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Vintage Radio
The Mysterious Mickey OZ by Astor
By Ian Batty
This is an iconic,
well-performing radio
from the early 1930s;
it was built into a
Queensland Maple
case, and is a ‘must
have’ for any serious
collector of Australian
electronic technology.
However, it’s a
nightmare to work on.
his radio was previously described
by Rodney Champness in the
March 2004 issue (
au/Article/3438), but as it’s an important early Australian set, I decided to
revisit it in a more in-depth manner.
That earlier article went into very little detail on how the circuit operates,
and the radio was not actually restored
nor tested. Some aspects of the circuit
are unusual and interesting, as I shall
describe later.
The Astor Mickey began as a transformerless AC/DC set adapted from an
American 110V design. All valve heaters were in series, with the US design
modified for the Australian release as
serial numbers 1 to 460. The 110V set’s
heater dropping resistor was increased
to 580W to permit operation on our
nominal 230V mains and maintain the
heater string voltage of around 69V.
This resistor dissipated some 51W of
the total 80-odd watts.
This heating was managed by ventilation slots in the sides and bottom
of the compact timber cabinet, and
by inserting a sheet of asbestos inside
the upper right (viewed from behind).
The asbestos heat shield continued well in to the 7000 series. From
around 1935, some early models that
Silicon Chip
had been returned to the factory were
re-released with a repaired chassis and
new cases. The sets are distinguished
by the curved ‘ogee’ depression in the
case’s front edge, but low serial numbers. Also, some sets had an asbestos
sheet fitted between the output valve
and the mains transformer.
Asbestos is a known carcinogen.
The complete serial numbers of these
sets are not known. At some point, the
asbestos sheet was replaced by a thin
sheet of timber. Readers are advised
to examine their sets to determine
whether the asbestos is in place. For
advice on how to handle asbestos, see
Notable aspects
Donald Haines lodged his
US2148266 pentagrid patent in 1933
(the design used in the 2A7/6A7/6A8
and descendants), and Astor released
the AC/DC Mickey in that same year.
So it’s a standout example of a very
early superhet.
Other notable aspects of this set are
the use of back bias for the 6B7 and the
use of regeneration in the converter,
a most unusual circuit strategy used
Article sources
This article draws on Philip Leahy’s Circuits 1934-1940 Book 11, Astor/Breville Circuits and its Supplement, published by the Historical Radio Society of
Australia (HRSA). Philip, assisted by Jim Easson, has collected comprehensive circuits and technical notes for very many radios made and sold in Australia, and the Astor/Breville book has proven invaluable in writing this article.
Refer to Philip’s book for complete descriptions, circuit diagrams, circuit
voltages and sensitivity/performance figures.
Consider also getting Philip’s entire series – it contains many Australian
radios not listed in the famous Australian Official Radio Service Manuals that
were either not included, released before the AORSMs began publication in
1938, or manufactured after the AORSMs ceased publication in 1956.
See the HRSA website ( for Leahy’s ten-volume series’ contents, but note that book ten is still in preparation at the time of writing this.
Australia's electronics magazine
It’s important to note that most
models of the Astor Mickey
OZ used asbestos in the
timber cabinet, so the utmost
care should be taken when
handling this – siliconchip.
The cabinet itself is small
for its time at 305mm wide,
180mm high and 140mm deep.
only by a very few designers, and one
that had disappeared by the late 1930s.
Returning to the power supply, serials 461 onward used a mains transformer with full-wave rectification.
The change to AC-only operation
resulted in the OZ circuit of 1933
(Leahy, p11; see adjcaent panel). This
design underwent frequent change;
consult Leahy for the most complete
collection of circuits. He lists six variants.
The basic circuit was also used
for other Mickey sets (the Bakelite
EC and the stunning Mickey Grand
among them) and for other, later sets
from Astor.
