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The Pic Mite
A BASIC compatible interpreter
running on the Raspberry Pi Pico
Words and MMBasic by Geoff Graham, Firmware by Peter Mather
The PicoMite is a BASIC interpreter running on a Pi Pico which
supports over a dozen display panels, including OLED and e-Ink panels.
Connecting one is easy, as shown here. The PicoMite has extensive
support for displaying graphs, images and graphical objects, plus more.
he Raspberry Pi Pico is a microcontroller module with plenty of
memory, I/O and a USB connection.
Even better, it is cheap as chips and
readily available. The only problem is
that you need to be an expert programmer to get it to do anything.
That changes with the PicoMite, a
version of our popular MMBasic interpreter running on the Raspberry Pi
Pico. This lets you program it in the
easy-to-learn BASIC language with full
access to all of the Pico’s advanced
features. And this costs nothing; the
PicoMite firmware is entirely free for
you to download and use.
We have previously described the
Raspberry Pi Pico (December 2021;,
covering the hardware and programming requirements for the Pico using
the C or Micropython programming
languages. However, programming in
Silicon Chip
C is beyond most casual experimenters. Micropython is easier, but it is still
a new language for most people and
takes time to learn.
MMBasic should be familiar to most
regular readers of Silicon Chip. It is
an implementation of the BASIC programming language, which is largely
compatible with Microsoft BASIC. It
has been used for over a decade (!)
on our Maximite series of computers
(since March 2011) and Micromite
controllers (since May 2014).
The BASIC language was initially
designed to teach programming and
therefore is easy to learn and use. You
can get it to do something with just
one line, and the programming environment is particularly easy.
A single keypress will set your program running and, if it fails with an
error, you will get a plain text error
message. A second keypress lets you
Australia's electronics magazine
jump back into the editor with the cursor positioned on the line that caused
the error.
MMBasic also makes it easy to use
the hardware features of the Raspberry Pi Pico. They are accessed using
straightforward high-level commands
that avoid the complexities of dealing
with the RP2040 chip and its hundreds of programming registers (the
data sheet for the RP2040 alone runs
to over 600 pages).
For example, this is all that you
need to send the word “hello” out of
a serial port:
OPEN “COM1:” AS #1
PRINT #1, “hello”
The first line allocates the I/O pins
as the serial port, the second initialises the port and the third sends the
text. Easy.
MMBasic features
A major feature of the PicoMite is
that it uses a full implementation of the
BASIC language, not some cut-down
version. You have three data types
(double precision floating point, 64-bit
integers and strings), long variable
names, arrays with multiple dimensions and user-defined subroutines
and functions. The list opposite gives
an idea of its other features.
MMBasic is largely compatible with
Microsoft BASIC, so many programs
downloaded from the Internet will run
with little change.
MMBasic also includes a built-in
full-screen editor which lets you edit
large programs directly on the Pico
Mite. The edit/run/edit cycle is very
fast, with a single keypress to jump
between editing and running the program, then another to go back to editing again.
MMBasic supports the full Raspberry Pi Pico set of hardware features,
many of which are mentioned in the
features list. MMBasic also adds features not native to the Raspberry Pi
Pico, including support for SD cards
and over a dozen LCD panel types,
including touch input and advanced
These capabilities are all covered
in detail in the PicoMite User Manual, downloadable from the Silicon
Chip website at
Shop/6/6060, or the author’s website (
That’s an extensive document, so the
remainder of this article will cover the
highlights and most important aspects
of the PicoMite.
The firmware is structured to work
on any module using the RP2040 processor with at least 2MB of flash memory. As described in our article on the
Pico, the RP2040 processor is used on
many boards, including the Arduino
Nano RP2040 Connect, the Adafruit
Feather RP2040 and other variants
from companies like Sparkfun and
So you can load and use the Pico
Mite firmware on these just as well.
We have published several MMBasic programming tutorials, including a two-part series on Getting Started
with MMBasic in February, March,
May & June 2017 (
Series/311) and Advanced Programming with MMBasic in the November
& December 2016 issues (siliconchip.
