of the set
and functional as-is. The set could be
considered finished at that point, but
it looked a bit bare!
A hint to amateurs like me for using
timber to build cabinets: build the
structure on a level, flat workbench.
Shim the bench legs using a bubble
level on the top. My bench is a slab
of 25mm chipboard sheet sitting on
trestles, level to bubble all ways. The
sheet itself is flat to about 1mm. Your
right-angle square and bubble level
are your best friends in keeping the
assembly square as you build!
I like to get the corner foot weights
as even as possible, so the set sits naturally square on the floor. This basic
assembly was a bit back-heavy, mainly
from the weight of the power transformer. I also put the speaker transformers at the bottom to get the mass
as low down as possible. It is preferable to have the set back heavy for
safety, so if wobbled, it favours falling
toward the wall.
All of the interior beams are good
Fig.25: you can see how the chassis
cradle sits at an angle so that the dial
appears straight-on when you look
down at it.
Fig.26: I mounted the chassis just high
enough so that the speaker board
would fit below it. This turned out
to be a mistake – I could easily have
mounted it higher, but I didn’t think
of it at the time! By the time I realised
this, it was too late...
Making the cabinet
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Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.27: I added bracing to the frame so
it would not fall apart if moved with
the chassis inside.
Fig.28: I added some profiled pieces of
timber at the top to resolve the shape.
You can also clearly see the frame I
made from the speaker grille in this
structural timber. The outside timbers
are in various stages of aging with random wastage, splits and nail holes.
eBay provided a genuine period
round Bakelite dial bezel to frame
the dial scale plate hole. I dressed the
frame, trying not to have too much of
a boxy look by adding some curves
here and there.
There was a problem resolving the
look of the top of the set with the side
shoulders merging with the dial panel
sloping back. I used a piece of quad to
roll the front to the top, and a skirting board with a rolled edge for the
side plates. Then it was a matter of
profiling bits of ply to fit around the
top and shoulders and glue the whole
thing together.
While the glue was drying at the top,
I attacked the speaker grille design and
made a frame from tomato stakes with
the three vertical bars and two sidebars, shown in Fig.28. That gives the
speaker some protection and a frame
to tack a rectangle of brownish speaker
cloth on the inside. I made the frame a
push-fit between the shoulders.
I trimmed the rough ply edges on
the cabinet with a saw, then sanded
them smooth. The inside of the cabinet received a spray job top to bottom
with matte black paint, along with the
speaker grille. Then I brushed the outside of the cabinet and the grille with
clear varnish. Three coats of varnish
were enough to seal all the rough bits
up and highlight the wood grain, nail
holes and all the blemishes.
Control knobs
The set needed three control knobs.
These could have been the typical
Bakelite types, but while walking
down the kitchen aisle at Bunnings,
I saw all sorts of cabinet doorknobs.
I randomly chose some faceted ballshaped items and, in my innocence,
imagined they were plastic. That
would be easy to chuck in the lathe
and re-profile to look like radio knobs.
Unfortunately, they were glass!
I never have much luck machining
glass in my lathe, so I left them ballshaped, drilled the alloy bases to ¼in
to suit the pot shafts, machined the
bases to cylinders, then cross-drilled
and tapped them for grub screws.
Those I made by cutting the heads off
5/32in screws and slotting them with a
hacksaw. The resulting knobs (Fig.29)
look a bit odd on the set (Fig.30), but
you have to try these things.
Fig.29: the original Bunnings (left) and
modified (right) knobs. The modified
knobs were made using a lathe to
better suit a 1950s style.
Fig.30: this shows how the knobs look mounted below the original dial. This
isn’t quite what I was going for, but I think they turned out OK.
Fig.31: a close-up of the finished chassis mounted in the cabinet.
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Fig.32: the rear view of the completed ‘rat radio’. I’m
pleased with how tidy it is.
Fig.33: I solved the blank space by adding a badge. Once again, it
didn’t turn out quite the way I intended, but it still looks reasonable.
Finishing it
Fig.34: this diagram, taken from the service manual, is used in conjunction with
the original circuit diagram. It labels the points of interest on the underside of
the Tasma 305 chassis, with the numbers relating to the those shown in Fig.7.
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Australia's electronics magazine
I do not mind rough textures and
chunks missing out of surfaces and
even odd colours, but I do mind bad
proportions. The open area above the
dial was just wrong. It needed some
optical filling to ‘centre’ the dial bezel.
Concocting a winged “Tasma” logo
from ply scrap and mounting this to
split the distance between the bezel
and the cabinet top achieved that –
see Fig.33.
The detail of the logo was a disaster.
I had a bright script style “TASMA”
centre icon in yellow to match the front
panel. When I varnished the surface,
the varnish leached the yellow ink out
and faded the icon almost to nothing.
You win some and you lose some! [It
looks like a purposefully ‘distressed’
detail – Editor]
Another detail that I could have
done better is that the chassis bolts
to the baseboard using Whitworth set
screws and wing nuts.
The set has that mellow 40s sound
and needs an external antenna wire
to pick up any stations. Job done!
I decided the project had finally
arrived at the destination as a ‘rat
radio’. Beauty is in the eye of the