The set I’m describing, serial number 7490 (OZ7490), appears in the
Leahy Supplement on p11. The principal difference from the more common issues is the use of back-bias for
the demodulator/AGC/audio valve, a
duo-diode pentode 6B7.
There were many changes to the OZ
circuit, the cabinet and even the dial
cloth and cabinet ventilation/geometry over the production run. Philip
Leahy and Jim Easson have compiled
the most complete list of these changes
(see the adjacent panel).
nightmare to work on is that it looks
as though one team bolted the power
transformer, IF cans and gang on to
the top of the chassis, the next team
turned it upside down and threw in a
handful of parts before the final team
just soldered everything to everything else.
Using the military criteria of Reliability, Maintainability and Availability, I give it scores of 8, 0, 10, getting
zero for maintainability only because
you can’t give a negative score.
All wiring is point-to-point without
tagstrips; my set had several instances
of connected components just having
their pigtails twisted together in midair and soldered.
You can pick repairs and modifications pretty easily. Resistors are mostly
the old ‘cartridge-cap’ body-end-band
coded or cylindrical ‘dogbone’ bodyend-dot coded types. All original
non-electrolytic capacitors were from
Aerovox or TCC.
The picture overleaf of an original
Mickey, supplied by Andrew Wakeman, shows four ‘dogbone’ resistors
(three green and one red), and one
cartridge-cap resistor (purple body).
There is also a large paper capacitor
(C27, sitting vertically) with a band of
black friction tape insulating some of
the back-bias circuit’s solder connections. The undisturbed friction tape is
Reality check
The reason I described this set as a
The overall layout of the chassis was
very compact, with metal sheeting
needed to help with airflow. This set
was serial number 7490.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2022 79
A simple notch filter (rather than the
bandpass filter used) would have given
immunity to IF breakthrough without
compromising the performance.
The top view of the chassis gives a better look at the ‘messy’ arrangement near
the tuning gang which is for the antenna circuitry.
Circuit description
The circuit is shown in Fig.1. There
is a filter circuit (L1/C1) between the
antenna connection and the antenna
coil primary (L2).
Some references describe this as
necessary to suppress interference/IF
breakthough from marine/spark transmitters in the lower end of the HF
band, and to suppress image responses
in the 986~2111kHz range.
By 1932, 500kHz had been declared
as the International Distress Frequency, but would have presented
little interference due to infrequent traffic. ‘Everyday’ maritime
communications were relocated to
frequencies of 425, 454, 468, 480 and
512kHz, so the potential for IF breakthrough (especially from the 454kHz
allocation) would have been a reality.
The filter certainly does have significant attenuation towards the bottom
end as the sensitivity graph (Fig.4) and
the IF injection voltages on the circuit diagram show. It would also (as
the manufacturer’s description states)
improve image suppression as the set
is tuned past about 1000kHz. Unfortunately, it does this by cutting receiver
sensitivity, by a factor exceeding two
times at the top end.
The 6A7 converter uses grid 1 for the
oscillator grid and grid 2 as the oscillator anode in the conventional pentagrid circuit. It uses ‘padder’ feedback,
where the primary winding couples
via 1nF capacitor C14 to the secondary, in addition to the mutual inductance between primary and secondary.
That RF connection goes to ground via
padder C12, a fixed 300pF shunted by
a variable 30~60pF.
Padder feedback is used to improve
oscillator activity (and thus conversion
gain) in converters with known weak
oscillator performance. Although the
6A7 is specified for anode voltages as
low as 100V and should work reliably
with the conventional circuit, OZ7490
showed considerable variation in
oscillator output over the tuning band.
The use of padder feedback suggests
that the conventional transformercoupled “Armstrong oscillator” design
was found inadequate with the set’s
low HT.
The tuning dial, with reduction
drive, is uncalibrated. It is marked
(confusingly) as “100” at the low end
of the band to “0” at the high end –
see Fig.2.