Full-featured, Microsoft BASIC compatible interpreter running on
the Raspberry Pi Pico.
Will work on any RP2040-based module with at least 2MB of flash.
Runs from 1.8-5.5V at 11-43mA, depending on the CPU clock
Variables can be floating-point numbers, 64-bit integers or
strings with support for long variable names, arrays with
multiple dimensions, extensive string handling and user-defined
subroutines and functions.
A focus on ease-of-use with a beginner-friendly programming
language, informative error messages and a rapid development
Full support for all 26 Raspberry Pi Pico input/output pins and
features. All pins can be digital inputs or outputs, along with up to
three analog inputs, two bidirectional serial ports to over 1Mbaud,
two SPI master ports to over 30MHz, two I2C master ports, 16
pulse-width modulated (PWM) outputs and 1-Wire I/O pins.
Up to ten programs can be saved on the module, each up to 80KB;
chaining allows for programs up to 800KB. RAM for variables,
arrays and buffers is configurable and can be up to 80KB.
Any program can be set to automatically run on power-up or reset.
Configurable clock speed (48 to 250MHz).
Internal temperature sensing of the processor.
Supports colour displays up to 3.5in (diagonal), allowing the BASIC
program to display text and draw lines, circles, boxes, etc in 65,535
colours. Resistive touch controllers are also supported.
SD cards up to 32GB formatted in FAT16 or FAT32 are fully
supported. This includes opening files for reading, writing or
random access and loading and saving programs. It can play audio
files (WAV format) on PWM outputs.
Built-in support for commonly used devices including infrared
remote controls, ultrasonic distance sensors, temperature sensors,
humidity sensors, text display modules, battery-backed clock,
numeric keypads and more.
Programming and control via USB with no special software
required; any computer running a VT100 terminal emulator will
Programs can be easily transferred from a computer (Windows,
Mac or Linux) via SD card, by using the XModem protocol or by
streaming the program over the USB console.
The built-in full-screen editor includes advanced features such as
colour-coded syntax, search and copy, cut and paste.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2022 65
up; the PicoMite will disconnect and
then reconnect as a USB flash drive
on your computer, ready for the firmware upload.
The console
The Raspberry Pi Pico is a popular,
low-cost microcontroller module with
plenty of memory, speed and I/Os. With our PicoMite
firmware, you can program it in the easy-to-learn BASIC
language with full access to all of the Raspberry Pi Pico’s advanced features.
Micromite compatibility
For readers familiar with our Micromite series of microcontrollers, the
PicoMite is fully compatible with just
a few differences to accommodate the
unique hardware aspects of the Raspberry Pi Pico.
This compatibility is so complete
that you can take a BASIC program
such as that used on our Micromite
Air Quality Monitor (February 2020;
and run it on the Raspberry Pi Pico
with few or no changes (see screen
grab overleaf).
The PicoMite essentially implements all the features of the Micromite Plus except for display panels
with a parallel interface, the library
function and attached keyboards. Features inherited from the Micromite
Plus include embedded C code, support for serial LCD panels, embedded
fonts, advanced graphical (GUI) controls and an SD card interface with full
FAT32 filesystem support.
The PicoMite has fewer I/O pins
than the Micromite Plus but it runs
faster (up to 250MHz) and can accommodate larger programs. Probably its
best feature is that it is a complete
module with a USB connector, power
supply and breadboard-friendly interface pins—all for a ridiculously low
price (as little as $6!).
Loading the firmware
The RP2040 processor has a small
amount of fixed read-only memory
reserved for loading the firmware
(called the bootloader), making it easy
to load and test new firmware without
special software.
The following process will work
with any modern computer (Windows,
macOS or Linux).
Silicon Chip
First, download the PicoMite firmware from one of the sites linked
above. This is a zipped archive and
the firmware file inside it has an extension of “.uf2”.
Hold down the white button marked
BOOTSEL on the top of the Pico and
plug its USB interface into your computer while still holding down the
button. Your computer should make
a sound indicating a new USB device
has been discovered, and the Pico will
appear as a USB flash drive on your
Finally, drag and drop the firmware
file onto the ‘drive’ created by the Pico,
and your computer will upload it to
the Pico. When the copy is complete,
the Pico will automatically restart running MMBasic and reconnect to your
computer, this time as a virtual serial
port over USB. The green LED on the
top of the Pico board will start slowly
flashing to indicate that the PicoMite
firmware is now running.