Fig.1: a redrawn version of the Astor
Mickey OZ (serial 7490) circuit with
suggested test points. The original
circuit is available but the labels are
hard to make out.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
An original Mickey showing four
‘dogbone’ resistors and one large
paper capacitor.
IF circuitry
The IF transformers have tuned primaries and secondaries. Despite their
somewhat ‘agricultural’ construction,
OZ7490 returned a -3dB bandwidth
of ±2kHz, and a -60dB bandwidth
of ±35kHz, an acceptable selectivity
even today.
The first IF’s primary tuning capacitor (C9) is a bit of a head-scratcher,
as its ‘cold’ end is returned not to the
HT side of the primary (as is nearuniversal), but to the converter cathode.
This gives a feedback path from
The vacant space in my set and the chassis hole to the right would have been
occupied by the internal/external speaker switch on earlier releases. No original
electrolytic capacitors remain in my set.
the converter’s anode to its cathode
via the first IF primary tuning capacitor, C9. As there is no signal inversion between cathode and anode (the
‘grounded grid’ principle), C9 forms a
capacitive voltage divider with cathode bypass capacitor (C8) to give positive feedback and a moderate boost
in gain. This explains the ‘low’ value
used for C8.
OZ7490 used 10nF, while Leahy
(Supplement, p11) shows 6nF. You
would expect it to be the same as the
IF amplifier’s C16 bypass value, 50nF.
This is a reminder of just how clever
some early designs were. In practice,
the feedback circuit in OZ7490 gives
a gain of some +4dB, about 1.5 times;
the lower value of 6nF would give
more boost.
For a full description of this part of
the circuit, including a warning about
oscillation, see Leahy, p108. That
reference describes the design’s use
in the similar model AC.
Loudspeaker driving
The OZ model uses an electrodynamic speaker on a plug-in frame that
mates to a chassis-mounted four-pin
socket, held in by two side catches.
This allows the entire speaker assembly to be removed easily.
The initial release used a 1.9kW field
coil, which was reduced to 1.35kW,
then 1.2kW. The Type 43 output valve
is specified for a 4kW load, implying
that that the speaker transformer has
a 4kW primary.
As the field coil is used as the filter
choke in a back-bias circuit in most
versions, back-bias voltages change
with field coil resistance. The power
transformer’s HT secondary voltage
must be suited to the field coil resistance, thus restorers need to know
Fig.2: this is how the dial markings correspond to the actual tuned frequencies.
Not only is the tuning dial unusual because it is marked 0-100 without any
frequencies, but also because setting it to 0 tunes it to the highest frequency, and
100 the lowest.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2022 81
which field coil they have if they
intend to replace the power transformer. Be aware that there were at
least three different mains transformers over the life of the model.
OZ7490’s speaker was marked as
1.35kW but it measured as 1.195kW.
If the speaker is replaced with one
having a different field coil resistance,
that will alter the back-bias supply,
so unless you also change the power
transformer secondary voltage, the
resistive divider may need modification to preserve the output valve’s bias
supply of around -19.5V (measured as
-18.5V at the grid using a 10MW input
impedance voltmeter).
Some sets also use back-bias for
the 6B7 demodulator/AGC/first audio
stage. Matching the divider to the field
coil’s voltage drop is vital for correct
You might see sets with a 550W
resistor in series with the field. This
allowed the lower-resistance 1.35kW
(later 1.2kW) speaker to be substituted
for the original while demanding no
modification to the back-bias circuit.
The “Minnie” (ad shown in Fig.3)
also used an electrodynamic speaker
with transformer attached. Contained
in a case approaching the size of a
console radio, it gave much-improved
bass response. Connecting via a fourpin socket on the back of the chassis, output was switched from the
internal speaker to the Minnie via a
side-mounted switch.
The switch was no longer fitted by
OZ9490, with the hole in the cabinet
side remaining, and the socket hole
in the chassis rear blanked by a Bakelite sheet.
Power supply
The AC/DC set used the 25Z5’s two
diodes in parallel to form a half-wave
rectifier. This would have given an HT
of only about 140V, common in early
US mains-powered sets.
From 461 onwards, a conventional
mains transformer with a centretapped secondary and the 25Z5 were
used in a full-wave circuit. While it
would have been possible to wind
the mains transformer to give a more
common (higher) HT voltage, Astor’s
designers chose to keep the original RF/IF/Audio design, keeping the
low HT.
The basic Mickey design was used
for other models for several years,
so low HT voltages were a feature of
Astor designs for some years following the OZ.
The 25Z5, with two independent,
indirectly-heated diodes, was also
used as a voltage doubler in 110V AC
sets, for an HT closer to the more common 200~250V.
Readers may hesitate over the
speaker field being in the negative
Fig.3: an ad for the Astor Minnie Mouse “console-size” extension speaker.
Despite a similar style to the OZ cabinet, it gave better bass response.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
supply lead. This arrangement works
just as well as the more common
positive-lead connection, with the
same total voltage loss, and with two
advantages. Firstly, the voltage drop
across the field can be used to provide ‘free’ back bias; the voltage drop
is there anyway, so why not use it
rather than adding an extra resistor
with more HT loss?
Secondly, since the entire field is
no longer at HT potential, failures
due to electrolytic corrosion are much
less likely.
The two HT filter capacitors were
originally contained in a single tinplate case, but these were absent
from OZ7490. The capacitors were
described as ‘dry’ electrolytics, distinguishing them from the liquid-filled
vertical cylindrical types common at
the time. The original filter caps were
replaced by a Ducon ‘pigtail’ tubular
type (more on that later).
The paper types in the set were
Chanex, Ducon and Aerovox brand
while the mica types were TCC.
Valve biasing
Valve biasing varies from one
model to another. The AC/DC set used
back-biasing on the output valve but
individual cathode biasing on the
other three.
Converter biasing, initially using
fixed-cathode bias, was changed to
preset variable from around serial
number 7100 on, as found in OZ7490.
The converter’s local oscillator
anode is supplied from the main HT
via a 10kW resistor in all circuits, but
the converter screen supply comes
from the R13-14-15 voltage divider
strung between HT and ground.
The original cathode bias on the
6B7 circuit deserves comment. From
the initial issue to about serial 7100, it
was supplied by a 7kW cathode resistor and bypassed using a 5μF capacitor, raising the cathode above ground
and providing negative bias for the
pentode section.
But this also put a negative bias
on the demodulator/AGC diode pair,
so that the demodulator would not
respond to weaker signals at all. To
prevent this, the volume control, acting as the diode load, is returned to
the 6B7 cathode.
The demodulator works as usual,
and the AGC operates with no delay
bias. The only odd effect is to put the
entire AGC line a volt or two above
ground. This means that the converter
and IF amplifier grids are also above
ground. This unusual biasing is compensated by the cathode voltages being
a little higher than usual.
The 6B7 uses very low screen and
anode voltages (19V and 36V respectively), derived from the R13-R14-R15
HT divider.
However, this ‘starved’ design gives
a stage gain close to 50 times, adequate
for the application. Against this, the
Type 75 triode used in the later model
EC can achieve a similar gain with a
simpler circuit.
From about serial 7100 onward
(including OZ7490), the 6B7 cathode
is connected to ground, with backbias for the pentode section. This corrected the problem of a positive AGC
line, so the AGC circuit works just as
you’d expect it: 0V for no signal and
increasingly negative as the signal
strength increases.
No manufacturer drawing exists, but
Leahy’s Supplement has the correct
circuit. The later EC model also uses
back-bias on its Type 75 duo-diode triode’s audio section.
OZ7490’s output valve has around
-19.5V applied from the back-bias
divider, with its control grid returned
to ground. Serial numbers from about
1300 to 5300 see the control grid
returned to ground with an 810W cathode bias resistor and 5μF electrolytic
bypass capacitor.