The only purpose of the drive created by the Pico is to load firmware;
any other type of file copied to it will
be ignored. The firmware file will
vanish when the copy completes, so
this drive cannot be used as a memory stick.
The handy thing about this process
is that you can use it to install whatever firmware you like – you can easily
upgrade (or downgrade) the PicoMite
firmware or install something completely different (like Micropython)
then later revert to the PicoMite firmware if you so wish.
To make it easier to upgrade the
PicoMite firmware, you can issue
at the MMBasic command prompt.
This will be as if you had pressed the
BOOTSEL button while powering
Australia's electronics magazine
When the Raspberry Pi Pico reconnects to your computer following the
firmware installation, it will act as an
asynchronous serial port over USB.
This is the MMBasic console; using
this, you can configure MMBasic,
load/run/edit programs etc. This will
be familiar to anyone who has worked
with the Micromite and it works the
The serial port uses the CDC protocol and the drivers for this are standard
in Windows 10 and will load automatically. For Windows 7 or 8.1, you will
need a tool like Zadig (https://zadig. to install a generic driver
for a “usbser” device. For macOS and
Linux, see the notes in the PicoMite
User Manual (but generally, it will
‘just work’ with a recent version of
either OS).
To use the console, you need to
install a terminal emulator which will
send your keystrokes to the PicoMite
and display anything sent back by it.
The recommended emulator for Windows is Tera Term (http://tera-term. which is free to download and use.
The terminal emulator will need to
know the number of the virtual serial
port generated when the PicoMite is
connected to your computer. With
Windows, you can find that using
Device Manager. This port number
is entered in Tera Term by going to
Setup → Serial Port... The other settings, including the baud rate, can be
left at their defaults.
Note that setting the baud rate to
1200 is another way of forcing the
Pico into its update firmware mode,
so avoid using that rate.
With everything set up, pressing the
Enter key in your terminal emulator
should cause the PicoMite to echo back
the greater than symbol (>), which is
the MMBasic command prompt. To
verify that you are indeed connected
to a miniature BASIC computer, you
can try a few commands:
Displays the version number of the
Displays the amount of free memory.
Displays an approximation of pi (π).
Test program
The standard test that people use
when experimenting with a new
microcontroller is to get it to flash one
LED on and off.
For this, we can use the green LED
on the top of the Pico’s PCB. When
MMBasic is running, this will slowly
flash on/off, but for our test program
we will take control of it and cause it
to flash much more rapidly.
The easiest way to enter a short
BASIC program to do that is with the
PicoMite’s built-in editor.
This works the same as most of the
editors that you will have used in the
past. For example, any text typed in
will be inserted at the cursor’s location,
the arrow keys will move the cursor
around, the delete key will delete the
character at the cursor and the backspace key will delete the character
before the cursor.
The MMBasic editor has many
other functions (search, replace, copy,
paste etc) and these are detailed in the
PicoMite User Manual.
Type in the command EDIT at the
command prompt to start the editor,
then type in the following program:
PIN(GP25) = 1
PIN(GP25) = 0
When you have finished, press the
F2 key on your keyboard (or CTRL+W).
This will save your program, exit the
editor and start the program running.
You should be rewarded with the LED
on the Pico rapidly flashing.
If something goes wrong, you will
get an error message. In that case,
rerun the editor with the EDIT command and it will place the cursor on
the line that caused the error, ready
for you to correct it.
The program starts by defining the
I/O pin driving the LED (GP25) as an
output, which places it under our program’s control.
Then the program enters a loop
where the pin is set high (which illuminates the LED) followed by a short
pause of 100ms, then low followed
by a 300ms pause. This repeats continuously.
You can break out of this program by
pressing CTRL+C, which will return
you to the command prompt where
you can (if you wish) restart the editor
and modify the program—for example, altering the delays to change the
flash rate.