A final note on terminology: original
texts refer to semi-variable capacitors
as ‘padders’, regardless of their function. Thus the semi-variable capacitor C9 (tuning the first IF primary) is
described as a ‘padder’, as is C12, the
LO tracking circuit. Modern terminology describes C7 (and C9, 11, 13, C16
and 18) as trimmers, reserving ‘padder’ for capacitors such as C12 alone.
I bought this set at an HRSA auction
some years ago and it was on display
until just recently. On inspection, it
showed some activity, mostly hum.
Some capacitors had been replaced,
along with the 6B7 load resistor (R11).
Bias divider R16-R17-R18 had been
modified to add a resistor in parallel
with R18, and an extra bypass capacitor had been added across R18.
The mains lead was figure-8 flex
and was not secured against twisting
or pulling. I replaced it with a clothcovered three-core lead that is held to
the chassis with a cord anchor. While
the anchor is a modern device, it gives
complete security and will not split or
perish as rubber grommets can.
The bias voltage on V4 (the output
valve) was low, as was the HT voltage. The first HT filter capacitor (C23)
was missing.
Valve testing showed converter V1
to be weak, so I replaced it. All the
others tested OK. This was a relief, as
the Type 43 and 25Z5/25Z6 (with 25V
heaters) are not so readily available as
the 6V heater types.
I attacked the bias divider first. The
added electrolytic capacitor (across
R18) had enough leakage to leave the
6B7 with virtually no bias. As the
capacitor was disrupting the circuit
and was not needed, I removed it. The
leakage would have been acceptable in
a cathode bias circuit but was a disaster
in a high-resistance bias circuit passing only microamps.
C27 was also leaky, so I replaced
it with a fawn-coloured Philips type.
I reworked the set with new resistor
values to give the correct voltage for
the output valve, setting the bias for
the 6B7 audio driver on a trial-anderror basis for maximum gain, winding
up with 13kW for resistor R18.
But the HT was still low. I had
assumed that since V4 draws the most
HT current, its low bias would have
caused excessive current drain, pulling down the HT.
OZ7490 has an octal 25Z6 rectifier
fitted as a replacement of the original
6-pin 25Z5. Sets later than OZ7490
still have the 6-pin 25Z5 in place,
and all circuits show this valve
rather than the 25Z6. This is a
reminder of just how hard it can
be to find a Mickey in original
Circuit modifications – and the
absence of the correct schematic for this set – meant
that the missing first HT filter had been
overlooked. Putting in a replacement
brought the HT up to around 130V, so
the faulty bias circuit probably had less
effect than I first thought.
The audio stage now worked but
there was a background hum at 50Hz.
This was not a filtering problem;
the unshielded lead from the 6B7’s
demodulator circuit up to the volume
control ran past the mains-supplied
heater wiring.
The fix was to strip off the braid
from an old piece of shielded wire,
sleeve it over the existing audio lead
and solder it to ground, then slide a
piece of old-fashioned waxed cambric
‘spaghetti’ over the braid. This addition blends with other insulation in the
set. Tip: warming up cambric with a
heat gun or hair dryer makes it much
more flexible.
Next, I checked the function of the
RF/IF end. The IF channel lined up
pretty well, and feeding in about 20μV
to the converter grid gave good output.
The IF seemed ‘happy’ at 466kHz, so I
didn’t attempt to force it down to the
specified 456kHz.
This might upset the purists, but it’s
only about 2% off and the set works
just fine. I was concerned about possibly causing hard-to-fix damage if I
tried to adjust it any further.
That said, it was very deaf from the
antenna terminal. As described earlier, the L1-C1 combination is aimed
The side view of the Astor
Mickey OZ clearly shows
the filter circuitry for the
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2022 83
at attenuating signals below the broadcast band to prevent breakthrough.
Disconnecting L1-C1 and injecting a
signal to C3 gave a better result, but
still not what I expected.
Resistance checks confirmed that
inductor L1 was continuous and that
capacitor C1 was not shorted. Then I
noticed twisted wires in the antenna
circuit assembly, taped with black
friction tape.
I realised that this is C4, a ‘gimmick’ capacitor to improve top-end
sensitivity. Undoing the tape, I discovered that the wire ends had been
twisted together. This was clearly a
factory error.
After rectifying this, the sensitivity
was better (see Fig.4) but still low. This
turned out to be caused by the L1-C1
filter. Bypassing that, I got 50mW output for just 7μV input at 600kHz (this
is without the L1/C1 filter – red line
in Fig.4). That’s up there with the better sets. So if you have a Mickey with
that L1-C1 filter circuit and want the
best performance, disconnect it and
connect your antenna to C3!
This set gives surprisingly good performance; the figures quoted below
are with the L1-C1 bandpass filter in
circuit and using a standard dummy
antenna between the signal generator
and radio. See the sensitivity chart
(Fig.4) for the intrinsic performance
without the filter.
For 50mW output the sensitivity is
7μV at 600kHz and 28μV at 1400kHz.
It’s noisy, though, with a signal plus
noise to noise ratio of about 14dB in
both cases. To get 20dB, the tested
set needed around 145μV and 60μV
respectively. The RF bandwidth is
±2kHz at –3dB and ±35kHz at –60dB.
The AGC circuit gives an output
change of 6dB for a 40dB input range.
It would not overload even with 1V at
the input!
The maximum audio output is 0.5W
at 10% THD. At 50mW, THD is 1.5%,
and at 10mW it’s 2%.
The response from antenna to
speaker is 155Hz to 1.9kHz; from the
volume control it’s 150Hz to over
Marcus and Levy (p47) quote the
input level for an equivalent all-octal
set of 5~12μV.
So this set’s best figure of 7μV without that bandpass filter is remarkably
good. Leahy (p119) quotes figures for
the very similar BC set that confirms
my test results, and agree with Marcus
and Levy’s figures.
Conclusion & thanks
Restored to original cosmetic condition, this is a set that will have visitors dwelling on it and admiring its
design and finish.
Restored to proper working condition, it’s a solid performer that ranks
among the better sets of any era.
And it’s a midget. We’re probably
used to compact mantel sets from the
1950s and 1960s, but this was serious
miniaturisation for 1933. Read radio
magazines and journals of the day and
you won’t see too many sets that rival
the Mickey for compactness.
These come up for sale from time to
time, and I think the Mickey OZ is a
‘must have’ for any Australian collector.
I’d like to thank Jim Easson and
Philip Leahy of the HRSA for background information on the entire
Mickey product line. You’ll find
HRSA founder Ray Kelly’s history
of the Mickey, including the controversy with Disney Studios over naming rights, in Philip’s book.
Thanks also to Alby Thomas and
Andrew Wakeman of the HRSA for
their generous provision of the original filter capacitor block and underside photos, and to the HRSA’s Mickey
Special Interest Group (MSIG) for their
Not an HRSA member? Visit www. and find out how we can
help you explore the wonderful (and
weird) world of radio. And don’t forget our Mickey Special Interest Group.
Fig.4: sensitivity measurements were made across the broadcast three different
ways: feeding the test signal directly into the antenna terminal (blue line),
directly into L2, bypassing the input filter (red line, giving the best sensitivity
figures) and with the factory error that caused C4 to be shorted out (green line).
As you can see, this simple mistake had a significant impact on sensitivity.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
• Leahy, P. N., Circuits 1934-1940,
Book 11, 2019, Historical Radio Society of Australia (
• Leahy, P. N., Astor ‘Mickey’ OZ
Supplementary Information to HRSA
Circuit Book 11, (
• Johnson, R., The Astor “Mickey
Mouse” and its descendants, Electronics Australia, July 1996.
• Marcus, W., & Levy, A, Elements
of Radio Servicing (PDF: siliconchip.