Saving the program
On the PicoMite, the BASIC program
is held in RAM. This is necessary for
good performance; flash memory is
on a separate chip to the RP2040 processor and is accessed via a relatively
slow serial interface, while the RAM
is inside the RP2040 and therefore
quick to access.
The PicoMite firmware also loads
critical sections of the MMBasic
interpreter into RAM. This way, even
though most of the PicoMite firmware
is held in flash memory, BASIC programs run just as fast on the PicoMite
as on other microcontrollers with
internal flash memory.
RAM is volatile, and its contents
are lost if the power is interrupted.
So the PicoMite will automatically
save a copy in a reserved area of
flash memory and restore that on
power-up – or when the processor
is restarted. The result is that you
are not aware of the volatile nature
of RAM.
You can save multiple programs in
the PicoMite’s flash memory using the
command “FLASH SAVE n”, where n
is a number between 1 and 10 which
indicates the saved program’s location
in flash memory. This means that you
can save up to 10 independent programs to flash.
For example, to save your program
in location 1, you would use this command:
And you can run it anytime using
this command:
If you want this program to start running automatically every time power
is applied, issue the command:
Similar commands allow you to list
the flash locations, erase locations,
overwrite locations etc. If you have
attached an SD card to the PicoMite
(details below), you can also save,
load and run programs from the SD
Be aware that any programs saved
to the flash memory can be corrupted
when upgrading the firmware, so they
should be backed up before upgrading. This is because programs saved
to flash have had keywords converted
to tokens, and the upgraded firmware
may use different tokens.
If you forget and find your saved programs corrupted, you can downgrade
to the previous version, back up your
programs and then upgrade again.
PicoMite inputs & outputs
The I/O pin layout of the PicoMite
is shown in Fig.1. There are 26 usable
I/O pins. All can act as digital inputs
or outputs, while three can be used
as analog inputs (to measure voltage).
There are also seven ground pins,
one 3.3V output for external circuitry
Fig.1: the I/O pins on the Raspberry Pi Pico and their capabilities under
MMBasic. The full details are in the PicoMite User Manual, but here are some
notes. VBUS is the 5V supply from the USB port, VSYS is the 5V input to the
SMPS, 3V3EN enables the 3.3V regulator (low = off), RUN is the active-low reset
pin, ADC VREF is the reference for voltage measurement and AGND is analog
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2022 67
and some other pins, which we will
cover later.
The pins can be referenced by their
pin number on the Pico board (4, 5,
6 etc) or their logical reference (GP2,
GP3 etc). These are shown in green in
Fig.1. For example, within MMBasic,
PIN(17) and PIN(GP13) refer to the
same I/O pin.
To define how a pin works, you use
the command “SETPIN pin, function”.
Here, ‘pin’ is the I/O pin reference
(eg, GP13) and ‘function’ is how you
wish the pin to act. Common functions are DIN (digital input), DOUT
(digital output), AIN (analog input),
FIN (measure frequency) and so on.
The PicoMite User Manual describes
these in detail.
As an example, the following will
configure GP7 to measure frequency:
As the PicoMite firmware has been
designed to run on other boards that
also use the RP2040 processor, the four
I/O pins that are hidden on the Raspberry Pi Pico (GP23, GP24, GP25 and
GP29) are usable in MMBasic as they
may be exposed on other modules.
The pin allocations for functions
such as SPI, I2C and serial are somewhat configurable. For example, the
receive pin for the second serial port
(COM2:) can be GP5, GP9 or GP21 and
the transmit pin can be GP4, GP8 or
GP20. These pins are marked in cyan
in Fig.1, as COM2 RX and COM2 TX.
These pin allocations work equally
well but must be configured via the
SETPIN command before opening the
serial port.
The Pico has two serial ports,
two SPI ports, two I2C ports and 16
PWM-capable outputs. Within MMBasic, they are all accessed in the
same way; first, allocate the I/O pins
using Fig.1 as your guide, then open
the channel or device, then use the
Powering the PicoMite
The Raspberry Pi Pico has a particularly flexible power system which
gives the user several options for powering the module. The power supply
is shown in Fig.2 and consists of the
main USB input, where the 5V power
from this source is fed via a schottky
diode to a switch-mode power supply (SMPS) that is capable of both
buck (step-down) and boost (step-up)
Its 3.3V output is used to power the
rest of the board and is made available
on an edge pin (3V3) for powering
external circuitry.
The SMPS has an input range from
1.8V to 5.5V, which lends a great deal
of flexibility to the Pico. It means that
it can be powered via USB or a USB
charger, a single Li-ion cell or a couple of AA cells, to name a few options.
In general, there are three ways to
supply power. The first is simply a
USB source such as a laptop plugged
into the USB socket. An alternative
power source might be required for
embedded applications, and this can
be supplied via a schottky diode to the
pin marked VSYS (pin 39).
The schottky diode means that
either or both the USB and external
power source can be present without
interfering with each other. This is
handy if you want to plug a laptop into
the Pico’s USB socket to debug your
code while the module is in-circuit.
The third method is to short the
3VEN pin (pin 37) to ground and
supply an external source of 3.3V to
the module via the 3V3 pin (pin 36).
Grounding 3VEN will shut down the
SMPS regulator and disconnect its output so that the 3V3 pin can be used as
a 3.3V power input.
The switching regulator generates a
lot of electrical noise, so using a linear
regulator to supply 3.3V to the board
will make it much easier to use the
analog inputs and produce noise-free
audio signals using PWM.
The power consumption of the
PicoMite is modest. At its default
125MHz CPU clock, it draws about
21mA. This does not include any
power drawn from the I/O pins or the
3V3 pin.
The RP2040 processor’s clock can
be varied from 48MHz to 250MHz
under control of MMBasic (using the
and the power drawn varies accordingly, from 11mA to 43mA.
Three AA alkaline cells can power
the PicoMite running at 48MHz for
weeks of continuous operation.
Note that the specified top clock
speed for the Raspberry Pi Pico is
133MHz; anything above that is
regarded as overclocking. We tested
several modules and most worked at
250MHz, so that can be considered a
viable option.
Special device support
The PicoMite inherits support for
several special devices from the Micromite. This includes an infrared remote
control decoder supporting Sony and
NEC remote controls, allowing BASIC
programs to act on signals from universal remotes.
Other natively supported devices
include temperature sensors, humidity sensors, ultrasonic distance sensors,
numeric keypads, and two-line LCD
modules. All of these are easy to use.
For example, the DISTANCE() function will trigger an ultrasonic distance
sensor, wait for the echo and return
the distance to the target in centimetres for your BASIC program to act on.
As another example, if you want
to measure temperature, just attach a
DS18B20 sensor and use the TEMPR
function to get the temperature in °C
with a resolution of 0.1°C. You do not
need to load libraries or write many
lines of code; these functions are built
in, and they just work.
SD card support
The PicoMite has built-in support
for SD cards up to 32GB, formatted as
FAT16 or FAT32. This includes full
read/write for both programs and data
files, navigating through subdirectories and support for long filenames.
The files created by the PicoMite can
be read and written on computers running Windows, Linux or macOS.
Fig.2: the Raspberry Pi Pico has a flexible power system. The input
voltage from either the USB or VBUS inputs is connected through a
schottky diode to the buck-boost switch mode power supply, which
produces 3.3V. This accommodates input voltages from 1.8V to 5.5V,
allowing the PicoMite to run from a wide range of power sources,
including single Li-ion cells and 2-3 alkaline cells.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.3: the PicoMite
has full support for
(micro)SD cards.
This diagram
shows one way of
connecting an SD
card to the PicoMite
and matches the
example configuration
commands listed in
the text. MMBasic can
open files for reading,
writing or random
access and load or
save programs with
cards up to 32GB
formatted with FAT16
or FAT32.
Communication with SD cards is via
the SPI protocol, also used by many
LCD panels and touch controllers.
These all use what is called the System SPI port on the PicoMite, and the
I/O pins used by this port need to be
specified before any of these devices
can be used. This is done using the
following command:
Here, CLK, TX and RX are the pins to
use for these functions (as determined
from Fig.1). For example, the following
will dedicate the second SPI channel
(called SPI2) to the System SPI function and define the I/O pins to use:
GP11, GP12
This option will be saved in flash
memory and will be automatically
reapplied on power-up, so it only
needs to be entered once. Additionally, other SPI devices such as display panels will also use this port,
so it does not need to be redefined
for them. When allocated to the System SPI function, that port will not be
available to the BASIC program (ie,
it will be dedicated to the firmware).
One thing to watch out for is that this
command and other similar OPTION
commands will cause the PicoMite to
restart and that will disconnect your
USB console connection, so you will
need to re-establish it after entering
the OPTION command.
With the System SPI port defined,
you can tell MMBasic that an SD card
is connected and what pin to use for
the Chip Select signal (CS). For example, if you used GP22 for Chip Select,
the command would be:
As before, this option will be saved
and automatically reapplied on powerup. It will also cause the PicoMite to
Fig.3 shows how the SD card socket
should be wired up. With that done
and the SD card interface configured
in MMBasic, you can pop a card into
the socket and try the “FILES” command, which should list the files and
directories on the card.
PWM and audio output
With 16 PWM outputs, the Pico
Mite has so many that you could (for
example) dedicate some to controlling
indicator LEDs. Your program can then
create some cool effects by ramping
the brightness up and down rather
than simply switching the LEDs off
and on. An RGB LED driven by three
Connecting an SD card is simple and MMBasic provides full access to the files and directories on the card. BASIC
programs can open or create files for reading, writing or random access, navigate the directory structure and create or
delete directories. The files created by MMBasic can be accessed by computers running Windows, Linux or macOS. This
does not match Fig.3 exactly, but only because a different GND pin has been used.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2022 69
PWM outputs would let you create
almost any colour.
One important use for PWM outputs is to generate program-controlled
voltages, which can control analog
devices such as motor speed controllers. For this, you just need to add a
simple low-pass filter (details in the
user manual) on the output to remove
the carrier frequency.
Another use is to play stereo WAV
audio files from an SD card via a lowpass filter. These sound effects can
be almost anything: chimes, voice
instructions, a warning siren or simply background music.
Playing the audio does not interrupt
the BASIC program as MMBasic will
play it in the background, so your program can continue doing its job (eg,
controlling some process) regardless
of the duration of the audio output.
The audio output can also generate
precise sinewaves for a simple “beep”
or, because the frequency is very accurate, test the response of loudspeakers
and other audio components.
Display panels
The PicoMite includes support for
many display panels using various
controller chips. These are mostly
LCDs, but it also supports OLED and
e-Ink based panels, ranging from a
tiny 84 x 48 pixels to a more substantial 480 x 320 pixels. All of these use
either the SPI or I2C interfaces.
Panels using a parallel interface
(as on the Micromite Plus) are not
supported as there are not enough
I/O pins on the Raspberry Pi Pico to
practically implement that type of
Two popular series of LCD screens
are based on the ILI9341 and ILI9488
controllers. The ILI9341 version
comes in various sizes from 2.2in to
2.8in diagonal with 320 x 240 pixels.
The ILI9488-based panels are generally 3.5in diagonally and have 480 x
320 pixels. Both use the System SPI
bus, which needs to be configured as
described above.
Both LCD panels are set up similarly:
Where CTRL is the name of the controller chip, OR is the orientation (portrait, landscape etc), DC is the pin to
use for the data/control signal, RST is
the pin used for the reset signal and
CS is the chip select pin.
For example, to set up a panel with
the ILI9341 controller in landscape orientation, wired as in Fig.4, the command would be:
L, GP26, GP27, GP28
That’s assuming you already have
System SPI on GP18, GP19 & GP20 to
suit the wiring shown in Fig.4.
With the display panel configured,
you can test it by running the command GUI TEST LCDPANEL and you
should be greeted with multiple overlapping circles popping up all over
the LCD screen (as shown in the lead
photo). To terminate the test, press
any key.
Two of the supported displays use
an I2C interface. To connect these, the
System I2C interface must be configured similarly to the System SPI interface. The command is:
Fig.4: here’s one way to wire up a touchscreen to the PicoMite. If you connect
an SD card at the same time, you need to use the same SPI RX, TX and CLK
connections for both. While this shows an ILI9341-based 320x240 display, the
connections required for the ILI9488-based 480x320 touchscreens are virtually
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Currently, the only other device that
uses the System I2C interface is the
real-time clock.
Many LCD panels incorporate a
resistive touch interface. This controller also uses the SPI protocol and
should be connected as per the System SPI interface (like in Fig.4). Configuring the touch interface is straightforward, but it needs to be done after
configuring the display panel. The
command is:
CS is the Chip Select output pin and
IRQ is the interrupt input pin. For the
circuit shown in Fig.4, this would be:
After the PicoMite has restarted, you
need to calibrate the touch system with
the GUI CALIBRATE command. This
will progressively draw a target on all
four corners of the screen for you to
touch and the firmware will use that
to accurately identify the pixel coordinates of any touch.
Graphics support
Connecting an LCD screen is quite
common in the microcontroller world.
What sets MMBasic apart is its extensive support for displaying graphs,
images and graphical objects on the
screen. This, along with the touch
input, means that a user of your program can control your gadget using a
colourful LCD screen with intuitive
on-screen objects such as switches,
keypads, dials and lights.
The basic drawing commands allow
you to set any pixel to any colour,
draw lines, circles and boxes and
draw text anywhere on the screen in
any colour. The PicoMite includes
seven differently-sized fonts, and you
can embed more fonts in the BASIC
program to provide precisely the look
you want.
If an SD card is fitted, the program
can load images from the card and display these on the LCD panel. You can
use this to show a logo or load a textured graphical background.
The PicoMite has also inherited
the advanced GUI controls from the
Maximite Plus. These include radio
buttons, checkboxes, on-screen dials,
numeric input fields and much more.
All of these require just one command
in the BASIC program to define their
One feature (of
many) that sets the
PicoMite apart is its
extensive support
for graphs, images
and graphical
objects. Along with
the touch input,
this means that
users can control
your gadget using
a colourful LCD
screen with intuitive
on-screen objects
such as switches,
keypads, dials and
position and characteristics (colour,
size etc).
From then on, MMBasic will
manage the control for you. That
includes making a button look like it
is depressed when touched, checking
a check box, drawing a graph etc. All
that the BASIC program needs to do
is check the status of a control (ticked,
depressed etc) and take the appropriate action.
The most advanced GUI control is
the Text Input Box. When touched by
the user, MMBasic will pop up a full
on-screen QWERTY keyboard for text
input. This allows the user to enter any
text required by the program. While
a full keyboard sounds as if it would
be impracticable on a small display
panel, it is actually quite useable, even
on the 2.8in LCD screens.
More information
The PicoMite is fully
compatible with our
Micromite series of
with just a few
differences to
accommodate the
unique features
of the Raspberry
Pi Pico. This
screenshot shows
the PicoMite
running our
Micromite Air
Quality Monitor
from February 2020,
originally designed
for the Micromite
LCD BackPack.
The PicoMite is supported by the
PicoMite User Manual, which can
be downloaded from the S ilicon
Chip website at
Shop/6/6060, or the author’s website
( This
manual runs to over 160 pages and
covers the details of using the Pico
Mite and writing programs, including a tutorial on programming in the
BASIC language.
There is also an active user community on The Back Shed Forum
php?FID=16), where many PicoMite
users and experts in BASIC programming hang out. They are a friendly
bunch and will be happy to help out
if you are stuck on a complicated
The PicoMite firmware is completely free, and you can get the Raspberry Pi Pico for as little as $6, so the
cost of playing with this powerful little fellow is tiny. Why not give it a go?
You might just want to have fun making a LED flash, but it could evolve
into your next burglar alarm or reticSC
ulation controller.
While it has
fewer I/O pins,
you can also turn
other RP2040based boards like
this Tiny2040
into a PicoMite
with the same
When the user touches a text box on the screen, a keyboard like this pops up,
allowing them to enter a name or other text string.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2022 71